f- c ,v ; ._.>.../f^-.v-,, ^ ■■ ,_f. .J . .. , P.AO'E TWO HARNETT COUNTY NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER^"?', ,19.26. Frank Parker Com ments On Tobacco ilils y(*ur wGi(> aiboiit the Huine uh forison Htreet 100 feet: , thence east- ihG Gon-espondlJiK P^^rlod of 1925,1 wardly parallel with.Pope Ktreet 150 ' feet; thence northwardly parallel with iWIlflon rttreet 100 feet to .Pope u^w Uvea, containing 13 H acrea., mo>e or le?»a, and fuHy described in j a deed from" Dr, J. P. McKay to i Tubacco was both benotltted and hainied it»y the rains that were gen eral during August—Improved lu yield and In many Hectlons harmed in aualliy. The prospective produc tion was increased more than a huii- iired million pounds during the [iii/tuh, 'but iihere are many reports .,n.>wing that ihe rank growth will be reflected In coarser leaf when cur ing has ibeen compleied. Wildfire has 'been reported from many sec- tloiis i,f the belt ext.-ndlng from P.-nnsylvanla, .Maryland, and Vir ginia ihr.ugli Kentucky, d'enne.ssee. O'llo and Indiana, although the dam- uoes not appear to have reached .•crious pK,portions. (‘■uttlng ha.s oc'gun und-r wi-aiher conditions that make damage from house burn possibility. l-'lue Cured Tj-pes Tbf outlook in tbe ibrlght district of the t.'oastal Plain Is more favora- oie from a price uandpolntt than It Was In 191:;.. The Oeorgla-Plorlda (■io|i was .,r '^•xcellent dualiiy and has been sold at prices far In advance nf last year. The same Is true of Konih Carolina and the New Bright dis trict t,f .North Carolina where the crop is being sold at good prices and where farmers are reported "tickled aeaih”. The t|ualiiy in the Old Bright district Is high, The production of bright Hue- cured rcbaoco in Ifcif. amounted to 5T4,711'/.ObO pounds. The outlook this V. ar is for a total crop around b35,oot»,ot»0 pounds. Kxpori.s of this type are running aihoni It) iter cent ^leavler than In 192.5. ibased on the tlrst six months of both years, with the I’nlreil Kingdom anil C.bina in partlcul.ar increasing their purchases. The stocks of ibrlght leaf on July 1, 1926, were the lowest they have heen on that date since 1923. contribut ing to the usually good demand sit uation f.»i' this type. .Air Cured Type.s All types in this group show a prospective tieerease in production compared wltii 1925 except Burley, Burley 'rile piodiictlon In 1925 was esti mated at 374,530.01)1) pounds. Based on condition dlgures and in advance of specific reports on yield per acre, the outlook Is for a total production around UlS.OOu.OOfl lbs. 'robacco In tbe central pan of Ken tucky Is said to 'be looking line, hut not ^o good In the eastern part of the State and In east Tennessee, stocks of this type are increasing. While the continued expansion of the cigateite industry will.provide a con tinued good market for Burley leaf 01 the lighter grades, ahe use of chewing tobacco Is steadily declin ing and the needs for smoking to bacco grades are Insufficient to pro vide a good market for the constant ly expanding production of Burley of smoking grades. tjne Sucker 'fills type Is doing unusually well .1, K.-itiucky and Tennessee, Due to decreases in aereage the production .vlll be down slightly from the 35 inllllOii pound crop of 1925, The present Indications are for a crop around 33 million pounds, fJreen River The acreage of this lype was re duced sharply in 1926 due to the unusually low prices secured for the 1925 crop. This year's crop has made rapid growth,however, and the )».'