\ 1- - : -■ ■■■■■■ ■" ■ . '• ■■■■ ■ ■'■ ■'■' '■ •;■: ,-> VX V'" •V A * FI) A. EASON DIES VNi) HILL IS HELD AHditional Cottages for MOI ^erativet About Finbbed At Duke. (Ity Wade H. I/ncas) '. Oot. 7.—Edward A. Eason, l .'.irly Tue.«day morning here ,• ('fTects of being Injured in ..mobile wreck near Linden niKbi. Ho .‘luffeerd a badly 1 i! £V .1 ktill and lived In an uncon- ~i.tte for 20 hours. Funeral w.-ro held Tuesday afternoon. 1.1 loaves .a wife and four chil- .!i,l was .a well known cltUen ko Dewey Hill, driver of the 1.1 ’.tr. was arrested Monday ..ti'i'od with manslaughter and. . and reckless driving. Hill Is lu-ld without ball by Cumber toiiniy authorities In Fayette- bonaei^ were bnllt to earn tor the tremendoua influx of people who will move here when the new mill aUrtt operation. Pinlahing tonehee are he- ng pnt on the M.flflo aplndle mill b the .oont^aetora, and it ia expecte that the plant wiu be ready by ihe flrat o»the year. For the peat yhar Duke has rtsver seen sueh an exten sive building program ag has been in ▼ogue here. Coach Carleton Q. Cole ic .dHving bis squad of football oandidatea ev ery afternoon at the school bnlldiog In order that games may be played with neighboring school teams. The coach hae a likely looking squad of youngsters for berths on the school eleven. Qilbert Woodworth Jr., all round athlete of I>uke High, was elected captain at g meeting of tbr squad last week. HARflETT COUimr HEWS HARNBTT ORAlnVR V. 0. c. TAKES IN NEW MUCirayipB .t.ti new brick store buildings .1 course of con.struction here si ,’!it. being a part of the large ).lim; program which has been go- L.‘'. tiure for the past ten months. I 'ore buildings are being ercc’ i. ilio two present structures .. \l.iin street. An outlay of several it-.ind dollars is being expended tiicse buitding.s, which will be .I'.jticdious in every respect. The i..:.oti Ruilding Co. of Hickory has ••.. contract. The local order of Woodmen of the u'..iiil. assisted by members 'of i >' if camp of PayettevlUe, unveiled I oiontiment Sunday at Coats In hon- of the memory of W. F. Beasley, lio d ied several weeks ago. The ii'iial dedication exercises were car- iir.l out at the unveiling. SeverSt biiiidred people were present at the iiitveiling, which was carried out ac- coi'dlng to the Woodman ritual. Mr. Beasley, who lived near Coats, was a prominent farmer of Harnett and had been a Woodman for many years. The 350 modern dwelling houses begun here about *0 year ago are al most ready for occupancy. These Harnett Chapter. United Daughtere of the Confederacy, held their Sep tember meeting Inat' Tueeflay after noon at the chapter bouse In Lining- ton. Six new members were taken In and applicfalor blanks given .out to two others. The teachers of the Lllllngton school were guesta of the chapter. The State Convention will meet In Rocky Mount October 21 and the general convention will be held In Savannah on November.18th. On.ac- count of these meetings the local chapter will hold Its October meeting on Monday afternoon, October ISth at 8:30, for the electton of delegatci and also officers for the ensuing year Alt members are urged t(^be present promptly. ^ A Rfi-OAliL TO “POT'S FOIAilES'' The “Follies of Foy" are missed by us all. We hope they are not -gone beyond a recall: For the pleasantries of youth And the wisdom of the sage Were both to be found in Foy’s Follies" page. So we’ll say you're like Unto both the sun and the rain. We miss you when you're gone And we hope you'll come again. * Pearce’s Mity Nice Bread is baked in Harnett ^and delivered fresh in UlHngton every day. Ask your grocer for it. Pearce’s Bakery DUNN, N. C. MtlVIfl ELLINGTON VICTIMI™^" OF HOLDUP GANG A. Ac W. Agent at Jonaakoro Beaten Into Uncmiaeiottaneaa Monday NtghL Raaford, Oet. 7.