Y .NEWS RN THE PUBUC WELFARE IS THE INTEREST OF THE WHOLE PEOPLE Vcl. 3 No. 33 5c PER COPY $1.50 PER YEAR Lillington, N. C, Thursday, August 18, 1921 "If it Concern itamett, It'a in THE NEWS" COUNT A ETT HUSKE HARDWARE HOUSE IS COMING TO LILLINGTON In a letter to this paper the man agement of Iluske Hardware House of Fayetteville announce their inten tion of entering the mercantile life of Lillington. They have secured quarters and will open at" an early date. The spirit of their announce nient and greeting is so well in ac cord with the progressive spirit of the town that we are quoting from the letter the following paragraphs "We would like to have you say that we are coming to Lillington with the determination to give value re ceived for every dollar spent ' with us; that we will carry a stock of goods just as large and just as varied as our trade will warrant; that our Fayetteville stock will be at the com mand of our Lillington branch, and that we will be able to get goods from that stock within twenty-four Lours; that we expect to give to Lil lington a clean up-to-date varied stock of goods, and that as soon as our store is in any way shape, .we will be glad to have anyone call and Uook it over, whether they care to buy or jiot. s "We expect to draw our custom ers wholly from that class of people in Lillington and the' surrounding country who can buy their goods from us to their own advantage, and that we believe that there are a suf ficient number of this sort of people to make it profitable to us; that we will at all times endeavor to promote the interest of the town, and promise that we ' will grow as the town grows." Lillington welcomes this new addi tion to its business circle. The an nouncement of Huske Hardware House appears in another column. Be sure to read it. LILLINGTON BOY j FARMERS ARE TO ; FAIR PREMIUMS GOES TO CHINA Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Johnson left here Wednesday morning for Rich mond, Va., from whence they will go to Chicago, at both of which places they will visit relatives. They will leave Chicago Friday for Seattle, Washington, from whence they will sail on August 27th for Soo Chow, China, where Mr. Johnson will as sume charge as principal of Yates Academy. Mrs. 'Johnson will also teach in the academy. They have contracted to serve with the acad emy for a period of three years. Mr. Johnson is a Lillington boy, a son of Mr. Riley Johnson. He was graduated from Lillington High school in 19 1J5, after which he went to Richmond University. - On June 15 th he went to the University of Chicago where he rounded out his qualifications for work in the for eign field. He is being sent to China by the Southern Baptist Mission Board. Mr. Johnson married Miss Kate Carper in Pulaski, Va., August 9th. While pursuing his studies in the University of North Carolina Mr. Johnson volunteered for service in the Marine Corps at the call of Americans to arms. It was afetr be ing mustered out of service that he entered Richmond University. . Mr. Johnson Ms 26 years old. MEET HERE ON SATURDAY The Cooperative Marketing cam paign which has been going on In Harnett county for the past) two weeks Is gaining ground every day. Every district where a meeting has been held has signed up on an aver age of 75 per cent. There are only two districts that hav not signed up over, 50 per cent, namely, Christian Lightvand Midway. The farmers In those districts are just as progressive as are farmers In other district. They Just wanted time to "think the matter over." ARE NOW BEING CIRCULATED RALEIGH LETTER mass meet called for COMMUNITY SINGING The fair premium list booklet of the Harnett Fair Is out. Neatly and attractively bound, the 104-page booklet describing the third Harnett County Agricultural Fair with a list of the prizes and pre miums offered, is completed, and the books