r 1 . : .' 1 .. 1 Enterprise is among the Very Best advertising mediu in Piedmont Worth CarolinaIt readhesJhepeopie Vol. XX VIII. HIGH POINT, GUILFOBD COUNTY, N. C, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1905. No. 10 11 1 1 A BIG DAY HiAh Point Will Give tbe . President a Reception lie Will Never Forget. 15,000 People to Greet film at Public Square. The committee appointed by tbe Mayor met Friday night at tbe Mayor's office. The meeting was presided over by the Mayor and there were several members of the board present o act in conjunction with the Mayor in making final arrangements for President Roose velt's visit here next Thursday. The meeting was an enthusiastic one and every detail was gone ove so as to. make the arrange ments as perfect as possible for the occasion. COMMITTEES Mayor Wrenn appointed tbe following committees. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE W. Ragan, E. M. Armfield, Dr. J. Turner, S. H. Hilliard, J. H. A. E. Kirkman, Wilber Jones and C. L Glenn. decobations: E. W. Preeze T. J. Farriss, C. M. Crawford and C. C. Barbee. MIUATARY AND POLICE : Sergt. J. S. Spencer, A. M. Rankin and J D. Mann. SIGNAL COMMITTER: G . H. Kearns, J. E Kirkman, F. N. Tate and J. P. Redding. firbmens : A B. Homey, Dr. J. R. Reitzel and G. H. Kearns. music: W. H. Bagan, J; E. Kirkman and Silas Johnson. schools: Prof. Crowell, J. El wood Cox and W. P. Pickett. CHIEF MARSHALL.: Fred N Tate who will appoint his assist ants. These committees will meet at the Mayor's office Tuesday night to report progress' in their work. The program will be simple but effective in getting the crowd to the public square. As soon as the President's train rounds the curve every whistle in the city is to sound a greeting for 60 seconds only. The buildings near the crossing are to be extensively decorated and every school child will have a flag. The committee would also request all who can to secure a small flag and carry it their hand. All the factories will quit at quartering time 3:15 p. m., in or der to give the people time to get to the crossing or go home for their families: The train is expected to arrive here between 4 and 4:30. Th9 Enterprise extends an in vitation to all the people in the surrounding country to be with us on that day as we will make it a kind of a holiday: We shall be pleased to see you. A BUSY DAY Thursday wasa busy day among the lumber men and contractors. There were half - dozen men here all day getting fignres on building material and estimates on contrac tors ' work, It included mills, graded schools, new factories and residences. Mr. Morris from Greensboro was also here looking after our new passenger depot., . 'p'''v'-i ':" "'vr;iy4' a7 E. " Scarboro and wife were here today en route to Trinity. ASSIST THE' COMMITTEE -' Let everyone help decorate his place oi business for the coming of the President Thursday , -y MR. J3DCON TALKS ON CLANSMAN Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr., arriv ed in Charlotte yesterday morning and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R M. Brannon, at their borne in Dilworth. , Mr. Dixon accompanied by Mrs Dixon, will leave this moraing for Columbia, S C, where they will attend the performance of the Clansman to-night. In an interview with a News re porter Mr Dixon stated that he re gretted not being able to be pre sent when Tbe Clansman was presented to a Charlotte audience, Owing to illness Le was detained in New York city. The visit of Mr Dixon to New York at this time wasin connection with the presentation of The Clansman in the Metropolis. He states that be has paved tbe way for his play to be presented there and in all probability the "first night'' will be in about four weeks. Mr Dixon expects to remain with the troupe about ten days when he will return to New York and ar range all the details for tbe inva sion of that great city. Next season Mr Dixon says there will be three troupes on tbe road playing Tbe Clansman. One will go West, another East and still another will come South. ORGANIZATION EFFECTED The stockholders of High Point Piano and Organ Co., the 'new enterprise promoted by Mr. W. G. Shlpman, met yesterday afternoon and perfected the organization by electing' officers. All the stock but a fraction was represented.The authorized capital of the new com pany is $50,000. The plant of the High Point Trunk Co., has been leased in order to save time and Mr. Shipman expects to begin work November 1st. officers: President, J. K. Link, Salisbury, Vice-President, C. V. Craigen; Secretary & Treas ueer, W. G. Shipman. board or directors Dr. D. A. Stanton, J. P. Redding, F. M. Pickett, W. A. Wilkerson, of Concord, J. K Link, of Salisbury. The Enterprise bids Mr. Ship man speed in the undertaking. We believe that they have hit up on a good thing. Mr. Shipman, the Secretary & Treasurer, is a Virginian, but for several years has made bis home in Colorato. He. has had in mind for iwo years the establishment of a Piano fac tory in Colorado. He was at home in the South prospecting lately and when he saw the opening here for the organ factory as he thinks, he chinched it. Mr. Shipman is a thorough business man with a great deal pi hustle about him and we are pleased that he has decided to cast his lot among us. ; DEATH OF MRS. BRYANT ,"v Mrf. B. T. Bryant, in the 77th year of her age, died at the home of W T Bryant in R'andleman, at one o'clock Saturday morning. : MrsJBryant was formerly Miss Tinsley, of Amelia county, Va., and was the wife of Dr. J W Bryant, of Richmond, Va., who died five yeras 'ago.- She is surviv ed by, one daughter and six sons. ' The remains were 'taken to Richmond ' for burial there Sun day morning. TWO MINUTES At the request of Judge' Pritch ere President j Roosevelt will stop 2 i- minute at Lexington, ' N. C, This will be a short time for Varner to get himself in shape for a picture with tbe Presi u&nt as he did with Parker. WILL REBUILD Brick Factory to Take Place of Old One. The stockholders of the Eagle Furnitaie Company, met Saturday Inorning and decided to rebuild at once. It is the desire of all the stockholders to build a brick structure in keeping in every way with the requirements of the Southeastern Tariff Association PROSPECTING We are pleased to see in the cltv today Mr. L. L. Kimes. of Keyser, W. Va., who is here prospecting. Mr. Kimes and a friend are thinking of making in vestments in High Point.probably in the manufacturing line. There are many lines open here and we hope that these gentlemen may decide to comeamoug us. WILL OF DR. V. 0. TH0MHS0N Winston-Salem, N. C, Oct. 13. -The will of Dr. V. O. Thomp son, Wi.ston's oldest druggest, who died last week, was probated today. Mrs. Thompson, wife of the deceased is named as executrix Tbe drug store business and build ing is given to the son, P. A. Thompson, who will continue the business. The elegant home place is willed to Mr and Mrs. Geo. T. Brown. After the death of Mrs. Thompson, the Brookstown farm is willed to the son-in-law, Geo. T. Brown. The executrix is author ized to sell the Mitchell farm just west of the city. The estate is estimated to be worth $65,000. After the death of Mrs Thompson the property is to be divided be tween the son and daughter. FOOT MASHED Vernon Hoskins, of Southern Expreas Co. , Durham, is at home today. He is suffering with a lame foot. A box of ice weighing 200 pounds or more fell on him yesterday. BY NEXT SATURDAY Highway Commissioner J. H. Johnston who has not bad charge of the road work for some time is in harness again. He informs the Enterprise that be intends to have the rock down to the town line by next Saturday. REV. THOMAS CARRICK Rev. Thos. Carrick has been called as a supply for the First Baptist church, and will preach regularly here except on the third Sunday until further arrangements He will preach tomoirow eight. at 7:30 o Ciocx. JNO preacning ai 11 a. m. BOARD OF ALDERMEN The Board of Aldermen met in special session Thursday to start in motion plans for the reception of President Roosevelt, who stops in our city on bis tour through the South. The following com mittee was appointed to perfect ar rangements for this reception : - The members ol the Board of Al dermen, WHRagan.JjFarrlss, Wil ber Jones, C C Barbte.Capt. Ill Dodamead.AB Homey, Geo H Cro Crowell. E M Armfield,, J E Cox, CL Glenn, S H Hilliard, F N Tate, C M Crawford, S W Freeze. The committee will meet in the Mayor's office : tonight at 7:30 when plans will be discussed, the committee divided and each divis- on assigned its duty so that noth ng will be overlooked. We hope to make this one of ( the neatest, most unique, cheerful and hearty receptions that - will be given the resident on his trip through our State. ALIENT FIREMEN 1 . High Point should be proud 0 her firemen. The work the boy did Tuesday was hard and long but they stuck to it with a tenacity that counted for much. A paid force pould not have done better work than our firemen did last nigbt.Tbey were early cn the scene worked with a quiet and persistent determination until tbe fire was out and some of ihem remained al night to insure safety to adioining property. We should be mighty good to tbe firemen. -.- THE LIGHT QUESTION ; The question of lighting the town all night was not reached by the Board cf Aldermen at last meeting on account of press of other matters. Chairman Kirkman who has gone to some trouble looking into the matter, tninks ibathis plan will be favor ed by most of the board at the uea.. meeting. It is the one thine the people of the town want above everything else. INCORPORATED WITH $25,- 000 CAPITAL Raleigh, Oct. 10. The Ameri can Yarn Company, spinning cot ton and other fabrics, was charter ed today with $25,000 capital at Spray, Rockingham county. The incorporators are B. F. Mebane, W. R. Walker and S. H. Marshall. PAY DEPT TO PAT CROWE maha. Oct. 10 William A Scholl, of New YoJk, diamond dealer and mining promoter who declares he owes Pat Crowe a deep debt of gratitude, dropped into Omaha yesterday to arrange bail for the noted bandit and kidnap per. KILLED RY STREET CAR tjrtfpsbc.ro, Oct. 10. A street car coming in from Lindley park at 7 o'clock struck an old dement ed colored woman, named Tina Staples, and iistantly killed her. The body was not mangled, being thrown to one side of the track. Coroner Turner investigated the accident and .deemed an inquest unnecessary. Tbe woman was walking in the middle of the street in front of the Pomona graded school aod stepped in front of the car, which was running down grade rapidly, and tbe coliision could not be avoided by the motor man, who reversed tbe current and applied brakes promptly. AGRICULTURAL REPORT Washington, Oct. 10. The monthly report of the Department of Agriculture gives the average condition of spring wheat at 89; corn. 89 2; oats, 92.4; barley, 86.2; rye, 92 6; buckwheat, 91.6; flax, 91.5; tobacco, 85 8; potatoes, 74 3; rice, 89 3. Miss Edith Moore who has been spending some time at the New England Conservatory, in Boston, will return home next week TOUGH LUCK Tommy What's de matter, Cbimmie? Yer look sore. Chimmie Sure I'm sore. I got up. early ylstid'y mornin' an an chored mesel alongside o' dat knothole in de f nee at de' baseball groun's; den w'en de game begins de overflow crowd lined up in front o' . ma knot-hole Philadel phia Press. ABOUT DECIDED Columbia, S. C.Oot. 10. Gov ernor Hey wood is seriously con sidering the invitation of Mayor McNinch to come to Charlotte to meet,' President Roosevelt. It is said at the mansion today that the Governor has about made up his mind to accept the invitation. He will notify Mayor McNinch to morrow or next day. . ' DR. KILG0 Our people were delighted with the visit of Dr. and Mrs. Kilgo yesterday. Dr Kilgo preached at Washington street M E church Sunday morning and at night The congregations were exceed ingly large at both services the seating capacity of the church and Sunday school room being taxed The discourses were of a high order and carried the bearer to realms uncommon to the vision of the ordinary listener at church. He is a tower of intellectual strength, eloquent, logical and drives the truth home with an em phasis peculiarly his own. It would do Dr. Kilgo and his sub ject injustice to undertake to re port one of his sermons. You must hear him, pass under the peculiar spell of his words, ex pression and eloquence. lne two sermons yesterday were the best ever heard in High Point and left an impression on tbe man capable of thinking that will be lasting. There is little doubt in our mind that the North Carolina Methodists have with them in Dr. Kilgo the biggest man intellectual ly in Southern Methodism. THE SALE The sale at the Bell property on Centennial street startedMonda morning bright and ear! and the bidding was lively. All of the lots fronting on Centennial street were sold In less than half hour at prices ranging from $65.00 to $210,000. The interest was main tained until the last lot was knock ed down. The sale was a success ful one in every respect. The ag gregate amount from all was about $4,600 This property will be built up by next summer. TAKE NOTICE ' Sheriff Jordan willbeinHighPoint at Deputy Parrish's office October r7th, with Ux books 1905, and he expects every one to call and set tle. He will be here only one day. 012-dand-wk-iwk SALE Oa Thursday, the 26th day of October, Dr. B F Smith will offer for sale on his farm near