fc’j- 1 Y»f HARNETT COUNTY NEWS DEVOTED TO THE INTEREST OF HARNETT COUNTYi PRIMARILY, AND OF THE STATE GENERALLY. fl.00 PER YBAR--6« A COPY Lillington, N. C., ThufiSliiy; Jimukify^'M, 1926 . ’ ^ty. ' ?* VL' *« •''' ' ■* ' **If It Concems Harnett, IPs in THE NEWS” w ‘pj»^ in;ii af. S5V> w.' rAt \ ISf- SSL; Bfe’ /iBri» ,A! s; m If te';- EMINENT JUNIOR age l>y congress dt stricter Immlgra-l TELLS OF WORK OF JUNIOR ORDER Hat Maintained Youthful Spir it and Enthutiatm in Pro motion of Patriotism Virtue and Liberty tlon laws, and ihas sponsored every' law passed by congress tor the ;pr^b-| tection oi American citizenship. It, was especially active. In assisting ^and; drafting and sQcurihg-'the'.passage of, ihe present immlgratlonflaV, and'has; JiOCi^ CLASSES TO -TPD'i? ATT *17D'I?'!? iOR FARMERS lent its efforts in seekivg^to^haive «Ui aliens who claimed 'ex0i»ptioi£.'kuring' the late war sent back to their -natlvej lands. The order is nO'W actively aU work in an elTort to improve and bring to a higher standard the.natu-' ralization laws of the-country.. The order'is pledged to ,elevate American .citizenship,' to defend the. country and its institiitions, to com pulsory education of the rising.gen ^Work ;Done by Students—-All Other, Tobacco Diseases To .. j be Treated by Farmers Themselves. (Prom The Fayetteville,Observer) (The district convention of the, eighteenth-district of the'j Junior Or- public sohool.system; o prevent any der of American Mechanics is being held In Fayetteville this afternoon and tonight, with delega'tes present from the local eouncllVijln ■Cumber land, Harnett and Sampson counties in attendance. The-order has about l,.^00 members in three counties,’ District !Deputy Councilldr G. H. All- ran, of Fayetteville. Is in charge of the meeting, and State Councillor M. 'I W. Llucke. of Nashville. Is present and will be one of the principal speakers. Other leading'members of the order are also scheduled for ad dresses, A 'business meeting is, being held this afternoon, and there will be an open meeting tonight jin Odd Fel lows' Hall, to which the general pub lic Is invited. The meeting of the convention nat- nrally 'arouses addliiounl; laierest in the order and Its history and pur poses. ' The following statement was recently issued from riational head quarters: sectarian interference therewith and to encourage the'reading of the'Holy Bible in the pirbllc schools; to' resist to the uttermosytho exercise.of pollt-. ical ipower by any 'and alV'sects'^ and' The iiUllngrton .agrlculturaU'classes '»will.treiu all tcfbaccoriseedvaenf into theirliiiboratory .'free ’ of., charge./ organizations that, are, o-pposed to the Amerlcan.uform of,-government. On December'31, ;i924, the mem; bership of, the order ^ay.„83(),0,00',- wlth ,2.850 councils*'oirganiz^'^an^ Cunctioftlhg in 42 states, The^net gain In mom'bership‘,du\*Ing theTas't 18 months'was approximately :3'6',- 000. COLK 8AVA3E TO REPORT MONDAY FOR AGENT WORK Former -County Agent H. A, Edge is In receipt of a letter from Dls- :rici Agent 0, F. McCrary in which It is stated that the department, will ^end Cole Savage, former'farm agent of Franklin county, to Harnett next .Monday to be ready to take up the ■Other/.dlsease prevention: 'measures. *'**?'«' * H ' ‘ * 1 v v /> -y 'cani/befeasilyifollo-wea^by'lthe'jfarmerj himself 'i Ifv'he twants'- ^dop.prod ucewtoJf ■bacco' free'of ’leaf -spoU dlsoas'es’.'-Jv Just -,what itoibacco; prIcos2iwHl,.'}^ej mext .fail,, no one.„cah;-'safelyibr®Uot!,: 'WUK'prospects 6Vjan^incre^*d‘;am ,age,of. tobacco ,thl8lyeaft',oyer.'last,.