are being delivered to Mr. Rid dle, secretary of the fair association. The printing, which was done by the Pope Printing Co.. also publishers of The Dispatch, is all finished, and now the binding and folding Is la process and the books are being delivered to , (Special Correspondence.) A mass meetinr it called to Raleigh, Aug. U. If the propa.i-j, ...... , Hon (said to be fawr-d b th cot-!11'11 ln th ourthou at 8 SCHOOL BOARD FILLS PLACES ON FACULTY ernor) to create the 3ut H2ce of Secretary of Commerce 3d Manu factures should tn-t v'.'h. A tor t-y tec lKlJature. It hc.lu,- o'clock Friday night, the 19th. . " Thm purpote of thU meeting is',, ct Luiiagm li.g sov Wed- ta lh .v.- 'r Bi4r;t Cr--k f more and more lite thi corporation LJa. Va . ette4 utw e? lor trie countywtde amr to be u to cej Seven thousand oales of cotonj De Dialled out by the association have been signed up ln the count j' Officers of the fair association to date. If the- farmers keep on nTe en nrd at wrk In an effort signing as they have t-n. Harnttjto et out "editable booklet that county will sign at least 12.000 bales l,wou,(1 do Justice to the big county of cotton and 1,500.000 pounds of ! fa,r nd now that they have seen tobacco. The county produced 3.-I tne resulu ' tne,f labor, they feel 000.000 pounds of tobacco last year. weI1 satisfied, and express delight and 19.000 bales of cotton. ! over the booklet. It Is a complete NOTES ON HOME DEMONSTRATION PRESIDENT HARDING'S VACA TIONS. ... . The forthcoming recess of Con gress recalls an attempt of that body to take a vacation some time ago, 'but the understanding is that an ad journment at that time was strongly opposed by the administration. Since then many of the congressmen have followed the example of the Presi dent by taking impromptu vacations, and the roll calls show as heavy a falling off relatively as election votes in an off year. In the meantime, as congress sweltered, and marked time while Chairman Fordney's ways and means committee was drafting a tariff bill and a tax bill for the senate to re write, President Harding made a pretty good record as a vacationist. Not counting horseback riding in -Jhe morning and golf in the after noon, both of which are undoubtedly good for a President's health, a cas ual glance over President Harding's itinerary since late spring shows the foilowing: April 28 President and Mrs. Har ding sailed for Hampton Roads on the Mayflower, accompanied by five U. S. Senators, his physician and his secretary and he wives of -two of the Senators, returning April 30. Alay 9 Cruise on the Mayflower. May 24 Trip to New York where he spoke at a newspaper anniversary dinner. May 20 Trip to Pohick, Va., where he made a public address. June 4 Trip to Valley Forge, re turning June 7. July 1 Trip to Raritan, N. J., re turning July 6. July 9 Cruise on the Mayflower, . reutrniug July 11. July 16 Cruise oti the . Mayflower in the Potomac and Chesapeake Bay, returning July 18. July 22 Camping trip in the Shenandoah with Thomas A. Edison, Henry Ford, Edsel Ford and H. A. Firestone, returning July 24. July 29 Cruise on the Mayflower to Plymouth and vacation at Sena tor Weeks' lodge in New Hampshire, returning to Washington August 9. During these "little journeys" the President made many addresses, but none so full of the spirit of the occa sion as the one at Lancaster, N. H., ' in which he said: "I would like an America where there is some becoming leisure and opportunity for recreation not for just a few people but for the fortu nate American people in which all may participate." A cooperative marketing meeting i directory to Harnett's third fair, and will be held In the courthouse at I XD,ains the purpose and ideals of Lillington Saturday of this week, the ! the association, the methods to pre 20th. at 3 o'clock p. m. Mr. J. B.i'Dare nd enter "nlblts. and