I'ome Made Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. Royal Baking Powder'helps the house wife to produce at home, quickly and eco nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and muffins, with which the ready-made food found at the bake-shop or grocery does not compare. Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. NEW YORK Are Yon DeaiP Than Bead Below I was very deaf In my left ear, caused by catarrh. Had fourteen different doctors to examine and treat me. Found no relief. Have used "Cacterine" three days and can now hear my clock tick. My head is clearer, my voice stronger, and I feel benefited otherwise Jerome Badgey, 436 W. 18th St., N. Y. DeWitt's B Salve For Piles, Burns, Sores. 228 West 41st St., N. Y. For 18 months I sufiered fear fully. Eight doctors treated me and pronounced my trouble bron chial asthma. I could not lie down to sleep at night because of the choking sensations. Many times it seemed I'd choke to death. "Cacterine" has cured me of this trouble. My smell was gone and is returning. I cannot say enough for ' Cacterine." Mrs. Maggie Randal. For sale by Geo. Matton. Save Two From Death. "Our little daughter han an almost fa tal attack of whooping cough and bron chitis." writes Mrs W. K. Haviland, of Armonk, N. y., "but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had consumption in an advanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and to-day she is perfectly well." Des perate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discovely as to no other medicine on earth. Infalible for coughs and colds 50c. and $1.00 bottles guar anteed by Geo. A. Matton. Trial bottles free. Six Relief In Hours. Distressing Kidney and Liver Dis ease relieved in six hours by "NEW Great South American Kidney Cure." It is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptnt in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys und back, in male or temale. Relieves retention ff water almost immediately. If you want nnick relief and cure this is the remedy. : Sold by Geo. A. Matton Druggist, High 1 Point, N. C. Go wail's Pneumonia Cure Externalfor Croup, Sore Throat, all Pains in Chest, Lungs and Muscles Toatimony ot a JU.n. Rev. Jno. S. C x, of Wake, Ark , writes, "For 12 jears I suffered from Yellow Jaundi e. 1 consultpd a number of physicians and tried all sor s of med icines, but got no relief. Then I enn the use of Electric Kilters and feel that I am now cured of a disease that ha'l me initsgiasp for twelve yeirs." If o want a reliable medicine for liver and kidnev trouble, stomach isorder or general debil ty. get Electric Bitters. It's guaranteed by Geo. A Matton. Only 50c. $lOO, D - E. P'C'i 'p'' Ant -E'lir-t may be worth to you more than 100 if , you have a child alio soils bedding tro incontinence f water during sleep. Cure old and you g a'ike. It arrests the trouble at once fi. Sold bv Geo. A. i Matt in. O iu"."V. Hi'-'i nint V. C fH I Climatic Ourea. 1 he influence of climatic coddltions in the curj f consumption is very much overdrawn. The poor patient, and the rich patient, too, can do much better at ho e by proper attention to food diges tion, and a regular use of German Syrup. Free expectoration in the morning sa made certain by German Syrup, so is i good night's rest and the absencs of that weakening cough and debilitating night sweat. Restless nights and the exhaus tion due to coughing, die greatest danger and dread of the consumptive, can be prevented or stopped by taking German Svrup liberally and regularly. Should von be able to go to a armer clime, you will find that of the thousands of con sumtives there, the few who are benefited and regai strength are those who use German Syrup. Trial bolt es 25c; regu lar size 7s W A. Ring. m The Kind You Have Always Bought and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- wwV; 8onal supervision since its Infancy. Y,46ccAt4& Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotto substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALVAYO Sears the Signature of JO TIio Kind Yon Have Always Bought V in Uco For Over 30 Years. MR. CONE REPLIES. As the shippers of High Point are acutely interested in the rate question now before the sec ate committee, we give below the views of Mr. Caesar Cone, pub lished in the Greensboro Record: To the Editor: Referring to the editorial appearing in your issue of the nth instant, headed "Why Did Mr. Cone Flop?" I feel it due to myself to say that I have not flopped. I am simply opposed to the proposed law giving the government power and duty of making the rates that the railroads of the United States may charge, without the consent of the rail roads. I object to this plan be cause I think it will interfere with the industrial development of the United States and because 