William s-Belk Co.'s SALE OF SILK AND. DRESSES WOOL Beginning Saturday morning next we will place on sale our stock of Wool and Silk Dresses at a great reduction SILK DRESSES SALE PRICES All new Fall styles in beaded and embroidered models of Crepe de Chene, Cantofi Crepe and Satin $12.75 Dresses, sale price $ 7.45 15.00 Dresses, sale price '. 8.45 19.50 Dresses, sale price 11.75 25.00 Dresses, sale price 14.95 One big lot Black SatnVDresses that sold for $15.00 and $19.50 on sale for. : $8.45 All higher priced Silks at correspondingly-low prices. SALE PRICE ON WOOL DRESSES All of these are the season's best styles in Poret Twill and Tricotine : $15.00 Wool Dresses, sale price... $ 9.95 19.50 Wool Dresses, sale price.. 14.95 25.00 Wool Dresses, sale price.. 17.45 All of the better quality Wool Dresses will be reduced accordingly. DON'T MISS THIS DRESS SALE WILLIAMS BELR COMPANY SANFORD, N. C. Carolina's Largest Distributor of Reliable Merchandise MEMBER MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION' (Continued from Page 1) NOTICE To the Town Taxpayers: NOTICE OP SALE OP LAXI). Under and by virtue of the power parte, the same being No. on the special proceedings docket of said court," and the order obtained there- and authority conferred upon me bv in, the undersigned commissioner a certain deed of trust executed by Ml T : J U 1 I? An-wr Af TIa- TlnKrliT T lf . . , , . c will, ou rrmaj, lue im "aJ . j-c- iwuj muuie nuu wue, Maggie The Town will have a lot or cember 1921, at 11 o'clock a, m., on Moore, bearing date of November 24, , " the premises -hereinafter described. 1919, and duly recorded in the office bills to pay in December Qffer for saie to the highest bidder of Register of Deeds of Harnett for one-halt cash and balance in one County In Book 118. page 266. and Please oav your Tax so tne an(i two years secured by mortgage default having been made In the nav- on premises, the following aescriDea ment of the indebtedness thereby se tract of land lying and being in cured; and having been requested to Grove Township, Harnett County, advertise said land by the party hold North Carolina: ing the notes thereby secured, the Beginning at the beginning corner undersigned Trustee will, on Monday, of lot No. 9, and runs with the line December 19th, 1921, offer for sale, of Norman McLeod south 71 west, at the courthouse door in Llllington! 3.66 cnains to a aeaa pine, ine cor- im. u., at 1Z o clock M.. to the highest bidder, for cash, the following de- Town can pay these bills. J. H. DIXON Town Tax Collector. XOTICE Tno iiTiriorciimprl havine Qualified ner of the old McLeod 100 acre tract as the Administratrix of the estate of thence as the line of that tract south scribed tracts or parcels of land, to- Mrs. Sallie Lynn, late of Harnett 2 1-2 west, 2250 chains to a stake wit: County, this is to notify all persons corner; thence south 87 1-2 east, .30 having any claims against said estate chains to a stake in the line of lot tr. nriit thpm to me on or before No. 1; thence as the line of that lot November 10th, 1922, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of tneir re covery. This November 10th, 1921. MRS. FOY L. TUGWELL, Administratrix. Caviness H. Brown, Atty. 17-6 APPLICATION FOR PARDON JOHN POWELL. Application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of John Powell, convicted at the September, 1920, term . of the Superior Court of Harnett county, for the crime of counseling abortion, and sentenced to State's Prison for a term of two years. All persons who oppose the grant ing of said pardon are invited to for ward their protests to the Governor without delay. This the 1st day of December, 191. ! 2 L. W. WEST. NOTICE OP SALE OF VALUABLE LAND Under and by virtue of a special ggg js a prescription for Colds, proceeding in the Superior Court of Harnett County, before the clerk, en titled in re J. C. Mcueoa et ais, B First Tract: Beginning at a pine. W. C. Steal and E. S. Campbell cor ner, and runs thence with W. C. oieai s yne in. t w. 0 cnains to a stake and blackpack pointers; thence S. 12 V. 8.34 chains to a stake on the south of the hill with pointers: thence S. 76 E. 6 chains to E. S. Campbell's line; thence with It to the beginning, containing five (5) acres, more or less. For further descrip tion see deed from NpMI a Mvnra east, 13.50 chains to the cor- and wlfe, Betsy Ann Moore, to Hardy Dt No. 9; thence as that line j. Moore, recorded In Book 159. pare 4. records Harnett Countr. Second Tract: Beginning at a stake in Steal's line, a corner of the live (5) acre tract, and runs thence S. 12 W. 8 chains and 34 links to another - . corner of said five (5) acre tract; On premises, above thence N. 76 1-2 W. 2 chains and 39 links to a stake; thence N. 12 E. 8 chains and 34 links to a stake near the road; thence S. 76 1-2 E. to the beginning, containing two (2) acres. more or less. For further descrip tion see deed from Neill A. Moore and wife, Martha Moore, to Hardy J Moore, recorded In Book 174, page 4 66, records of Harnett County. -This November 15th, 1921. CHAS. ROSS. Trustee for N. W. Gregory. 