isr- SK' igr- ii. Pi Sftt Si-' H’li 1' ir 5‘^ si' I'i s&t St.: IcR' SK-^ ii- l\w 9fi> r' .wit Sfff C‘ %\ f i! I!*' Kii sr; 3li,i‘ iV lu i>.L r iii.: i A ^ ‘ HARNETT COUNTY NEWS Harnett County New^: IRHl'ED EATERY THURSDAY UBNDBUSON' STRKLE. PubU^'her SURfMmiPTlON KATES One Year il ?1.00 Six months... .50 Three months— —- .26 CORRESPONDENCE This' paper desires correspondence from all reliableirsburcos-interesting to the people of- this section. We ask that the name of the correspond- otii be,signed for. the purpose of at- it'Ntiug Us reliability. Advertising rates upon application. Entered as second-class matter at I he postofflco at"'Llllington. N, C., under the Act of "March-2, 1879. NOTICE TO|;SUB«CRIRERS if you see a X.mark opposite your iiiiiiie on your paper, it signifies that' your subscript ion .has expired. If you wish lhe.pai>er continned, please reiiew Iproinptly. jl I THU'KSDAY. JA'NU.VUY 28. 1926 Comes the story'from Thomasvllle tliat a man carried a tick in Ills oar for tliJivy years,' ! We luive known people to liarlior l»ees In their lion- net for a good many years. But a (lek in a man’s ,ear for thirty years! laioks as though , he might have heard of it sooner. Our friends, the’ Tobacco Growers Cooperative .\ssdclatlou. are conilnu- liig to send us 'news' that looks, if true, as If there. Is a brighter side to ihlugs within'alio orgunlisatlon. We sincerely irusi tlio Co-ops will come through alright. If our sym pathy and co'jpei;atioii will help theiii any. here’s to it'., ■ The, more or leas popular snow which fell all (lay Monday of this week .is fast disappearing at this writing,. There's lyarlegation In this .Sunny South of ours, and'if tlio tour- l-.t.^ don't tlnd it to their liking they must at least admit that the same Is as advertised. |lt’s .sininy enough when it's .sunny; SAMARCAND:, ‘I'hls writer 'was privileged, one day last week, ,io go Hirottgh the lioiitutioii known as'^amureaud. It was my first slglit of the school. Having heard so 'much of It, and having seen some of the wonderful ; : I i fruits of its labors,!It was quite natu- lal that I shotrldi be interested to see Just it jlooked like. Of course there w'as a picture in my mind—1 had an idea of the "reform atory,’' as it is so often called In stead of school,, which Is a much hctier and nicer term'; But my pic ture didn't suilj nie at all when 1 looked through the!! main gate, and I discarded It before>:enterlug the re ception hall w-herc; our party was met by a sweot-facod .matron who reminded mo ofi the picture.s I had seen of Mary the -.Mother of Jesus., Immaculate halls w'here visitors are greeted and whore! officials and di rectors meet were none the more spotless than thel .donVlcllos of the .-students, as we later saw for our selves. . Hut the student’s.! We went right on through the n|d|mlnl8trutlon build ing and to the doriultorles where we M!.w the girls, And/such girls! Over two hundred of jthem;—neatly, com-; fortably, sensibly clad, pretty as plc- lures. every one„iof them—healthy,! liit'ppy, courteous!'; (My new 'picture was being palntodl.and my mind was working swiftly.V i. In whoso, great’ heart, did the conception arise, that these precious lambs might be saved' to the fold? And why did it require ■so many .long years for the hard old world to come Into a. knowledge that all is not human driftiwood that lloats between the'shorcs of docorum and the sea of adversity? The tlioiighf of past'neglect was hoart- slckenlng; lint thejeye.that witnesses this great reclamation work in prog ress tells the soU'l to forgive and forget al! that has 'passed, and to glory lu; the renewed hope of the bright future when roses will bloom ill the pathway, Of' these lives once seemingly blightedsdioyond j^'epalr. 