!?: i=.- w. k-1! V> . i*^ .., p^-.. »;• i(,y ;5H, f//. m COWSTRUCT^f ■»♦ VoL XXX—No. 40 $2.00 PER:Y£AR-~Se A COPY ^im u» : *> ,%'> *^u Hmmii^ Ii^ bt THE WKWr WoneB LOCAL CHURCH WILL BE HOST TO CHURCH WOMEN Sunday. Speaker TWO DIE WKEN TfflSm; CAR HITS QUEmCiTY BUS turn 1>IB- GROUP CONPRKENCR OF TRICT VIII TO BE H£LJ> HEBE OCT. a; mrr. tom PEMBER. TOX IS CHAIRMAN of M. Lillington Presbyterian Churcb crlll be host to the Group Conference of District VIH of The Women of the Church, Payetteylllo Preabytery, to be held in the locai church on October 8. The theme is "Achievements to Which the Church Lopks Forward," and the program will open at H a. m., with a call to ordeo* by Mrs. Tom Pemberton of Linden, chair man. l^'ollowlng Is the program: 9:30 a. m.—Registration. 10:00—Call to Order, Mrs. Tom Pemberton, Chairman. Hymn—"All Hail .the Power Jesus Name". Worship Service — Rev. A. Keith. Welcome—Mrs. J. M. Shaw. 'Response—Mrs. Prank (Blue. Introductions. Business. Treasurers Report. Place of meeting for 1949. The Program of Profcress Achievements the first year;. Ac hievements'expected the second year —Mr. Netll M. Salmon. Achievements In my church first year: Presidents of the Women of The Church. Hymn—“We’ve a Story to Tell”. Synodical Training School — Mrs.' Charles Ross. Negro Work—Miss Lilian Austin, Offering, a Visual Aid—Rev. A. M. Keith. What is expected this year in my church. Stewardship. Church Attendance and Christian Orowth. - '" • ■ '■■■■ Spiritual Life and Evangelism— Mrs. L. B. Mills. Chapels—Mrs. Willa McLuuohlln, Religious Education—Miss Marg aret Stephenson. Home Missions — Mrs. Sidney Smith. Christian Elducation - Ministerial Relief—Mrs. Ben Campen, Jr. Foreign Missions—Mrs. M. C. Mc Donald, Jr, Other Phases—Mrs. Eugene Lasa- ter. Christ the Only Answer—'Mrs. H. C. McLauchlin. Hymn — “Come Thou Almighty King”. Prayer—.Rev. T. A. Guiton. 12:30 p. m.—Conference period. 1 :.00—Lunch—^Fellowship. District officers are: Mrs. Tom Pemberton, chairman: Mfs. W. B. Johnson, vice chairman; Mrs. Darld Blalock, secretary and treasurer. Presidents of The Women of the Church are: Barbecue, Mrsi D. B. Holder; Bunnlevei; Mrs. J. C. Byrd; Bphesi's, Mrs. D. W, Morrison; Flat Branch', Mrs. Archie Autry; Leaflet .Mrs. Bruce Ray; Lillington, M*s. J. R. Moss; Mt. Pisgah, Mrs. John Har rington; Raven 'Rock, Mrs. Lluie McKay; Sardis, Mrs. J. M, Surles. The pages are: Mrs. Rupert (Brad ley. Mrs. C. Reid Ross, Mrs. W« B. Salmon. Mrs, Cliarles Bradley. District Vll Group Confereiure' The women of the Churches in District Seven of Fayetteville (Pres bytery will hold their group confer ence at Bensalem Presbyterian Church October 7th, as announced by Mrs. H. C. McLauchlin, Presby- terial president and Mrs. A. C. Cameron - district chairman. The meeting will open with (reg istration at 9:30 A. M. followed 9>y a program rich in worship, inspira tion and instruction. The (Rev. Char les W. Worth win be a featured speaker and many (phases of the Presbyterian Program of Progress will be ably discussed by the vari ous cause secretaries.' The following Prosbyterlan Churches, comprise this district: Bensalem. Cameron, Cameron Hill, Carthage, Cypress, Elagle Springs, Eltse, Olivia, and Union.' It is urged that* a* good representation of the women from each of these churches attend. Out On Bail Runsoin Tyndall of Erwin, Jail ed here slnjre being arrested