17-5 north 46 1-2 east, 10 chains to a stake where once stood a post oak the corner of lot No. 1 and also a corner of the Norman McLeod tract; thence up the juniper on the hillside north 19 east, 8.66 chains to a stake corner; thence as Norman McLeod's other linenorth 48 east, 10.75 chains np to his corner; thence as his other line north b ner of lot south 80 1-2 west to the beginning, containing 20 3-4 acres, more or less. Being- lot No. 10 in the division of the lands of Daniel McLeod, de ceased, allotted to Neill H. McLeod, now deceased. Place of sale described. Time of sale: Friday, December 16th, 1921, 11 a. m. Terms of sale: One-half cash and balance one and two years secured by mortgage on premises. This the 14th diy of Nov., 192). L. L. LEVINSON, 17-5 Commissioner. first woman elected to oar state leg islature should have Introduced an her first bill one to make the grant ing of divorces easier. We had hoped that when woman entered politics she was going to stand foursquare on questions where morals and es pecially the sanctity of the home are involved. It Is the duty of the Chris tian people of our land to demand that our divorce laws conform to thr law of God: otherwise the home It domed, and the moral fiber of oui fpeople is made weak. But what will do most to stem the divorce evil and prevent wrecked homes Is to make our marriage law more strict and Instill In the heart and minds of the young higher ideals of the sanctity of the marriage rela tion. Young people marry whose tastes and Judgment have not fully matured and who have no settled occupation and means of livelihood; too often It is due to maudlin senti mentality; perhaps the man wants r housekeeper or the woman a home to keep; In either case both are sadly cheated; and It Is only a short while till they cease to court one anothet and begin to court the divorce mill Such persons In their haste to ge' married, and for fear of parental ob jection, too often do not so much af consult their parents who love then better than their own lives; to make matters worse these hasty marriages are frequently performed by civil magistrates; we are prone to forget 1 that marriage was Instituted by God and regulated by his commandment, "and that, therefore. It Is most fitting 1 that it be performed by one who rep 1 resents God to the people the Chris tian minister; that since It V a sol emn contract Joining two souls to gether as long as life shall last. It should be entered Into only under the most solemn circumstances and performed by one who will Invoke the divine blessing upon this sacred union. Marriage Is made too easy. The state should hedge it about with strict regulations requiring that It be performed under circumstances of dignity, after due deliberation, and publication beforehand. This done there would be fewer Ill-considered ! marriages; fewer persons would mar- . ry in haste to repent at leisure; there , would be fewer wrecked and ruined homes; and the Seventh Command j ment would not be so wantonly and i shamelessly and frequently violated ; by the divorce evil. I It the commission of adultery Is 1 fatal to the progress of the nation and destructive to the home. It Is be cause his sin reeks such serious con I sequences upon the Individuals who i compose the home and make up the 1 nation. It is hardly necessary foi ; me to remind you of the conse quences; you have but to go to out i insane asylurans and see there 1 large proportion of its Inmates (e , pectally among the women) who have gone stark mad because of this sin; , or you have but to examine the regis tration records or tne recent war draft and see that approximately 50 I per cent of the men of our country 1 were physically unfit for service as I a result of transgressing this law; or , look Into the list of Incurables In the nospitai wards; or, worse