" - trrriiimuiif .VnrTft Ciir""-' reaches the people 4 ' - . . wr v i ll l TTI m. JVv W BL . ! i I I LIVEU 01- OAR- HREATMETALUCBBO BOAT Nearly JOOHurt. Some Fatal ly Thef c Were More Than 250 Men Aboard the Vessel at the Time, and of These 15 Sail ors arc Miss ing lau Dieeo, Cai., ju'y UWVJI I , ,.Km,t, O'clock Darlington, S. C, July - noish.ng de- don't known what weni w - " - ,c money confessed the attorney tor p - - HUNDRED LUNATICS TO BE RELEASED WITH HATPIN IN HEART BOARD OF ALDERMEN and consumed that de partnfent together with an iw contents. Loss about $2,000 which Is covered by insurance. The building is a fire protected ,tr bavin been erected in sections with fire proof walls and .HtnmottP fire woof doors On nu&w4MW.v A this occonnt the are was wduu XXV - w - whom a coroner's jury pronounced - .nlM nn Tnlv Ilin. we uv not been able to discover much bnt debts. It does not seem that he had ioo when he died." This whole section of South Carolina is under intense excite- two. Cal.. Jnly over the report Ratine ; ?Jr " .b, Twentyelght members of the crew 7W Sg iaT, losses. 01 course the ?ul ?Tnlted State, gun-boat that tbe alleged awful tragedy 01 g . . ,f woujd have been a gtob were killed and lour- July roasa tare. .;;y, l0M but by th aid olthe .core sailors were Injured 24 y"-. " e independent Cotton Oil buckets and the bose 1 w.s c u . to o'clock this forenoon with the Independent co gection Q, th( the wUp when Tbe mp0 cured ..d "-TjjJ to,;ig.hM8.b.v..b6r...ulr behine I 'he ship. TJ " 2" "J'cbesMnel'd Con"? OH the buckets notll the hose airived nineton, at the time 01 - M.rion Oil Mill did good wor. S nl s M In .be O-JW' M.1 0 i 111.- The bnilding .ill be r.p.,re .. . .u- mreial wharf at H Company, manum not seriously inter- n T n " u. had received mlnatingCompany.r.rme s T Iq act sireei. " . I rvMnniv Robert Keitn w . . . .. monitor to Mare Isla d navy yard, " P ..- and no. San Francisco. o t about tbebusi- KXPtosioN TBW"IC exc t Bim8elf, one section 01 we building. Although the fire was outside the city linms xne m AiA valient work. The nose was hnrt at first to reach the fire Kt W the aid of F. M. Pickett, nr o Tone,.. S. L. Davis, conau tor of the shifting force and others I ii ennn tRoO leel OI Quae Detroit, Mich.. July 22.-Fred Montgomery, a waiter of Sand wich, Ont., who was taken to fct. Mary's Hospital July 6th with a wound in nis uicbbi " "j -hapin, died today. At the post mortem examination six inches of hnin were lound imbedded in his heart, part of it in the man s v.-,, Th sureeons are sur- ucaii' o - as luug nraUlot,.ti tnlv 22. A queS tion baB bten raised as to the method of committing old soldiers to St. Elizabeth's Insane Asylum, .1 asvium IOrBOlUlCIB and sailors, and they are brought here from all parts 01 nd Wrijjht, ot tne bench.holda that the autnorn - - -Uved of the Soldiers- Home r--" i n h inmate fo ine l aJ power re comuiii u -- the laws of the locality wheie the home is situated. , The present metnoa 01 tumm.i ment is accordifig to the statutes r i i.u frMir to men in irameu wu - - the military service of the United States, which gives i ment the right to a wmm. formality observed under civu law. Judge Wright holds that this law does not appiy to innmica of Soldiers' Homes. Under the dicision relatives or bdoui v tients of St. Elizabeth's may se- cure their release at any une. An adjourned meeting of the Board of Aldermen was held Thursday night at the Mayors office, Mayor wrenn presiamg. i he lollowing Alderman present: j J. H. Millis, D. C. Aldridge, J. a. Kirkman, G. Jti. Kearns, w. r. Pickett, A. M. Rankin