on n charge of murdering Fred Thoamns Norris at Tyndall’s restnumat te Sidvln, has been released (on fBKi,- 0(10 ball. Bond was signed by (Toy T. Lu cas -and J. R. Byrd. It is stated that SoUcMor lac^k -Hooks will not press for a' flint a>gl»e verdict when Tyudall oeoies to triaL BUNN W. MANCKBUI JUm JOip; W. MANOUM, OF IMMJtiSi* ION INI^ANTLT KnUUBD , IN ;BASR at KXPHnifO XB4 W. DAY Mr. Day will bo the speakor next Sunday night, October 8, at 7:30, at Angler (Baptist Church, in a se ries of laymen's talks. His subject will (bo "Death in the Pot." SALES GO OVER FIVE MILLION ON DUNN MARKET MANAGER CUHBIN 18 STILL BE ING COMPLIhlENTED BY HAR NETT FARMERS ON SUC(TE3S OF HIS MARKET Manager Buck Currln of the Dunn tobacco market may not be hearing all of the conxpliments directed his way by Harnett farmers who are "much set up" by the service, con venience and good prices they have received at his warehouses. But the fact is, farmers are continuing to boast of the “top dollars" they have gotten and are still getting. DeBi^5iati.Wf,. jMwa«XL„CurrJa ^ as "Top Dollar" Ourrfp by The New*, has seemed to meet with--popular approval among tobacco farmers. The "personal Interest, which the Dunn market manager manifests in each individual sale has gone a long way, they say, in making the Dunn' market popular with Harnett farm ers. Now that the market has passed' the five million pound mark in its sales, predictions are 'being revised all along the line as to the .probable nuTn(ber of .pounds to be sold during the season. Some -observers .state their belief that the total sales will rea^ teiT million. More conserva^ live estimators say it will roach eight million.. County Agent Ammons, in speak ing to The News about the' Dunn market, said that its auccess has been almost phenomenal when it is considered that most new markets have '& struggle for the first few seasons. Mr. Ammons further declared that the agricultural forces In the county are much elated in that the, county’s only tobacco mai^et, new, though it is, has gone' beyond expected sales and has at the same time gained the confidence of farmers'to such*a de gree that they too are praising the market. Prices of |«6 to 867 for top grades are quite common. Bunn W. Mangum and bis- sou, John W. Mangum, of Lillington lt^8 were instantly killed early Sunday morning when their car craved with a Queen City bus at the, curve on highway 'ISrA at KipUng. Mr. Mangttin and bis son , were headed south and ihe bus was going no:th. The bus was wrlven .by Wade' Hampton Thompeow of St. Pauls, who with a mechanic was taking the ^ipty bus to' Raleigh for repairs. Coroner C. B. Allred, who Inves tigated the accident 'with Patrolman Hughes J. Hunt and Deputy Sheriff Ken Matthews, absolved the bus driver ‘ from- blame!. The coroner found that Mr. Mangum' 'had lost control of his 1939 Ford and bad run head-on into the bus, W'hlch Driver Thotdpson bad swerved In at tempt to avoid the crash! Patrolman Hunt.' said the 'bus was damaged atboui, and the Ford was totally destroyed. Mr. Mangum was '&8 yeani' old, his son ^0'. Double funeral services tot the Mauf^ms were held Monday, aftar- noon^at 3 o'clock at the Mt. Zion Church, near Oxford. Thq Rev, Floyd Adams of Angler,, and the Rev. Mr. Williams of Oxford officiate. * Bu rial' was in the eburch cemetery. Mr. Mangum was a farmer of Lil lington ^->3'. He came to' Harnett from, Granville several years ago. Surviving,are his. wife, .'Mrs. Flora Doan Mangum of LUIJngtoa R-3, and one daiighter, Mrs. Arrota Man- gum of Durham. 