. . .. J f - . V. , .:('.,.; l -.5' -. t . . i , i:. ;ixronTT, GuiLror.DCOu: . y, n. c;, Wednesday, 31 ay a, 1 1905. ll t' :z: Mil -,' 1.. ... - i t II C-- . : v. : of r at raauil t cL 3 t- J ' Tie f .ditor , - Llc'j ,-U cc!c:tatly i2C3 ' V"3 ov-:'. cl Ei '.-j c .':a 'i-i tU'tie Aides, , I'.ur w ere turred away, cr . j numbered ' at L t 1500, ', The imsic was Jam i tytLe l4sic Lovers' Club, wlich ' was very fine indeed.1;-. On lie rostrum were the ministers of h e city.- "ntc rs cf the school l"td and i" ' crsoflbe class. I'r-yrr v:3 cL'.:ed ty Hev. E. L L." r.. Dri E.tile read first' from IV- slastes: "Remember now tiy Creator in the days of the youth.', le flays 01 me youin.-, . Also - from the' J5th' copter-of .verse! Thesermon -Joshua, 19th verse. .Jtne sermon ':was-6ublime,niueveryphaseand thene who heard it west away wn -iM .loMon impressed on their hearts.', It was applicable alike to young and old, l,.6trong V thought and clothed in chaste and - ' ornate language. His vivid picture 1 - of the righteous selfishness of man -' kind, vhere the ambitions of men were for the improvement of, the - ' opportunity wa grand in concept ' ,1 tionand beautifully presented t Vhile the speaker had In full view ' ; - of his hearers the great lesson of .. ' ' . . - v I valub e suggesuons as pxoceeu- . Dr. Eattle gave a beautilul pero- ration, drawing the characters of his illustrations from Browning. impressing the great truth of soul . . n.a Pqwwuu.u-. - mcflisnlral action ill lile. it was I Btuwu: j . " ruiy ttpHItlng and energizing and itwasvmanifestthathisvords made a deep impression .on the congregation., iV 11 After the sermon :here wasmore . ppryp ;;r"r: a So -uy w-;-r closing praya C.,L Whitaker, .church.' : " . Increase in Value. V ."The 'Winston Journal says that the price ' of land along the pro ; posed Inter-Urban line has - ad vanced to $50 per acre since It is , totilte certain that the work win De , ' Con. Fthi'; lee Dead. ; 7ashinrton ntzbush Lee most sons, died at the Providence , Arril 23,-acneral "-"I' r 1'arewe" ?n ship-Maud Armentrof , - ,Uniied Ctates army; - t u n ' ' X- ' i - - Viass 4 Xhe presbyterIatt Coleee g-v., , Hc-rital here tonl: "t Irom an at- t-'-of snc-leiv.i-Icli he suffer-Lm. ei early tL53 nornirj on a train I vLn en route from Boston to :? " ten. Aft r General Lee 1 i re'eve ito ice ccrruai i itD the hc.;ital . avl1"!:! to the v ti t his case i ( ?, 1 .t tL:y . 2 - LCt it a :i t' - t 1 f ' CC1- i n; it. r ' f 1 r. - "r-f L.J h . ':(.:. L.t:r- ,T7inston-Salem, May 2. Win- stojj-Calera v votes to' issue tyioa in: bonds for the building "of .the proposed Inter-urban electric rail way ' between 5 this city and High Point. ' At three o deck this alter- ... , . , , :Ju noon the books showed a majority t n j- t. j 1 of tie registered vote had been . r , v t ' 1 t. fcast at that hour for the road, v , . l. , wL lcni- .,1 nna fltty tin rtntActa in j lfTir' Aiirn fr a.nr nr iw rn thi, ii.'