HARNETT COUNTY NEWS PERSONAL s ' - m w illiams-Belk Co.'s TRAMG CENTER FALL SILKS FOR LESS " 36 inch Satin Messalines, Taffetas and 40 inch all Silk Crepe de Chene, in all the wanted colors, special priced or - - $1.48 per yard Belding's Nancette and 40 inch Satin in all colors, 3.50 value, special priced $2.98 per yard Belding's 40 inch Crepe Satin in black, navy and brown, the season's most popular silk, priced $3.98 per yard 36 INCH RATINE in orange and copen blue for guimpe dresses, priced at - - --- 65c per yard PETER PAN CLOTH 59c Fast color Peter Pan Cloth in a big range of new colors, special 59c per yard READY TO WEAR HATS A big showing of Small Shape ready trimmed hats in good quality velvet and swedelike in all the new colors and combinations, special priced $2.98 to $7.95 Visit our Ready to Wear Department our assortment is good with our usual reasonable prices prevailing. WILLIAMS BELK COMPANY SANFORD, N. C. Carolina's Largest Distributor of Reliable Merchandise ake the Price We Have the Goods Cotton Baskets and Cotton Sheets, Seed Rye and Roof ing, Barb and Fence Wire, Guns and Gun Shells, Nails of All Kinds, Horse and Mule Shoes with Nails thrown in, Buggies and. Buggy Robes, Wagons and Wagon Beds. Don't forget the 7 1-2 and 10 'cent Cloth that we now have on hand. Ladies' Good Hose now 10 cents. All the above and lots more to go at 1914 and 1915 prices. It's yours?" Come on and get it. wm n o yra L onuiiJiinisejru &lo0 Incorporated "THE FARMERS' FRIEND" BARNES & HOLLIOAf COMPANY COATS AND DUNN PIANOS, ORGANS, NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES NEW EDISONS We will deliver an Edison in your home at the same price any catalogue house will give. Do not send your money away when you can get better service at home. THE BARNES & HOLLIDAY COMPANY Mr. R. L. Jones, chief clerk at The Kllliegrey, went to Raleigh on busi ness Saturday. Misses Thelma Harlngton and An nie Brown spent the week-end at their home InJonesboro. i Miss Dixie Cook spent the week end with Misses Drown and Harrinr ton at their home in Jonesboro. Miss Ruhr Holland is Tlsltln Miss Flora Carine&s. Miss Lizzie Mixon of Linden I visiting Mrs. M. M. Arnol'. Miss Elizabeth Howen l.'ft last week for Saleraburg where she will teach school this season. Mr. H. Turner Atkins ts spending his vacation at Atlantic City. Mrs. W. L. Sutton is spending this week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Adams, in Linden. Mr. J. F. McNeely of Charlotte was a guest at The Kllliegrey Wed nesday. Attorney Chas. Rons went to Ral eigh on business Wednesday. Mr. F. .C. Bell of Jonesboro has been here for the past several days. He is putting on the, gold lettering for the Harnett County Trust Co.'s big plate glass windows. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Peabody are registered at The Kllliegrey. Mr. Peabody is civil engineer . with the Highway Commission and is laying out the right-of-way for the Lafay ette road. Mr. R. T. Hobby of Pittsboro Is here for a few days. He is stopping at The Kllliegrey. Mr. S. W Flowers spent the week end at Durham. Mr. Luther Rollins of Fuquay was in town Wednesday. Mr. R. W. Morrison of the North State Power Co.. Raleigh, was In town Wednesday. Mr. Venable Daggett left Tuesday for Asheville to enter Bingham Mill tary School for his second year. Mr. William Royall has returned after spending some time at Car thage visiting friends. Miss Miriam Baggett and Miss Ka theryne Hockaday left Wednesday for Greensboro to attend the College for Women. Following are Lilllngton High School graduates attending college this year: To Trinity