AT A WALL STREET CORNER. 1111 pi. in "in u . n i .. n. i mil i I ii ".-A-Sj-Jvi it v''VV. l4 n ! V If i 3' 4 jff.- t. ' 1 ROYAL t, i Balking Powder Saves Health The use of Royal Baking Powder is essential to the healthfulness of the family food. Yeast ferments the food. Alum baking powders are injurious. Royal Baking Powder saves health, ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. News Summarized. Peace in war, war in peace, let the heathen rage. Though not surprised at what was to be expec ted, we wish it were possible to be more than amused because of late news from Washington. We mean the conference alleged to have stir red diplomats by a supposed.though premature, pointing towards peace proposals That is, the Japanese Minister Mr. Takahira followed by Count Cassini Russian ambassador who was also subsequently followed by Sir Mortimer Durand, English diplomat somehow made" to read like a "Mr. Spring-Rice," signifi cantly bound for Russia, talked over the Russian situation with Secretary Hay, but without diplo matic result. Our diplomatic corps was represented though not iil humoredly as contemplating a step towards intervention. This good news is the best for months, because it shows a dispo sition in those leading the world's thought in favor of the great hu mane side or party. It is thus that Russia and Japan are already for peace, soon to be restored. This, plso because of the former's less hold on Manchu ria after loss of Port Arthur, the key of the situation, Russia's ina bility without a navy to retake the same.her internal conditions, while both sides have apparantly little but decimation to gain. Russia's hold on Manchuria against China's autonomy, to be yet settled by the powers should probably give away to Kuropatkin's retreat North. With a devasttaed region valiant Cossacks could starve and ambush Oyam then another Bonaparte. Meanwhile Grippenberg was re lieved because defeated, though ostensibly reponsible for his men killed. Kuropatkin was excused because Grippenberg did not do at Sandepas as Caesar did at the Rubicon. The assassination of Soisalon Soinen, procurator general of Fin land, is indirectly, though other wise, pei haps, wrongly laid on the active resistance party recruited horn the passiveists, also upon the Polish Nat. League and Russian emancipationists. This assassina tion, like that of Prince BobrikoS was the crime of some unbalanced idealist, opposed to Finland's Rus sification. This incident added to the other published sensations will hardly terrorize St. Petersburg. Military and strike conflicts Ka lisz and at the Feiner factory of Dodz are reported. The Noble's address to the Czar aiming at a limited monarchy and some popular representation Is worthy of more extended notice In its beari g upon the peace move ment. K. News Summarized, Etc. Let as have ' peaee. We know when these words were fraught with meaning, more meaning in deed than if spoken concerning the Israelites entering the Promised land and looking towards coming peace - j ubilees, or even all the world's peace after Waterloo. Yea even more so than when proclaimed In X75 or l9i4or prooaoiy m toyy The president assnrea ui. . mw tholdi and the Inter-Parliamentary Union of the second Hague conference t afier hostilities shall cease, and not before. That stolid indemnity or solid war costs are less than pleasing to ; Czar Nieko las for reasons obvious. One like ly reasons is plethoric inability to pay while delayed abilijy is not reassuring. The good Czar does not like to present his tranqnil slows with these innocent claims of the Japanese, not if he values his devoted crown.V Nor is the sum total calculated to ; engender peace tf-f :"c!:5 to the avers je r.nssian. T ' " 3 t'-rcrs is s::rc3 t! a to f?