■A iShT I ‘•yj- t- '« • *»,' ” *,i ' "y ? V' ‘ I '^'■^ 1;' r‘ * ' ' 1'-"'’’’** - s' »^*, ^' ' *""j| '^. * ' ^ ^1 :■-i;::; ^THURSDAY, JULY 2(1. 1938 PAGE TWO HARNETT COUNTir NEWS •-»■*»*»« •* LDlteftoiu H, Harnett County News Establlsbed Jan. 1, 191!) ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY HENDEfRSON STEELE, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $1.60 Six months -76 Three months -^0 CORRESPONDENCE This paper desires correspondence Iro-m all reliable sources Interesting to the people ot this section. We ash that the name of the correspondent be signed for the purpose of attesc- lug reliability. Watch the date on the label on your paper. If your subscription has cxplrcl please send In ytfur renewal at once. Entered as sesond-class -niatter at the postoffice at Lllllngton, N. C. THURSDAY. JULY 28. 1938 NEWSPAPERS DO THEIR SHARE Every movoiueiU started in the Inter. SI of pvo.servlng human life .and prunioting comfort and happiness To.achos, almo.st alwa.v.s llr.st. Into the of flea of newspapers in the form of calls for help in "educating” the peo ple into observing rules and obeying law.s. Thai those ealls do not go un hoed, d is .imply proved by the col umns iliai are flllod with admoni tions to p.rsons of high and low de gree to be so guided in their condH’Ct that no one, not even them^-elvoa. ■will snfivi- inconveni.'uce. liardshlp or mlsforluiu'. We have in mind particularly the tremendous neglect of automobile drlv.rs to observe tbo rules of safety. Uemeinlierlng that persons driving automobiles are supposed to be in- teliigeut enough to know what meth od of (Irlvlug Is safe and what Is not, The News f.-els It can reasonably as sume that safely rules should be ob served without so very much more "educating.*' .-Vnd yet this newspa per has devoted many columns in efforts to stimulate Interest In safety by ihoso who operate automobiles. Newspapers do their share In pro moting the well-being of the people who In'iablt this fast-revolving sphere, aiuli The News thinks the public Is fully aware of that fact. What must Impre.ss all thoughtful persons, h.iwevor, is the lack of In terest on the part of so many people in the Intelligent use of the infor mation at hand. For instance, the question may well hi' asked: Why Is It that an Intolllgeni per.son will do things well-known as dangerous to life and lualth? It shoul.l clearly be .soon that It Is not so much a matter of educating the people Into a knowledge and ob servance of rules of safely. Bettor w.iys of promoting health and happi ness and curbing fatalities on the hlgliw«.vs may be found In Listening Interest of those who are already educated. And the best way wo can th'lnk of for fastening that interest Is to block the speed of careless drivers. This State has an appliedi example of the eiYect of' that method' right now, although the application was not Intended in that direction. The hundreds of detours provided where repairs arc under way have served to curtail the number of accidents. This is no doubt the real factor In the decrease of Itlghway fatalities of late, and no one need be fooled Into thinking that drivers have siid'donly become "s.iefty conscious" through being ‘‘educated.’' HERE’S TO THE 4.H CLUBBERS Memlters of the 4-H Clubs iu Har nett County,.are this week enjoying the gaMierlngs at State College whore farmers, farm women and others Interested In Ih.. important Industry of providing food for the Nation a.Hsi'mhle each year with the announced purpose of learning more about their given tasks. It might be appropriately said In this connection that the more our agricultural friends learn about their work, the belter will we poor humans live in the years to come. Tl’.e -l-iH Clubbers no doubt are taking tbeir visit to the State’s headquart. rs for agricultural teach ing as a sort of ontlivg. It Isn’t oft en that a farm boy or farm ‘girl has an opportunity to view the plant, equipment and technique which North Carolina has provided; for their advancement, and now we may expect the youngsters to return home with Ideas tlrat some parents and olher.s may calculate will swell their