—Sherwood Bl- UngtoB, agent of the Atlantic ft Wes tern- Railroad at Jonesboro, -was found In an unconscious coadltioc this morning between Sanford and Jonesboro, near the Lee county court house. Indications were that he bad been chloroformed. A $65 watch, together wltb |112 in casb,> known to have been in his possession, were missing. A ladles' handkerchief was found spread across his face. Bherlfl Rosser and €hlef of Police MoKlenan of Sanford were Immedi ately notified and went to the scene ef the robbery. They picked Elling ton up and carried him to the Cen tral Carolina Hospital of Sanford. About 9 o’clock he began to regain censelousness and when questioned abont hie assailants, would mutter: “They choked me." Finally he was able to give a slight description of the men. He declared he was signed down by two men who said they were out of gasoline and wanted to ride. After going a short dlstahce the man on the back seat pulled him backwards over the seat. This was all that he was able to tell. The people" of Sanford are very much aroused over the affair and there is a large posse out looking for Mr. Ellington’s assailants. Overby vs. J, W. HblUnga- wortb. J. N. Creel vs. Frank BeUrmer. 0. D. Overby. Aselgnee, vs. A. H. Matthews. D. D. Overby, Assignee, vs. Ed. Major. Farmeri Cotton Oil Co. vs. O. 8. 'Bordeaux et al. « ^ The Flak Tire Co. vs. O. B. Pope et al. Ida E. Oxyndlne vs. O. B. Oxyn dine. * International Agr. Corp. vs. J. A b. Jones. International Agr. Corp va. C. 8 Edwards. International Agr. Corp. vs. Mra E. J. Ouy. International Agr. Corp. vs. J. W Smith. International Agr. Corp. vsr J. J Adams.'^. M. R. Smith va. B. M. Currth. J. B. Colt Co. vs. Msry Lou Royall A. A. Johnson vs. A. Y. Tudor. Odell McNeill va. MarviBiJaekson Proctor-nolllday Co. va. "Lemon Tudor et al. The Satisfaetion yURORS FOR NOV. TERM HARNETT BUPERl(OR COURT CIVIL DOCKET RECORDER'S COURT, OOTOMQR TERM Following cases have been docket ed for October civil t^rm of Record er’s Court, which convenes next Tues day: W. J. Olive vs. C, M. Reaves. Parker Bros. vs. U. S. R. R. Ad min. et al. John Moore vs. Charles McKay. Dan McQueen vs. D. J. Smith et al J. F. Jones vs. W. M. Morgan and O. C. Woodall. The Coe-«Mortlmer Co, vs. C. B. Matthews. J. W. Pegram vs. Fred Senter et al. Sanderlln A Co. vs. J. A. Spivey. A. W. Hodges vs. M. B. Baker. Sinitb ft McKay vs. J. O. Whitten- ton. 0. A. Shaith vs. Claude Matthews. H. J. Lanier vs. Will LaWrenee. George D. Richardson vs. Eddie Warren. Sanders Motor Co. vs. Roy ,Cofleld et al. A. A."Cobb va. Claude Adams et al. J. B. Lanlsr vs. W. R. Bolton. T. V. Stewart vs. W. N. Harper. B. R.' Gates vs. J. Q. Layton. Angler Bank ft Trust Co. vs. J. T First Wedc Anderson's Creek: Elliot, J. E. Jr. Averasboro: Jones, E. L. Jackson, Troy Jackson, M. L. Neighbors, James Barbecue: '^-Holmes, T. N. Black River: Woodall. B. H. Buckborn: McLean, A. L. Tutor, A, y. Jr. Arnold, I. 8. Duke: Boat, E. H. Fowler, A. F. Hector’s Greek: Pearson, J. D. Smith. L. V. Campbell, J. C. Jobniipnville: , Perkins, Eddie Lllllngton: Johnson, C. M, Atkins, N. S. Neill’s Creek: Johnson, M. T. Matthews, N. A, Bonis, ‘W. F, Upper Little River; Brown, J. A. C. Withers, James A. Salmon, W. H. Second Week Anderson’s Creek: Smith, 'D. J. McArtan, Daniel Matthews, O. A. Jr. Butler, W. A. Wood, C. B. Clark, C. C. Monroe, J. A. Elmore, W. O. . Averasboro: Thornton, C. H. Newberry, W. H. Jr. Tripp, Moses of a Good F resh Meats We have installed^ in addition to our Refrigerating Counter, ^ big modern Refrigerator and we always have on hand the very choicest of Fresh Meats as well as sliced cured meats, sausage, etc. We are catering especially to the particular housewife who is careful to see that her meats are kept in a sani tary manner and come to her kitchen r, clean and wholesome. Kirby, Mack Black Rlvor; Barbour, M. F. Buckborn: Wheeler, D. H. Grove: Bennett, R. M. Johnson, Y. 'M. Parrish, J. Henry Johnson, Lawrence Hector's Creek: Jarmon, W. G. Lllllngton: . ’ Long. J. D. Neill's Creek: Green, Hugh Upper (Little River; MePtaai), 8. J. Rogers, J. D. Page. H. B. Jr. WT.EWTY OF THRILIK AT TBIB^ 8TATB FAIR F^Hone Us We cordially invite you, Mrs. House wife, to come in and inspect our Meat Market Department and let us know whether you can put your approval upon our methods of keeping and cut ting meats. We will at all times strive to merit your approval, because we feel sure that upon this we will be fa vored with your esteemed orders. We would appreciate a trial order from you. We are anxious to have you test for yourself as to the quality of the meats we sell. Raleigh, N. C.. Oct. 8.