*we may eee low.iprlcesi'for.laverage grades; of' tobiaccoT; iThe;,season-may. be un'r favorable'-and a^’letl^of low grade;;to-; iba'cco b's'pre^uco'd'.' Buf'/regavdilessj of season or'prices'paid, for ih^gejuf, eral crojp, we ;5an ■alway's’jbe.bssur.ed- of goodi'-prlces for quality' itobacco that .grade.s .'high CO. that |l8 produced'^be of^es^A'quallj; ty? •’On© of thdilargest- faotofsSffed^i Ing.the quallty.'O'f ithe leaf^Is inwct or The Junior Order United American! work of county agent if It be so ap- Mechanlcs, today .one ,of ithe strong est fraternal '-organizations Incexlst- ence, had Its origin about’ 1853, hav ing been founded at Germantown, Pa. Prom its beginning the, order was 8UCce.Hsful, and Interest of Its founders re.suUed In growth by ile'aps and bounds, with the :rcsuU that Us membership ,now is found In almost every state of Mie Union,^ with ac tive councils in practically all cities and towns. The word "Junior?' In the title has no relation to the age^df mem'bers, according to official -documents of the order. Nor Is tlie word "Me chanics" to be construed ‘literally. It refers In no .manner id'afUsa^m. but eirtbraccs every pursult'ii !’fhie orgau- iztlon.Is Junior as an .oV.der and not individually, it is stated,jht^ing had^ subsequent origin to . another’/frater nity of similar name.T ' The general object pt ,the order is given as follows; ‘‘To inspire .In the heai'is of all native-born Americans a greater love of country 'and fealty to Its constitution and institutions; to remind them that they are of one blood/and that they should not hesi tate to shed It In thelrl country's de fense.” ' ' : /hem and also with .-the district agent and Mr. Savage. Mr. Edge asks The News to say that he Is highly appreciative-off the; >plrU..oX^o,g(pfirajlion;.'api«>»g:.the*fari'. rtters of the county' while he was, gent .any he bespeaks the.,©are co rporation" for his successor.'- The special objects} cf' the Junior Order United American t Mechanics are four In number: j ^ "First: To maintain and promote the interests of Americans, 'and .shield them from tho depressing ef fects of unrestricted Imnitlgrat'lon: .to assist jihom in obtaining and to encourage them Second; To provide^ for the .crea tion of a fund or fun'ds ‘ ‘ ■ ■■ employment In- business. for the pay ment of benefits In the case cf sick ness, disability or deatli/o'f its mem bers. their legal dependents or rep- re.ientative.s,' and to Issue certlffcates of membersblp for the same. "Third: To uphold;|t|u} American free public 8,chool systemj/to prevent any interference therewith, and to )' proved by the Board of County Com- .’Uissioners. Mr. Salvage has not only had experience in the work in Prank- tin county, but also in Jacksoni coun'ty, Alabama.. He has served: eight' years a.nd is a practical man, iccordlng to Mr. Edge, whose resig nation as county, agent here took effect the first, of the, year. Mr. Edge has asked the members of the County Board of Agriculture 10 meet Monday at. 11 o’clock. He has some matters :tO' discuss with disease i damage.- .To, avoid , 'thls’/'ln?^ :ury the follo'vrtn.g, recorn'mendations have ibeisn made’;by' the specialists-in disease.control: 1.- The plant beds should (be made up each year on new ground, and should |be so sltuate^^/that they-wWl 'not become contaminatQd-jbyy,draln^^^ age water fro'm old tobacco^ fleidV .'or belds, .2. Ay,oId -the use. ,of poles . and boards iihat have -b’een'us^ jprevlou's/ y on plant bedSf'^^-ahd'of m'nur'e .cons ‘.ainlngjltho refuse from' -a 'tobaVco! crop. I 3. Select seed from'" disease-free plants. I' lf.'t'here ls any reaadh to sus-' pect that the seed are, eonfamlnatedlj they should ibe treatedwbeforepplmnt- disinfectant for"iexa'ctiy,iten .ahlriutes. Either ji