lists the Swain of Raleigh will address the thousands of dollars In prises offered meeting and explain the marketing for the winners In the various con agreement that is being signed all j tesl- over the South. Every farmer should Xothln Omitted, lay aside everything and attend this! No fle1,1 of competition Is neglect meeting. ' j ed lo the long list of premiums of- What is the use of spending a I rered' and all possible phases of agri- whole year growing cotton or tobac- cultural and other departments are TO INTRODUCE HOOVER. Mrs. George W. Vanderbilt, presi dent of the State Fair, will introduce Herbert Hoover, who will deliver the principal address of the . Harnett County Agricultural Fair Saturday, Octboer 15th. 'Mr. Riddle, secretary of the Harnett Fair Association, has just received notification of - Mrs. Vanderbilt's acceptance. , Land Posters for sale at The News office. -666 cures Biliousness. By Miss Bridge, Home Demonstration Agent Harnett County. The program for the Farm Wom en's Convention in Raleigh August 30-September 1 will include at its separate sections a talk and a dem onstration on household furnishings with special stress laid on proper color combinations in walls, ceilings, floors, hangings, upholstery, etc. Points will be given on the doing over of old furniture, the use of sim ple and inexpensive " material for hangings, and something about home dyeing, and about the question of the arrangement of furniture. The planning of a room to give that sat isfactory feeling which comes from proper arrangement and color com bination means balance and harmo ny. Thfs talk and demonstration will be given Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday morning Miss Helen Louise Johnson will make a talk on suitable dress, giving the women an idea of how to select, how to make and how to wear becoming clothes which shall be simple both in mate rial and in construction, but satisfac tory in results. Miss Johnson was at one time head of the home eco nomics department at the University! of Illinois, and has since served as assistant deitor for Good Housekeep ing, and on the editorial staff of Harper's Bazaar. Thursday' morning will be given over to the meeting of the federation of home demonstration clubs for re ports of work done during the year and for the proposed work for the coming year. These clubs have or ganized themselves into a state home bureau, and the organization has giv en a big impetus to county work. Regularly appointed delegates from the different counties will bring thej county's report "and the election of officers for the ensuing yar will take place. Mrs. Grace Bradford McDow- ! ell, president, will preside at this meeting. At the joint sessions for men and women Mr. Chas. Gillette, landscape designer of Richmond, will discuss plans for beautifying the farm pre mises, the removal or screening of unsightly objects, making the best of good landscape features, and base plantings which shall connect the house with the ground. He will also tell something of the use of native trees, shrubs and plants and what i can be done about the lawn. At the joint session also Miss Johnson will give a talk on the cooperation of the family in making the home a com fortable place in which to live. The address of the president of the Farm Women's Convention, as well as that of the president of the Far mers"" Convention, will, be delivered Tuesday morning. On Wednesday night the division cf home demonstration work will take charge of the entertainment to be given. The Raleigh Community Service has kindly consented to pre sent a short play entitled "The Mouse Trap,"" or some other equally good play, and the song leaders division has agreed ' to conduct community singing for that night. It is hoped that every rural wo man who can make her arrangements to come to the -convention will do