lllllllill,liJ.llliiiiliiiiilimmwiniiU'i..immiimil.n,iimmJiiil.ilWlliilillll' lllllllillllllMllli'llli'illlllllllllllll Vegetable Preparalionfor As similating the Food andBcgula ting the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes DigestioIi.Cheerfur ness andRest-Contains neither Opium,Morplune norIineral. Not Narcotic . Jltape ofOU&SAMUELPtTClWl Pumpkin Seal' Jlx.Smna. jtnueSetd- tfpentme - Jit CtufonatcJtdo .fuaar HinUryrv rianr. Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa fion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions ,Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. ,For Infants and Children. ' The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AW f In Use For Over Thirty Years EXACT COPY OF WHAEEEB. mtwM TH Mimuill COMPANY. NKVf TOHK CITY. Are Ton DeafP Then Bead Below I was very deaf in my left ear, caused by catarrh. Had fourteen different doctors to examine and treat me. Found no relief. Have used "Cacterine" three days and can now hear my clock tick. My head is clearer, my voice stronger, and I feel benefited otherwise. Jerome Badgey, 436 W. 18th St., N Y. DeWitt's "E Salvo Fop Piles, Burns, Sores 228 West 41st St., N. Y. For 18 months I sufiered fear fully. Eight doctors treated me and pronounced my trouble bron chial asthma. I could not lie down to sleep at night because of the choking sensations. Many times it seemed I'd choke to death. "Cacterine" has cured me of this trouble.- My smell was gone and is returning. I cannot say enough for "Cacterine." Mrs. Maggie Randal. For sale by Geo Matton. Stop It. A neglected cough or cold may lead to serious bronchial or lung troubles. Don't take chances when Foley's Honey and Tar affords perfect security from serious effects of a cold. Geo A Matton A Tried and True Friand. One Minute Cough Cnre contains not an atom of any harmful drug, and it has been curing Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Coughs so long that it has proven itself to be a tried aud true friend to the many who use it. Sold by W. A. Ring. Six Relief In Hours. Distressing Kidney and Liver Dis ease relieved in six hours by "New Great Sooth American Kidney Cure." It is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptnt ' in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys .nd back, m male or lemale. Relieves retention f water almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by Geo. A. Matton Druggist, High Point. N. C rowan s rneumonia Lure External for Croup, Sore Throat, all Pains in Chest, Lungs and Muscles Ohlldren Poi.oned. Many children are poisoned and made nervous and weak, if not killad outright, by mothers giving them cough syrups containing opiates. Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe and certain remedy for coughs, croup and lung trouble, and is the only prominent cough rasdicine that contains no opiates or other poisons. Geo A. Matton Foley j Kkhiey Cure makes ki&ijys nrvi bladder right $100, O - E- Decthnn'e Anti-Dlaret may be worth to you more than $100 if you have a child who soils bedding fro n incontinence of water during sleep. Cure old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. $t. Sold by Geo. A. MatUn, Druggist, High l'oint, N. C. fri Olimauc Oarea. 1 he influence of climatic coddltions in the cure f consumption is very much overdrawn. The poor patient, and the rich patient, too, can do much better at ho e by proper attention to food diges tion, and a regular use of German Syrup. Free expectoration in the morning sa made certain by German Syrup, so is i good night's rest and the absencs of that weakening cough and debilitating night sweat. Restless nights and the exhaus tion due to coughing, the greatest danger and dread of the consumptive, can be prevented or stopped by taking German Svrup liberally and regularly. Should you be able to go to a warmer clime, you will find that of the thousands of con sumtives there, the few who are benefited and regain strength are those who use German Syrup. Trial bott es 25c; regu lar size, 75c. W. A. Ring. 3DBntlfsin,lB EcdDDDdBDuD fT buying silver plated ware quality should aways , II be considered before price. e take pride in - our stock of Silverware, seing only the best kinds from the most .reliable makers. We ca your atten , tion to our 