HARNETT COUNTY NEWS Harnett County News ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY HENDERSON STEELE, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $1.50 Six months -75 Three months .50 - CORRESPONDENCE This "paper desires correspondence from all reliable sources interesting to the people of this section. We ask that the name of the correspond ent be signed for the purpose of at testing its reliability. for the purpose of gathering infor-1 he will continue the practice of law. mation, it will afford an excellent' Resolutions of appreciation for Mr. opportunity for those who are well -McLeod's labors in behalf of the Re informed to impart some of their publican organization in this county wisdom to their neighbors.- This fea- ! were passed. ture of a fair should prove most! , Senator W. P. Byrd, who formerly valuable to people engaged in agri-l served for six years as chairman, was cultural pursuits. By an interchange ! elected to fill the unexpired terra of of ideas the maximum of results can' Mr. McLeod. be obtained. We have spoken heretofore for ajggg Cure3 Dengue Fever. good attendance and liberal patron- j : . age of the Harnett fair on behalf of , COTTACJK FOR SALE. ANNOUNCEMENT friends Advertising rates upon application Advertising solicited solely upon the merits of the paper as an advertising medium. Entered as second-class matter at the. postoffice at Lillington, N. C. under the act of March 3, 1879. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. If you see a X mark opposite your name on your paper, it signifies that your subscription has expired. If you wish the paper continued, please renew promptly. the people of the upper section of! the county, and in former years the response has been good. Let all the people above the Cape Fear show their keen conception and great ap preciation of the county fair, from! which they can derive so much bene fit. Remember the dates Tuesday, October 11th, through Saturday, Oc tober 15th. Five room cottage with all modern conveniences, electric lights, bath room, etc., complete. Most desirable location in Lillington. If interested apply to Marvin R. Edwards. VOll SALE OR KENT. . reaped, late of Harnett county. North Fine three hundred acre farm. 90 Carolina, tola U to notify all pron' acres cleared. Two good dwellings, having elalma axainal tha eatata of . One mile from railroad. Address the aald deceased to exhibit them to' Box 116A, Lillington. N. C. lp the ttnderlned on or before the ta !,: X. .'f.. dj of October. 1922. or thl. notice h,S J to "Oill) my FOR RENT. will be leaded In bar of their r-.that I have Opened A Two or three famished rooma for covery. Ail pron Indebted to tald light housekeeping or roomers. Mr. M jlea miU immediate U K U t L K I M. II. Bethea. Id payment. i Martha McNKiLL. jn which I am prepared to fur- ai'iii. Adminutratru of the F.tat of c n. nuh all needs in this line. Having qualified aa administratrix McNeill. Deeec4. t f!all In m anrt tHv r-io t m - - - Have Your Cotton Ginned by the CAPE FEAR GIN $3.75 per Bale of the estate of C. B. McNeill, da- Thia Oct. 3. 1921. LILLINGTON LOSES CITIZEN. GOOD FOR SALE AND RENT Five good tobacco and cotton' farms, well located, near Lillington. Duke and Buies Creek. N. C, good buildings, daily mail and good road. J. G. Layton, Dunn. N. C. R. 3 6-4p THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1921 THANKS. Having seen our sponsored project so soonly endorsed by a Joint Session of the two executive Boards of the County the matter of School Con solidation and viewing with im mense satisfaction the action of the Boards in entrusting the cause' in the hands of the Leaders, we curtsy our most gracious Much Obliged! We will now focus our attention upon other matters of equal importance. It is with sincere regret that the people of this community witness the departure of a good citizen like Mr. John Allen McLeod. He goes this week to Gaston ia to take up resi dence and the practice of his fession. With one accord our people THE COUNTY'S ROADS. will wish for him the greatest success. " j Mr. McLeod has made himself a useful citizen. By his upright life and straightforward dealings with his fellowmen he has made friends of all, of whatever creed or political clan. It is not often that a man is so universally esteemed as is John Allen McLeod. He is pronounced in this community as a gentleman's gentleman, and none will say nay. loses one of its TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred upon me by a certain deed of trust executed by O. P. Matthews et als bearing date of the 19th of December. 