—One of the best combination amusement attra^ -tlons ever seen at the North Caroli na State Fair Is promised this year In ^the- form of 'Hoaglan’s Hippo drome, which Is co&posed of four teen horses, fourteen persons and a complete auto polo outfit of five cars and five noted players. This will be staged on the race track In fall view of all fair visitors. One of the main nttraettons is the auto polo, which is declared to be the most exciting of modern amusements'. Complete games will be played dally between the “Hoosler Tlgera" and the 'Indian Bears.’’ Another Innovation viU.iLbe push ball, staged between teams on borse- back and played with' a ball over four feet In diameter. There will al so be Roman standing races, where three teams of two horses will raoei What can add mor^ of that cozy comfort to a home than a good heating stove for the sitting roam? We have one of the best lines of heating stoves we have ever candied in stock and can offer you a stove that will fit in with and match the furnishing of your home and be an ornament as well as a comfort all during the cold winter days and nights. Then, too,' we have the very best makes of kitchen mnges, such as for instance, the famous Cameron Range, than which there is none bet ter made. When Gen. Pershing said: ^‘Success is d,e-, pendent on the right range,” he was probably thinking of the dependable Cameron Range, which the U. S. Government used in large quantities after rigid test had proven them the best. Lee Furniture Company “ The Happy Home Makers’ LILLINGTON .99 SANFORD standing hippodrome races consisting of two teams of three horses; and running races between thorough breds. For more comical . amusements there will be the unrldable mule; an eight-chair horse - elimination race and last but by no means least, the bucking Ford, a novelty of side splitting proportion. In addition to this big list of at tractions, therp are also on the Hat of the free bill the DeVries troupe of gymnasts and' the 'Slg>>Frans troupe of trick and comedy oyellste. These acts will furnish plenty of thrills, It is declared. On the midway this year will be the Johnny J. Jones colleetion - of shows, which are well known In this section of the country. All amuse ments at the State I^alr this year will have to meet the etandard set by Mrs. Vanderbilt when she became presi dent. They must be wholesome and there must be no gambling, the man-., agement announces. The Autumn Days Are DR. ERNEST C. BROWN -^Chiropractor Acute wad cbroBle SANFMUN M. C. J ohnson & Bry an Co, sopoxi BTATKnnniT FOB THE WKfHJD VftMOUT AT -m NEWS cdpnds LILLINGTONs N. C. LAND FOmniB Nosn oAoo. Foot •A Tkf m wiB os Here And with thorn 'howo como to our storo the moat bofitthiK Mfttoriola and Raady-Madoa for the Lady who believea in the eternal fitnaa* of tfainga. And what Lady doaa mrt? Al! of thorn wBI find' here that we hawe wateheo the trend of Faghion and and hawe provided for them the very chokett" that foes to make up the well aeleotod wardrobe. £l The encellenoe of no department of our storo oscels any other. In all departmenta we have taken palna to see that the very choicest and handsomast of the most wanted Materials cams int^ our stock--and they are here awrait- inf your inepe^ttion. Thmre is no trouble wHhatever In showinf you-—in fact it*s always a dMifht for u»*to show you what wo hayo provided in toe way ci Ladlas* Waar of toe heNer Und.* Thera are Ladhr Clerks in onr stars Who know and ean apprpeiato too very f annsnt, matorhd or n^lhkory bist suffod to you.'"' Lot tbem'ludp you. The Autunm Dajm ere beanttfui wito .their wonderful color ereations. CosEpar tomn ivito onr complato stock of Ladttas* Wear for^Antonm. X’ S ^ • • JOHNSON & UlXQ«GTONrN.C \ y. J