still, go Into our blind asylums and behold large proportion of those Innocent young people who must pass their lives In darkness because of the sins of the parents usually the fathers: and In thousands of homes sad-faced mothers whose health has been per manently Impaired and whose spirit has been sorely wounded by those to whom they had given their heart and life, and In whom rthey had trusted. Oh. we can't begin to picture to you the revolting consequences that soon er or later follow the violation of this commandment. If murder kills Its thousands, adultery kills Its tens of thousands and leaves behind it blast ed homes, suffering and diseased bodies, and damned soults. Is It any wonder that ministers of the Gospel are warning the people against be modern dance that by Its very nature constitutes a fierce temp tation to this sin? A few years ago the Rockefeller foundation Instituted an Investigation of the vice condi tions of several of our cities. And by their own admission 76 per cent of the fallen women attributed their downfall to the dance. In view of this fact, how any father and mother wno nave regard to their son s or daughter's chastity can consent to the familiarities that are part anc parcel of the modern dance. I can see. Yet they not only permit It bu some actually encourage It by theit presence or participation. And th pulpit Is not alone In warning again! mis amusement, out tne judges c the superior Judges are warning the people. Most of you doubtless no-) tlced the remarks to this effect of a, superior court Judge In his charge to the Jury in Fayettevllle recently.1 ome time In the past I clipped this item from a dally paper: "Out of the: 31 divorce cases tried before Judge' F. A. Daniels, of superior court yes terday. 23 verdicts granting divorce; were rendered. Many of the cases were dispensed with In very short time, some of them taking hardly more than 10 minutes. Judge Dan iels In his charge to the Jury spoke of the increase In divorce salts la this state. Three years ago a divorce salt In this state was rare, be stated. He enumerated many thugs. Includ ing moving picture shows aad mod ern dancing, which be attributed to be the causes of the ever-increasing number or divorce suits In thl state' Furthermore, the ministers of the church of Christ, who have made a specialty of studylnc the Stiiotnre and Its bearing on batata conduct, are unsparing tn their denunciation or the dance as being sabversive of morals and blighting to the Christian life. Does their opinion count for naught? The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church has time and again warned the people against the dance as being an Insidious rp- itie posing as an angel of IlxhL The Session of this church has gone on record to the effect that the dinrs t by Its very nature sinful and a t1w. Ing with grave concern the Partici pation of any of oar members In It. Hut brethren. I would spekk todav not merely to your heads bat to your nearts. wnen we Identified oar- selves with God's people we solemn ly vowed to follow in tne steos of Jesus. Those steps don'l lead through a dance hall they are steps marked witn mood and agony. This Gospel that aaves us has been boacht with blood. It has been preserved for u by the blood of martyrs of past cen- dowa Into moral depravity. I hat Terr Inadeqaaiely pointed oat oe of the thins that !d to ihm lran g re ion of the Swia Cmtna4 meat, aad loo often to the ttreat rata of body, tn'nd aad soal; l&ioc that result la the a a ha ??'.&- r-1 actual wreck of tfcoaaa4a of homei with their disastrous eoaaaear le Innocent women and cfciUrra: ard tbe are things that If aar"irctK win atumatcty durspt oar stiloa and destroy oar ChmtUa emula tion. la conclusion, there are rra! suggestions of a positive cfcaractt-r that will, t believe. ail as ia obey ing this Commandment: 1. Let as bring prepare to War on oar IrcUtators to ast strict ar4 tint form marriage aad divorce !. allowing divoorre for only one cu adultery. 2. 1-rl as establish a sinx moral standard same for mea a for wo ma. Morals of a community arr only a h!ch as thoe of It sotwn We ostracise aa Immoral wotr.aa. we ought to ostrarue aa Immoral man A fallen maa I a- vile a a f ::--. woman. Tendency tow I far ot, to descend to tna' standard f J .t" law demands the very fcifi-e.". o Jo bs come np to ber standard, and t: ter still, to Cod's standard. 