1847 Roger knives and forks. We buy them in jobbers lots and can se them at less than . those who buy in sma quantities. . Another thing we -' i pride ourselves upon is our line of watch and lorgnette - chains. We carry the best gold filled chains that are - ? , made anywhere, the Simmons; which are the most ' ' broadly guaranteed chain in this country,1.' :: :: l Efci Pol" EarH Carolina , A LITTLE NONSENSE. One Thing the Beautiful Girl Could Not Account For. "This is so sudden!" As he heard the beautiful girl at his side speak these words the as tonished lover rose to his feet in Btrange bewilderment. "Sudden!" he repeated. "Darling. did I hear aright? Two years ago, I believe it was, that I first looked into your lovely eyes. For several months after that I only saw you occasionally. Ihen gradually, very gradually, I increased my visits. It took six months to get on a formal calling basis. It took six months more to be a regular visitor, six months more to call you by your first name, and it is only during the last few months that I have ventur ed, with many misgivings, even to hold your hand. And now, after all this gradual development of my burning and measureless love, you tell me that my declaration ot this evening is so sudden. Do you in deed call this sudden?" "I do indeed," she replied calmly. But what can your reason be r The lovely creature he gazed at so feelingly rose with some degree of ill concealed hauteur. "Simply this," she replied. "On your present salary I didn't see how you could possibly have the nerve to propose to me for at least two years yet. Judge. Where He Fell Down. Archibald I will do anything in the world for you, darling! Helene Will vou ? Archibald If you would only try me! Helene Then take this collarette to Catchem's department store and exchange it for a size larger. I've lost the slip. ruck. A Frank Suggestion. Father What do you expect me to do, give you all the money you ask for or calmly allow you to get into debt ? Son You might do both. Hero of the Hour. Little Willie Say, pa, what is a hero ? Pa A hero, my son, is an um pire who can face 6,000 fans and call three strikes on the star batter of the home team in the ninth in ning when the crowd, is expecting him to bring in the winning run. Chicago Tribune. Prudence. Dick Tate Miss Short Isabel you have been in my office for two years now, and I have learned to love you better every day. Will you be my wife ? Isabel Short Oh, Mr. Tate! Is it fair to ask me to give up a steady position for an uncertainty? Brooklyn Life. Laying the Blame. "I want to complain of the flour you sent me the other day," said Mrs. Newliwed severely. "What was the matter with it, ma'am?" asked the grocer. "It was tough. My husband simply wouldn't eat the biscuits I made with it." Philadelphia Ledg er. . Practical Uae. Jessie Gracious, Myrtilla! Why did you marry such a thin young man? Myrtilla Oh, he will be bo use ful to crawl under my automobile when the machinery breaks down ! Detroit Tribune. 1 ' - r 1 TAX ON HOTELS The state auditor has .received notice from sheriffs that -.certain hotel keepers in the state will cot pay the lax levied in the revenue act by the last legislature on hotels for the reason that the section of the act is defective in that there is no tax levied on hotels charging a two dollar rate. It provides than for hotels charging one dollar and less than two dollars a tax of 25 cents per room shall be levied and hotels charging more thantwo dol lars 50 cents per room. This eaves the "two. dollar house" without a tax specified although the legislature intended to have two dollar houses pay 50 cents per room. The Williams House, Clin ton, is the first to decline to pay tax and Counsel for the proprietor is George E. Butler, republican representative in the last legisla ture from Sampson county. Ra leigh Post. This was a decided mistake in the statute, and evidently no sumptuary legislation was intend ed in favor of the two dollar ho tela. If the law is interpreted in accordance with the evident 'men tion oi the framers of it the tax will be collected. i - Mai Judging from what Secietary Taft says, Mr. Wallace, chief en gineer of the Panama canal, yield ed to the tempter pure and sicple, aud the temptation was $5o,ooo a year by a New York