sy-*' ^-■•i A-itV -.-^l.-^'v*-'' ‘. A • '-■« .'mO I, / Mi\\«;\» ‘v*^/ -'' •«,-rV» ♦•U>’'t-*»*» -i>* viAs'-- M' ' ■ >-.>■'- t i \ iV Wu.'1.-'1 C ^^y.'^ii'/i A V»AJ =)>»•'.V •.'^''> :!•’ *,' ' ** ^ ^ , # - .1 >;*.'• / . , • . -. . '> ! ^ ' ‘ >j ‘ ' • ‘ ^^ ,•. V - ^ i, » ‘ Art ^ ^ N„ V^- ry yif " >' \ t J. X -^ ' ' i ' THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1946 HARNETT COUNTY NEWS—P«l»lliriied at Liilinffton, N. c. Let’s Try Something New By Cornelia Austin Home Service Representative Carolina Power & Light Co. A new iplan for a new kitchen or a new plan for an old one! It goes without saying that the kitchen is the very heart of the home. N o other room In the entire house drservo.*; more thoughtful and tech nical planning and labor saving equipment. The combined creative thinking of home economists, plan ning experts and engineers at your local power and light office soon will make it‘possible for you to se cure help In planning a beautiful kitchen, complete aud efficient. As wo think about our kitchen we can readily see how it divides Itself naturally into throe distinct corners of activity. (1) IVcservatlon and storane cen ter which Includes the refrigerator and Its base and wall cabinets. Those should bo located as nearly as possible to the service entrance of the kitchen, making- It possible Qkxl LVinstMias » I I ft M The story behind Christ mas is one that has given the Yule holiday force and direction for over a thousand years. Hearts are nutde over on this day. It gives us great pleas ure during this holy sea son to extend our best Christmas wishes to all our friends. CENTRAL SERVICE STATION Charlie Morton, Owner LILLINGTON for perishable foods to be stored as soon as they are brought Into the house. Walt cabinets should he used for canned foods, ‘Cereals, drled fruits, etc. Base cabinets should be used for sitter, bulk storage, meat grinder, etc. (2) Preparation and cleaning cen ter which is the heart of the kitchen and should be centrally located, be cause almost every activity In’ the kitchen involves the ttse of the sink. It Is here that the preparation of food for storage takes place, the washing of the dishes and disposing, of food waste. The wall cabinets sur rounding the sink should be used for storing dishes, glasses, mixing bowls, etc. The base cabinet's should be used for cuitery, cleaning com pounds, towels, etc.' (3) Cooking‘and serving center should be located near - the dining room entrance. This will save tiine and energy In serving meals. Wall cabinets should -be located over the range for storing dishes, condiments, percolator, waffle iron, etc. The efficiency of any kitchen de pends upon the location of these three centers, their relationship to each other and to the rest of the house. Plan your kitchen for ef ficiency! this start the day right. So good la it to look at that it will seem almost another one of the handsome gifts Santa has left for the family. An ex- ;tra ring wrapped 111 gay paper’ and tied with tinsel is a most delightful way to convey Christmas wishes to those new neighbors or to those old I friends a few doors away. Fashionable Christmas pies are featuring' a paper-thin lower crust and a mere suggestion for a top crust, with the accent on design. Crisscross Cranberry Pie not only ,cuta down on the shortening usually required, but uses honey for part of I the sweetening. A hint of allspice and grated lemon rind add flavor- interest while cheery cranberries peep through.\the latticed crust with the gay lure W ,mistletoe.' A holiday season without cookies is unthinkable,- even if, sugar has to "be skimped elsewhere to make them. Chocolate Almond Squares, are at tractive, quick and easy to, make. A garnish' conetstlng of a dabf-'Of naelt- ed candy bar or,, chocolate -fudge frosting, topped with- a balanched aK mond, gives them special' "Merry Christmas” look. When you are so devoted to doing what Is right that you press straight on to that and disregard what men "are' saying about, you, there” is the triumph of - moral courage.—Phil lips Brooks.' state College Hints To Farm Homemakers By Verna Stanton, N. C. State College Cood enriched flour -that goes Into this year’s holiday baking is as white and light as a fluttering snow flake. If sugar and shortening are a bit scarce, there are other sweeten ers, and there is many a cookery trick to make the most of what Is available. Candled Fruit Muffins, for ex ample, got much of their sweet good ness from the candled fruit that not only sweetens them but gives them their holiday flavor as well. Christmas would -hardly be Christ mas without a special holiday bread. Coffee Cake or Fruited Holiday Ring will make Christmas Eve Sup per, or Christmas breakfast, seem-ap propriately festive. Toasted slices of Star of Bethlehem Phenomenon of Age The Star of Bethlehem has been the subject of extensive research and .discussion. ■ Modern astronomer^ have consid ered several natural phenomenon theories, without attaching too much weight to any such hypothesir. Skeptics re.gard the whole thing as mere invention," colored' with Orient al Imagery, designed to honor the supernatural phenomenon., which pro claimed-'the birth of Jesus, The. -first’ chapter of the gospel ac cording to St. liiatthew begins; “The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the eon ot Abraham ..." And confirming - Bethlehem as the city of David, the angel of the Lord declared: ".For unto you is born this day, in the city of' David, a SAVIOUR which is CHRIST the Lord." St. Luke 2:11. Considering tradition, which ac cepts that King David’s shield form ed a six-pointed star, the Star of Bethlehem appropriately "... stood over where the young Child was," St, Matthew 2:9. The first idea of method is .i, progressive transition ifrom one step to another In any course.—Coler idge. \ .fOYOUS YULETlDfi Here's wishing that the light of the season's cheer will glow through all you do, adding greatly to your Christmas happiness. by the THOUSAND we send to all our friends this Yule Season of 1946. May yours be indeed a MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OUFL FR.IENDS F. A. BRADSHER Wholesale Distributors Esso Products ULUNGTON Style* change, method* change, but Christraa*—never I Beneath it all i* the same old love of man for hi* folk* and hi* neighbor*, the sanie old dream of the day when peace and good will encompaM all the earth. So now in that ehangelea* aeaaon of Chri»tmaa we greet oar friend* and neighbors, w so often before, with that timeworn meaaage of cheer and good fellowship, MERRY CHBISTMASI SHELL SERVICE STATION LILLINGTON is* \(^Mhnai\ JoY TO ALL Kelly’s Drug Store LILLINGTON r^/VTA ClAUS 15 Co^, To TOVPN meriu"* camsTfAAS* A SPECIAL TRIP FOR ST. NICHOLAS Sanfa is making a special trip this year, and he's coming vdirect to your home ieden with merry Christmas wishes ■from us to you. Womble Company ULLINGTON It hi good to know that Christmas is hszs again ... good to c^sbrate it, as in ths past, ■sriHi so mony fins peopls with whom we are liappy to be aaeociated in this community, and to whom we now send Oa Host Hearty CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Young’s Dept. Store Angier, N. C. ' «Vr ' > I uW 1 ., 4 '