oocaj . Tre Enterprise is among fo mediums in Piedmont North Carolina"It reaches the people ftp CKS . . ... ft n I WW vol. xxvm. HIGH POINT, GUILFORD COUNTY, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1905. No. 22 'I4 11 1ft1t1l?f II t If MURDERER CAUGHT HERE John Wilson, Colored, Arrested by Chief Gray,for the Murder of Henry Maxwell, also Colored, at Hopewell Church. A murderer who has been at large since the 20th of last month was arrested . here Thursday by Chief of Police Gray, of this city, upon the advice ot Sheriff Wallace of Mecklenburg county. - The crime for which the negro John Wilson, is sruilty (for he con fessed to the officers,) was commit ted 'at Hopewell Church, eleven miles from Charlotte, on the 20th. of June'. His victim was Henry Maxwell, also colored. Wilson is ' a large, desperate looking negro and it te a good ' thing he is in the hands of the Uw. He admits his guilt and modestly informed Chief Gray that he thought there was a reward of $25 00 offered for his arrest. DEAL IN UNION PACIFIC Jacob H. Schiff, confronted with records of the Equitable tbatKuhn, Loeb & Co., nad sold a large amount of Un'ou Pacifiic preferred stock to the society, swore that these records were false. In vari ous sales of bonds to the Equitable by bis firm he admitted that a large loss was shown. It appeared from his testimony, that of Mr. Hydr, and others, that the Equitable had taken $2,000,000 worth of Union Pacific apparently at the suggestion: of E- H. Harri man. No record of this agreement was put in evidence. Mr. Hyde said Harriman had it.but Harriman was not called as a witness. In a circulrr letter bearing yes terday's date Chairman Morton waras all officials and employes of the society not to discuss publicly the society's affairs. In the' future, when there is anything to be said I , will say it, is the concluding state ment of Mr. Morton's letter. ATTEMPT TO MURDER ITALIAN OFFICER Naples, July 17 An attempt was made early this morning to murder Admiral Mirabello, the Italian Minister of Marin,e who is residing at rortici, a small coast ing and fishing port and residential town on the bay ot Naples. ic admiral's wife was serioi sly injur ed wbiie defending her husband. PRIVATE SOLDIER KILL .ED BY BALTIMORK MAN Baltimore, Md.,July 16 Pri rate Pattrick Cummines. of Com pany E, Unite4 States Engineer Corfs, was muijaerea oy nayes Donaldson, of this city, at a small landing place on Curtis Creek, in Anne Aaundel county, about 10 miles from this city, today. The murderer escaped, though he had been left ootne wharf deadbyCum mings' i companions v Donaldson started the disturbance by criticis ing the army. TWO LADS DROWNED IN RIVER Milwauke y Wis., July 16 Thomas McFadden. aeed is. and William Franz. 14 yea w, old were drowned in the Menominee river 1 tnAav while bathine.. McFadden -was drawn down bv an undercur rent and Franz attempted to rescue him, . , f ' - LOOKS WELL The v property owners on North Main street from Dr. Jones resi dence to J. S. Campbell's on both ides of the street , are to be con ;' gratulated on the appearance of their walks and yards since the r street work has' been going 'on. - The square would be a credit to J any city. v.: 'C,..,;, MR. KIVETT TO SPEAK ivj&ir-z-' ;;.,it.;"-iv.vfe:. -.i.t--!X.:?V t' The Farmers Institute meets at Greentboro Saturdhy : July a 2 nd. Mr. W J. Kivett. of High Point, , will discuss "Second Crop Irish Potatoes.';: He is well prepared to speak on any question pertaining " to farming' and trucking. TWO KILLED IN N &W WRECK Roanoke, Va , July 16 Two men were killed and four more in jured Jn a head-on collision be tween two freight trains today one mile north cf Mid vale, Va., on the Sbennandoah division of the Nor folk & Western Railway. The dead are: E S. HITE, of Vesuvius, Va., a brakeman JOHN DENT, of Roanoke, fire man. The irjured are: James Btick, of Roanoke, engin eer, who was scalded about the legs arms and back and sustained or her wounds, condition serious; C. E. Eargenbtight, c Roanoke, engineer, who was scalded on legs and hands and cut about arms, will recover; William Williamson, of Roanoke, fireman, scalded and cut, will recover; Isom Masott of Roan oke, fireman, seriously burned on body and legs. The injured men are in the