and Dr. J. A. Turner Mrs. Dr he fore iUla, 11. - the Board in regard to repairing the Bradshaw house in the fire to the hospital limits, one siaiea mi ,uc house. Montgom- willing to . sell i the property prov.d- eu sac vuuiu get t ounoviw reasonoble price, or that she was willing to sell the house it .he city would make good any loss sustain ed. The cost of the house now was about 8m.co. Tbe matter was left in the hands of tbe build ing committee. A petition was presented trom i.. ..VUn that the When taken e 1 .A rrn CV rrom a 's" " ' , id he received the wound oy accident, declaring mai had lurched against bim as she was pinning her hat. It is believ ed, however, that the man was Btahhed with the pin during a quarrel. Canadian officials say rut utsnmprv'ii wife has been lull inuus j - , , . . nt the dffiS-KS: priST own; S tbVthe row, and Issupposed to have gone . of SUndard ou Co be to Indian Territory. FREMONT HAS A SCANDAL rxplos"" .r - excent himselt. At eacn wt- - t m. Evans which occur 1 I 1U a. 4 " Steam was up and everything ce88iv. meeting of the directors,! at -j - k, th denarture I . hair lot mcetine in Tune, I ,., T factory will continue the worn in the other departments. TOMMY EVANS DEAD tti. .i.. anA nrnnaintances . ntr tntirh suForised as . i i iah-m nf the nPBin well as painea w ' " - ... Ar. w T?..na mhlrh OtCUT- CARS NEEDED tm.:. ne rars were neeJed this morning for furniture. Eigh- In readiness by io ICC U wtiv " o'olock and Cpt. Brown was ex pecting morethrougrt me nay. BARN BURNED ... u, M. Tester near Jamestown destroyed by fire last nignt aoout o 7" makes the second me ar. jc3l has had. NEW VERSION What did you say, jonnr .j . vnnviriiii. -renn.. on mc rcu hi jkuv"i . aist. The news came to tbe city in a letter from Mr. Evans house xt- 7vrV Kmil Caiman & 111 lion vit ' - m- xr w. Plummer Man 1 t?i Hotel which said: tthf Cl inw i nr. mnrh regret to an US 51J m the verv sudden . t m T?.ton wnlcn ias aeato 01 jr ---- " , , . rraA eaterdav morning a me they received-divldenos, u &( Knoxville. ' ' Yes- lot. Invaded the capital the Isatu, w - stock. THB COLLAPSB removed. Left over untu nexi meeting. Jule Ellison asked that side walk in front of his property be run straight. Rent of tbe Denny building for Mayor's office was confirmed. Committee to look into matter of Tomlinson Chair Co. blocking side walk reported that the com pany should make provision to avoid such trouble. The matter was left in the hands of the Mayor. It was ordered that the sidewalk nn Wiah street be fixed as soon ae wu o practicable. Dr. J. A. Turner resigned as a vA. the Street Pnmmlttee- Ml II UC nil PniVkW I UJCU1UC1 Ul mv . One is in the habit nowadays of and J. & was appomtea , u:j- ohcnlntelv Btll-DOS- to mc v.wut.,. ... . . Mrriuv i" Goldsboro, N. C, July 21. It is reported bete that J. R. Short, a merchant and reai esiam owner of Fremont, has been sued for a large amount of money by C. t . r.r Hetncr intimate Willi the latter's wife The report says that Short has been placed under a five thousand dollar bond. Tea Kue was formerly a bookkeeper for Short. Kaieigu ruai MODERN BRIDES j .iDt inmse. laufifnine J -.i;nrr and nodding to their What aia you ,, j---- , -J afctem . . . .nini, neriiiii I ciAMitc Orininers nuu querrien -.r nowadays at parting. lentttn jenociiuu i - - m' ': a a a eiail I AMtl imuciiai uw'-i , . Flem Norman, 01 terday Mr. Plummer recieved the m xi and Sunday here following telegram from tbe Im- , spent oaiy Oleum " r , 1 . (nr the denarture . their tata meetine in June. was m icauiutoo " . , of the Bennington when the star- tbey