so. The college will room free of charge any. woman who can attend. Meals will cost 50 cents apiece, which will make the trip very inexpensive. Those attending should not forget to bring bed linen, towels and a blan ket. - 1 Each county which has an organ co and not know how to get the most for it when you go to market? The fact Is. though, the farmer does not have a market to go to. The pres ent system of marketing belongs to the other man. Come to this meet ing and learn about the marketing system that will belong to the grower. LETTER OP APPRECIATION -FROM DRAMATIC CLUB ! Dear Mr. Editor: In behalf of all those connected with our community play I desire to express to the people of Lillington bur appreciation for the reception given us Tuesday night. The audi ence was even larger, than we ex pected and the order was perfect. Onr own people could not have gives us a more appreciative hearing. Everybody Is saying compliment ary things about Lillington. its school and youf courteous superintendent. Prof. McBroom. It is a cause of con gratulation that your people unself ishly support community enterprise away from home as well as at home. You hare set an example that will be hard to Improve upon. We- thank you. Sincerely, Leslie H. Campbell. ITEMS OF NEWS FROM THE VALLEY MOUND SECTION Miss Metter Davis of Guilford county Is spending a while with her brother, Mrs. A. S. Davis. Rev. Mr. McLeod and Misses Blanche and Cora Davis spent a while at the home of Mr. J. S. John son Friday afternoon. Miss Lillie May Carter of Fayette ville is spending a while with friends In this section. i Mrs. W. N.-Thomas left Tuesday tor Lillington after spending a week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. iTrulove. Rev. Mr. McLeod and Misses Blanche and Cora Davis spent a short while Friday at the home of Mr. N F. Trulove. A large crowd attended the service Sunday afternoon at Valley Mound. ENTERTAINED SUNliKAMS. replete with premiums offered for successful contestants. An appeal Is made to have all prepare their ex hibits for the best fair ever seen In this State. The purpose and Ideals of the Harnett fair are set forth In a few Introductory remarks by Secretary Riddle. He says: ' Introductory. "In staging the third annual fair, with your continued support and co operation, we hope to be able to maintain the reputation which our fair enjoys the best fair in eastern North Carolina. "With an appeal and a promise, we approach the people this year. We appeal to the patriotic cltlsens to give us their hearty support to the extent that we may make this the best year In the hlatpry of the asso ciation, and lo behalf of the turn seg ment we promise that no effort will be spared and no means overlooked in carrying out our part of thU un dertaking. "We wish It clearly 'understood that the purpose of this fair Is pr marlly to promote the development of the resources of Harnett county and the sections of the counties ad joining It. to encourage better methods of farming, the production of more and better livestock, and to Increase the efficiency of the home maker generally. At the same tim. we wish to make tt a time of recrea tion and amusement. We expect to have amusement features that will rt.KimMslon wlll'-veBiualty be J- tves-ed of IU powr li function to any coitl lrble dyu. i ut tje suggestion hit not bct ailot.' by the lawmaking body ei, not Is ther any urgent arjmeo pre&wd that the governor .nil.