There is a quality in Royal Baking Powder which makes the food more digestible and wholesome. This peculiarity of Royal has been noted by physicians, and they accord ingly endorse and recom mend it. ROYAL BAKINGI POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Foreign News and Comments. Readers interested in world-news utilize a summary even if display t J IJ Wl. .. e ration of readers by means of the daily news from the far Bast, seek knowledge concerning history and geography of the great European and Asiatic empires. All classes, and especially bright young business men and mechan ics are alive to present world con ditions. Daily world news if colored by opinion and sentiment, readers prefer to interpret; media being unavoidable. More than the deep pathos of Sandpas carnage and many wounded, perishing in the snow; more than the issue of the battle field scenes and more than present occurrences throughout all the Russias. Conservative read ers and others not averse to more light, keep asking, "what is it all about?" According to late dispatches some answer is this: The good people of Russia ask representative government, prompt, actual great reformBjopposing lawlessness. They are averse to deposing the Czar. The monarchists principle as per Sergins, upheld by the sword concedes nothing. Conservative readers of the news believe that after passion s horrid sway, great Russia, purified as by fire, will speedily reap the rewards of that wise conservatism which eventual- Times of absorbing interest wheroin we are privileged to live; divine and natural rules of action, silently operative are over-ruling war's havoc and shaping human destinies in a special manner. Col lective individuals or nations now appear to be undergoing transfor mation though if by -some unper ceived or not appreciated. Human agency operated upon or active is subordinate, though in some men's eyes more important are stupendous battles on land and sea, now waged as never before by most destructive means and meth ods: earth's empires shaken throughout their broad domains while every nation is greatly con cerned. Most extensive and effec tive rapid fire guns, vast armies struggling for more decisive a- tion, because of different conditions seen beyond comparison with Bon apart's retreat from Moscow or Hannibal in Alpine snow. A Nice Plumb. Information reaches here to the effect Senator Eller will on the first of July next, succeed Dan Hugh McLean as secretary and treasurer of the North Carolina Railway. The friends of Mr. Eller in this city and elsewhere will be gratified to learn that definite decision has been reached and that M r. Eller' s appointment to and his acceptance of this position is no longer a prob ability, but a fact. The intimate friends of Mr.EUer in this city, have for some time known that this position would be offered to him, and that sueh changes would be cade as would enable the Senator to reside in the Twin-City. : The position pays $2,000 annual ly and a further sum of $1,000 per annum for clerk hire. Winston Salem Journal. - Poison in Stomach ol One Wife. " Chicago, Jan: '31. Poison has been found in the Stomach of Mrs. -Welker-Hoch, "next to the last" wife of Johanu Hocb.wbo is under arrest in New York. This, it is announced, is the partial resuty of chemical analysis following A mi croscopical test which showed no j-r't,. Coroner Hotfaian said he , ( '' "1 t'e evidence cf time declared his belief thatHoch, married to over a score .0 women, had murdered at least twelve of them. This statement was made in a letter written by O'Neill to Capt. Dongan of the Detective Bu reau oi New York, in which he requested the Police Department of that city to follow a clue given through an anonymous letter re ceived by Inspector Shippy from a woman living at the Belvedeie Hotel, Eighteenth street and Fourth avenue, New York. In this letter it is intimated that Hoch married two New York women whom he has abandoned. Japanese Holding Their Own. Tokio, Feb. 5. There were a number of serious skiimishes along the Shakhe and Hun rivers Friday and Saturday. The Russians shelled portions of the Japanese lines Friday night and small bodies of Russians attacked Waito Moun tians and places in those vicinities. Reports from Japanese Macchurian headquarters say that all attacks were repulsed. Friday afternoon Russian bat teries stationed at Liuchetiten and Wanpoa Mountain shelled the Jap anese positions. Saturday morn ing 6 oo cavalry, comprising one force, and two companies of infan try and one battery another, sim ultaneously to have reserves. The Japanese garrison at Chitaitse was defending the place when the re port of the attack was forwarded. Ten Are Killed. Hornellsville, N Y., Feb. 2 Deep grief and sorrow overshadows the city this morning, occasioned by the greatest catastrophe in the history of the city From ten of the most prominent homes floats the symbol of death while hundreds mourn the loss of friends. Two miles west of this city last evening while re' timing from after noon merriment, a sleigh contain ing thirteen members of the Ladies Aid Society of the Universartst church, was struck by a train over the Pittsburg, Shawnut & North ern road. Six were killed instant ly and four died in the hospital later. Three are still in the hospi tal, one of whom will probably die. President