3. The aart way to c!aa tiv.tr. Is rleaa thinking: for "as thinketb." and as Ju said. "Ye have heard that It was s-;4 Thou shalt not commit adultery; but t s-y unto you. that everyone that look: oa a woman to last after tr aaii traafre of t-sld ac.e a&4 t-.c.r.x w;;i oa tie lth day of D2.tT. 1)21. c!f for at nV.ic ar-,ow for rah. at the cosri&ou door la Ur.inctoa. N. t ifc Ut at4 fc-rt bidder tie fo'.Jouitg x rib-e-d ral ettatej Frt Tract: Iwg.atsJrg at aa iroa t'.u la the taidd: cf !le la::: cu aad Mu?c&;a road, tfceace 8 ii K 12 So chains 10 a rrtr and slate ia Htard WNi:; J e; i.i.t jt T2 ctsifi 10 a stake aad corner ia V.u ard McN;:r l.ae; t&tt jt, x; i;, 2.17 r&si&s lo a stake aad coraer ia f'.i-rtard "AtStV.Y Use; tfca H. 21 V, s 33 chains to a stake a&d oe ar! ibr-aev si, 11 V. I3.S ct:t to a corner la t catr of tie Vt trtt) en road lktr a tt W rwd N. 20 V. i.2i cla;a to a r ar i -id road; tc N. 2 W. a lie said ro4 S 34 c Xa.a la a cor-t-er la lie sid road. Ils.rv N. 1 II, & !'& io II tf..fcc. tt.i::t:tt 12 a err-. lire art- tt ;d trart roaseied lo V, It. Jlr N : atd jUrsn It. l Ni: rof 4-4 ia llo. ITS. pae il. aid si lot l ty 112 fe! :4 l- l : tf.ca c;?o (cc'toredl Ciurtl. !oi Trad: Her at aa iroa pia la 11 tau44i of it Vt ctirfa aad tat:;?- mad. a err ef IX. t. U5:io' tid. aJ to. a tl : I road H : W 2 IT cl:ti 10 a stake la II road. le K I K. 9 II ls; lo a ;'.sl &4 fil er. tie ood: Ilea N, 2 K Z 23 cla:& lo a stake ia it ef O e 2' a t r h lot ; w :h llal l- N. Ji W. II t:ak lo a r-rr ef ll turles. And c need not think that, committed adultery lth l-r already clurth lot; ile a 11 l.ae f ito 11 win cost os nothing to live op to, ia his heart.' it. Christ a terms are the same to- lo keep th Hut how are e going lloafMs Bar lit day as always. He said: -He thai satarating the mind with llo would come after me. let him deny! things that ennoble aad elevat: wr himself, take op his cross aad follow' mast be careful to attend only iba !' jou laaen up tnai cro7 , ineairtcai pr 1 or mane ana matt me. MV brot her It's m try V w . II Into the ballroom. The two ihinre re otterly Inconsistent. 1 appeal 10 yoa. ray brethren, can yoa In the shadow of the cross go oa with the dance? "Beneath the cros of Jesus." But the dance Is not the only thing that Is leading oar yoang people Into transgressing the Seventh Command ment. There Is the theater and the movie with their salacious and Inde cent scenes: there are the magatines and books on the tables of some col lared homes with pictares and sto ries that are suggestive and vulgar: and there are the smooty Jokes and stories passed from mouth to mooth of apparently respectable people, that are calculated to arouse the pas sions. .-ow 1 would not make a sweeping condemnation of theatrical performances and movies any more than I would of magaxlnes and books; but the larger proportion of ine rormer and a smaller proportion of the latter are decidedly Injurious and Christian people cannot be too careful as to the character of the plays they witness and of the litera ture they read. 1 might go on to call your atten tion to the evil that lurks la this nlght-rldlng In automobiles on the part of young people, a thing that Is working havoc wiih so many of the yoang people of our country; and many other liberties that are betng allowed, bat time will not permit of further detail. SufSce It to say that If you have your eyes open yoa are bound to recognlxe with me the ap palling fact that the morals or oar country have broken down. Samar cand Manor is having to doable Its rapacity. And If half the reports that reach me are true the town of Llllington Is not one whit behind the rest of the country aa regards Its morals. It Is high time for the Christian people of thta community to arouse themselves from their self complacency and root oat those per sons that are vltlatlnc our atmo. phere: and put a stop to those prac tices that are carrying oar younr. and read oaty tho4 rara-i;n- an t books that are cteaa and .opUftlec. we must shua thos staswaai such as the dance. ulUh kindle th passion: and engage only ia t lo social fetivti- which are whole some and chaste. Let as pray Da vid's prayer. "Create la me a cleaa heart." etc. 4. Let as dedicate the bodies aad minds to God. ever bearing ia mind that they are temp.es of tie Holy Chose, and must be kept fit for Hi Indwelling; filling the hands and hearts so completely with good work and holy thoughts that there win b no time or Inclination for the iliac that defile. Brethren, what has ba said