6 V L-Jc-EiocKC t :;With ;R6yal Baking Powder-there is . -l ;y no'mixing with the haridyno sweat of y; i -'S " the browV Perfect cleaaHn'ess, greatest; " v : ; :v facility, sweet, clean, healthful food; .J V Full instructions in the "Roy af Baker "and Pastry Coolc, : -f,; ;. i bdok for making all ; kinds ; of Hbread, biscuit" and. cake 7 V'V- with Royal; Baking Powder.. -Gratis to - any ' address! ; . ' r , . , -. i- ' ? ' ' " ' i ' ' tf" ? Vs, ' , anvil, fUKINO POWDEft CO.i 100 WILLIAM T NEW YORK, V ..".. - Ax Ton Th BmA Baiow sk-.. - A..t 1 ... lAff - r.: caused by catarrh. 'Had fourteen different doctors to examine and treat me. Found no Relief . , Have ? used "Cacterine" three days and ' can now hear my clock tick. My head IS clearer, my voice stronger, and I feel benefited otherwise. Jerome Badgey, 436 W. 18th St., i DolVllVs SKSJ Solve For PUea Burns Soros. " -" 1 , ' - '' S " ST Two From Death. ' 'Onr httle daughter ban an almost fa ; tal attack of whooping cough and bron ..' cbitis." urites Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of .Armonk, N. V-,' "but, when aU other , , remedies failed, we saved her We, wtth Dr. King's New Discovery. Onr niece, r,i wh had consumption in an advanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine perate throat and tang diseases yield to &. King's New Discovely as to no other medicine on earth, i Infafible for coughs and colds 50c and $1.00 bottles guar anteed by Geo. A. Matton. Trial bottles free. Gowan's Pneumonia Cre External for Croup, Sdre Throat, all Pains in. Chest, Lungs and . Muscles ' ' . . '- Kev, Jno. S. 0x. of Wake Ark wri es, "For 1? years I suffered from Yellow Jaundi-e. I consulted a number of physwiaus and tried til sor s of med icines, but got no relief. . Then I egn the use of Electric Bitters" and feel that I in now cured of a disease hat had me in its giasp fornwelve-years.r If jo'i want a -reliable medicine for liver and kidney trouble, stomach isorder or general debU ty, get Electric Bitters. It's guaranteed by Geo. A Matton, Only 50c. $100, ! K. Doh(i, AntrPtiT"t ' may be worth to you more than $100 if you have a child who soils bedding fro ' uicontiiience of water during sleep. Cure alike. It arrests th trouble at once. i ' Sold by fo. . I Mattjn, Druggist, High roiat, N. C ft) 1 , N ' ' (n-i', 1 ,a v ' IT ; TfiA TTInrl Vmi TToxm Alnrava ia use for over 80, years, . - - - . ana Has oeen maae unaer ju- i jti-tJjrf-f-j1- . . sorial gtiperv Lion eince its Lrry. 1 1 ;AU Connterfelts, Imitations L.'.- iiTnnFTTnniiT.H ijihl iti. .-n w at, wiiatVio :CAG'rc::: v V jV;' y ' Castorla Is a harmlesa autst" 1 f.. '' mdi. T)rons and SoOtfclr.-? Ext : ' contains neither Opium, Ilor: " . . . aubstan.ee; Its sre is its gxar 1 lind allays jTeverishness. . It-c. . Colic. It reevea TeetLr? Tr - aiKl Flatulency. It ezJ"r.S ' ? . ' nLe CSZlxcrSa I r : C' f r :. " t : t ' . '228' XTest 41st St N. Y For" 18 months I sofiered fear fnlly. Eight, doctors treated ? me and pronounced my trouble bron chial asthma. I could not He down to sleep at night because of the choking; sensations.' 5 Many, times i mH TM : choke f to ; death. "Cacterine has cure4 me of this trouble. - My swell was gone ana is returning. I cannot say enough for 'Cacterine." Mrs. Maggie Randal. For sale by Geo. Matton. Six Relief In Hours. 