h.J t r- h' u ^ to* 1 K ' >{. -4' w-'-- I ^ / fr. ■ r';W^‘'3‘; CONSTRUCTIVE.;Vil«ni«li’i» Mf VoL XXX»-No. 46 f2.4» PER Yl^-4c A COPY Only One Change Is Mf^de In LOCAL PASTOR IS SENT BACK TO LILUNGTON AIX OTHERS REMAIN EXCEPT REV. !•'. D. HKDDKN. WHO 18 SENT TO LVMBRRTON; CR088NO TO WARSAW When Bishop W. W. Peele, pre- slcltnK at the tenth annual sesi^ion of the North Carolina Methodist Conference, at Oreenville, read the list of appointments of ministers at the close of the session Sundayi he returned all of the Harnett count; ministers to their present posts .with the exception of one. Rev, Forrest D. Hedden, who had 'been pastor of the Dnnn ch'urch, was assigned to Lumberton. In his stead at Dunn, Rev. L. A. Tilley of Morehead City was appointed. Lilllngton Methodists as well as members of other ^denominations in Lilllngton are gratified in the return of Rev. W. A. Tew, who has been pastor here for the past three years. During Mr. Tow’s pastorate here, the membership has been increased, a handsome parsonage has .been built, and many other fo^ward steps taken. Mr. Tew has been of great service not only to his church and congregattoln hut also to the spiritu al, life of the community. Rev, R. L.’ Crossno, pastor here preceding Mr. Tew. was appointed to Warsaw Chhrch. He had been serving at Moyock. Rev. K. M. Bedenbuagh was ap pointed to Broadway., •Rev. J. W, Lineberger from Chad- bourn was appointed to Puauay Springs in place of Rev. D. D. Dodd, who has been retired. Other' appointments in the Ral eigh district; embracing churches In HarneU. follow: Porter, District Saperlatend- ent. Apex. W. C. Walton, Jr. (s); Bailey, I. T. Poole; Benson, J. Kern Ormond; Cary, J. D. Robinson; Clay ton, W. C. Martin;. Creedmoor, D. M. Sharpe;. Erwin, O. K. Ingram; Four Oaks. J. A. Auman; Franklin- ton. S. E. Mercer; Qamer, R. O. L. Edwards. Granville Circuit, Herman Win- berry. Henderson: First, W. Staley Pot ter; City Road-White Memorial, T, H. House. Kipling. F. R. Dali; .Loulsburg, A. C. Lee. Loulsburg Circuit, Joe Overton (s): Mamers, O. C.. Bdelton;. Mil- brook. H, H. Cash; Moncure, M. D. McLamb; Mt. Pleasant, W. O. Bro gan (s); Newton Grove, R. L. Heth- fox: Oxford, S. A. Maxwell. Oxford Circuit. J. E. Ford, Jr. (s). Princeton, J. E. Sponenbnrg. Raleigh: Bdenton Street, H. P. Powell; Fairmont, A. L. Thompson; Hayes Barton, H. C. Smith; Jenkins Memoiial, R. H. Sale©: Trilnity, R. F., Munn; Westover-Pleasant Grove, H. W. Huston. Seims. H. B.*Baum; ftmithfleld, H. F., King; Stem, R. I. Kppo; Tar River. N. P. Edens: Vance, R. B. L. Moser. Zebulon-Wendell, Paul ^Qarrutl*. Superintendent MTethodtst Orphan age, L. O. Larkin. Superintendent Oxford Orphanage, A. D. Gray.