heads. But that will not he the case, The News believes, la this Instance. The 4-H Club boys and girls of Harnett County have made some wonderful progress on tholr own hook, probably in most Instan ces Independent of their parents' guidance. For. truly, the younger generation on the farms of today have opportunity to grow up. in an atmosphere that Is laden with ideas loaded with possihllltlos of taking the drudge out of farm life. The .News Is wishing for the 4-H Clubbers all the loy that comes to ambitious youngsters fired by a de sire to make more comfortable and profitable a life that should not by any means bo the meanest In the world. If H'arnoll )s to have a live and progressive farm population In years to come, the efforts of the youngsters to belter equip themsel ves to overcome ohstaclos should' be encouraged In evtwy way possible. Here’s to the youngsters! May they get everything valuable out of their visit to State College. MORE AND BETTER BUSINESS AHEAD Now that a majority of the Nat ion’s leading economists haije de clared' their belief that a general up swing in business and industry Is just ahead. The News offers a.motion that the decision be made |,unani mous. Failing to see anything to hold back genuine recovery, the lecoiiomlsts tell hs that several fact ors are playing parts in bringing "happy days" back again. Some of the forecasters (we hope they are not to be drubbed sojRhsay- ers) tell us that one thing orjanoth- er may retard Improvement,' but most of them make an outrlgju pro phecy that good iiimes will colme de spite one or all of the handicaps, that may be placed In the way. ' For Instance, some say that this country is headed toward' recovery in a big wry hold that the govern- ntent should' let business alontj for a while and lot it recover (as 1;; sure ly will, they declare) of Its own vo lition. The seers vlew' the Govern ment’s activities in regulating; busi ness as more in the nature of: a big stick or threat to do this or hhat If such and such Is not done ir ad hered to. , I Well, perhaps there Is more than a little bit of truth In the declarn- ilion that .some of the Government's inctlvltles have hampered' the {return lof good times; then again, Itj must Ibe remembeied that In order [ for a sick patient to get well ther(|j must often come some painful treatment. Perhaps In the long run, sayj| when' recovery is being enjoyed, thc^ “bad medlclno". will be forgotten and all of us will join in singing prajses to everyone who has had anything to do with the resuscitation. I REST IS WHERE YOU FIND IT (Christian Science Moaltoi;)) Yioc-President Garner has j'some theories of his own. One of them Is that the best place to spend af.vaca- ilon is at homo. There Is ajigreal deni to be said for this policy c|r con ducting a front-porch campaign of Comfort, While others talk jjabout the heal, Mr. Garnor simply retires to his six acres and the big. brick house In Uvalde, Texas, and |}Uper- vlaos the gatlierlng of his grapjj crop and the care of his turkeys, r Of course, this may bo more of a change for Mr. Garner, who spend his winters. In a Washington hotel, than a vacation at home would bo for others. It Is said that hef talks HOME BREW 1 BY MRS. LOU freely to his nolghoors and V|lsUors tlbout everything except polltlcsi He could hardly escape.all reminders of the Senate Chamber; what else'icould he thinks of when he sees one turkey gobblers strut? Yet, of his every thing considered. It Is probable'tha.t Well, hits been so hot, I daclded to git off to the cotas' fer er lew days to kinder cool off for I’m glttln' ole enough to enjoy comfort. I am sho glad my preacher, want down there whiles I wus fer things ■ must or gotten worser an’ worser, an’ the las’ day I were there or big, fat ■woman wus er bathin’ out in the ocean an’ er boldin’, onto ever man she could git'to.help 'er jump the waves. ^ She hadn’t never had; no ‘ expar’- ence er Jumpin’ waves, an’ looked like .sire wus scan to death, an’ she plunged an’ lunged or bout so much thet the zipper er fasl’nin’ of her bath suit up the back busted plum off an’ her suit dropped clean down to her feet, an’ 1 seed hit Ian’jumped up an’ hollowed to ’er to git under the water,—so she squatted' down an’ er exlry big wave come or long an’ washed 'er to shore. Didn’t no body Icnow' what to do, an’ the woman were embarrassed to tears; I asted the other wouk-u '.