. ( 1 , t 1 s 1 " f " V . 1 i-7 I 'S1 if t 'W. r t There is a quality in Royal Baking Powder which makes the food more digestible and wholesome. This peculiarity of Royal has been noted by physicians, and they accord ingly endorse and recom mend it. - ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Coasting In the Alp. There is a spot in the Swiss Alps where a sled or a toboggan runs a mile in seventy seconds. The win ter sportsmen of Europe take great pleasure in the Cresta run, as it is called, at St. Moritz. The tobog gan season there begins about the middle of November, and the slid6 is made smooth and safe by a com mittee appointed for that purpose. The Swiss toboggans are raised on runners shod with iron or steel. The rider lies flat upon the toboggan, head first, both hands grasping the framework at the sides, steering with both feet, just as boys do on sleds in this country. Iron spikes are fastened to the toes of the boots, and by trailing one foot or the oth er along the ground the big sled is guided. Parlor Blind Man. In "parlor blind man" the leader is blindfolded, while the other play ers stand or sit about the room. The manager of the game has told each child what animal he is to represent for the time being, and when he is touched by the blinded child he must imitate the noise made by that particular animal, repeating the noise three times if requested. From the noise thus made the "blind man" must guess the performer's name. If successful the child named takes the place of the blindfolded one, and so the game goes on. For in stance, one child mews like a cat, another barks like a dog; still an- other hisses like a a - Game of Famous Numbers. Famous numbers can be played by any number of persons, each of whom writes a number on a slip of paper. The slips are mixed in a hat, and each player draws one. Each in order must then explain for what the number he drew is famous or pav a forfeit. For instance, the number 3 mav be said to be cele brated on account of the threi graces, 2 for Shakespeare's "Two Gentlemen of Verona," 10 for the council of ten, and so on. Animals rhat Don't Get -Thirsty. A parrakeet in the zoological gar dens has lived more than fifty years without drinking water. Patagoni an llamas live, for years without tasting water, and a particular class of cows bred near Losere, in France, and noted for the richness of their milk, drink extremely rarely. FOR THE LITTLE ONES. Bright Wits Show to Advantage In the Game "My Garden." Any number of persons may play this game. It requires no prepara tion, but the wits of the players must be bright and alert to make it a fiVirress. The leader asks each player k, iiini what he nlanted in his garden, and the plaver may name any arti- cle he chooses, Dut tne ining mau "came. up" must be some plant that has a connection with the article. Tho nnswprs cannot therefore al ways be given instantly, as a little -tfimicrht mav be necessary to make finfiffii err , ', the answer good. That, however, will make the game all the more en j ' tertaining. ; . ! ; Here are a few answers that show '.- how the game should be played: v : ;'rlXy' planted some steps, and they came up hops." 'Jy f planted a ball, and it came up' ' , ; a rubber plant." f 1 planted a calendar, and it came date9vC:S''i '?'V "-" l ""I planted a watch, and it came ' '"' tin' n f cm o'clock." ? a "Implanted a shipand it came up" , "Wlist kind otToup ta yeur bowC Jlr. ' i ' "No puppy do oui toder. henest tad But ' soup made of nice attle ate n - t" , U. ,'A.ii:'r 'U.Sn. s.-!.s, I i ''M:H' lThn aive ma eotne nlcklr t know It's FOR THE LITTLE ONES. Hew a Bey Full of Business Succeeded With Poultry. It is a good thing for boys who contemplate entering a business ca reer to early have some practical ex perience as business men. There is a boy in my neighborhood who raises thoroughbred Plymouth Hock and Wyandotte chickens and makes it pay. He started out on a small scale by purchasing a dozen eggs from a poultryman who kept simply full blooded Plymouth Eocks. Then he purchased a dozen eggs from a man who raised thoroughbred Wyan dottes. He paid $1 per dozen for his eggs. He set his eggs under two com mon hens, which a friend of his sold at a low price because the hens want ed to do nothing but "set." In time he found that he had a brood of twenty chickens, six roosters and fourteen pullets. ' The next spring he separated his two breeds of fowls and carefully labeled with date and kind each egg laid by his hens. He then advertised upon his front gate, "Sittings for sale, $1 per dozen thoroughbred Plymouth Rocks and Wyandottes." He kept careful account of all ex penditures and found out at the end of the first year he had just about cleared himself of all debt incurred. The nextr.ear with increased stock. Uu iiiadiTmbney. Farm J ournal. Paraffin. . Paraffin has its uses and abuses, according to l".e authorities in New York. The board of health a few months ago warned the people against using candy adulterated with the wax on the ground that the par affin covered thestomach with a thin inafrintr fill rl nroduced indigestion. Xow an appropriation has been ask ed to pay for coating the exterior of the Metropolitan Museum of Art with a thin shell of paraffin to pre- vent the disintegration oi xne bioue bv water. The Egyptian obelisk in Central park was so treated a few years ago, and Grant's tomb was re cently covered with paraffin, which is impervious to moisture and resists the action of acids. Sha Turned the Tables. Ladv Randolph Churchill was electioneering in England at one time in behalf of Mr. Ashmead Bartlett. One bold elector whom the was trying to secure hinted that if the ladies would imitate the fa mous Duchess of Devonshire they would have no difficulty in securing votes. The duchess in one memora ble canvass gave a kiss for each doubtful vote. Lady Churchill con sidered for a moment and then said "Thank vou so much. I'll suggest that idea to Lady Bur-dett-Coutts.'