-...X-t tt thai direction. There are several views advanced at the Initial stage of lh Idea, and purely as a matter of how Wm lxk at It. the following duotstion it pre sented as being turre.1 out this week from another source, and tj whkl. no suggestion or ndormeni U th en by this reproduct'bo of It in part. Outide View of Ox- I..U- t'mxrM. tkm. A correspondent In fUtelgh. w.tn no connection w'-.h the Stati Ubor organ its Hon. for IntUace. sndi oat this statement: Organised laU.r. or a part -f It aurway. Is not In sympathy wm the tcubernatorlal urtKn of a cr "iry of commerce and .uaeafsctartog In North Carohm as ao addition to the Morrison cabinet, some leader said today. "Labor Is Im iu a position todav l speak with ou tulnd than It btf been In five yearn, but that fart of it which hopes for the be' and experts the state federation to function po litically as the bU.nc of por be tween the two wluKi of D mxrrs'-r 'fesrs the rr,atKn of a Bute oOce for stimulating laduttrs. latu Rm... k k . . . . L.IJ' I'll- r . m . ' " ' - cm uiiing ton opirroocr a.f up wjfk Since other town, are bidd'mf 1 P7?VV4 a:. ejj Ur, for this ainf , we trust that the; - tJr of to t . . 1 Mi. Flora Itartia. Xo niii t proper Interest will be hown;o.ltf i0ttt0 .M by the citiicns of the townJr"ti vui. t0 w.ij ta to rur r t . SU Mr- Vfa U gradasi f Both the lade and men are Ci4t. aurs;sa. s c. ilea it c.a.4 Wl cuntf :UI ia tl Soaiv J. C THOMSON. Mi" Crsak U a cr.t of i ,frT yor.;S& cota. to LHi:aft Hi, AMPHITHEATRE i ki""-Xi4 ittlw, l tae vMbirr. BEING ERECTED' - - I lice. urged to be present, ?4e ia t at f . it. ,..- .. Chsrlolte. Aag. IT. Coe.irenloa J . a Joining the big .tel ai.4 ecr.f'Ue Bc. jflf1an( Vui .3tT and truk bu.Uiag Ja.t eoUtei j Usi4 u a 14 ' here tor the Nsde-la -Cartas Ki-jU d&rltortJl V (Special lo The N.) rlotte. Aug. IT. Coetin work on the great aaphUhtsire ad- urrt ttt tt -U i:i4 sal cord with alt that tntin - r e Pished. They came back dloatH fied with the apparent overthrow of the conservatives and are naturally la no frame of mlad to receive any aoariasea in iw yj MeRrxe days, it was aaaouaced todvat the itn 4 oOres of the eipwiUJoffl. f thm tsltook U list The airdomc will itaB4Ut!y ad-Hrj awsy. Joia the mala bnlUitg. aad will have' eeatlcg facilities for at ' lead r.eS pervoas. Along thre of t& will b booths which will te oprt--ed by coacloelre who will be! limited to dealing In CaroUaa prod-; L. W. Lara sad w'Je la Or 4 sSUo. Ltf tJ e:ir id n t coaceru daily darleg the Cr.t o' and oUr ratid.rt;j. weks r the espoltioa, aad. the r !."'. I TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE City Concert tisad wi: Caroliaa band win cots pete daricg liters la V suggestion which by any mean, could ! l"1 '08r T Ur tte IU la .&t. li ..j ota.r tv.tnu. o turneu into aa attempt to break the back of unionism in North Caro lina. That, they fear, would become a part of the program of a secretary of commerce aad tnaanfaetnree. Not f rtt e aBk v t e ma.4 I . lag baads by Ue eipo.itioa tifUc., 3 I le f u A..t.,. talameat coaalttee.' staa,t!p. Ilea. A spur track from the t;dat; W. tL K(;lti ,4 UJJ: .-oriarn iibm ureiutM Urtalasle ala-S io5Ke,0. le tt In Cr. ft i. - that they believe Oovemor Morrison I , w,Bx . ;.a, 5tim. who received the loyal support of" " ' T . . - K Lta. J organlied labor lo hi. prlmsry can, ! . ? 'T ff d;Vnt ,8 t A.rra. M , I tan. iriivi mmm vi(Ui,,.w o party to any In- ft,to .... ,,. ... " - ' tThe color scheme wUI be Umom yl the nVilnt . tV?4rr mm"n f ! "4 .the present IrgUlature are corre-. r- - . xcartaa U S. XI. jitMl be aalrtaka l of. t i. thi.,,..., . , - --. mtww. for to hold off t. -ork of the .pe-'( nuia AT viai Kuiwq uoui niier tne Boiidaym. i sriioiaaHiup AVAit-imx i iiiuMrrr tot xtt tun should Governor Morrlsoa stick to IUrtt ronnty ta ce twai ' . r Elder W. A. Simpktas f fUX;b . , ' JI, the December Ct date fixed la U ... JK, ,tJ Ut trJ5n, Xtl twUf recent statement. I ' . ' ' V. " . .I1 '- t,' "They would come here aad ad-; Journ from day to day aatll a week o'clock p. ta. i Ifitl! 