HARNETT COUNTY NEWS Ml ' ' ' I 'T tfl I'll ally amel Williams-Belk Co."s READ THIS AD It ifr not here simply to fill space, neither do we change the copy each week for the pleasure of writing it. But its sole purpose is to sell mer chandise, and in it each week is featured the New and Special Items and Novelties as they come in with our usual attractive prices. We wish we could put before you each week prices on our entire stock and show you just what we are saving our customers in dollars and cents. Visit our store and see we want your business. ' FANCY TiATISTE 39c 39 inch 48c Printed Sheer BaWi in small dots and checks, smart and cool. Special J 39c per yard FINE FANCY VOILES 69c All in the new neat designs a beautiful quality Voile that has been selling Up to $1.50 per yard. A wide range of patterns to select from. Priced 69c per yard ALL SILK PONGEE 69c 30 inch $1.00 All Silk Tan Pongee, special 69c per yard NEW WHITE FOOTWEAR One and Two Strap White Pumps with Baby Louis and Military Heels, Priced $2.75, $3.75 and $5.75 SATIN PUMPS $7.75 New Satin One Strap Baby Louis Heels in black and brown, all sizes, widths D and B. Priced $7.75 BOYS' BLUE SERGE SUIT $6.75 Special value in an All Wool Serge Suit for boys, sizes 8 to 16 Special . $6.75 MEN'S MOHAIR SUITS $9.95 Men' sPalm Beach and Mohair Suits, special for $9.95 WILLIAMS BELK COMPANY SANFORD, N. C. Correspondents Wanted THE HARNETT COUNTY NEWS desires to obtain the services of correspondents from all sections of the county. It is the earnest hope that the paper can be made of interest to every person residing in the county. To this end we are making an endeavor to secure a correspondent at every point and commun ity. Will you not take it upon yourself to see that some one in your community will furnish the news each week and send it in? We do not expect anyone to work for nothing. We will furnish stamps and stationery to those who will furnish us the news, and in addition will pay them for their trouble. WRITE TO US ABOUT IT. Misses Susan and Pauline Piltard of Bullock are visiting their sister. Mrs. B. P. Gentry. Miss Mary Lily Morgan of Raleigh is visiting Miss Lydie Sorrell. Misses Frances Salmon. Margaret McLean and Mr. II. M. Spears mo tored over to Raleigh Tuesday. Miss Vivian Draper, principal of Lillington High School, who has br-n spending some time in Dunn with her brother. E. T. Draper, is vWting friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Potter or Wal lace are visiting Mr .and Mrs. S. A. Boney this week. Miss Isabel Spears has returned from a trip to Blue Ridge. Rev. Geo. W. Perry of Carthage was in town Tuesday. Mr. Perry was formerly pastor of the Methodist church here. Mrs. M. II. Johnson of Rocky Mount Is visiting relatives in Lilting ten and Mr. S. D. Brantley's on Pip kin plantation near ir ntd hoiui. Miss Dixie Cooke, stenographer of the law firm of Baggett & Johnson, is spending several days at her home in Kannapolls. Dr. N. C. Riddle and L. M. Locka my returned Monday from New York where they had been on business for a couple of weeks. C. P. McCluer. A. E. Donoho and J. R. Boyd, officials of the Carolina Telegraph & Telephone Co., were In town Monday. Charles R. Parker and family are spending several days this week at Swansboro. Neill McLauchlin went to Greens boro on business Wednesday. Misses Mamie and Sudie Sexton and Claude Sexton went to Raleigh Tuesday. J. R. Baggett wen tto Raleigh on .business Wednesday. Miss Gladys Davenport of Dunn is visiting friends and relatives here this week. Claude, son of D. J. Smith of An derson Creek township, is quite sick. Mrs. Ed Lynch, of Route 3. Is re ported' as quite ill. George Cummings. of Route 3. Is on the sick list. Joe Collins, of Route 3. had the misfortune to sustain a crushed foot last Saturday at the gravel pit when a truck turned turtle. The wound Is healing. D. II. Senter of Chaiybeate was here on business Tuesday. M. J. and J. W. Senter or Kipling were here Tuesday. Jas. A. Buchanan at Ryes was here' Monday In attendance upon a special session of the county commissioners. N. A. Smith of Kipling was here Monday to attend a special session of the Education board. J.- M. Hodges or Linden waa In town Monday to attend a special ses sion or the Education board or which he is chairman. Yve tried tEem but iveme a C u - I'm tlirongh experimenting. No more switching. No more trying this and tint It's Camels for me every time. (They're so refreshing! So smooth! So mellow mild! Why? The answer is Camels exclusive expert hlend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos, There's nothing like.it . Ho other cigarette you can buy gives you the real sure-enough, all-day satisfaction that comes from the Camel blend. Camel is the quality cigarette. Give Camels a tryout Buy a pack today. Getyour Information first hand. You'll tie to Camels, too. - -it-t ri IT?" f Land Posters for sale at The News office. XOTICK OF HALt: OK VJU.t'.ini.: LAM. Under and by virtue or a decree or foreclosure entered at the May. 1J21, term or the Harnett County Superior Court la the action therein pending entitled J. E. Link and wife Mildred It. Link againal V. II. Parrl.h and others, the undersigned coraroUion er will offer for sale, at public auc tion to the highest bidder for rata, at the courthoun door or Harnett County between the hours or twelve o'clock M. and one p. tu. on June 30. 1921. the following dencribcd tracts or land to-wit: Situate lying and be ing In Grove townhlp. Harnett county. North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: First Tract: Beginning at a atake and pointer, J. A. Mattbe and lutid ItiaU rorar. and tan Matthew line outh It 1-2 ml 23.42 chain to a stake. McKay 4 Turlington corner; tnen a Mr Kay" line aoulh 32 e-l 14 I chain to a tak and poiater; Ibenre S 1-2 at 47.47 chain la a Uk In David ItyaU line; tkettr aa hi line north Z ( l to the be ginning, containing SO acre-, more or le.. Second Tract: twinning at a blarkgum with gum pointer in the eat vide of the run or Thornton' creek at the bake ford In the ofh edge of the thinii and Hole- Creek road, and run north S3 1-2 up in road S.30 chain to a pin tamp in the aoutb edge or aid road; tfceore a said fv4 oth 72 12 . 1 41 cbja la a take aad pniai ia T. J. JameV ite; . k. !. ' a 4 tt 2.12 ck:t to a te J, K Lik eorr wkf r.tr toul a r4 oak; lkr . tUak' tine and t't ki eorr atk 2 4 H If.tt. chain la la Uflorr puiaier. tle&c otk 4 21.2& rkin to M4" l;ae; ( I29 ckat to Ttort rrk; lkrn Ike crek notuk 1 t chain rt to Ike tc:aa.xx. c- lainipg 4 i fM, tof Of Tfci Sits My. I 2 1. 1 1 LKVISJN. 2-4 C"otaealer. Trrm rjt W rraac4 to ;t ike prr&aef. EASTElRIsr CAROLINA'S GREATEST CELEBRATION WILL BE HELD IN MB 9 itr ? IT. Y I ATI The Community Invites its Thousands of Friends to Participate in the Spectacle Horse Racing Motorcycle Racing Bicycle Racing Two Base Ball Games AU Kind of Athletics Mile Long Parade " Band Concerts Singing Contests ' Clowns Grand Spectacular Display of Fire Works at Night Scores of Other Attractions f Camp Bragg Soldiers And World War Veterans Will Take Part Thousands of Dollars in Premiums, Prizes And Purses Greatest Event in History of This Section; Come And Enjoy It