I 5 t, Kd at tie D iiLTe is a quality m Baking Powder vhich jnakes i the food more digestible'and ; ' wholesome. This peculiarity of Royal; has been noted byN , physicians, and theyaccord- j singly endorse and recom- ; , i ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Ara Ton Deaff Than Bead Below I was very deaf la my- left' eat, caused by catarrh.' Had fourteen dlHerent doctors to examine and treat me. , Found no relief. .Have nsed "CacterineV .three days and can now hear my clock , tick, .1 My head Is clearer, my voice stronger, and I feel benefited otherwise. -Jerome Badgey,- W. i8th St , Csr-lll's i Gslvol For FCas Cuma Sores , . ' Y Bavaa Two Item Death. , , "Our little daughter ban an almost fa tal attack of whooping cough and . bron chitis." trtites Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of Armonk, N. "but, when all other remedies failed, "we saved her life with " Dr. King's New- Discovery. . Oar niece, who had consumption in an advanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine f and to-day she U perfectly well." Des- , perate throat and hug diseases yield to Dr. King's New Dicovely as to no other medicine on earth, Infalible for coughs and colds, 50c. and $1.00 bottles guar anteed by Geo. A. Matton. Trial bottles free. i t 'if ; V o " . , - ,,, - , Goatfs' Pneumonia Gure 1 ' External for Croup, Sore Throat, all Pains in Chest, Lungs and Muscles 1 Taatlaaony oi Min - Rev. no. S, Cnx, of Wake, Ark., writes, "For la years I suffered from Yellow Jaundice. I consulted a number of physicians and tried alt sor a of med- icines, but got no relief.. Then ! I egan the use of Electric Bitters and feel that ;.,I am now cured of a disease that had me in its grasp for twelve years." '-Jf yo-i want a reliable medicine for liver and kidney trouble, stomach r isorder or general debil.ty, get Electric Bitters. It's guaranteed by Geo. A Matton. Quly 50c: ',' 9100; D-- Hi. rJeothmj'a Antt-CnTt may be worth to yon more than jioo if . you have child who" soils bedding fro . incontinence of water during sleep. Cure old and young) alike. It arrests the trouble at once. ' Jti. ' Sold by Geo., A, Matton Druggist, High J'oint, N. C. fri " t.:..'.1 : " - - 1 , kLe Kind Ton nave Always EocLt, and which ha. beca la use for over 30 years, lias borne the signature cf : - ' ' and has been made under Lis per- ' ' tZjCfffl?!? ' 8nai sapervisiou Einde its Infancy. tf ft 4'CUCA44j Allow no one to deceive yon 1 1 -All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jnst-as-ooil" are L.:S ' Hxpenments that trifle with and endanger t! e Lcaltli of ; ' Inf-,s.t3 and ChildrenExperience 'asusi, Eiycriaada. ' C IztiA m harmless suLclIitite far C. ' ..rlc, Crops and EootLir-; Crcps. IS Li crt&L neither Oioni, llcrpLiae t tr t! r.:.' -ia. -9. Its I-? lit guarantee. 1 li i 1 il' j TeverLLiicEi. ' It cures T" tl C " li iv'-'evca TeclLL-j Trr ' , - i r . ' , t . m , - t VI f" Are Tou Troubled with Aattuna :J ' 228 West 41st St., N. Y. -' 1 Fof iS months I sufiered fear fully. Eight doctors treated, me and pronounced my trouble bron chial asthma. I could not lie down to sleep' at, night because , of the , choking sensations.' Many, times it seemed I'd choke to death. "Cacterlne' has cured me of this trouble. My smell was gone and is returning. ' I cannot say enough for 'Cacterlne, , Mrs. Maggie Randal. Fox sale by Geo. Matton, Six Relief In Hours. ' Distressing Kidney and liver Dis ease relieved in six hours -by. "Naw Great Sooth American Ktdnuy Cijrs." It is a great surprise on account of, its exceeding promptnt tin relieving pain in bladder, kidneysead back, in male or female. : Relieves retention .tf water almost immediately. -If you want quick relief laid cure this is the remedy. Sold by-Geo.iA. Matton Druggist, High Point, N. C. lH S'',-&r . A-" ,-vrV f m" OUmavlo Onrea. "j . The influence of 'climatic' coddltions in the cure f consumption is Very much overdrawn. The poor 'patient, and the rich patient,' too, can do much better at ho'i e by proper attention to food diges tion, and