i _ _ Ff R'JiTfJSr ^xl PIWiS^WfiRSa P *iLw/ii V »'^*-, w\ ^ nv *, v..i>* %•«*• 4i*^’5Ei'>-.'‘'i'l/iVfcv i. j'iU'j.f.^-x/jf/i.'M f»V5'w . yjt 1* v^^j* gw I w3 VOCnwW fiwjwr * wt(t it&vi^ cD^^V fifrtjSy.'CWj^^SnfPjjyi 'SMLiwyCu aJi-jW^f^CTYCTy *MV>hlJ3!i [1,v . HARNETT COUNIT NEWS ■'miBi^rBi ■ '■''■tflHHiW.iflfiW.WiHili'H l'»li'Bii«ii«l!».!.»lllf|:i!in;ilWI!l aiVIIBl! PROPOSED CHAKORS IN NDTH- ( BERING OP SCHOOL DISTRICTS’ PRO?PECT THE BIRDS THEY PROTECT YOUR. CROPS oat should not be allowed to leave tho' line N. 86-50 W. ^2 near 'tlto edge'of the cleared land. uiionce S. 4;r>0|W, 9 chains crossing Facts About ithe Tobacco i?vv liV" 1 §f/.. 'ift' |r 1^ it \ i Growers Cooperative Association Number 1—THE AUDIT 'H w i i i C^pponents of cooperative marketinii: sought to dis> credit the Audit of the tobacco growers’ books, which showed economy in the second year of operation. l‘he committee of State officials, invited by the Asso- Ka i I I I i i I ciation to investigate its operations, reports as follows: “F. W. Lafrontz & Co., public accountants, with ex ecutive offices at 100 Broadway, New York City, and a branch office in Richmond, Va., liave audited the books of the Tobacco Growers’ Cooperative Association for 1922 and 1922, and are now auditing for 1924. The investigating committee inquii*ed of a number of the leading bankers and business men in Richmond and .surrounding cities as to the reputation and reliability of this firm. The committee was assured that this com pany was one of the leading firms of auditors in this section of the United States and was reliable in every paii;icular: It was further established thatThis ,cbm- pany audits for many o.f .the'largest business firms in .)f the country, (t was established to tlie satisfactidiY 6^'':' tlie comniittee that any facts given by-this firm'could,be depended upon. “At the request of the committee, Mr. Allan 'Palbott, manager of the Richmond office, and three other mem bers of the firm appeared before the committee and ex plained in detail the statements appearing,in their audit and supplied to the committee detailed information re garding many points bearing on the finances of the Association. 'Phe auditors showed a desire to be of eveiy possible assistance and gave to tlie committee, all the information requested of them.” m m m Uliite Ander.'ion Creek —No. 11, Ander son Creek school. Averasboro—No. 21, Dunn; No, 22. Jone.sboro; No. 23. Mary Stew- ari; No. 24, Moore: No. 25. Tripp; No. 2C, Chicora; No. 27, Long Branch: No. -28, Piney Grove. Harbeoue—No. 31. Aircastle: No, 32. Barbecue. Black River—'No. 3t, Angler; No. 3 5. Williaai's Grove; No. 36, Bar- clay.svllle: No, 37, Nelli’a Creek. Buckhorn—No, 41, Midway; No. 42, Macedonia; No. 43, Christian Light. Duke—No. 46, Duke, tjrove—No, Si, Oakdale; No, 52, Gregory: No. 03, Coma; No. 54, Turlington: No. .nO, Parker; No. 56, Sorrell; No, 57, Penny. Hector’s Creti.k—,No. 61, Lufay- ettM; No. 62, Oak Ridge; No. 63, Harnett Chapel. .to'linsonvitle—^No. 65, Pineview; No. 06, ’Cameron HDl: No. 67. Rock Hill: No, 68. Parker (Joint with Hoke County), Lillington—No. 71. Lllllnglon; No, 72, Harnelt. Neill's Creek—’No. 73, Cape Fear; No. 74, Buie’s Creek. .Stewart’sC'reek, No, 78. Biinn- li-vel; .No. 79, Murchison. Upper Little River—No. 30, Luari; No. 81, Haven Rock; No. 82, Cedar Grove; No, 8.3. Piittevson; No. 84, Ml. Pisgah; No. S5. I.eaflet; No. 86, Spring Hill; No. 87, Mamers, No. 88. Hickory Grove; No. 39, aiutlh. No, 90, Cool Springs, Insects and grubs cause an an- ■U'tial lo^ii ot :|800,000.000 to the ag ricultural Intere.sts 'of the United Stateti, and our people pa.v another $800,000,000 each year trying to get rid ofj these pe.si.s. Tlrls heavy expen diture, the burden of which is borne in large part by farmers, fruit grow ers, and gardener.