1 i 11 1 11 - .r-..-..'7. . . .1'. ,- - : b t 4, 1 ji i--;v-- 5 V ' A - ' """ BtffllllluHliilHii)iUMilttiitiihHtiiitui)liiiMLii,iiuaiillittll(TnilTnim Afegetahl Preparalionf or As similating the Food andBegula UngtheStoinachsanlBovrelsof Promotes DigestionXheerFur nessandRest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. NOT NAHC OTIC . Am4mSeml Mx SmtML Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa Tion .Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverislv ness and Loss of Sleep. Fac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. 1 yuj? J'" pi EXACT COPY OF WHAEEEH. Are You DealP Then Bead Below I was very deaf in my left ear, caused by catarrh. Had lourteen different doctors to examine and treat me. Found no relief. Have used "Cacterine" three days and can now hear my clock tick. My head is clearer, my voice stronger, and I feel benefited otherwise Jerome Badgey, 436 W. 18th St., N Y DeWitt's ESS Salve For Piles, Burns. Sores. atop it. neglected cough or cold may lead to serious bronchial or lung troubles. Don't take chances when Foley's Honey and Tar affords pei feet security from serious effects of a cold. Geo A Matton A Trt-d and True Fri nd. One Mi ute Cough Core contains not an atom of any harmful drug, and it has beei curing Coug s, Colds, Croup and Whoop'ng Coughs so long that it has proven itself to be a tried and true fri-nd to the many who use it. Sjld by vV. A.Ring. i!iiiaiii'iiMimiLui J Gowan's Pneumonia Cure External for Croup, Sore Throat, all Pains in Chest, Lungs and Muscles OhiJdrn Poisoned. Many children are poisoned and made nerv us and weak, if not killad outright, by mothers giving f'em cough syrups containing opiates. Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe and certain remedy for coughs, croup and lung trouble, anl is the only prominent cough msdicine that contains no opiates or other poisons. Geo A. iiatton roleyy3 Kidney Cure makes UH'-ov .ivA bladder fight. StOO, D - B- Decthnn'e Antl-Durt may be worth to you more than Jioo if you have a child who soils bedding fro 1 incontiijence of water during sleep. Cure old ana you -g alike. It arrests the .trouble at once. fi. Sold by Geo. A. I Mattjn, Druggist, High l'oint, N. C. fri if buying silver plated be considered before E(S(DDD(0)nn) our stock of Silverware, seing only the best kinds from the most reliable makers. V We ca your atten tion to our 1847 Roger knives and forks. We buy them in jobbers Jots and ; can se them at less than those who buy in sma quantities. Another thing we pride ourselves upon is our line of watch and lorgnette chains. . We carry the best gold filled chains that are ' made anywhere, the Simmons, which are the most ; broadly guaranteed chain Sr'f :. ; ; ; ; liillliillff ' For Infants and Children.' The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years ni tmc eumum whmnt. aim toh city. 228 West 41st St., N. Y. For 18 months 1 sufiered fear fully. E'ght doctors treated me and pronounced my trouble bron chial asthma. I could not lie down to sleep at night because of the choking sensations. Many times it seemed I'd choke to death "Cacterine" has cured me of this trouble. My swell was gone and is returning. I cannot say enough for ' Cacterine." Mrs. Maggie Randal. For sale by Geo. Matton. Six Relief In Hours. Distressing Kidney and Liver Dis ease relieved in six hours by "New Great south American Kidney Cuke." It is a great surprise on ace unt of its exceeding promptnt in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys i.ad back, in male or emale. Relieves retention f water almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by Geo. A. Matton Druggist, High Point, C. Ollme.ua Cures. The influence of climatic coddltions in the cure f consumption is very much overdrawn. The poor patient, and the rich patient, too, can do much better at ho e by proper attention to food diges tion, and a regular use of German Syrup. Free expectoration in the morning sa made certain by German Syrup, so is i good night's rest and the absencs of that weakening cough and debilitating night sweat. Restless nights and the exhaus tion due to coughing, the greatest danger and dread of the consumptive, can be prevented or stopped by taking German Svrup liherally and regularly. Should you be able to go to a warmer clime, you will find that of the thousands of con sumtives there, the few who are benefited and regain strength are those who use German Syrup. Trial bott es. asc; regu lar size, 75c. W. A. Ring. ware quality should aways price. e take pride in ,in this country. ) t . AW CONDENSED