(them thet had'on clo'es yo* could n’t 300 through', an*, they wus mighty sca’ce) to form er circle er round ’er whiles I run to the' locker an’' got 'er clo’es an’ towels. We rubbed the san’ an’ sea weed offen her as best we could an’ flnal’y got her clo’es on. The men went on, down the shore, un’ whiles I didn’t see none of ’em er laughin’, I knowed they wus,, an’ I beared one er tellln’ er crowd of other men thet missed the show thet hit wus the best m|ovle ho ever seed. I wus sho glad the preacher,-want thore,,.fer 1 couldn't or half enjoyed hit ef he had beeii. * * * 1 have sho been Int’restod in the young millionaire,. Howard Hughes, or cllppln’ hit off er roun' the top side er the worT in less 'an' four days. .Tilt alnt no tellln’, 'ft’hat, davelop- men'ts ’ll come nex‘. Ef the good Lord hadn’t er know ed man like the Bible sez, an’ er limited his courses by not puttin' atv all through the sky space, some er these young aces'would be usin' the pl’anets fer landin’ flel’s an’ the moon for er summer resort.' I guess they wouldn’t bother much with the sun. There alnt meny folks thet wants to mess with the sun much no how, most spec’ally In July. many could' emulate with profit,.and satisfaction the 'Vlce-Prosldonij's ox- ample of a vacation at home, n Another and somewhat different Instance of relaxation amid famlllalr surroundings was affordotd lii the recent report of the rotirem'jnt o.f William P. Murp'hy, an employee of a'brokerage house in 'New Yorlt. Mr. Murphy, who started as an. jerrand boy and spent fifty years with the firm felt he would be lost without his work. So the firm held a little retirement celebration in hls.i honor but wilfh the understanding that he should be free to come back'ito his desk as muoh or as little as ho wish ed. There are many to whom such an arrangement would be a kind ness. Most people perhaps look forward to retirement as an opportunity for change of environment and activity," Just as the majority like a vioatlon' (0 see the country. 'But freedom to cut the cloth of vacations orllretlre- monts accoriU'ing to. fit rather than according to fasMon ought ‘;lo be written into every .decl'aratioD, of In dependence of desk or s'hop. li One er my nabor’s youiiguns swal lowed er small screw driver an’ like to er scart his ma to death. The child want real bright no how, an’ when hils ma sent fer the doctor he tole her thet there want" no damage done, maybe the screw;'driver,would tighten up. the loose scfe’i'i .the youn- gun Iva'Ct alius had. * * * I met er widow th’ other day an' she had her arms plum .full er cop ies er the Woman’s Home Compan ion, an' lots er ^qm wus new an’ hadn’t never been read. iShio asted me effen I didn’t want some, an’ I sez, "Yes, but what yo’ doin’ with so meny?” 'She sed she had', three widower fr’en’s an’ ever one had give her er ■prescrlpt’on to the Woman's Hom.e Com'panldn las’ Ohrls’mas, an’ she’d 'ibe o'bleeged to me effen I’d take some of ’em. So I relieved ’or of the magazines —‘but not er the widowers. M'RS. LOU. I! DUNN MINISTERS PLAN FIRST ANNUAL YOUTH WEEK PAYING RANSOM MONEY (Rural Press Service)ji When a person is kidnapped', it Is only natural that relatives should be willing to pay ahy. amount they: are a'ble to raise in order that th'e loved one might bo returned to them. Kid nappers know this, and tha;; why they ply their nefarious traile. If it were made unlawful to make ransom payments, and. the making of them construed as ’"compounding a felony,” It would remove !the In centive to kidnapping. In alirecent Canadian case the authorities step ped In and forbade the payment of ransom by the victim's relatives, When the criminals found that, no, money was forthcoming theyl turned the, man loose, not desiring'to add the crime of murder when theV knew, there would be no profit In it. At ifirst glance it may appear , a harsh procedure to prevent tiU pay ment