Roanoke Citv Hospital Midvale is 64 miles north of RoaDoke. The northbound, freight -train had orders to . wait at Midvale for a south-bound extra freight, but the orders, it is alleged, were disre garded by the north-bound crew. LATEST 'Charlie Van Newport's new automobile will seat frrtv people." "Great ScottiDid you say forty?" "Sure! Fifteen doctors, fifteen surgeons, six machinists, two fine settlers, the chauffeur, and Char lie." REVELATIONS AT INQUIRY The story printed July 1 2th alleged that '.'revelations far more startling than those in the re port of. Superintendent Hendricks are contained in the . testimony taken in the State insurance de partment's investigation of the Equitable Life AssuranceSoc ety." The article continued : "Senator Chauucey M. Depew testified that the Depew Improve ment Company, in which he was interested, obtained a loan ' from the Equitable of $250,000 on prop erty which the State insurance de partment valued at only. $150,000. He admitted that neither principal nor interest ; had . been paid and that the Equitable had been forced to foreclose. li'iSf iitM A i'; - ."He admitted that, as a member of the executive committee of the Equitable, he had not advised this loan, but bad voted for k. He confessed to making a promise that the Equitable should be made whole, but in the same breath said that promise was not legally bind- BECAUSE MEN MAKE THE LAWS A western newspaper wonders why Pennsylvania is going to hang a woman when there are so many male subjects for the gallows uh- 1 .... THE PRIDE OF 650 JUNIORS OF HIGH POINT The Junior Order Hospital Established April 5, 1905 BIG TRIP FOR EDITORS NEXT YEAR The National Editorial Asso ciation will meet tuxt tar at In dianapolis and it will be a notable occasion. After the business ses sion in Indianapolis, the Associa tion will take an excursion on Pullman through Canada, from Detroit to Halifax, stopping at the great cities and all the places of interest. At the session of the Press Convention held in Ashe ville last week, the following dele gates were elected to rt present North Carolina in the national gathering: Josephus Daniels, Rev. P. R Law, T. G. Cobb, J A. Thomas, H A. London, W 0 Dowd. J. P. Caldwell. H. B. Var- ner. Dr. A.J. McKelway and J J Farriss. EXCURSION ABANDONED The managers of th? Sunday School excursion which was to have been run to Durham, afttr corresponding with the Railroad company found that they could not secure a train uunl August, on some Saturday, and nndtr the cir cumstances have abandoned it FARM HELP The reports received by the De partment from more than severty counties indicate a scarcry of la bor, and a desire to secure both tenant and share-settlers In order to aid in supplying this need the Board has authorized the Depart ment to undertake to secure for those applying for them such im migrants as are indicated above, and to that end blanks have been prepared and will be forwarded to those who may wish to engage either labor, tenants or share-set tlers. It is time to prepare for another year, and those interested will therefore write the Department of Agriculture at Raieigb, aftet Au gust I of this year, for blanks on which to make formal application for the person or peisons needed. DEATH OF MRS.l BANDY . Greensboro, July 17. -Mrs. Ban dy, wife of Prof. J. M. Bandy.died Sunday morning at 6 o'clock, after an illness of only four days. The fnneral took place this afternoon at 4 o'clock and was conducted by Rev G. H. Detwiler, pastor of West Market Street Church. The remains were laid to rest in Green Hill Cemetery. Mrs Bandy was a devoted membe - of West Market Street church , and a most sincere Christian woman. She leaves to mourn her demise a brsband and? several children. , , -i - ,.' High Point will: be well . repre tinted this week at Wins on. . A ,; CONCORD MAN KILLED IN ST. LOUIS Concord, N. C , July 13 Spe cial. Robert Srongh. a Concord man living in St. Louis, was kill ed last night in St. Louis. The body will be brought home.Stough who was a bricklayer, was killed by a fellow-boarder in a quarrel over a ,cigarett. He was shot through the heart. MR. MONTGOMERY'S CONTRACT W. I. Montgomery returned Thursday from Thomasvflle, where he secured the contract for four stores. WEIGHS 