STORIES. Lincoln's Anecdote of Daniel Webater " and Hit Toothbrush. .. During the famous Lincoln, and Douglas debating tour the rival can didates came together in the cabin of a river steamer which was- no torious for its slovenly appoint ments, especially in the matter of towels, combs and brushes. As usual, Lincoln was in a genial mood and recalled an anecdote about Daniel Webster, apropos of the situ ation. One day the great New Eng land orator was finishing his toilet in the common wash room of a steamer on the Wabash, using the contents of a well equipped case FLUNO THE TOOTHBRUSH OVERBOABD. brought along for his personal use. A Hoosier standing by curiously watched his distinguished fellow traveler brushing his teeth and at the end of the operation said naive ly, "Stranger, wisht you'd lend me that air thing a spell." Webster was on a vote hunting trip, trying to do as did the Romans around him, end promptly handed over the tooth brush. V Thereupon the Hoosier brushed his teeth, then handed back the im plement, 6aying, "That would be handy to keep around." Webster forgot policy, the presidency, even himself. He seized the brush and flung it overboard. How many votes the action cost him no man can say. The Hoosiers might have overlooked his extravagance, even his unfortu nate habits. His pride was too much for them, for-4;hey reckoned as pride his impulse of separateness. Blaine and a Tramp. When Blaine was a young lawyer and cases were few he was asked to defend a poverty stricken tramp accused of stealing a watch. He pleaded with all the ardor at his J command, drawing so pathetic a pic ture with such convincing energy that at the close of his argument the court was in tears, and even the tramp wept. The jury deliberated but a few minutes and returned the verdict, "Not guilty." Then the tramp drew himself up, tears streamed down his face as he looked at the future "plumed knight," and said: "Sir, I never heard so grand a flea. I have not cried before since was a child. I have no money with which to reward you, but (drawing a package from the depths of his ragged clothes) here's that watch. Take it and welcome!" Boston Herald. Anecdote of General 8herman. It is said that when General Sher man was in command of the army in Tennessee in the early part of the conflict he was much annoyed by people who inundated him with complaints of the petty thefts of the soldiers under his command. One day when the general was particularly busy with a special serv ice detail at headquarters a Union woman, whose husband was in the Confederate army, came in with a Sueruloua complaint that some sol ier had stolen her chickens. H eyed her in silence for a moment and then said in his sternest tones : i "Madam, the integrity of the con stitution and ' the unity of the re public must be maintained if if it takes every chicken in Tennes see I" Washington Star. ' Why Ha Mixed Bsvaraga. ' A Highlander who va in the hab it of drinking a mixture of whisky and beer was asked the reason of his partiality for inch a peculiar tipple. He explained it thus: "Weel, ye see, when ! drank Vbisky J was drunb before I was fou, and when I drank beer I was fort before I was drunk, but - when I drink both together I am drunk' and : fou rat v the , same time ' ' . ' 'v ' i 1 mm ALLEN-BLAIR One of the sweetest weddings of, this season of weddings was. that at the home of Mr. and Mis. . Do rian H. Blair Jane 22d,at 9 o'clock when Miss Annie King Blair, daughter, of F. S. Blair, of Guil ford College, became the wife of Mr. William W. Allen, Jr , of Camden, N. J., son oi Mr. W. W. Allen, of Charleston, S. C. The whole lower floor of the house was beautifully decorated and in the library where the cere emony took place, the large bay window was covered with bramble, the green being relieved by large bows and festons of white. In front was, an arch from the middle of which hung a large green wed ding bell, which had a row of white flowers around the bottom and was also decorated with mag nolias. There were also banked flowers and lighted "white candles on the top of the desk, at which the certificate was signed by the contracting parties and their wit nesses. President L- L. Hobbs, oi Guil ford College.and Dr. Egbert Smith preceded the wedding party. Mr. W. W. Allen, Jr., and his brother, Mr. Raymond Allen, of New York following; . then the maid of honor, Miss Nellie L. James, of Oe man town, Pa., and then the bride with her father. Little Clarence Blair acted as page and held the ribbons during the ceremony. The wed ding was in accordance with the custom