. a9Mor the town.. Jtwasobservedly manifested by the voters. Really " , Ktest ever held in the .win- City.,, Rumor, were current yes- r." . J " - tX I ? nominating A clUzens , ticket in I rrr,- , "'T V' rl:?: ;:AJ - .The Aboyes one item of news that, the people of High Pointwill be highly interested, in. This bond Issue Insures the building' of the Jnter-tTrban line between High Point and Winston-Salem. ' a ft' ;; Fire at Kearn's factory. : . ' MAUUUa V GTCU1UK : A few mlrl- z fire broke out 1 of KearnsFur- in toe rear cnd of the bl3nditJg Jn , , j SUl UC. , . Il8B I voiume. or smoxe royea ssywara . 1a .T ,L ",v l,-v" "v' """"" the scene thcrght that'one. build-1 , . . 1 Ing'sure wasdoomed.llewever South gide reel mmnhMaAMaAi local hose' and a hard fight the : -.,.'.t - 1 umes wereexuDgqibuea. ineiac- tory was flooded with water.which dded to the damage. : This is one of lhe casej hete wWa under such' headway .wa's extinr damaee.; , ' ' v" ' The firemen and those rst " on the scene deserve much credit for j their prompt work,; CLEAN HANDS. ' n" impartial account of all proceed- iais and there is no matt on either L Af .1..... - W Lmp"Sal M our nanus. ..ineeaiior liuterprise 1 ucueves m mnniag ms ousuiess in i this manner free from, misrepre- scntatlon.v and : mnd.sllnging dl rcrtly cr indirectly In any degree. w.ever irer rpieoiiiigh roint t cn ar. v f tt'-r rnliov thev I -k to sorse other source for - ' 1 1 . , w n tf A:::::r.2r.L 1 ( - 1 iuc uampttigu ia- uvcr . una i , ,Tha ti'.za. Success, 1 The sale of lots Thursday ccn ducted ty lit. foe Phillips,' cfl ' N&ticral Realty Company, ws? t Eticcess in every particular,' - Tl e were several hundred people pr 1- ent through the entire day And l" e management showed its appreda tioa of the attendance' by distri- . .; .. i-.!?-. .;. outin? valuable presents every lew ml-mies. .The interest was grc" . . .. ,V seemed anxious for a lot and it was ; - , keP opnntilfi b'clockwhen the r - the last lot was disposed oK' ; - , - . .v - . ' The ere about one hundred na twenty lots sold icr an aggr J gate "amounts -of about j,, Un thousand dollars. Thii speaks WC'J f Enterprise that while these the taWi. MtM. w ' Mzr th"a Z iff'iS!! lbla sold here' last var t,Vmti and are anxious for lots for t r t , '" uuic., mcicia nouwn ID Hfch Point but a steady and oW Jrnede'mandforhometesA"ri itot home aites. Bell Property" Sold. h A ! o W. H. Ragan, executor SDht the R. J.'Bell property this mora - ing At 10 o'clock "on the remises. I The aggregate Amount of the sales of the uptown property-was $14,4 OOS." MrTTt. R. Kinir rtf firna. f boro bought the Walton farm of 42 acres for 2.ooo: '-r - . The uptown - property sold 'as follows: ' 1 k Ilome place, W. J, Armfield 15,500, Lot adjoining parsonage, J. II. .(1111, , Four buildine.lots on Railroad 1 1 v. v.. iuuch, an.sq.VI C' Jones; J5x,595 Corner Washington . snd .Centea nni r tt-.i rf. k.t '5 -.H "H.pto. f : Walton place, R, R. Kin, ;coo. M , A-Ane-iae un- furnished. rooms, corner Lindsay .ndyThnrtfn .troota Tolr-KU locaUon. . , Apply to S. AV Chand- ler.J ROCBELLE will pontine to k Potos .tintf during ' Mr. Murnhv Elected. 