'MdL- .msd OUeC WaA 414 84!^. isnsii^;, iHm. Clilef A4aaw/to,ae(«r;.-4K|teK.to tlnAMit who Kelly bento. fomg Eacams This STREET PAVING RUNNOIGAlffiAb OF schedule Xft-FOOT STRIPS OF *T^HT mX" TAR PA VINO. HEWG LAID »f ALL STREETS) OOMPLETE IN. OMB OPmATHXf BUIE’S GREEK OPENS Building Not Yet - FlniabMl and Sdhpel Will I^n on Shasit-'liehe-* ' ' 'dikle, ItM'F.'M. ' '' Due to delay In receiving seme of the materials,' the new iBnie’e Creek- school building Is not yet completed, •butSupt!' -Reid Ross allowed the .school to open’ yesterday (W^nes- day) and operate on short schedule for ‘possibly a month. Torrey Johnson, former prlBClpal of 'Bnckhorn school,' is ‘principal of the new school. The short sched'ule' will >be from 8:'S0' a.' m. till-'1:90' p. 'm. Outdoor toilets have (been Install ed and a well dug • for' temporary use. ' These are apjiroved ‘ by the Health Department. ' (Due to the fact'^that construction is continulng' on the'building, pupils will not be allowed' to use the play grounds, nor will the auditorium be used. All facilities will be available,- how'(Cver, Just .as" soon as the build ing is ctxmpleted;; Supt. Ross expects an enrollment of around 309,' ANDERSON CREEK PTA > TO'MEET TUESDAY NIGHT Anderson Creek - Parent-Teachers Association will 'meet Td^ay'^ night, October‘6th at 8:00 o'elcick. All par ents, tea^erb, anid Interested -pat rons of the com-mtinity- are -in-Vlted, Tarheel Pemocra^i|p Chih In Capital Hits (By -Robert A. Erwin) Washington, Sept, 2'9‘.—^Wlth some of- the -fanfare of a Tar 'Heel tobacco auction, the North Carolina Demo-' cratic Club of Washington hit the' political sawdust trail at the Willard Hotel one night (recently and raised approximately $1,600 for this year’s' party war chest. The successful .TOOnoy-ralsing Job, surpassing ^a goal of $1,000 set for the club’s meeting, was aocompllsh- ed in the presence of the ipartjr can didate for Governor, W, Korr ^ott, the Haw (River dairyman, State Democriuic Chairman \^pus- 'H. Waynlck and their wives; State'Sen ator Joe L. Blythe, of Charlotte, -Na tional Democratic Treasurer; Secre tary of the Army.-Kennel^.C. -'Roirail of Goldsboro and Assistant Army Secretary' Gordan Gray of' Winston- Salem. All-the speakers, chiefly Scott and Waynlck, delivered strong appeals for support in the general election battle against the resurgent tRepnib- ilcans. and. the reaponim. indicated enthusiasm of the first, order. John M. Lang, of Carthage, club president, '^was master of jcaireinonies, .but the money-raising iys« led by WestalyicR^.McDonald, founder of the club, Washington‘lawyer, for many, years secretary - former Senator' Bob -Reynolds at the Capitol, Mc Donald started off in oratorical style but switched iiito the' auction eering approaoh- and' Used -a black board 'and '('a checked - off'' 199-yard football -field (With the goal- la the top and tone -loarked- "RepabUcans". Assistant Secretaiv Gray, Winston- Salem xmbllaher and ''toba^ 'heir, start(^ '£he '"bali' .rolling , with. |26 and pToml^ I'iod more^lf tb«' ‘|99() mark were! rea«iied. The club,, by pledge and cisli. passed the $1,009^ mqrk- and also voted "half ‘ of its jpre- sent tretoury fund to the cause. Bcntt and Whynick,,'wIio had s»id they ’n^i^ help, 'thhnked club prof^w^ly for Ite derndnstra^ou. of ' par^^tai'th. The' Dlxlecrki, issue 'was sk^rb^ all eveulnk. ;ekd«pi for J^ott’a! hupiiSrous' tomatkV dlmut ."Sister Brice'-," moahibk Mair^" Ftice," of Durham; Staie ' ;ProgTjai{slTe' Fiyfiy, teller, and ‘ "Brotlier l^tcharii^ hifljiining Gewge l^tchard, of MaV; shall. 