.' The elector laughed, remembering that Lady Burdett Coutts is over eighty years old. London Ambulances. Tendon is curiously behind New York in the matter of its emergency w ll 1 accident service. JN one oi we nos nitola there: incredible as it may seem, have ambulances such as are nsed in New 1 ork. injured , per sons are, carried to the hospitals in fmrt Twhoplprt bandbarrows -propelled hv onn or two Dolicemen. . There are only two or tnree norse amDuianues in ho itw ." nd thev are private. -j i i There is an agitation now for the mtroQUCtion oi uucu, icuium h hospital service. f.v :J -VTO7 lima,. , . ; KTmr fhnt thft word f'BubwaYT i recognized classic,' would, it not be well to find better words than 'exit" Hid "entrance ?" The passages to nd fmm thft "snhwav" should lott- ically be the "inway" and the "out- way." Yours lor baxon speeca Local Cor. Boston Transcript v . Beet . Part of the Prcture. ; ij,. "When I was a youngster," aid a Philadelphia painter who is today one of the bright stars in the Amer ican art: firmament and whose fame also reaches across the Atlantic, "I kept the pot boiling by painting por traits of enterprising storekeepers at bargain prices. Once a .tailor who was anxious to transmit his, features to posterity asked me what my price was for a half length. I told him $100. j "The picture was painted and ap proved. Then the knight of , the thimbh? took out his pocketbook and wanted to know how much he should pay. " 1 told you before we started,' I replied, 'that my charge for a head was $100 " 'Oh, I know that,' said he, 1ut how much for the coat? It's the best part of the picture.'" New York Herald. Hiring a Cab In Russia. In Russian cities, according to an English traveler, the taking of a cab is a matter of bargaining, for, though there is a printed tariff somewhere, the cabmen cannot read it. If you know the distance you walk" along the cab rank calling out your des tination and your price about a quarter of what you would pay in London "and a tenth of the New York demand. When you have pass ed the last cab you will hear a clat ter behind, and a driver will im plore you to step in. If you do not know the distance you ask the fare, divide the answer by four and walk on. Curses! Invocation of saints! Drivers raise their arms to heaven in horror. Walk calmly on, and there is a race to pick you up. Nor is there ever a dispute at the end. A LITTLE NONSENSE. Bright Sayings From ttie Mouths of the Rising Generation. Small Harold after sizing up the new baby said, "Well, that kid hasn't got any hair to comb, but he's got an awful lot of face to be wash ed." Mamma Do you love your teach ir, Tommy ? Tommy Yes, mamma, but I don't want you to tell her. Mamma Why not? Tommy 'Cause she might sue me for breach of promise. METHODS OF READING. Rules Cannot Be Fixed, as Each Man Has His Own Standard. "Men have curiously different no tions on the subject of reading, a .id almost all the literary men have h&j something to say on uie buujcl-i. stud nn observant man. "Emerson laid down three rules. He said First, do not read a book that is not. a vear old: second, never read nnv but books that are famed; third, never read any book but what you like. But it is not likely tnat many wrKfins ran follow these rules. In the first place, it is quite impossi ble to observe anything like an ar hitrart rule in the matter of reading The is no reason why a good book should be a year old before we ven ture throuyh its Dares. It the dook is good it is just as good in fresh print as it will be at any other time. Besides, books are printed so rap idlv now that if we are to wait a vear before reading a book after it out we should soon be very much behind the times. We could nnt talk to our friends about con temporary literature and would be nlasspil as a back number. Emer son's second rule is worse than the first All irood books do not become famous. It is much easier for a bad book to blaze out and win popular attention. Besides, how shall we know whether a book is good or bad without reading it i The same poini may be made as to the third rule. Wow shall we know whether we like a book or not without reading it.