KtTi K! ■ • • Vol. IX—No. 6 TAX COLLECTOR has much yet TO BE COLLECTED February let Report iihowsj $40,283.28 Collected | January, Leaving' About $185,000 Yet on Books •' HARNETT COUNTY NEWS DEVOTED TO THE INTEREST OF HARNETT COUNTY PRIMARILY, AND OF THE STATE GENERALLY. J?!..->« PER YEAR—5r A COPY Lillington, N. C., Thursday, February 10, 1927 **liF It Concerns Harnett, IPs in THE MEWS'* MR. ROYALli HERE Tax C'alU'Ptor .lohii (tiToii has on l*ia iDoU..; jvIkuu :»184.(I«)> of the llfJU tiixos yoi to lir oiillfCtod, aPPOfJiiiK to hl.s i-fpoii Hi the Roartt in' 'County ('onnnNsiouers .Mundiiy. Estimating in rouiul nnmInM's jriOO.inilt on tlie hooks to hogin with on Octoher Isf. tho v’olloetor lias troni niontli to month snlnnitte.i foiioii^ covering collections tinwnintlng to tfSOS.OOO. His report for January, subinitteil t(» I lie lioiti'd Iasi .Monday, is as foltow.s: Ttvwitsliip .\niounl Ander.son CrtoU $ 882.79 Averii»l)oro 12.700.81 BaithectH' _ I.IOtl.riii Black Bivcr- . . .'i,44ri.20 Bnckhorn I.:!9r..37 Duke 8.222.60 drove . •1,224.87 Hectors t'reek I,700.4fi Jolinsonville i'i27.9o Idllliiglon 4,107.14 N'elll;, Cre.'k 1.274.26 Stewart K'rcek - 2,4S'r>.81 Cpper l.lrile Kiv.-r _ .. 2.289.46 Mr J.»hn S. Uoyall of Washington. I).^ C,, was a visitor Itere during the past week. Jlr, Royal) was the or- gnnl'/er of ilie Slfindfird Sand nnJ Oravel Corporation. .Vfter erecting the l.irge plant he eslabllsheti tiie btiJiness of gravel nilniJig on a (Inn basis bore and did an immense Itiisi- ness witli his company formed with IMe.ssrs. While, West and Weld). Mr. Uoyall sold out itls interttst and has been devoting hl.s time since then to other enl^M'|)rise^. Many peopit' liere would he delighted to iiave liiiu lo cate l.ere again. The Uoyall family will spend ilie balance of the winter at Plr.elinrst and Soiitliern Pines. |L0VE OF A GIRL |lEADS TO ARREST !0F FRED FREEMAN INTERESTING FOREST TALK COMMISSIONERS ORDER COUNTY Sheriff Kyle Matthews Catches Young Auto Thief by Lying in Wait for His Return From Joy Ride JAMES L TURNER, LEE CO. SHERIFF, DIES OF WOUNDS Shot on Afternoon of January 30 When Raiding a Liquor Making Outfit Near Lee- Chatham Line Total c.)lle^;ll.la^ . . 4.40,282.28 ill lilt- list of low uslilii.s. .Wei'as- Imro, 'being tile largest i.axpaying townsliip. has ilie largest .amoniii yet lo pay. There is yet •iiandltig against •Vveraifborn a fraction over $88,000. I.lllingttin lownsiilji has paid only atioul .all per feiit ol the ta\e.s listed III the low'iiiliiji. I>uke is Ilie lliall- ner low’nsliip in 'paying luxes. Tliat townsliip 'lias paid iiraeticnlly all lliat is eliiirged against it. .rolinson- vllle. iwliich lias the smallest list of laxaDili-. ol aliyii township in tlie fonniy, hti.s eslaihllshed a good pay ing retold, about ihree-fonrttis of llie anioiini ehargetl against nhai iowiisliip linviag'l>een pa'id. Wliile Colh'etor (Ireen lias a long way yet 'Ui go in coitipleiing his col lections, h' is eontiideni I liar ihefore lilt- time arrives'for a(l\erlising land i,n -.ale for taxe.s, he will have .'.athered m a large p.irtlon of 'the uniount yet to r-olloci. He is now levying on personal properly w'her- ever till' siinif may 'he found. CARELESSNESS IS CAUSE OF FIRST FIRE OF SEASON Warden Huffines Gives Reason for Fire That Destroyed Property Values In West Harnett Sanford. Eeh. 9, —JaiiU's 1.,, Tiir- tier, sheriff of Lee county, died at Central (hirollna Hospital at one o’clock Ttiesday morning from tlie effects of a gunshot wound 'lu* re ceived on January 3(i when in com- pany w'ith several deputies lie raided a llfiiioi'-making outfit near the Lee- Cltathaiii county line. Sheriff Tur ner was shot with a lieavy load. Since receiving tin* 'wound lie lias been eonlined to llie hospital here lingering 'between life ami .deatii. Sl.