n4i"iiiiiiliiiiuiniMi'"'1niiiiU'iiiiHiiMiiNimm'uiiiNmiiuliiiiii jYegetabk Prepatationfar As similating theFoodandRegula tingtheStoioachs and Bowels of Promotes Dige3tion.CheerFur ness and Rest.Con tains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Harc otic . TDrym efOUIIr SAMUEL PtTCHKR flmyti, Ami Mx.Smn frwtft S&mi Cin&lJbtsr httkiyrmn norm A perfect Remedy forConsfipa Tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YDHK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Ice Coal I riiU Htm in ii jj We sell exclusively the highest grades of steam and domestic coals, and cord and split wood :: :: Place your order now for your winter supply and SAVE MONEY :: :: :: Phone 109 HIGH POINT ICE & FUEL CO- Go wan' s Pneumonia Cure xternal for Croup, Sore Throat, all Pains in Chest, Lungs and Muscles Children Poisoned. Many children are poisoned and made nervous and weak, if not killad outright, by mothers giving them cough syrups containing opiates. Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe and certain remedy for coughs, croup and lung trouble, and is the only prominent cough tnsdicine that contains no opiates or other poisons. Geo A. Matt on Foley's Kidney Cure Dukes kidneys and bladder right. SlOO, D-- B- Docthon's Antl-Dtnret may be worth to you more than ioo if you have a child who soils bedding from incontinence of water during sleep. Cure old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. $i. Sold by Geo. A. Matton, Druggist, High Point, N. C. fri Dln7air,(B E(CdDDD(DniD ff tt buying silver plated ware quality shouldalways 11 II be considered before price. We take pride in our stock of Silverware, selng r only - the best kinds from the most reliable makers. We call your atten tion to our 1847 Roger knives and forks. We buy them in jobbers lots and can sell them at less than those who buy In small quantities. ' Another thing we pride ourselves upon is our line of watch and lorgnette chains, i We carry the best gold filled chains that are made anywhere, the Simmons, which are the most broadly guaranteed chain In this country, ;: :; ;: . GffMtt For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature of n Use For Over Thirty Years A THS CCNTMM IOHMH. UN TUM CIT. I JBWLIII 1 M n Wood Olimute Cores. The influence of climatic coddltions in the cure f consumption is very much overdrawn. The poor patient, and the rich patient, too, can do much better at ho i e by proper attention to food diges tion, and a regular use of German Syrup. Free expectoration in the morning sa made certain by German Syrup, so is i good night's rest and the absencs of that weakening cough and debilitating night sweat. Restless nights and the exhaus tion due to coughing, the greatest danger and dread of the consumptive, can be prevented or stopped by taking German Svrup liberally and regularly. Should you be able to go to a warmer clime, you will find that of the thousands of con sumtives there, the few who are benefited and regain strength are those who use German Syrup. Trial bott es 35c; regu lar size, 75c. W. A. Ring. the i Air A. P. Ctaloy Brother .1 Point. Earth Carolina President Buchanan's Advica. In early life the Rev. Dr. William M. Paxton wrote and committed two sermons every week. During a vacation he preached in a hotel at Bedford Springs and among his 'au ditors was President Buchanan. At the close of the service the president gave to the young minister this in teresting item from his own life: "I notice that you committed that sermon tor memory. I did the same with all my speeches when a young lawyer and found it was too great a tax on my mind. Then I tried another way. I thought out the speech without the use of paper and pen. Every set address since that time has been prepared in this man ner." Dr. Paxton at once put the sug gestion into practice, and thence forth all his sermons were composed in the same way. Church Econo mist. Fir by Friction. A recent writer gives the follow ing description of the method by which a Kaffir produces fire by fric tion : Two special sticks made of a light wood are taken. One is pointed, and in the center of the other a conical hole is made. Placing the latter on the ground, the native holds it firmly with his feet. Then he puts the pointed stick in the conical hole and begins slowly twirl ing it with his hands, using a good deal of pressure, until the wood be comes powdered, lying round the re