mtMHLmmnmmiuim Afegetable Preparationfor As similating UieFoodandReguIa ung the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes DigestionXheerful nessandRest.Contains neither Opium,Morplune nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. PmiM Semi Mx.SmutM. KitltlU SJtt A perfect Remedy forConslipa Hon, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ft pi) till For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signati of the AKu Use For Over Thirty Years THE OCNTAUH lOMMNV, NEW VOHK CTTV. Ice Coal Wood 5 We sell exclusively the highest grades of steam and domestic coals, and cord and split wood :: :: Place your order now for your winter supply and SAVE MONEY .: :: :: Phone 109 HIGH POINT ICE & FUEL CO-! Gowan's Pneumonia Cure External for Croup, Sore Throat, all Pains in Chest, Lungs and Muscles Children Poisoned. Many children are poisoned and made nervous and weak, if not killad outright, by mothers giving them cough syrups containing opiates. Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe and certain remedy for coughs, croup and lung trouble, and is the only prominent cough tnsdicine that contains no opiates or other poisons. Geo A. Matton Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right SlOO, D-- E- Decthon'e Antl-Dturet may be worth to you more than $100 if you have a child who soils bedding fro-n incontinence of water during sleep. Cure old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. i. Sold by Geo. A. Matton, Druggist, High Point, N. C. fri Climatic Cures. 1 he influence of climatic coddltions in the cure f consumption is very much overdrawn. The poor patient, and the rich patient, too, can do much better at ho ii e by proper attention to food diges tion, and a regular use of German Syrup. Free expectoration in the morning sa made certain by German Syrup, so is i good night's rest and the absencs of that weakening cough and debilitating night sweat. Restless nights and the exhaus tion due to coughing, the greatest danger and dread of the consumptive, can be prevented or stopped by taking German Svrup liberally and regularly. Should you be able to go to a warmer clime, you will find that of the thousands of con sutntives there, the few who are benefited and regain strength are those who nse German Syrup. Trial bott es. 25c; regu lar size, 75c. W. A. Ring. EB(iDDD(n)inn IT buying silver plated ware quality shoutdalways U II be considered before price. We take pride In our stock ofSHverware, selng only the best kinds from the most reliable makers. We call your atten tion to our 1847 Roger knives and forks. We buy them In jobbers lots and can sell them at less than . those who buy in small quantities.. Another thing we pride ourselves upon Is our line of watch and lorgnette s . chains. , We carry the best gold filled chains that are made anywhere, the Simmons, which are the most - ' ', broadly guaranteed chain In this country; :: lm P. Ctaloy & Drotrior A WILD VACATION Uur aged and sedate content portary, the Philadelphia Public Ledger, has heard the call of the wild. The lure ol the potato patch and the sorcery of black- eyed Susans have worked a staril ing transformation in our venera ble friend. It cries: "We should every now and then rush out in the open." It goes further, and makes the astonishing statements that running barefooted in the dew is so exhilarating that it pro poses to strip altogether, in order to obtain "the invigorating effect of rain on the nude but active body." Second though saves it however, from possible arrest ''These heathful diversions aienot always practicable, but nearly everyone can have a sponge bath Once in the wilds of the suburbs' the Ledger discovers a sixth sense: "When we return to the free realm, something like a long' unused sense responds rythmicallv . f Vi n 1io.niATllaa nf not.. ' Whereupon our contemporary seizes the pipes of Pan, strikes tby keynote, and responds rapturousle to the harmony around it: "The potato fields are in creamy blossom and the long rows ot gar den peas in airy bloom, even while the elderberry is wearing its mid summer flowery tufts. Here are great wastes of ragged robins and starrv campions and tall orange Jillies. Yarrows and clovers and bu ter-and-eggs and wild mustard all frolic together in the July breezes. Belated buttercups hold friendly communion wiihthe early golden-rod, while triumphant young black-eyed Susans stand beside their shrinking elder sisters, who were in their prime a month ago. Nile green rivers of oats are