1 said' they were pretty girls— they are. They , are bright, rosy- cheeked; not one, of them rouged. They look lit, every one of , them, to. go out and liecotiVeHho worthy moth ers of men. After, looking over the iasiiiution, Its varied ..doparit-mcnts and tlie detailed .provisions for care and education of |those girls, i cap tioned,-my picture!a noble task',being well performed 'by'a groat State. I listened to histories of individ ual cases. Students in this school have gone out. Into communitlesj where they are shining llghts^brjf-! llant examples,he Vhlto life as lt should be lived,j:; And -in each case' I couldn’t help thinking how mucli sweet or tho w'onld Is'^'Wh'en somebody cares about tlie welfare of somebody else. Here arei over two hundred girls who have; boon lifted Jn the very nick Of time .to save them from falling over the great, precipice,' their feet eleaiised^ of 'tho^mlre from] tho muddy road,j-,thelr ibo'dlos clotliod with (he raiment of Dorcas’ weaving, their minds and hearis reshaponod In perfect rectitude that .they .may walk circumspocUy^ before the world. Isn’t It a great work? I think so. The kindly matron told us the girls "make good”; when they go out of tho Instrtutlon; and -1 had no dim oulty in.bollovlngilt. I couldn’t oven bring myself to believe they were bad when they entered. They only needed someone to reach out a ten der hand. And good oild North Car- () I,:. , hie-,:, Ik'i' (;i'ea- iir,i:!('. oame to ii.e icScUv! if you ever doubled the beneficent! ro-^ults of Welfare work, go .over to Samarciind and get converted. That ('I'.e plia.-ie of the work alone is suffl- cleat to convince the most confirmed; .^keiitlc. S. w.' uhl I'nMsl'y lie demnn(l.'^ of the Li- i l gO'idesa, sn ,l0(.'r(.'Ctl. 'Inhere .Kred-.will l;,Ae i.u.plo, oi;- portunity, to, reflect - on tlie wanders .of !-clence,''part'lcii'!arly'.‘the radio,- - i!mi heni'd' tlielr o'.vn ;iro,'r;i,u re-i •I o.'iiioafee,:. 'lie '.’.‘.-'v Vo-'k., The..; ’ >. 1 .!c:‘i r.-ed -.•.-.i-e.- \Tt’T;!;i. .i IMV. KOK'' " i.);.\I)l.\’G^>LVlTEIt»’ DRINKING AT THE UNIVERSITY. .We leani by the papers where it! is slated by some -person ussumhigi autliority to speak, that d'l'inklng-taU the LTilverslty of North 'Carolina is on tlie decrease. And it causes us, to wonder if. lliere would no’l\-, been tui argument, hot\nii‘U swift for- anyone who‘would have had.-the| audacity lo say there -was any*driuk-! lug at all going on the University^ Of course, in putting a mahogany polisli on sap pitie, sliiagles; il ^may; be neco.ssary to mix a lit tie alcoUolj with the poilsh. But in ,(ho'casesj of tho better materlar it',would seem! that tho mixture mlgli'i not be made, so strong. ^ .Not long ago some fellow'' made bold to say they were teaching ■l. » ^ i »*, »i ■agnostielsm at tlie l!iiiverslty,i‘and- tliore was a loud prot.est,' When we read the argument pro atiid con. 'pur mind run back a couple of years, tp^ tile time when Llllington schoolj'had] a fresli young graduate of the. -Uni versity who taught .Ills -pupils horp! that when they wer,e-dead, that-was the last of them, and that" all-'they needed to make them monkeys was ' * > * I a rear apueudage. liui-trwe’re glad to hear that drinking,Is on the decrease at tlie 'Unlv,brsl,t.v.. It will be food, for tliouglu on the part of the next'Gen eral Assembly. THAT FLORIDA BOOM What caused the treiiieudous'Flor ida boom? This question has been asked ilioii.sauds^pf tlmesj^and.lias re ceived many different answers.' But;^ regardless of the' cause, .the.PMorlda boom Is^ a very real proposiilou-, andj liii.