of ransom to obtain Ithe re lease of the person held, IbuI It 'seems to bo about the only Way In which this meanest of crimes' can be stamped' out. | Each payment of ransom en- courgos further kidnapings, jecause desperate' criminals will alwaW take' a change at beating the la-vt when there is a probabllityi of obtaining largo sums of money as rewards for their crimes. j. - iTheoretlcall'}', at least, every argument) for a hibitlng the payment of B'Ut it must be admitted practice the enforcement of [such a law might be dlftioult, if not im possible. there is la.'w pro ransom.' that in be recreational, but entirely instruc tive and educational. A't the meeting Sunday aifternoon Supt. E. G. Bourne plediged his full cooperation and expressed enthusi asm over prospects for such an e-yen t in locaUschools. It Is hoped that th© event will be come an annual one; also that In Behind Scenes 4 I in American Business New;; York—BUSIN'BSS — Mer chants,' farmers and il industrialists saw a number of sigus' ln last week’s news pointing toward^'-a good busi ness u]!)swing next fail and winter. Retail (furniture dealeira, buying and tn)kin'gi|Sh'op in ChicaVo,. issued an optimistic foreca.st of {the next six monthsj trade. Farm^er3, ready to sell a bumper wheat crop at higher prices i than they h[ad' expected, watched with Inierestij the Interna tional >Vheat Conference In London, where a plan to help stabilize prices In all producing countries was 'jpiag- sented., In 'spite of all rumor.s.do the contrary, no formal action was taken liy any major stijel. companies' to cut|!wages. Abroad, one needle of a usually reliable barometer of world 'business also pointed to fair woathe|r. The number{jof.telephones' 111 uso In ulne'natlons ,inade a sharp gain during, the first il half of the )i year. '• ,, WHY ACCIDBNT§?-j-The automo tive industry examlnecl, closely last week al series of studU's on tlie rela-' tion ofjlcar styling to'dylvlng safety. Surveys of the cause o'f trafflc 'accl- dents ijihed .a, constant jlfloodllght of v'ulunble information in,, the prob lem. Yet “sudden death” on the Yet U ') liighways lakes a bigger toH of lives each yi'ar. Why? Ai'|Uiur W. Ste vens, of the Society of Automotive Engine^ers, answers 'wl'.h the state ment tjhat many auto accidents are attrlbu,table to the faulty styling of modenjl automobilos, which O'bstKicis' full .Villon, "Stylistic whlm8iea.*''"he says.'.ajre to blame. He; urges motor ■makerai to take steps tojward: lower ing thSi hood, ralsliig'i the driver’s seat, n’ilowlng, larger window areas and co.natriicling thinner window partitions. Mr. Stevens says that better t|l8ibllity Is Inevitable, because “man for.a million,years has'walk-' ed Willi! eyes In the front of his head where {they belong, and there' is no reason |why, his car should not be bull'i tlm same way.” ij * ♦ * THe{i FARMER’S BUSINESS—In the fii’ju live months' of last year, our corn exports amounted to 11,000 bushelsj; in the same period of 1938 they tijjtalledi 26,000,000, bushels. This dijamallcnlly shows iho part ag- rieuUui'e is playing In bur foreign trade tl^is year. For January'through May, 2.5 per cent of all' our exports wore farm products, as compared with only 17 per cent last year. For eign CO,unifies are buying more of our wheat, corn, meat and lard than last ye.tr, * * ♦ THINGS TO WATCH.,FOR—Com- blnallo'.! cigarette and match, the match Ibelng glued to the cigarette UNIQUE METHOD USED BY N. C. fO DRAW VISITORS COURTESY CARD SENT TO EVERY r PERSON ASKING GOVERNOR'S HOSPITAUTY COMMrfTBB FOR INFORMATION V, .Ad invitation from Q'overnor Ulpde R.' Hoey to visit North Carolina, t^ so lha|! when the latter is pulled from l;ae package, a match also is wlthdrs to keep wn. . . "Ice-hags” for trees, ' them from budding prema turely;:; a bag of rubber fabric la fllled V around; garage, country!. Is 'bet, through pari-mutuel machines at race tracks. About, one '1)11! ion square feer, of aluminum 'Plans for Dunn’s lirst Youth Week have been announced by a group of ministers who W'lll tie It on to the American Legion’s summer recreation program. A ■commlWee named, by local pas tors and' composed of‘ Rev, E. Nor fleet Gardner, Baptist minister, and Rev. 