ripp'ing beside golden lakes of over-ripe wheat." Ah, the glad summertide! Ah, the spirit of youth! In our mind's enraptured eye we see or time honored friend, rejuvenated, wear ing its midsummer flowery tufts, frolicing with yarrows and clovers and fresh butter-and-eggs. A gay old blade is our intoxicated con temporary. It chucks the trium phant young black-eyed Susans. under the chin, and holds friendly communion with their shrinking elder sisters. .Birds sing, grasses wave, satyrs gambol, potatoes blossom, and the Public Ledger leaps and laughs. On with the dance, unbiod the fragant zone, tune the merry throat unto the sweet bird's note! Betimes the antique devotee of jop and torgettuiness wends to Atlantic City. The bellow of the sea is not in vain.' "its strong ufill vuLiiahiffTra wc o-?e ljilinted by its ancient mvsterious rune, and feel that the delights ot beach and surf are supreme. Amon? the breakers there is a glad riot of life." What! so soon? Is black- eyed Susan forgot in the witchery of the mermaids? Even so. Our neighbor's ancient mysterious rune deals now with tbe glad riots of life on the board walk, and the Nile-green rivers of oats glide into the bosom of the sea Triumphant young gSusans dive and plunge, and tease their elder sisters who were in their prime half a century ago l be strong spe.ll of the sea enchains the holy bard, and the coast patrol comes to the rescue n is tne mysterious summer time, when brains are prone to madness and man wanders far afield We rejoice in the exhilara tion of our old friend, bus we con fess that we shall feel safer when it is again in Philadelphia, free trom tne dangers of vacation. The "mystericus summer time is spring and fall at Morehead City and Beaufort..N C, the most beautiful and delightful coast re sorts on the South Atlantic Washington Post. Grange Marmalade. . ..! -. j Wash the oranges and slice them ! thin, and for each pound add six t cups of water and let stand for twenty-four hours. Boil until ten der, add two and a half cups of ugar to every pint of fruit and boil an hour and three-quarters. When nearly done add two lemons sliced thin to every five oranges used. 8ave the Piece. Every household should have its well marked boxes and bags for the proper sorting out of odds and ends of silks and cloths and linens. Every odd bit of stuff that is of any size should be saved. You never know when you will need a bit of ailk to line a collar or a strip of muslin for bands. Toast For Invalids. Cut the crust from slices of stale bread and toast to a light brown. As each is done dip into well salted boiling water. Arrange in a baking pan, salting and buttering each lay er, and cover with boiling milk, add ing cream if you have it. Cover and bake for fifteen minutes. Loose Knife Handles. Take the handle off, mix together three parts rosin and one of bath brick. Nearly fill the handle with this, heat the steel beyond the blade till nearly fed hot, insert in the handle and press down into place. It will be as firm as when new. Tvi.. It is wouderfui how alike some twins are, not only in feature, but in character. It is seldom, however, io we uvea 01 twin sisters or Mothers are so nearly alike as those of Mrs. Mary Siasona and Mrs. Ann Denniaon. These old ladies recently kept their eighty-fourth birthday at Arnold, Ifottmghamshire, near which they hav lived all their lives. The twins were married on the same day by the same clergyman. They married jbrothers. Both lost their husbands as the result of accident, and both married a second time. Both enjoy good health, and neither has ever seen the sea. London IfaiL . lull Ring Slaughter. A Spanish contemporary says, ac cording to the Indianapolis News, that in 1904 nearly : 12,000 bulls were, killed in bullfights of the coun try, ; The bulls killed about 10,000 hones. The best and most valuable bulls lor the arena ire raised on the vast estates of the Duke of Ye ragua, in Andalusia, who has made fortune out of this business. f Cucumber For the Skin. Cucumber is one of nature's own cosmetics. Try using a slice of cu cumber instead of soap for washing your face. Don't throw away even the rind. Boil it and use the water for washing you 'ace. To Deodorize a Room. An easy way to deodorize and dis infect a room is to put a lump of camphor on a plate and press a red hot poker into it, or bits of the gum ! may be sprinkled over red hot coals on a shovel. To Stop Bleeding. Badly cut fingers may be stopped from bleeding by tying in a piece of soft rag soaked in turpentine. This will at once stop the bleeding and make the cut heal quickly. Doing rf - Best W. M. Tilghmann, an Oklahoma sheriff and a one time partner of Bat Masterson in Kansas, was in New York recently and while here told this story: "A posse was one day looking for a bad man who was the real thing. Bat and I and several others were in the bunch, and we ambushed our man, and when he was within twentj steps we suddenly showed ourselves and ordered him to throw up his hands. "He. was on horseback, and he promptly Jicw a ictoItof. Tkorc was nothing else for us to do, and five of us fired, and the bad man tumbled from his pony. We went to him and found that, while he was badly wounded, he was not dead. He' cursed us roundly and then grew sarcastic. wYou are a fine lot of marks men,' he said. "If I had hred right at a man like that I would have killed him, you bet.' Masterson seemed grieved at the complaint, and he said sincerely : 'Well, now, don't blame me. I did my best.' "New York Times. D Blind Headache "About a year ago," writes Mrs.: Mattie Alien, of, 1123 Broadway, Augusta, Ga.t "r suffered with blind sick headaches and backaches, and could get no relief until I tried WINE OF A Non-Intoxicating Female Tonic I immediately commenced to imorove. and now I feel A like a new woman, and wish to recommend it to all sick women, for I know that it1 will cure them as it did me." Cardui is a pure, medicinal extract of WUTE vegetable herbs, which relieves female reins, regulates female functions, . I tones up female organs to a proper state or health. Try Jarm$ta it for your trouble. JI-2!5 . tfatay af nw traebka, sad isnra ike Wa mat la aire as anav aas nuty, easnr- ; Every druggist sills it in $ 1.00 bottles. Ill year .syaeteas. Ws S9KUIII fan ah ffTtatacMj (Will SUM dltttlalcaaki vke arlU cafeMIr caaiUaF om mt giT. ywi frw adrlca. itoset latfndNjai wast leasts SBlill. All aas n inl jrea nshr seat na la MEDKINS CO. CaattaaMfs, Teas. Care I Courtesy Mann Drug Co. Promptness Honesty TO LOOK WttLx, lovely women require a lot of little fix ings that most men know but little about The drug man, however, wbo caters to fashionable trade knows all these little "ciugius ana accessories needed by womankind. WE ARE THE PEOPLE you can get them from, and at popular pnees. All the powders, perfumes, man icure sets and whatever else is necessary to make yon pretty, we've g t them. Come in, please, and buy a few. Ring's Pharmacy 9fce & eason an the farmer is busy A Homely Criticism. "Uncle Joe Cannon is sometimes too homely and direct and harsh in his. comments," said a young jour nalist. "I was not at all pleased with the remark he made to me while I was speaking at the X ban quet. Of course I am an inexperienced speaker. I can't rattle off words like the veterans of the senate and house. 1 admit that I began my address in a iaitenng way. 1 oegan, u 1 re member: "'Gentlemen, my opinion is that the generality of mankind in general is disposed to take advantage of the generality of'- "Here Uncle J oe interrupted me. " 'Sit down, son,' he said. Ton are coming out of the same hole Jou went in at'" Kansas City ournal. lightly sailed boilfig"wafer. A del icate flavor la obtained by adding a few cloves and peppers to the salted vater. This requires a good deal of cooking, and the fish is done if the fins come out , easily when gently polled. Remove the bar carefully 0 as not to break the fish, lay in a platter and cover with finely chop ped bits of parsley and oyster sauce. t ' (M ami Chiss. .' . Out very thin a Quarter of a pound of cheese and put it in a fry ing pan over a slow fire. Add to it half a cupful of milk, butter, a pinch each of salt and peoper. V Stir until the cheese is almost melted. Then add three well beaten eggs with half a cupful of milk. Cook until set. and serve in a hot dish or on thin toast Aq agate pan is much the lest for cheese. - - We can make it and see MiM Wagncg and Chattanooga Plows and keep the be&t Reapers, Bind ers and mowers. pigh Point Hardware (Jonpoij W. I. Montjg'omery High Point N. C. Contractor and Builder Correspondence Solicited . : oce.I emd Out of Town. NEW SPRING GOODS Popular Prices. All new Spring jGoods. The only exclusive Ladies Store in tbe city.' . A ' 1 rioG Venetia miihs HAVE YOU UOCD ; . MASURY'S PAINT? II not, why nott ' It wears, covers, woiktt and . ; looks better than any other. ' Claims - verified V V ; by a Half Century's Performance. 8old only by ' Siceloff Hardware & Grocery Company N i ' , - ' HighPoint, N. C. - - mi