-' s ure out growing costs on the war' prolongation. The war party may "nil debit" Japan's incisive items by staving off day of payment. For it some more than second Kuro patkin like an improbable Nicko la'ievitch would soon give the Japs one sound all around thrashing then the balance would be on the other side in the ledger. In keep ing future peace insignificant then would appear concessions concern ing Saghalian Island as amilitary hjase and Vladvstock. But these together with Port Arthur, the great Polar Bear would generously share with the Yellow peril provid ed always, etc. Desirous of giving an at home for his triumphant levies he has 110 ulterior intentions on the Socialists, though for even then he would have an old-fasl'-ioned house warming. Mr. Witte Amercanized "Sergins" would be lavish for peace sake. Zemstvos might pay as to bushwhack. Time will tell what bouyant shares on the Berlin bourse has to do with peace, so too, army supples coun ter manded, trans-Siberiau tele grams monopolized by Bussian government. On the whole the peace sintiment seriously consid ered is encouraging. As to the outlook much depends on the Rus sian people, of a peace-longing spirit. K A Whining Corpse. A corpse came up on the Sea board last night to be shipped on over the Southern. The transfer people had a new negro driver in charge. There was loaded on his wagon a crate of hounds, besides the corpse, but the negro failed to make any mental note of the hounds, so engrossed washe with his gruesome freight. With all his nerves tingling, he I drove on until he got between Eleventh and Twelfth streets. Here the dogs began whining, but the negro had forgotten that he had any dogs along, and attribu ted the pitiful besearchments to the dead man. "Whoa!'' he cried, instinctively, leapt from h wagon, and tore it up to the Seaboard depot. , The transfer people got messages from several sources, reporting the presence of the driver at the depot and the presence of the corpse and hounds between Eleventh and Twelfth streets, where the horses had halted. Thev thought that the dead man had slid from his conveyence or that the wagon had bogged or the team balked. So they sent to the depot to inquire of the negro, but, "Lawd,'' said he, "how c'n you expec' me to keep on drivin' a, whinin' daid man?" The driver was not imprevious to reason, however, and when; he was convinced that the hounds, and not the dead man, had done the whining, he climbed to bis perch again, and made it in safety hie terminus at the Southern. Charlotte Oberver. It Is Every Day. 1 . We are beginning to wonder these days what climate we live in whether in New England or 'at the foot of the hills in the . Sunny South. I', seems to be, the easiest thing imaginable now for a bliz zard to stnke us. We . have bad snow for two weeks, more or less, and the worst is yet to come. , - Dr. Itomar Heard From. Colombia, S. C.'Feb. I a A special to The State from Spartan bnrg saji that Rev. E E Bomaf, assistant secretary of the' Baptist foreign' mission board, who was reported missing in a dispatch yes terday from Richmond, -is quite sick in Pensacola, Fia. Ills rela-i tives have received telegrams from him to that effect, and his brother, John Eomar, left today to b at his bedside. - -' - . 1 , ' ,' At the corner of. Wall street and Broadway the other ;day I was stop- oea by an acquaintance, Who Dut tonholed me and was endeavoring to demonstrate how 1 could make my everlasting fortune by buying cop per or sometbingvA' rapidly .mov ing stream of men, with eager, con strained faces, jostled us about until we found a precarious footing in the gutter. Messenger boys were bolt ing here and there among -the legs of the pedestrians, taotonnan was banging his gong like all possessed to scare a truckman off the track; newsboys were yelling: "Extree!" "Extree !" and presently a big auto bowled along the . street snorting like a dragon, while the chauffeur's" warning trumpet gave forth numer ous horrible snorts. In the mean while a huckster' on the opposite corner, with a pile of paper covered books, was yelling: Here, gents! 'The Simple Life!' Only 10 cents! Head 'The Simple Life,' by Wag ner. Brooklyn Life. Doctor Knew It Could Not Be. Dr. W. W. Keen, the Philadelphia surgeon, has a number of scrapbooks rilled with anecdotes about physi cians. These anecdotes are odd from the fact that they all throw upon physicians a most unflattering light. To illustrate their character Dr. Keen quoted one of them recent- "A physician was driving through the street, he said. A friend stop ped him. "'Doctor,' said the friend anx iously, 'have you heard that horrible story about Williamson ?' '3fo,' said the doctor. 