HARNETT COUNTY NEWS1 TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE J. G. Layton to H. C. Stephens, 27 acres in Upper Little River, $100 and other " consideration. J. A. Albritton to Fannie M. Wynne, 100 acres in Neills Creek, $7,500. $325. R. L. Godwin, trustee, to W. P. Holt, 134 acres in Grove, $5,000. Mack Herring to R. T. Johnson,! 10 acres in Hectors Creek, $75. Moses Hargrove to Ross Smith Best, lot in Dunn, $200. P. T. Massengill et al. to Trustees Dunn Graded School, lot in Dunn, MMMMmmMMBBS' WILLIAMS BELK COMPANY New shipment Dressy, Also Matron's, Hats this week ' Millinery Dept. A Wide Selection OP Children's Muslin Pants and Bodices Special 25c each J. G. Williams, commissioner, to Curtis Hair, 140 acres in Barbecue, $1,750. J. G. Williams, commissioner, to Phil Chalmers, 145 acres In Barbe cue, $1,818. M. J. Cameron to J. P. Rosser, 87 acres, in Barbecue, $475. B. F. Shaw, C. S. C, to James Matthews. 200 acres in Neills Creek, $S50. , W. R. Denning to Ella A. Neigh bors, 33 acres in Averasboro, $1,857. H. L. Godwin to J. Robert Young, Jot in Dunn, $10 and other consid eration. M. T. Wilburn et al. to J. C. Wii burn, 113 acres in Hectors Creek, $100 and other consideration. E. P. Davis et al. to Edward Pur die, lot In Dunn, varioifs consldera- J ' tions. 9 Choice Blouses and Skirts I are here for you Embracing all that's new in style and material bought with an eye to service, priced for quick turnover. SPORT SKIRTS in the new Fringe and Plain models of Tweed, in Tan, Blue and Green Mixtures. Priced $6.95 to $9.95 Beautiful quality Prunella Skirts in Plaited Models in lots u of new color combinations. Priced $4.98 and up to $9.95 y, V BLOUSES PRICED $2.98 This price includes Pongees, Stripe Tub Silk, Crepe and Minionnette Brambly Blouses, in all colors and sizes, 36 to 44. These are special values for $2.98 A new shipment of Tailored and Fancy Models in Crepe de Chine Waists in good, heavy quality, in all the leading colors. Priced $4.98 Silk Minionnette Sweaters in a range of sport colors $4.98 BRAMBLY JERSEY DRESSES $5.95 1 A shiDment of this DODular style in a good quality of t worsted Jersey in all the best colors Special for $5.95 $ HOUSE DRESSES AND NURSES' UNIFORMS 1 of the famous "L'Aiglon" make ; good quality and made i right. Special for $2.98 Edward Purdie to Edward Purdic Jr., lot in Dunn, $1 and other con sideration. - Dr. C. R. Young, trustee, to A. B. Currin, 35 acres in Black ItlTer, and lot in Angier, $3,547. C. J. Turlington to C. T. Turling ton, 7 acres in Grove, $50. J. S. Johnson to N. Trulove. 265 acres in Anderson Creek, $500 and other consideration. Sallie Purdie to Jerry Byrd. lot In Dunn, $1,200. I W. P. Holt et al. to J. E. Strick land, lot in Duke, $175. A. A. Cobb to Mary Jane McDon ald, 26 acres in Neills Creek, jiuu and other consideration. Lonnle' McDonald to A. A. Cobb, lot in Angier, $100. H. C. Turlington to Lena Scdith, lot in Dunn, $1 and other consider- ation. . A. B. Godwin to R. L. Denning, lot in Dunn, $3,000 and other con sideration. S. W. Langdon to Katie Byrd, 40 acres in Stewart Creek, $300. J. D. Barnes to Mrs. Lee Bridgers, lot in Dunn. $1,400. J. R. Butler to Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co., lot in Dunn, $100 and other cousideration. J. P. Reaves to L. J. Denning, lot in Hectors Creek, $15. John L. Darroch to James A. Mc Donald. 