Isabel Cox. Mamie and Blanche Johnson. Erwln Stephens: to O. F. C: Erma Green. Bettie Eatman; to Salem: Uabel Spears; to Meredith: Lydla Sorrell; to A. & E.: Clarence Senter; to Da vidson: Frank Hockaday; to Sanford Business College: Lola O'Quinn and Beutah Moore; to King's Business College. Kate McLean. Misses Claudia and Addle McDon ald and Miss Nora ChafSn left Tues day for Trinity. College. Dr. L. J. Dupree was in Fayette vllle Tuesday attending 'the Cape Fear Dental Society, of which he is an active member. The society was organized two years ago. The mem bers were well pleased to see In at tendance about 40 or SO dentists. The next meeting, place was named as Fayetteville. December 13. 1921. The society Is organized for the pur pose of betterment in all lines of the profession. Everyone having U. D. C. library books are requested to' return them to Mrs. J. D. Johnson not later than Saturday, September l?th. It ' " 1 1' V i t i ii i X i v 1 H v k , v 1.1 V "..'V YxS' . , -h' i vv; ' Votive StmckHt RigKt ' when you Light a CAM SSI Your taste will tell you that! For Camels have the flavor and fragrance of choicest tobaccos, perfectly blended. They're smooth and mellow mild. ' m S&JheT0's NO CIGARETTY AFTER TASTE. We put the utmost quality into this one brand. Camels arc as good as it's possible for skill, money and lifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos to makti a cigarette. That's why Camels are THE QUALITY CIGARETTE. B. JyS IT0tI4T.U. Cm. (C.m H A II II I A U i: H The following marriage ltcene were Issued by Register of Ifcxsla Kaucetje daring the wNk: 1 White J. M. Doster to Lela Watkin. O. C. Mann to Maggie Abrnathy. , Cotorvtl 1. M. McLean to Annie McLean. Eugene Smith to Katie Thaggard. CARI OF THAN Ki. I wh to extend toy tarr thanks to th many kind friends for their help and attention dating lfc iii&ru and after the dib of wy t3ovl wife. N. V. Co!i:l. G6G cures Biliousness, fok kaij: Poland China sow asd five rks T?..KK TT t-Mi t 0,1 Frank Than-. 141- KuD.My.Tura kilU infection. lington. S C. -2 J. J. SPEARS EXPERT PLUMBER AND REPAIRER Have your work iJor.e now that there L plenty of water at jrootl pnrwmre. Kemerr.ber the hfh price of rotton U very likely to make the price of everything: e!? jump up. Act now!! P TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE Henry Pope to Elisa Pope, lot In punn. $25. . W. E. Salmon to J. G. Layton. lot in Lilllngton. 11,500. Maude Gregory and others to J. A. Campbell. 3 acres In Duies Creek. $1,500. C. E. Butts to R. B. Butts. 25 acres in Black Rlrer, $3,000. .Mew Rub-My-TUm kills pain. j FOll ItKNT. ; Upstairs offices, one at $10.00 per! month, the other at $6.00. Apply to; Mrs. M. L. Salmon. I TO) 1 ijiAiiifJEi;LZl rtAnyilrtTr,Uifl"dj MILL SUPPLIES PIPE, BLACK AND GALV. 8TKAM FITTINGS BOILKI18 BOILEK TUItES ENGINES AND IUMIH ENGINE FITTINGS WATEU TANKS SMOKE STACKS PULLKYS, SHAFTING BELTING AND ROPE BABBITT METAL PACKING AND GRAPHITE MACHINE TOOLS 8TEKL CABLE STEEL PAINTS MILL PAINTS Machine Shop General Repairs Locomotive Repairs Welding and Brazing Logging Equipment COMPLETE KTOi'KH Lower Costs and Increased Production make Possible Another Large Reduction in the Prices of . STUDEBAKER LIGHT-SIX MODELS NEW PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 8 . THREE PASSENGER ROADSTER..... $1125 TOURING CAR 1150 COUPE ROADSTER 1550 SEDAN ! 1850 f. o. b. factories All Studebaker Cars Equipped with Cord Tires "THIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR" EDWARDS MOTOR CAR CO. I K.U.Kit IN KTVUKIUKKIl AtTtmoitf Li: Wlrei, AY rite or 'Phone OS or 1564 , nzzicirEizzziz