.idiiction will probably not be more that! five of si.x million ponnd.s .short of last year's production of 50,760,- tjoo pounds This type suffered se- Vi-rely in 1925 .by reason of the poor quality, declining domestic use, and unfavorable export situation. The export '.Ituatlon of trthacco generally IS showing improvement over last year, and this fact together with the smaller production .shouldg give Oreen River a hetter outlook than it had in 1925, Mai'yland RxiMut 'f'he indicated production Is 27,- 472,000 pounds compared with 34,- 690,000 pounds in 1925, Exports of this type are diowlng unusual strength, and excellent prices are being paid for the 1925 crop now being marketed. Blocks on July 1st were lower than on .Inly I, 1925, and there Is nothing to Indicate that the market outlook will not continue good Bun-C'urtx.1 Remarkable gains In growth were made In this district during August, A production around six and a half million pounds compared with 5,705,- 000 pounds in 1925 is Indicated, Analysis of condition reports Indl- cate a production of all dark fired types comiblned of approximately 186,000,000 pounds, compared with 210,340,000 pounds In 1925. Bfocks on July I were .'omewhat .higher than the preceding July 1, while ex ports during the first six months of will be Influenced by the effect of weather conditions on the cured leaf and the foreign situation as It devel ops during the next few months. The, decreased production Is an eloment of strength In the situation. Paducatt Following Ihe debacle which was the murkt'i for w'esiern Kentucky and 'I'ennessee tobacco of 1925 pro duction, a reduction In tbe acreage of Padncab estimated at ahonl 40 per cent occurred in plantings for 1926. Conditions are reported un favorable In .both Kentucky and Ten nessee, wild fire having done con siderable damage. The production ba.sed on present conditions Is esti mated at about 34 mithbn pounds compared with 57,240,0ed pound;! In 1925, Clai'ksvUle and Hopkinsville 'I’lie lo'oductlou Is not expected to vary materially from the 97 million pound crop of 1925 unle.ss crop dam age reduces the outturn more than api>eared probable on September 1st. Acreage was rc,luced from 127.000 acres ill 1925 to 1 17,000 acres In 1936. hut the ranker growth of this year’s crop will aibout offset the de crease Iti acreage. Heiidersuii The production cainnot be estima ted satisfactorily In advance. The acreage was esi(mated In July at 11,000 acres compared with 18,000 111 1925, based on the assumption ibai about the same proportion of the lobacco In the Henderson district would he lire cured as In 1925. On this basis the prodiiciloii should be about live nillllon pounds less than ilie 14 million pound crop of 1925. Tbe factors In the market outlook for Ibis type are about the same as for (Jreen River and other western Kentucky and Tennessee types, VU’fsdtiu Dark 'I'lils type made rapid improvement during August, but In as much as planting was delayed there li a pos sibility of frost damage. Tbe pros- lifctlvc prodiicilon is estimated at apiu'oxlmately 46,000,000 pounds, compared with 42.040.000 pounds In 1925. .Stocks were higher on July 1 of this year than on July 1, 1925.* Exports have been about -even wllli last year. Cigui- DbUrict^ Condlti.iiis are close to the 10- year average In most of the cigar districts, aiiu point to a production of about 175,000,000 pound)! com pared with 196,780,000 pounds in .1925. Prosiiective production In New England is 40,278,000 pounds compared with 51,146,000 pounds In 1925: In -Penn.sylvania. where there .has been too much rain, 45,692.000 pounds compared with .57,400,000 pounds ill 1925, Hall damage s re ported in New York, In ohe' Miami valley a satisfactory estimate cannot lie made until yields by types are ohiained, hut It looks now like ap proximately 28,000.000 pounds com pared with 39.118.000 last year. Excellent crops are being harvested In the Virginia district of Wisconsin. Crops In the southern Wisconsin dis trict are more uneven. Production for the State Is estimated at 35,496,- OOi) pounds compared with '44,000,-1 000 pounds in 1925. In connection with the production^ of cigar tobacco. Interest attaches to| the trends in cigar manufacture, j Based nti sales of stamps reported | by the Bureau of .Internal Revenue,' (he production of f’lass A cigars,I ji-lllng at five cents or less, amounted i to 281,555.1 15 during July, exceed-j ing the output of any month ibut one! during the years 1924 and 1925,' The irend appears to .be steadily up ward In this class of goods, and also for Class C cigars selling at more than 8 cents hni not more than 15 cents. Class B consisting mainly of br.'inds selling at 2 for 15 cents, ap pear to he losing out. FRANK PAtUK'ER, Xgrlcultural Statistician. I street: thence east wardly/along the margin of Pope sireet to the fbegfh- irlng. This October I, 1926. A. P. POWLER, 7-4p Sheriff. J^mes OctletQee^and_recorded^in the! office of Regist'ertOf Deeds of Harnett County, to which retereace-is hereby made for a full and complete descrip tion. This 3rd day of September, 1928- A. P. FOWLER. 