'F. W.' Wiegmann, Christian minister, mot Sunday afternoon with E, 'G. Bourne, superintendent of schools in.th'e Dunn ddstrlct. The week of Septembe’j',26 was set by the gro-up as the' tentative date for the Youth Week activities. According -to Rev. Leon M. Hall, pastor of fchei,Divine, Street Methodist ■Ch'Urcht, the olbject if the week is to Instruct hlgh schbbi^’^students of ihoi upper grades an'd ? young married .people in the various phases of .mor al and spiritual life. It will be held near the opening of school so that students may get ,the right outlook at the very begm- ning of the schooti year, 'Hall said. Approximately. ten different cours es will be taugWt the^ young people by the pas'tors and outside workers who will be invited to participate in foil wak. produced' jtv the United States Ijlast year for jconntlesa uses from cliewing, gum wijtippcrs to pho- tograp^jlc film. . . 'Forty-four of the 48 States have laws i;egulatlng the workin',! hours for women, a survey shows, working hours of female to the houseli >ld servhnts. CIVIL SERVICE EX'AMINATONS Commit compel positiot For celved from States ea8|t of Colorado, and noli later than August 18, if re ceived jfrom westward. Senior torney. Elecilropjater,' f'2;860 a year. the .program. The courses will not later years It may be broadened. to { office c-Jf the first or s|cbn(d class, or allow particlpwtion'df'Negroes In the from tlie United States Civil Service town. ComniiiisiOQ, ■ Washington', ■ D. C. gelhet with a courtesy card signed bjr him, is now iTelng sent to every pe.rsrn who writes, to the Qevernor’s Hospitality Committee for informa tion concerning the State. ^ Atta-ch- ed to the card bearing the invitation from Governor Hoey, is. a detachable' card, requiring no. postage, whlch. tne' recipient is asketl to sign and' re*- turn. , I This return, ptmt card is expected 'toil give the Statej. Advertising ,Divis ion of the, Department>'^bf ..Conserva-'; tlon and Development a checks on the' number of persons who actually'visit North Carolina' out of' the 'many thousamle who' have written: for Births Increase Records of oil Wrths tmd deaths hi Hornetf ceu«ty diirtag lOSY* ceatly received hi the Resistor of Deeds* oMoo from the SUte Bu* rttM of Vltid Stotlstics, show there weM hirtha und onU’ demhs iB the lE-ntonUi period endhid December SlsL YOUNG LOSES HIS FIGHT FOR PROBE booklets and , information. . More than 23,000' individuals have- wrlt'- ten to tlie State.Advertisliag Division;, during the past 12 months asking.for^., Information ''concerning thd.State. . “North Carolln^a''opens' wide' her doors to you, your family .and your, friends," the Invitation from Gover nor Hoey, printed on one portion of' the card,'says. "She extends to each, a cordial welcome'and ^hearty gre'et-j ings. She has' much to, otter and' covets the opportunity of.'having her claim.? verified iby personal^ .Inspec tion and closest observation. ‘ “‘Wondierf'Ul scenery, marvelous climate, delightful' entertainment, thrilling experiences—all these com bine to make ,a ,visit to North' Caro line -memoralble.” ;Ou^ the. reverse side of the card bearing the invitation from Govern- oiijiHoey Is the courtesy.^card., with the North Carolina seal printed in veil in each corner and,' the legend v‘’Siate Courtesy Card'/' There are two blank, spaces for'the name and the address of the visitor, with the party are guests of the people .of following wording; , ,.,|"The bearer of this card and party are guests of the/ people of North Carolina.. 'It is' pur wish that every cojurtesy be, exteipiied them- so that 1th dry ice and'wrapped the trunk of the tree, thus "freezliig”, the tree and keeping the sap frojn flowing. . . A folding porch for auijo trailers. . . Combination' pencil land calendar, on which the days.otj tlie week appear In a "win dow" ill the barrel of the pencil. . . . A key j|;ontalner with Index tabs to tell wh, ch key opens the front door, etc. « 4. « HEA'DLINBS—Electric range sales last year totalled 400.000, units, a third more than, the previous year and do^jible ‘1936. . . $350,000,000 a year—'(12.70 for each ;person In the their, visit will,bp,enjoyable la,every respect. Clyde; R. Hoey, Governor." ‘This card is about'the size of the usual identlficauou card or. drivers license and may‘,'be carried in a blli* fold or card case.' lOn the other^^’end of this card is a drawing ofjautomoblies traveling along a hlgiiway and the words; i."Your safely, is our concern. We want your visit to our. SRate to be'a, pleasant and safe one.' We urge:you to|. drive safely, for the safety of, yourself and others. .. . Ask 'Highway PatroU for. Information.” .. The acceptance card', which, ail wlio actually ,plan to visit ’Nort'h' Carolina this summer or' tall are askT:’ edj to fill out ahilureturn, to the GovJ^, er'nor’s HospiU'iity Committee, reads' as'rfollows: • I V "I accept with pleasure the. Gov ernor's invitation to visit North; Carolina. My thanks.^for. providing me, with the Governor’s guest' card; and literature. j"! plan to stay- days- weeks and visit the mountaihs. Sandhills section- Coastal section' --—I will hay.e.. ^^-in my.party." INorth Carolina iS'* the ifirst State- tojl adopt this detailed' plan in fel- lofjviii'g up inquiries elicited by Its; ad,vertising camipatgn, so .far as is; known, although .Canada has usedra siinllar plan with declded'success for so,me time, according to Director R., Bruce Etherid'ge pf'^ the' Department' of|l Con.serration and Development. State ElecUona Board Indicates Can* aday Will Be OewUded A» SolL torlal Nominee ' The State' Board of Elections, nearing ,the end of its investigation of primary Irregularities, has indi cated Solicitor Claude Canaday of Benson' will be* certified; as the Dem.7- cratic'.nominee and ,that J. Robert 'Youn’s petition for a recount or re- .jectlpn of the tJohnston county vote will' be denied. ....^Young,'whoso home is in Dunn, charged Ipregularltles existed in the June .ind' primary in which Solicitor Canaday polled a 5,000 majority in his home county' to defeat the can didate from Harnett by approximate ly,, 3,000: votes. Petitions setting forth names' of ' voters. aleged to have cast fradulent ballots.- were presented to the State Board' by 'Young and his attorneyn. Solicitor, Canadypresented' counter Ipetitlons showing many, voters llst- ‘ed -as not being''properly registered were- entered in different names,/ (or women, or' changed initials on 4he poll books. On 'many , registration books were llstwl maiden names of married women while the poll books’ listed'.them as "iSIrs." Grounds for rejecting Young’s plea (for a more thorough probe were base^ on an opinion from the Su preme Court denying, the right to challenge qualification's of any voter who votes in the ,usual manner after, the vote has been tabulated’" and cer tified by. precinct, officials. The Johnston Board of Elections refused, to. grant Young, a recount or to discard ballots he claimed were illegal. PLANS FOR DUNN COTTON FESTIVAL MAKE PROGRESS NATIONALLY KNOWN SPEAKERS and entertainers to link program honoh'ixg "KINO" IXITTON I Plans for Dunn’s ArsO annual ;-ut- ton festival are readily going for ward and officials are 'becomii'ig morv‘ and more ©nthuslaBtlc over ihe forth, coming event. | "We are receiving encouragement from every source^ even fr()m out- of-state sources,", says, Secretuty Hoover Adams, “and feel that it will truly be one of the greatesi| event-! of the year in North CaroUn'a.’’ ’ -Although' the dAte has not bet-11 set pending the selection or|.i prin cipal speaker, plans for the evt-ut ai'9 being laid and will be aunoi.jneod at an early date. 1 National ad'verilaers and a great number of promotion conceViis are >w4'lt4ng for information about th-.; event every day and it is- being pub licised., in several national puhiiea- tlone, . ' Among the speakers being, consid ered are Vice President JohiijN. Gar ner, Mayor Piorella LaGuardia ot New York, Relief Adinlnl3tra:jor Har ry. Hopkins, Farm Secretary Henry 'Wallace. ‘For eutertaininent. Bob 'Burns.. W. C. Fields and George .M. 