volving point in a little heap of dust. When he thinks he has made suffi cient of this wood dust he twirls the stick very rapidly, and in a moment the powder bursts into flame, which he uses to set fire to some dried grass. A Shock. The young man with the uncut hair and hungry look had submit ted a poem for editorial considera tion. "Well," said the man behind the blue pencil, after a hurried glance at it, "how does $3 strike you?" "Why er really," stammered the rhymester, "that is more than I er" "Well, that's the best I can do," interrupted the busy editor. "I couldn't think of printing a poem like that for any less." Her Children. A well known sculptor is responsi ble for the following story of the "scrub lady" who cares for his stu dio: "How many children have you, Mrs. O'Flarity?" he asked her one morning. "It's feiven I have, sir," she replied, "four be the third wife of me second husband and three b the second wife of me furst." Dofng M - Boat. W. M. Tilghmann, an Oklahoma sheriff and a one time partner of Bat Masterson in Kansas, was in New York recently and while here told this story: "A posse was one day looking for a bad man who was the real thing. Bat and I and several others were In the bunch, and we ambushed our man, and when he was within twenty steps we suddenly showed ourselves and ordered him to throw up his hands. "He was on horseback, and he promptly drew a revolver. There was nothing else for us to do, and five of us fired, and the bad man tumbled from his pony. We went to him and found that, while he was badly wounded, he was not dead. He cursed ua roundly and then grew aarcastic. "Tou are a fine lot of marks men,' he said. Tf I had fired" right at a man like that I would have killed him, you bet.' "Masterson seemed grieved at the complaint, and he said sincerely:. 'Well, now, don't blame me. I did my best.' 'V-New York Times. A Homely Criticism. "Uncle Joe Cannon is sometimes too homely and direct and harsh in his comments," said a young jour nalist. "I was not at all pleased with the remark he made to me while I was speaking at the X ban quet ' 0 course I am an inexperienced speaker. I can't rattle off words like the veterans of the senate and house. I admit that I began my address in a faltering way. I began, if I re member : . M 'Gentlemen, my opinion is that the generality of mankind in general la disposed to take advantage of the generality of ' "Here Uncle Joe interrupted me. . " 'Sit down, son he said. You are coming out of the same hole Jon: went in at" Kansas City cranial. A Rough Mooting. "Where have you been, Johnf asked , the woman- who met him at the liead of the stairs. To the lodge." . "But your hat is all battered la and your clothes are torn." U ; t "Zhuri! I was 'nitiated," I 4iaaapoli Sun,-. ; j ; a W. aiMl tho Blbl. Joseph has a very exalted opinion1 of his 'grandmother's knowledge of all things and likewise of "the fa ther of his country," about whom many stories have been woven to the youngster's delight. Not long rgo an older brotherJoseph boast ed of some four years came rush ing into the room with : "Say, grandma, what was George Washington's politics ?" Grandma was busily planning a Srment and paid little attention 10 e question, answering, with un usual dreaminess: "Oh, I don't know." . Joseph stopped in his play and looked at her for a moment. Then he said:' "Don't know! Well, you ought to. You read your Bible enough." Chicago Eecord-Herald. Tho Ruling Passion. A dying miser sent for hia solicit, or and said: "Now, begin, and I will dictate particulars." "I give and bequeath," commenc ed the man of law. "No, no," interrupted the tes tator. "I do nothing of the kind. I will never give and bequeath any thing. I cannot do it." "Well, then," suggested the at: torney, after some consideration, "suppose you say, 1 lend until the lastday?"' "Yes, yes. That will do," eagerly rejoined the miser. London Tit Bits. Ingratitude. Grace, aged five, had just recover ed from measles, when her small brother took the same complaint. Upon becoming convalescent he was one day sitting up in bed munching a sponge oake while his sister sat looking on. By various means she tried to induce him to part with a bit of the dainty, but the invalid took no notice. He ate steadily on until the last bits were disappearing, when Grace could stand it no longer. She exclaimed indignantly: "Just look at him I He won't give me a crumb. It