-' True ennusrh. some men. UKe car- is e. ean skim a DOOK ami nei- o Iv good idea of it, but this is not a aatiafopnrv wbv of measuring a kL-'a valnp T have but little con fidence in the literary judgment of the skimmer. The fact is, alter an, that every man must read according rt h; own notion. Mv friend may uii-i. nno rmolri I like another He mov have nne ntandara oi literary ""V -j oTeotienen- urn nave anomer, auu so on. liules tor reaoong cimoi arbitrarily fixed. ' Human nature is a fielflo nnd there is tod ntuch dif- VWW M'WAa.AW , men to admit of any Bucn ?ning... New Orleans Times-iJemocrai. Helen KellerV Life Work. 1 i xxn.ia : Mia iCfiller has not vet fi IIM : . - m joflirotv Bpftled what branch of work she will undertake, it is alto gether probable that aha will write a good deal and barely possible that .. Ait o noriodical of hitrh class for the blind. That it has long been her ardent desire to see the vi; . - A meriM TiTovided with a magazine of high quality and vanea. interest; like' the best of periodicals published for those who see; she haa Jrequently asserted. auonai m&z azine.,. Ask Your OwnDbctor If he tells you to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for your severe cough or bronchial trouble, then take lu If he has anything better, then take that. But we know what he will say; for doctors have used this cough medicine over 60 years. "I have TUd Avert Cherry Feetorst for hard eohU, bad eoughi, and lnflnensa. It hu done me (crest pood, and I beliera.lt u toe best cough medloine in the world for all best eongh medloine in toe worm ior thnmt uid Inns troubles."- -ELI C. STVABT. Albany, Oregon. Made by 1. 0. Arr Oo., LowiU, Kw. Alee auaometaTera ef SASSAPASHXA. yers PILLS. HAIR VtoOS. akAM rrta KaIMAIa VI Mfltfl Alii (kf Ayer's .-ills at bedtime, Just one. nmnriiern oxnoice wnvunt.u o 1 uhim i Why Secretary Morton Never Ate Snails In Philadelphia. Paul Morton, secretary of the na vy, recently went to Philadelphia to attend a 'dinner given by a few of his old vailroad friends. Among the guests were Presidani Underwood of the Erie and John P. Green, first vice president of the Pennsylvania. Naturally the sub ject of the slowness of Philadelphia came up and was discussed freely. After several of the railroad men, including Secretary Morton, had said a few things about the staid Quaker town Mr. Green took up cudgels for Philadelphia. He made an elaborate defense, showing that HI "1 STJFPOS THEY ABB TOO SLOW TO CATCH THEM. Philadelnhia is one of the most pro gressive, up to date, enterprising cities in the country. President underwood listened at tentively. When Mr. Green had finished, Underwood "said: "I don't see how you make all that out. Why, this afternoon I went into a book store on Chestnut street and found I ;hey were selling that book of Pas- ,or Wagner s, 'The Dimple hole 8elf Centered. Ta there anv reason why you slould insist on playing Hamlet?" aid the friend. . CI never thoueht of that phase of tin nuestion " answered Mr. Stornv ijgton Barnes. "What I desire to kiow is why the public snouia insist that I shall not play it" Washing ton-Star. ALL OVER THE HOUSE. liia Varioua Uae'a of Ammonia In 'the , 1 ' Household. line uses OI iUlimuuiu m iuc uuuoo- h(Jd are many. In cleaning of any kflfd it should be used in the propor tion of one tablespoonf ul to a quart of water. It makes the water aofter thm rain water. Smoky lamp chim- I '. . 1 . ? : '-11 nes, window panes ana mirrors au reipond quickly to ammonia, vynen a Itain is produced by lemon juice or any other acid nothing is so ei- fecual as ammonia in neutranzmg nl fhna Tpmovin it. A few drons wur v J - A to V pint of water sprinkled on the cods of house plants will produce in ahimriant erowtn. oiains - on niaSble can be removed. by rubbing then well with a toothhrusn aippea in jpwdered chaiK ana ammonia. Ur CuDboarda and Wardrobea Thn't for irot that runboardfl and warlrobei where clothes are kept nee4 irequent airing. ; un a sunny rtnrvra and Imva them 1 jopeior several hours.', Keyer put awa a dress bodice without nrst airii? it. - Attention to little detailf Jvhia. which keens ones clotha trcjand sweet, is vail worth wMU r it TOKO v p -m er Mahn Driiieo Promptness ; J. Eiwood Cox Prest j , W. G. Bradshaw, V Prest Gommercial High Point, N. C. Capital. - . Surplus and Profits. W cordially ihVite you to We Have a modern banKlntf huaineia eandilloni. 3VS eason the farmer is busy We can make it easy for you, call an d see RotbrocI Wagno and Chattanooga Plow? an d.keep t )ir bo.t. Reapers; "Bind ers and mowers. pigh Point Hardware Gonpnij J. A. Climard The bestrselected line of Dress Goods, Ladies Ccats, Olcthng, Shoes Hats, Trunks Etc. 1 Be sure to call buying W. I. Montgomery High Point, N. C. Contractor Correspondence Solicited -.!-.-. '. a. , .., . . ..... . . J x Local and Special ittractitfh . , Largb Line Winter Millineif at - Miss Venetia irWh' ; ' call and see it before going ekpwhere t ' Siceloff Hardware & ' : Grocery Company tziZT High Point, N. C. , 'I'V.-f ' 'a n ..ki.. C. M. Hauser, Akt Cash. $50,000 $i8 000 open an accoun with us. House and are ppared to 1 : lovely women require m lcrtTf little fix tags that most men know bufcttle about. The drug man however, A0 cater to fashionable, trade knows al these littte belongings and accessories deeded W womankind. , I ' WE ARE THE PEOPLE you can get them from, and It popular prices. All the powders, perfulies, man icure sets and whatever efte isbecessary to make you pre'ty, weve eft them. v TO LOOK WM v wure iu, ficosc, ituu uuy a lew, Ring's Pharmacy . vpens and and see hini before and Builder ......!. , . . .... , m Out oTown, National "(? V V s ' W''-4.-'r! if'

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