50 acres in Upper Little River, $1,500. . I for her a speedy recovery. Mr. L. R. Trulove went to Fayette- ville Saturday on business. Mrs. J. S. Johnson and daughter. Miss Bessie, spent a while Saturday at the home of Mr. A. S. Davis. Miss Lillian Black spent the week end with her parent. Mr. and Mrs Neill Black at Manchester. Mrs. N. F. Trulove. spent Friday with Mrs. A.S. Davis. Mr. J. S. Johnson and family at tended services at Barbecue church Sunday afternoon. TtT- Mr. McLeod and Mr. Neill Black spent a short wbjle Sunday af ternoon at the home of Mr. A. 8. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Johnson spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. N. F. Trulove. Mrs. N. F. Trulove spent a while Thursday Vlth Mrs. A. 8. Johnson all Llllington. I Mr. Tt Johnson and children spent a while Sunday at the home of Mr. Johnnie Shaw. Mrs. Esther Dlx, a nurse at High cralth Hospital. Fayettevllle, U at Mrs. A. S. Davis nursing Miss Blanche. J. S. Johnson and N. F. Trulove went to Southern Pine last week on business. Miss Maggie and Mr. James Shaw of the Flat Branch section spent a while Saturday at the home of Mr A. S. Davis. Messrs. Eugene. Wilson and Dun can McDonald of Llllington R. 2 spent a while Saturday with Mr. L. R. Trulove. Miss Maggie and Mr. James Shaw of the Flat Branch section spent while Saturday with Miss Maggie brother, Mr. Johnnie Shaw. Mr. N. F. Trulove spent a short while Tuesday at Mr. Arnold Thomas. Mr. L. R. Trulove spent a while Friday with Mr. Glenn Davis. Messrs. J. S.. J. O. and Mrs, J. J. Johnson and little son D. 8. spent 8 aore folly decrib4. as follows: Ser far at rh..e Being the western part of lot N,f&r cah. at the coinbo &r ef lit of the Edea Colony Frail Con- bany and being all the Un4s la sail ol No. 14 on the west s!4e of the Mghway. and co&laial&g 17 are. more or !. This land U situate near Olivia la said County. This the 50th day of February. 1922. D. It. TEACrC 2-4 Tru :- lUrctl Coaaty. ci TharSy. - tin dsy of AptiU 122. at 12 M- rl estate dSa4 ad Z-ct.l follows. to-;t: H4Ciaa!C at a rsa.:g N. 22 K. 6 47 eha:a to a Toe rotr. th.nce R. IS i: 11 t tutt: thec N. S 11. 11.71 ci:-- a tke; W. IS. 1-2 t a stake: lhac S. 1.2 eh:a n - fcrs&cb: lh.ee do ihe bra&'h. !"- notice of m:xALi: av LAXl. various cr 1-2 ct: !- Pursuant to Ja4t!t of the ,u Mrs. Cr.ns'e ctx.tr: Superior Court of Harnett Coanty. sj i chai&s to a :e: ti" -aade la the procilBg therein pn4- jc. 0 K. ie ;ak t a tk. li Bg enUUed J. Greeattal vs. IaUa . :i r.. U cl:si so t nrj.tt.?c. I Veavr, the a&4r:a4 cosai! rtstslaiec 19 C-l scr t-x'-t o- Uiooers appointed by the toart wm e tn5raUr!f 4f " offer for sale lo the kiiit b44r r t:t hrta f.-4. it W"C " for cah oa April 34. 122. at 12 o'clock al the eoarthoaK door of Harnett County. UlUectoa. N. C .he foT.owieg dcrib4 lots or par -els of Uad: Lou No. 12. 12. 14. It and 1C la niock "J la the (Us of the loa of Costs. N. C. each lot froatlsc 14a i.4;ret 2S fu and eita4;eg back 10 ft. This the 27lh day of Fb. I22. L. L LE VINSON and J. 1U DARtiOt'R. 4 CoaniMloan. Champioa Kta! a ra4 ty H AWnt'.ir at4 U S J4t.n wS-h I t14 ia ote e? h Otk I arrlor Coart of lUrttt l-r. Thl lh !S tV of tfTs. !:. J. II. MASON. K or t 1WATCH REPAIRING ITEMS OF NEWS FROM THE VALLEY MOUND SECTION WlillS-BEII SANFORD, N. C. i. CO. I - '4 5 Garden Seed I We can supply you with all kinds of Garden Seed, either in packages or in bulk. Buy one ounce or one-half bushel, just as you like CASH TO EVERYBODY" ITUGWELL'S PHARMACY '4 9 A s v v V We are glad to note Miss Blanche Davis is improving. She has been very ill with pneumonia. We hope Was Very Weak "After the birth of my baby I had a back-set," writes Mrs. Matfle Cross white, ol Glade Spring, Va. "I rasvery 21; thought I was going to die. I was so weak 1 couldn't raise my head to get a drink of water. I took ... medicine, yet I didn't get any better. I was constipated and very weak, getting worse and worse. I sent for Card uL" TAKE while last week with relatives at Red Springs.' Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Trulove and son L. R. went to Llllington Thurs day on business. Miss Bessie Johnson spent a while Saturday at Manchester. Mr. Glenn Davis weni 10 rareuw- vllle Wednesday. Mr. W. A. Shaw spent Sunday with relatives and friends In this section Dr. Cook of Fayettevllle spent h Ha FHdar at the home of Mr. A S. Davis. We are glad to welcome Mr. Jonn nle Shaw and family to our comma nlty. Mr. Robert 'Ooganlus of Overhllls and Mr. Glenn Davis motored to Fay ettevllle Saturday evening. A large crowd attended service at Valley Mound Sunday afternoon. beg to announce that our Re- following d pair uepartmeni is now unaer coaaty.No. new management, naming ir. I. M. Waimer in charge. Mr. Wagner is a skilled and experi enced workman, and we can assure the general public more prompt and better service In the future than we have in the past. We do all kinds of Watch Typewriter paper? oRlc of coane. At The New KXF.CUTOR8 NOTICK. Havlnc Qualified as executor Miss Kate McLeod. deceased, late ot NOTIUK OF Tttl HTKir KAI4: OF LA M. Under aad by virtue of the power of sale contained la a certaia D4 ot Trull, tasde lo the adr:cs4 Trustee, aal da'.y rc'.tr4 la tte oSrt of the Ref.:r of tei for itamett Couaty. la I loo a No. 111. at .isxe 174. elCn, default hav'.st ta tuade la the pta3V a la a: 1 Truit Irt-d provided, aad dm a J tavleg beea taade oa the aadr; d Trustee to :i the property here- aafler dcrlb4. the ae4rt'.c&l rrustee will, oa Thrdsy. the Cth !y of Att. 122. at the hour of 12 Vi'ciock la front of the coarthou loor of Harnett Couaty. North Caro- lea. o?r and u U at pat'ic auctioa. o the highest tUdtr, for cah. the derib4 real estate. !".- egtoa Towathi?. Itsraett Noftni rAitciux IIAIIM.TT niVVTV mitic-: iif niwii.t-rtoN or PAHT IIIMUI. The partarvh'9 terafof V ;t:cc ttwa Ik. J. W. H:fof and N. C, Kill: 5a le : tti.!se aad tl cm! Central ttsrs'.t ltat;?l t tl taka or lh a'.ire tt?rt: ati ffoit!i Sae lie partr - ti; U lo ro.;fr t3 rr-.eat ' n. N. r.;43 r I U! ford r.s4 cr Ihe hoj;tal l cult Mrxt.l ' csr lo lie aair'ta4. ' cUlass a:al :lr of eVr U be 4:?".1 If ai' ' This 21th Sy ef FfTrr. lI2. J. V. If ALFUHI1. Nrmo: if Ttu TirirH 4ij: or Ut4r aad by 2r. of lie pomtr fii: "I'" T W. C. fTe-aft a,4 ; Ucalarly follow: Iiectaaisg al the oathwi roraer ot ft. J. tUliey'a lot la the o:d McKay line aamaasog wua ;d lUKey lot tine south O.S0 K. 2T.l chains to a slake la cair ot the ttaleich. Char lotle aad Soelhera RaHroad: tha with line ot said railroad souih 21.32 riortat S:wart Trtux tor l.Klfl Jo,is. tf"4 rc :h. 11. as.4 do:r r44 ik tt'!iry of ht'.i co-;t Hook IZi. re it. d?. V '. tu made la lie rft t ,t dtl car4 by said dl of lns atd d;aJ ht2C oa ts4 t tbe aa4r:xs4 trx? lo rei E. .2 chalas to a .lake coraer of u ,ar,r trMd ;3 ,A;4 taad formerly sold Mary C. Stewart: of trv. .t2,r. taM wr.l. and Jewelry Repairing, Stone thence with uae of other Uad of sail Setting and Engraving. Watches sent by mail receive prompt attention. W. F. Chears - Sanford, N. C NOnCK OF LAND HALF. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust made by A. C. Carter and wife to D. B. Teague. Trustee. February 8. 