f,opmaW6liyde,'f,;:;(onej:'stabler spoonful to'a 'plht'’dT .’water)^dr eor-J OHIO CONCERN OFFERS iPRIKES XN PENMANSHIP The Zaner-Blo'ser Company, Col- umibus, Ohio, publishers;of?the Zaner method of writing whlchvls state-, adopted for use in the public schools of North Carolina, - is, co-operating with tho State Department o Edu'ea •ion of Raleigh in 'staglng-.a penman ship contest in which' all of the Rate are urged to compete. . The contest this year Is open to all seventh gradefipuiplls, /Prizes, for the best writers ar.e being -offered as fo.1-] lows; First prize, 115;, second prize, encourage the reading }of the Holy Bible In the schools .the'reof. "Fouffth:; To promote and 'main tain In national orphans’'home." j Organisation Prior to it ho organization of the Junior Order United A.me’rJcan Me chanics, thdre existed ,an order of .somewhat similar name, which had for Us minimum age'limit 21 years. It was composed mostly- of artisans. In the famtlies of Its memibers there were many [young men 'Whose desire, to become affiliated ,:with a fraternal organization with deolaration of pa irloilc as well as fraiornal. princi ples. resulting in the founding of this order. The first meetings were,held In a school house ai Germantown, Pa., and here the teneuts of tlie or der were established, i.-lncludlng a, provision that a native-born Ameri can, 18 years of age.jand of acc.ept- ablc character, should 'Ite eligible for tnembershiip. The ne-u' order eopn, had a large roll, and was proving; exceptionally active. When Us members became 21 years of age they were reluctant to leave their first love; with the re-’ snU that they continued to hold mombershlp, and a new'-and stronger oi'der was given to the nation. Throughout Us life the;Junior Order I'liUed American Mechanics has been interested in pa'trlotlci,.raatlers and bus been instrumental'Tn elevating- the standards of the American public school system. It has been active ‘In securing pass $10; third prize, $7.'50; fourth prize, $6,. A bulletin containing complete in formation to teachers, and superin tendents for giving/th'ls . contest ..can be secured without’;charge;‘i)y 'writ-, ing to the North Carolina Handwrit ing Contest Editor,, .".Zaner-Blosor. Company, Columibus'J-Ohlo’;-^?. This contest has?been ,approved,;by A. T. Allen, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, ..and'-by the ma jority -Of ‘schoo>! superintendents.' Over 90 ,per cent of.dhe school super Inteadents, in the'/state replied'to ,a questionalre to tlie -effect that they would give this contest their hearty support. life, we are much pleased that a con;, test is to be conducted "and? we trust' that it will stir up.conaWerableilnter-; est and enthusiasm'in thV'sulbJeot.?^ ORGANIZATION OF YOUNG PEOPLE’S- SOCIETY > On Thursday evening, January 2181, the young people of the-Pres- byterlah; chur.chsvmM. with Mrs.^Ross to organize a Yo‘ung$P^eopIe’8''Sobiet^j Mr, Menlus preslded^at' the 'meeting} and made a splendid .talk 'explalnlhg] the purpose of thieoirganlzatlonf^fel- lowshlp an!d service'.''- The following offleers^were elected President, Miss Cornelia.MoLauchtlin; Vice President^ Mr?'Reglste'r.'Parker! Secretary, Miss Vlrglnla;,M088; Treaef, urer. Miss /Rachefi Blch."