'RepubiicaU candidate for' GbV-' ernor.-'*'' "" The' -homesimu 'dMiTmdn A machine that'isys a ten-foot strip .of paving c«piete as it goes is operating on the streets of Lill ington this .week, and the Zelgler- Cline ConstracGito -Company, con tractors for the will finlah it far ehea4l of scbeiiHe if nothing in terferes. tr ’ The agreement entered into be tween the town au^rities and the construcUou compny calls for com pletion' of the paving by November 1st. The scarrlfytng «rews have com pleted. their part ,f the work. Be- toube of the extryjasely dry weather which bss csas^.Js firmt amount of. dust and rendered the earth surface very soi!t. It'bee been' necessery to use a sprinkler, machine on the leveled streets in order to bold the dirt snifoce, intam till the paving machine-co)^ get.to them. All of the slioets of the town are €6 foet wide'^exoeijt. fonr! Front and' Main streets -ere. ‘ 199 ■ eet wide. Eighth and I streeta are 49 -feet. Front and Main, being state high ways, are aDea4y |mTe4L-Al*o (paved are nine bloifilbir'' on. dther.. streets which were jmved (by piHvate prop erty owners. Rfihbol teschers of Cornett , coun ty ere .^ "tiritlng the.'«Miual physical exa^a^wns reduirad by state }a^. Tba.,9''imuUjMI|i>*», *>• be ing cendueled at ;1^HL.olfioeB of th^ County Beard oC‘ Staitlsg .'dff tliseaday, the teachers of Boone ’ITall aiv^ A,wit) were the first to be examined; Other sehoola will' follow until,, all. teachers of • the county have been ^BxamJncd. After' recording, temperature, pulse, reapiration, blood. Pfuisttre,. waight an.d height, toe -mwaUalim physiclas will record oh duplicate sheets symptoms of disehto if found as follows:, Smhllpox^ typhoid, stool culture. akin, vision, hearing, mouth, threat,' bbart, ihngs, -X-ray of chest, nbdtonea, > gmUto-hrinary, ‘ serologi cal - teet • for syphiUs, nervous and mental-: addttldaid ‘ findings and re- At the -hottom' of the examlnaiion blank tha physician will certify the results, end' state whether the teach er is free of commuaieahle dlsvstse or -uiiy. physicsl or mental ailment ’wlikh wfll impelr the ability of ssM' .person to perform- hla or her dutlto:>’ .. The teachers are allowed to either have-the" examinations mads rae of charge at the Health Department 9r engnga a personal physictan. FARM BUREAU MEMBERSHIP GOAL NOW 2,KM| RENBWBD BNTaPUaMdUf. HHHN ABCONO iaaiaiMiii who amk PRSimfii.,FOIl^ ENLAIIQH^ MBMBRRSiaF IN COUNTY beta but all famars.-He emphastssd Diat "thM hiireau" is tbh fsmar's will he tsods-aow-ko posw ijihtowidlab and that tress and Ahr^hh^ over- running the -property liiM will re- main nndistnrbed. Only two treee had to be talM down. Thuy ware In front of the Frank Johnson property on X stt-eM:, Ftndtng that not enough money would (be realised 'from the sale of the $46,999 'bond Issue authoriosd by the ‘Voters - recently; the town is now csllittg'for ‘another-tiNMUm on October 86 to autborisn Aa addition^ al 18(1.909 It'so much jjje-neesssaiy. Mayor Loving says the prepayments on street paving, will he used to re