^, would be reduced If adequate provision were constantly made' for the needs of our valuable' i'livsectlvtorous birds, Including pno- •.ectlon for their lives. Birds, according to Biological Sur vey of, the United States Department iM Agriculture, are one of nature's important agencies for keeping down the overwhelming horde.s of insect life. iNest boxes Hhould be put up and hhrubbery planted to make up tor the disappearance of the hollow trees ti'iid young wild groWith In which the birds once liuilt llielr iiesls. ,1 Water for drinking and bath ing should he supplied in the .summer seasonl'and shelter and food provided In wiujter. Protection of birds from their natural and U'lHtaluraV enemies is not the least Important considera tion. J' Thejjboy wkh the air rifle, the na tive or the foreign-born adult with his gun, the red squirrel and other animals, the rainstorm and the wlnd- ■siorm.'and the bouse cat all take their toll of wild-bird life. Years ago tu'e depredations of the oat on birds caused lltilo concern, but 'iiow that probably twenty-five nillllon cats blanket; the United- States, people are waking, up to tho increasing, neces- V i i' ■ ■I ii s i ’■'ilKi'Vi'.B H Ii u ■ ■ M'li HiHiMii'Hidi' CERTIPICATE OP TAX .SALK Scale Of North C’.ifoliiKt, llarueii County-T'.s-'. ' I. .1. W. .\IcArtati, Sh'eriff of the County of Harneir, in the State of North Carolina, do, hereby certify ihat (he following described real es tate in said County tlnd .State, to-wit; 60 acres listed as |the property of Eliza JoDe.s, colored, in Barbecue TownsMp, was on the 7th day of July. 1924. duly sold by me. in tlie .naiuior provided by law, for the de- linqueiii iaxc*'i of .said RJia Jones, col ored, for the year 1923, amounting l.^ $15.84. Including Inieresi and penal' ty thereon, and the costs allowed hy low, wlien and where Will Swann purchased said real e.state at the price O'! $15.84, lie being the highest and best bidder for the same. And i further certify that iinle.ss redemp tion is made of .sa4d real esiate in tlie manner provideci'by law, ilic- said Will .Swann heirs ared assigns, will be entitled to a deed in fee therefor on. and after the 7th day of July A. D. 1925, on surrender of this certifi cate. (n wline.s.s whereof, I have hereun to,set my hand, this 7(h day of July, A. D. 1924. J.-W. McARTAN, 7-4,p Sheriff, Coloreil ■Viuler.sou Creek—No. Ill, Ove”- hiUs; No. 112, Little Crook. Averasboro—No. 121. Dunn; Nc. 122, Hickory Grpve.^ Barbecue-“No,‘-i31, Ridgway: NO.' 132. SandhllV; No. 133, Spru'nt''Hill. Black River—No. 135, Angler. Buckhorn—^No, 141, Cokesbury. Duke—-No. 146, Smith’s Gfove; No. 146. Duke. Grove—No. 151, Black River; No, 152, Mt. Pisgah; No. 153, Turllng- tno; No. 154. Coats. Hector’s Creek—No. 161, Bethle-i hem: No. 1C2. Chalybeate. JohiKsonville—No. 164: 'McGregor- town; No. 165, Murchrson; No, 166, Olivia: No 167, Pinevle-w'; No. 168. Sunset. Lillington—'No. 170. Shawtown; No. 171, Harnett; No. 172. McKay. Neill’s Creek— No. 173. Buie’s Creek. .Stewart’s Creek—No 174, Beaver- dam; No. 17.5. Davis Chapel; No 176, Killingsford; No. 177, MoLean Cli.apel; No. 17 8. Summerhlll; No. 179. WaHtev. Upper Lildle River—No. 180, Rock Hill; 'No. 181, Chapel Hill; No. 182. Par.idlse; No. 183, Norrington; No. 1.84. Yarboro; No. 185; Broadway. slty of protecting birda agains't them. It is not necessary that householders part with their p.ets. but-these,poienr, • . • . - V tin) bird destroyers V'-h'ould be!; kept Best grade second sheets $1' per 1000 UOl’ND PARE RATES) FOR VETS TO RP.rXIOX 1 Why are the American people so tar ahead? i i: Wherever world-travelers come to^'etlior, the amazing comiorts of Americans are sure to come in for discus sion. Why is ii that the average American lives like a king? I i The Grand Old Tar Heel State will be well represented at. the next an nual reunion United I Conferedate Convention w'hlch will he held in Dal las, Texas. May 19th to 22nd, 1925. The railroads have named a very low round trip rate for Veterans and their families accompanying them.