IARNETT COUNTY NEWS NOTICE OF SALE. cnuJtv mSS7n? -aMfi Harne" dersigned commissioner will, on the ? J SmuS i t V I sptecial Proceed- third day of April, 1922, at twelve Zlttr W L s-nntTr' rT8'oR- ' 'clock M- at the courthouse door in T W Senter and T Sent6r LilllDStn. North Carolina, offer for wifp'ThPtfl'Maft?;: Mtthews and sale to the highest bidder for cash a wife, Thetie Matthews, the same be- certain tract of land lvine and beine Lo Let us quote you our price on J. T. Lewis' "DUTCH BOY WHITE LEAD" And PURE AMERICAN LINSEED OIL The best materials for a durable and beauti ful appearance for any building on your yrarm. HUSKE HARDWARE HOUSE Phone 54 LILLINGTON, N. C. ComilllaciuL- This the 2d day of March, 1922. 9-4 THE.SECOND MONTH OF 1922 finds many of us forgetting January's good Resolutions. That's why, if we are to make this a year of accomplish ments, each one 6f February's twenty-eight days calls for action. ' Down here at the bank there is a brand new pass book waiting for you. Before another day passes come down and act on that Good Resolution to become a regular bank depositor. HARNETT COUNTY TRUST CO. LILLINGTON, N. C. OFFICERS ' B. P. Gentry, President O. L. Johnson, Vice "President r W. L. Sutton, Secretary-Treasurer S. A. Boney, Trust Officer J. R. Baggett, Solicitor. ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. S. R. McKay wishes to announce that he is located in Lilling ton for the practice of dentistry, in the offices former ly occupied by Dr. L. J. Dupree J. C. THOMSON. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE PERSONAL Dr. J. W. Phillips of Sanford. Te ntly of Garfield Memorial Hospital, "ashlngton. D. C, and of the George 'ashlngton University, has arrived ?re and assumed the practice of ediclne In association with Dr. J. 'Halford. JLlUIngton welcomes r. Phillips. Mr. MacD. Holllday of Dunn wa ist week elected a director of the Irginla & North Carolina Imple- lent & Vehicle Dealers Association hich held Its annual session In Wll- on. Mr. Holllday served the mat ear as president of the association. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Doane and fam- y, who hate been living at Lllllng- on for Beveral months, are back In leaufort where they will make their ome. Beaufort News. Jon A. Royall, Jr.. who has been iring in LIHIngton tor a year or so. Irrlved In Beaufort Sunday and win be here for some weeks. Beaufort .'ews. Misses Sue and Kittle Mae Snipes f Clio, S. C, spent the week-end ith their brother, Mr. C. L. Snipes, t The Killlegrey. Mr. and Mrs. John Allen McLeod Knd children of Dunn were here piesday, the. guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1. P. Gentry at The Killleerer. Hon. H. L. Godwin of Dunn was here Tuesday In attendance upon the ivll session of Recorder's Court. Dr. C. R. Young of Angler was ere Tuesday." Mr. A. R. Suggs of Upper Little Hirer was here on business Tuesday. Mrs. L. D. Burwell returned Tues day from a couple of weeks' visit to relatives In Smlthfield. Miss Sarah Ellen Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Parker, and Mr. John M. Griffith of Angler were married Tuesday afternoon In the office of Register of Deeds, Justice J. N. Fuquay officiating. The couple left Immediately for Angler, where they will make their home. . Dr. J. W. Halford left Sunday for ,Walterboro, S. C.. to- be with his brother, who Is seriously 'ill. Mrs. Halford is spending the week In Ral eigh with her sister, Mrs. J. L. Par ham. Mr. N. W. Gregory of Buies Creek was here Monday. Mr ! JU I . ! ! Taste is a matter of tobacco quality We state it at our boot belief thai the tobaccos used in Cbcstcrficll are of fiaer quality (tad hence of better tire) than in snjr other cigarette at the price. L'ara tf S(r$ 7iJa C, 'J N Z43 ft vV Tl Uhesteriield CIGARETTES cf Turldih and Domestic tobaccos bUndcd ROOM for 4HO MOKE AT THE t XIVKRHITY Chapel Hill. March IS Four hun dred and eighty graduates of North Carolina high schools and prepara tory schools for whom there Is now no room at the University will find quarters ready for them 'at the open ing of the fall term neit September. These accommodations are provid ed from the appropriation made by the 1921 legislature for the expan sion of the University. The need for them arose because the high schools of the State were pouring snore and Gregory has! more students Into Chapel Hill each almost recovered from his long lU-jrear. There was no place for thete ness during which he was confined to! students to live, and so for a lone i the hosnital for several wki itma ihr. ! k..h a . ARency for Best Old Line Companies t Rev. J. F. Menlus, Presbyterian1 log. nttnn!cc at a stake la N. II. Slewarfs line and runs ft. 10 K. Ml chains to a slake; tfctee K. 7 ciaias to a pine stamp: these S. (& IL 10 ehslns to stake la A. I- lur.ys tine; thence as hi N. 10 W. C So to a stake; t&enc N. So C C chains to a stake: thence N. 40 K. 7 ctajas to a white oak: thec N. SO tL 3.7S chains to aa oak; thne N. SS e ;:& to a slake: thence K. S ck:cs to a e; isc s.Q raalss lo note or !. U'tf the t4 jrs t:h tie j:ta u::rf ::vj. Tils Slr4 day f rb. 111 ltARNUTT COUVTT THUT CO. Coaa'i:nf. HXttl at iiorrl. Attva. -4 xtn muz at nttG.tx rmcsi. Two S-hor mos -at us, ta Al at ka:f price, Oae li Inta Wir.usi era r.L . Oxe i m iZZtm 11 a i. J . - a -?"