\ men arc being held in eon- nectioii witli llie sliooting of Slierlff Tiiriier ami hl.s di'inities. they being coMliiied to'Wake and Diirhum‘Jails. Deputies (b'tilg of Lee county and Ulloy of Uhathuni iwere llie others wounded in the .shooting, ihut tliey are Improving and are cxpeeied to recover. Bud Davis ami liis son,'Tutu D»vIb, .Maloom Harrison. Nat Uay, Burton Tilley, Fred Dixon and Connie Perry iii'c the parlies ari'e.sied In connection with tlie shooting They are ihelng belli without Ihall. When Sheriff Turner and the depu- Ue.s went to raid the still, a pitched l.attle reHuliod. .'Xfiet the wounding •if tlie sheriff and two deputies the iitinor makei'.s fled. Tliey were trail ed to Wake county and finally cap- iiirc'd. Bud Davis, commonly re- gardod as the ring-leader of the gang, surrendered to Slierift’ Blair of Chatham county last Sunday night .liter he htid been declared an out- hiw and a price put upon bis head. The affair 'created quite a stir In Lee and adjoining coiintle.s and iblood .>f many dtl-^ens went hot •when it was learned that Sheriff Turner was perhaps fatally iwounded. Even now, there inlght 'he grave eonsetiuences should the accused men ihe ibrought lo this county. 1/ Fred Freeman, 1 8-.vear-old wliile boy of Yui'imi. had not allowed his affection for a young lady near Er win to enti'ce Irlni there Monday niglil. tie might have evaded arrest •by Sheriff Kyle Matthews and his depntle.s. Young F'reeniian had sto len a nice Ilnd.son coach in Raleigli. He iwciit to tile cotton mill town to take his sweetheart to ride. Sheriff Matt lie ws got a lip on Erceman’s movements and went to Emvin in Jolin .N’ortliam's higli-powered Lin coln. Parking near the home of Freemtin’s aweetlieart, tlie officers waited for liim to return (from a joy ride. Wlieii lie ihove in sight he 'was placed under anesl. ‘Tf 1 liad got'toii la iiilnute or two ahead of >ou, you’d never have caiiglit me.’’ Freeman toid tlie ofR- cers. He ii»d 'given worthle.ss checks, it 1.S said, lo proprletor.s of fllllng stations in Fuqiiny and Duiiulevel, Ho stole the coach from J, W. Mann in Raleigh Sunday night. Tuesday Officers and Pearce came from Raleigh and took Freeman back lo answer the theft charge. I’noffleiully It is learned that in;iii.\' crooks 'Who have formerly made of Lillington and Harnett a rendezvous are noiw giving this territory a wid.- 'bertii "Thai fellow Matthews is .i dangcroiis nain." i.s stild to ibc ilo' word tile crooks litive 'passed around. Po.sial Insiiector Vai'liorough of Ralelgli, wlio was lierc one day ^ tin* past iweek. reiterated the state-, nieiil mtidi' Hiy 'liirii on the witnoas' stand in ilie trial o'f Cook, .Moore. Burgess iiiid KooiUz, youtltfiil yeggs who ‘were sent to iSiaie prison, that! a majority of Hie crooks wlio come into this territory visit Idllington. Inspector Yarborongh 'Wa.s liere for ] Hie purpose of apprehending a party' known to have ibeeu hiding in Htir-| nett county for the 'past year and a half. I ft is said diy tlie authorities that crime is decidedly on Hie decrease in Harnett county, being noticeably sla'Ck in recent months, H .N'. Wheeler, special lecturer oJ Hie L’. S. Forest Service, wus greeted by a sir-all a'ldlence last Saturday morning at 11:00 o’clock when ho gave one of ihe most interesting lect'irca iieard.hore In many months. But the small audience was interest- o.l to ihe point of enthusiasm when they realized that they were listening were listening to something far and above the commonplace recital of figures showing Tiaturat reswurces. Mr. Wheeler liad prepared his talk in such a way that it could he caught up and absorbed by the lay mind. He made his 'points so plain that they were easily grasped and in that way he sent his message home. The lecture was free. Mr. Wheeler I.s touring the State under auspices of the State Department of Conserv ation and Development. ATTORNEY TO SUE For Taxe« on Property Sold by County a» Delinquent Dur ing Years 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924 and 1925 HARNETT BOY IN LEAD IN CONTEST IN ATLANTA, GA. Thomal O’Quinn, of Manners, Scored Highest of Any Indi vidual in Fruit and Vege table Judging MelcaH to Mr. GOOD PROFITS FROM POULTRY SHIPMENTS ItAVIS .STIJJ. IN JAIL Vocational Instructor J. O. An thony, Who Supervised Shipments, Points Out Advantages in Poultry ^'ltl■ele•^^lll•.s^ w'a>. Hie caii.se of Hie first tire in Western lliinieit .