^ The following l.s round trip'’fare.s' from two of the principal polnti near l.illinglon: FayeUcville.' .fl.30.’!' ,54; Ralelgli, $3L2'1- The abovji mentioned fares'a'pply to confederate Vetevang|and members of t'hPir famlliei accomWnylng them. A rate of one fare for the round trip has been named for other allied or ganizations, that is Sons of Confed erate Veterans. Daughters of the Confederacy, Maids of Honor, Spon- stor.s and the Confederate Memorial A-isoclaiion. the rate being the same via all roads. Inasmuch as the move ment from North Caroilna will be ■lomewhat scattered and not Justify ing special train. It Is thought best to from uiidiuy increiusliig !t I'hc effort i.^ to tic nimle in()vc effectlvFlo/pt’e- vent tliem from' kllli'n'g the song birds. During the nesting sear,on espec ially watchful care is needed, parti cularly at the lime when the fledg lings unable to make full use of -their undeveloped wings, flutter to the ground. The sight of he'lpleas young birds hopping ucro.ss the lawn excites the pi’Pilaiory i'ci-tlnct of even a w’ell- fed hou.se cat. In a short time the wing.i of the.se birds will have grown ’troug enoii.ch for them to fly a little w.cy. vkhtMi Hip datiger of being, ratiglii i.s le.ssencd. Until the young birds can look out tor themselves ithe hou.He, unless clo,sel.v watched. ^Ro'o.sevelt said, "(1 is Uip iliily of every man, wonnrni and child to pro- itecl the birds,” Everyone who roa- ,'ll'/i,’'s thi.‘ incalculable number of in sect,s which even one bird will de stroy in a sea.son siiould ho willing to take some paln-i to i>roiect these charming and u-teful liuip earial al lies O't the farmer and orchardl! i. During the nesting season of our AvUd -.birds ih.e Uivited States Depart ment of Agriciiltui’O asks (hat all per- ,sohs try to protect from harm till sources the birds which live In lli- vicinlty of their homes and fields. By , virtue o,t an 'Lonoir Comity, Superior !{(■:.{«. it. McNeely (H. Trn'i(i''p, Transfcroc) vs. .ADVERTISING KEEPS THE IjOcal trade at HOSIE Mei’clianls of Groensboro vv-cre muoli tllsturbed by the reported amount of money sent out of that city for purchases from ont.dde points largely throngli mail order hou.'-’C;;^ Quite a campaign was put on to .ac- qu'alni with local' merchants and prices wltii resu'ltlng good effect. It is felt that the be.st way to keep the local trade of Lillington in Lil- I'iliugton is the lull' use of (he moan.", of acquainting local markets with the advantages of buying at home. Thl,^ means advertising. Mail-order houses get business from. Itore for two rea.son.s; First, ,because they may liave commodities which are not obtainable here: and, second, because they let people know what they have for sale. It l.s possi ble that the Hrst of tliese competi tions cannot, bo overcome by locttl merchants nnle-ss they should stock slow-moving and unprofitable mer chandise; i and no merchant can iafferd to do,j:hai. -'rho -seiioiVd tsomp.eUtion can be .more;',easily' meV! Perhaps tlie ad-;, vorl(sing manager of The News'cn« help merchants plair advertising ciini- paigns which will prc.^eni the atlvan- tages of qua;llt,v or price or immed- luie delivery so elTectlve llial the competition of outside linns will no longer be a facior. chaimi to a cornor with stveet .gum poinuirs in the Slowart line, now J. D, Btirnes’ corner, mt'd runs thence as Stowart's or J. D, Barnes’ line N. .SG% iW. 25. 1.5 chains to^ an o'ld line at the main run of Black Rilver; thence as that line N. 2% B. 17.20 clialtiit to tho ru’t)' of Juniper: thence up th'e Juniper, Ritn and up of the Spring Branch | as they meandc,'* to tho beginning, containing 5914 acres inoi’O or less. ' ' Thi.s the .301b day of April 1925. ' A. F. fowler; ■7-4i> Sheriff. 