9-4 Sheriff of Harnett County. NOTICE OF VOTE TO BE TAKEN BY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONOERNINO REMOVAL OP COUNTY HO>fE. As required by section 1927, sub section 10, C, S. 1919, and the amendments thereto,, notice is. here- iby given that the Board, of County Commissioners of, Harnett County will .vote on the first Monday' In January. 1927. on the mo,tlon to re move the County Home'for the Poor, and Infirm from its present site to that tract of land containing' about 58 acres, recently purchased,- by^-ib'e county from N, S, Atkins an'd"^others, which said tract is situated .about three miles west of Llllingt'on on Route No. 60. All persons opposing the removal af the said County Home are request ed to appear before the .sald^board'i on the first,Monday In January,1927, This the first Monday In October, 1926. JAM'E.B A, BUCHANAN, Chairman Board of County I Commissioners. 1 Mamie Sexton, Clerk I Oct. 7-13 ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estates of Nelir R. Rawls, de ceased,-of Harnett County, this la to notify allt persons having claims against the ’said estate ,to file the same, duly verified, with the under signed on or before the 11th day of- September, 1927, or this notlcejWllh be pleaded in 'bar of their recovery.' Air persons indebted to the 'said e.s-. tate wl'll please.make prompt settle ment with the un'derstgned. t This 11th day of September,^ 1926,' - A. J. RAWLS, A'dininlsirator of Neill R. Rawlh,, ' 'a TAngler, N. C., R. 2. B. F. McLeod. Atty., le-ep Coats, N. .C, Blue Ribbon Beds muuiai notick NORTH CAROLINA, ' Harnett .County, In the Superior Court. O. P. Shell and Callle A. Shell a'H. AUCTION SALE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS ON SATURDAY, THE »th D.AV OF OCTOBER I will sell at public auction at my home place In Neill’s Creek Town ship, the following farm Implements; One grain separator, hay press, stalk cutter, grain drill, plows, bug gy, road cart, log cart, and other Implements. E, F. Bullard and.,Henry O. Shell. i j The defendants above-named' will [take notice that an action entitled as !above has been commenced. In,'the Superior CouV.t of Harnett County to clear or perfect .the title to a certain ■parcel 'of lan'd''sUuatediinjAvera»boro Township. In .said counTy,''Bnd to can- jcel a certain deed..to said property , Improperly made'to ^ald defendants, said deed appearing registered In Book- pa'ge_; records of Har nett County, and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the. office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Harnett County at the Courthouse In LHlingtoh, N. C,. on the. 21st day of October, 1926, and answer or de mur to the complaint In said action, or the. plaintiffs will apply to the Conrt for the relief demanded In said complaint, ' This the 12th day of August, 1926. L. M, CH.^'PFIN. 9-6 Clerk Superior Court. Terms Cash. Hour: 2:00 p. m. 23.3p A. M. LONG. NOTICE OP EXECUTION SAIjE NORTH CAKOLINA, Harnett County. In the Superior Court. Lee County Cotton Oil Company, Inc., vs, James Octletree. By virtue of. an execution directed to the undersigned'from'.'the Superior Court- of Lee County in -the above entitled action; I will, on Monday,' the 4th day.of .Octoiber,, 1926,'at 12 o'clock, noon, at the-courthouse door In Harnett County,,sell to the.,hlgh- .est bidder for--cash,'.to. satisfy said executlon;„(all;,bf,,, the, rlghR title, and lute,restMWhlch^''the"said' James Octle tree, the .defendantabove named, has In the following described real estate, to-wlt: A certain tract of land situate in Harnett County about 3 miles ^from LlHlngton and lying between Lining* ton and* Buie’s-Creek near the Dunn- Ralelgh highway, .and adjoining, the lands of J, A. Johnson, and two other tracts of land allotted to. the said James Octle’tree as his homestead in this proceeding, and. on which he NOTICE OF ADMIVI.STRATORS Having qualified as administrators of the estate of T, E. Creen. deceas ed. of Harnett County, this is to notify all'-persons having elulm..