7 Distressing ' Kidney and liver Dis ease relieved in six hours by "Nkw Great Sooth Amkmcan Kidney Core." It is a great surprise on account Of its exceeding promptm , 1 in relieving pain in," bladder, kidneys tjni back, in male or female Relieves,. retentibn rf water-almost immediately.. If you want 'quick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by Geo. A. Matton Druggist, Jligh Point, N. C. , - v i ' 1 r V I . - ' " The influence of climatic coddltions in the cure t consumption ia very much Mrarrlram ' Th mnr Tiatlent. and the Tich patient, too, can do much better at ho e by proper attention to food diges- tion, ana a regular use w vrcrumn ayi up. Free expectoration in the morning ' sa made certain' by German Syrup, so iS i good night's test and the absencs of that weakening cough and debilitating night imt Rmttnu nights and the exhaust fon due to coughing, the greatest ilanger ana areaa 01 ine consuinpiivc, inu w prevented or stopped by taking German lihM-allv, HtiA remilarlv. Should vein be able to go to a Aarmer clime, you win una tnat 01 xne .mousauus 01 ran sututives there, the few who are benefited ami regain strength are those, s who use German Syrup. Trial bolt e 25c; regu lar size, 75c. WA' Ring; ; ? A s 1 .! D n. t ... J '1 Ttnn" - TiTi. fl.T.1"Wr.trTl f-.-ia t.Eri has borne t!ie e!?nature cf ana "Just-C3-gooj." ere .. j a a niau. o& tv v w.- j. it is : . is 1 cli iroi-;',. end of tlss t. . swath 100 yj - .'i ia w L1. its entire lc-f . G. as u pie did at midr" t, til f were caught without a warninsr. A heavy raia t.. ceeded the. wind. - Wl : 't broke over the town it four 3 tfce entire 'popolatijn in a state cf panio.t. Business was entirely sus pended and every one who escaped iniurv turned his attention toward aiding he wounded. V' T.'k'A. CONVENTION. ' ,-.Mr,' Chas. 'F.Tomhnson is one of the delegates to the Travelers' Protective Association, whlph meets in Savannah May 15, There will be a large number of delegates from the states Up to this date thev following will attend from North Carolina: 4 - ;Mr, and Mrs. Walter R. Leak, Mr.'and Mrs. B, H .Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. H, C. Kerner, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. 4 Normap, of Winston Salem; Mr. a .d Mrs. Geo. W, Pritchett. Mr, C. C; McLean, Mr D. A. Hodgin, Mr. W. F. Diffee, Mr. H. Hi Hopkins, Col. Al Fair hmthor: of Qreeusboro: Mr Chas. F, Tomlinson, .High Point; Hit. Charles G, Lee, Mr, .Jtv tt. "age, MriR.J . Woodcock' Asheville; Ur and Mrs' A. Deadwvler.; of Raleiirh. Mr. - and- Mrs.' T. H. Thompson, of Wilmington. - V IT , WAS VERY GOOD;, nr,hflrerta.innient atlthe audU toriulmWedajsdty by MissQDanitl given under the auspicies ,oi,.tne Woman's Christian, Temperance Un'on was one of the vbest of that character ever given here, t The weather was very inclement but notwithstanding tuts inere j were about 150 people in tne auaience, Miss O' Daniel's selection in recit ation and "music were of a high order and exceptionally well ren dered.' 1 ' - , - K - Wr. DIlKLTS- FUNERAlV "A report, iu the Charlotte ;.Ob seryer Thursday states that at leastri5,ooo people -attended the funeral of Mr. Washington Duke. The services were conducted from Main Street Church, of which the deceased was a member. - Dr. J. C. Kilgo delivered a eulogy of 30 minutes touching on the, life1 of Mr, Duke and his work for edu cation. The remains were laid to rest in the Duke mausoleum. -MRS. TURNER ENTERTAINS. Mrs. Henry Turner entertained a few friend informally at cards Wednesday evening.: jThose pres ent were Mr. and Mrs" T. D. Smith, Mrs.-Lowe. Mr. and Mrs. .Wilber Jones, . Mr,' and il Mrs x Parker, Misses Theodore Le, Grand, Bes sie Abbey.-Lucy Leach. " p x - i'i , 4 MRS. STAUBUS ENTERTAINS. . Mrs. Stanbus entertained . the Thursday , evening card Club last Thursday. Color scneme.v pins. Those nresent. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Lowe, Mr, and Mrs Hoover, Miscjpa Rhett Leach. Emma' Kine Simpson, Geuevievo Tate,,; Lucy son, Durland and Newby. , , , , The Music Lovera' Club met at Mr .c.ilr Tnesdav evemr?. The-.'Orc!.ra: 'Ur. lioover. Chric-s.t, VLIIj, Fre 1 T '..'man, Accc t. I.n. . r: voca T-'.o, . Cr-tV; I. ? Colo, 3 Lt c'; Vtctl CJ:, )U : r . v T r--"T T '" ' . ; , , i, .1... , .k.. ?rr :. . ' f 'tes L.3 1 i trout s ! fine ! .1 ( 1. J ta.y 11 v. t o-tuis, X end - r i 1 the Btuinach trxme8 v-'' and "Wfrn out and claims t o vnrim. :. The Uord's Ela. t-Drv cures ' c ysjx"" It freta stomacli and bowols or con' k ;4- flu, -nnwfir tn tuor. .5, nw "v 4- -- t- r OV"hly Oigwt food, ' , ' t ' Ifou can build up you stomach ' with this mild . and aturnl ; 'rmuedy. t. Try Thfidf ord's Black ' Draught today. - Tou can buy a : jwiLti" from your dealer for . ?1 .a. ' if ho does not keep it, send if 9 noney to The Chattanporr -Medicine . Co., .Chattanoo: v , Ten., and a packaga wU. l , ma .1 you. , r- ' . T. 4... J- v WON'T PARDON MRS. MAYBRlCK. British Foreign (Xfice Replies That No Further Clemency can oe urantea. S Washington, ; May 8 Ambas sador Choate has cabled "the 'State Department , that ..the British For iegn Office has refused tto grant Any further, clemency, to Mrs. Floremce E, 'Maybrick, . wl'O re cently made application through the State Department at. Washing ton for a complete pardon. t ; It appears that Airs Mry brick was not granted a compjete pardon, oai was reieasea irom luipnsuu ment on certain conditions," and she still is technically under , sen tence. Her testimony is regarded as very necessary in the prosecu-. 1 tiop of a civil action of her mother the Baroness Von Roques, to re cover a sum oi money on account of a land transaction which is now pendiog, and it was to make her eligible as a witness that an appli cation yas made to 'the .: British government through the State Department to grant a full pardon. "The 'Baroness, Von 'Roques, plaintiff in a suit against DW Armstronjf, involving large tracts of land in Virginia and Kentucky, has arrived nere from. New York, where she landed" from IJavre. Mrs. Maybrick did not accompany her, being detained in New Yotk by a fractured kneecap, but is ex pected here Wednesday when she and the Baroness will go to Rich mond t to give . testimony in the suit., Tbe hearing of evidence for the plaintiff; was transfered . f rom this ci:y to Richmond because.iof questions raised by her counsel as to the . admisibihty 01 certain let ters, and "which .be claimed im- posed upon her. an unnecessary expenditure of money, j ... - - - ' ' L WILL iiOLDfrROBBEftS '' Governor Glenn decided Tues day tuornlng that he will hold thv W. 1 toro crooks to answer the Cher 2 of carryirg concealed weap on 5 tun Cat are He err in t the lin Gc in in frc 1 Anson county instead f ' them over to the South l autho ics, where tLey -3 f-i Ire.'ir? i-usthe . rir-s L nk. - TLe Gov s r cil 1 ia holding tbe raen i. ' qd cf I nciL 1 1 '.ion f.c 1 Co-th Caro t I' : - n cf tl 3 (f f. "1 Cr-' ' ! ' rr.. :: 1 1 ' ! tj 8 ( ... - 1 . . t . matter and gives lie stuir i newLro. The stomach is qun.. inviforatod and ' the ;nutm I Is nt.imnl.-ition results in a rioi c r - of I f ;c .it ;r . t. .1 1; ;r 1 U.rr.i In jell:. who buy . 1 : pr.-i ourselves v; ..ii chains.' . Ve carry th . c mada . tnyvvher:-, t' ; L.. broadly guaranteed chIn w .. . H . v Oaro V r W ' V ' " tic: dcasoiv: i lx A :We can make it easy; for you, call'" and see' fti? .:.V; l uimuu-;; uurjuu-: : ;and keep the best Reapers iBiricK ers and mowers ' T ' ' . , jlisu point Harduaro Gogrnij :" -v' Ec 1 a: 1 . .. . .:.; - ' .. ' ' t cf witch r J!' .r.cr.s. which era ths n.c:.t in this country "i L . J. - Courtesy A'lW j1'. ' "TO LOOK WLX,; 7 - lovely women require a lot of. little fbv . 4nfrfl til At tnot mam t-M A Vua 1 . i- ft" wi uvu uu rr MUl auouc. The drug man, however, who caters to A fashionable trade knows all Him, rim , t. -1 ; .- . fuejongings ano. accessories needed by- ! womankind ' - J . - 'E ARE THE PEOPLE ; C yon can get them from, and at popular , ;, piices. All the powders, perfumes, man-"' : . Icure sets and whatever else vis necessary ; :?; to make you pretty, we've g t them. . ' Coma in, please, and buy a few. - rv , ' J'"-N - ' . ; v 1 1 - , IUn-fa PXi&rtziacy , ' ;- 1 oens : aud; Ajiiuinoia; nous Cut rTo..xl

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