-^ ‘Eighieea 'mem'bers were enrolled. The* next meeting will be Friday evening, January- 29'th, with Miss Virginia Moss at the KHliegrey Hotel Tom Tarheel says ' he enjoys his work as a member o/t the county board of agriculture, but It mode him hustle to do the things ^on his place that he was pushing for the county. BY R. M. lOMZEY Vocational Instructor, Lillington High School. Why, not ,then, make'every-.effort .'to..make the^tdboc-, A/iL In aa.4* ,1sA a#*a 11. ■day,-'the'30th.. Such casei-as'^meed attention,' from-'' the.icllnlc’'ijfcoffd‘if^a I'op'o'rited’'' to the'.Welfare lisptrtmem .'qfithe county,' or they/masf.'be taken direct to FayetteViUe' Saturday,^ be tween the hours or.9|-'aud||3''o'c(iock, Several cases fro^lHarnstt county are being treated.Ta^^fhe-ctolce.iind some of the8e'IareS;alreadvfadvaaced In Improvement, havlng/tsUeh onelqr more of the';rreatmenfs.';.?j4uoh'.'godd' ■isfresultlng'from 'tfie ollnici, It'Is x-e- ^ported, and •It/ls the,-doslrV/to-have roslve .sublimate '(1 part to. lOOo' parts ■of- wafer) Is equ,ally effective'as a dlslnl'cctant'.' - ' ‘ Treai as, follows, (a) !put seed Intdycloth sack. (b) I'Prepare disinfectant in fruit jar. i . (c) Soak, seed'fo'r ten^nlnutes in dis'lnfect'antV' (d) jRlnse the sack of seed Imme diately jin'runnlng w’a-ter or in tub of watdr; |! (e) j,Spread 'the seed .out In thin layer to dry as 'soon/as .i^slible, (f) Ilf seed ’-are? nouto jijeVlanted' within a few h'0urB':8tore^iWhe^e .they are not subject to*:recontiamlnatlon^ Be Bui'o to treat^jfqr-Jiteiuhnlnu.tes, only ari'd to wasb'Jwelfafter/trea'iini",; otherwise some- of 'ithe seed "wilf^he' ■flow to geminate; and'•others''niay Call to 1 germinate."' 6. Use.' new covers for the .plant bed each -year? If old cloths .are used,,, they .should?),be, 'bbiied. for 'at iea8t''ten--mln'trte8.'fi''^;', .6.,jAyoidcontaminating^ the beds while |'weedlng',‘fiurhile?'?/pii'lllng -.-.tfie iplantsljibr by 'vliiiling'.jtlie'’- u.eiglib''oris; plant beds, The,^dlsease„:germ8 .^may be.carrledkOa the handsmnd sboee^of workers. 7, ; If, possible, avoid, planting.';:;ln fields which-'have gpoiWn^a.diseased; crop during, 'the' prevlbusfye’ar.!''‘Rb?' tatlons' are always. ad'v;iVable.'/ The in view of the importance of hand- dangerj.pf •gro'w.ing;/tohacco after t,o- wrltlng In school, in business and In baeco' is largely?!ellmiriated.,..,lf „the to bacco.^st'alksrare iiplbwi^d ?.undef/a8 ■soon-as. posslble.^after tihar,vest'.Die* ease-free "plants: set'.,ln:'-such a,'field, are ncd.likely to'become seriously diseased. ' - , 8. Do sot set plants that are man! festly diseased nori-buy-nor exc^nge? plants 'with a iielghboii’'\unle8"8? they are known to be dlsea8e,-fr,ee'. 9, Inspect the field, ?8bon;.. after ..transplanting, re mov.e' and'destfoy ‘dll diseased plants and' reset'* healthy ones, II AUTOMOBmE :-'BUS1N;E8S IS LARGEST INDMtttRY i; Tho automobile bnalwSts la the largest tndusti'V in the -wuntryu according to', the- Unltodif Stetee,, lijepaitiaent of - -..Ooimtteepe,the - rating beIng}'bas©d,o«"tlite,.'whole- iialo value of-^th® "product*.' f .of -,‘ the ;!• eetl- The whdleinle', value record IftlM production' mated at |»;000,000,(M)0. , In tho oplnlonrfbf ..I^reeldent Charles CUfton; presldeiutiof :the National' Autofinobll©:G*«'«!ber ofv- Conmterce, thejyear 19afl(.ylew^^ from the tinlhiedlirte*“«Htpmotive standpoint of the natloBfipr'lifoin - tlie outlook of |tho nveragej.family, holds a world , of promise. It will pi-bvldeti! j;;. Low-piicedi'' l^U-qualUy motor transportation. - i| More .eiac!ent,‘;'more iWmforta- ble means of traVeUiUJj Contlnued-.development of our national,reednrcesJj;^;^'. i, .. „ , Foreign- ’ 'buslncssgjiwhich,. will. .'lielp'„the?,trade|of}four*elves *nd ■"of thd'worl'd.'."^-" CO-OPS HANG UP (RABBIT IN mS’N, PLEASE PARENT-TEACHER NiEXT CLINIC AT fIvettevillefOr tlRIPPLES SAf DAY (By S. D, Frlssell).' Members of the Tobacco?Growers CooperativeAssociation made . the largest deliveries of the :oiiftIfe,?aea- .son. to I'helr'. warehouses/ln/?1Jqrth Carolina . ahd^. Virginia'/,'lasti1*feekj* amounting to?; a total/0.fsmdre!i;th^ni 4.500.000 pounds' of'tdt>ac.co,‘'^fcpr?'d?i Ing to the staltement of OdneraPiMan-/ ager Richard R.