* same duly verified with the under signed on ,or before the 27ih day of against the said estate to file the August. 1927, or this notice will be pleaded In 'bar of their reeovery.- , All ipersons indebted to said estate j will please make prompt settlement with the undersigned, 1 This 2 day of September, 1926. ! E, V. G-REEK. LULA GREEN. Administrators of T. E, Green. Deceased. 2-6 LAND FOR SALE UNDER MORT GAGE . Under and by.virtue of the power of sale contained in,,a certain mort gage deed executed by John C. Moore., recorded In-'book 123, page 163. and by, virtue of the Judgment of the,;.Superior,,^Conn,'-the under: .signed wlll'sftll to the hlghe.st bidder for cash at the courthouse door In LlHlngton, North Carolina, on Mon day, October 25, 1926;'at 12. o'clock M., the followm'g deserlibed 'land: "Beginning . at a large'stump on the west side of the, road leading from ,'W.' W.,' Salmon’s residence, to, the Jonesboro road and rums with said road north 25 west -16.85 chains to a .stake;by, the .side of the road:, thence nbr.th.;2 M* .easi,,31 chains to -a stake: ib'ence south 84 east 35.86 chains with O'Qulnn’a, and .Northam's line to a stake 'a'thong pointers; thence south.6 west 36.50 chains to ,a stake; thence'south 81 Va west ,20,90 chains to a stake in the field: j (hence south 22*..; west 2.59 chains: thence south S4'/!> west 7.05 chains I to the begnnlng, containing one hun • dred and forty-one acres more oi 1 less." 'i This .September 23. 1926, A. M. SHAW. Mortgagee, Youn'g A'I’oung, Aitys. 30-4 The above is a picture of a Blue Ribbon Bed which we are sell- ing for $7.50! It has two-inch post and'8-8 incb fiMer: This is || a bed which others sell-fi[)r,$0.,0(iK When you consider;-that the ^ Blue Ribbon is the best-bed made,, you will readily: see that our price of $7.50 is a >‘eal bargaui. We can. furnish you^his-lWduin; P the following colors: Bhie and Gold, Black ancl Gold; Ivory, p White, and-Walnut Cotton Felt Matti'esses of high gi-ade cotton fibre at only $7.50t This 'is another real bargain. - Others are selling them'^a^^coupteT p dollars higher.- - ||| Also, strong Fabric Springs, we are charging only $5.00 for. Other Springs %p $25.00'. N'ice Qaby Cribs ,A.nd. Kiddl'y Koops We can show you an excellent assort ment of Baby Cribs and Kiddy Koops. Prices range from $6:50 upward. These Cribs and Koops are not only beautifully made and attractive, but are; strong and of good manufacture, thus affording absolute safety’ to the baby from dangei* of injury by falling: Has foot ti*ap which makes' raising and low ering of sides easy. Let us show them to you. IlLUK KrBBONv i ca/Bi The Proctor HoDiday Co. FUQUAY SPRINGS, N. C. authority cou'talned In'a certain deed of; trust dated the 3rU day of .\prU. 1924, by and between S. B. Moore and bis wife',' Addle Mae Moore, to W: L. Lowe, trustee.. Bald’ Deed^ of 'Trust being recorded, In tbe Register of Deeds office In-Hurnetf Uoiinty ln Book 212, at pa-ge 141.' Default hav^ Ing been made-, In the bond secured theretby on both principal and .- Inter-' e,'?t. and demand, having been, made; upon me as truatee,' by Jhe hoVd'eivoU the said unpaid bond' to sell the lands- .described' In the said Deel of 'Trust. 'Th'ere-fore. 1 will on tbe 1st day of- Novem'bei",: 1926. at 12:00 o’clock noon offer for-sale .to. the highest^ .bidder" for cash, at the courthou.se, 'door In Harnett County the .follow ing, described lands to-wlt; - Beginning at a stake- on .west side .of. branch, black. Jack- pointers,, and; Tunnihg.