1921. recorded In the oSce of Ihe Register of Deeds for Hsrnett Coun Mary C S:wtrt north O S W. 3C chains U a stake la old McKay t'.ae other corner ot said Mary C. S:w art'a land: iheace Ua said old Mc Kay tine north 21.40 east 7.22 chaia lo the begiaei&c. coataial&g 22 14 acres, more or lea. For farther de scrlptloa see deed from Chas. Ro. and wjfe lo Mary C S:ri record ed la Book 171. page 4)3. records of Harnett Couaty. This Tib day of March. It22. CHAS, ROS. f-4 Trut. of XOTtCK OF H.MJK OF ItlUL IiTATK. Under and by virla of the aaihor- ty. In book 19S. page 3)C. the same lly conferred apoa the nadT'ca J having been glvea to secure certain Mortgagee-, and la esecstioa of the bonds therein recited, and said bonds authority and power set forth la a having matured and default having Mortcaxe I4 executed by R. It. been made In the payment thereof. Baker and wife. Cora Baker, of llr and the trustee having been rejut- tu County. North CaroUaa. record ed to sell the land therein dciibed. e4 la the oCee of the Hcitr of I. D. B. Teacue. Trustee, will sell lo Id of Hsralt Couaty la book No. the last and highest bidder for cash. 1 1 C. pace $07. dtfiuU havlec b at the courthouse door of Harnett tnade la Ihe caytae&l of Ihe ladeb!!- County, at Llllington. N. C. at 'two ce. therein dcrib4. asd S4cure4 Harnett county, this Is to notify all! o'clock F. M.. Friday. March 24. by said Mortgsxe De4. dttaaad ha' persons having claims agalnht the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 16th day ot February, 1123. or this notice will b pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay ment. Z. V. CAMERON. Executor. This 16th day ot Feb.. 1922. 1I-P 1922. a certain tract of land lying log been made for the partaval ef aad .being In Harnett County and said iadbtdae. the aa4r:a4 c-13 trdr. Msrta 2i:h. 122. l 12 o'clock M al lie eoutth- Jor t U;:;tg:a. N. C :i for caa to n t'clit b.J4r ti.e toV.omizc d xriW4 real eSa?e. lo-wit: iw.tt a oa-f srth aa4iti4J Is. trt la aad to a rertaia ci land tyiag aad ttr la Aft-o toweih;?. f!5te of North Co".:t-4. adjoiaisg the Us 4 of Frstk rtkr. Raaosi Fesrtatl ad otir. at 4 more psriicaUrJy !rr;vI a f:J low: B!atitg al a tk W. M. 11 f twrt's crar. ad ruts 15.' N. 22 W. 21 le ch.. la a Uke la rm Stewart's Isrse; tS.tce 5, 47 W. IC chaias la a tAk: l,nc JL 2 2 W. 21 19 ch. lo W. Itt. IL '.M" cxf ar la ihe Vhi: ;;: tii N. t 1L lo Ihe tg;ea;ac coaiaiaiag 4t I Z acres isore or !. atsd lor a fartlr dtcr'.f'.ioa of i i;".' ffft l nrctr fa4e to the rof4 of att Coaa'r. It-twk 121. t 11. FUce of Coariho door. L4'.:;&Cta. N. C. Tisi ef J: ivf4f. Mfc 2ilh. 1922. at 12 o:xk M. Tf of Csh. This 22ftd iir t rV. 1I2. J. II. It A QC K IT. 23- 7f'. Ml mm Oiay a. iMe"w FORD Cash You can now buy a new Ford touring car, by paying $185.00 cash and the balance in small monthly amounts on the club plan. Don't be a 'walking John' all your life. Hop into your own Ford and take the family where 'and when you ' want, in all sorts of weather. The car will pay for itself in time saved and the pleasure you will have. Pick the Ford car you want,(huy on this club plan, without ; "red tape" or publicity. It will pay you to investigate. J. T. Northam's Garage PHONE 64 ' " LILLINGTON The Woman's Tonic "I found after one bot tle of Cardui I was im proving," adds Mrs. Crosswhite. "Six bot tles of Cardui and ... 