^Pattersont,''*'' '?.-\,^ Several Cases From .-Hamett Being Treated—^NevJj Cases Taken — Applicajiton Should Be Made Now ; Dr. Alonzo Myers, .orthcrpedlc epe- cialist in charge of the' clinics' for 'oripplM,' held in Fayette’^llle every fourt'h Saturday In each month, will hold'’the January ^'clinic;,n'j&tl'Sa’tur ^ ,V ^Trade Commission everyone needtag ;the tre^ment - to attend the clinks., Mias>il^ra Beck', ,c_oun_^tyjveUare;,oJlc«tpJl,s^ all cases needing attention ?ed-,j6 her,?qffli.ce,. '.She, has iiu’hiand -ndw^ torbe carried '-Tn a let)ter,to''';Mls3 Beck, jbe-.report- [two cases befo're the Dr. Myers cites the cases from* Harnett, already rented, showing the .inuprovement ‘oelng ' wrought' Tn.'‘'6ach lin^lvidu's-r case. DIRECTORS OFyGO-OPERATXVEB SHOULD KNOW; P,ROBI JSMS j! Olio of the-^serious 'iwet^’fenesses. of many agricultural! 'co^opsiVatlv.es Is the! tendency'of‘ memberislfof boards * ' » Wl “ -It* * v» • If A' ^ /’'t '■ .of directors to shlrktresponslbllity, in *}he- matter I'o'fr’m'anagemeSl^^^^ Ing4n the;communtty,.’; Such„an attl- tilde, is unfortunate'^iand^.untll every - director 'comes 'tolfeelathat ;he -has-ac- -'f '•A1I6 ■. 4 J* ‘copted' a' trus'teeffhlip"if,orAthe.'SUCces8- ful conduct‘otHheVbuslnesatrco-opera; tlvo, emerprls'es,‘winUa^f ja'Uainlng 'the fHll.'nieasu're of^sYiccess^they "wish to* achieve.’,’ ;|~;Thi8' .trusteeship,, says^th^ •.m6ht,' 'c!ljligat'ei Weryl.d’lrector to-' ihj, tform*' h'lmseiri'thofoughlyerres^piec’tlrig the .operation'-of the, b^usln^ess with; '?whlch lie -iiaj^ecojneWuair;^^^^ efi:' la ad(jltlon'‘’''ire*'wHJ?^^^^^ * * •" ' 1 r ■■ ■ ■' **Vy**l«^ the degree otsuccess and .progreea of SEASON’S RECORD IN DELIVERIES L^st WMk’» Delivuriea Butt of ' This Tobacco Seaton—4,• 500,000 Poundt, Accord- ing to Hoadquarlert dsto.ur^h'e^at'temFt'edqtbrwal^^^^^ .bankmenC^utT'he/Wftlh ^b^thejjhlijrl^J'wall? ./Hls/nekt. I’eap/was SforitheColifersIde’ of'^the 'r'ba'd'. 'And jthen;^i:x; /(■liHere's; the story.? Mr. Bunny This Is considered, a.^romerkable' showing of ,loyal^^on^’^^^l TradeCbrnmlsionl' an^!f theKaultf« Wiley M.. Person-of. Frahlclinr^''nt(0 North Carolina, against-the': associa tion. In view.otAhevIaWJthat.fthe'tflnah- clal affairs- of theii.a'ssqciatibnS’were] iOfllcewfemtheiimpacUdi»tluetly.ii’:Ap/ 4plylag;!hIsprakee,‘5'.the;ofQceristoipp,ed-' 5blB4car.3and^enttJbackHQ^:revlew>.tne; but- th§.#,oqr. wttonta&.M^^^^ statu, quqr?‘S!likh|l8,.toS8ayatherei)'’wa’3;' reported by !011ver..:J'.. Sanidsl^ehalr* mail of 'the execisll've'Jcqmnftttqje^^^ being in the best cohdltioni'sincefit^ organization'at laatweei.’okrmeetingl of. the board of director^theiiault'rq.f Person who haa‘:Tepeateaiy®biSled! himself in malring spee'ches^hhd^^caU^i ing ''meetings" agalhsHi bhe^ijassocia'tion^li is regarded as ,ah extravagant'play for publicity. .. The attitude of., the directors tOr wards the? Vepoh!?,. of'^Athe?. Fedefal, > V- ..nJ-krw-Vftft ,V .«. •! u. 4 EYTEN610N8 FOR^PIL- ING;; INFORMATldNi RETURNS Qored the charges; from various "parik •ot.lphd'>tvi-o^^»Tp^§ Unas,, and Virginia 'madV/agal'nstxthej Imperial., and) Amerlcan-?o'-Tob'^'col Companies and severelyrattack^Cthe, incLhods by ‘ which/ the." organized', growers have,, protected-' their * ownt ”1: (business aud mwlntalued -.higher prices'for all tobace'o faVmersvVf ;tb!si section In the pasit-fh'ree/yeVra,., was? expressed In- the. tollowing^statement at last .vreek’s meeitiW^?ot^.ihe aasoi ciatlon’s governing' board'^^’, ,, *• • ' I* J , • f i ‘."The board.of dlrectorzjpf the Tos :bae»';‘Gro#»wyrCk'^^«Iye;^‘A‘M^ tlon bias ape)]jt'?ad'ay!hearlhg?!detaHed’, 3*katement8‘,qu,J'he_redrylngi8Uuatlqn with ^'partlcufar; reference to?'tiie'. ac- ^.JiHeretofore, taxpayers.