1920, and duly recorded In book 195 at page 360, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Harnett County, payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and at the request of the parties of the proj first par?, and because of default UC1113 uiiue 111 1 lie ijajuieui ui Hie note, secured by deed of trust. I will of i offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the County Court House In Harnett County, Lillington, N. C, on Satur day, the 12th day of November, 1921. at 12 o'clock M., the following land lying and being in Harnett County, near Angier, to-wit: The O. P. Matthews land, adjoin ing the lands of L. B. Barbour and others, and beginning at a stake, comer of the center of Angier road. near L. B. Barbour's house, and runs as the said L. B. Barbour's line, and passing his corner, N. 84 1-2 degrees 39.40 chains to a It would -indeed be a fine thing if the State Highway Commission could take over the entire roadways 01 Harnett county. The township: bonds and bumps are the cause of so much fretful agitation! And, too, the roads in some townships are so much better than the roads in others, and none of the roads in the county are so very good. While of course the State will not build highways all over the county; yet the map shows that with the Lafayette road going north to south through the county and the Boone trail running west to east across the county, and with maintenance work upon several other roadways, there is not much left for the county to assume upon the big thoroughfares But theer is some other needed road work, that the county should undertake. Two outstanding neces sities are: The building of a good road direct from Dunn and Duke to Lillington; and the construction of a good road from the western part of the county to the countyseat. After the county has built these roads, they could be put under State main tenance. The only practical way to build county highways is for the county to take over its road system. Good roads cannot be built and maintained by the antiquated and inadequate township system. This has been proven time over and again, and is being plainly shown by the present township system in this county. "Right now is a good time to adopt the county system so that the balance of the roads left out of State super vision can be brought up to a higher standard. There is little left for the county to do in the way of road building but that little is so badly needed that it should not longer be delayed. Lillington loses one of its most, W. 39.40 chains to a stake, large splendid families when Mr. and Mrs. poplar stump in the Spring Branch with mania unH wriifo nnt nnl n tora McLeod move away. : tnence down the channel of said : j branch with J. R. Dupree's line about Many thanks, Mr. Weatherman, j 28. S2 chains to the channel of NeilU for this cool October stuph. Creek; thence up the channel of said j creek, about 3 chains, to the Quin- " 1 pv Matthew lin: thence with that The attention of the head of the, jme SOuth 56 degrees east, to where house is now turned from blocks of j the line of the tract of land devised ice to blocks of wood. to Jne sons of Alvin Matthews inter- isecis.wiis line; mence wua me une of said sons of Alvis Matthews, south Lillington Fresh Meat Market I am located in the Grocery Store of J. D. Long and have established a market where I will at all times have on hand the very BEST OF FRESH MEATS 1 will make a specialty .of serving you the kind you can eat." GIVE ME A TRIAL ORDER R. V. PARKER Lillington, N. C. , a chance to please you. Seed Wheat, Oats and Rye at the Right Price HARNETT REPUBLICANS CHOOSE NEW CHAIRMAN The Harnett County Republican Executive Committee met here Mon day and received the resignation of Mr. John Allen McLeod, who is moving this week to Gastonia where 666 cures Chills and Fever. RAGGETT & MORDECAI Attorneys at Law LILLINGTON; N. C. to a small branch; thence up said branch to a stake at its head; thence south 62 degrees E. 5.15 chains to the corner of Daisy Bains tract; thence S. 12 degrees W.; about 18 chains to a pointer in a branch; 1 thence direct to the beginning; con ' taining 204 acres of landmore or ! less. I This 3d day of October, 1921. J. W. BARBEE. . i Trustee. I WILLIAM MORDECAI. 6-4 Agent. Chas. Ross . Neill McK. Salmon ROSS & SALMON Attorneys at Law LILLINGTON, N. C. DC O Q I J. C. THOMSON, ! i REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE! Agency for Rest Old Line Companies' LIFE AND FIRE LILLINGTON. N. C. L. M. LOCKAMY REPRESENTATIVE OLD LINE LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE . LILLINGTON. N. C. SEE ME Pains S Were j& Terrific Keaa now mrs. Aioen Gregory, of R. F. D. No. 1, BTuford, 111., got rid of her ills. "During . . 