- Oae 2 0 lae lirllag r... ; . : ssci;ae i tiav. 1 1. care . a a e.ae cuslas to r id ofiiniunf. eoniaiaisc f I arr. This the 2d day of Msren. 122. L. L LEVIN50N. CoaalMiotr. r;ey. goo4 aa aw. r- tiritJ 14 t?.vU. Oae ( hone kvrotese excise (&oai4 ea s?l track. Ose Joka lr nitac p'.ow. to 12-taa j:ows ea stock leras 2 4tack al oae farrow. Oae S SlK harrow, li-t&ik 1. II. Co, ea. Oae stalk catur, P. A O. cake, u Cx4 Tkrs-e O.lver walktag r.owa. Oae CTatusooca No. C2. LIFE AND FIRE LILLINGTON. N. C. DR. J. R. EDWARDS Dental Surgeon Office Over Bank of Fuquay FUQUAY SPRINGS, N. C. Cardenas -Phone 9-2m WE HAVE THE BEST GOODS " AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES -for quality and MAKE US PROVE IT! We have the well-known Beasley Shoes low price they are unequaled. Overalls, Work Shirts and Cloth. If you want to save money on your Groceries, come and trade with us. x t PARKER & LONG Phone 47 Quick Delivery LILLINGTON, N. C. BAGGETT & MORDECAI Attorneys at Law LILLINGTON, N. C. Chas. Ross Neill McK. Salmon ROSS & SALMON Attorneys at Law. LILLINGTON, N. C. . , The construction of the new Mor Byrd, chairman Board of 'mitorles affords a striking demon. stration of the difference lo building costs between. 1919, when the Steele minister of Buies Creek, was here Monday. On account of the illness of Pastor Klrkpatrick there was' no service at the local Presbyterian church San day. Mr. Klrkpatrick has been suf fering for several days with eye trou ble. Mr. N. A. Smith of Kipling, mem ber Doard of Education, was here (.Tuesday. Mr. J. C County - Commissioners, was here Tuesday en route to Raleigh on busi ness. Attorney Cavlness Brown went to Raleigh on business Monday. Messrs. J. W. and W. L. Senter of Kipling were here on business Tues day. Mr. P. A. Canaday of Western Harnett was here Monday. Mr. J. S. Johnson, forest fire war den of Western Harnett, was here Tuesday. . Mr. C. D. Hawley. of Greensboro, a former citizen of LIHIngton, has been spending a while here this week visiting friends. Not only the Increased output of the high schools, but the widened opportunity for self-help. Is respon sible for the . growth In attendance. Young men make their way through by doing all sorts of work eteaogra phy and typewriting, walling at ta ble, working In the laundry and the printing plant, aad many other occu pations. Includlog manual labor. xonn: of haul Under and by virtue of aa crdr of the Superior Court of ltarett Couniy made lo the special prcx4- Oae L4fe!tr cra as cotloa fUat ma louLM iiamtti county Trust er. Oae Co. com p'.aaur. Oae Compear, administrator of Ja'.ia John Dr row rU:a raStv Balter. deceased, the same b!cc No. valor wjih !: aad ealUvator at 19C0 a poo the SprU! rroc4:s Uataat. Ole tr'.ec saewtag caa docket of said Court, the oadn:ce4 ct!ae, Oae C&a.x&aioa taowtag txa commUsloner win oa Moodar. tie dca:ae. Oee hay rake. Also two trr day of April. 1922. at 12 o'clock li - i:::tr duif.iaiiri aad fn'A tf al the courthouse door la Li;::ng:os. d:rrtt klsis of we4rs aai rsta N. C.. offer for sa:e to the h:xst valors.. s;ris uth aai s:;ke tooti Didder for cash that certaia tract cf aad ite cultivator aai ejruit land Iring la LT.'.iectoa toaiht?. plows, tsallocks, to. tiuafotk aaa Harnett coontr. adjosolag the Uad fsretlag tools garrai:y. Will s:i at oi j. v. Ncuontia a&a taore par tic a- trc :a pr'.c. Have rat4 to a Urlr described at follows Hctnalcc at a oi the Mill Road wt of latii tui Itr'a bouse: thence &. f 1-2 11 J i chs. to aa iroo stake: thite N. l 1-2 11. 