'l. 'Thoa, T.? Murphy vthe reeular Democratic nominee for Mayor of jureensooro, waeiecreaeveras. . . "'''', I t , .Meet, at Lexington; I traI,V attend its deliberation ' - With 0ver-i Comnanv : overall tompany. , or Mr. F." P. Gardner, who has been with W. T, Kirkman & Co. for several months,..has resigned uia ; posuion ,io accept one wun ni8h Point Overall .Co. He will i becom- hinn?7 r1f-k-fAr tt,ia fnmnv .n niti' .-w.J r- I Gardner moved his family herel fran varrinfnn ls nmmriiiiii - 1 .it... ---es a very valuable citizen. ' 'A u rr it m nnira frnnniinafl imm v - If there are any people Pofct in cloubt on the coming t' 2 cr lie it mi-rat be vrdl for tl "1 tD ro cp on North Main . -t the gradlr fr the L r I 1 '-Ten. .'c!k tean i 1 Lcrt Dr. T 3 resi c ' z c t tie i ? 1 1 lie crr- cf 1 cf the : street 1 r 13 tnder t r T!3 r rcon- 0. "ne :9 -e o r-, wmmencemeni Exercises High Point " . - trasea spnooi. - , , ' Sunday' Aoril 16th. ,t Annual sermon by Dr. H. W, Ba(- Ut, Ureen6boro, C.- ciass aay exercises. ; ; - s ,t Monday evening, May 1st, $ p. m Graduate speaking.,. -. - J x ' Tuesday,- May ?d, a.v m. - uraduate .speaking and gradna-; Tuesday; May ?d, ii a.'m.-' tfierarv. address." by Ihv !. Al- phonzo Smith; Chapel Hill; NX. O... Bridires. T)e6 Carrlrlr Chri4. tine tenora ;ainard Curtis DunnEdithTloyHaworth. X HarrlaHorney Nannie Kearns, Lucyhite Kirkman,. Thurman mnnr vmtenr m, - Montsinrer. Amanda', Bufflngton Richardson, Deborah , Lewis Sherrod. Esther "'"J omi, u Strlck Jand.:W; M r ' ', Edward S. King, High Point 'I i'V I r ASSISTANTS .1, 1 . lEraest Parlow, Tames, Hil- Hard, Penn Pickett; Leroy Briggs, Julius Homey, Walter Clinard, Lyndon Burns, Robert Gechrest, jonn uyre. - , - - .All Are cordially invited, 1 -t ; JS Proflram Sugday 11 a. m. ;. Chorus Oh Zion Blest, City- ' 1 r Msic JLovers Club Hymn-All 'Hatt the '.Power of ' Jsus Same .Congregation ayer . ' jHymn Holy,Holy-..Congregation J Scripture1 ' ".'i, s , Sermon-., i ,pr. H. W.I .Solo "O, Divine Redeemer Miss Clara Boyd PV Vf . Com Doxology Benediction 1 Commencement Exercises. ;- The hrst commencement exer 1 c'ises at the school began JMonday T " ? . wornlDff l lo:30 o'clock with the iillftwinr'nrncTBm:"'hi - 'l ttraroif. I Chaplain's Duties II Timothy J ' v.ii-wwo.ijron.a.wu IV,i-8 YAllte Gray Strickland V?euln8 orus-bchooi festival Song. .Class TTisfnrv ni PI oca . vj.'-:...: I - ' -Christine Lenora Clinard IfrAx&aB J Lucy White Kirkman . Christine' Lenora Clinard 1 AmandaBuffingtonRichardson EssayHusks manda Buffington Richardson pmy ' S1-- "'I i:-;, ' . I l 1' ' . I "s I part v did admirable and reflected 1 mach credit on the school. X X if f. t "r i iy ' " ! ,1 Graduate Speaking. . ' , So far the commencement exer- cises of the city schools have been amoD2 tbe n tDe history Of me scnooi. . .ncBuuuorium was crowaeaMonqay cvmine ior eraa uatin? . speakers, x ne toliowinsr I waf e Progm. v Chorus A Meaaow OQHg .., r,, ,, , I - 4v aslc i-oyers', t!lub - s a - M. I. ,..''