418 POUNDS The heaviest man in this sec tion and, perhaps in the State, is B. J, Dawkins, whose home is near Jackson Springs. Mr. Daw kins is 5 feet, nj inches tall, 47 years old, and weighs 418 pounds. About four years ago be weighed 5' 6 pounds Bnt notwithstanding his extraordinary weighf.be can do a good day's work Troy Mont gomerian. MR. CALDWELL The Enterprise was pleased to see in the city Friday Rev. A- S. Caldwell, formerly pastor of the First Presbyterian church here. Mr. Caldwell is now making his home at Barium Springs. His many friends are glad to see him. RUSSELL H. CONWELL I. am specially pleased that in the excellent course of new attrac tions secured by the Auditorium Entertainment Committee, we will have Dr. Russell H. Con well. It has been my privele ge on several occasions to hear Doctor Conwell lecture. I have also beard him pr ach in Temple Church con nected with his famous Temple College in Philadtlphls. Over the sea of faces in that splendid, large Auditorium in his comfortable church, you will never see a list" less, sleepy person when he speaks. His renowned lecture: "Acres of Diamonds or Born a King," is a masterpiece of platform oratory. It will prove an inspiration toa.l who hear it. . . . A. F. ESHBLMAN. - Sam'l B. Kersey, of Greensboro, was here this morning. Misses Etta and Annie Blair, of Ashtboro, are visiting the family of Capt, A. M. Rankin. Southern Car Co., are shipping two cars to Raleigh and two to Norfolk this week. . Let s have the sprinkler for awbilei m LYCEUM COURSE The Bostonian Sextette Club PERSONNEL: Mr. Walter E. Loud, violin, Mr. A. E. Ordway, violin; Mr. E. J Schiller, viola; Mr. M. Belinski, cello; Mr. Alfred Reinhart, bass; Mr. G L. Staats, claronet. This club needs no introduction to the musical public of America. It has appeared with phenomenal success in Nova Scotia. Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick. Quebec and Ontario, in Canada; also in Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Kentucky, Ten nessee, Mississippi, Louisiana,Ala bama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia. Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New Tersev. New York, and the New England Mates. This musical organization is one of rare merit. Every member of the club is a master oi the instru ment on which he performs. Mr. Staats, the director and claronet virtuoso,, is an artist ot international reputation and ex perience, having played in the leading musical organizations in Europe and America. He has filled the position of first claronet in the Royal ItalianjOpera, Her Majesty's Theatre, London, at the "Jardin d'Acclimatation," Paris, and at the great Casina, in Astrude, Belgium. Here in the United States, he is the most noted claronetist on the concert stage, having played Solo claronet in Sousa's Band, and for years was a prominent member of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Now this famous attraction comes to High Point. If it so delights the people of the States and Prov inces, surely it will delight High Point. It alone is worth half the price of the course. Make up your mind and secure a ticket at the Mann Drug Co. , Tuesday July 18th at 9 o'clock- . Geo. H. Crowell, Local Manager. NEW CORPORATIONS The secretary of state todav chartered three new corporations ior tne city ot wasnington, N. C, with an aggregate authorized capi tal of $275,000. These were as follows: The Old Dominion Ware- bouse Company, capital authorized $100,000, paid in $5,ooo,incorpora- tors,, wiuiam Jiragaw. Stephen C. Bragaw. H. Churchill Bracraw. John W. Bragaw, Jr., and Richard Bragaw. ine company will do a general storage and warehouse business. The Bracaw Fertilizer Comnanv. " ' X J ' authorized capital $125,000, paid ir $20,000, incorporators same as the above. The miruose of the corporation is to deal in fertilizers ana omer tarm products. The Real Estate and Insurance Agency Company, capital author ized $50,000, paid in $4,700. ts. if. Huffines.Geo. T. Leach and others incorporators. The company will aeai in real estate and do a general fare and life insurance business. The only other company charter ed today was the Everhart Sons & Company, of Lexington, N. C, with a paid in capital of $14,000. The incorporators