-> aiiraciod the atteiillon-..oy.thOj nation as has no similar develop'iheni! of i-ecent years. As a matter of fact, uo .single Oc5 ciirrence is wholly ruspoiislblo "fbr-ithe! boom, A comblmitloti of favorablG' circa mstaiices'imade It possible. But there Is one oii.ts-inudliig Jucidont] which Is ilielieved,,by,-yhoughff.uriJ>tUj! dents of -the. situation,‘^to htvvo-;8',t*a.rtJ ed Florida dofinitelyjowurd Its-’un'? procedetited prosperity, A couple of years ago the loglsla-] tare submitted to the peop|0,-;of, Florida :i conslltuiioiial amoiulmonti| providing that state lucoiu'p and\lu-; herltance taxes should’ bo forever] prohibited, it carried'! by an pvor-i w’lielmliig majority and went iiuo]if-J feci, A le.adliig citizen of tliat'o’ recently 'wrolo: "The people of, Florida had^juo' Idea o-f the far-rcuclilhg effect o'f their ameiidmentT They!.-hoped lt„; would help 10 aitrafit'-'caplta.l. ' They kne.w- that it would 1)0 01 some, benefit 'But that it would unloose u/golden! ■Hood was as much a surprise to tliemi as to tlie remaliidor of tlie country,;.'^' Florida made.,-A definlio.^aud'^deUb^ era e bid for wealthy ipeo’plo'to'locate’ within Its borders.' It. declared through an overwhe,lniiiig’’oxpres8ion of its voters that busluoss,and?lirdU8^ try and acoumulatod wealth, would ■not be harransed ^nor confiscated^! Tliose facts were-broadcasted .through' advertising of . every kind. , .BticketV by Florida’s climate' and other* ad- vaningos, It dl'd..llio trick.', Alabama has the same' provisions with respepi to taxation,,(but.,so far has not made the'fact widely known. Probably other-slates have advant ages, .wlilcli .might make an almost equal appeal. But states that desire, to attract capital a'nd^’sbcure,develop:! meni must let capftai klio.^^ that-ji’ wlllibe wblcome an!d"!thnt it will gm'^a’ square deal.. The attitude of tho'-logislature. and, people of ■Florida in this -respect, with; its plainly evident results,..might welli ■bo considered by legis!latures'„,wlvlch, ■may have a tendency, to, discourage’ ami stifle enterprise, ^through -.un'duei ’ • t >• s *»'«)» rest riel Ions tiOJI. and 'burdensome'' laxn- THE TELL-TALE RADIO -We will all be living lu tiio pro verbial !'glas8 'house,’; If .tho tscion-! lists keep on discovering new^aueaus of cliecklng^us-up. .With dictograph's; ami irutli serums ami a now„doV'ice! said to be capable of,luuklug'movin’^ pictures o.f what„goes on in u rooim’ w'lihoul the knowledge of Its occu-, pants.- they, tiro getting things down 'prot.ty'fine. ■_ Besides those schemes for the In-;^ vaslon 'of -privacy,, of which evll- "doors, might ,1)0 warned, Frj)d .M.,„Tay- lor of Kansas -City wpU'ld* ^probably’ .caution thorn„^t,o.[keep.-'o’ff;'.iho'alr- for.- the radio 1)rov©d to 'be bis undo ing! ' Some montihs after do.sertlng a wife in Illinois, 'F)'cd married;, a young'society woniaii In the Allsspuri; cUy, tlie weddliig.^'belng.a sw.tilljaffalr, with the ceryu,ojiy';Tyrl>!*liy;^ft, bishop. To ma'kb.tli.e occ'a.sloms'i'rM- l-y Hp-to--dato.',',’the; pr.ocobdlng^iw.brb broadcasted over ibo ;church''''radlo. W-lfo No. 1 happened to-'ho llston-. • ‘ .u > Itig in at her I'lillnois home.'^.