>f the 1927 spring lire season. Tliis fire started frem chunks ami coals being tliro'wn from a plant beil tlial bad been burned preimraiory 'o sowing Hie seeil. Tliey did ii‘i ihink Hiere was tlif enough tiniong them to kin dle lip and set lire to trasii on whicli Hiey Were ihrown. Bni a tire luirn.-! Liter uJioni Il.'iii or 4tMi acres ol Hie liuilei place itiid -oine adjoining farms are I'lean of gias.s. a good bit of lighnwoixl, lots of little trees, and g.inie ol .ill Linds, wliile Hie growths of latge I l ee' will be retarded. .\'l)out .''t2.'i lo $20 of well earned ioili- Me money will go In' pa.\ I hr- fire (ighter- who siopiied Hie llr', Hierehy prolecliiig the adjoining tliiiberland.s. Iniil'diri/.s an.I feiier-s. We are glad lliat tii.i'ii pi'tipli' have learned in he very .'tiri'ful wilti tire, and liope tlie rl.iy Will 'lOiiti coioe when all pr-ople will be 'I'tieii We will liOl tlUVe 10 eiidiii'e III'- liard.ship of tigliiing lire, and il.e • iiiokr' r-loiitls that somo Hines l.isi lor days, 'fhi'ii our laiul- ■sr-ape will not lie iiiarrr-d l>y acres and acre-, of burned and blackened -.irtli. amt burned, scorctied .ati'l Slllltleil M'ees’’ D. .\. Hl’FFiN'EB, I list riel Forest W.irden. Duriiain, Feb. 9, Tom Davis, alitis I Tom .^fc.■\v^tlOw, arrested 'by Slieriffj The fuel Hiai .1 .sliipiiieiii of'poul-j .liiliii F. Hanwiird and hl.s depuHt's try froni Hiinii on Februar.'i 4lh j liere on .Monilay of last .week for im- lillcailon in tlie blockailer 'lialHe witli Lee con III y oitlcei s last Sunday, is Thornal O'Qulnn, son of .Mr, and Mrs. Ueorge W. O’Quinn of Mainers, is champion individual Judge ol fruits and vegetables if he i.s tu take lumors won at .\tlaniu. (lit., to his (leroon.tl account For Hiis young man .scored highest mark of any indi vidual ill the contests held there last week. Thornal is a Slate College student, and Prof. Z. P. writes the following letter and Mrs. O’Quiun: .Mr. (i. W. O’Quinn. .Mamet'S, N. C, Dear Mr. O’Quinn: 7 presume that yon bavc already been advised of the fine sho-wlng made by the Hortlculural Team In the recent Judging Contest in Atlau- la. However, I want to congratulate you on the fine record that your son is making here on the campus, and to tell you that we both have reason to be proud of our boy, for you know Hint we claim a share in him. He iH also making a fine record in the class-room this year, and in other student activities. If there is any way at any time In wliich we can be of service to you. please ad-vise us. Very sincerely yours, Z. P. METCALF, Director of Instni.-'Hon School of Ag riculture. Stale College won tir.st place in the contest. R. S. Gaston of Asheville, was second, leading in the apple con test. Thornal led the wdiole bunch when ll came to Judging pecans. Tliree loving cups and two gold med als were brought home b> the State (’oHege hoys, and these winnings were made possible by Thornal’s superior qualities as a Ju-dge. The Board oif County Commission ers at their meeting here Monday issued the follo-wing order: “It is ordered that I. IL Williams, county attorney, proceed at once to collect by suit if necessary all taxes due on haid.s sold tor taxes for the years 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, and 1925, said attorney to deliver on each" first Monday fo the Board of Commissioners the amount collected during tho ptecedlntg