here this morning has not been sid la a spirit of contentiousness, but with love for everyone of yoa and witb a fiacere desire to ait you la eradi cating from your heart aad life some things that would de tie. won't you go oat from this service la a spirit of prayer and not of criticism? And ron'l yoa prayerfully compare what fias ba said with God's Word? and then If In your jadgmeat God's Wont does not bear out my remarks. ! the courage to come and show rr.e my mistake aad ducard what ha Jbeea said. If. on the other hand, yoa are convinced that this Is the peaching of Scripture, tiro, my brethren, may Cod give you grace to be hoaest with your If aad wish him and to conform your life lo hi aobi standard. sa'd lot X 2 II II t.tl. lo aao'.ler orr of ll cisr Id ia Mr. fUl s&ca's line; tla lr I. a N. V. t 31 ela:& lo Ike Wc :&'.&. roa la'&inc lire acre Titn ef Stale: IfosJay. lwalt 111. 1921. 12 o'clock 34. nr of jt.a5: Coaniou doo-r ia Ia::.bgtoa. N, C Terms f J.a!: CaV Tli lie ITth day of NosesaWr. 1)21. J. C. THOMSON. Traafre of V.otf Wtla:i T. Jfars Alty. 21-1 NtmCi: OF UANII HALK. Under aad by virtue of the power of sale contained la a certaia mort gage deed executed oa the 12th day of November. 1913. by L. U Hudson and wife to the Hank of Broadway, said mortgage deed being recorded la Book llo. page 311. of the record la the See of the RecUter ef Dds for Harnett county, aad said ln4r tl pouer cotstaiaed ia a de4 of trust givea ly Noah ! M aad wlte. Mary ". art. la J, I. r.sta. Trust, a N1t I? 2t, recorded la Sooh is. fr Sis. Hart.! couasy rt is" ft. tie ader;gae4 w$;i c rr for a3. at s-arlic auetloa. lo ll k'.glt fc:4ir Ztr cah. before tl courthsu'- d.f la LilUagtoa. Norta Carolina, ca Wda4ay. KaUt 21. at I? o'clock 34 . a certa'a lrat r r"r eel of la ad. tying la Harnett osty. slate ef North Cro::aa. a4 de scribed la sal4 d4 of trut a fol low: Adjoining tl iaa-ds f tl F. Jcla soa. Jim Cobb. Cas ltat:V aad !lrs. sJtaate la Grov Tr.V:. llartie'.l county, oa Coat roil : lire mi'. from Coat, k"ot a AJS Stewart's plac. wlere be ;sd aad died, roatai Ji 1 arir. -of r Til 4erriti- is ilw from dd frota ol Wi'sian. r -; Stewart aad tlrr a Xaal I st art. dat4 Vk 2. !; Notemler 22. 1921. I, P. tlt'NS. frw'. luttett A MordecaL Atty. I I gage deed aad note having ba duly transferred and assigned to J. C. Thomson, and there beieg default in the payment of the note set out la said mortgage. the undersigned Four milk cows. Tire cae dropped la NovelT. Ifll;&kistf buying com and lies, tsa la;"-! yoa. Alo Iuror ioat. sows and pit. Lose tas'- to".c-m ort- An mX rarmers' prv. sgf.lti: IH11L VAKH A. I. lrvWxrsi !. tlaaalrvri. X. . Fever and LaGrippe. It's the most speedy remedy we know, raiEBii r - 5i h 1 I BARNES & HOLLIOAY COFlf ANY , I ; jsa " s"rsaasrrr-----1 1 COATS AND DUNN PIANOS, ORGANS, NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES NEW EDISONS hi We will deliver an Edison in your home at the same price any catalogue house will give. Do not send your money away when you can get better service at home. THE BARNES & HOLLIDAY COMPANY sl MILL SUPPLIES PIPE, BLACK AND GALV. STKAM FITTING. IIOILKIIS BOILEIt TURKS EXGIXRS AND PVMPH F.NGINK FITTIXGH WATER TANKS SMOKE STACKS Pl'LLEYS, SHAFTING IlELTIN'O AND HOPE RniUTT METAL PACKING AND GRAPHITE MACHINE TOOLS STEEL CAniJK STEEL PAINTS MILL PAINTS Machine Shop General Repairs Locomotive Repairs Welding and Brazing Logging Equipment COMPLETE STOCKS Wire, Write or 'Phone 08 or 1541 Make This a Sensible GHRISTMAS Below will be found a list of goods wc are offering for the festive season that should appeal to every intelli gent buyer. FOR MOTHER Community Silver (warranted for 50 years) Universal Aluminum Cooking Utensils Pyrex Cooking Ware Kitchen Cabinets Sanitary Kitchen Tables Felt Mattresses and many other articles of service FOR FATHER AND BIG BROTHER A good Gun (the kind they have always wanted) A big variety of Pocket Knives from which to select A Shaving Set Tools of all kinds FOR THE YOUNG LADY OF THE HOUSE A Suit of Furniture Columbia Grafonola and Records FOR THE CHILDREN Roller Bearing Coaster Wagons Daisy Air Rifles Nursery Rhyme Cooking Sets of Pure Aluminum Pocket Knives Kido-Bikes, etc Give presents that will furnish pleasure and be of ser vice long after Christmas has been forgotten MAKE THIS A SENSIBLE CHRISTMAS McLauchlin Hardware & Furniture Company -IP noi'GIIT FROM 1 IT WORTH THE PRICE-

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