. .. ix ili.i a.k... m 111 n n -Good Manners ; ' -Vallle AUca Smith ' Music V -,t " ' - j Serpents -inEden, -r.arly Education in NorlS ' m.i AVAm..f A.lat. V -a Hand Aker Armentrout -Little Things i r.nfD'r.ton Richardson Find a ay or Hake One . . Dca Carrick -VLar "Uf Avon''':',' .... "i nv Ilaworth Ic -cf Vc --"i .nan ! the -.ty t t' : Tt :cr r' ried out excellently: . T , ' ; ;'.', Presentation of Diplomas. v - j ; ' d. rWilliam PreHmltlflrlcc-PrACArt't Pn.orVo rrCSeniaUOH Ol 110168. I xa luuimau luauu tt, tE"ay-Problema of the Twentieth has been prepared: " ; " V T "1J rr, u -5 In High . r -ria nr,u tt CKSU ' , persone.and the eight persons hav-f j , A lie Gray Strickland " MLVLilheTer Jl Wre". M-J. ' Lusic , Voc i SQlopot)Dies ;, A. M. Rankin, Dr. J R. Vc!3:Lxan,fearn9, . Miss Clara Rovd W, P. Picket J.K. MM i lections were, of a high order and exceptionally well rendered. The W nd peeches reflected credit to y high degree on . the young laaies ana touiiv vmnimn : am) assembly; CO!MENCEMENT DAT. Most Successful in History of School. Although .the sharp "1 political contest in the city has kept "many of ; our. citizens busy there was a largecrowd outTuesday "morning t hear the graduating exercises at inescnooJ. t, it , . "c '""owing progi;ara was car- 2g S . -SiViIii wt nt htJt17 Vfu and fl?VSXl HZ!! 1 u J, lTi. in Ji ' Tf throogh allhe to the oth. ' fv Chorus Anvil Chorus OrationReward is Sure to .the Faithful ,WilIian G. Bridges EssayThe One Ihing Needed-. ' 1 ' . " . . Christine Lefaora Clinard Essay Southern Literature . - - I. Thurman Mann r t h , Mnsio , , , ' . PRBSBNTATION ' OF SOHOIASSHIPS " The University 1 Scholarship, The Presbyterian College SchnU I arship, Charlotte, N. C. ,' ( The EUzaech College Scholar. ship-, Chsrlotte, N. C. . , , Shorter, College- Scholarship, ome, Ga. f yj , , ; i'RESBNTATTON op BBizBsl The - J.' Elwood Cox Orato'rv Medal.' The M. J. Wrenn Essay Medal. Picket being on both tickets. -The H. A. Moffit' General Im- ' 15 provement Medal. " J The Ethel Pickett General Ex- cellence Medal. 1 J( GaADtTATlNG EXBKCISBS ' rsenwuon,or the students to theChAtrman Ofr the Soiiril'N Address to Graduates. ) .Music - Annual Literary Address by Dr. , addoiu. u. Alphonso Smith, Chapel Hill, . PlriultiM Vukii.L. . Doxolrv. - , Benediction:. ;px1zks - ,Valedictory Clinard. Christine Lenora L,n - r"::' The General Improvement Med- WVW4H - lUIU. The , Ethel Pickett Excellence Medal UhristlM T.iiioro f Hnor ' Th University Scholarship- arship Lacy White Kirkman, t snorter College Scholarship I Allie Gray Strickland, t ' - 1 The M. J. Wrenn Essay Medal T.Wrw ITirlrmfln . s - ,( - ' I The Elwood Cox Oratory Medal Yiutcui oauntsingcr. - , 1 ri.: . 1 uiu Aiumni necepuon. A im-i ' iW.