'What story is that ?' "'A story to the effect that he was buried alive' "'Buried alive?' said the doctor. Impossible. He was one of my pa tients.' " Collier's Weekly. An Australian Telegraph. It is not generally known, accord ing to the Indianapolis New.s, that there is a telegraph across the south ern desert land of the Australian continent 2,000 miles in "length. It runs partially through an uninhabit-' ed country and long tracts of water less desert. While it was being con structed more than 2,000 tons of materials had to be carried far into the interior, and many of the iron and wood poles were conveyed 400 miles. A recent report says that the wear and tear of this telegraph construction has been inconsidera ble, but there is great difficulty found in supplying the stations across the desert with operators. jSilkworm Weavers. Some ambitious silkworms of the neighborhood of Venice have woven by themselves a ribbon three yards long and three inches wide. When they reached the chrysalis stage, ac cording to the Indianapolis News, instead of weaving round cocoons on the twigs prepared for them they preferred to travel up and down the smooth upper side of a strip of wood nine feet long and three inches wide. Back and forth they went, spinning their silken web until at last they made a beautiful ribbon, transparent in its center and golden yellow at the heavier edges. The scarf is amaz ingly strong for a fabric so delicate ly, woven. Ewisicasa. America has retaliated upon Sir Edward Clarke and his proposal to call the great republic "Usona." "You're another," says the United States of North America to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and all the British do minions beyond the seas. "Ewisica sa! Yah!" For we are England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, India, Canada, Australia and South Afri ca, though we may not all approve of the order of the initials. But if we address our letters to "UsonV'i the reply will come to "Ewisicasa." i London Chronicle. Sella Love Potion. " A woman , who has been arrested in Berlin for fortune telling is said to be skilled in the preparation of love potions. According to : her recipes, a granulated substance must be brewed with parchments contain ing charms, and the concoction must be worn seven days on the breast, -a Equally effective are three blurs of the loved one and three drops of the lover's own blood on a slice of quince. This must be eaten when the moon "is full and with' one's eyes steadily .fixed on that luminary. ' V. Raising Qmn For tha Paathar. . ' : On a certain goose farm in .the middle west there is an incubator with a capacity for 10,000 eggs. ' These eggs 1 are not, ' however, laced in the incubator at one time, nt are so arranged that one section will hatch each day, being refilled aa soon as the goslings are taken out The geese are raised on this farm for their feathers alone, which are used in the upholstering business.- Conn--trv Life In America. , , j - , 0- odor s edicine. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is not a simple cough syrup. It is a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. It cures hard cases, severe and desperate cases, chronic cases of asthma.pleu risy, bronchitis, consumption. Ask your doctor about this. " I hire nied l great dMl of Ayort Cherry Pectoral for eoogbe end hard cold on the cheat. It he alwaji done me irreat Rood. It la eertalnlT moat wonderful eongh medi cine." MOBABL J. FiTzeJLa.u, Medford, M.J. O. AyarOo Lowell, a- of 9- SAKSAPAROXa. PILLS. BAHt VtQOR. yers You will hasten recovery by tak- ng one wi Mjrer a r-ms wwwmuwa Foreign News, Etc., Summarized. Instead of piping times of peace when Peneroso played and Sappho sung, , we are reminded wnen casting our mortal ken Russian- ward of the dark-days during our crucial Civil war. At times the factories were still, while Demons- tbenes shouted from nigh every hill-topNorth andSouth the doleful cry "to arms!" and Janu's doors ou rusty hinges swung. Skies lurid with cities aflame, striker's frantic manifestos, nags red as blood or black as death, long and already pall on the imagination lively or dud. And yet news of events actually transpiring by cable oi;ly twenty-four hours distant ex cite emotions above so much mere curiosity. When news of Spain's war with us burst over the land some little giant inCapetown pointed to omens in Sol's fierce rays and now the man with the ft z sees a