-have>' been |urg^t.to;?flie|thelr Income-tax returns- ;early;^Tho!tiSHngi' of/ returns thlsi y«mrl7l^??del«y2S;^ip6hdlh^ the .•?enactf ' rnentl'oflth'emew revenue)act no.'w.- be- l^foreit the''Senate;, -which,-t'as :it.'.passed; the" -'House;! (contains" changes; in'’;ref gand'^ -to/rafesKah^" other .features;, '(.Tiqbacco . Company,. said/;, statements] 'covering items brought out’Jn^ItlT^ report of the Federoi^iTrade/ComlmilS-, Sion; and It'has been made ?cl^r??that: -■' A- . .. 1 ■ the)im'emher8''>o"f ■ this" :-^boardfi???havei been -Ini^eneraT apprqyaV.„ofthep/!ori pqlkles ?q f.? thls^.board;-; in. per in 'ahdii:6n^ufaglhg,,'.ouf!.//dtr,octor8j'ji>i:! . ••if ^ “-4-tv'N ft i kOfflcersi:or. -managersrjtociengagefijalOi '^redryingfaofiivltlesTliipfprefeW placlhg/'a'u?cB?lbuslhhB8 '.wltfi^ ?tiii'e^?ette- mies of cooperative;. m,arkeH?hg;;|ind' It'!’? has ,.,been-.'?'mtde;|evidenif'"th'Bt!''th.e; .mem1»ef8;?’of/the-; hoard of* directors' .‘wlHCia'/few'e'xWptlons.^ .were' not; awarelprJor‘)to.'june,”l9‘23,’'-'tliat man/ aeitiviiloB for thet l'9?2?ic?^T an^lCtliialt .moatfiof the dlreotors-dldJhayeVgenS '.eraliknowledgemfsuch^'actlvltleabfor.' J^6a¥dFhere?*?o»p’^essessit8^a^’ro^ v|n»sWj)iuu‘K'LU«i CHILDREN FOR ADOPTION Wejhow have , ready for [.placement flnrapproved. foster home's, the follo'w- 'ing children; * 1 1 month to 12 tlie' business.-' ■ * ''.‘‘■If lack of Interes'i ira weakness." ?sa.y8;^a d^.^Rrtmont,^ econq](niaC/.'''th0 “wrong kihd.of-interesfis eqn.aliy had. Too" frequently “one .iflnds'-the, board interfering iRste^'.pf dlr^^ It is the/.duty,?ofj!he:,'boai;d|Jlo! formulate •policies a^duo Wel-th’a.'t! theseS policies arc car'rl^''i?out?".bx.'.'th(y}, executives.; .Dlciatloji-byVthe board''‘of'the- petty dei'ali^oif'ida;^'. to-day,'operation k not, 'formulatlag'poUcies?'! ’ -'Itlls inter ference. Such inteVference kstt'oni^^ result In un^able .and'-URsatisfactOTy management^] Probably/the most' frequent cause of ■ un'wise^?management, heV points, out, la a lach/otAessohtlal. facts, or If accord wlth“!itTJ^geaei®rpollclM^^^^^ that: time,'f,and-,that.,:other- eiumpyesi and-directors -suchsas^rtvWilllams andib-.lhers ■! were'£-'re'd'rjflhi5.^!,tO’i»cco‘ forS!theiasso(!lation^uader,f8.ta'h^^ contracts'.'with'.,the .^..knOiWledge^S'iahd' approval of the. boardvgenerall^,-);.in7 cludfng'"all,.ofthe1ikttfal',’fact's .the ;policy , of . not' skiing/g^^ bacco -fo, deair^MjandLexprwisly^jh/ eluding'’ all the',adn»l'?fact8‘;aiidfevl'' dence to v show.-? that -;tiie'"''' .J’en'Lbabies; ages ft k Wftf ^ W » „ 0 s months. ' Plvo.boys, ages yoars.'lf .Five ■3 years to 10 girls, ages 6 years to 10 years.]' Wej.lnvlte applications from Chrls- ttan-.famllies^vrhqdesire to brighten •childiess homW'i'wlth North Caro lina's greatestmsset—a-chJld. Ghiidreri'strHome emlety„''of N. C., Incl;‘ John' J, 'Phoenix,/StaVe' Suiper- intehdetit, Greerishoro? N? C. these be at h'and.'.ah unwilllnghess to face .the facts. To the extent that- the board of dlrectorsjmakes aVreaLeffor.t , ^ ftt irtrtn v.f "i - to u nders land. the. demand t for; it* products, and to. formulate "price And; merchandising - poUcIe[^B--.on;^th'4.,hask, of, a’ll 'the/fact's.'rfatheftth'aia.t'dh'the? basis of .mere .opinlon;®he;..sayB,V‘win. its ^activities' contBlbute?.to^ whatever measure of^succoagdeFachleved: . , , Twelve boy8';..’Who-; are members of , the ‘ CO tt^n^clubJjlnV.L^ punjir made an' avofag^yleild/of '17499/pouhitofo't seed cotton pef ac're last year! executi're committee had good reasonjjto b^ Hove,. that there'Was,, In the “spring oi'l923, a veal* attempltftosraise ■the co8t[of.‘.rodryiBgVagaltttt".thk-as8oei- atloh,';, urlt'h .full} knowM of »ll’i these ? facts the ho'ard't'";^^,veB' of ail .su«rh7)M!tivltIe8;' eCatea'Jthat „ there; hag .never^;oe«n- any Jniwtlonar^con- cea-l^^nt")ther'eof: •/ 8t*te8j7;;bhat.j the contracr/pirlce, a^ - iprqdts/have. ?beeh' m .ilne-wlth! siihilar' coB>ioting|'oom». ■'imnlesj and/were /pr-^r. in' -lyli^wj-ot the,^hazard .’and ■thei'''warticultv'" s.er-‘ ^yice;:? and further i^twAhat 'tt' does, ho.t'.-sseiany'ground -whatsoever :for ?anV.,Claim of -any kind,\agalast' the [persons involved In these transad :floh8;‘.»'- A loan fund to amount, to .not less jthan 1110,000,.for assistingAt^ents in.'four Glass? A nomal wh^ls in Mabama, has been (^bUeh'sd b^ the] .Btrmlofbani- JSlew8?r‘,'ra*’*'jtaiidA4s.. to be' a'dmlhlstei^‘(by,)‘tbe/,'prwldents?''of 'these ihrtttuttohsi't’j.''! ‘ '-J 2; r* -Affr1cwltitval''XAm'at tRi«''Newe. Early last'Sunday morning Lllling- ton’s nlght' -policeman;, A. T.; Grimes,; set out. in'i hk'|Pord' for Clayton ?tOj spend •'tlie^day5'Awit'h'?hiB' homefo'lki 'Twaa hbr'yet 'lh? the break of-.dawh’ MEETING HELD ■m LAFAYETTE when the offlcer.';sltarted,on his jour- ney, and of-course he hadt the lights ' ' K'N*-r * A y* u. ^ . turned - on' his’ carl As- he. •was. pass; ing one of the" “embahkmehts? hear Kipling' he-spied! a' rabb;(ttl'ju'm>plh'g! an-d 8klppin«;'and scampering, along, the roadiway,” As^ the'!-!eng|he ,cam'^: dangefouslymeaf' hiis'royalfcottoiitali' Mr. Bunny began toaeap^-for tthenall; timber:; It- was?hlghVtime?? ad'so thwei was a high; embankmhht Immedlathiy/ . k ^ - - r ' The, patrons and teachers .of La- in ft‘'0®^tt,ofjbini.j,,'Nojt h^ylngj,Mr^^toj‘favotthffieh'ooi' mAt?,ina ni.-hk' ' fay,otfe4Sch;ool .met, last..-Friday , ^hf ? rto, organize a-iPareht-Teacher’s ' .,clatlon;5 rW. 0: Lovelace',? .prlncipaF?^of - the., school-;- wb" appointed?? itemporarji* prosddent and Ml8sr>Mar'y.v'JlmlWhlt!k .spi;ang:.^ amlds'nlps.?'. .Hdsi*. wlnter-faft- :. IK-.!., . ;Mi33^ Beck,. Superintendent .ofiPulJ lllh?,V;elfari|meta?wTthflh'o mapp^c.'ctu^h€L'wwk-:ifor..them,cglVr' iL'- 4,. .SXy-.vi.r.ft . Ing.. 'themSche-^reasonirand purposesa., ^fojft a-Parjjnit-T^ch>r.’s/;A83ocIatl6iK|:;;i (■ 1) Miss,' .Beck:.^88ld'’such .'a '• meet-?y Uaar,.: s tft i a'1\ ^ ^ ^ ^ I the£offlcer>i$iA&uSi'^ctt.[blg^f0l>l6ftW, and would not .daroidlsputettherstory.j-i, ' l.'r' come. ?v Suchlcompullitl&Mc?rtM';';.no^^^ 'be'laffecfed'^hy^.ahy^^provi^^^^^ new; act.W The actttal'k.proparations;.o.t' •tivitles of General; Manager Patter- son and Warehouse rvManagerf;^^^^ kina, as co-partners- in'^lhe .Edradhs^ohi A itWaxpayerswXnd^also; ;iU.".-jiS.?'AioUec(or.'tat'";'Ralelgh’, '‘North* Garojlna.-.-_ S;-;,Porm9??10?9 and; 1098- used'- for Imaki'ng!;, ;info"riihalion‘'returns ilb also iparinershlp-return8',SForm” 1006','. are C7m. ft.i^ -V* -“*r •" _«•*- Vwk -MS aV I'Mi* «. ' .^S?l:Co!lectoriofoIhtern'aI'„'Roy?©nu?^^' ?ach§SMfet''s4crreruBh>^ri^; !)periK>h?;,durlng4lthefyear^f^26'?raipa^^ 'inent .of?i| 1,00 O/oxf moreVr'er^tot a-;mar- ■rteterminmW^insr''proglt'8-'’aW hilemoAexten8ion8rmay,;be;graut-. .. ..ifor’tfillngilnformatlon' returns, you' rl^at?:^^tMarch;i;5^th;jdIh§|^ Aasocktion Formal LmI Fri- . I . 4 ; day Nii^ht and Nominatinf I Comntittee to Report at Meeting Tomorrow b’ Night* and-.Mr; 'Wji^M.'jLo.yelace.',,. h'ivT Lwlth; Ita teachersHhdiltS'wbrkTj-tfiu's.-? making , posslbleEavmore:, Intelligent^... - ruhdehsthnd , critomh-^'th^grnlerfVhm” Ume?m^^^^ time from .thetpupils'.?!;" . (2) It enablMi/theJ'patrons to be-^ come morh;T4!cflualtt?ed!'- with-' one' ‘‘'another. ln| a;, hew.,-way:,, ‘ \ ,(3).i,irtJonableSi.,the£parents to'''co-, i . ,4^ 1-ftV v% * ft -,1 a-,' arei'introducin'g^' }thr8?unrohiof,fi;o^y^f8chooif/4 (h)‘. The^programs^andii'dlsduhaicins?; ■ [at’,.such meetlngs^.open^ii'the.) exM;.iof"- 'many parents .W^rewohsihilfiieifahdi!^ fprlvl'leges-they haveVaevor fieWeTroT? ■ I r - «i ' IV *)•, s jc* V, ♦, H «■ A T Why^ a :Paren.tiTeache^!8^ Assoela-*. ^meets^-regalarlyit The.unllted‘?8t'rength1o;f-^;grou'p‘rof ./teachers;, [and! i ,lPa>’.%“-t%.-v Isi'AobWjrj? strong.lilsclpllh’h^hecbmehi^etrqnger^^^^ 'When' a- chtta'fcreallzesXhth'aSmtRh'or^^^ ikind teachori:i¥h'd'er»?hhh;?ea'cfi|?o’^er^ iby,-.?worklhg|t'oge£Ker?^?.';'-?;;’? ' ? . ■If tho'.iiarent^omo.iito>;’thcf.teach-;: jft.ftKkjrjK .-v—. _ fUeJnclple^pS. , ;ParentSL^o,£under8t8ndi ['wllil'see; ;jWl-li;:makeFth6^eacfieh^'aiMkS?oasleV.. Mrh^^mPD?“’*3ohnToh^^^^^^^ iihe,;..::.hewl|^-formtfd|£h88£cfat^gr^ fg®aSrdt^''fflciWre» .». * • - “rs,. rft. I iHOMB;OPtW: /.'.SALMON- “ . ft. I DURNED'^LAST THURSDAY i?':L«8t Thursday;ahouf noontime; as. thCkfam«y;iwere.slttlng‘'.downr't'o*s^ 'Tier, ihe.^'om’e of lifr::.-W? J., Salmon-of quite a success;... , , , They wilL meet again next Friday nlghtJor.?ai report fr,o,m',.the nomihat--.. Ing.'tcom^mit^e^and. atfthis/lmo^ipne of-,! !thO'cl’a8se8!?j^lisgl’T,fcoSli£tIe-pro8^ on Lee-Jac-ksonisDay:; ytTrt''"* r I * ®-It- is hoped^that eyery father and 1i >-wAA'4i)lvOft'/tv/> v>-^d . ft,. «» mo'lUer.'iWho' ha’sva’^childi in: LaN .seemed iflrst’^-dlscover^' started“onttheftroof‘;andJt Is,thought ' . ft, .ft' k i. •> »* "k, ktm.k{sk, k \ ft - *1 ♦/ some sparks- musfhave gotten there., ft. Ltftayet'te. “ , [School-'wlllfbecpresent'attthe,meeting : ' I’on^Prlday^'nlght. * . .The '"housek'ahd-Its, 'entire contents I'^ ’ ...k , . , were' destroyed.:- -If le. not. known; ft., 'ft f -J , • ft « fit* irS'm.fH. .how,niucn?insurance'^iMrV^Salm'on!;car- fried?; oh'' til'S'lhome^i-.b'ut'ft'lt is; under- .»tood!that%e!'hhd?8om',e.''-’,‘ ' !', The hoU8ei.'.wa'8j a tWo-story" struct- fure 4nd the^Maze went.hlghvyi^'Nearby ;'woods;:caugbt‘'on ?ftre,’ 'but' whs extin- igulsheav-;, • • M f'jmO?H^NBTT?'llteN'{ARB''’! , ABKtNG 'FOB LAW LICENSE ■ • Joseph^H. Naylor, and''Jfobmp..')tiar“ .rls'oD^nmare among, the'; 1(18 ^11^ ^cants^SorV llcehleltobpractlce la'w>-wKtf took 'examination beforsi.the: Supreme Court"at7lts seml-arnual! sitting, on Monday.,otithis;:wj^. . Others near hereLWho; took- the examlnaGon| Im ciudeiVCarl' C.-iPiillllps’ of'Saht’ord, ■Gdlhiwt; A;.fShaw of;FayetteviUe'Fand; *^ohm.T;'^D'ay^port??of''Sah .'Va mavawaiI. It\‘.'wllU^1jWb^ly be . se^^^ days 'before^thesSourt ’bemde down?’its, d«K cisions t'o'the ■various, applieairtB?' ■ - '• ft , -"'f' Oturttfrii'Mortpigee at'The Newt. hut they, .were^veib'’wWei a'waitel'andV * _1 t -* -A •’ ft ^ •fWAC kk interested, and -the: meetlng''iproved’ :?MR|/nK!NDRlcks VISITS'HERE b alley..- HarrissC.LIndsay/'ftHohdricks;: ^ Tocently^qp&6tor^:o'f^LilUnMonPMetfiod$£ ist- church9.butiwlml-.’wa8\removed!’.ioi:.' k ... * -Vy*- * * 4 J* Wmka**'A*. J- ft.r. and' 'Marslmni ^ea'rcci’l^Mr.-rHei^drlekiil-" says.] that*: he? Ist beglnning’^ioruk/^liis^f new. field : fine. His ? liosts^ol•'•fi^lentf;£~■ here ivere exceedingly gladCrto s^r? fp^8tor80;;_|Mri#7.Hendrlckj^a5ad^ *chn'd'rent’ldiil yh'ot'?acconi'pahy.: him.?? (Thex‘-are;in;«plehdld?h>n;th7;|.%8aj^,! grttihg; along' hlcelyX^iu"?tfieir?lhew' home.? ; .y'TheljIntelligent;.?use?’7bf. .lime- ;win !fl»?P:^0Voi|ffi]S|80^ **‘**^’*;>®''' ;produc^''beTtei|yiel^^ legume- cropa^ ?ln. NortWctwollna. f.JMagnesiu '8toii0>;, b#mr ^ quality?, and? yield' "of' weidF?' Pencil* and Tableto at .TtmT Keen. MH