tire the ■' bonds, - and that none of those -who made prepMunents will be called on for further' assebsmwrts. Around pl6.999* has been collbetod in prepsi^.ents, nnd H Is expected this' amount will iW' increased to 186,909. Spurred by- enthustasra whloh -haa bean notod among the rank aad Hla of members, (rfticlals of the Harvett County Farm^ Bureau prasstng forward toward attaialnt th^ goal of 8,9iMl( memheis in. the ioeat unit. ' At a- honbaeue suppar 'held laat week in the hall park hare, A. O. Ed wards of - iHoekartoa, - Farm Buraau rieu'prealdeUt, stressed Gie value of the bnrestt in providing flaancta] security fdr not only burusn.-muht- . hhr, tolved-hy harsam.uemtogni.sttd thatr friesMls who - had-'gatikared . to foster tatersol. is the drive tn cflunty. - . ■ ' North Csift>Unailum.isd' the- XogHt In burean> mamhaMitp ^ during Hut pest ith’reo yoasa g8|l .now*'hsmje'total, of 79,090. Tha Bohriti ttto campaign'.‘la-•9'^MBi-- ■ BELK CONFESSES HE ATTACKED JOHNSTON MAN AUSTM PARiyMH. WHITX FARM- Ut, CMF .JOHNSTON COUNTY, PJOUND BAINLY WOUNDED NIMlJi; DUNN FBIDAY NIGHT A white man giving his name di Geotge .Memphis Belk was picked up by officers, while he 'was asleep on a ibeneh In Monroe Saturday night and turned over to Sheriff W. B. Salmon.who had been searching tor him since .early Friday -morning. Shwrlff. Salmon Is holding Belk in Jail here. The sheriff aays Belk has conPsssed to an. attack on Auatln ParrUv. whits farmer of Johuton couBty. Thursdey night. Fnrrlsh Is 'i|n Dunn . hospital suftaring from savens wounds;. but. hoapttal physl- Shertff'Entmon says that -Balk has "eoufsiigi. wverythlut." Aecosdlhg'(to the story told by Parrish--to .Dsputy O. B. ‘Psanca of Dudnw who pjcltod up .tha vroundad gMg-'naan'Omnti'Tlmndar airiH, Ftrish» had-- haaa .to tha (Ehalth- flald tohaieco market whara he- had sold soma tobacco aad had on his parson $399, Ha got la the ^company of Selk aad they rode arou^ In his County Frwident. McAiyteCMi^ • When Officer Penroe NESV STORE OPENS IN LILLINGTON Mnrrikison Hnrdw^ B Fhirm SujHdy Operated by Max and Walter, Mur chison Now Open.for Murchison Hardwa.'s A Farm Sup- >ply opened ^cr business here Monday of this weelt ^In' 'tlie ‘neW siore’ nt^ to Fowli^r'Ro^'' Co, The neV’flrm which will handle, n .general line of hardware term snpi^as is tie^g operated Biy .Mr. Man Murchison, who ban been \u the hardware busL ness in Durham for a numher of yours, and his father, Mr. Walter Murchison .of • Lillington. The MurohUmne arw.eeeapylng the new ibuilding recently, erected by Mr. W. E, Sutton across from the Lyric Theatre - -aod nmet door to Fowler- Radiq .Co. The new store has already r^eivpd ,s large stock pt merchan- dlee aad- the owaen (ere constantly receiyjn))[„-iievr - shlpmani^- Mr,- and, Mrs, Mpn'.MarchhHm, with, their., young aott,.'WttMiu.;are pmaklisM their hon^ ,at Hotel LllUagton. Mr,'. Murchison, ii .a natl^ of XillUigton and baC' U wito circle ri. iriasds In this .county who wlll'^uwieome. his return.. M^ .Walter .MN^ison,. who. hto bsanj dealing .In .i^tHlME here for a nuntoar of geain,,.ls ona- of ^Ult|ktoin’s-. most loaow* bttslnter. mef)-., thte,: fW.-: '•*0 *M» doa1)jt„(b« aocordy»d .A, gfimerous pat- ronagp. • . . Tiiere' wnL’ho'-*' DaManit(tr»- tlon ...ciotmty, Ctjwhiia. ■ on frc(m''o(.toli(«‘’£'^at,$i»#; ln'tlia"llt';'Plggak? Haw RiV«r',';th*f!ifomer!