was me that give him the measles V Various Color Meanings. The following are the various col ors used for mourning in different countries, together with the reasons given for the selection: Black ex1 presses privation of light, worn throughout Europe and America. Yellow, the sear and yellow leaf, Egypt and Burma. In Brittany widows' caps among the peasants are yellow. Purple and violet, to express royalty, mourning for 'the cardinals and kings of France. Vio let is the mourning color for Tur key. White, emblem of "white handed hope," China. Deep blue, Bokhara mourning. The significance of this selection is not known. Pale brown, the withered leaves, Persia. Grayish brown, earth, Ethiopia and Abyssinia. Indoor Baseball. Here's an interesting game that can be played by any number, divid ing the players so as to have an equal number on each side. All you need is a small, smooth button. Lay the diagram on a flat surface, place the button about an inch from the I 1 I i ! 3 4 5 e 8 I , 9 j DlaOBAH TOB QAMM. , King Victor of Italy is very fono f fishing, but unfortunately nt very seldom succeeds in catching many , fish. The other ". day, after fishing for several hours, he was re turning home with threo perch no bigger than sprats in his bag when he met a peasant who had, also been fishing and had caught several splen did trout. "Well, neighbor, I see voa iavent caught many," said " the 1 peasant, with s laugh. "Yak: 2 dent see why, for they're biting good todaj. I guess you're the same kind of fish erman our king is." ; - - ' "What do you mean?" asked King Victor, blnahing fftriously';:! y "Oh," replied the peasant,we all know, him. He thinks himself a gnat ' sportsman,' but he's no good at fishing, ,1 suppose the Lord thought 'twas enough to make him a king without making him at tit same time good sportsman.'' ,,' " , c- ' 4, a v DRAGGI down pains are a symptom ,of the most serious trouble whidi Can attack a woman, viz: falling of the wombv With this, generally, come Irregular, painful, scanty or profuse periods, wasteful, weakening drains, dreadful backache, headache, nervousness, dizziness, irritability, tired ieeling, inability to ; walk, loss of appetite, color arid beauty. The cure is viriE OF THE FEMALE REGULATOR. that marvelous, curative .extract, or natural wine, of herbs, I "which exerts such a wonderful, strengthening influence on ' all female organs. Cardui relieves pain, regulates the : menses, stops drains, and stimulates the womb muscles 'to pull the womb up into place. 'i It is a sure and permanent cure for all female complaints. WRITE US A LETTER Pnt aside an timidity and write us freely and frankly, in strictest oonfl denoe, teUinc ua aU your symptoms and tronbles. We will send fiee adrioe (in plain, sealed enrelope), how to cure taein. Address: Ladles1 Adriiory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine a Chattanooga, Tens. , , . Care I Courtesy Mann Drug Co. Promptness eason the farmer is busy We can make it easy for you, call and see Rothroc WagnojS and Chattanooga PIpwk and keep -the best Reapers, Bind ers and mowers. fiigh Point Hardware W. I. Montgomery High Point. N. C, Contractor and . Builder Correspondence Solicited Local and Out of Town. NEW SPRING GOODS Popular Prices. - All new Spring Goods. The only exclusive Ladies Store in the city. , - 1 , . Ml&s Venetia Smith's HAVE YOU USED , w f MASURY'S PAINT ? ? If not, why not? t It wears Jookr better than any other. " Claims verified , r ,. , by a Half Century' Performance. 8old only by . ; V Siceloff Hardware & Grocery Company 1 . !: ; "I SUFFERED AWFUL PAIN Naomi Bake, of Webster Groves, Mo.. . "also in my right and left sides, and my menses were very painful and irregular. Since taking Cardui, I. feel like m new woman, and do not , suffer as I did. It is the bestmedi- ' sine I oyer, had in my house." Honesty TO LOOK WELL lovely women require a lot of little fix ings that most men know but little about The drug man, however, wbo. caters to t fashionable trade knows all these littte belongings and accessories needed bv , womankind. WE ARE THE PEOPLE ' yon can get them from, and at popular prices. All the powders, perfumes, man leure sets and whatever else is necessary to make you pre.ty, we've g t them. Come in, please, and buy a few. Ring's Pharmacy a- 7pens an covers, ; 'works and. v ,i V " ,i - 1 ; 'iiV

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