IT. C. WEDITEgPAY, MAY 101005. h."jCl srverrc , i. t niesse early ,cfV Urlt: i , va,, 3 tf tl r . a J ;t-!! .r ia r-1 y frt cut ,. -ry V7,A, , cf -hz .'L.rr, C'.ia. ;.l J ; r' .'ta' t; to the pre- ... - " - a r, 8B.1 r.r.lti t . vote 1 to thepro- , . u ! ct tre coavcu- t'V ' ..lia tfc-csrs.-sUoctl-a , i.i-ndff n; ' ' : '. fctc Oa k' ' jr, 3 ic'.b.we will go from si; to I.aid, J-,niJ to .uawtuu, , t-. OAlihoma City. inter . .... . p-rh cf these places, - ':y r. Ill t e -1" ea frci Ck- 'if ss ha. C T J- t f . ::-.v 6. John -, ::.v.,f i , cf Al;x- l I i yes- J:La L. rr;i tt, cl:rk of : i ' 't court,, it. I r.rocurL'2 .1 tl tcne cf -Hev. Thoraas C Icll, "".stor of the tap- t " rCh v .3 ic-chf i.' TL2 ' 1 3 ::'2 : ;i;c:-storet-ra ; ia I .'ivilw s usual . v! v - ... . 5 liautuih "T.suira Ee'anett,' do you take tV-.mia to be your lawful has Lr .-?" a-hed Mr. Campbell. ; "Ily came isn't Bennett," re tl; f.: 1 Tt la i er to a query by t st 2:05 o'clock ttlSESOI ;'r. M&hl:,- tea D 1 F- 3. who r:a at tie reslienc i j : ill live; tbat Lis death-v . tv it txaie -. taomeatarny - The Ecterprise receivetfa. tel arrdndayafternoon anaounci. f dsath of llr. Washiagton JL)u 2 o'clock. ?'r. Take was peilaps the tnc jcescfall bnslners i.:an the Sta' 1 3 ever prepuce .. lgiant , t sineei ia a r-.odest way he ,1a! the f;-.'adatioa cf vs! t Is now tr . American Tobacco Co. in which the Dnke family is interested ,. to "the , extent, of , $100,000,000, pos- soy. , , -a ,-, .i .- , , . Cr 'II f '"'"IT i- ' " plied the yoang lady. "It's Dea , LESS THAN $203. , , ' ' Li3.' T ( ' ' V - ' ' 'The loss by fire at Kearas Fur- aiture Co was less than $20d.' The raiised from fine dust on the rafters in the boiler -room. These wooden rafters, nave een replaced with iron. ' -V '; ' 1 u h as ; 1 .tlT , The minister adjusted his glass- aad scrutinized the license care ii Kf th name 'Laura Een- luiij, " a " V ' nett" was there in black ana nicotine man admitted that. tip.' was verv much excited and confessed that the mistake' was prct ably his own It was-nnauy A Ae& to let the ceremony go On, l r -Y?. itbstanding the mistake in IL.ace. r L: At 2 r 1 t c t: : La GEN. LEES 1-Uiwu.u c :t r 5s t evt z tor 1 t' -tr" ' t c VcrTu;ry, Vi Iti: T also " j-ee. JLeave c". , a r - ' Te xas. It is desired to tsva t' 3 entire party take the Te-:-s trip, jsntertamijeui wui ar.1 Can Antonio, the letter city v - ---v' mi V f t1i cicst hL'.cria a&a TTorthwest. . Oar o 1 Texas! frknd3 have never i " 1 to do the handsome oy tne N. E. A., and this occasion will . ' A farther t.j is planned to Cal if -tia', 83 uarycftle nrty as ' 'a tot:V2 It a C ca f rc . 1 Can r -i f ad. a -j ly v ay 1. 1 .1 c'a to r:rt 1 An Th?cr.2f Attended . the Services in Richmond ,v Yectcxday Aticrncon. ORlnhmond. Va:. May .4The The fuaeral of Gen.; tee was held it St. Paul's church at 1 o'clock day. "An immense assemblage attended.. Rt. Rev. Kanf.oipn, rufcnn nf Southern Virginia, " of5 Hated, assisted' by Rev. Beverly N A Tucker, of Norfolk, Revs, Ian don Mason, and " E. E. Barnell of this city. The church seats 1, 000, Km t least four times this many sot-ffht admission. For a block in front of the church men, women and. children were massed. The rtnrch pillars were : draped in tlic'c vcrepe in frost. Illlitary 1 t v ere Elowa the soldier ana Js fjlowei to the ceme t rv. A tuarea carnagt wvic , V ar.l nany private resi c;accs were uii tu u J.W.CniDLE3AUCHDEAD. The ' remains of Ti :W? Cddle bough, son of Thos Cridlebough, arrived here from Salisbury sun day onjthe noon Strain. , Just a week o he was taken to , Stokes Hospital for an operation but we learn his case was found to be hope- len when he arrived and the oper- .iU4 was not doneu "' The remains were conveyed to the home of his father; j miles: from High Poiat. Spring Term of C.