myriad shadow-dance attuned to Aquillian blasts from old Borea s icy breast, also myth. One likes to turn from scenes grusome as Cartez in Mex ico, or the Spaniards at Amsterdam to the Noble's address to the Czar. One likes to hear the word repre sentative and elective quoted by way of precedent, this too, though Russia looks like a living picture of one-man power, or else factions iously directing a great war. With all the olden prestige of Rome as a republic the Caesars waxed mighty long before Rome's fall. From the tribal relation Rus sia, under absolute monarchy, am eliorated by more generous sover eigns, grew in greatness. Napoleon i onaparet with an army aggregat ing a half million veterans who anqulshed combined armies of Russians, Prussians and Austrians on numerous hard-fought battles lost his legions; he thus demon strated Russia's distance or magni tude and consequent isolation. From bearing so much about matters to date we turn to a great country whose rulers and people are presently stirred as by a reflex progress from America and Engl land Also in view of naiiona military disasters and internal ca lamities people, nigh everywhere, ask, what next? Here the great events really exceed the news put in every possible light. For Earth's most autocratic ruler now for once and at long, last, to have to meet the peoples just demands, ' more than half way seems good to be' true. Unsupported by an armed guard at every hearthstone Vladimir Nickola's did not discount such contingency at the war's beginning but boasted like htm who putteth on his armor and swipes his vyel low peril into the sea This threat, too, was generally believed as quite likely at the time- ' The Imperialists cling with one hand to stern old methods while different factions clutch after the, tb them, new because untried con ditions. A limited monarchy or constitutional government : ma) have to be instituted by the nobles though the Universities turn out many earnest men.; But a House of Lords or Senate without a pop ular branch or house of commons would perpetuate aristoracy. Noth ing short of representation . will, eventually avail in Russia. ' The aim and bent of one' great faction radically imbued with the-war spii'it, is rampant for ? nniting Jar ring" interests against alt foes be cause foreign. This particular fihase is not unlike the Boxer ris ng of China, though tbey call Manchuria and Korea their distant Eroviices. , Czar and Dukes thus rought face to face With the hours demands contemplate war and more war while no one of all the, . Rus sia! seem to care for, peace. - ' Peare is impossible, they say be fore heca tomes of human . victims are offered Mars to proprlate Pan. M ; nit -y , yy mm Promptness J. El wood Cox Prest W. G. Bradshaw, V Prest Commercial High Point, N. C. Capital. -Surplus and Profits We cordially invite you to We Have a modern banKing to extend to our depositors business conditions. 51W eason the farmer is busy We can make it easy for you, call and see Rothroc Wagno and Chattanooga Plow? and keep the best Reapers, Bind ers and mowers. ligh Point Hardware (JonpDjj J. A. O inward The best selected line of Dress Goods, Ladies Coats, Slcthpii, Shoes Hats, Trunks Etc- - Be sure to call and see him before buying , W. I. Montgomery High Point. N. C. Contractor and Builder Correspondence Solicited Iocal and Out q Town, - . . Special Attraction V ; ; V i Large Line Winter MilJinery at Miss Venetia Smith's call and see it before going elsewhere " ' , rrrr .Siceloff Hardware; fttili-v1 ' ' 1 : GroceryCompany ;; . ' " High Point, U. C.V i' . my- um Honesty R..C, Charles Cashier! C. M. Hauser, Asst. Cash. National Bank $50,000 $28 000 open an account witn us. ' house and are prepared to everr facility justified" by TOLOORWELL lovely women require a lot of little fix ings that most men know but little about The drug man; however, who caters to fashionable trade knows all these littte belongings and accessories needed by womankind. WE ARE THE PEOPLE ' you can get them from, and at popular prices. All the powders, perfumes, man icure sets and whatever else is necessary to make yoo preity, we've g t them. Come in, please, and buy a few. Ring's Pharmacy vpens and , . lt v1 , , - v f - : f v . i- C. y i v.,.- nr 1 u t k in i v if f a . ... . . f V. 1 f - (