-and-ms; Fred had neglected' the]lah; of getting a divorce, or chuiiglng^his; naino.j his publicity wa8^ox)po8e.d.!,;^rho, doHoriod wife Journeyedr/.wjCistw.ard.’r When tho Judge asked‘iTth'b^-,(two ^ « s ViM ft t*t I Mrs. Taylors to suggest' a-, suitable punishmont for-their Joint sjwuse, they agreed tha't 'flve.ycarsJ' about right, but his honor' thought that two years ■ In Jefferson City PC)SSIB1LITIES " - *N POULTRY Kei)i’c.seiiiutlves from two more largo -pouliry^rj-'n'^i^'missio^, pue from Phiiudclpliia and o)ie fi'om-/Nefw' York, avo ln.-'t'lio State-t'hl'sfweekf'Jlbe ;tng-attyacted]* by-, the,p;opprt84of,.;ppu|; 'tr»j',t'haV ih/ bVlngislilipped-froui tKe, ;Siate..and'-iof,.iplan8.-,;tliai ..are{^being- i'nia'tlO'do iiici’casexthoiStatels/ipou-ltry, .output. One lOf .'these. wa8^Mr,.',',Ka8-! ' * ’ I ' ti. t **‘X ;sel '-of tlio-v-'Kassel:-Uoultry.wC'omipany: of New..York,jo'uev.'of-Uh'e:'old©'stAproi.' duco liousesi'Iuf-ihO'Clty.lftnot’llho ;bld- e«i;, ln.jth^;^>nj5)^r,d/h_p^ Mr.^ . Rap Inolw/lu-JoflU IsseiCifebUablnpwii tz; ■tlie;,largesttpr,oducc!idealcr8',;luj,Phllar.! .delphla'.'.LT.r.W., 'lleitz, ^of. th^Dlvls? . if J > ' - -t V A W. >4SWAV*'V#.y», 5 ,iontof‘'.Ma’rke'ls,"l:as;speut:,afgo,od‘Jdeal • ‘ of ‘ lime-, .showing,,’ouad?,'.the. It * V- • ■■ ••-.A]! » . * . »/_/ \ 111 gi-bran c h ■ To r>jt h ol r-icity.^ , >\Tili ‘.twb;,or;.l!lirc*o -lar'gc'.-.’firmsiilb- '■.ciu.ed lu'^jbe; St-ale./'l)rlnglng;iHbout coinpotition- fory.our surplus.pouUry, tirpLproducers,.would' be' assiired^of -aufple/niurkpUj.wlth good prices’'for their .prbductst'' The fttctPthat mllroatlc couditionH are|...spdif4thaF'Civ‘‘l>’, ’ipi’bducedJ.Jn,'-’this, State arpun^fjbji' 'in d li t'hitoVslk^i.w.eek s,earl ier,!!!th anile's i; ot larifo 'T>ou!Lrv inroducinfirAsitfltPA of itlie largo,[poulti'y.jproduclng'-states ks tlioimalu -'reaVoirlwiiy^thelattentlon; of .these.largo,ibuy.ers;is.!belng.attract: ed ilioCNortlMCarollua’.oiT'tls. the- early .(111 /•. *-'• - . br^dlersf.tiiat*:are' alwaysvlu' demand, lii lithe -cities.,, .The Kassel. Ppultr^yj Coinpany-paid' as hlglr^as ;$l..0,O],Ter' pound last .year for', broilers!.''„;An.-, other factor .which Is.,makingmi;r,epu-!. tai.lon for; North -Cardiinlp'pouitrHiSi tho;healthy condltiou'ro’Dthe chickens, • A A- A f*’jiv>)4‘’aC'NAV;v« that Ahave.Jbeoii -’shlipped 'fromKthjs' Stale. New .York buyers, stale-thej' jhaye fewer losses lii'transit,',fr'om';'dl8- (oa;je-,fi'om ilio .North OaroUnh* poul- {tvy. ';':;”llluriiett ftirmors .may wlu 'large it' * ’ profits by giving .more; attention to mouriry. .The Nows.haa!lohg"!he'ldJthe opinion.-that ;the ‘‘chlcken“cr^pp.”/frcan lb»li'made. to pny-.Jiautisoinerl^rotirrns! lAVAI A4ALy\. ‘.th'fiii some of tlio^.so-cnllG'd.'iistaples.*^ iOPpORTUNITY ^FOR %WRED"SERVICE ''I'magination,'’ broad, vision* and - H .4 ! . • > , ability' to . coordlnme ’-progressive Ideas along pViici^al^llnes ,arp nec^^ estiaryTo work mP.^a.Sy.Uhovemeht for’ ,tluf-benefit of ni'ankiifd^;.., . ■".^.Jl'hrough-, ihe^.Duyliif^Sfarr Jordan] :Pe1iee Plan' which’ wouv-pii'.'i^ri.OO^O! ‘prize, a‘ program ‘ l.s' .o'ullinedifor',a' ipi'ogrossive' approach ' among'^;^ the school childreii. of the.-counury.vto- ward the;Vlewipqliit that-lnlcruatlqnal ;dlfferen'cos'shquJd;>h,^]'setU^Muirqug^ [peaceful means! rn’i'h’er’\that?miirdugli: ■i ' * a’ -iwnr. , . The Walter .Hines Pago';School,,o'f; jlnternntloiial ReilatlbhsLwHlch /iiig America’s-Jetwllng 'scholars' and ‘Js'l atesjneni-j'is'an.. inten- JC4 V a«'a » sive effort' to.!co.qr.dli^e|!and!i'centra'l-. 