666 is a prescription for Malaria, Chills & Fever Dengue or Bilious Fever It kills the germs. concentrate the movement from the I; To be sure, he has more money to spent) than any other person in the world, but tlien he insists oa spending it to bring better living to himself and family. Who knows what a subtle, Imt influential, part advertising plays in putting the American people ahead? I I' i ii ii 1 Ad'rertising, by showing us new an dbetter things, keeps us from being satisfied with “well enough”. I xA-dvertising, by making us want more, wakens the springs of action within us to get more. American ad vertising is a pretty substantial explanation of Ameri can advancement. I I I I I I 1 Read the advertisements. Theiii call you to better things. I i I state at large at Atlanta and con nect with .special train that will be operated, leavliyg A’;laiila 9:00 p. m. (Central Ttmo) Bunday. May 17th. arriving Dallas 7'.00 a. m. Tue.sday, May I9ih. in ample time for ttie opening of the convention. Vet- ci'iniis arriving in Dallaii prior to May 19th may not be properly taken care of, inasmuch as the convention doe.s not open until Monday morning. May 19lh. Special tourist sleepers will start from various points in the state which will be added to the special train at Atlanta. The special from Atlanta will travel over the Atlanta & West Point Hell Road to Montgom ery; Louisville & Nashville to Now Orleans: thence the Southern Pacific Lines to Dallas, via Beaumont, which will carry standard anti tourist sleep ers. day coache.s and diner all the way through with no chance of cars, extra Mvalters will be on to serve coffee and sandwiches at all hours. A large number of North Caro linians will go Into Atlanta in the afternoon over the different rail roads and .take in a sightseeing trip In Atlanta including‘Six)ne mountain. Those planning to attend the con vention should notify' their local Camp Commander at once so that he can secure certificate receipt In .or der to get the cheap railroad rates. Members of other affiliated organlza- tlon.s should also apply to the heads of their Association for certificates. Col. X. L. Smith, Adj. Gen, and Chief of Staff. CIRCULAR SAWS HAMMERED AND REPAIRED QUICKLY iraNE i«NI> GUARANTEED. A complete line oC Saw*' in Stock. Aiao a full line of Mill Supplies. RALEIGH IRON WORKS CO. WM. T. HARDING, PROP. RALEIGH, N. C. Wire, 'write or telephone No. 98 GATARRH.A.L DEAFNESS Is often caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of tlio Kuataebian Tube. When this tube la Inflamed you have IE rumbling sound or Iraperfeot hearing. Unleaa Uie Intlanmiatlon can he reduced, your hearing may be de stroyed forever. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINB will do what wc claim for It—rid your ayatem of Catarrh, or Doafnoaa' caused by Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH ME0ICINK haa been aucces.'vful in the treatment of Catarrti for over Forty Teara. Sold by all drugglsta. F. J. Cheney & Vo,, Toledo, O. Get your lead pencils at The Ne\v.s oflflee—six for a quarter. ANNU.AL REUNION CONPEDEUATE VETERANS Dallas. Tex., May 19, 22, 1926 X,ow Round Trip Paros Via Norfolk Southern anti Connectlons'- Tickets sold May 1'4. 20. ino, Pinal limit June 15, 1925, For tickets, reservations, etc., on or address any agent or J. P. DALTON, General Passenger Agent, 10-2 Norfolk, Va. (’.Ill NOTICE OP REGISTRATION OF VOTERS FOR ANDERSON’.S CREEK SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR SPBCIAl. ELECTION ON JUNE ICTH, 1926. Having been appointed to servo as registrar for a Special Election in Anderson's Creek School District to be held on June 16th, 1925. for the purpose of voting a special tax In said district to sU'PPjemeni iho funds for the six months school in .-ttild dis. trlct, this is lO'glve notice that the books will be open on Iho 9tit day of May. 1925, for iho registration of all voler.s in said district wishing to participate in said election, and tlie books will close on S.