-. Alnmnf Asenrtain. .'iii j. reception last night at the auditor lUm. - k It Will HO doubt he n : n. joyable occasion- In every respect, , , . . - 1 wi iiHr a vru i n iiiiirMii nnri nir nvimM m 1 miss uova. nanar' . 1 r , -j Mr. Morrow, Clarinet; Of (( . t.aar. iisneiman, violin, ("g me mgnestnumDerot votes as' 1 Address Of Welcome - -v mayor shall be declared elected to ' SJfftiS Goa Night James Oliver-. x U I , X11SS Vera IdOI 1 Address-rThe Alumnus as! a Fao I C. iu.iu uc jrmcucai ona i 1 m. W. Chase Idol Orchestra - v ' i The Enterprise k?rns that a dc i to Lave a mars, t : r' k' ::j cf : -y L...1 t" t v...i J u r c r- I t 2 i::!:c-5 : tl f ; t3 13 i" ii' I T.-i..i on.: ru. ir.: a ... . I MB. M, J. WRENN ELECTED MAYCS. Te heated coptest lor the May oralty came to a close last night and the climax of expectancy' was 1 reached at loijo o'clock: when the . judges read the result Jo the pres- ence of hundreds of pebple who; v 1. had -Waited - patlefttfy iot Xhxtt hours or more. r'i)i, T. Wrenn re ceived 288 otes and P.'N. Tate.fv -379 a majority of nine in favor f of Mr. Wrenn. ' ? , l. - ' " '(1 fl Mr.iM. J, WRENN i ' '' Yesterday Elected Mayor , of the City " - (of High Point, t ; - It was a very close race, hard, fought on both sides--so much so that late In the afternoon both sides were claiminAtoaiorItr Anvi Lx. t Zl H.' W , V T c lvuow ,s ote lor Aldermen: It will be seen" that ' Dr- J- R.'Reitzel and Vf.P. Pick- ett were the only two on the Tate (ticket who were elected. Mr' ' t . ..T ' - ' J" f,rcnn r83' ' ; " pokaubrmbn ' " ' . James M. Sechrest a6i, ? , 1 Alexander M.' Rankin 287 1st Kirkman 313, P. Pickett 537, ' 3ra 1 Dennis C Aldridee 288. ' thGuniey HKearns3i2,kV' ' U James H. Millis 300. IPOS, MAYOR ' n: 7" Frederick N. Tate 279, POK AUJlUlt .- r rst I Ju,Jns W Harris 286, I James R.- Xeitzel 309. ; ' 2dfWmiam P. Pickett, 537 Oscar N Richardson 274. , I William fJ. Herndnn ' Aid : inenrykw, ifraser, 288. Albert J. Dodamead 250., J Dr. McAnally and S. t. Davis received one vote each for mayor. , ATIeVote When the votes for Aldermen in K- tne it Ward were couhted it . was found that Mr. T. W. Harris and Capt A. M. Rankin had tied. Under the charter the iudeeS 'set- tied the onpstfrm Tv ha lint ru.n' ln8 vor of Capt. Rankin. The ' " iunumuj ia pcvuun A3J unaer wnicn me marts notir . " .ine persons an equal number of votes between ., any two or more having the largest : number, of votes, or if, of the per ¬ sons voted lor as Aldermen.. thr ' uvmm uivu lui aa aiuri mrii iiara- shall be an eaual ntimW ni uciwccu iwv wr moro 01 ine Aiaer- . m ' ... - snau oe ueciarea elected aitiermAn ' said city, and the person receiv-. such office.''. ; '', -'- x Mamkaaa C 4h. at... T!.. 1 . ... .w,T .jm- w.. ww v. Ml. Ibl.l Reitiel. t. Kirkman. TA 1 Aldrldge, Dr. J. A. Turner. . T. s . wiiiis, w, ja. jearns, Alder- ' men. 1" 4 J ? t . i .... r A' 4 3 t unaer tee law tier "vlyt::-;i -1 ir.::tt. t-x Iny i-Cv'.Iar ia Board of Aldermen t t".j r-rr-iy te.r.-ia et tl -1 . I' :1 - ii."tiy---,'V'