Beckwith Dead. Oberlin, O., Feb. 5 C T.Beck with, president of the Citizens' National Bank.died at 10:45 o'clock tonight. Boston, Feb. 5. It was stated on good authority tonight that if the litigation against Mrs. Cassie L. Chadwick should fail owing to the death of C. T Beth wick, presi dent of the defunct Citizens Na tional Bank, of Oberlin, 0., that proceedings against her would be immediately instituted in this State. The suit bought here would be in connection with au al leged loan made to Mrs. Chadwick by Herbert D. Newton, of Brook line. Dr. Reaves. Dr. W. Perry Reaves, of New Orleans, who was for two years House Surgeon in the eye, ear, nose and throat hospital of that city has decided to establish an office in High Point and will be here on Monday's, Wednesday's; and Fri day's. Dr. Reaves will have his office over Ring's drug store: The Enterprise welcomes him to High Point ' V Pointed Paragraphs." " A woman's face isn't always as bad as it is painted. .--,,.., , Education gives women more words to use in talking. Any fool knows what he would c' 3 v. cre 1 'i ia your place. ' Late Foreign News. ; Report that the grape-shot fired at Imperial family, by Bogauoff, student-revolutionist of 1st Horse Artillery, alleged to be discovered by Commission was unconfirmed. As interviewed, Vladimir, ithor ough Russian , and dark -haired veteran, and Chief Commander, tells how hev under pressure, -Will give the people a voice jand hear ing too. He would justify the killing 126 people, some necessar ily innocent-r-troopa will die in street for Empire. He was sur nrised at England and America's indignation. He can not conceal the crisis or the many elements of discord, especially at Warsaw and Kieff, a constitution degrades peo ple.the ballot enslaves them; would dispoil Provinces including Fin land and Poland. (?) Virtually self-government would make ex iles. Thus Vladimir misses his life's oportunity; he will not be a Moses or a Victor Emanuel, he denies his brother's keeper. Japanese soldiers freeze at Sand pas. Bombarding and skirmishing continues. Principles of action underlying all t is great foreign news, very many believe are; God punishes nations as well as indi viduals because of sin, that there is present sacrifice of human blood, as so often the case in past history, all brought about by great wrongs and after long conflicts and many compromises. Peace becomes more precious, henca many studiously scan the news. , K. It's an easy matter to pose as a reformer as long as you are out of office. Causes Stir. Whenever you interfere with a man's salary you have trouble on your hands Dr. Gordon, of James town, member of the House, is the cause of it all this time. He wants a stipulated salary for county offi cers A report in the Telegram says that Dr. Gordon's bill has raised quite a stir among ti e offi cers whose incomes will be affected if the bill becomes a law. Here tofore all the county officers, with the exception of the county com missioners, have been paid fees instead of a salary. It is a well known fact that some of the officers receive much larger incomes than the salaries proposed. v According to Dr. Gordon's bill the sheriff, clerk of court and reg ister of deeds are to receive $2,000 each per annum. The clerk of court and register of deeds are to be allowed an additional $i,ioofdr clerk hire, while the sheriff's dep uties are to be allowed the fees on the papers they serve. The treas urer is allowed $900. and the coun ty commissioners are not to be paid over $50 per month! The officers affected by the pro posjd change are awaiting with much interest the result. Should the bill become a law it will not go into tffect until Dec. 15, 1906, or after the expiration of the pres ent term of office. As this is the case it is of much interest to office seekers as the present incumbents. It has been stated there are already several candidates for the office of sheriff and clerk of court already in the field. The bill may bring out what has long been desired by the voters of the county the aggregate fees of the clerk of court and register of deeds. They have a right to know but the figures have only been guessed at from $2,000 to $4,000 per annum in the register of deeds office and from $4,000 to $8,000 in the clerks office. Book Club. A number of ladies met with Miss Deborah Tomlinson Fiiday afternoon at her home on English street for the purpose of forming a book club. Those constituting the charter membership are: Mrs. S. H. Tomlinson, Mrs. Aubrey Hoov er, Mrs. J. J -Fairiss. .J Misses De borah Tomlinson, Irvin Paylor, Mary Alexander, a 'n d Connie Charles. The rext meeting will be held with ' Mrs. Tarriss, the president, at the El wood, next week, when the organization will be completed-. Such an organiza tion should afford the members a great deal of pleasure. ' Ready to Move. ' Mr.Conklin, secretary and treas urer of the Centaur Knitting Mill, was in the city fast week looking Over ' the new building that : has just been erected for the company j-ty the High Point Electric Power Co. ' Mr. Cpnklin is ready to move bis machinery in and will be ready to start up the mill in a few weeks. He will bring four bosses ,; with him. ; f he balance of the 90 hands will be gotten here. , , -". y This building is one of the, most substantial buildings in . the city. 4 It is built of brick, 90x100, two .itories. As has been stated before its was erected speclaUy for Mr. Conklin. Is It Your OumHair? Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can't do it Haven't enough hair? It must be you do not know Ayer's Hair Vigor ! Here's an Intro duction! May the acquaint ance result in a heavy growth of rich.thick.glossyhairt And we know you'll never be gray. I think that Ayert Hair Vigor la the mort wonderful htr grower that wai ever made. I have died It for nm time and I can truth fully ear that I am greatly pleated with It. I cheerfully recommend It m a aplendld prepa ration." MISS V. Bbooe, Wayland, Mich. . I A- by J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell, Maes. tea mannnmtarwa of SAKSAPAKILLA. PILLS. CUERKY PECTORAL. GIVES $25,000 RELIEF .FUND. Czar Also Meets Delegation An Offi cial Proclamation. Favorable results are expected to follow the audience given by Emperor Nickolas at Tsarskoe Silo to 32 workmen, representing the leading industrial establishments of1 St. Petersburg. In addition to paternal admonitions bestowed up on the workmen, $25,000 has been given by the Emperor, Empress and Dowager Empress for the re lief of the families of those who were killed or badly wounded in affair of Januaiy 22. The manu facturers of St. Petersburg have made concessions of the strikers and contributed to the relief fund. The situation in Poland and other of the provinces continues strained, and strikes are reported from Irkutsk and several other Siberian towns. The retirement of Prince Sviatopolk Mlrsky from the ministry of the Interior, has been acomplished in such a way as to indicate that the Emperor is sat isfied to be rid of a Minister of the avowed liberal tendencies. The forecast that M. Boutigan will be named for Minister of the Interior is construed as indicating a recog nition of the predominating influ ence of Grand Duke Sergins, who is a nephew of the Emperor. $240,000 Fire at Birmingham. Birmingham, Ala., Feb.5. Fire which started this morning in the wholesale commission house , of Franklin, Stiles & Franklin,, de stroyed property valued at $240, 000. Assistance, which had been asked from neighboring cities of Montgomery, Atlanta, Chattanoo ga and Gadsen, was cancelled about 5 o'clock, the necessity b- ing obviated by the veering of the wind and a soaking rain. Two firemen were severely injured by falling walls. ' The principal losers are: Robt. Garry & Company, wholesale no tions, $60,000, insurance $40,000; Earle Buildings. $39,000,. covered by insurance; Mrs.J. Ings, $15,000, insurance $10,000; Joh Tomlinson.buildlngr, $15,000, insurance, $ 10,000;. C. C. Snyder, tobacco, $225,000, insurance $30, 000, Buchanan Candy Co., $ 10,000, nsursnce $7,000. , Wood-Redding. Friends here have received the following - invitation announcing the approaching marriage of two of Asheoorp's popular young peo ple: .. . ; Mr William Penn Wood ' requests the honor of your presence : - at the marriage of his daughter V . , Blanche Penn . to - ' Mr John Oscar Redding on Wednesday evening, Feb'y. the 15th ' . at ten o'clock ' at his residence " Asheboro, North Carolina , Summoned to Statesville. In the case of Gilmer vs. Mc Alpine & Company to be called at Statesville tomorrow the following witnesses , have been summoned : C. M. Hauser. J i Elwood Cox, E M ? Armfield and J; J. Farriss. The case was to have been called today but was postponed. u " " - ' - k Mr. F-H. McAlpine, former pro prietor Elwood hotel, is in the city en route to Statesville to attend court. Mr. McAlpine is now the proprietor of a new hotel, The Mc Alpine House, at Dover, N. H. Mr. X, L. Clark, ' who has had a severe case of la grippe,' is in- rrovins. ' i : ( - Oare - Wi' V 'Courtesy V''..' Mann Drusrs Co. Promptness J. Elwood Cox fest. W. C Bradthaw, V Prest Commercial High Point, N. C. Capital. Surplus and Profits, ; We cordially Invite rou to. We have a modern banKing to extend to our depositors business conditions 5iW s eason the farmer is busy We can make it easy for you, call and see Rothroc Wagong and Chattanooga Plow? and keep the best Reapers, Bind ers and mowers. fiigh point Hardware J. A. Clinard The best selected line of Dress Goods, Ladies Ccats, OlcthDg, Shoes Hats, Trunks Etc. Be sure to call and see him before buying W. I. Montgomery High Point, N. C. ,;', Contractor arid Riil4 Correspondence Solicited Local and Special Attraction f ; Large Line' Winter MiDinerj at : : v s 1 ' 1 t .' , f 1 ' i . , ,, 1. 1 ,.1 . call and see it before going elsewhere ' ' Sicelcff Hardware & Grccdry Company : K'jh Point, N. C. ' 1 v J - Honesty? fi- c- Charles Cashier. C. M. Hauser, Asst. Cash. National Bank $50,000 $28 000 open an account with ui. house and are prepared to every facility Justified by TO LOOK WELL . ! lovely women require a Idt of ' little fix J ; ings that most men know but little about I ; The drug man, however, who caters to : fashionable trade knows all these littte belongings and accessories needed W womankind. WE ARE THE PEOPLE you can get them from, and at popular prices. All the powders, perfumes, man icure sets and whatever elae is necessary to make you preity, we've g t them. Come in, please, and buy a few: Ring's Pharmacy- ' ' ' ' -w vtpens and , Out 0 Town.

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