1 . was cured, yes, I can say they were a God-send to" me. I believe . I would have died, had it not been for Cardui." Cardui has been found beneficial In many thousands of other cases of womanly trou bles. If you feel the need of a godd, strengthen ing tonic, why not try Cardui? It may be just what you need. NOTICF. OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as administrator of Mattle F. Williams, deceased, late ot Harnett county. N. C. this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 9th day ot Febru ary, 1923. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to aald estate will please make Immediate pay- rnent. This 9th day of February. 1922. F. O. STEPHENSON. Administrator. Franklin T. Dupree. Attorney. 1S-C All Druggists NOTICE OF. ADMINISTRATION. This is' to rertlfw that I Via wo tfila day administered upon the estate of a. . iiarK, deceased. and as such hereby notify all persons, who owe the said estate any amount to come forward and pay the same at once, and all persons having any claims against the said estate are hereby notified to file same with. me or with my attorneys within one year from date, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. This March 1st. 1922. CYNTHA J. CLARK. Administratrix. Baggett & Mordecal, Attys.. Llllington, N. C. ' 9-6 EXECUTOR-8 NOTICE. Havlnc Qualified aa Executor of R. A. Wood, deceased, late of the County ot Harnett. N. C. this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate ot the said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the ICth day of February. 1923. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay ment. . MRS. MOLLIE A. WOOD. Executor. This 16th day ot Feb.. 1922. NOTICE OF LAND SALE UNDER MORTGAGE DEED. Under and by virtue of aower ot sale contained in that certain mort gage deed, executed by J. E. Wil liams under date of December 24. 1919. to the undersigned, which mortgage deed Is ot record In Rook 116. at page B10. ot the oOce ot Register of Deeds of Harnett county. the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction for cash to the last aad highest bidder at the courthouse door In Llllington. Harnett County, on Saturday. April 8th, 1922. 12 o'clock noon, the following described tract or parcel of land, lying and be ing In Black River Township, said County and State, more particularly described and defined as' follows, to- ,wlt: Beginning at Reves corner. In Deal's line, thence south 31 degrees west 30 chains, and 50 links to a stake In Johnson's line; thence north about 75 decrees west 9 chains and 70 links. With Johnson's line to a stake In Mrs. Kate Matthews' line: thence north with her Une 17 chains to a stake Gregory's corner: thence scuth 88 degrees east with Gregory' line 12 chains and 50 links to a stake, his corner; thence north with his line 8 chains to a stake Gregory corner. In Reave's line; thence south 85 de grees east 11 chains and 69 links to the beginning, containing forty (40) acres, more or lesa. This 3rd day ot March. 1922. M. A. BARBOUR. Mortgagee. Franklin T. Dupree, Atty. 9-4 A FINAL NOTICE I am making tM final appeal to the Taxpayer of thi county. I do not want to advertise anybody's land for sale. But April is the month in which this sale is due to be advertised, and of course I will have no other way to collect unless you pay now. The Commissioners have given me until the first Monday in April to collect your taxes without adding on the penalty. And so I invite you to come fofward now and save this addition al expense. Please settle 'before the first Monday in April. Am i ; SHERIFF HARNETT COUNTY