HARNETT COUNTY NEWS NOTICE OP SALE OP LAND. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain trust deed executed by Miss Mary C. Stew art to me, which is duly registered in Harnett County in Book 168 at page 300, default having been made in the payments therein set out and the holder of the bonds having de manded that I foreclose said trust, I will on December 9, 1921, offer for sale to the highest bidder for .cash at the courthouse door in Lillington at about the noon hour the lands con veyed in said trust deed which are therein described as follows: Beginning at a stake a few feet east pf the Fayetteville and Lilling ton road at Waddll corner and run ning with Waddell's line S. 40 E 43.30 chains to a stake in the Mc Lean line; thence S. 86 E. 8.55 chains to a stake; thence S. 4 W. 11.80 chains to a stake; thence S. 87 E. 20.23 chains to a stake in the Haleigh & Southport Railway; thence with said railway N. 23 1-2 W. 46.94 chains to a stake; thence N. 70 W. 35 chains to Bethea's line; thence S. 33 W. 10.32 chains to the beginning, containing 127 acres, more or less, according to the survey of D. P. McDonald. Said land is in Lillington township and adjoins the lands of the heirs of Waddell Mc Lean, Mrs. M. M. McKay and others. This Nov. 9, 1921. , H. A. PAGE, JR. 17-r Trustee. NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as administrator of Lonnie Von Derron Earp, late of Morgan, New Jersey, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, at Angier, N. C, or his attorney, same address, on or before the 16 th day of Novem ber, 1922, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons being indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 16th day of November, 1921. C. B. EARP, Administrator of Lonnie Von Derron Earp, Deceased. Franklin T. Dupree, Atty. 17-6 NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as administrator of Benton Gardner, deceased, late of Harnett County, N. C, this is to no tify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 16th day of November, 1922, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 16th day of November, 1921. . BEATRICE GARDNER, Administrator of Benton Gardner. Franklin T. Dupree, Atty. 17-6 NOTICE! v Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Eva Harrington, de ceased, late of Harnelt county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Kipling, North Caro lina, on or before the 25th day of November, 1922, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. ' This the 15th day of November, 1921. G. W. HARRINGTON, Administrator of the Estate of Eva Harrington, Deceased. Marshall T. Spears, Atty. ' 24-6 NOTICE! Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Daniel Hare, de ceased, late of Harnett County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Kipling, North Caro lina, on or before the 25th day of November, 1922, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 18th day of November, 1921. J. L. HARE, Administrator of the Estate of Dan iel Hare, Deceased. Marshall T. Spears, Atty. 24-6 Educate For Business The Business Training offers a short, easy and inexpensive route to Success. Practical business, stenographic and secretarial courses given. King's graduates with leading Carolina firms. Students assisted free to situations. Hates of tuition and board very reasonable. Enroll any time. Write today for catalog. "An Accredited School? Raleigh, N. C - - - - - Charlotte, N. C. GOOD QUALITY HARNETT COUNTY NEWS solicits your job printing LOW PRICES PERSONAL Mr. T. R. Timby of the Cooperative Marketing Bureau, Raleigh, is Mak ing Lillington his headquarters whilt working in the interest of cooperative marketing in this county. Mr.' Tim by is holding meetings in various parts of the county. He will be ker till December 20 when the campaign closes. Mr. S. W. Flowers of Tomlinsn & Co. spent Sunday with relatirt s i i Wilson. Mr. Cam Faucette went to Roa i;.ke Rapids on business Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sutton spe it the past week-end at Linden. Mrs. J. R. Daggett spent the past week-end in Fayetteville with her sister. Miss Lucy Keeter. Attorney Caviness Brown went to Dunn on business Wednesday. Mrs. J. W. McArtan and da Billy Jr. are spending several days ii Dunn with her sister, Mrs. Neill Green. Mr. Neill Green of Dunn was here Wednesday morning on his way to the upper section of the county on a turkey hunt. Senator W. P. Byrd left Tuesday for Raleigh to attend the special ses sion of the General Assembly. Mr. Chas. Ross and son Rudolph spent the week-end in Ashboro with relatives. Mr. Ralph Mitchell of Benson spent the week-end here with his family. Miss Jimmy Faucette, chief opera tor for the Carolina Telephone Co. at Kinston, spent a few days the past week with relatives here. Mr. J. W. McLauchlin of Raeford was here last Friday on business. He is an uncle of Mr. Neill McLauchlin. Messrs. B. P. Gentry and J. R. Baggett went to Raleigh Tuesday on business. Miss Edith Jones of Norfolk spent the week-end here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. .R. P. Jones. Miss Jones is a trained nurse in St. Elizabeth Hospital, Norfolk. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Tay lor, Sunday morning, a fine boy who has been christened Leonard Junior Mother and child are doing nicely. William Hale, six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Fulton Lanier of Buckhorn, was brought in to Central Harnett Hospital Monday suffering with appendicitis. Reports from his bedside state that he is resting com fortably. Mr. J. D. Weathers of Holly Springs was here Monday. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. One of the best small farms in this section. Good 4-room dwelling with barns, stables and other outhouses. Land lies well, no waste, suitable for cot ton, corn, tobacco, peas, etc., now in high state of cultivation and producing good crops. A young bearing orchard. See Riley Holder, Lillington, R. 3. 24-4p Mr. T. R. Rosser of Jonesboro R. 3- was here Monday. Mr. J. I. Holder of Broadway R. 2 was among the past week's visitors here. Mr. Raymond Rosser of Broadway R. 2 was here Monday. Mr. J. P. McDonald of Bunnlevel was here Saturday. Mr. A. D. Gardner of Fuquay R. 1 was here Monday. Mr. E. R. Moore of Fuquay R. 1 was among Monday's visitors at the countjseat. Mr. M. II. Rawls of Fuquay R. 1 j was here on business Monday. Mr. O. S. Bordeaux of Chalybeate' wan here Monday. Rev. and Mr. C. U. lto and fan)-! ily arrived last Friday and hate tak en up resilience in the Methodist parsonage. Mr. Rom contej from Jonesboro. He preached a mo.t ex cellent sermon Sunday morning and again Sunday evening. He I fast making firm friends with the people of Lillington. People here welcome Mr. and Mrs. Ross and their fiTe In. teresting children. Dr. J. A. McKethan of FayettevlUe was here Wednesday to confer with Drs. Halford and Riddle at Central Harnett Hospital over the fracture to the eye of Master Ernest Smith. Dr. McKethan Is a specialist in the treat ment of eye. ear, nose and throat. Mr. Jas. R. Mason of Route 3 was in town Wednesday. Mr. II. C. Mann or Kipling was here Wednesday. WONDERFUL' . BARGAINS . IN MRS. LOCKAMY KXTKKTAIXS. Mrs. L- Lock a my entertained at her home last Thursday evening In honor of Miss Minnie Howard. Those present were: Mrs. J. G. Ball Jr. of Raleigh. Misses Bettie Campbell of Fuquay, Lovda Long. ;Rhoma and Lola Johnson. Messrs. Oscar Atkins. Clyde McKInney. John Edwards. L. W. Howard. Fred Stew art, Kyle Matthews. SHE NEVER FELT BETTER IN LIFE Mogadore Woman HadnM Kn Joyed Good Health in 6 Month IVc fore Taking Tanlac. in A. & W. SCHEDULE. Effective Sept. 25. 1921. No. 1 daily No. 3 No. 5 Lv. ex. Sun. daily daily Sanford . 8:00am- 11:30am 6:00pm Jonesboro 8:12am 11:37am 6:07pm Broadw'y 8:45am Mamers 9:31am Ar Lill'n 10:00am 'I don't believe I ever felt better my life than I have since Tanlac relieved my stomach trouble, said Mrs. Opal Brannan. of Mogadore. Ohio. "I began to suffer dreadfully from indigestion about six months ago. and no matter how caretul I was about eating I had awful pains In the pit of my stomach, and it would be hours before I could get any relief "At night I seldom got any rest to speak of. and would get op In the mornings feeling tired and misera ble. I nearly always had a brassy taste in my mouth. I used to dread 'my housework. It was such a burden to me In my weakened condition. "My digestion Is perfect now, and all my troubles have disappeared. Not only that, but there Is something about Tanlac that makes a person feel fine all the time. I am Just full of energy and my housework doesn't other me a bit. I don't believe Tan- lac's equal has ever been made." Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere. 12:00am 6:30pm 12:26pm 6:56pm 12:50pm 7:20pm No. 4 No. 2 daily No. 6 Lv. daily ex. Sun. daily Lillington 8:35am 10:45am 4:00am Mamers 8:59am 11:15am 4:24pm Broadway 9:25am 12:00m 4:50pm Jonesboro 9:48am 12:35pm 5:13pm Ar Sanf'd 9:55am 12:45pm 5:20pm No. 2 make connection Sanford S. A. L. No. 12 Raleigh and north, ar, Raleigh 11:50am. and with S. A. L. No. 41 Hamlet and south, ar. Ham let 12:30pm. No. 4 make connection Sanford So Ry. No. 131 Greensboro, af. Greens boro 4:15pm. No. 6 make connection Sanford S. A. L. No. 11 Hamlet and south, ar Hamlet 7:50pm. No. 1 make connection Lillington N.