-' Director of Religious Activities. Loulsburg College, D. B. S. Bowers. Dilrector of Wesley. Foundation, College. C. S. McCoy. Jr. Student, University of Virginia, Fairmont QC. J- M. Hamm. Student, Columbia University, Mil- brook QC. M. M. Walters. District Missionary Secretary, J. W. Lineberger. District Director ot Bvangellsm, R. F. Munns.' Conference Secretary Bvangellsm, H. P. Powell Retired ^ A. S. Barnes, J. W. -Bradley, E. H. Davis, E. C. Durham, O. W. DowA, E. M. Hall, C, P. Jerome, J. W. Potter, W. J. Watson, B. D. Dodd, J. M. Cnlbnith, J. I*, ^mlth. > .Cabinet Member? For Your Convenience For the oonvenlenue ot auh-. Mjvibwra to The News, a tonewal eadgon win he found on pope four of this iMwe. By wstag this Stole cuugeu ssAwerihing to Tto» to .made very 'slmide—Ue' tottofcs to write. Jest flii tn tlM spa^ ’mad mall togethev'wltli the ve- _lfew awiocrtfiers. of If ywar suit* tMk dol jpnsr Iqr letOMt -v« ! . *• >• J " /ONATHAK'DANIELS Mr. Daniels, editor of the News and Obeerver and son of the late Poeeph'Us Daniels, has been, like his father, a close friend of President Truman, He^gtrongly supported Tru man in the recent campaign, and it is entirely possible that he may re ceive appointment to a post in the President's cabinet. 1948 CHRISTMAS SEAL SALE WILL START NOV. 22 MISS IRENE I.A8S1TER, CHAIR MAN OP HARNETT T3 A^OCI- ATION, TO MAIL LETTEILS TO PROSPECTIVE BUYERS THOHSAl^ ARE EXPECTED TO ENTER CONTEST SPEAKING CONTEST SPONSORED BY N. C. BANKERS EXPECTED TO DRAW WIDE * INTEREST The pountywlde sale of the 1948 Christmas Seals—the little stickers which proclaim their users as co operating'in the prevention of tu- berculosls—rwlir start Novera'ber , 2 Ik • Begintiin'ir-P'ilh tKit'.datO 'and'un- ‘•4..... •• 4. . '■ - • . . til th% sale closes,'itvJa.’.Ju}f*l,.that Harnett coiinty’s fine ,showlng„.:^'ttt- ing the sale’ in 1947 will be sur passed. Miss Irene Lassiter, chairman of the Harnett County Tuberculosis As sociation, is in charge of the county- wide sale. Miss Lassiter points out that the l-S't? sale afforded: 1. Purchase of an X-ray machine for exelusive use in Harnett county. 2. Chest X-rays on 15 Indigent patients. 3. 1100 for tuberculosis research. In her letters which she will mail to prospective buyers of the little seals, Mies Lassiter will say: “T^be ilOtS Christmas SEeal por trays a little child. This child is warm, safe, contented. There are no signs of want, fear, or disease. 'R(e typiOes what we desire for every American child. “Vet we ■•'know that children's freedom from disease depends upon the health of others In the home and the community in which they grow up. Won’t you then for their sake help prevent, the spread of tu berculosis? You can do this by buy ing and using Christmas Seals. They are the sole support of your tuber culosis association which Is engaged in a campaign to control tuberculo sis. . “Your Christmas Seals are en closed. They ar^' only -ll.OO per sheet. Buy and use as many as pos sible. They can end will hasten the day when tuheraulosts will he com pletely conquered.’’ Thousands of white high school students from throughout the State are expected to -participate in the 1949 agricultural speaking contest sponsored by the -North Carolina Bankers Association, says J, Frank Doggett, Extension soil conserva tionist at State College. ' Several thousand dollars worth of government savings bonds, and cash prises will be awarded to school, county, district, and State winners in the contest,’which ia designed to stimulate interest in proper land use and treatment. In a stater&ent this week, John P. Stedman of Lumberton, t^irman of the agricultural committee of the Bankers Association, said: ".The agricultural committee ot North Carolina Bankers Association has for ‘many years centered its in terest around the protection of the soil' of North Carolina,- which Is the State’s most valuable asset. We. as bankers, ireallxe that the prosperity ot our people will rise or fall In proportion to the care or lack of treatment that the .not^Jorlty of the State’s population, i^o'' produce' 'a' livelihood from' the' Wnd,'-give to It. “Approximately 72'per cent ot all North Carolinians'live'in or produce from the country-side.-For that rea son, the strongest efforts are needed on the part of business and Industry to foster an effective- educationaF program for proper land use laiid' care. It takes a long time to ’develop good land, hpt'carelessness and-neg- •lect can causd It fi6t ’lost, its •raina pvenidglii. ' • . . "' *!*Again- this year the Bankerw As-' soclatlon, assisted by sell coBherra- tlonists. Extension Service person nel, foresters, and. other agencies, takes pleasure in sponsoring a speaking contest eovertitg some phase of soil conservation.” Harvest Sale, Supper At Buckbom Scbool A supper will ibS' served at 'Buok- horh school .tomorrow (Friday) night beginning at it o'clock. Imme diately following the supper a Har vest Sale .-will be conducted. , i • ' The event’is sponsored hy the Wo man’s Society of Christian Service of Cokesbnry .Methodist Church, and proceeds -will be used to erect an ad dition to the chuTch, - All .friends of the church are cor dially invited. Mamers Church Is ' Havinir Stbdy Course Rev. D. F. B«0k8,,State Sunday school field worker, Is at Antioch Baptist Church, Mamers. all thla week, each evening teaching the book. “The Improvement of Teach ing, in the Sunday Schdol." by Dr. Gainps S. 'Df^bbins. The elastes begin at ‘7 o’clock each, evening.' • , • All churches in little River Asso ciation are Invited to send their Max BfEimNO ifiHlb AT am' . RALEiDH; »* * f^jPtyyh i , 1 The annua! of tha Morih Carolina Foreetcf, | will be held at the -l^.-WglHkr Uotil. Raleigh, beginnknl^.. iMNtt TmMay morning at 11 o*i;|loik and ing throagb WediMay. ffoMnatMU’ 17,-at. 11:10 a«eord£[% to announcement % Dsn P. Johasou. pimkleil^ef the aiaoetaf' tlon. •' Invitations havid'%i« extended to others Interested ';‘ dlutaMe • of the ranks of associatEin.'; of!flolalB.' Ckiv- ernor Gregg CIm^^ and Gtfvmnior- elsct Kerr Scott v'|i«" listed' on the' program. •' ■Following Is tlai proEiram of the meettngs: -f - TMeodny, Nl^hcaiihee IS ' .11:00 A. M.—RoibDmtton. Bixecu- tlve Committee Mtttlng. 2: 00 P. M.—^AnSual meeting con venes in lilrglnla Darn Ballroom. President Dim. P. Johnaon prasMing. Welcome>mton. P. D. Snipes, Mayor ef Mtfeli^. •J'.’Od p'-j-M. dteepease—J. 'P. Keaueri Ylee'Preeliikht Western D^ irlct. • '’ ‘ ' 2:1’O*’ 'Bt-'*~Prii4Meat*s Addtvwi. 