a regular use of German Syrup. Free expectoration in the morning sa made certain by German Syrup, so is i good night's rest and the absencs of t that weakening cough and debilitating night sweat. Restless nights and the exhaus tion due to coughing, the greatest danger .and dread of the consumptive, can be prevented or stopped by taking German Svrup literally and regularly," . Should vou be able to tro to a warmer rlim - vrm will find that of the thousands of con- snmtives there, the few who are benefited and regain strength are those who Use German byrup. - inal bott es. 35c; legu lar size, 75c. ,.W. A. Ring. 7 - ' D rs. A S C Royal a widow at t j land ' ccELxil'..-1 t .. prabled away l.j f , w. Lrought him 3,C"0 a ; r. r. "countess is said, to 1 6 h' - ' fortune of SO,CCO, but t ' .j t other claimants to the r, lie has- already spent ' vi . ; 1,000 in law costs. Ueir j a of. energy, she etarted a drc . ing establishment, in which ts t ployed twenty girls, heundcii 1 mg was not a financial succr z, t she gave it up. In her laundry e" employs only two or tire8 woirsc and, though she does not 'do tl actual washing she ; helps ,in ti". ironing and jn delivering the linea to her customers. .Exchange. -. . vJr wv, ; - - - 1 Red Tap at Mount Vernon. .5 !fyears ago,"- said Henry McErl I was fond of a pilgrimage ' to Mount Vernon, and many a time I journeyed there to revel in the beau ty of the old place, so rich in hattor- icai associations. ,'Today Mount Vernon isn't half as enjoyable as it was in 'earlier times, The 'air of red tape, of cere mony and convention prevails now to such an extent that it robs one of half the- pleasure of his visit..-' A man is not even allowed to smoke a agar W the grounds, and he must t confine himself to such a rigid pro gramme that he is all the whil alarmed lest he may be called down. lor violating 1 some '.rule. Maybe these things are necessary, but some how it grates on those of us who re-' call the period when people could go, there and find no such restric tions as exist at present" Wash ington Post. . 4 " ' , , , r A . r -j, 1 1 , i.,, i,.. jU . , Passing of the Veterans. -Grant -was a general So were Hayes and Garfield and .Harrison.' McKinley was1 a major; i Since An drew Johnson all the presidents, ex cept Arthur and Cleveland, down to Roosevelt, were soldiers of the civil war. ! McKinley was the lastf vThe civil yar veteran has passed from the president's office to return, np more. Senator Bate was' perhaps the last of the old Confederates in the senate from Tennessee. He is also the last of the -old Bchool of southern gentlemen who link the past with the- present. Turney was the last Confederate to serve as gov ernor. 'Itis- doubtful , whether an other old Confederate will be elect ed governor, senator or representa tiveNashville American. -,: hi '' .";. nr.... ii f ' . . -i . .i.'ii H''"t'it ''i ' " An' Indoor Snowstorm.' " ,' The past winter was a cold one," said the laundress. -""In our laundry it actually snowed indoors oUeday.' ' "The laundry was hot and full .of steam at .the time.. The moist, heavy air would have registered, I fancy, more than 90 degrees. All of a Sud- ucii Buiue uu upeueu due wiub -uoura and in there rushed great volumes of pure, dry air that registered only a little Over zero. 1 , , ,' "The result of ttiis" sudden cold was that the steam in the laundry froze suddenly and descended on us girls in big, soft, white flakes. - -." ' wAn indoor snowstorm !- we shrieked.' , 'An indoor snowstorm!' . '.'It' was indeed a pretty and rare, sight." Philadelphia Bulletin. rM r- "X; v Imitation Hans' Eggs. . It is stated that a Paris chemist has-succeeded in producing a passa ble artificial imitation of a hen s egg. The shell is made -with a blowpipe from' a moist combination of lime and bismuth.' The white of the egg' is made of sulphur carbon and beef fat, and the yolkas composed of a mixture of beef blood and magnesia, colored with chrome yellow. It does not sound very enticing, but as the new eggs will doubtless arrive here before long people will be able to judge of their merits for themselves if they can muster up courage to taste one. London CloLe. , 1 " h"r. Chaw C a t f "arch.