'Cohan have been mentioned. According to plans, a poll will be taken to determine which of these iwould be t'he best drawing card. " A meeting of the "committees is scheduled for next week an4' at this meeting reports from the various in dividuals will be heard. The object of the (estival is to put Dunn on the map as a groat cotton, producing center, at one time the*^ world’s largest wagon cotton mar ket, to entertain the farmers in the Dunn trade area, and to stimulate business generally. Mayor Herbert Taylor wl!h other members of the city board and all civic, social and fraternal erganiza- ■behind the IN THE COURT OF tlons of the city are movement. I An announcement of the complete program is expected from ||Geueral Chairman E. B. Oulbretli and Pro- THE RECORDER I gram Chairman Glenn Hooper some- I time next week. The- following cases were disposed ! of Tuesday in Itecorder’s Court: KELLY REUNION HELD ON f»tli Viola. Barrow,., assault, judgment suspended upon payment of actual costs. ' ,IR. D., Barrow,, assault on. female. 90 days on roads, suspended, two yeara upon, payment of: costs and re main of good behavior. C. L.. ,Hale,.>^operating auto while intoxicated, 90- days on roatde, sus pended )two-' years- upon payment of |50,. coats and not drive for twelve months. Joseh^ McLean, opeprating auto ■yhil'e,, intoxicated!,' 90, days on roads. birthday of sign f. KELLY (The annual Kelly reunion and birthday celebration ' honoring the SSth birthday' anniversary of; Sion F. Kelly,, prominent Lee- county citizen, was' held Sunday, July ITthl at the home of'Mrs. Charlie Kelly in Broad way. A basket picnic lunch'jwas en joyed at the noon! hour. Centering, I, ;su8pen'ded upon payment of |50 and; ,costs''andlnot .drl've tor.{12: months. Joev ;WicIeW, violRtii«:^ prohibltion' laws, 80 days at County Home.. Mule and, wagon confiscated and ordered' iiold: , "‘.^Eira^ Norris,' violating prohibition laws,!! 90'' days' on roade.l suspended' two years mmu; payment of-costs, re main of good behavior and;allow of ficers ,tO' search prenilsQS', at' any, time', without se,.rch warrant. iHenry Matthekrs, assault, on te- ^mal^sdefendant committed to State Hoapltar,' the table was^a huge cake, with can dles. , i Mr. Kelly Is probably thb oldest citiien.’in Broadway, and lie! is held In high esteem, by all who know. him. He la active lit church wc[rk and loyal and faithful in attendance. At the Broadway Methodrst church' on Sunday morning Mr. Kelly n'as giv en a tribute by his pastor, :|ho Rev. 'W. J. Page.j who invlteil' him to sic in the pulpit with him during the morning services.,^ Children,..grandchildren and great .grandchildren of Mr. Kellyj_prcsent were: Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Kelly, Miss Harriet Kelly and Miss Virginia Kel ly of Qoldi^boro, Mrs. Charlie Kelly, Frank Kelly, Miss Joyce Krllly, Mr. Wlllls; Strickland, assault, not guilty., Clarence Moore, assault with dead- and Mrs. Alton Kelly and > family. ly weapon, prayet^ for Judgment con- FORMER LILLINGTON YOUTH , KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE United Slates - Civ'll Service slon has announced ^ open live .examinations, ifor the 8 Hated below.|{ . .hese examinations, appllca- "Jack'Byrd, ll-year-old son ot Fess Ai Byrd ot .Gumberlandi county, for.';; m'erly of Lllllngton, was fat^ly In jured last Thursday morning'whsii. an' automoibtle jointly operated by. a, woman and a'drunken'man rsn 'intb tions nilust ibe on filei.with the Civil Service') Commission, ‘Washington, D. a gasoline tiauk at W. J. Knott’s fill ing station on the Fayetteville high way, 18 miles south of here. jiThe boy.was sitting on the,base otj the gasoline ‘ tank ' when the oar He was rushed to.'High- C., no,tjl later than Aupst 1B; if re- Colorado and States struck it h smith hospital, where he died, an, hijjur later. Hospital attaches stated his lungs were punctured and' his death resulted) from lu.haled- sir. which escaped through the. holes..ua-. Attorney, $4,600,, a year. At- $'3,800 ,a year. Bureau of Motor (Carriers,, Intersilate Commerce Commit slon. Safety Inspector, $2,600 a year, Bureaujlof Motor Carrljers,' Interstate Commere'e Commission.'