1 1 lrn la ml' A Ia furore ChrUtmai .aad th.a f o torna. ; Jof of a. a m4 In that v time they could po-ib!y j -mend the municipal flnaace act bnt half of the members a! 3 -all vihit HMminiiuj. jasant t fr taiuan ij tk. fr wt,ftk i; fr Tr 4 r. tla fr temr yr gr4 a!ia. Tfc! aa etsMitii I 9tlt.t fnt aan f cr aty te have other amuse and entertain without lower-1 things to do. They are alt Interest ing the moral standard of the people.! d In the State's taxation program1 Fnr la nnriUMa wa kawa and Ihtn It tDOM tO bondlBS! IB " - --. " - - - "- - , ---- - - i.. . . . .t. the famous Bright Light Shows, 1 170Q.000 school deflclt the soloas are r " - .1 . . ,"i,ni' which have a refined and wLo!tome , going to have soroethiag more taan r , t standard ii.isgioa try. 4 tiii; s&ka. . tttm. pIIMnl. i a holiday row. The want to betla 6f lor aeeerai years at mm new j, tQf tr, ta f:i,. With great pleasure, we presentlwUh the New Year aad begla rlghu" u "r 0- Ttu u Aey yt,, toa Vo u U!.f.j your our Preclum Hat. which! Uul the reader needn't take this u,t Ultiatien aa4 &i4 ri;. t et, t Wf, n u Tfcre(B mmm rjrve mmw r,ut, jitaie c.fe s;e.a. fu):v. to has been carefully revised to con-1 kind of prattle too seriously. form with the prevailing condition and the amounts offered ire liberal. We ask you to look th Itlomil entirely too much of this klad f ,lprove.ni wkirn have taken tUre C v,ry "news" being sent out off and on. be left He is ttlll taertksn ! e fal-iand later on ll will be seen that there ."lag and we are glad lo ber tkst WIL AMI M lowing pa over carefully ill u lect such thlbgs a.i !t will po-!- to realty base such " a Beld Hersld. it. r. r. v. n CMC On Wednesday afternoon from S to 7 o'clock Melrose and Lunette Wilder entertained the Sunbeam - ol the Baptist church. There were 25 children present, also Mr. Jchn D Johnson and Mrs. B. P. Oentry. who assisted lo the entertalnmeut wlih stories and motion songs. Mrs. Wilder delighted the party by serving many watermelons, every one getting all that could be eaten. As the children left, each one was presented with a favor, tied Id a tiny sack. Melrose Wilder is the secretary of the Sunbeam Society. Abfler II. X. P. U. Remember the Community Sing. Why doesn't the Community Sing? Let the Community Sing. has been little gossip on. ble for you to plHl and bgiu oca VUted Law Urn Tie t'p Property. to prepare your exhibit for tj fa- "I Liens against real eiate to satufyj Farm and field crops, hurticultu-j taxes levied by the U. S. government ral products, homj ecoBomlc prod-, under the Volstead prohibition en- Angler. Aag. 17. Me ucts. livestock, poultry ana pt slock, j forcemeat law have become snO hand painted china, needle and fancy ; cintty numerous In North Carolina .work, educational, curias nad relics! to give apprehension to lotaraace are the beads of the various depart-compaales and other Urge money ments. each offerlrf many dollars in I lenders la the Slate, prizes for different kind of work ; Although Bailey, collector of In along these lines. S ternal revenue, has been eajotaed by The officers of tiie association Judge Connor of the eastern district want to bring out and show trt pub-1 and Judge Boyd of the western dls llc the best that Harnett has to offer. I trict. from selling the property la The natural resources of thU county. met the lien, the question Of the and the many great accomplUhtuent'.andity of suca liens aas not jt jot Its cltliens. the things for which '.been passed apoa by the t S. su- Harnett are noted, are thos thing 'preme court aad ualll a decision is that the officers , of the association ! reached by the highest coart. the want to .see on display, and In b:g? property Is practically et ta Its colors, at the thlr.l flarntt fair. I owner, either for purpose of sale or , To see Harnett's huuilreds of mar-j as collateral for a loan. velous exhibits thousands will come In the meantime the treasury de- ta Dunn durin the ble wwt t ihe.cartment has remained firm In Its .greatest of all Harnett fairs, and the i position that the liens are valid aad I biggest county fair ln eat?rn North! that the high penalties Imposed by ... - -.v . J u & m U Si ! n.. m itttixjL :Tt:itT.U lot tm rti: T3r a:s Mr atJ Mr. L. ti Itr:i itA:-a.i Vr a v.. jw. It Jokan i ta.r kcee in far aber of the -:J t(ft tli0ir Jamtmf lst r:.. Ul go n a pie- Otlr a few iatuJ r.Mt. .... ale to Stewarts Pond a Friday. tfeeprttU to eajsy.4 static aad a pica leers to leave the !U;Ut ehrth , m mtim.Um fet. at 4:J p. . ta aafooobU. A : Wr fta4 Mrs. j6iB left WS- ataptaoat 3F?r n; be wrtrd Tf tscraUg the rouag ladle, aad Vo4 ............ I aaBBaBeaBwnaaBaMBsannaBnnBn ard other fetare there will . be a P. T. P. U. procrsm nan the direc tion of MU Its We Joaatott. RegUter of teed W. If. raarett went to Fayetteville Moalsy a nest. Mr. and Mrs. 'J. C Atitoar t MidJlebarg. Vaare eon at v. are fcerei : U::;agta ill. vttttleg friends and r!He.. A. & W. SCHEDULED t;iy N 1 Leste Ssaferd t e. ta ; artite Lii;:agi6a t:Ji. t.;5y iuh fia4.y No.. J Leste Sa?et4 ll :3a a ta ; a;tie JLi.lixf ta I 1 D;Jy No. Leave Sxti 4 j si !l H IHily Na 2 Leste LiU:agt tny if;t 5s4y Na. Lt U::;acton 2 a. Carolina. Not only from this county. the Volstead act are collectible, a&d Lbut from all the nelgfcborlnj rtjun-'bas nstructed Collector Bailey to ties, the big fouT, as io attractively continue to Impose taxe where 11 Is Illustrated on the btstMni; or the pre- 'reported that anyone has engaged ln mium list booklet Hartelt. Cum-'the manufacture of whiskey and to berland .Sampson. Johrston. Dunn) levy upon the property of the party ized county council Is entitled to two delegates to this convention and as the Harnett county council has no meeting until after thin convention, and can elect no delegates, any wo man who will attend Is asked to send her nans to the County Demonstra tion Office in order that the president of the council may have a chance to appoint our delegates. Dispatch. la question la case of failure to pay line tax. fcack over the aortaera roale to Ike C. W. Lewis, reprrtealiag the Aato- " . ' . . taoblle Ct.b f Sonthera California . , 5'k"r Sa -Let, UlUUe arrived la P.al.igh. Nearly i.ttj : aafri .. miles f travel wa. behlad ta.ta. aad ' Ntf 1 Kk UiKr. io wan m it lor r7:: titt, rrtt:a tkare ml 12. ?t a. ca. Na, 2 bsaee r eaewa at S-sa- ifarj with M L Na. 4 fr fia". 'U. erritee Ralva IS. St a. a. N. 3 btskee ut at Li.:.xg -taa mith N. . Na.. it tor Fs;e:e- 666 cures Oensjue Fever. ICR CREAlt RUPPKIL The Junior League of Pleasan Plains Methodist church will give anii4 I Very few cases have beea reported trsince the agenU la the State were off la May. but It Is eipected ice cream supper Saturday night. Au gust 20th, for the benefit, of the church. Come one. come all. Rub-My-TUm for Rheumatism. Chattel Mortgages for sale at The News ofEce. that the recent appointment of ft. A. K oh loss of Salisbury aa chief agent ln the Slate will be followed by the selection of depulifs with the result that thenew broom sweeps clean." B" Arrange Hoeda ta N. C. Biasing a trail from Los Acgelee, Cal.. to New York, and doutUagjftytey.-rjj, cur. soras. somewhat more l&aa that before thea before they again sew the ( era oceaa. Tiey are tasiug the trip la a Cadillac toartsg car. North Carolina has fh bet aver age roads of aay f the tcre of! ftoalhera State the pl.h2&4rt bate I crod darlag the three csoatt. tk.y .,u: arrltiag tk.re at I i p . have been away from Los Aeg.'.e. mUl s 4 N ,2 P.:gk. Mr. Lewis said ye.teray. Wki "1!t at p. a here they caUed oa Highway Ca-i N fc ftft-'afa after arrttaJ talseloaer Freak Page, asd x:ter,of ratas treta CrmiWrs aad lfs- n ' e w v eee m m w j wewn ev aftemooa for HUhsoai. Watlsg- ton aad New York. They aspect to 'be back at home before late fall. No. fard a'.a. i extxee coaxed a si Ith &. A. t- Na. S fir y.:x' CCG curea CUioua Ferrr.

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