2:16 P.' M.—iJCfO ProfTana— Wra. S. EdmundjA-^Hkacntlve Direc tor. ' f ; ‘ 2:25 >P' M.—Knel E^usslon “Forest Cohservs'ff^ Vdueatton In North 'deiineifta-TfJiby nnd Tomor row." Dr. Crir. Kdihittlan.'l>eim, For estry School,-'^i)ukd''^hhrerslty, con- S itipg. Pariietpal^' S. L. PrMt, H:ullve'1!Slriiiietor,'AaMriean FpiW- •Anoriatl^' John Park, Publish er and Edib^l^Kalelth times; iMem: her of Wakb Gnnnty Behool BbM. * P:'W:-=jIttteirmllelon. • 4 ':'0bxP., •i|t;’’~BialneHi. Beaslea. fiioiaMpeiltV Riifnria . gad-Election of otfioixif.''' ’ ‘ T' '■ ' - ' 6;dO-'P. M.—Re^'. ‘ C:^ P. M.-^So4ii9 H|mr ial ’IteemlC? •■’ • Clarifliie,. tMtetaaei^r. Sbutrodnedon dt 'Gaests. ‘Pinsentatlon ot Tlstber Farm Awards, latrods^ion ' of l|peaker, W. Avery ThomlMn, Oeff- Manager, i. B. ThoihpMn lum ber CompaW. ' t:00> P: M.—Addrem “Keep NbrGi Carolina Green "-^Hon. W, Kerr Scott.' * Wednesdnir, Novcanlmr IT 10 A. M.-^lj^'nching of "tlMp North Carolina Gnaea^ progMU^ T. Jl Pearsall, . rice in^dent eaineim district; pMSIdlag. Comments Iw Gov. Gregg Cherry, state and fed eral offictala, timierlaad buhers, «»• saetatlon and tndnstrM tefureaeata- tlves. Appointment' ef' Ke^ Ndrifi Carolina Green cosuafttses.* 11:20 A. -If.-^AdlonraL. •Rev. Lonnie V. Davis, one-time preaoher-eiwirintendeat of the Dnnn Orphanage, must serve the sentence impueed upon him in Harnett Su perior..;^ Court last July following - his eoaeletlon on oharges of fomlcatlMi and adnltery. AttKwner NeUl Salmon appealed the eese te the Supreme Court, and that tribunat leat weiric upheld the verdict ot the Harnett coniri. The jastlees in the higher court split tai the deelslM, 4 to t', Chief Jtastlee Stnetv and Justiees Denny and Win- •borne diasenttag. The CMet Jnstke wrote the dlasenting opinion, using strong "words: “We mast tahe the law as vm find It. The^peUaat (Davis) is ea- titled to the limitations ot the atatnte under which he is presently indicted. The Intmition of the lew- making body is not to be thwarted or defeated by. interpiatatlon. “The Gefendaiit has ibsen convict ed on Incompetent evidence. What ever his oftWMte, he Is eatmied’te' a heartag wHhin the cemHnes-of tho statute and othorwles'free > from er ror ... ' > . . - “The tHhlbttioiM ot the statute makes no distiaethm betwaw-SstS- clal and extra-JiMlelal ndmlMlons ev confessloan. ''It Is unbeadlng In Its severity. It UMkes no dtsUnctlons bo- tj/tmia admtsklomi or confOrnfaMu in tho courtroom or those on the out- Mde.” ' Cmitlttning, fd frem'-'tlM,DIU'-.of Gooatttutiaisf ^rMo Auk ^ ^ 'lklA ERWIN ACCIDEOT VKfnM Arctdently. Sheets SeM ing Hie fGaatEmt In PW UnsitiMg. TtoW •Wlthert T. ’Firasler. tt-yaar-oM S^win UtUs enpieTM, mm' iSiesday of last week' wbrni his ahoL- gun, w.htch he -wim eleenlag.tn piw- parsttott for' a.knkitng trip, wafac- cldentalty dhsdknrgei.'.. .. No one was iwM bbs ha bts bosM at Uib time; but' lfm.'-P)ns|er, vriw , ^ also wwrks at the ndll on aaMllMr teachers, otfj^m and .proepecUve hushendl body teachers‘th this school-to have part in /he "study. Mr*. Erwin, News* Repoiiter» Gfutstanding Political Propliet Brkrin News Service, Inc.. Suite.422, ’Evening Sthr Btdg. .Washington, D; C. Washington, Nov. 19.