1 think it un-American and socialistic. No committee or body of men who will be assembled at Washington can treat all parts of the United States and the railroads in all of the States uniformly and equitably. While trie scheme theoretically sounds very plausible, practically I am sure it will not work. I am sure it will be destructive of the further extension of railroads of this coun try because under the proposed new conditions buyers cannot be found for the bonds which propos ed new roads would necessarily have to issue in order to raise money with which to build and equip. Can anyone imagine a manufac turer going into business when he has not the power to fix the price of his product? I believe such a law as is suggested by President Roosevelt and Secretary Taft would bring about a panic from those who hold the securities of the rail roads of the country and it would take us at least a generation to re cover from this panic I am satis fied with the rates the Southern Mills are now getting on most of the long haul business. My com pany ships goods to every town in the United States in which there is located a wholesale dry goods dealer or a cutter of cotton goods. We are able to reach most all points in competition with the mills of every other section. We ship goods from most Carolina points to Portland, Maine, 49c per 100. Canaan, New Hampshire, 49c per 100. Battleboro, Vt., 39c per 100. Montreal, Canada, 65c per 100. Newburg, New York, 43c per 1 00. Harrisburg, Pa. , 40c per 100. Milwaukee. Wis., 69c per 100. Dubuque, jowa, 69c per 100. Chicago, 111., 65c per 100. St. Louis, Mo., 60c per 100. Dnluth, Minn., 98c per 100. Seattle, Wash., $1.80 per 100 San Francisco, Cal,, $1.80 per 100 Most of these rates appear to me to be reasonable. I object, how ever, to our competitors at Colum bus, Ga., and Danville, Va., being given lolwer rates than we have to numerous points. For example, Danville, Va., gets a rate of 29 cents per hundred to New York c!ty, while our rate from Greens boro to New York on similar goods is 4i cents per hundred. From personal experience I know we have some cause for comrlaint. I have repeatedly brought these dis criminations to the attention of the railroad people and am quite sure that in time they will remedy them without the intervention of the government; but this is not the question under consideration. My understanding is that Mr. Roosevelt proposes to take away from the railroads the power of making rates and get this question into politics by giving this power to a commission. I think this would be "jumping from the fry ing pan into the fire." I am total ly opposed to the red tape methods and delays which I think will nec essarily be involved in handling this business through a govern ment commission. I.think it prob ably worse than going into court. There are many phases of this esse. For example, merchants of Salt Lake City pay $3.20 per hun dred pounds on cotton goods shipped from North Carolina, while San Francisco.; merchants have their shipments from North Caro lina taken right through Salt Lake City and delivered to them, more than a thousand miles farther an( pay $1 80. " " S j Then again, consumers of flour in New York : pay 25 cents per hundred pounds on flonr from Chi cago and the West, while similar shipments for export get a railroad rate of something like 13 cents; but the wheat of '.the Western farmer must be landed In Liver pool to sell in competition with that of Argentine India add Aus tralia and this lower special ' rate on export wheat or flour is conse quently given by the railroads. , - There are many instances similar Wheeling, W. Va., May 28, 1903. Some years ago while at work, I fell over a truck and severely injured both of my shins. My blood became poisoned as a result, and the doctor told me I would have running sores for life, and that if they were healed up the result would be fatal. Under this discouraging report I left off their treatment and re sorted to the use of S. S. S. Its effects were prompt and gratifying. It took only a short while for the medicine to en tirely cure up the sores, and I am not dead as the doctors intimated, nor have the sores ever broke out again. Some 1 a years have elapsed since what I have de scribed occurred. Having been so signally benefitted by its use I can heartily recom mend it as the one great blood purifier. John W. Fundis, Care Schmnlback Brewing Co. Chronic sores start often from a pim ple, scratch, bruise or boil, and while salves, washes and powders are beneficial, the unhealthy matter in the blood must be driven out or the sore will continue to eat and spread. S. S. S. . reaches these old sores through the blood, re moves all impurities and poisons, builds up the entire system and strengthens the circulation. S. S. S. is