month, and also a report of his expenses.” There is pro'perty in the county that has 'been sold regularly each year during the years mentioned aibove, and the county has success ively bid It in for taxes. A consid- eraible sum of money is involved la the delinquency. Practically all other matters con sidered 'by the Board were of a rou tine nature, such as the receiving of reports of the various county oiB- cials, allowance to paupers and wel fare, etc. Sheriff Matthews rendered a report of the actlvitieu of bis ofiSce, showing a large number of arrests and convictious for various offenses. The report gave in detail the many uctivities of his tiwo rural deputies, Messrs. M. C. Upchurch and Lee Tur lington. It was suggested that the Commi.ssloners have the report pub lished. but the Board failed to -pass such an order. Clerk Chaffin with his report turn ed in checks covering Anos and for feitures amounting to nearly a thou sand dollars which will iielp to boost the school fund. Tax Collector John Green made report showing $40,283.28 collected during January. The Board conferred •with the County Highway Commission, which was also In regular monthly session; il.so with the Board oif Education. The matter of appointing a suc cessor to W. P. Byrd, who resigned from the County HIghiway Commis- .-lion January Ist, was left open till Hip march meeting. STARTS NEW SUIT AGAINST CO-OPS lirouglit III for Hk' poiiliry raisers of Ilarnetl coiiiny Hie iiL-ai i.iiin ol'j $1,052 i.s pointed out as a great in-i still lieiiig lield in Ihe Ditrluim poiuity duceiiKMil 'for more ixuiliry iti tlilsi KILLIEOHEY .VOW SERVING SPECIAL TURKEY DINNERS Jaal iiiitil Him* tor the frlal at Ban- ford. Davis was raising his gun to his slioiilder when Dujiuty Hall llred .It liiiii, olio liiickshot sliattercd tho sefoiul Joint bone in ills Hiiinub, caus ing him to drop !lie gun. He wa.s irving lo get out a spodial six shooter pistol when tlie oillrers ci.ised in on him, .Sheriff 'rurner. of la-e, and one of ills dt^pulie.s were sorlou.sly Injured and another deputy .slightly hurt In the hallle the preceding Sunday. county. Vocational Instructor J. 0. Anlhoii.v, of Lllliiigtoii High School, wlio smicrvi.seii the alilpments ofi poultry, says that farmers who sold their poultry cooperatively for the shipment.s are more than satisfied Willi thoir returns. Getting more farmers to raise more 'poultry is the aim of those wlio have been interest ed lu the project. Mr. Anthony .states that t-he reason why shipments cannot ibc made from atlier points in the county is that no I railroad facilities are afforded out- >IR. ,1. li. DIXO.V TAKES [side of Dunn. 'Here is 0 point that PO.SITION .\T lilBERTY I jjiigjK raised to face the Nonfolk- Southern railroad In its lack of ser- Mrs. J. B. Moss, proprietress of The Killlegrey Hotel, announces that special evening dinners will be served once each week—on Thurs days. The dinner will be served this evening from 6:00 to 7:30. The price will he one dollar and guests are requested to reserve their tables. Music will be rendered during the dinner hours. Special dinners at The Killlegrey on occasions hereto fore have dra-wn large patronage and it is expected that now, as a regular order, the dinners will And even greater favor. vice In 'this county. Some concerted action should tbe brouglit to influence that railroad In giving better .service, say the poultry raisers. clilef of Police J H, Dixon, wlio tendered liis resignation to the ’rown {Jomnilssioner.s some time ago. lias accepted the -position of super intendent of water works for Hiet town of Llborl.v. ! .TUDGE CAVINE.SS THINKING .Mr. Dixon was in town yesterday I OF GOING TO EUROPE as a witness In Superior Court. — iMrs. Di.xon and the children will, .ludgo Joe 'Caviiiess of Harnett MR. 0»QUINN AT HOME FORM AliUR’l’I/TURAI. CREDIT CORPOH.ATION remain hen* till .school cloMe.s and 1 County Recorder’s Court Is thinking I will then join .Mr. Dixon in Liberty. 