adopted resolutions affirming board forward boiler exploded aQd reafflrmng thek complete with a deafening roar. The ex- confidence in Dargan: The stock oloslon was terrific. People stand- holdera thought the big combina- ine on shore saw a huge ctoua 01 tion immensly prosperous on ac l(L Hs- . above the Bennington. t oi the handsome dividends Columnsof water were forced mgn into the air. A dozen or fifteen men were blown overboard by the ic. un iwinn. force of the TJir " nTi.ht or so ago P " Thnrsdav nieht. .t i. nhfl was IOOK- I Bl . . I fiVU 'vu - - . - . . j Capt. wo.w. . discovered that the business fa Mood vessel ln brain, niw ingat the Bennington when the WM bankrupt and that its person- attention;was buried here on disaster occurred, says he saw nc- rf perty in lhe shape of oil did advlce from house and relatives . ' nver a hundred wfc0 The hiir mfa l7Aia was traveling sales mtnooaiw ----- , . not tany win 1 - ',""""., Co.. tanks at Charleston were emp.y man and the tanks elsewhere were well New York, and " nigh so. Dargan was excused f rniture district iu the South for from its presidency ana geneim several years. He was a v, the decks, while a numu manaeership. The Dusmess cui- goo1 ueartea reuuw .u ... floundering in the water. A boat d, carrying with it ruin toth. jnew him wlgrg flowered from tbe vessel's side Dl G. ton Trust Company, the bis death. He was in H.gn and most of the men in the water ?GJ 5 SSSi 'oik. well apparently were picked up and taken on wmtaaLS. could be Mr . B board. Lis that its affairs are so compli- has been married but leaves no TBRBIBI.B scbnks that it is impossible to give family. hr4 the Bennington were ..f t anv accurate statement. enVed terrible scenes. The ' bT0Ries afwat MSSES BOULDIN ENTERTAIN force of the explosion naa 10m . T in hlgto together with the great hole in the starboard side of tthatDargan went to Paris fhe ship and i the vessel 1 was already d d made waxen commencing w 1,B I id," repeated jonn u- tinctly, "it is clothes that oreax the man." ff AN EXCELLENT NOMINATION r-i -Srhnrs savs the UD1KU FRENZIED FINANCE n t?-. eYrttebiv Say, Mister Constubble, I've just bin ...1 Hum cent! bunkerea oui --- - The Policeman (irritably )-Well .a - . rrTTV ATI . don't holier 10 me, tuc v aau It was ordered that the Judges and Poll holders in May election be paid $1.00 per day each. George Gray was relieved of 1904 poll tax. States should be "tbe gentleman j am,t no magazine publisher? nations." We nominate , Helradr as the lady Ex. Flem Norman, of Mt. Gilead, , tA. The air was ctoua- ed with smoke, which enveloped vj When the haze cleared IDC away, only a few could be seen on . j..v. while a number were ON HIS TRIAL "Pa " asked the Senator's lit tle boy, "what's a nemesis?" "A 'nemesis," my son replied the Senator, wearily, "is a female office seeker whom, -in a moment i fuh kindheartedness, you promised to assist. HGHT"HOUSES Union Furniture Co. commenc ed the erection of 8 houses today 01 Mangum avenue. Four 4 room, and four 6 room houses. Tbey have all been rented. ALARMED iii....e inct nne thin? I wan- heran Mrs. Acrid ter say w you, wS ---as her better half stumbled into the room at 3 a. m. . "Just one, M'na." queried he, sollciously, "ain't you a-feelin well?" LET THE BOYS OFF We are trettine organized here a good military Company, soon to u f the hpst If thev keep np their drilling. These boys have iicte and must attend one or two gatherings in the State dur- inp the year. o one naa thority to excuse tbem except the Governor. When these meetings hMt Ann' he too hard on LUUJC BWKU. . the boys, let them oh. n possiu.c. The school park is getting to be quite uselul, the cows graz wi.. ui.e nnnllin entertained soara siaeui - t. -nt to fans -.rw-. T MAmmannnv iu 1 rT mmseii. auu. 1 . . . 