'Ize those, faejsto a Just solutlon'.mndt^'qulKwar,, of 'int'ernaiional''prdblenwor,xdi'fl'drence8., 'The Jordan,^plan'f', 'appealing tq- hlgh. nioral!Stnndard8;diT 'the v^elatlonvqf hejg^b^m The tPaga •ScifdSl deal's' intcnsly;d>v wUh,, thWe. ffno-Ts' nmL nrftl)lenisi"'wh’'siirrounil' 'facts' and ,i)rqblcnis',]wh!lcli;.surrqumV thq'life of our^'u'olghb'of{and'lyiil'Cli' facts it Is essential'.’for iheCqthqr}'>fel- low to know,': .if -lie wants'to”'liave ;peacefu'l' relations. Men and wohiom!trained qnjtiuos- tlqns involving- lnteniatlqiml;]!rela- tlqnk' tire more Important in-ou^dip] ilqmatic' ser-ylcc,...,so'i!,farea's,ihe..^welU; 'be.l.ngr’of ouri.coutitryl^ls ^.concqrned,] ftliah' tiro trained menfln'.ariy-jl’lnespf; ebusiness endeavor,'beenuflewbusiness; cannot exist profitably’without'sound; - ^ ..u';a.c»4^»^4v j • * - V •woi'id'conditloris?^''*. . » ” -r r “ •« ■* ' - ’ ^ ‘A V "Red” Grange-may'play’‘8p'ectacu- |rar;football'.for]fa'few ye’ars, but how jiiisl-ghl'flcan’t l.s',sucb an achievement,' ^cbm'iVaVed with- a man" trained .in thV ?sul)Ject „of international, 'felatlons!' ;,who could enter thojgame' of iife;,vbe| tween nations and- h'elp' .make’. this] world a better'place fbr'^all of us to' live in, , Opportunity, romance, achieve-, meiit, and re.ward,center around .the. ■Page Scho6lf?and‘! the Jordan,'^Plan S - ' » l> 'fk '.AA. J »» . *-. (*■>«♦ I' » • ■ «-) V »4t. -"Willholpf'.furalsUV' incentiveCitoL-the, (growing -geueratlbh', 't'o'wtake/a'dVaht-. 4 .-1 *- .. a.,. ego of the opportunide.s whlch'fthe ^Page School offers. THIS IS RADIO WEEK In-lernatiqnal .Riadloi' Week is an annual eve’uL.^aimj'this, year; being hold from;January ‘ 2 4th, to' 3 0 ih. ^Iii.-: terest ih it. is more'«ke1&n''tb'anjusuaI, because ■^Itl.follo.wskso^ close!'X,;„upon tho sucoe3SfU'lHatt6mptitnade:.on:;New, LY,oar/8 Evo'j’ito ren'clrcle'.-the'globe by radio*. -On;, this occasion, .music played *in jiine;8tatlonHltn‘.th6 United States .’to Cu|l)a,;,;Ber.mudu?and': SouthiAmerica; ..whileiu^progra-mtfromT-Newj.YorkfcWas' lers ahroad^],^ * • - - V . ■ PerhapSi-t’he crojv n In-g „ach 1 exemjo.n t R a d lo.'.Cbrpofa (lonv.of ifA-ni erlca]^.V,aa'; .when. onglneer8?..;ati't.he •Lon.donX'Sta-' 666 is a pieneriptloji for Coldsy Grippe^ Flu* Dengue Bilious Fever end MeUrie It UIIb the germs. satisfactory...amt ucir.v). ; il ' .,1- •' 11 ultImntbA'; possibility- or .uniting tho wiiai u ouglii to be,, o.i.i- .. world liy'nullbV'; iiiakv couiiiry life,.whtu-it ought],tO; be. u.iiil farmers got. rid'of'this .idea STEELE TO RETAIN THE HARNETT NEWS ^ i>(From 'Thb R.'i'le,lglr Times) ^ '.-..l.'ridor ihCijheari of "Explonallbn” tho ' leadrhg„'bdim*'**'''^‘^ .''V vn>’J!ont issue" of /The' Harneu' Comity ‘*News says: '-riiayo'.again assumed fiijUcharge tqf-'‘The,;News land .will^;con'tlni'ie Its fP.ubilcatibn'as fonueriy,' > . ^’4‘‘Wben 'l tnr.-de ,^niiiibunccnient of 'Ch^ii'tfcq-in ' innnitirbilHAiit' nl' Ilif> nnnnr elip'ii'ge^^in'inaniigemeiit 'of the Tiape.r I''did?sq;/n; good faith. ..Clrcmu'ttnii.- ces,which ;convpc-i’me’ I'o again.'take .'Charge of. the' paper were, brought about under.'conditional over which 1 ihad no control;', ^ '* 4 A** ' *■> '‘T have .beeri„»i,uch'^'gr.,itlflcd iit I ho serve ilicm In I'uturo,. „ ; ,. . “Henderson. Stco’e.'’ ; 'The .pxpianiuioix will„be wJUiii.gly accepted,by all 'News readers. For- limns circumstances for Mr. Sicole, we ini I,/us well n.-A for the «uh>irrii)- er.s. ■ ''Quality,lead peneJN 00c a dozoii at The Xfw.-" office. J. A. REDFERN IaILLIXGTON," X. Fire and Life Insurance jv Heprest'iU Ing’ Equitable Assurance Society And Eonie of tiiif^^trbnge.'it P’lvc and that thflr minds are not wo'rth feed ing. A man has got t-j. heliev.OviH' TilmM'lf move ihun' i.iat! 