>flti»f« At';>'ted:'i^'-PS^ mlfsloneir bf AirS'ImMurk;' 'who hpB^'''cbttrciSr.‘ 'lit:;'Ghih' 'vrtH* the pblUldiA tho ' iprl- ma^ee to 'dnmt' Btote TreMdihr Oherihi' M; -fW'' the' Uofe-for ir«WWli^,hBeidd;'a-' (Contihked ^ page i) 'be'hHetnis!' ... Xii''’^^^d$fi«ers' ato. oron '.pxealded -over .wmf-wiusuiiini wail .Rogers ,;tntrodtt«ad tha ppadkafr Managart Budk Cnirlniet tha Danu( to hacoo -marhat -la taiMlarlag(, valp-i able aid du the mambersbip- drlv^- He is tnsartiiMi; in his advartisemaniw a plea to all Harueii^farmars' to join' the Famii'Bwoeu. Officials say: they are ooafldwkt the goal of, !3,999 memhara. will- hh reallied whan - the .‘HarnstC'.. dshra ends..'-There -haa beau no detintts time', set- for the messharahtp cam paign to' end. . * ' . ■» At Bum:* Cr«4c PlVtbjrteidMi'Chinvh -Regular preaching serTtoes 'WUl' he conducted at Buie’s Creek Presby terian church Sunday moralng, Oeto-' hhr Prd.' at 11:99> o’clock, by the pastor ‘Rev, Donald- MeM^an. A full congregation Is desired; found 'him,'Parrish had neither hls money nor hla ear, .iialford Ball, who lives a few mllea jaouth of LHltngton, found a garkad oar 'nasy his home and ra- porj^-.to. .HharMf Salmon. It prov- '^"tf-'Hr'.Pvintoh's .(car. Mf;. -Ball, also .reported that a man cgnii^.to hlg home ‘Widay night and h^ad him to drive him to fiwitord, !Cltet.4ta *lMi|ft,..liad car trouble. Mr. Mil;.sg^fi^.to take the man to -LIU- -inltlii^; laaivlng him bare, at tha Warwick, Hotel. It was-learned lhat tha .man .it«y9d only a short ttma horo^knt left a suitessa. It was from thU'ClaO/thijt.Bhertff Salmon, manag ed to load,.too' Monroe officers to the ai^t, of. Belk. She)^ Salmon. wye, Belk unhesl- totingly; tol^ everything when he was token Into custody., He con|M ed, the riiariff . wyg, ,to heating ^r- rlsh^ Btaaljng bis. car and leaving him. DenioiTh^c Big Gaii« Roar As Canipaigii HSih^High Gear JUDGE GRADY OF NEW BERN WILL PRESIDE CLERK GODWIN UnS PULL CAL- RNDAR FOR HNYIRH IVRMt DIVO^pB CASES. TO COMB FIRST MONDAY MORHINa Harnett Superior Court’s Oetohor civil tom of two woeks will oonvana next Monday morning. October 4. with Judge Henry A. Grady of New Bern, prwldlng. The docket for the term is a full one, with fourteen divorce aotlona heading the calendar tor Monday mtmlnki Clerk ‘Howard Godwin haa listod the foUowIng suits to be tried dur ing the term: Monday. October 4«h ' ■Marvin L. Adams vs Clyde Bril Adams: Louise Barefoot vs Hiasat M.^Baretoot; Grace R. McOallay vs Joyce X. HcCslloy; Jamas Q. Phelps vs Varllo S. l^slps; Nonaan Ragto ter vs Muriel Rogers Ragtster; Margaret Blllott McOaa vs Coy Me^ Ooe: Gortrsde M. Bins vs MOko Bine: Hughy' C.. (Bass vs Mary B.' Bass; Alice lloLaurln MUIer vs Ad olphus Miller; M. D. Bryant va Las sie Bryant: Jamas W.-' Stovrart wa Agnss A. Stewart: Melba' Taylor vs Boyee A. Ihylor: Lillis Msa Dannis vs John Dennis: J. W. Bsrbonr vs Mamie Jackson Barbour: C. J. Han na A Son vs Marvin Wado, Jr.; C. J. 