-- r The Lft;;l i ,'nll L Press has secured P. . 1 knorn T'oi' . i the .well ht, Bi a ovaii'r stir a. cont i !. I - 'S 1 Atlanta, t . 4 V 11 - I I a i ' -"r II i:y. youn V 2 t -1 1- 1 1 j 3V 1 1m tlo . il!.' 7x BJlJf "tr.i tll!'' tnd CV 1 i 7 r-n,t t3 i -a : . iv' "I L-urd i.i i s Ii6d ly F0V91. 1 cf ! L-iun.Ii, I sunt fur a bottle 1 v 'certain' very pleased wilh , reeuILj, "WiJJa tliree . Lys i eY' Vita returned and my stomp, t'uullod me no more. " I cot' ' pA my foodwiihont dUScu' f 1 Co nervousnemt grad.v,' t. jiiuLed. ITature 1 peif-'rr 1 r functions' without d!2'.-;i.' s 1 1 am once more a harry -.1 woman. - TroMk, jtt anta Friday Kht C! " f ;::3 a r:lrr :::jc icfC-r: IT.' The lnteUrban. Mr. H.TS. 0.-;Bryant, Wfcing to the Charlotte Observer; says; ' .:, "TheHigh Point , Inter-Urban Railway. Company is the name, of tne concern that proposes to build an electric line from here to High 'The: distatce . froni Winston- Salem to High Point by the South ern Railway, via -Greensboro. , is forty-three miles, but , the direct route.which the electric car would go,, is only' twenty miles.' There would be a saving- of $2.40 cents each trip south. The promoters claim that the people of this city would, give - enough in . railroad fares and hotel bills in a year to pay tne entire oond . issue,- i be trolley line would put Winston in direct touch . with . the outside world,' for when the cars, are in operation an hourly schedule - will be maintained. . . , "On the, 2d day of May. Winston township will vote on bonds lor the road," and the proposition seems to be a fair one, for the company of fers ,to invest $to- tp, every jfi, in vested by , the township, '.making the sum for the "township $37,500, the bonds not to be delivered until the' road is complete and in Operation.-' - ',," v "The men behind this movement are: of the right kind of stuff to make ft goo' They say that It will pay; other roads, although not so favorably located, are paying The location as relative to High Point; Winston and Salem is most con venient and the road offers .better advantages and. promises better re sults than almost any other road in the Souths -"The road will run through a fine farming 1' section including portions of Uuiiford and Forsyth bounties. The talk of building the road has encnanced tne value of and along the line Great quan tities pf . wheat, ' corn and ' other crops .'are grown In the territory sacent to the survey line of the pre posed "road, and with the road ij operation truck farms would row and flourish., . "High T'zt ani V7it !on-Ga-5 ere two cfirrifj Crcli-a's : t 1 " rr3 f.;U c 1 ,. - rc:3 :c . to . ns. y crjivi;.ts 7 re n. An rcct them . r:' j ,ia ' le- o li ef tj llr.j t 1 'l : ft' 1 ..... '" : '-" "J'"' " For prelection r.l:.l tl.j 1. i I res!: cf -,' V Lest and neatett Cs-vicv3 luifj. . , 1. e lve u II . f.?.nortmnnt of Etyles faaJ by, tl ; - '-r;:,3ot t'JaI..i. inons watch chrbs, which is tj,,..' t i cf qaal!.y. . HIGH POINT, IT, C. . "'r5" 'I ' ' ' J ft M . S;-promptnessi -the fafmer i bW: -: : . . ; ' We can make it easy-lor you, call - v Rotbroc y.Mtim and C&attancca Ploirji ancL keep the best Reapers,; Bind-. ; . "4 iigh Point Harfc;ro CdgpDij a-A .- aW 4 1 - ll'O I ... ,. . r- f i f f. . . S V..I J A..1 . . : I i. . C r ( i h .1 .: '1 . ' .a . --a -1 - ri : ?vVHohesttn;vi.cV r . TO LOOK WELL - , ! - lovely women require k lot of little fix- , i .-' ings that most men know but little about ' ' ' The" drug man, however, who caters to ' . -, fashionable trade knows all these littte " belongings and accessories needed by ' Jt ' , womankind. ..,-"..,.. - ' WE ARB THE PEOPIBt - you can get tiiein from, and at popular - piices. All the powders, perfumes, tnaa- icure sets and whatever else is necessary to make you pretty, we've gt them.; -, Come in, please, and buy a few.

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