'must hav.q more res pec C for ' hiinself;'"' mo'ro! I’O- ‘ '• A. ^ '^K - rpecl for his;-briilu..‘iuuF,‘his.-miii’d','?^^^ ’{'’ore he' cun iiurqii'ni],ipi'iuiyiiilp'g!;^ IJC; ' believe iliui hi/, ow-pju'inVFifa^d) Ills children'ti,111Iiuh dl‘.-o:'vo ihev'-best; Intollectual food , he can' liiidst-iHuli f-,'m paper,, the best I .u ..til! ci'ii v'!i jjiipor.'i the besf •1,1. .-veil if ilie.v do cost .'i.'a'i. ■.iliiile om.','. wide-a- .■i.,:!.'i! : :i;)(•.'■; that .f.ind- -tqi-'greisi^ fqr iniproveioeiii, .uk* [for, high'ideals.; " : ' ■ NoJhaVd'aiuKlast, rule cam ,b^eJaU^ !do^v,h;',;b>.t;,a.r,]minln)]^^^ Lb!s^ftxeTV':\iiid^.’wo 'wouldusaj^^ltha.tKjitJ /liiun. isi'doTng riglil iby^’fii’ms'|U'''o!r hhi; tfamtlyl if,-. ho - a verugek; les.s.!Lit'liajt;!.-X Uyi 4 Vi.i 4. ■'» ' V**C‘'r* > v. and] book.'s.,---:K^^^^ ^liei^'Poo,".'!n T'ho Fri)gre.sf4lve’>F'iiriiierf ’l)leni>t. of. it, jlo wouldn’t.^let; his, chndron' go^ wiih two! meals!.a 'ray; wlieir ,ihc.v.Siee.d tiliroe. ..Why. .them sh.iuld he fom.per'h!.s'.tclilld'reui;t'o"g0l! along witli only un]qccn.sIqnXI'^ub*J!S^B! i;y', or :St‘nii-iiionih'l’.y '.M'easrj]i)r''lnXel: leciuiil food, ot s'eern*g]-;td,: It'- '(hni '-tho paper.'T rb'be^liad-'enme to hi.s tiome every! week,?!; We should.i^;i;'lake tiio bqst-'pap'ors we oun get. A clienp! iiewspapbil [filled . with'storie.Ai of "suicides, and! ^ A ''-Il ^ "Ufc . murders anci' .sc.'indals'jand":.'iiuomoV hilc wrecks and ovimirfal t-rlMs:^ tiioly! advert Ishig' ' codu-miX.' IHXd’! wltlf shiiiiieUiSii. iinubuneyinohtic^uf, patqnr med iclne fa ke'rs” a iidiq unck. doct.oru--:. -s'lich ' papei'h.'.'.woii't VieVpyuii. /i'^. 'ill. •Nor v.’lll tlie cheap ■.)ors with sensatlqiialrfictlou-a'»d;.f,b'r-. ^ - - «4t», ( ■' '-V-t-il yS tr ‘1 tniio-icUlng ai'tlcle.s',tnnd/fraudu.feuti •‘free' advcr.'i.-emcn-is in uiilimP'Od' ..umber. . - , We sh')Utd take our Tocarpa-' tt ...Hus,: \VA.\T!':D-;^Middle-;Agcd maX. tier CUM make'-$‘5bribr!8l0'0;,or,'moi3e, Idfe Insurance Companies John D. Johnson ATTORNEY AT LAW LILI.IXGTOX, N. Baggett &, McDonald ATTORXRVii»;AT, LAW IaIltaIXGtox. X. r. MONEY TO LOAN weekly , in Harnotl ..county-.,.selling; A \ """x \>4. 4 Wiiilmer’s Euaranieed '-f lliiei. of " r . 4 ^ - V , t .*A -At h'Tinc necessities—toilet articles,’: soaps, .iplces, etc.. .A,.lo dlls,, neigh-;- itoi'.s. 'ream or car needed, but goods are fiiruishe'di - on] .credit’.; t’herry, of ..Alabama' made $']'22.'5,0'> lu five dayi. J-lXhaU'no expeiX ciice whcii start lug, ^AVb teaclLybui, .suie.smanship FUEE!,.;.. .Wrllelis ;f6r full pariiculur.s' io-d'ay;.. 'i H E H. C. W H PA N Y Columbus, ‘ ImliiuVa IH'pl. 21 21-31P On ReaLEs^te; To Pay Off Indebtedness; To Make Imprbyements; To Purchase Land. Report, of the.(’oiulltloiir.of 'PHK PAKMRRS: B!Aj>’;*?* Ill .Vngier, .In the- Statp:^ .of- .North; CnrolUm, at" the-dose o’f.'bii.sinftss. December :n;/1925'*‘-‘' ‘v RESOU'RCES'y- , . I.oans aml;disCo»nt's--l'__‘$'- IS,.365*.33 Demandi .'loah'slu---'-J..'. 3;9$0.2'8' Overdraft!*. 'ihisecuVed).]-- ' 34.02. .-Ml Ollier , stocks] .bonds! and' mo»;lgag,fi.-i;_-_i.-_ ' Furniture and' fixtures All other real- -estaie owned Cush in viiulU an'd nei:- amounls ,■ d’u'e from-' banks, bankers- .and' 'tru.Hi com-pauiesL- Expcnse.s aiul'-^y^es'— Checks for clcTirlng---'- , 2.r>00’,00’ 4.o:ir,.ot :!.48r..oo 20.r.3G.08 2.266.06 312.14! r'-e B. A. PARKER J ^ UNDERTAKER Llllington, X. G, Day Phone 228 Night Phone 267 -1. -Full line of Casket.s, Rol>es, Efe. 