holding cor poration instead of the meagre salary of $25,000 a year promised by Uncle Sam. As we see it, Mr. Wallace has made a vast mistake by the change. Life contains a great deal more in it than a large salary. He has offended great men of his nation who had honored him. But there are many engin eers and few really great men. Thb Russian ship Kniaz, whose crew mutinied and murdered its officers at Odessa, surrendered without a struggle. Russian troops are victorious over the mob throughout the city. It will go hard with the 600 or more muti neers. Notice Publication. North Carolina, 1 Supsrior Court . ISui Guilford County. June term, 1905 Jos. T. Best and Benj. A. Best, executors of J B. Best, deceased, vs. Cora W. Best, et al. In the above entitled action, up on affidavit, it appearing to the Court that Eli B. Hodges, Addie Allsbrooks, J. W. Stamper, Robt. Stamper, Pattle Mary Rousher, Columbus Stamper, and Win. L. Stamper, Richard Stamper, Laura Lewis, Armerhng Hilary, Norman Stamper, are non-residents of the State of North Carolina, and can not, alter due diligence, be found in the said State, and that a sum mons has been issued returnable o this June term of this court that defendants cannot be found in the said county. The said parties are hereby noti fied to appear at the next term of this court, which begins on the 21 day of August, 1905, and answer or demur to the complaint which has been filed in the Clerk's office in the court house at Greensboro, N C. - This action is brought by the plaintiffs against the defendants for the purpose of having constru ed by this court, the will of J. - B Best,, deceased, and the said par ties are legatees under the said wilL ' . . It is further ordered that: this notice be published at least once a week lor six successive weks in the High Point Enterprise, a flews paper published in the city of High Point, N. C. , Ri B. Peebles, Judge Presd'jr, June 16, 1905. ' j'28 6t Shattered. Ascum What did that rich old uncle of yours leave? v.' Hope Nothing but a lot of dis gusted relatives and a jubilant young widow whom we had, never heard of before. Boston Herald. 8afd at the Breakfast Table. "Explorers say there's something wful in the silence of the polar re gions." ? ' ' , "Well, why don't they take their wires along?" Atlanta Constitu- tin- , ' ' ' 1 ' it--:rs " i? ''i'.'vf-cwv v1- aM Safer.',;-;- ,: Do you 1 carry a' rabbit's foot," ganir0'- . "No, boss. 1 I'd rather depend on a razor, sah!"Yonkers Statesman. .. :.. . . . , Administrator' Notice l Having' qualified as administra tor Of Mrthi Walker, deceased, according to law, this is to notify all persons' holding claims against said estate to present them proper ly sworn to, on or before, July 1 , 19C6, to the undersigned! or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recoverey. All persons in debted to said estate) are requested to make immediate payment. ' DAVID THOMA8, Admr. - - of Martha Walker. Dec'd. This June 32, 1905. ' , ja8 4t Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholespw Royal Baking PowdeAelps the house wife to produce at home, quickly and eco nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and muffins, with which the ready-made food found at the ba -hop or grocery does not compare. Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., NEW YORlC Care Courtesy Mann Drug Co. Promptness Honesty 1 '4' TO LOOK WKU, lovely women require a lot of little fi ings that most mln know MtUertrS" 1 l-d& man however,who cate to fashionable trade knows all ttSeKttte WEARETHBPE0PU3 puces. All the powders, perfumes man oBmtiSandWtever facr to make you pre tv w'v r, it ' Come in, please VhuylJ. them' Ring's Pharmacy 5iW & eason vperts an a- the farmer is busy We can make it easfefor you, call and see Rotbroi Wagner and Chattanooga Plow? and keep the best Reapers, Bind ers and mowers. " fligh Point- Hardware dogpanfl W: I. Montgomery High Point. N. C. Contractor and Builder r Correspondence Solicited Local and Out oTowni, NEW SPRING GOODS Popular Prices. All new Snrlno frnorla . Th niw Ladies Store in the city. s - . Miss Venetia Smith's s MASURY'S PAINT? If ,not, why rot? : It weara,' cover works and ' 1 by a Half CentuiT Performance. Sold only by - " v Siceloff Hardware & Grocery Company :, ; uign rotoi, N. C.