-9V.':-.k Convened This r.crrk.;j. . Judge Peebles opened a oae week's term Of Guiiiord Superior Court this morning for the trial of criminal cases aJone " There is more work than he can complete unless he has good luck, there be- tag 189 cAses on tne aocicei wis morning, with sixty-two prisoners in jail. , The only real important case is that , against the men for arson in burning Isaac Stanley's barn-. One ot the men ha con fessed, bttt it is probable this will cause a harder fight., There are fty cases of retailing to be heard, f teen of the defendants being in il i t j " j r 1 K 'i ( 4 j. 1 ' W.J. Stafford, of Oak Ridge, was apoointed , loreman 01 me rand jury. - . TViA ohurtre nf Tud?e Peebles was Lrief yet a clear aad forceful dis course 00 criminal daw. ,; ine ,aay aas oeen copsumcu , m lcviyiwg, submissions and In disppsing of a number of trivial cases.1 '?" '. ' Solicitor Brooks , as receiver lor the estate of te late Capt. B. J. Fisher, reported that an offer of $100,000 had. been made by Jas, F.- Jordan for $6 acres ot ouuaing lota in; the northern .part1 of the city. Judge Peebles announced that the sale wotild not be con firmed before -Wednesday, ' waiting to see if a better bid wili be made. 4 R. F. , Daltou went to Montgom ery county yesterday to close' a deal for Snow Lumber Co,, for 12,000,006 feet of sawed" lumber. There .will, in all probability be 15,000,000 feet. It must be deliv ered in 3 years for -which Snow Lumber Company ;will pay $150, This is one of the biggest .tacts for lumber, ever. made in thef State.'-. vV'.,. , ,t Si QUESTION OF: PUN- 1 Tlirectot Hackettof the peni tentiary bwaroy says . ;that; unless thero iq a finance in ine vwkv prevailing in many counties of re taining the able-bodied convicts for work' on. the publics roads and sending tne pony ones iy me pu it will onlv be a short time before that institution will be a burden to the tax payers instead nf at nresent beinz conducted at a pront to the state, uiuae.ns convicts now connnea m iiiycai- tentiary proper nere, 75 per cem. or a nnt nhlft to work and the. per centage of the dependent convicts Is increasing all thetlme.7, . C "Lr.TAIIHOATH. , ;";y 4. The eld t to t' 1 r .'Tn1in Archer, the ne?ro --inan who brcke into J.; . A. Clinard's store ia February, was tried today and sentenced to 9 years anor 11 aiontus on tne county ius. Clonus rd Ilirrcr Works is mak- j ,rDver:etits at the f lanu 1 1 e ' t c 1 the T Icta read. . --h rf r ' Ibi c";a the -: ' i ii t' 1 rlsrt tf Titts. c ' 1 Co. te r ' t on ... ..... . . 1 : ; rt's tiachL :ry i 1 a week - . ,-- . 1 w -3 c-a'" '.?The - ' 1 I 3 T " :xis , f 1 t . 3 to r ' a 3 iue . :re . he JUNIUS' CRIDLEBAUGH. 1 Junius Nees Cridlebaugh, sonof was born Feb. 27, 1882? died May 6th, 1905; aged 23 years, z montns and 6 days, He made a profession of faith in Christ at Mt. Pleasant Methodist church several years ntrft. and it was his dving rearret that he had' nor been baptised and thus reclved into the cnurcn. 