a blood purifier and tonic combined. Contains no mineral what ever but is guaran teed purely veget able. If yon have an old sore write us and our physi cians will advise without charge. Book on diseases of the Blood free. The Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. to these, most of which the rail roads have been in some measure able to explain. If a commission established the ideal railroad rate on the basis of a uniform mileage rate, this would simply kill our business entirely with most sec tions of the United States. My testimony in Washington was given on the broad and gen eral issue affecting trade and com merce all over the United States. This subject cannot be treated from a local standpoint. The Cone Export and Commis sion Company shipped to all points of the United States last year ap proximately fifty million pounds of finished cotton fabrics. Every pound was shipped at full publish ed rates without any concession or rebate of any kind, either directly or indirectly, and we had no more consideration shown us than the smallest shipper received. Very trulv yours, CEASAR CONE. Greensboro, N. C, May 13. "There goes a successful author." "Great genius, eh ?" "No. I didn't I. - j - 6-""a. merely 6uid he was a success." Atlanta Constitution., The Owl Courtship. Master Hoot Owl sat on a limb. A sweet Miss Owl not far from him; He frowned, for he had heard It said That pretty soon she was to wed. He mused and then said, with a sigh: "You are the apple of my eye. I love you true; I do, I do. Are you to be married? To who, to whoT" Now, Miss Hoot Owl, from on her limb, Looked 'way and blushed and then at him. He quickly changed his resting place, For he could tell by her young face That what lie heard was a mistake. So love to her he straight did make. And when he asked her once again If she would married be and when, In answer to his soft "To who?" She murmured low, "To you, to yon." OABTORXA. Basrs the 4 Tits Kind You Have Always Bought A BOTTLE AND A CU CUMBER. "When I was a little boy," re marked an old gentleman, "some body gave me a cucumber in a bottle. The neck of the bottle was small, and the cucumber so large that it wasn't possible for it to pass through, and I wondered how it got there.' , But out in the garden one day, I came upon a bot tle slipped over a little green fel low, that, was still on the vine, and then I understood. The cucumber had grown in the bottle. I often see men. with habits that I wonder how any strong, : sensible man could form, and then I think that likely they grew into them when they were young and cannof slip out of them now." ' - 7.-:,-', . Here is a suggestion for young gardeners. Plant some encumbers and let one grow inter a large bot tle with a a small neck. But don't forget the lesson while it is grow log, v Remember that habits grow Just like the cucumber until they tke possession of your life. ? It is just as easy to form good habits as bad habits. Ex. ' -. . 5 F or Coughs, CcUa and Croup. SI L(S(DuD(IDDuD fTN buying silver plated ware quality should always II be considered before price. We take pride in our stock of Silverware, selling only the best kinds from the most reliable makers. We call your atten tion to our 1847 Roger knives and forks. We buy them in jobbers lots and can sell them at less than those who buy in small quantities. Another thing we pride ourselves upon Is our line of watch and lorgnette chains. We carry the best gold filled chains that are made anywhere, the Simmons, which are the most broadly guaranteed chain in this country. :: :: :: A. P. Staloy & Brother JEWELERS High Poiht, North Carolina Oare I Courtesy Mann Drug Co. Promptness Honesty TO LOOK WELL lovely women require a lot of little fix ings that most men know but little about The drug man, however, who caters to fashionable trade knows all these littte belongings and accessories needed by womankind. WE ARE THE PEOPLE you can get them from, and at popular prices. All the powders, perfumes, man icure sets and whatever else is necessary to make you pretty, we've g t them. Come in, please, and buy a few. Ring's Pharmacy 3iw & eason pens an the farmer is busy We can make it easy for you, call and see Rothrock; Wagnog and Chattanooga Plows and keep the best Reapers, Bind ers and mowers. pigh Point Hardware (JonpniJ W. I. Montgomery High Point, N. C. Contractor and Builder ... Correspondence Solicited Local and Out of Town, NEW SPRING GOODS Popular Prices. All new Spring Gooda, The only exclusive Ladies Store in the city. Miss Venetia Smith's HAVE YOU USED MASURY'S PAINT ? If not, why not? It wears, covers," works i and ' c looks better than any . other. Claims verified ; : by A Half Century's Performance. 8old only by ."sv Siceloff Hardware &v Grocery Company . High Point, ty C.