are Riley Ever hart, O. H. Everhart and J. L. Peacock. The company will do a retail and wholesale grocery busi ness. HOW? Our friend P. C Pope, the pop ular Richmond drummer, landed as State's proxy for North Carolina railroad company, but the position does not carry with it a pass. This leads Joe Reece to ask the ques tion "How is a proxy going to prox without a pass.'' IN THE BAND WAGON We have recieved a copy of tbe Buffalo Evening Times with a col ored sheet with portraits of all the prominent Elks. On the front page is a cartoon with Prof. Chas. F. Tomlinson one of the three in the band wagon. The account of the meeting ws most elaborate. But few widows are half as gay and giddy as they are supposed to be. ir1..-' iv:: THE TOURNAMENT The Winston Journal says of the approaching tournament: Final preparations are making fast for the Fireman's Tournament which is to be held here Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurfday of this week. The local committees have everything in readiness for accom modating every fireman and every visitor who will make Winston-Salem headquarters during the tour nament. "We'll take care of every man, woman and child tbe trains can bring here," said a fireman yesterday, "and make 'em glad they came." CONCORD FIRIMEN TO CAMP. Some of the Concord firemen, who r-ike oi the tournaments a camping vacation, arrived yester day with horses, an engine and hose wagon.besides tents and other necessaries to camp life. The tents will be pitched near Calvary church tomorrow, and the boys wili enjoy an out door life for the next week. Others of the company will come in today. A few other firemen came in on the afternoon and night trains, and half a dozen fire horses are already here. The reception committee went on duty yesterday, and will meet all trains up to Thursday. TEAM FBOM CHARLOTTE COMING. The Charlotte Observer says: "Charlotte will send n rfpWatinn to participate in the annual con vention ana rournament of the State Fireman's Association mhiVh is to be held in Winston-Salem this week. This decision was reached a few days ago, after a conference between Uol. A. L. Smith and Chief W. S. Orr. Knt one event will be entered, the long distant steamer contest. This will take place immediately after the parade, which issceduled for Wed nesday ft II o'clock. Chief Orr was talking with an Observer man yesterday and stated that unless last year's record was surpassed the Charlotte hoys -would either win or know the reason why. The steamer that will be used is a very fine one, he said, and the local del egations have an excellent nnnnr. tunity of carrying off the honors in tnis event. "Tie followingiwill leave Tues day for Winston-Salem Col. A. L. Smith. Chief W. S. Orr. AssU. tant Chief W. S. Charles. Messrs. J. H. Wallace, H. Palmer, J. E. urr, v. iy. stutts and JJrank Orr. Miss Pearl Vestal, of King's Mountain who has been spendine the past week with Miss Irah Bag by, left on the noon train to visit friends in Lexington. Don't forget the Cow Sale at Field Stables July 22nd. H. T. Coble, of Greensboro, is here. If VOU want a POOd cow attend the sale at Field Stables July 22nd. Mr. Fletcher Barbee. who has been in the U. S. Naw for a. vears has returned home, the time for which he enlisted having expired. Mr. Kobt. J. Lindsav a former cittzen of High Point, is soendinjr the day here. R. J. Reynolds, of Savannah. Ga., is in the city. Wayland Cook, of the law firm of Stedmau & Cook, was here yes terday. WELL REPRESENTED The High Point fire comnanies will be well represented at Winston this week. The North Side Com pany is there with their wagon and i5 men. The South Side Compa ny is also well represented. BE ON HAND J. W. Fereuson will sell a load of high class milk cows and heifers, atE. H. C. Field's Lot on Satur day July 22nd 1935. Don't fail to be on hand. The House Party of Miss Blanche Bradshaw are soendin? the afternoon as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Bradshaw at Greensboro. DEATH OF MRS. CYRUS CHADWICK Mrs. Cyrus Chadwick died at her home a few miles North or town yesterday of cancer. The burial took - place this afternoon 1 at Deep River. ; o-;i .; i it it 1 1 ! i 1 1 ' 5 ! 1 IV 1.1 V - 1

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