1 1 vrAcontfn an carried aWEV ' X..A h tnr the upper a 77 --f- - canare mind and rain ' . . XT rain rotne in lorrems. u couples are numerous at night m, T T). Mann and children a r . left for Siler City, Saturday, ior visit of a week or so. Laffoon on Kendall t the real secret it through the hole at the top of your pocket Zl III; age of himself, and another that mg JJ5- Bted an ried away . . p mhad been, for The beaotitni iawn j Tflnflese i to stern. ciooa nu - , Btdvinff hvonotlsm enuiu6 - .Hatrlhnted over the "v""''"r ' "T '.u vth the lanterns sui ter. cabin and h-r nart of the ship adjacent rospe--r fi view the corpse ne. wu- - ar '""'." i htiir resembliiiK a cna. r .s.t h. aid. after very .aruwrew'j ------- . "Prh rtnA f tbe ex M".1 l"T ;r ranted. Tbe Rsts . - , ft(Ww oel mouse. - - - the bunai, mai ue wu , - enioving caras anu a wite is we pfoslon penetrated e vttf, on l dead. that W, F. jUtt hour, W1D Cream and bamllbut the job is seldom satis r .kiw Kinnd and ashes being 1 " , . ij nt nl th mansion I many omer Kuica. 1 " concerned. 01 in ,terri 0i the yr8aui""''r.V.: CiST th- cake were servea ana me tactory v - found as iai , I torn men wno naa w -t hannv one. we an n -hich exploded, it is ---i ri t effort to avoid lng hostess "T- n . .orrlMl RS DUSaiC I' ...... ' .1 tut. " exceot the pros- UOlUOtw - il trating 01 some 01 me wiu m cornfields in and around town. High Point is becoming noted for its excellent livery. To be convinced of this, one has but to observe the many fine turnouts, every evening between tne nours of seven and eight thirty. SAVANNAH S FIRST BALE DEATH OF SAMUEL JORDAN Samuel Jordan one of the land marks of the town died at his home on South Main St. Friday morn ing, after a confinement of nearly 4 years, practically. He would have been 80 years old in Novem- TT1a Qatnmv ' as the DeOTIe uuu j t 1 1 of High Point called him, up to the time of his illness was a familiar figure on the streets here for years. At one time he was an officer of the town. The funeral services will be con ducted from Springfield Meeting House tomorrow at 10 o'clock. HIGH POINT OVERALL COMPANY This substantial enterprise was orgauized four years ago. Mr. J. H. MllllS is rresiacm, uu J. H. Adams is Secretary and Treasurer of the successful busi ness enterprise known as the High Point Overall Company. During the last four years there has been a large increase in the amount 01 goods manufactured, and the sales are large. The product of the factory, although there is much rnmnetition from other sections of the country, shows up so well in the matter of quality of goods, and workmanship, also in the lowness of price, that the company has rapidly come into prominence. Mr. J. H. Adams the Secretary and Treasurer is a young man of solid, substantial character, of vast determination, and marked business ability. He has given Those present from High P-int - : 111...Q Harmon. I ones, wereiw " 7 zt- - a mien Knaiian: wieasia Snnlu the steam pressure waa rrT Ka,,-, for tht wide8pread ""TV p Stalev. a-7edced 00 that particular - - .. . , ,ft put.up iob. h ' .!i,fc n 8. NortheV tV . B U0 fcax.'w - III m-9 H V Will LUi - - - tff3;one. M-li: , - ' 1 Uofranttc has gossip grown that - Mrs ,j. T. Henry, rmmander Young suted inat Wmiuu ..n return from faring - nrMS,Mre was ?Hoholuiu mc A-rV-Trt JQC1 C wa ft " " -ii-Ji. nn tha nlorht Of the trSST- PUDtldVY 'l - . . .iva .nil rerutrta. edv. anu oiucl iuuwmr""i ' ' . 