—^The lead ing lady of the Harnett County News Washington (Bureau won recognition this 'Week as an election prophet and an expert on American -mass psy chology, at least in her office. Also, she was richer, by five, dollars. .Julia Galllard Erwin, 'Washing ton'corre«ponden(, formerly of Char leston, 8. C., and .Raleigh, N. C., and wife of the chief of The News' Bur4ji'U,- Bob 'ErsHn, was- engaged one evening obme months ago .-in' a discusslen of ^the Ttytman-Dewey battle.. Everybody present, exci^t Mra. coaeeded the election to Dewey.'’''’ Those present took it for granted Mrs. Hrwtn-wiiS 'Cor Truma)a, bni she denied this, stating that prestdett- tiatly, Mie hadn’t Yet snad* up her mind, though her poRttoK! nlfiiaa- tlon ’Wa« Defboeratle. 'Qut,“ said HVs., Erwin, “Truman will win. People are ^nny, you know. They bombard soiuebody like Mr. Trumani they call him every name under-the aun, they browbeat him terribly, and tben what?—Th'«^ go right down;4e the .poHK.and'To^ for him. I shy Jt will be Truman over Dewey.” / 'A friend from Northeastern Biio, a government worker who,most re- maitr Incognito fee rensons of the Hatch Act atfectiBg poRtleal aetini’- tlea of Federal employpa; epdke wp and challeuged lam. .Hrtrls'. wlU v/ln,” ho eaii. '‘lll.fcet *'; ' ■ “Okay,” riqtUed'Mrm’lBrwlJs, “lH Just bet yon -dtve ’deDanr.tt wUi be}.! Truman.” . “Yoa’re taken,’; Mrid tho Ohleaii. ; ,Came"^rnepimy:n4Bkt'W lairt'-'iNiek. however, it was the'.abtean who witf .initoB'Jor the .five •' ’ As -for why 'ihe^'didiiT mk mU»,' Mrs. Erwlft . _V when |*e returned ..imune.- *' 6he^ifa^nd a note «li(fih toM her he'bid j|mne buntlag: Coroner Allrf4C vHho invpRlgaihed the, «Me wjf®i.'t)epulies .Opm fmatm aiKi .Kea liiU&hewm te««4 thu deadt ot Fruidcr vNui cawfd Mr W> ncetAeat mk ao'liigueet .wug.'b^ ‘ ’Toolm 'aaA* ruga warn fonnd' beelde the.fliody and. gWi. '’Surviving are'AJa wHM an^ chUdren. WWIe ISftm Gbwder. dr*. Anne'' X«e.'asM ' i Funeral aerviicea Mare' iuM Wad- neaday- .afternoun *t tbe'.HaWhmf- aklMmriPnBmn»ItMenie sjev. B. WL GwwiMin .Upaik the •Rnv.':th«WW' ’*!»»• «*, airliMie- ;siirrioee tlM.sb«#y mm, -I*,’#* bema',ot' bhi. aimlhW. Vik A. idrana in DeniMHBVillu, 8. €.. ‘ burial At «;iaMir»4i2le-. • '■I 4 -U sJrAMbt'pO] 'Fee''a Sams/Um 'Of Mr. tnbBlaaL. 3.0 ■ ‘42: — 11. » " — 4 .’.5* Session JJjpIHlIjSSSB iVtlfvKl . iMCtDlSAC^^ CDUHT IN 4*TMI OFlNIOir gAl« DAFn MUET smVH TWO-TRAR lOnnpNCM .VGR FGRNIOA- ‘mN jum ADinunnrr Judfs IL V’ IKes Iki KiilMoii Juetice gnot- ta the Wight to tpt bit’' f. nti 'W wiwta',: 'tto'dctendaabiSliagM-’hai-bkMi agaksi nr wtaR-nllMru#' tn tsMUpe* than that •trihee'' MwAld. Jm- ealtad': uEripst hhM m baUs:: .which era eieariyi'-’Wlde ot thA#labe“ Daria wae a««alUed. at an oarlley tTfaa.In whkh he wee cluurgiMi with easnsl kMWJedgs of \ a. girl under II. It was ut.thiM trial that Frerid- Ing Judge‘Henry StevepA batrted put the jniy which brought In the aeuait- tai MBdMt ,en* oni|emiMl -fifUfte; an- re|riHI- -on ..a beaeh -wurrant' . him wUb loraiftattoa.afid adultery. y RheiysI Ai CMim €^hiii*clh Rev, j:‘^.'''iiMl'uii,'p«rtor of hfa- to.:^‘ XiePtierwHt ChnnahL- near FMr- riMriMe,''^iMtah a'eeirliai'’of rarival aeri^kiti'"nl2 tile Gltvta F>ipb!ri«tliu Ctiiireh 'Moidny cti^Kif' o# Hili' week. rrrr James TalMy, Jr:, of Angler-E-i. wb«..inw tuJarad'in- a uMjbiM^la wreck" U Iblli^Bh bP IPhmrfikMr ot |iot woA. is is liary'Hilioboth iibo- Ait4 hWirnel .lafiaisu wlMm,-hli ma- ChtoA ■ 'went out d. :«onii^‘ on Iho leko Foroel l^nd'.. Gbbhm yemott Cowper, well known and admired in Harnett county, dlod at his -Klneton home last Thuraday. He gave op 'his poet of emaiigency Judge in 1141' beeauee Of tit healiK Cowper' wne among the most high ly eeteemM of the ledges who have heU^ court in Hurnett. He was Ijl yeara oM.' Resigns Mr. Ciariyie hao resigned hie Job as Solleittir of the Ninth Judicial .Diatriek. and will succeed J. Eaynrd Clark when 1^ ^ist Cangreea meets aeact JOnmry. Be wim elected to aneeeed Mr. devh. who announced xotirMneBt Governor Cherry liae ap pointed MnteoRn B. Seawri), -attor ney and' mayor of ’Dumbarton, to •needed Gnriyie aa SoUeltor. VDw Better Melhodi Electric Contert BobMe JO -Lowiii.' Ihtguay Springe -R-l, has bpMi nomad wlnnM* in the Harnett ckinty's Annnail 4-H Bet tor Methodn Ooato^ This contest to Bponsoroii'''jointly ’by the- Hktoanioa Ssrvlbe, The Weettaghonse Hdnce- tlonnl.ftoniriatlon, and the Cerolinn l^'i^r^il^'lJght^ Compniqr. Ae a obility wiiiner 'she was 'mwardod a «oiM|e^O'''a]rt a medri. • plii|hil»' .lin.grbloM’ was lanader- la|iiWelrioktF had tbe fonnd thnl’ j^’uii^ frieetrlel^ oineh, tfene and 'entogy'odi'ld' be i^veG. Jof*wd« '« gyint''at tbe-atoto-wMe wgatlig hf-'liiaalgb’ oh', Nohaariwr d Tlto*A2iMtont Memd Agent. Loin BfaMlItyf iittlmgaiiitiid her and iriito ottaniod Uhl fMHeolhiMM4gias4Aaaiunpi|Sb4innihgSasttonuato^ f Tesdrs te - - ' 2(wi ug TSttV ^ ' 'HEAM tSHMUnS JtolUBBG. JMM2 FoMtovs.ot thii\gria hays' b«pi. beettoaMl, lyr a toGtort from the V. K. ${gP4|f«H0|(t ..0^' too '(Ito MX ' '#ma If.a .’’iamlerato ^ oa". hlit«£ ;td ‘ far SlilM' -.jK ** ****' V* to topMftn# ohhipitoi* tognMirmf ‘‘ "— krihtoitog'.'ltotoari Wfistiire jCj - . tv ' j;ti«|toa'~''foi^ -ga extended - pariod pt '{hU ompleyMieBt’aiu ioed.’*’Bald «ha ’iUttSar )mob'eeiiiiitteaa,‘'tt_,addad, ' vrenM' 4w .idatntatnad olli^^^ltdt mnkt and .might evaa Itoreeaa aUghtly to. line ulth the iliidtiiileflht'* 1hififdtishl ■ Tbe oitobilgjihMs 'tlgire that, under eeidlitlegii"' elf, high empleynMmt, _ jtoldar' ttould..lNi ae'S^ an' in a 'pruagtot 'df-lem- Ob'fHnik ilaa"Stoenht M'aMai^ie*’ kna% bEEit bay 'id 4tor eaat' niere godai*-’i(bdr''aartldto' thin tMs ynar 4SMta,to tlw la Hui'lMaa'et a rueiiilAa-i—with SmjiHifeaadtmdi pniebaatag 0^, Bbwd I _Ab' Ad ''S|m|||M|M|U|U| Fmm^sweuimw^ '■smuton f*uBI ^^^4^ gfjfn** •• nbatts baiTtaa' 'abettt one- ) t. * GLlmUAMS RESmENT JUDGE WttJ, PRESIDE BMVHN MVfkiniR CASBB'AIW ON \ DOOKBT. BUT Dpidcmm noom 'man ommeain' wmrmiat mb CAN BH When Haraatt Snparior Conrt