^ Northi 67^' degres.9- West 13 chain'si' jo-'av-q^rner;.,plne«land' ..black, Jack'ipolnter.slT. thence- South -,45- de- (gree)j', w;e3t-‘ 2:4.5pi.;,to-,ai'.|>lne stump,, !ihe corner.':'.thencefSoui'h 5.-25j;.chaIns) 4'o a'.staikefln North', side of-the-Cath- eron andi Huckleiberry road;,.Whence East 21.7.54Chalhs’tbout. as-saldr-road:* to corner.;;, stake- on south sld’e'toi road; ,'black jack . poiRter.s,',..hhence ; I'iloht.h’uTS^ichalns' to. the-'beglnnln'‘gT 'coniaj'nlh'g>;60’’acres momor:-;less.'y, , Place-.of'. Sale: Courtbouse'.-dc ,, Place;.o.f'. Sale: Coui;tho,use'^door: at-.LlHlngton,. North Carollnai. - ' "Time of Sale': -12:00 o'clock'noou. Noy. .l‘,L1926, Terro-^bf-;,Sale':; Cash;, Septemiber'27.',.:i926. p ' , , W.'L, LOWE, Trustee. '7; Baggett'& M'CDonald* Attys. 30-5p ! S.ALR OF l.AND UNDER dSIED OF TRUST . Under and by virtue of power and 'yHE (MIC tree will make a million maichcH—one match will ruin a -mll- II.'111 trees. BUY YOUR FORD from COATS MOTOR Co. COATS, N. C. notk:e By virtue of an execution from Harnett Superior Court In Re Rob- enthal & Meyer (Dunn Commission and Supply Co., -assignee) vs 'R. G, Tay-lor, I will, -on 'Nov. 1, 1926, af 1-2:00 o’clock IM., at the Court House, Door in LlHlngton. N. C... sell at piilblic sale to the .highest ibldder for cash all the Interest of said defen'd- ant In tihe following real estate in' the town of Dunn; Located on East .side of A.C. L, .Right of Way, (begin ning at the sou'.'ii-west corner of In tersection of'Wilson and Pope Sts.; thence along the 'west 'margin of WH- Cape Fear Gin Co. Has just installed new machinery and completely over hauled plant. We are now prepared to do better work than ever. Our gin has already started operation and will be in full blast from now till the end of the season. We will appreciate your business. Bring us your cotton. Highest prices paid for seed. CAPE FEAR GIN COMPANY LILLiNGTON, N. C. motor car industry was staa- tied when Buick P resented the new luick with an ei> gine vibraticnleMM beyond belief. If you have driven this great new car, with thisremarkable engine, you know why. Its fluid smoothness makes other motor cars seem rough, harsh, noisy. People who have driven Buicka for years and people who have owned much more erpen* sive cars, are capti* vated by theduxury of this one* {"and Jones-yoined in on the Choruat It h«d been in the fentlf for generstions—that old walnut table. Jones pro tested, but finally dragged it forth. And now, deftly refinithed by Mrs. Jones and a can of Acmn Qual ity, the table is the pride of the household.. An Acme Quality' Paint, Enamel, Stain or Varnish for the beautification of furniture of all kinds. Many beautiful ca/arr, but all on# 3Ci4EQmnf thciQiiea'ISST BUICK Thia Acme Quality Paint and Varnish Service Sta tion wants to serve you I Buy no paint until you’ve talked with us. HAHNETT HDW. HOUSE Lillington, N. C. GREEN’S BUICK SERVICE COMPANY _ DONN, N. \ T A V1?C 1. ,r\..^k jIj d 1 will he at the foliowinir places for the purpose of cpllecting taxes for I the year 1926, Harnett County. By meeting me at the appointed places and paying your taxes, you will he doing your duty and save each of us trouble and make it easy for hoth the tax collector and taxpayer. Monday, Oct. 11—Anderson’s,Creek, 9-12 Cambio Monday, Oct. 11—Stewart’s Creek, 1-3 Bunnlevel Tuesday, Oct. 12—Johnsonville, 9-11 Henry Morrison’s Tuesday, Oct, 12—Barbecue, 12-3.-, Bernice Thomas’ Wednesday, Oct. 13—Upper Little-River No. 2, 9-12: Beni McNeill’s Wednesday, Oct. 13—Upper Little River No. 1, 1-3 McLean’s Store Friday, Oct. 15—Lillington, 9-4 At Office Saturday, Oct, 16—Grove, 9-4, Coats. Coats Motor Co, Saturday, Oct. 16—Averashoro, 9-4, Dunn First National Bank Saturday, Oct. 16—Erwin, 6-8 —E. R. Thomas Drug Co. Monday, Oct. 18—Buckhorn, 9 -12 Spence’s Store Monday, Oct. 18—Duncan, 12--2 Monday, Oct, 18—Hector’s Creek, 3 5 Smith’s Store Tuesday, Oct, 19—Black River, 9-12 Angier. D, W. Denning’s Store Tuesday, Oct. 19—Neill's^ Creek, 1-3 Pleasant Union JOHN GREEN TAX COLLECTOR HARNETT COUNTY TF i Thi* the Sth dav of October, 1926.