1 ne funeral services were attenedd by a. large crowd from the surround ing country. - - Rev J. M,' Hilliard, whb was present tells the Enter prise, that it was one of the larg est funerals he has witnessed in some time. " .v,- TWO COLUMNS ; ' , OF HORSESHOES w In the town of Fort Collins, dot. r - the village blacksmith has created curious .but very , appropriate SIZU. in tact, k xepresenw . wi only Li3 industry but the 1 many yesrsia which he. has Deen en- tiiait. HOIOR ROLLS , , VEAKtY HOJSOR ROXt r "Student! who have -been on the monthly honor roll for the, year are: -'H i t"?. j'i ?.,- . Dolly Gordy, 7th grade; MatUe Montsinger, 1st grade, : and Cleo Raper, lower 4th. K.f 'A$A-bW : Those who liave been present every day during the year with' hp tar dies tte:':Vt? l'-hUt' h Grace Field, Dolly Gordy, Ruby Snow.' i Clyde. Cummings.v John Farlow, Anna Hoffman, Anna Bell King, ; John : Richardson, Cleo Raper, Joseph Reece, Skiles Hoff man,, Sallie Jones, Leona Muse, Gail White, Oryille' Montsinger, Paul Gibson, Sue Farlow. . , mhoo.oU, m 3D--28TH ." Ninth Grade Thurman Mann. Eight Grade Sue Farlow, Ha Hedgeeock, Berta Kirkman, Edr ward King. ' '-' ,y'-''' J'$ Seventn Uraae uamie. moorc, Dolly Gordy, Ruby Snow.Gurney Briggs,-v ' ' -i! ' - '' " ' y"" sivtli ttrade fAlMattie Allen, Viola:.Boyles,Tpne Brown Berta Lindsay, Linme Mann. i'ioy.ouer, Marguerite Walker,' Archie Sher- Fifth Grade-v Henry . Sherrod, ttat vsrhite. Rnht. Parker. ' " . .' r nun' Tfnnrth Cleo Rsber. Ada White, Gladys Ritter.May Leach, -Randall Mann.' Toseoh Reece.John Richardson, Gurney Reece, Oscar Richardson, Franklin Smith., , Third Grade--Norma Garner, Almyra' Brown, .. ; ' ' . it- Higher SecondMilton Barker, Bunard Pnnn, Glenn Muse, ChaS, Reddiu'g,?. Oficar Smithr Agnes Bunjjke, Lola Lambert(Lula Lyn don, Hittie Rickle, Sari Richard- son. f'"-'- -"i' r ':; Lower SecondMartha Hutch ins, Mattie Shields, IJatoHe Worn ble, Glenn Ward, Lee Ellington, VT1lJa Mortirt . i ', ' ; , ., Advanced First Grade Everett Marshy Wilbur tr,icKiana, wiy Gbrdv,; Ruth Montsinger, Frances Mann," Louise Keltzei.Kuin omiiu Edna Wall., Annie Mae Walker, Marv White. ' Marv Alice Tate, BeuIaU Winfrey Ida"Harris, -Troy bis rule over all mankind, it docs not follow that all men shouia tai.8 , tha voke noon themselves. When , - reason becomes dethroned, men - are misled.' Success, does not , always respond to, the ' ambitious, ) , rirrmnqtanftes of onr heroes." All ' person do' tiot admire the same things. - li you nave a wouna mai plants and roots won't cure,- call in f a Poctor; f not , ot (Uivinuy.i Wher one wilfully winks', at hisVj is right, and proper that , his friends should, inquire inter his vices in return.' , . . ; ' We are arrived at the ' highest nitrh of . success In municipal f ' the people a govern-, ment traugnt witn a uestre to aeai ,. ,, justiy and economically. , , ' perceive we have no baudy houses, and greasy taverns, (which " are a menace to good government) , neither will we have v during this , administration. , Defeat can fiiid no refuge- WRENN EXECUTIVE COM. E. A.-iWiles, of in the city today. ' ' C ) , ,s ' Roy Snow ias returned from an CAKUUVW ww v iThe mad dog scare has broken MMt in flrppnshoro. The Telegram says that several people were bit- ten there yesteroay Dy mw uuga. The Enterprise ,trusts tnat tae RnarA of Aldermen of High Point will enact a law tidding the streets of all dogs. ?i'V' A CARD. Ca either side of the entrance to tie i" ;p are pillars, which rise 1 f set above the roof,. From a C ' ;.ce they resemoie oox trees . i' -tranches .'closely cut, to ,1,11 :m an ornamental appear a. . As a matter of fact the col- composed of discarded .3. As - each is fully t ia he5;ht and five feet . t;r, a f :!-t conception . Ma!-cl cf tl; immense t t" :"j 1 ia'cea ; . r c 'a column r I- T j i -.-3 cr? ; To Vip Citiiens 6t HIeh Point lnr 111 Dep.! Mr. Barbv has seen proper to criticise, a reply becomes w It 'was the purpose of the victors to have a torch lignt proceaawu .' ''-'".'