7.27 cha. to aa lro& s ske: dormitory was begun, and this year. ce r. z E. 1.42 chs. to a tit &t- 1 w DR. J. C. MANN . EYESIGHT SPECIAUST WILL BE AT OFFICE" OF DR. S. R. McKAY Every first Friday in each month. Glasses fitted that are easy and rest ful to the eyes. Headaches relieved when caused by eyestrain. Cross eyes straightened without the knife. weaK eyes oi children and yoang people a specialty. - Consultation free and invited. MY NEXT VISIT WILL BE FRIDAY APRIL 6 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF OOUXTYWIDE SING MET The Steele. Which was erected by the old State building commission! cost 12.200 per student accommodated. The new dormitories, which are be ing put up under the direction of a committee of the trustees of the in stitution, are cosllag something less than SI, 000 per student. And they are of the best type of building, fire proof throughout with slate roofs. NOTICE! I am collecting accounts oo the Burwell books. All persons Indebt ed on same will find me at mv house. Please call and settle. Vi It. John son. LIHIngton. lp It's Time to Plant Again! . SPRINGTIME IS PLANTING TIME OUR STORE IS IMPLEMENT HEADQUARTERS Of course you can hardly realize that it is time to plant again time flies so fast! - But the planting season is upon us, and you will need good implements in order to get by with your preparations and obtain the best re sults. It takes almost twice as long to cover a field with an old wornout plow or harrow.' Come get a new one. Also, you will find anything else you may need in hardware right here in our store. Come in and look. The execntive committee of the Countywlde Sing met Monday even ing fn the Board of Education office. Members from . different sections of the county were "present and plans were discussed for putting on the Sing this yeir. The following offi cers were elected: Miss Mame Camp. Chairman execu tive committee. Professor Leslie H. Campbell, chairman publicity committee. Mr. H. T. Spears, chairman finance committee. i Mrs. H. M. Spears, chairman music committee. . " i A tentative program was made oat and it was decided to endeavor to get Mr. Roy M. Hoffmelsler, commu nity service, musician of' New York City, here to conduct' a "school for leaders in each community for at least ten (fays preceding the Sing. Mr. Hoffmeister ably coached the classes and conducted the demonstra tion last year. It was decided to bold the Sing on Labor Day in LIHIngton. A commit tee was named , to represent each county and these committees will be responsible for forming the classes. Further announcement in regard to the 1922 Sing will be made later. .NOTICE OF HALE. Pursuant to a Judgment of the Su perlor Court of Harnett County made In the special proceeding therein pending entitled Nancy J. N orris and others vs. Herbert R. Norria et ox. the undersigned commissioner of the court will offer for sale, to the high est bidder, for cash, at Ui court house door of Harnett County, i LIHIngton. North Carolina, oa April 3d. 192. at 12 o'clock XI.. the fol lowing deacribed tract of land, situ ate .in Grove Township. Harnett County. North Carolina, and bound ed as follows:. V - BARNES-HOLLIDAY C 0 liy LOCATED IN DUNN DOING BUSINESS THROUGHOUT HARNETT COUNTY "7 ood slake la the edce of ruaJ thence wua 4id road N. IS . to the beginning, containing lo acres tusa t&al baa !: of his owa ail take by rte slie doa't a4 ties. 'If Is 4 of ear of Ke cose lo cse ail Ut s if we caa da sse bttis. Tire ts'.'.k cows for sAie. m roc 8-3s as & PJgs. KO.UA tits tCAL TARK. A. I. l-Vrrn, Pvt. . ci. n. i. lp IF YOU APPRECIATE SERVICE plus guaranteed quality for less money, then connect up with Phone No. 40 and make us prove that this is. the store where these three important factors pre dominate. See us before selling your surplus meat, 0 eggs and other produce. FOR SALE Fine Percheron brood mare eight yeara old. or will exchange for Ford car in good condition. Rev. L. R. Gaines, Mamers, N. C. lp NOTICE To the? Town Taxpayers, if your taxes are not paid by April 1st, your property will be advertised to be sold the 1st Monday in May, 1922. MILL SUPPLIES riFK, BLACK A XI OALV.' bteam FrrnxcJi DOILKIM BOILER TUBES " ENGINES AND PlIPS ENGINE FITTINGS WATER TANKS 8MOKE STACKS PULLEYS, 8HAFTJNQ , BELTING AND ItOrE BABBITT" METAL TACKING AND GRArHITi: MACHINE TOOUS STEELABLE . STOU PAINTS MILL PAINTS i Machine Shop e General Repairs Locomotive Repairs Welding and Erarinjr Logging Equipment COMPLETE STOCKS McKINNEY BROTHERS QUALITY AND SERVICE LOMCO DAIRY FEED DAIRY FEED We are manufacturing these well-known brand of feed especially for the cattle and stock owners of this s-ectioo. Those who are using them are highly pleased with the reiulta. Those who have not given them a trial will do well to atari now. We are aure they, too, will become e convinced that Lomco and Elk are the BEST CATTLE AND STOCK FEED Yours very truly, -s LILLINGTON OIL MILL -COMPANY J. H. DIXON Town Tax Collector. Wlrf, WHto or Phono OS or 154 9-3

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