: To cure cold wheayott have no congh to cure a cough when you have l no cold to cure yourself when you have both take Kennedy' Laxative Honey and Tar. The new idea, the original Laxative Cough Syrup. It contains no opiates and is best for coughs, colds, croup, whoop ng cough, etc. Pleasant to the taste and equally good for child or adult. Remember the name, "Kenne dy's", and see that the red clover blos som and the honey bee is on the bottle. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar is the original Laxative Cough Syrup. Take no other. Sold by W. A. Ring i ' A Ft CP" if t 8 I- n r 1 How We Oatoh a Cold. A cold is sometimes contracted while re maining inactive for a while in an un comfortable room or a cold draft and by falling to sleep under like conditions. But most colds are caught while sleep ing too cold at night, deep sleep causes sluggish circulation which renders the system susceptable to change of temper ature. To prevent colds, sleep under plenty of cover. To cure colds use Ry dales Elixir, it lessens the severit" and shortens the duration of a cold and pre sents pneumonia bronchitis and con vumption. W. A. Ring. A Lite at Stake. If you but knew the splendid merit of Foley's Honey and Tar you would never be without it A dose or two will pre vent an attack of pneumonia or la grippe. It may save voi- 'fe. W. A. Ring. Bydales Stomaoh Tablets Rydales Stomach Tablets are made for stomach and organs of as-similation and are not intended for a ' cure all '. They They contain concentrated aseplic, pep sin, pure pancreatin and other digestive agents. They contain powerfvl tonics and mild stimulants that have a specific ef fect on the stomach aud organs of assim ilation and which aid nature in recon structing the broken down cells and strengthening the flacid muscles of the walls of the stomach and other digestive organs. Rydales Stomach Tablets, are a perfect stomach medicine, theyrelieve at once and so n cure the worst forms of stomach trouble. Price 25 and socts. a box. W. A. Ring. Pleaasntly Effeotlve Sever in the way, no fouble to carry easy to take, pleasant end never failiny in results are De Witt's Little Earlg Risers. These famous little pills are a certain guarantee against headache, bil, iousness, torpid liver aud all of the ills resulting from constipation. They tonic and strengthen the liver. Cure Jaundice. Sold by W. A. Ring. OAT ABB H CUBED. Home Testimony. Mrs. A. G. Trotter, of Mt. Airy, says: I wish to testify to the won derful curative properties of Cacter-ine- I was a great sufferer from catarrh and headaches, and it seemed I was doomed to suffer constautly. About three years ago' my brother sent me from New York, a box of Cacterine. I am now free from the tortures of this dreadful pain. I cannot say too much for your remedy. Many of my friends have used it and all speak in highest praise of it CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of Millionaire's Foor Stomaoh. The worn-cut stomach of the over-fed millionaire is often paraded in the public prints as a horrible example of the evils attendant on the possession of great wealth. But millionaires are not the only ones who are afflicted with bad stomachs. The proportion is far greater among the toilers. Dyspepsia and indi gestion are rampant among these people, and they suffer far worse tortures than the millionaire unless they avail them selves of a standard medicin - like Green s Augnst Flower, which i a been a favor ite household remedy for all stomach trouble- for over thirty-five years. Au gust Flower rouses the torpid liver, thus creating appetite and insuring perfect digestion. It tones and vitalizes the en system and makes life worth liv ng, no matter what your station. Trial bottles, 25c; regular size, 75c. W. A. Ring- FATHER GEORGE Sea Island Sheet ing, full yard wide, 6 cents per yard. Owen's New York Racket Stoe. ANOTHER lot of Gingham remnants, only 4 cents per yaid. Owen's New York Racket Store. Itch on human cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by Geo. A. Matton, Duggist High Point, N. C. IpiastigQ II ' A Porter A P a rf Art- Wall Coating ( Combines Cleanliness nd Durability Any on can brush It on No one can rub It off 3 Plastico is a pure, permanent i and porous wall coating, and does not require washing off . to re-new as do all kalaomineSi It is a dry powder, ready lor use by adding cold water and r can be easily brushed on by . any one, Made in white and fourteen fashionable tints. r Sample card free. - GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. , ML IN nn 1 Koikqtodi) as ftlh (BDaaodl DDDaDiPtra sutdoD SO on More SO ILotts Si. MODS On plank r jad a few feet from city limits. Located ou car line and macadam ized roads. Most desirable property offered this year. These lots will likely be worth double the price in a year. Fir3! LOT Ff! 1 Carriages free on Day of Sole. A Lot egibni aft 9sSO S Iharp Sale to J. W. Ferguson will not keep you waiting' Bafido music. .Come out and spend a pleasant day 1 ,'(i . 77 Mnnnr Ti Mill i For sale bjr Beeaon Hard ware - Co J . SMSMsMssMPaa '...V . . ,' -'V. ' . ' -i. -. 1 rV V j J il