1 of cniering the Raleigh Tlmo.s' sub-' script Ion campaign with a view of .IOHNSOX-vSC701''l'. B, l.i'f. B. .M. Hrewfi', .Mack M. Jertiigaii and oilnrs of .Dunn are Hie Incorporators of tin* Four Coun ty Agricultural Credit Corporation. p:ipers for the incorporation of which were is.sued by the Secretary of Slate .Monday. The corporation is -formed for Hie purpose of assist ing farnier.s in financing loans. The (.ipital stuck authorized Is $100,000, The suibscriberg have taken $10,000. wHilling a trip lo Europe to attend the reunion O'f World War Veterans. Mem(bers of ihe local post of the Friend? Will be Interested in American 'Legion and others are following annoiiifcement; Mr. nf-d 1 ,irgjng Judge Caviness to enter. He Mr. Merlmon O’Quinn is hce to stay a while with home folks. He has Just returned from_ Honolula, where he was lutho army servljce for three years. He has not made up hi.s mind whether he will enlist again. He is now out of the service on discharge after his enlistment has expired. NO NEW DEVELOPMENTS FOR THE ORAVEL PITS W. H. W. Holder, fannior of Mam- ers, iwho started suit against the North Carolina Cotton Growers Co operative Association some weeks ago. accepted nonsuit in Superior Court Tuesday and immediately ibe-’ ■tan a new suit. Tho first suit was begun ill the nature of an inquiry into the affairs of the Cotton Asso- ciatlo.n, of which Holder was a mem ber, the ulftmate relief to be sou'ght. It is supposed, being a receivership for the Association !n order to put It out of business. The bond In the new suit, it is Slated, will be signed by B. J. M'c- Parland. Papers in the case are now in the hands of attorneys w’no are working on the 'preliminaries to the darting of the suit. J. R. Baggett of LlllingtQii is attorney for Holder, and it is understood that Colonel VVllle Person of Loulmburg will be assjoclated in the prosecution of the suit. .Mr. Person was In Lillington a day or two the past week. He Is the same attorney who battled against the Tobacco Assoclatlou till It was placed In the halds of receivers. CHOIR PRACTICE Choir members of the Baptist church are requested to be ipresent Thursday evening at 7:30. If it’s cold we will have the church heated. Come on time and 'we will leave on time. B. D. BUNN, Leader. >IRS. HAOGETT IN HOSPITAL. Mrs. J. R. Baggett spent the week-end in Fayetteville with her sister Mrs. Charles tngold. Ob Monday Mrs.' Baggett entered Pitt man Hospital where she will under go treatment for several days. MR. JOHNSON CONTINUES ILL. .Vlr.s. .\. John.son, of t.halyibeate j yg,j defliiitelv decided as to Springs, announce the marriage ofjtup matter. Ibut states that he (will their daughter, Daisy, to Mr. James, announcement in a 'few day.s. Kinghain Scott. February IsL 1927, ijf judge Caviness shouki decide to Raleigh, N. u. Miss Johnson was pjjter the campaign, his friends In associated iwiili Drs. Halford and, rally to his aid Riddle in the Central Harnett Hos pital here where she made many | Writing Tablets, 6 for 25c, at The friends. - News office. Outside of a visit by Mr. John 3. Royall to Llllin-gton the -past week, n-othing new has develo-ped in the way of starting operations at the gravel pits. It was ru’mored that Mr. Royall, who esta'blisbed tbe business, would be interested in re suming operations, but he did not make any statement. Mr. Ji'mmy Johnson of Neill’s Creek toiwnsbip contlni-js quite 111 at his home. Mr. Johnson has been in poor heaUh for some time. He appreciates visits from his friends and requests The News to state that his age and health will not permit him to visit and so he desires his friends to call. TAXES COLLECTED AND TAXES DUE. And. Creek . Averaab. . . Baifbecue _ _ B. River- , Buckhorn . . Duke _ - . Grove _ _ . H. 