1 n wa3 awfully weak My pains were terrific. D GO TO THE COUNTY FAIR. . Harnett county's fair opens at Dunn next Tuesday. Officials of the association state that they have spared no pains to put on the very best fair this year; both in the way of exhibits and entertainment for visitors the 1921 exposition bids for the highest excellence in the showing and the greatest attendance of peo ple who wish to witness it. We must take the directors' word for the excellence of the exhibition, for they are hustlers; and we will post our judgment with them on the state ment that the attendance will be good. Herbert Hoover, who speaks at the fair at noon Saturday, the 15th, should draw a good crowd. Farm- ers especially should be interested in what Mr. Hoover will have to say at an agricultural fair, because of this gentleman's world experience in the handling and distribution of food stuffs. He 'should be able to tell the people of. Harnett county about the outlook for foreign consumption of cotton also, by reason of his familiar ity with conditions in Europe their ability to pay as well as their actual needs now and in the immediate fu ture. Farmers should pay special heed to matters of this sort and in form themselves so that they would know whether to sell their crops as fast as they gather them or whether it would be best to hold awhile. As matter of f act, - our farmers should be better posted upon ' such things anyway, because they are affected so vitally, by them. Mrs. George W. Vanderbilt, presi dent of the State fair, will also de liver an address. This will be inter estmg inasmuch as Mrs, Vanderbilt is a woman 'of affairs and is taking active part in making the State fair a success. The purpose of this writing is to -impress upon our people the impor tance of attending the fair. There is always something to learn, and inasmuc "as so many people go there an NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND UN-1 DER DEED OF TRUST. ! Pursuant to the power conferred upon me in that certain deed of trust executed by D. A. McLeod and wife, : Bettie McLeod, bearing date of, March 16, 1920, and recorded In Book 125, at page 119, of the office of Register of Deeds of Harnett: County, and default having been ; made in the payment of the bond se-j cured thereby and as therein provid-j ed, and the beneficiary thereunder! having requested me to execute the; trust therein declared, the under-1 signed, Trustee" will on Monday, Oc-j tober 31st, -1921, at twelve oclock' noon, at the courthouse door in Lil-: lington, N. C, sell to the last and I highest bidder for cash, the follow-s ing described real estate set out in said deed of trust, which is situated! in the town of Angier, N. C: ; t First Tract Beginning at a stake! at the intersection of Dunn and Lil-1 lington street and runs nearly west! 150 feet thence south 100 feet to a stake on the northwest corner of lot' No. 12 in block "M," as shown by aj map and survey of the town of An-1 gier; thence nearly east 150 feet to! a stake on Dunn street thence as; Dunn street north 100 feet to the beginning and contains 22500 square' feet of land, more or less, and being! the same lots or parcels' of land j bought from J. L. Johnson. - Second Tract Beginning at ai stake at the intersection of Broad ' and Lillington streets, and runs; south 84 1-2 degrees east 145 feet to' a stake on alley; thence north 5 1-2 degrees east 30 feet to a stake; thence north 84 1-2 degrees west 145 feet to a stake on Broad street; thence as Broad street south 5 1-2 degrees west 30 feet to the first sta tion, containing 4350 feet of land, more or less. For a further descrip tion see deed from L. V. Denning and wife, to D. A. McLeod, registered in Book 170, at page 200, records of Harnett county. The tract of land described as "First Tract" above ha ssituated up on it a two-story frame building in good condition, and was formerly oc cupied and used by D. A. McLeod as a hotel. The second lot herein has situated upon it a two-story brick mercantile building. This is one of the best buildings in Angier. Terms of Sale Cash thought I would die. beanng-down pains were actually so severe 1 could not stand the pressure of my hands on the lower Fart of my stomach . . . simply felt as if life was for but a short time. My husband was worried . . . One evening, while read ing the Birthday Alma nac, he came across a case similar to mine, and went straight for some Cardui for me to try. TAKE II till The Woman's Tonic n n "I took