-i.'..'.'fcr. j-i,.j..i.h.. .J.v1.f. and, grana raiiy wuneoujr tUo wisp anions said no. : If Mr. Bagby will make diligent inquiries h will Ascertain the fact that the rofnt and humiliating scenes CoTwhich he complains) at our city primary, were concoivcu m'i hv some ' crominent members of his congregation who were Mr. Tate's trienas. , a mem M the Friend's Church (a Tate man 1 ! Did "We will have the primary at all hazards' or words to that effect. The wisest states ..n.i'all. learned, tthiloSOpheTs: since the memory of man runneth not to the contrary; have advo-,-1 .ratiou of Church from C'te,:i e, rcI!ioa from politics, T-""-'-!i. the author 0 ;;ViRE-UNIONJETERANS;;tC:r-:,' v mere wi oe a great re-union -of ex-Confederates at Greensboro Wednesday; May ro. , . ; .The 'Guilford -Chapter, North ' ) ' Carolina division Daughters of. ,litt.r!PAitfA0..w'.:.,,anfinnTii.Ati',.'ltll.V',.:'i..i following program for the memo rial exercises, May 10th, of this J year. ' me eaercises war begin, ; -.f promptly at ten o'clock The vet erans are requested to meet at the ' ,f county court house at b a. tn., .: . where-' each will be supplied - with - it unugc uc iauuicia wu. week, , 1 at tne city nail at 9 a. m, snarp. , : All .i,Daugbters"rvisiting in the , , city are cordially invited to. meet the Chapter ' at above time and place 'and - participate , With the ' Guilford Chapter in the memorial ' day ceremonies. , '' , ' All "Daughters" are requested to . wear . colors and wili go in a body to- TjbeGrand'.and .occupy the . boxes assingned them. The child reri of the Confederacy will act as ushers at the Grand. ,;. Miss Kirk- " ! land, of the State Normal College, will be chief. The Gate City Band ' will be in attendance at The Grand and render appropriate selectioas while all are assembling. . v 'k i. 1 nf nrrwpcoinn twin tnrm or thn . county courthouse. ? . C.,; ':' After the conclusion of exercises " ' tne procession will torm ana proceed to Green Hill Cemetery to the Confederate monument m the iol- ;. Marshals, Band, ex-Confederate ' Soldiers. Sneaker's Carnaee. OI-, hcers ot uuutord Chapter, Mascot. mut) muss xviargaret oroanax,ijaie ; VJityuuaras, ureenshoro Jflre Ue- p.artmeat, 1 Confederate .Float,- ;. ni i t 1 i ' 1 - will be as follows; ' , , 'Pravpr hv OVinnlain . salute; uate city uuaras. ' TlirnraHfin fif th Orntrpa. -' i to court' hnnse souar. where n - ' luncheon- win be served : to ; the veterans and 1 their ' customary smoker indulged in. , ' - , t , ' A3 inis is levai uuiiaav iuccuiv.. - places. of business will be closed. during the ceremonies, and every . one is invited to oarticirate. v . ' a 1 ly t (ft 5 1 t' S rsc TTn!A-1 rules ccnstitutlon, vrcj.t- i , t' i sas: .read that .1 ct!,! tu. it" s whJa cf tl- -a with tl; CI ur:1! and C; 1 3 tl 2 m -'; J " --t c 1 re ci. 1 ss( a t r . . a t c f tl lb .: 5 t rr-I- J. s : ; lt!l t :l;.v .: tl -t ! ' I c- BOARD CF ALCER:.:EM.e(! The Board met last ni?ht at the' Mayor's office with a 1 full atten dance.' There were many appll-',' cations for offices at ,the disposal ' 01 tne lioara. - Jinese were gone over and filed but no action taken. '.' Action was taken on some matters ' pertairlng to hcFpital, water p!p- ing etc. , The Uoard adjocrced to 1 meet again Monday night. tj:: LCT SALE. Tte ITathsal Unity Co. is condactSrj a ;acceufal tt-.i c ' ! on the Trrrs f rc-erty ia the ti em rart cf lis tarra. Up t" 12 .; t. e f-ls t"zz'J. ItJt . . T: j . pikes : - 1 " 'TV-, r ' - ' o'c: