;.^v VliO Ju-i 'v^. .» ''Ll,/' ' V ^ ' '>1. , * »1 iX ■ '7/' « ,1' f ‘v'' h-' -•'-i«t«i*fi!K^'aUi;Ci[''i^:i*6i'"'J ■ ' ' nilai ^''j i * * ’ ^»' {,'^' * 1,^^/';^^. . , k ' .,.^ y ' _“4 , , « * ■ * *' •( • s«^ ,^a» MW'*«*«• sismL (Hy the Institute of OovernmenO JUUDS AXI> stref:t« Tltp enrt of the cltj’ street squabble u’uy be iii sight. On Thursday the House finance committee bold a pub lic bearing on the question, and. nf- i. r some astute parliamentary man- c nvoring oy both sides, voted to give a Cavoraltle retXJiT to Senator' Pow ell’ SB 120 and an unfavorable re- .,ort to Kej). Gudger'a HB 331, Thin veeU should .see the House eonte to a final decision on whether to follow i':o Senate's lead and, without rals- iiii' i.sxps. give the cities monoy from ,he Highway Fund for work on r.ti'oefls not a part of the highway s>.stom. The latest road development vas the Introduction this week of (ompanlou bills (SB 21*^ and HB ar?) calling for the establishment of ii commission to build toll roads, fi nancing them by issuing revenue bonds to .’be paid' off from tolls and roadside concessions. When paid for, tlicse »uper-highw.aya w'ould be qiade toll-free and come under Highway Commission supervision and main* tennnee. Whether trucks should b . required to comply with lighter maxi mum woight limits will be tbo sub ject of a public hearing In the Sen ate chamber next Thtirkdqy afternoon when the roads committee meets to consider SB '183. miDOR IBUTS GIVES FAST RELIEF ^wlten COLD MISERieS STRIKE FARMERS: We have 275 & 550 gal. tanks for Tobacco Bams. F. A. BRADSHER Wholesale Dealer ESSO PRODUCTS Office Phone 84(50 — Res. 3741 I.HililNQTON, N. O. IJOPOR RKPBRKNDUM True to their name the committees on propositions and grievances list ened long this week ‘to aggrieved drys advocate their proposition for a state-wide liquor roforendum and lis tened to equally aggrieved wets pro pose defeat for such u referendum. Tbo bills conconicd (SB 4. SB 177, and HB 186) came in for little de tailed discussion; lUe argument fol lowed the pattern of recent years iiDil, with only a few remarks on the question of alcohol itself, turned on whothcr It is more democratic to let the people of the whole state vote on the Issue for the whole state or to let each locality decide its own fate under the present system. The coinmiitocB listened but .so far they have said nothing. FIRST BIRTIIDAT STROLL ReMto Boberto-Giusto Glvseppe APIHMIPIUATIOXS 'i'be (ieueral Assembly Is ready to r.i;' Us ui.-ney problems. The appro- priatiuiiK committee has concluded bearing state agencies request about ?r.u million more for operating ex- lieiises and $20 million more for per- maiieui Improvements Hiatt recoin- monded In the $4i)0 million .Advisory Budget Commission budget. They \ have heard the United Forces for Fduc.ation press for monoy for a $2.400-$3,600' teachers pay scale and reduced teacher load. They have re ceived HB 410 asking $3.6 million to increase the state’s share with the cities and counties for care of Indl- RosselUni, ocIcbraUng bis first birthday, couldn’t take his eyes (iff (he pbotogrsdplicr during bis birthday party. Screen director Roberto Ro'jselllnI’s son by a former marriage, Remo, helps little Robertino walk across the room, while a doting mother, Swedish actress, Ingrid Uergm.an, latelj- of Hollywood, CoHf., look.s on. conamuer acaro buying — not wildly excited buying bu' a austatned ten dency on the part of the public to regard ‘Hhlngs as more valuable than siacney." Commodity prices are on the high side, 'huslness leaders say. Latest re ports show the official government Index of all wholesale prices some la per cent above a year ago, after 10 successive weeks of rising prices. The urge to save has been weaken ed. In the first half of January oav- Ings deposits of *16 of Now York’s leading thrift institutions tumbled by $10 million. However, around the rest of the country the deposit fig ures were somewhat more favorable. I Moreover, as civilian goods become lens plentiful, .savings will, of neces sity, Increase as they did in World War 11, The trou'ble with our present setup is that business leaders do not know exactly what to plan for, since we are in a twilight zone of neitlier peace nor all-out war. Th? situation could take a few -turns In either di rection before settling down to any clear-cut decision .and this tends to produce •mucli itneosliie.ss In thought ful 'business quarters, * * » , SMALL BUSLN’ESS WOES — Real ■ efforts are being made In V. ashlng- bope of getting prime eontraots is not ‘promising, for few small business firms are in a position to turn out volume production with a minimum of delay. * ♦ • BIT.S O’ BUSINESS -- Steel pro duction in the past week exceeded two million tons for -the first lime In history’. . . Non-farm 'Employment Is at new record highs of 46,400,660. or 2,700,000 greater than a year ago , . . Possible revival of O.P.A, in a strict form , jses ad.iialnJstratlve headaches: in the last war there were hundreds of dcflnhlona cover ing certain types of foods to guard against quality changes a:l other pos sible evasions , , . City, slate and municipal goverumenM complaining they have no pi'iorltics and can’i gel materiola. W. H. LEE EJectric Shoa Shop LILLINGTUN, N. C. McKAV»S TAILOR SHOP Ft. BRAGG ROAD LILLINGTON. N. C. AUTO CREDIT CG SANFORD, N:l C. 4 A U TO LOAN S ton to help small business m .1 make gent hospital patientrs and 3 bills WE ARE USING NORWOOD BRICK FROM LILLINGTON l^ook F’or TTKis Sign. on Eastern North Carolina’s outstanding hviilding projects Hfei^llifook m&san ELECTRIC RANGE itf/ y Convenient 'i'erni'- ^1 MAGIC up—or dt/u'u—yrm touch of Mjgic Dial docs it! Down, a big. f).qt. decpwcll cooker. Up,' ^ _ a giant, fourth surface cooking unit. And m-rcr any need to touch ii for raising or lowering! One ca(>’ torn of the Mt/gic />/.r/ docs it all' dome sec Magic Upi- .I-D./mv and all ihc other exclusive GilmOn fc.nurcs. TODAY' ■ssf § its an 6,000,000 Homs Appliances Proved in Use throughout the World Since 1877 Turlington Bn.ilding Supplies LILLINGTON, N. C. PHONE 2326 calling for "cost-of-living” increases , for si.ato employees, either on a flat ’ K'f/e basis or on a graduated scale weighfert to benefit those making ! le.ss than $3,000 annually. There | seems to be an assiimyilon that some of those requests can be met from , tax collections that may exceed orl- • ginal osllmates by an undetermined ' amount. Some may also 'be met by possible tax changes or by revision of .’tpproprlatioHs now contained In the ! tentative budget. An effort to place | strong sentlmoni, on record for the I largest Indlvidufi! request, over $.*10 j mlliion asked by the State Board of' F.ilucatlon, was mode in the House j oil Tuesday. A lesoliitlon was Inlro- ducod, signed by 78 representatives, to place that body on record as fav oring "live appr-opriatlou of suffi cient funds to provide the essential .sei’vicf's wlifch should be rendered by the public schools," tucludlng funds to meet Inflationary cost increases and it $2,200-$S,100 pay scale for I'Mchei’s. While a motion to pass the resoliuion immediately under mhb- pension of ibo rules failed by half a dozen votes to secure the necessary 2-3 m-ajorlty. many of those opposing siisponsloii of the rules had signed Ibo resolution‘iH’ pronounced them selves in accord with Its objectives ’)ut fell that passage would Imply lack of confidence in the approprla- tloii.s commIKeo. Meanwhile the Joint .Mibcciiimltii 0 e'liarged with re-exnm- liiing perinanom Improvements ap- propriillions made in ]!)47 and 1949 rc-endorsed prrjecfs already allocat ed more tU.an $29 million and re* poried tiuii $4, million more will be needed lo complete them. It also rmVvtnmended ‘ivilhdrawlng previous BEHIND THE SCENES IN AMERICAN BUSINESS (By neyuolds Knight) BANISH PIIMPLES. ACNE. BLACKHEAD8I New York. — An oiilibre.nk of "peace" would find the U. S. eco nomy vulnerable, careful observers believe. There Is much evidence of appropriations of $794,450 for state parks and $1’>0.000 for state fair projects and nv-examinatlou by the full coininitteo of a 1947 contingent $1 mtlliou approprl.qllon for an art gallery. la happy adjustment to the military economy. It. is not easy. In the first two ye.'vrs of World W.ar II many of Hie smclli'f hnshveas firms were forced out of business either because they couldn’t get raw lualerlals couldn’t gel govornmont contracts, ot couldn’t get loan.s. A combinatten oil those problems hurt the smaller bu.sine.s.s man. It i.t not fair to blame government, either, for not .spreadlpg ovil Its war contracts more broadly. Tho plain truth is that it l.s difficult for those charged with responslbUlij’ for get: ling out war work to find small busU i ness enterprises that have the fac!- litles and (he personnel to get es- .sentlal Jobs done. '' There are some -1,000.000 small bii.sine.ss firms. Their be.'-.l bet l.s to prepare a compleie record of their facilities. I heir personnel and their experience In handling a given typo of work. Then, they woiiltl be well advised to seek from government of ficials the names of large firms to contact to seek sub-contracting busi ness. In this way they would have experienced’business guidance in get ting out product ion. The alternative of milling around Washington In the FOR ADOLESCENT SKIN The new MIriolt Stiln Mtdlclnr (or siloIcKCfnti nnd grown-up*, too. 0*0. n^itc lnu;rov«m*iit in jutt a few day*. Try It today I ‘rtier* in nothlRx better anywhere at any price. 52 at your drucKtst* or iienii bttla, money o'der or check t> THE DERMATEEN COMPANY Saiiferd, N- C. In This Area— MR. W. t. CAMPBELL of Fnqnn.v R-Sl ic your ropresontative for CAPE FEAR MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Dtinn-Erwin Highway MCXICIl'AL PROJKCT8 Prompted by a belief that off-street parking Is necc-osary to adequate al- lovialion of the serious tratfle con gestion in many cllles, leglsla.tiou to euii-lilo niiinicipalltios to issue bonds for financing off-street parking fa- ciliiies was -introdneed on Wednea- tlay by Senators Carlyle and Price. Knvlslonlng the possible construction of mnlt 1-level sirnetnres both under- gronnd and ,'ibove. as well as provid ing tor municipal parking lots, these bills 243 and .B 244) authorize cllles 10 pledge revenues from on street parking meters and from the charges for use of off-.slreel parking facilltle,- for payment of the bonds. If benertted property owners petition for live construction of such faclll- tie-v, the legislation permits the as- .'tc'.smenl of su'.'h property as an ad ditional means of financing. To en able clHos with as many an 5,000' iiihubitants to participate in the fed eral slum cleirance program, SB 378, sponsored by the League ot Municl- paliiief,, provides for the establish ment of city redevelopment commis- s'ons io buy up blighted areas witu federal or other funds and then sell ilicnt lo agencies or luflivlduals ’svho agree to develop thorn .n accordance with plans approved >by the city, Highest Quality WATCH and CLOCK REPAIR WORK Uomplete line of RlIvorwaN', Wntehea, Diiiuionds, and anytiiing that a oonip'lefe Jeivolry sfoice catr- rles—(ve eitlter hnvo It in stork 01' Din get If for yon, Gregory & Godwin ;i£W£!1.1lY iiMrt 'H'ATCHl REPAIR I.tLLINGTois. N. C. .STHKAM POLLLTTOX The 5-man subcommittee appoint ed several weeks ago to consider HB 53 (’eallng with stream pollution dis tributed copies of a tentative com- inilicc subslllule in the House on Monday night. Tho proposed substi tute spells out in much detail proce dures the coniemplated state agency would follow and provides that It could l.aki' no action agaijmt any pol- lulor in a given area if corrective action is Impracticable with refer ence to another polluter in .that area. On Friday the s’shcommittee held a public licnrlng anti received amend- Irnonts to the tentative hill. He (lift places liiinself nclinor higher nor lower Hiaii he ought lo tic, exercises the truest bninillty.— , Colton, •Also ffefinariging . Mone.y in 10 Mlrjutor., Payments jto Sl/jf Y-oii ■2«7 so. .Steele ■ " riw'J'C All of you be subject one to an-' other, and be clothed wit.h haniBity I for God resls’.eth the proud, and. Kivetb giaCf to till' humble—I Peter, OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY CO. PHOXR aOTtt OUNN. N. tL OFFICE SUPPLIES DESKS AND CHAIRS R. C. ALLEN ADDING MACHINES DR. C. E. ROIfERTS OPTO.METRIST Sanford, N. C EYES examined GLA.SS1S9 FITT^ IN LILLINGTON; Each Ttiui'^dav frona 8"0(i to 6:00 X-ocuted in Post Office Building Phone 2911 anytime during the week for appointment on Tburs-iay GREGORY’S RED BIRD CABS PHONE 2S51 ERWIN, N. C. Tobacco FLUES STEEL IS SHORT. GET YOUR ORDERS IN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. I HAVE ONLY A LIMITED SUPPLY. PHELPS WOOD & TIN SHOP Lillington, N. C.- II 6IVE ME THIS 51DODSE forhng lik...depen(hbilHy MM "Ive driven Oddqie ears W years...fcnow Irom €xperienee1hatyoujuslreafr(‘bea('d DoAje hr vmHwmim' A -Says Ocr, ), Alfora, ChiMao. III. I AMENDING THE ;r. s. coxsTiTUTiox I Ider-'.jc'Jl Sonale and Houne bills j tleslgnflfl to gain laglslative endorac- I mont of Ih'' congre.ssionally-approved ! amendment to limit presidents after ' Mr. Truman to two terma In the Kvhite 'House reached the'floora of ^the honsoH nfier narrowly escaping unfavorable commltloc reports. With ' more tervenl argument ■ih'.'.n has beet) heard on any other single iwue this rcsion, the Senate bill passed ' both Houses and established North Carolina as the 34th state to ratify the Rmendment. why Dodge delteers more miles per dothr E vkrvtui.m; aboui ihi* great new '51 Dodgc-ihe way it looks, feels, rides and handles~ie\i* you that here's a car (hat’s built to last. It’s a car that’s stunning to look at, with plenty of head, leg and sbouluer room—a car engioeere»l fn>m bumper to burner to last lonaer, go farther at' lower cost. longer, go S|mii4 4 MlnulM WMi U* Five shoit minute* behind the wheel will tell you why this Is the car for you—for the years ahead. You'll find that the new Oriflow Shock Absotbers uat only give you a tiuh oew kind of ride—but the resulting stuoodmi»s and freedom from Wheel ’’hop'’ and ’’bounce" mean less car wear, prolong car life. Famous Dodge fluid Drive, with its smoother starts Biid stops, “cush ions" all moving, parts from cn^ to rear v/heels~addi to car save* tires, lowers costs. agine life. NIW KINO OF RIDEI New Oriflow shock absorbers let you,float down roads so-bad thev stop other cars. Never before anything like it I Com* in T*day S:c bow you could'pay $1,000 more for a car and scil'i not get all the extra room and Tugged dependa bility of ihit new ‘51 Dodge. DODGE m fitw thllm mont ihm Ipmti-pektsl etffs RDLEY MOTOR CO. LUlinaiton, N. C Shop at WILLIAMS-BELK in Sanford for TREMENDOUS VALUES every WEDNESDAY Outstaading Value* in Every D^artment lfciieb,faetd*i aBiuulmkiiiMaeiasuaku^iU*tuuiSuMaitidui^!a&iL^uiid&«iHieii*irfiifiLiiiiuBMuas*Meu*MMiHi*iuiieMi*i hUMiReajiaiaiiH

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