-iturday. Juno 6th. 1926. I will be at Cambro Mill on eacli Saturday between these dates for tho purpose of registering all those who desire to be registered for said elec- tlon. This May 5th. 1925. , , P. A. CANA DAY; 7-4 Registrar Pond; Branch to a stake; thence N- ,86 W,.* 23.60 chains crossing Duncan s .Ureelt' to a sliiko. gum pointers, in tho Mouth of Bear Branch, claimed as a ioorner of the Pond 100* acre tract;; thence M 4.50 E. 55.18 chains; thence S. 85 B). 62-.16 chains to the .bPg-niiing, conijainiing '273.25 acre.s ■more 'or less. ' ' K. R. I A. A. ; ' w. G. 7-2 ' - Hoyle, McDonald. Mordecal, Comml.ssioners. NOTICE ^ of an execution from Oourt, I'll' A. Gunter. Ft. L. God win. 1 W'ill on ilio ill si (lay of June ■1925,i sell ill piihlic sale, at 12:00 o’clock M. at the Courthouse door in LlUlJiijton, N. C„ to tho highest bid der for cafdi, all the Interest of R. L. GotUvl'ii' In ti| certain tract of land in Averasboro ' Township, adjoining the liindr. of k. L. Howard., John .Sni'iilil J. D. Barnes and the J. R. Godwin estate: ' Beginning ati a corner wiith point ers Ini Spring Branch in K. L. How- hrd'.s line, also John Smlth'.s cor ner, .and runs as K. L. Howards and' J. U. IGodwins line S 2% W, 29.30 NOTICE OF LAND SALE l Under and' b’,;' virtue of the po|wer of sale contained' iiv a certain deed' (if trn.sl oxeoul€|d hy D. J. Moore and wife, l.ettlo J, 'Mobre, to- ilio uudeit- ^itigiiotl tni.stcu oii;'January 11. 1921, ;an;l.;(nily. )‘pg)'a',ui''ol.i'in'the office.'of re'gistpr of deeds for, Harnett cou'nty in no')k l25', page 280, and there liaviin,.; l»coiisdefauJt'j:ln' the paymoiit of, tilt' bond';.se(!Ured'hy said deed of Ir'ust, I'and ,the (hbldor of said^ bond having demanded' that tlie. trustee adverllsij and (■ell said lands, I will' jn Satni'day, 5L*iy 16. 1925, at 12j:00 o’clock noon, ar. the courthouse door of Harnett coiruty, offer for salo^a't public auction for cash, to the last and highest bidder, the toDowlng }de- -icrlbed tracts of land: ; First Tract: Beginning at a .stake mu rolnters ar,d ruims thence N.j 79 E. 45.27 chains to a stake: thence N. 87 1-2 W. 13 chains to a stdmp east of Duncan Moore’.s house; thence N. 20 W., 19 chains to a stake, thence N. 61 WI 24 charns to a stake Morrison and Wicker's corner; thence S. 6 E. 44 chains and-28 links to tl.e beginning, containing 102 acres, more oiS less. For furCher rcfertince see deed' recorded in Book 165, ]>age 640. i 1 Second Tract: Beginning at a st|ako with old pine pointers ki. Morrison's line and Steele.’s corner and rhits thence wi.th, Morrison’s line N. 7,j W. 24.75' chiilns to a slake;'* thence S, ADMINISTRATOR’S N*TIC.1E. Havki'g qu.a'llfied as adminlstra- lor of the estate of Anna 1-1, Harring ton, lato' of Harnett Couiily, de ceased, this is to notify all pcrson.« having claims against the said estate to present the same to the uuder- Igned duly verified on or before the 4th day of May 1926, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make prompt payment to mo. This 4ih day of May, 1925. E, P. Harrington, , 7.6p Administrator. 81 1*,2 W. about 40 chain.s to a .sUilce; thcnco S. 7 K. 24 chains and 75 links to a stake; Ihonce N. 8111-2 ■fO' the beginning,- coutakilng j 9k acres,! more or, less. For further reforpneo see deed recorded In- Book ■'182'. )mge.,403, from W. H. Slk,es and .wife to D. J. iMtioro. Excepting from ■ the above (raels the land 80ld’;to!the i follov/lng persons: To Johnson'Black ’ 50 .TCl'Cs, sec deed in Book 167, page 212; llo Will Black about 10 acres, see dbed Book -j—, p.aKe —: to Nv A. Moor'=> 30' acres, see deed Book 185, page 1300: to VL C. Steele 12 acres, sue deed Book jl84, page 340. Leav ing ill balance of 98 acres in the ;(wo said I'r.acts. ■ All of snld land is hltu- iated.’ln Upper Little River township and adjoins theila'iids of J. B. Moore. N. A.lMoorc, W. C. Steele and Daplel Morrison, | Third Tract:' Being all of lot [No. 6 In Block No. 1 and all of lot'No. 3 in Block No, ,2 In Shaw Town as-Jwill morO'fniiy .anp'iar hy .roferciioe. to-a niap iof saId"Sliaw Townj'.wh.'ch! I't (luly-,(’ecordeu 'ii"Boftk 169, pngo.