it faithfully and the results were immedi ate," adds Mrs. Gregory. "I continued to get bet ter, all my Els left me, and I went through . . . with no further trouble. My baby was fat and strong, and myself thank God am once more hale .and hearty, can walk miles, do my work, though 44 years old, feel like a new person. All I owe to Cardui." For many years Cardui has been found helpful in building up. the system when run down by dis orders peculiar to women. Take Cardui XL 1.82 Place of Sale Courthouse door in Lillington, N. C. Time of Sale Monday, October 31st, 1921, 12 o'clock noon. ' FRANKLIN T. DUPREE, 29-4 Trustee. APPLICATION FOR PARDON QF RAY PARRISH. Application wil lbe made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Ray Parrish, convicted at the January Term of the Superior Court of Harnett County fflr the crime of assault and sentenced to pay i a fine of 1200.00. All persons who oppose the grant Ing of said pardon are invited to for ward their protests to the Governor without delay. - This September 26th, 1921. ROSS & SALMON. 29-2 Attorneys. J. D. LONG LILLINGTON, N C. We pay highest ca.sh price fee Seed, or we vrill give you go.! exchange value for them in Meal. CAPE FEAR GIN CO. LILLINGTON. N. C. COME EARLY WHEN IN NEED OF ANYTHING IN THE DRUG LINE And you can't come to FAYETTEVILLE. just send u an order by mail and see how quick we get it to you. Our Mail Order business U Increasing weekly, and thcrr Is a reason. Wc pay postage on all orders amounting t a one dollar and up. We carry a full line of DrJf. Rubber Goods, Candy in fact everything usually carrkd i.i a first-clasA Drug Store. Give u a trial and we guarantee to please you. MATTHEWS PHARMACY Hay Street 1921 TATE FA At Raleigh Pittmart Hospital Building Fayctterille, U. C Oct. 7- to 22 Magnificent Agricultural, Educational and Industrial Displays. 521,000 ofTered in Pre miums. Best Midway ever seen at the Fair. Thrilling and Wonderful Acts. Fearless Greggs Loop-the-Loop in Two Autos. Con certs at City Auditorium, Wednesday night by Titta Ruflb and Thursday night by Frances Alda. Football Game University vs. State College Thursday October 20th. MRS. GEO. W. VANDERBILT, President JOSEPH E. POGUE, Secretary. CLAUDE B. DENSON, Treasurer. YOU'LL ENJOY EVERY MINUTE ONE AND ONE-HALF FARE, ROUND TRIP, ON ALL RAILROADS Tickets Good From October 14th to 24th, Incluitve STARVATION PRICE UPON EVERY LOW-CUT SHOE IN THE HOUSE I have left a few Cool Cloth Suits for men at JG.4D. E;g line of Youns Men'a DrcMy Pant for hot weather. Nice line of Drc-&s Goods for hot day. Aluminum Ware for your kitchen. Cowls and pitcher. All kinds of crock ery and gla&s ware for your table. If you want good goods for little money, see BUR WELL'S BARGAIN HOUSE LILLINGTON, N. C. IF YOU BUY YOUR GROCERIES HERE AND TAKE THEM HOME WITH YOU YOU GET THEM CHEAPER TRY IT! Our ability to serve you with good clean grtxerif never overlaps our ability to give you close prices. We know that you want things as cheap as you can get them pro vided of course you get them clean. Wc are giving you an opportunity right now to save on your grocery biJL By buying from us you can save money because we are not charging you an enormous prof;t In the f.rst Instance, and furthermore, you can save the great con of having your goods delivered. Come and buy from us and take your groceries with you and get them cheaper. It the way to economize, and that's what we mut all do in this day and time. J. A. MARSH LILLINGTON, N. a CHOICEST FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS FISH AND OYSTERS IN SEASON BANK OF LILLINGTON OLD!3T IUK IS 1URXKTT COl'STr) AMERICA'S GREATEST NEED Aric mul tcr. lu dirr tti. Tftt r stjr II. t!kh row la t& lKi:4 SU!t ti r. &tapt4 Wat Jl.- 009.609 la till. firy r fcy li ti:Uoe !. ! UtcV.rf 4 for food. ty tfttafk. a sa.i N"crwr pn;r:.!r. AJ1 i:- vropi dairy herd feat ba 4tf r4r4. Thl country matt !nl4 ss4 tl 4iry project la :i Ksrr V a4 taora t&a IJ. 969.999 tniU!k row to do (Vi a43t!y. Tb frmr who arrJu ki dairy tr4 bow u aC city doit tkU daly to lb worli. ant U rtrUIa to rroSt la a t'c TtU boal4 laurt fM ronmaa:ty. I it fc:c to W&cSt tr owece mora a4 t?tr dairy c:t W at tt Ui J a fj tbm a.-w ht taa trJa to car f&r ttat aai tala tfc feoSi. Ttla back ca to noay to taaacw llr fartt if cr .i!aa I a44. Coma la a4 Ul" tak tkla dairy f-rtVUtn tr. Remember we pay 4 per cent interest on time depoiiti. compounded quarterly. D. It. BUr, rra. J. W. Halford. WIT. 1L T. Sptxrt, Catur DIRECTOR? U. It. Sotr ' Dr. J. W. !U:;&r4 Cta. Re. XI- J. &ratr i. W. 5atr Dr. J. T. McKay If- T. F?r N. A. Frail J. D. IWraoa