. der his skin. They said he was in Branchji ot^ Biiildingsl! Management, Nallonrll,. Park ' Berylce, Department of the interior./(For 4Pl>o*i’^tment In Washington, b.‘C., only.) Hospital Librarian, ;$l,800..a year, Veteratis’ Administration. , , Ftill iJlnformatlon'jmtiy be obtalncid from .4e' Secretary of .the United States, iCJvll Service Board of Ex- amlnerti at-the post.joCl|lce of.-custom- house .In, any. city which has a post very great pain. >The couple operating the car, Ann Holmes of Parkton and L. C. Grant oiji Richmond; were placed under $1,600 bond' following tb,o coroner’s in^quest last Saturday morning. l/Funeral services' for the-youth wi}re conducted Friday atternobn at Fiat Branch Presbyterian Church:', Rev. J, P. Menius of Raleigh., and Rev. Eugene Alexander of Manchest er! officiated. Young Byrd attejodied school here- several years ago before his father m!oved to their present home near Slocum'b. i|He was a nephew of; J,. M. McLean and has many relatives' who. live in tlie! Flat 'Branc'b' Community. .-iAY: ’’1 SAW IT IN THB NEWS.' THANK YOU. tinued;,..two. years,’ upon payment of costs.4^.$2' Intnjcourt' for Dr." Flem ing and 'remain' bf good- behavior. John- > McLean, reckless driving, Judgment suspended upon -payment of $6' and costs. ;; Roy Flowers, lattem'pted larceny, guilty of treepasii and malicious de struction of personal property. Pray er for'Judgment continued two years upon payment costs and remain of good behavior. Roy Beard. ilssauH with deadly weapon, guilty assault. 'Prayer for Judgment-conttnuedi two years upon paymejiit'df costs.! Luther Senter, operating auto while intoxicated, 90 days roads, suspended upon ' payment $60 and costs and' not drive for 12 months. Mr. and' Mrs. Charlie Kelly and fam ily, Mr.! and Mrs. Laurin Kelly and baby, Mrs. Claiborne Wicker and Mrs. Hoyle Kelly, all of Br'oadway,' ‘Mr. and' Mrs. J. H. Warner, Mr. and- Mrs. W. C. Warner ard fainiily,' Mrs. G. L. Thomas and family, Mi's. Clyde- At'kins and Dolores Atkins, Mr. and Mrs. Watson Campbell and tlhlldren, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin- Campbell' and Gloria Campbell, Mrs. Vernoii; Buchr' anan and family, Mrs. Lottle|McNeill and family, Mr. and Mrs, | Charles Wicker and Jimmie Wicker,; all of Sanford, and Mr. and- Mrs. Meredith Thomas of Swann Station. CUMBERLAND COUNTY FAIRMER FOUND DEAD NEAR HIS HOME AMMONS URGES ATTENDANCE . AT FARM AND HOME WEEK 'In an attempt to have a large num ber from.Harnettjat the annual Farm and' Home Week"W>blch will be con ducted at State j College, beginning next Monday, County, Agent C. R. Ammons has sent letters to- leaders in various, sections ot Harnett urg ing them to attend the assem'bly for one; day or longer. '. Outistandlng lectures and demon- .strationsi'are booked; for each day,' and several!Lorn! Harnett has signi- W. R. Maxwell, 66, was found dead at. his home near Wade oarly last Thursday morning by members of bis family who started a search for him; when, they became alarmed at his failure to return from' a walk he took the preceding ulghi{. 'Funeral services were conducted Friday ,morning at Old.Bluff jPresby- terlan-i'Church near Wade.;| B'arlal was in; the church cemetery.,> Dr. A. R. McQuden of Dunn and Heir. David Blue! officiated. Surviving are three sons, D. B., W. R. and J. C. Maxwell of Wade, and two daughters, Mrs, Jacob Bert- chle and Mrs. A. F. iBaIn of s'tedman. SALES TAX OPPONENT TAi.KS BEFORE DUNN ROTARY CLUB 'fled intentions tO'stay! tor the entire week.' i 'Dunn Rotarians last Friday night The. registration tee, which covers /'lodging, and incidental' expenses, is- $1. Meals! can be secured for'a nom- Ihal sum in the college cafeteria; Linen and towels must be carried., The detailed plrogram Is' given on The News farm page and additional ' Information may! obtained from' Mr. Ammons’ office. heard Paul Leonand of Ststesville,' secretary of the North Carolina Fair Tax Association, denounce tbe sales lax system as one that "forces retail merchhnts Into>Involuntary servitude as .tax collectors.’’ ! Leonard was invited to speak be fore the club by Rotarian Yfade M. (Brannon, who introduced' Leonard.

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