-S. No. 33 Fayetteville, ar. Fayette ville 12:23 pm. H. P. EDWARDS. General Manager. THE LIVE STORE ALWAYS RELIABLE THE C APITOL DEPARTMENT 114-116 Hay Street STORE Fayetteville, N. C. i DECEMBER APPAREL AND SHOE SALE Sale on Ready to Wear Department and Shoe Depart ment will start Friday morning, December 9th, 9 A. M. and will continue for eight days only. It is not necessary for us to go into details as to prices, as everybody knows what The Capitol sales mean when they advertise one. THE CAPITOL DEPARTMENT STORE NOTICE OF HALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST. By authority vested in me In that deed of trust, bearing date of March 28. 1921. and recorded In Book 126. at page 73. of the office of Register of Deeds of Harnett County, and In which the Angier Bank & Trust Com pany is named as beneficiary and J. A. Williams as maker, and default having been made In the payment of the note secured thereby, and having been requested to foreclose the same. I will, on Monday, December 12th. 1921. at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door In Lillington. Harnett County. North Carolina, offer for sale, for cash, to the last and highest bidder, the following lots of land embraced In said deed of trust, to ll: First Tract: Beginning at a stake in the line of right of way of the Durham & Southern Railway Com pany, and runs as the line of said right of way of said railroad com pany. south 9 1-4 degrees east 4 4 4.50 feet to a stake in the line of said right of way; thence north 86 de grees west t50 ten to a stake and pointers in the edge of Black River swamp: thence north 9 1-2 degrees east 521.50 feet to stake: thence south 86 degrees east 70 feet to the beginning, and contains two acres of land, more or less. Second Tract: The same being lots No. 39. 40. 41 In block No. 4. lying and being on the south side of Mc Iver street, and lot number 49 block 6. lying on the south side or Mclver street, and for a further de scription of said lots, reference Is hereby made to a map and survey of the same by John Bray. Civil Engi neer, which map is recorded In book No. 2, at page 16. of the office of Register of Deeds of Harnett County. Said lots being a part of the 11 acre tract of land, subdivided and sold by B. F. Williams. December 18. 1915. Third Tract: Being lot number 48 in block 6 as shown by a map and survey of John Bray. C. E., which map Is recorded in book No. 2. at page 16, of the Registry of Harnett County, said lot being a portion of the 11 acre tract of land sold by B. F. Williams. December 18. 1915. to all of which reference is hereby made for a better description. Fourth Tract: Lots No. 51 and 52. In block 6. lying on the south side of Molver street, and for a further d scrlption of said lots, reference Is hereby made to a map made by John Bray. C. E.. which map is recorded in book No. Z. at page 16, of the office of Register of Deeds of liar nett County, to which reference Is hereby made for a further- descrip tion. All the lands herein described are situated In Angier, N. C. This 9th day of November. 1921. W. E. BALDWIN. Trustee. Franklin T. Dupree. Atly., Angier, N. C. 17 ..":& ": :--0s-': :. x 0 ;- ac- OO- 9C- We are offering our entire lot of Hats, consisting of Ladies', Misses', Girls' and Boys', at a tremendous sac rifice. Many to go at half price. Sale ends with the year December 31, 1921. Don't fail to come here if you need a new Hat. MRS. W. G, WAT JONESBORO, N. C. SON 113HHHHHHHHHHHH What Building Means. to LILLINGTON 3R- ::-3:: ::aeae: 0s -c-: :.: --oo ' ar. de It is a recognized fact that Lillington has more population now than can be comfortably accommo dated. It is also true that many families arc desirous of taking up residence here. Home-owning cannot be adopted as a prime requisite to residence here, nor in any other place. Some people do not care to own their homes. They had rather rent. Still, they are desir able citizens and should be encouraged to locate here. But LILLINGTON HASN'T THE HOUSES! Come in now and join the Building Company in erecting houses so as to take care of the people who want to come here to live. PAYMENTS STARTED LAST MONDAY But you can start any time. Ask any officer or share holder of the company to explain the working plan to you, and then lose no time in showing that you arc heart and soul WITH any movement that will help the town grow. It is an absolutely safe investment the returns -it will benefit everybody in the community. are sur ico9K9K :a&: ysty. a y&& o: as "f: ';oo-' ao xr oo v LJDLLINGTON 'Building and Development Co A BUILDING ORGANIZATION ORGANIZED TO UPBUILD 8 Agricultural Liens for safe at The News Office.

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