1.- uHnt rnncH. trn nnmerous do icwuv, Iff THE BAPTIST PICNIC The Enterprise learns this morn- l-SToffai K Picnic ! place has oten fixed ImtUwil ?be in 1, few aaysanu .... ; ient piace u - telephone message went abroad Jm Harris, and Mr. B. Harr s -lastWt that the grave had been amasville. Mr. E.KBul- JJ opened and found empty. . Jard, Va4 Miss Mary Culbreth, h When a girl turns a young 1 Annan he is apt to man b vj' t,h,v-"w , , , take it to heart because he feels sorry for ber.. Some girls marry for love, some for mney. and all of them marry because some silly man.asks them Relations are strained between QaWannh Ga Tulv a The the business of tbe company his S"V' Ta'':ffii.i.3M closest attention since becoming closest attention since becoming identified with it and has succeed ed admirably. The organization and success of this company are due mainly to his efforts and those of his advisers. - at. .a 1 1 avtaak ' wruv ft AVE IS NOT OPENED ' mm. ... the. t nnl v bin widow would have authority to opn thb rave and she does not even know i of tne rumor, iuwi. - hn ,ni credit the men who say Ft. ... fh. tnan dead, there: is first bale of cotton for this season was sold at auction at the cotton exchang . It was classed fully middling and was bought by a local agent for a Liverpool firm for 3o cents a pound, which s a vToathe new record price for the hrst oaie - that others whS are in bavannan. i . iu. n i engagea in iuc dhuic , facture, will have to hustle if they LITTLE BOY DROWNED keep paCe with him in the proces- ymS??E? rh.rlotte. N. C.; July lou. Thw year tne v.onjpny uw j .il... hMlliltncr and erected idviuci uu..u.m0 organized tbe High Point Hosiery lsnmeaia , . , . ... . c .ot Mnenltino nim. lard. va. : bin u j wno. wiinooi uod o -StSesville, Mr. Bowden, Randle- memorial to the throne re- man?and quite a large number mending the abolition of tnal from Archdale and Trinity. by torture. A Gukst. .... t ' fy Unt1lian until recent' Mr. - w. nl,.m r... hnent to hishome jar. ! , . ni.tA.i Cnnntv on account in jmwuui"" . 't la fmnrovinsr. ne n.r lava hey saw the man dead, .there; is . y tlcket .gent 5 at Durham, ""'j" "t it is in a m: no W to'ettlethe question ex- tV Greensboro as night ticket typhoM fever out cept to go into the grave by vio- J-entoothe Boutbern torm-, , , . ,fc.ct., icerat the demand oi the In, g!ri w womerrfev of Norfolk. )i Mr. A. J- Dodameau has retui r-0" I. Li. ; nn, imnreatM Prof. H. Womersiey, . extended visit HYER THAN EVER UtT-clo Newt Campbell ?y ?e W.V Dodamead has return- a little shy ot tne gins, i ence or . . Prof. H. Womersiey, oi no"'. , : '1 .tended visit at i v.n .f heau9e I .urauce people. u.fw- t - - .MlM th. International ea . iruu - tr ririt he is mw : i". , ,i-ii., la the inconae. i vi ,icf'"""- . - . ,. . i r.Vet sninnur opiiuC9, , every one be see. now nasu r no --- en Cone.pondece iwo. oved in health. sleeves rolled up , 1 qrtVglde9.-Ch,rlotte Observer. , ot Mr. woyu TCmest Edwards, five years old, .ea Arnmnf( in a mill DOt'O. ai i TJ11 near here this after- IXI L. UUll J i noon. The lad was alone and the narttfn1ara of hla death are not p , . , lrnrtarn. ne was . ouu ui Edwards. WKau. a , - !ll. JtU the eatne nffirerll. TblA IKliua wim " is one of the best Hosiery Mills in the State. DELAYED Mr. W. H.Dixon, the new as- igc0ming hereto start a factory, sistant superintendent of tbe Life writes that he will be here August Insurance Company of Virginia, lgt He was expected this week has taxeu coarge ui iuc um Uv. v. . but wa9 aeiayea. it- 4; r i in . t "V. f ' 1 1 "!-