convenes Monday morning tor Its final session of the year. It will face aeven matder counts on Its docket. A total ot 4i cases ere listed on the calendar popared by Clerk'Bownid Godwin. Clerk Godwin telle The Newe he le not certain whothefr Solicitor Jack Hooks will be .eMe to get here for the term. The Solicitor b(u been la a Reel Home la Durham tor several weeke, and leporta my that he to still a sick man.' Judge Clawson. L. Wllllema of Sanford -wUl preside mt toe two weeks farm, which Is aehodnlad tor toy- -trial of criminal eaaaa. Judga 'WilUenu to tba-rsatdoat Jndge ot tost Indicia] dtotrict composed ot TFayno, Johnston, Harnett. Lee and Chatham countlea. Clerk Godwia has eeheduled -all, other, eases for toe tlmt week, and the seven aourder trials are eat tor Monday ot the second woek, but be states that it will probably be dUO- cnlt to aeenre js snbetltnto aollclior tor the murder trials In case Mr. Hooks falls to get here. ■ There are eight cases to go before the Grand Jury. Following to the docket as prepar ed by Clerk Godwin: Monday, Novnuher I'd J. B. Lueee, reeUeee driring; Vann Sktoper, drunk and' dtoorderly: J. P. Glbeoa, assnult with deadly weapon; IVtlllain McNeill, carrying conoealed weapon, drunk and dfriy. ftolating arreet; Judaun HThM al. torewuy and tocelriaig; GMT iK'-toidKai, bosgtiiry; Milgh-JohaMA,' atorebrebktag and laremr: HUItoiMe- Nein, laroeoy: Frank A. Sandm. operating auto while intoilaatod and attar Uoenae revoked; B. H. Week- brook, operating auto while tabui- catod and' .without llcanaa; Boll Blue et al, assault with weapoB, otc.t Howard Hastmaa, rating auto ‘Whtlo latosieatod; Ray, assault with deadly Dick 4^. asaanlt oa a tomato; George Gtargel, lareany. The toUmrlng caaaa are to go be fore the Grand Jury and are to ba‘ ealtod at the idMaura of too Bell- cllor: Wlllto Baker, arsoa; J. C. McNeill, rape; Jeaeea Crouch, robbery; Clif ton Roberson et al, H. A L. and ra* calving; Andrew ‘Wwa" Daria, rape; George M. Belk. robbery sad aaeieit aaaault; Willie Cameroa, rape; Dun- van MeLaaa et al. robbery. Hwman Bairefoot, aaeaalt oa a to mato: George Qriffla, abandtmnHUt; Mordeeal Vaan. Sr., non eegyart; Herbert Stonaey. abandonmeat uad jwBwnpport of' lltogttimato chili: Bugrae NoirrMi.' houncbreaktng end larceny;'Robert Taylor, amautt with deadly weupen. etc.; Beratoe Cartwr. vtolatlag prohibltioa law. Gilbert -Hair, •vtolatlag Motor VU- bleto InspactloB Law; fVmnal May- nor, (two caaea). vtolatlag prchlbl- ttou law: Wllltom Williams, ridat- tag prohibltton tow;' Melon A. 8d- mas, drivtag drunk and witbost H- • c«Me;.KeaBle Justlee, vtotatlng pro- hlbltieu Unr; J. Lee LaagSon, opp imttok.anto wbtto under U|Ouannn: Anthony Hbirhi. drtrink drunk. Troy hMNfllt. mardur; Lewie Wn- im. murder; Jamaa Griee. muidNfr.’ Sam. P. ^anady, murder; Mamn -McLeod, amrder; Hath B. WUWUU,-' asurder; Hansom tyadall.' murder. KnrfaMraeftmnr Tleiamirw' GtoHWmW^muHmpP^bU^gjMK ^ ffm furig tor . yuu «m| pMh at fon ' illl^lllL? ' IMM iMbHIk tfeflh' JMRlMr A-. *7\- i. l-“ ■Sif 'tI'. If a •4- -S ' -i 7’I 3 ■ii.'W't .