'Hanna A Son -L. B. Prioo; H. C. Cameron va B. L. Cnrrin; Mrs. Floyd Sulu -vs Alma- Psga -Wsids. Adm.; Robort Lucas vs 'Roland Stewart: 8. J. Carter vs' M. C. OolHna at at.' Tneeday* Octebsr Ath r! G. Tart'vs David Graham at al; H. W. Lucas vs Wilbert Trnelova; Southern Johhars, Inc. vs J. Q. Abel; H;.M..i|lnin4n ha‘EL- A,.JhM W. C. Nonis. Adm. vs A .R,- et «x: A. M. Honsa vs Albert John son; Molvln Stokss et al vs Lon Stokes at il. W. J. Tanosy vs Daisy Taney; Wal ter Lark vs O. B. GHas at al; Mrs. Noah B. Barefoot vs J. W. WUsod et al. Monday, October 11 Louis Baor wt Brnaat Ray Nalgh- bora at al; Shep -Hanunond vs Eu gene Lee; Us 8. Sauls 'vs W: T. Ssule; Bvalyn Biyan et al va Stats Highway A Public Works Oonymla- Sion; Mankte W. Hodges vs Maltolm Hodges. Tnesday, October IB G. F. Compton ot al vs John T. Taylor, Jr.; Johnson Oil (3o. va Mrs. Merlon Butler; Ohsrlle lYarborottgh vs Ralph L. Yarborough et al; Gao, B. .Bullock vs John W. Pope. . Wodnesdsy, October IS- • Hubert MoAuley vs Mack Tbomas; J. W. Holloway vs Jamas Osmphsl), Jr.; Mrs. Ada F. Hollowiiy ys Jaoiaa Campbell. Jr;.Ruby Lee -Rowland vs Atlantic Greyhound (Jorp. M«tliodi*t; Quacterly CcmferMice Tlmr*chiy Democratic iblg guns roared ecroas North Carolina this weak as the party launched its Intensive '■ tall camdal^' 'With four of the' 18 Con- gressionat Vallite to be h«M fbrouFh- ofllt 'the 'State In' - the - next 'three weekSi."'' ' Tha fut campaign tempo was .«s- tabmii'cA'^MandAly ' rith "a ^oublw' he'sdyr-^iSpi^i^t .-’.Alj^' "W.' lay of KAntttloky,'nominee for, Vlqw Prestdant: si^»liig In' ' eohpdctjon with the, first of the d^et the itth'ln iUheyil!e,'aBiil‘.(iidretoi7, of Agj^itura Chas! f*.' Btohpi«l!ad-, dreasliiik a^ huAP. Vally fn Moil'' 'roe W thb. Augh' djsTf' - ' FrcntiLjUte klqkHitt'dirtrtet meetup in Ashkvjlia', ned'-odt '.is-'toV ‘W9et'iii,-lln*ij%l;% spee^ss'‘ind'-!toniferenbis hj#tirn) rb* asgai^iAitA foi^'''th^''l(Mli;'''DistHei meeuig in Mbrg'snton on' Wodnad^ li* ■ rsday , RhtliiMdgrd' Cduniy Iris^ a';''irtiii- 'F^y'^at' Rbrast Oily. • -hw District’ ''.ijJttl^yrr'proetoi^ on Gt'd N(p) to begin at 1(9:99 a. m. ‘ During tha* weak following, throe more.-dlstriet rallies are sehedgled: -Fijnh-District in BeldSTille, October '4; Seventh District on WhltevUle, Ootobor‘..'7r.'aad -Fliat District meet ing In Washington on Oetohor^ 8. Praoaedtng; the district raiUss, A1-*' .is-aianss -county. Democrats stsged a manMfath;-banbectto for moro than 'I(i999 parsons, on .Xarr Scott’s farm at 'Haw..iUvar., Party leaders. from ail oum ,thet(8tau gathered, at tha 'horns' of the nominee for Governor to' pladdh'rViitorons support to the DeAfwthtta drive to got out a record* bl^fcing. malerily tm . November 8. xtH—AshevtUe, 'llth Dlstrlot -mlsetlng, RaereaUon 'Park—-8.89' p.. iit:7—(Monroe Raddan); Barbaeue 6:^. p. m,.Senator Barkley;s speech, dUdl Park, 8:^ p. m. trict. C|9urtoonso—8:J9l p. ill!.—;(;Hrit^ton. Jonm)... ,Dftt^!'llfpittflM(: '^OffUi^onga—8:89 The fourth Quarterly Conferanca of the Lillington nhd Ploownt Plains Methodist churches will he conduct ed in the Ltlltngton church Thursday evening at 7:89'. Rev. H. B, Porter. Superintendent of the Raleigh ‘Dis trict, will preaMi before oondnottag the conference.' All church and Sun day School officials are nrgad'tO ha prehent aad the pnhlle is invited. . ENLISTS IN REGULAR ARMY Hubert Welton Bass of Brwia en listed this week in the Regnlar. r y for a throe-yoar period vrith Const Artillory Corps. Mo Is' a son of Mr, and Mra. Handy Manoon Bass of Brwln, Bdba formorly saivhd' with the U. S. Navy for 88 months, sorvlng for tour months in tho Pa cific. Tkbatrs, and has slnos bsM a mombar of the U. 8. Naval. Rsssrva. Taket An Appjntl Attomioy Nc anpeated thiin' caos of Hto. Da^ to the vras (Don^^ctod of„ a IS^yaair-pId tanuAe .of MM' hf,. tamissilt of thO'i to . jZ 1. ’ 'H.