'Cree'k- . Johns’v’le". . Lil’gton _ , N. 'Creek _ . 8. Creek _ . U;p. Lit. Riv Corps.- _ _ Collected. $ 9,007.10 62.947.9'r 7,319.63 17,182.52 6,834.80 77,310.67 21,15 5.‘5 5 11,041.81 6,468..3:) 15,08-9.70 10,477.57 12,664.8') 16,707.25 DLstrlibuted Due. $ 6,203. 87,J19. 6,365. '10,40'8. 4,579. 5.922. 16,504. 5,808. 3,442. 16,138. 6,018. 6,872. 10,179. 946. 28 33 19 38 78 COUNTY’S ROAD FORCE TO BEGIN ON NEW PROJECT 40 46 3.5 21 84 30 54 40 (Totals . .$208,741.49 $18'5.709.00 John Green, 'I'a:! Collector. FOR COMMUNITY NIGHT A FUNFEST HAS BEEN FIXED Committee in Charge Gives Out No Details But Assures Public That Everybody Can Attend Free Friday night, the 11th, is Com munity Night in Lillington, and tho Parent-Teacher Association, siponsor for the event, feels sure that the committee appointed to arrange -for the “Follies” Will make go-jd when the curtain rises at 7:30 o’clock. As to what there will be to see, noth ing is given out to Ohe mere pulblic except that The News learns there will be a monstrously large and flue cake given as a prize for the cake walk, and that the old-fashioned and now extinct quadrille will he revived for the evening. Also, it is hinted there wlli be some fancy stepping known in terpsichorean -pai lance as clog dancing. Various and sundry sweetmeats will be offered as tempting bait fur the nickels and dimes that might he lost, from careless -pockets but which can be put to serviceable use by the P. T. A. "Money’s! wortih’* will bte guarhuleed. however, oiil everything Invested in—returns fo be gained either in value of articles purchased or in joy derived. So it’s squarely up to the joyfully Ino.Mneil. The P. T. want.s to buy a cur tain and other stage fixtures for the new auditorium. Atten(diants at the concert Monday night realized the miseralble awkwardness in having performers appear and disappear right before the uncompromising gaze of a critical audience. 'While the superior grace of tibe l.idy hold ing the stage Monday night enabled her to lift and lower an Imaginary veil in delectaible fashion, yet there are times -w-heu the emlbryo artists of local talent find it almost unlbeara$>!y emfbarrassing to have no “cover.” The stage needs a curtain, you under stand, an-d the P. T. A. is going to furnish it. That’s It. But for Community Night the lack of a curtain wHl n-ot be noticed— may not 'be needed, in fact, because everybody will -want to see every body. This opportunity will be giv en. That’s wthat is Intended. And if you don’it attend you will miss seeing everybody and everyfbody will miss seeing you. So you’re going. So is everybody else. BARBECUE NEWS N'OTES Supervisor Balterd to Start Vi^ork on Project No. 4, Ertvin to Angier—No Contract Let on TbJg RoeH County HIghiway $upervl8i>r H. L. Ballard has 'been instructed' -by the County Highway 'Commission to move his forces now employed on the Lillington-Manchester hlghiway to Coals, where they will'.begin clear ing the right oi way -for the Bnwin* Angier -road. This move is extpected to take 'place In a fenr days, the 'f-oree having nearly completed surfacing tbe Lillington-Manchester roskl as tar as Oamibro. Contractor Mangum 'wlH surface the road ifrom -Oam-bro to the Cumberland line. Two or three con tractors were here Monday t(> Ibid- on construction of the Erwft:-Angier road, ibut the Board did not {ask for bids on the project. It is >xpected tha'-. as soon as the county' forces have cleared the right of (way a con tract will be let -for grading and probalbly 'for part of the surfacing. The county forces have finished grading and surfacing all of the Ul- lington-iMaachester road as far as Canilbro Vlth the exception of: a short stretch near -Fiat Branch. They w-ilt surface the road to A-nderson Creek school and then let contra-etor Man- gun-. finish It. The contractor’s force is cainpe-d near the Ceph West farm about half way (between Catnbro and the Cumberland line. He has only olbiait one and u half miles 'more to grade before lie commences surfac ing. Tbe County 'Highway Commission is very anxious to complete the Lll- lingtoii-Cumibei'land road and' ibegin work on the Enwin-Angier road. It is stated that these two projects will be rushed to completion as quickly as 'possible. T. B. CLINIC TO BE HELD HERE BEGIN- NING FEBRUARY I Mias Beck Says ArmngmMato Made to Care for All Dedbr- tng Examinatioii—-Local Woman's Club to Aaaist I>ast Sunday afternoon the Sun-day School choirs from Ml. PIsgah Broadway anid Barlbeteue mot at Leaf- letlte Presbyterian church. After several hymns were sung -by - each choir, Prof. Judd of Broadway gave an Inaplrlng talk on Sunday School. The meeting was then adjourned, and everyone went home feeling that they had (been benefited by being present. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Cameron of Pine Hurst, spent the week-end' with Mr. Came.'on’s -parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cameron. Miss Hattie Warwick was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hioward Sunday. Mrs. T. R. Rosser visited her brother, Mr. J. M. Harrington, on Jonesboro Route 2, -Sunday after noon. Miss BfiSe Newell, of JoneSboro Route was quietly -marriijd to Mr. Leon RoBser, of Olivia, Saturday night. Their many friends wish them much happiness in their future life. They are making their home With the -groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. R-osser, of Olivia. Miss Flonnle Chiampion, of Olivia, epent Saturday evening in Sanford. Mies Elsie Womack, who is teach- - ing at Mamers, spent the week-end with relatives at Bwann’s Station.- | Mesere. Angus Cameron and Per- ^ oey McNeill attended tbe union sing-: ing at Leaflctte Sunday evening. Miss Dora Beck, county superin tendent of welfare, states to The News that all arrangements are made Cor holding the tuberculosis clinic .in Lillington beginning Tuesday, Feb ruary 21st. Or. Lee of State Sana torium will ' conduct the oxamlna- tioita, and he will be assisted with the patients by Mrs. J. W. McArtan. Tht- clinic -will !be held at the Woman’s Club, which onganlzati-on is rendering assistance to Miss Beck lu preparing lor the care of -patients as- s'ell as assisting In making arrange ments. It Is asked that all ,eltisen8. physicians In particular. Join efforts to have all tubercular suspects exam ined during the clinic. At a meeting at the home of Mrs. V/. P. Byrd last Thursday night, plans were formulated for the carry- iii'g out of all necessary arrangements for the clinic. It is aeked that any one desiring exa'minatlon write to Mies Beck and make appointment at the clinic. Members of the'commit tee are: Mrs. W. P. Byrd, chairman; Mrs. W. F. Hoekaday, Mrs. C, E. Sor rell; Mrs. Will Parker, Mrs. Hiram Baisett, Miss Dora Beck, Rmr. J. F. Meiilus, Dr. J. W. Halford. , 1^0 estimate is at hattd-gl.vin| tbe nuiolber of persons in Harnett county who are suspected of having the germs of tu'berculoslsi hut it ia said that tfhe number is alormlniily' large. It is with tbe intention ofj gaining definite, information and i^endertng assistance to those sufferlni; or like ly to suffer, that the Cllnto Is being held. Pt Is hoped that all ^ople In the county wdll vender eTe;ry assist ance possible to those in cjharge of the clinic in order that the’disease may receive a definite check in this county through the treaimeik offered at Banatoriuln. The clinic | will not give treatment, but wilt rejsommend whatever course Is necesss.ry. STE}PHBNBON-PljBAS,kNT Mr. and 'Mrs. John P. Btophenson, of Angler, announce the ma.nrlefe of their daughter, Katherine,! to Mr. Artemis -K. Pleasant. Thejwed^lhg takes pUDdModay at the hoiae of fht' bride’s parents -on R. F. D. 1, Angler. . :&

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