of Friends, the certificate being read by President Hobbs after the bride and Broom had the prescribed form. Dr. Smith made a most imoressive prayer and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Allen, Jr., turned to receive the congratulations of their friends. Mrs. Archie Sykes and Miss Henry Anna Hackney presided at tne punch lbowl, Refreshments were very daintily served and enjoyed by I he gnes s. The presents were unusually numerous and handsome, such an array of cut glass and solid silver being seldom seen, and besides those received here there was a large number sent direct to the future home of the wedded couple. The bride wore a most becoming gown of white crepe de chine over taffeta, a tulle veil, a large boquet of white carnations completing the costume. Her go ing away gown was a dark blue coat suit with bat to match. The maid of honor wore a beautiful pale green silk mulle and carried pink carnations. Greensboro Tel egram. . Notice Publication. North Carolina, Superior Court Guilford County. J June term, 1905 Jos. T. Best and Ben j Ar Best, executors of J. B. Best, deceased, vs. Cora W. Best, et al. In the above entitled action, up on affidavit, it appearing to the Court that Eli B. Hodges, Addie Allsbrooks, J. W. Stamper, Robt. Stamper, Pattle Mary Rousher, Columbus Stamper, and Wm. L Stamper, Richard Stamper, Laura Lewis, Armerling Hilary, Norman Stamper, are non-residents of the State of North Carolina, and can not, after due diligence, be found in the said State, and that a sum mons has been issued returnable o this June term of this court that defendants cannot be found in the said county. ' The said parties are hereby noti fied to appear at the next term of this court, which begins on the 21 day of August, 1905, and answer or demur to the complaint which has been filed in the Clerk's office in the court house at Greensboro, N.C. .-v-.;Tnis action is brought by the plaintiffs against' the defendants for the purpose of having constru ed by this court, the will of J. B Best, deceased, and the said par ties 'are legatees under the said ':; It is further ordered that this notice be published at least once a week for six successive wjeks in the High Point Enterprises news paper published in the city of High Point N I Cmm:., : till 4B.' Peebles, Judge Presd'jr June 16, 1905. ja8 6t 1? Aaiatotl T-Having qualified as administra tor; Of MufthT Walker, deceased, accordiig to law, this is to notify all persons holding claims against aald estate to present them proper ly xsworn io,i on or r before Inly iii toc6,.to the undersigned, or this notice vwilt; be ; pleaded , bar of thtr recoverey,-! All persons in debted to Said estate are requested to mike immediate payment. . DAVID TROA Admr. P of Msrhtf Walker? Dec'd 5 Have youir cake, muffins, and bis cuit home-made. They will be fresKer, cleaner, moire tasty andwholesome. Royal Baking PowdheJps the house wife to produce at home, qmckly and eco nomically, fine and. tasty cake, the raised hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cake, crisp coolqes, crullers, crusts and muffins, witK which the ready-made food found at the bake-shop or grocery does not compare. Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. ' . ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO NEW YORK, Care , Mann Drug Co. Promptness eason the farmer is busy We can make it easy for you, call and see Rotbroc Wagncg and Chattanooga Plow? and keep the best Reapers, Bind ers and mowers. pigb Point. Hardware Coipajj W. I. Montg'ome High Point. N. C. Contractor and Builder Correspondence Solicited Local and Out 0 Town. NEW SPRING GOODS Popular Pricr-8 All new Spring Goods. The only exclusive Ladies Store in the city. - - v - f rMissVenetia itiitlY iaM ASCIRMS; PAINT;? If not, why not! ; It wearn, ; covers, woik and " , t . 1 look's hettfi '.than nv''; ot.Kr.tfllairnW rprifiwd ' ' aHalf Courtesy Honesty TO LOOK XVKlt, lovely women require a lot of little fix ings that most men know but little about The drusr man however, who caters to fashionable trade knows all these littte belongings and accessories needed bv womankind. WE ARE THE PEOPLE you can get them from, and at popular pi ices. AH the powders, perfumes, man icure sets and whatever else is necessary to make you pre ty, we've g t them. Come in, please, and buy a few. Ring's Pharmacy a- vpens ax . 1 , t X- rl-V : M l;"' . ,1 m r 1 - v m ii i.r- T S ' "i 'This Jun'aipia84ti. - I h V, - oi ' V , 1 a" " t r J.vVi'is:;-:&:vi;B.:. 'V;'i;.'.".V:;s--'!,ri''-'i "iif.:,s i '";ri"',.',.'' r " .: . .' , .. .'..; , .. . .;- '"