'I’olai 66,002.92: LIABILITIES ... . ./ Civplial- stock 'paidJ i»c!-_'%^TO,000.00 Deposits subject to,-.checkr ”'' iudivUlnnl^':,';:!38.142.64' Demand' cerl'lficatesw of'* dopo.-llt - Time • cortlflcates': of/' de posit, duei'i.n-'Toss than 30 clays Cashier's checks ■ out- -standink. • —« . Certified' checks!?'-'--—ir-'- 1,000.00' 2.914.63 300.88 6.00 Time certiflciitesit-of De-,- posit. dueW)»r'br after' I 30 dnysi, i Savings Mlcposlts -' 3.637.12 . -2.76 . W. Phillip*, M. D. Announces , Keraoval of Offices to Layton's now building, upstairs near Offl'ce. Office Hours: 10 to 12 A.' M. 7:30 to 8:30 P.^M. and appointments.' DR. J. F. MARTIN •iPRAGTICB LIMITKD TO DISEASES OP THE i Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. I TABLETS i^SKCOND FLOOR WILSON & LEE Total $.66,002^9,21 State of AN’orlhVCaroliha;r?,Qounty!"0'6 Harnett. January.;.?;; 1926. I. J. E. Dupree!i!! of-^^/d-h^j above n.'tmed. Bank,^,.‘do.'..i80lemnly, swear ilia'l.i-iUe ; above'"statqmehtyjl^b^ true to the-‘be't'^’of. my; knO'.vIodgo and belief. '! . . i' i, J. E. nUPr4EE;',;..r ' Ca.shler. Correct—Attest: O. S. YOUNG.. M. E. FlSH,“ J, F. ADAMS. ' Dirocior.s; Subscribed and sworn to* belore mo. this 11th day’'of'January,rT92 6.' W. H. OREGORY... r Notary Public, My com. exp. May 13th, 1-926. ■ DRUG STORE !dunn, N. C. Office Phon-c 62 CHARLES ROSS We have a large stock of good Schcwl Tablets, both for pencil and pen, and we are offering the regu lar iive*cent tablets at SO ATTORNEY AT LAW cents a dozen. The nickel tablets for pencil have SO sheets ruled both sides and are of excellent grade paper. Offices in The Killiegrey Hotel Uaildlng LILLINGTON, N. C. MORDECAI & SALMON 'V' ATTORNEYS AT LAW LILLINGTON, N. C. Offices In the lisyton Bullfling We have the **01d Glory*’ pen-and-ink tablets in dif ferent sizes—any size for SO cents per dozen. J. C. THOMSON. REAS. EHTATE AND INSURANCF Agency for Best Old Lino Coinpniilo* ‘xTi LIFE AND PntK: LILLINGTON. N. C, . Office In'McKii)''' nutlding Over hi* ' Tngwell Pharmacy. NORFOIJC SOUTHERN RAILROAD 4 *“ 1. '' •* . Passenger Train Schednles Etfectlro -Feb, 1, 1025 Lv Llllington , 10:16 a. m.—For Fayetteville and intermediate'points/' 10:16 a, m,-:—For yarlna'and'inter* medlste points? •HM McCOT, Agent. At THE NEWS Office, Lillington, N. C. “COLD IN THE HEAD’" !■ an- acute-, attack oL,.Natal Cntarrh..\ Those subject toi.freauent ‘.‘colds’;-’.are") xenerally im a'"runi‘downt2.'conititlo!);t2ha^- HALLls*:CATARRHiHMSDICINB:$lsi^l! Treatment ~conilBting;torSan^401ntmentls;tOK be used locally,', ondsa’^Tonlc.Hwhichgacti!, Quickly through^' the'rBloodt^oiPRhe^MU'-i couB ^rfaceB,.;bulld(ngr.up.':ther,'Syitem;f. and making you'lessillobletfo:^''feldsirij;: " Sold by druggists' for',ovei'j;ieiyear.4,'% F. J. Cheney .a Co.’, Tolcdor;0.. NOTICE OF BALE'OF LAND FOB '.TAXESi-i- At a Sheriflysal^*qlTand!for taxes on the 4th-'day*o'7 May//tl926,'fOKthe taxe.s of 192,!4„ I, pui;cnased'!'ai'jr;act/Ojt laud of 12 acrea. listed'iris£the|,name of E.- N. Harringt'on'/.Bstate;:;iu£'B'arr becue Township,“HarnXtt'-County,''' If- redomption- Is.'mqt^ma^^^ilntsther time prescribed- by?la^-^I'';.wlll!^'a9k - foil* deed' for same. Thi8?:;Hll;'6f' January, 1926. 7-4 »!*!".>•- D;*-i .Sf»l leW’AiVS 'rO/ KNOW ;TMk iLlRGAINS .IN wiflTE! G)OlW t' 'roy'jiiauVisiiomqinuiieiisl'tite'mi'dwia- ,*.Vl . 1*1 4 Ifi^J Y-f-tU -*..•/ r *W ‘H 4l>V ^14. 4 . iter'.“whit,ev.';saie- '6fi’qrrvtho.;best op- IV* * tT II IliV cr t/S* V,Si/V V I»V.J ••r v.*v 'poriunlt'yifotVth^ycjiiSto' stqclc.iuip. on .,*1- i» VglVi. s. * 4)*., *h oiVselibld^^lt’ext'iiW.’V BifP if?is '.^aoK ,good’i.tli‘a't,’s;.Vhlte;-! Just as'^ In'buying !Ot'hor;,'.fabr,lC3i:thqi'c. are ^.fuc.s,' about jfibot^ttii't^;'iveuve!*\‘thal;tlu*!li'6mcmak- ier^rieeds/.T'o,knd-w.'lfrsbes-w.oU'ldvgoi' h jtuuel/’bnrgainpsays' the-. Bureaus 'Bco^^ '■ii(V.Pics!‘’of-::jth’e?Unlt'odi 'Statos-Depart'-’ I'ileuf' ot.TVgricul't'Ure'.', .s' *14. t Ifc . i-. V- ^ V 4 ' ^ "t' It^b.uyl'hg yard', gqqd's!, unraVok.^h; (yiirri.^-unt.wist it.f/und' u>,ull- outtiStUiUlj ,t-ufrs^of!ltlVe.'fib>rii.!!.. Notice whetlior itliVyi'tuV a'bbuCthe'i same! or- very dlf- ;fiiroiv4;&^l'engtlK:' '.The.:' rabr,lq:'wit'h-. Honge'str.ll'bersriOf,'',regular length .'wl'll! iwear • best-.The endk,;ofesh’or,ii fibers; work, loose and'i make; the'fabric’rfif/i^ \ ■*» i tv ' 4 _ ,sy,’a:j,*lhqi!8izlTi’g«pu‘t^iaj:'by;. Ih'ewnianu:* fuciui'er. is •wash'ed'l.'butV 'rho"' lint' rubs off, r’'VU -nib a fit' arid it ••oil|4 more vc.'AV.y. ,;,oosei,oi:ds^i').i '-ite • uriac:.' loii n-> , ‘.luiOts.'iivTlW^.v^iK'ii 4 :ii'e • »•;?*)!„!: :• "turiug' lau'i'fdc’i’Dfe ■'lud' lu^quof , :;lio-!’.al)!’ic!;' d'otl) \ii:hi i-lios^* 3. T'f' ol'toii a. a sii'i.ii,!. ii));l,i ;i_lu!v'qi- v-liou!.! not -be .•*uj'i,i'i^(-d !; ‘.-hOw.* of wear rather.qiii.;!. ' ".'ci jn(i^''^,h.o firmui* :: of ilic wcii f"!!,! ,l‘.o r:ihi'l; (1,1 ll.o ..i.'...,^1.1 .;r..! ,!'.C bias lli'.'l wa.v !l, ;iii.,llii*i’. sera ch it v. ilh; lU-'^iin.. i;.i!l. , Noi,'*'" wli. ilic.' the •; , ,i)Ui pI.c-K* ca !!.\. ; !.c !weave! the'/^ more uai:. ).i* il.c :;r.- :oth,or!‘t,hll}g.'i'-being, equal. If lit.' !we:iX('vJ.«.i,vo'J’>'.'.]P‘>^!l* propared lo fi)1tve'Stbet^‘fal>rIc'.shrink wiicn- it i rL;:/rt.i.*i-kAA*.wS«r v'-"-- i ^ i.j.-iir.’ub-jat^corner of tho.g:)(>;!!i.l>r,l.-i;;i. ( .... ...... .lx; tivV'etMiu’f h'c* fl uger.s' .i of .sec, iw bet h e r !(i'(in'tfiln?j'^a'r'grG'n't dqiiF.'of, siarcli., i.r Il^-'^i- of;'all'.. If yon c;,,., !lah‘P'ih’pi>io^ IV .sampl.o'! aiur wa.'*li; i:. V. ,4 ' ' * ^ ‘ . 4 I'Mencerlzing,':; i.^., a 'permanent ftnMi • A'l' V.4. K ^ ‘ glv.en-ito,';i'o.ton!that.'inake.* It m;-.',' ,)'''i;'()UW!;caudL stronger, ami ;-th,>Ml I ii'C' iffii I iv'a'lt ei^rAv ish l ngr?;:, !.!'* •’'!— >' Tn'o!eS‘'«B;,0'studlednu; public''«;!lio". 1 •!of-'Ne,w^>$)rkl!a5i't> part'of' the naiun-- Jftud'yi-Epifogranv. and- .thq .'prdgi'es.* tbe.'i'.oasou3;.;,IS: lo.lowcd,.in- a .tre.c- tFl. OiAtJ*’- ■Ic'-Garneif."''' 4A c... ROOFING The weather is getting; very cold; How ^ about the roof of ydurJdw'eJi^Mh'g^an outbiiil * . £., , ■ dihgsf ; We have the very best-Rocofing that can be’bdughfcfor the money., ^ 5-V Grimp; Gal-^ p vahdze#Tihf^Asphaltv Roll Roofing and' Also a complete line 'Of pipe fittings. : When mneed we will'appreciate youi- ' orders. ' >Ju ' HARNETT HARDWARE HOUSE 1 LILLINGTON, llj. C. W'll i"!« m m IB m i-;a at 1 ".4! ■ /- ■ I Good Things To tHh.'Sirj.. Eat I I I I i Every Da^ in ■ Jr. P I6V- the Week J. A. MARSH: Lillington, N. C. ■ l-li;Bliai!niii'Bi''iBl'>IBI':'Bh.B''‘'BI!''B' (.>' /rasK E. P. HARRINGTON A Good Record For more than twenty years the'Bank of Li 1- lington has stood four square to- all storms/ of finance-alike through^lpdace and wai^, [ prosperity and-panic,' thisji Banfc lids^ passbtl: iwdth: increasing streiigth?^^!! H. T, Spears, Cashier jj.D-.H. Sen ter ” M. T. Spears ^;j.4*p. McKay DIRECTORS 1 /. W. Halfordi Chas. Robb - J. D. Pearson W, J. L. Senter W. Seniei H. 'f. Spe.ars. BANK OF LILLINGTON E8TABIASHED 1002 skib

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