^OO. •o'of’roglslor >f deeds. Each of DR. J. C. MANN Agricultural Liens for uile l^lil at The News office. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST *;v'lLL BE AT OFFICE OF DR. 8. K. McKAY LHiLINGTON, N. C. Every first Friday iu each month. Glasses fitted that are easy and rest ful to. tlie eyes. Headaches relieved when! caused by oyoatra'in. Cross eyes Htralgh'teaed witliout the knife. Weak' eyes of children ■'and’ young people a specialty. Consultation free ; and Invited. i ■ MY NEXT VISIT WILL BE JUNE 5 ADMINISTRATOR’.S NOTICE Having Qualified as administrator of the estate of M. McN. McKay with the will amnexed lato of Harnelt county., this is* to notify all person.^ having claims against the said es tate to present them to the under signed duly verified on or before the 29th day of April. 1926, or this no tice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt settlement with the undersigned. This 29lh day of April ,1925, B. F. YOUNG, Admr. C. T. A, of M. McN. McKay, deceased. 7 >6 NOTICE OP' RESALE OP LAND belonging to the ESTATPJ; OF J. A. CAMERON, DECEASED Pursuan't to an order of resale made by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Harnett, tCounty on May, 2nd,‘ 1926 in that certain Special Proceeding before him pending, ..er.i titled Josephine L. Maxwell' and others vs. Mrs. A. C. Maxwell and others, being special proceeding No, 2080. the undersigned cominlssloners will on Monday the Eighteentli day of May 1925 at 12 o’clock M. at the courthouse door in Lining;; ton, N. C., offer for sale to the high'; .est bidder upon the terms ef ont! third cash' and balance kt' one anti two years secured by notes and mort-i gage on said property, tho following tract of land situated in Johnson*! vine Township; • ; ' • iLylng on both sides of Duncan'j, Cqeek. Begnnlng at a stake, an iron' bar on the We^ side of Duncan't, Creek at Geo. W. Furry’s other cor**i ner in the line of Ken't-Jordam land: i thence as their line S. 3.93 chains to a concrete stone, their corner, thence 8. 3 W. 19.90 chains to a concrete stone where formerly ’ stood two, ■pines, the old Cameron corner: thence N. 85.50 W. 17.26 cliains to a concrete stone, a corner of the. I'McArthur- land: thence S. 4.60 Wl 23,24 chains to a stake,*pine point ers, corner of the McGregory (no'w Poindexter) land; thence with his onici said lots Is 50 liy 150 feci. For fiir- ;iher .reference see deed from v\jllen land .Ukins lo II. T. Spears in Book ■].7], page 387,1 and also deed from ij. B.iMoorc and wife to IJ. J. Moore in Book 182, page 401. I The- first tw.o tracts above | de- Iscribcd are subject to a prior; mort gage; to tin* Federal Land Bwiik -«)f Columbia, South Carolina, for $900.' and the said tracts will he .sold sub ject to .said mortgage. , This the 14th day of April, 1926. MARSH.ALl. T. SPEARS. 16-4 : Mortgagee. LAND FOSTERS for salo at jThf Newt'i ollice. Post your land 'and prolcict yowr birds u.«* 'well as your , (linTier. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Passenger Train 8chcdnle.s Effective, P’cb. 1, 1025 Lv Lillington 10:15 a. m,- -For Payellevllle and in termed late points | 10:16 a. m,—For Varina and' Inter- modiaie points. TIM McCOY, Agept. SCHOOL TABLETS , I , oWe have a large stock of good School Tablets, both ' for pencil and pen, and I 1 we are offering the regu lar hvc'cent tablets at 50 , I cents a dozen. The nickel tablets for pencil have 50 sheets ruled both sides t and are of excellent grade . paper. We have the “Old Glory” pen-and-ink tablets in [dif ferent s'lzee—any size! for SO* cents per dozen. At T.HE NEWS Office, Lillington, N. C. L Mo me I Its FBI I irm sui I ver frli J chi ds} mei m la P« 0. QSl of.' ant erfi inn i 'wet cot] tlnj slol roi th

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