Menden- hall's tanyard, a lot of personal property, consisting of farming tools, carpenter tools, blacksmith tools, harrows, plows, cultivator, daisy corn planter, 1 buggy 1 cart. 2 wagons, 1 cow, also a part of my household and kitchen furniture. Sale commences at 12 o'clock. MODERN JEWELRY STORE A. P. Staley & Bros, opened their new jewelry store on Main street Saturday morning and from o'clock until late at night visit ors thronged tbe place admiring the handsome fixtures and tbe exquisite display of fine jewelry, cut glass, diamonds and fancy household goods. Every lady thnt visited the store was presented with souvenir hat pin. Messrs. Stale y have spared no expense in fitting up tbe place and t does credit to the city. The effect at night is especially fine with scores of brilliant lights in the cases. PERSONAL The Enterprise is pleased to see n tne city again nis iriena wr Wm Partridge, who has made his home in Baltimore for a year. We hope he is looking this way again. INHERITS FORTUNE The Enterprise learns that his old friend Wm Earl, the moulder, who resided in High Point for some time has inherited from an uncle ($30,000) thirty thousand dollars, the interest on which he gets semi-annually as long as he lives. GREENSBORO NEWS ENTERPRISE BUBEAD, I GREENSBORO, OCT. 1 7. J A white man and a negro who had been arrested on a warrant for violating the Watts law, had a hearing before Justice of the Peace here Saturday, and were bound over to court in one case for run ning a distillery and seven cases for retailing. They were charged with operating a distillery and running a blind tiger near White Oak Mills, three miles from the court house. Th y gave bond. Major Stedman, Judge Strud wick and A W Cooke, as attor neys for the plantiffs have brought two suits in the Superior court for thirty thousand dollars dmaees against the Southern Railway. The suits are in the names of ad ministrators of the two young men Gerringer and Craven who were killed by a train here three weeks ago. Mrs. H. W. Fentress, who wns bitten by a mad doe last serin? and taken to Richmond for treat ment at the Pasteur hospital, died at her home here last night. Her death was from a complication of diseases not co'nnected with her experience last spring. Under the firm name of I Brothers, Mr Ed H Lee formerlv of Raleigh but more recentlv nf Macon. Ga.,and Mr. R. A. L,ee, with an office in Charlotte, have established a cotton brokerage business here, says that he is well pleased with this point after an experience of two weeks He will move his family here from Macon soon. Judge Boyd Saturday confirmed the decision of the referee in the case of Newsom and Thomas bankrupts of Lilesvilie. orderlne a sale of the reversknary interest of Newsom in allotted homestead lands. Messrs Jerome and Adams had appealed from the ruling of the referee. Judge Bovd issued an order for the trustee to proceed to advertise the 6ale, allowing the bankrupts fifteen days in which to file, exceptions to his ruling. It is said that this term of S4atesville Federal court which began today will not last long, as there are few important cases to be tried. Tudee Bovd has accent- ed an invitation to join the Presi dential party at Greensboro Thurs day afternoon and go with them through the State. If, however. the docket is not completed hv Thursday, he will go no further than Charlotte opening court again Friday morning. Judge Ward arrived last nieht. and a two weeks term of Guilford Superior court for the trial of civil cases only began this morning. FROM THOMASVILLE The health of this community is very good at present. Had a nice rain yesterday which was badly needed. The death angel visited our midst and took away little Doris the daughter of Mr and Mrs Will Newby. She was dearly beloved by all who knew her. Plow Boy. DRUG CLERK SHOOTS THREE ITALIANS Cumberland, Md., Oct. 15. Two Italians are dead here and a third is probably dying as the re sult of a pistol fight between Ital ians and John Price 24 years old, a drug clerk at Paw Paw, W. Va., yesterday evening. Price resented an insult and knocked an Italian down, which started the fight. Price, who is unharmed, is in jail at Berkley Springs. KILLED SON'S WIFE AND SUI CIDED Sioux City, Iowa, Oct. 15. While driving in a hack fiotn the hotel to a railroad station this afternoon-E H Darrow, 60 years old, shot and killed his son's wife, Lillian Darrow, and then shot himself dead in the same place, the right temple. The hack driver, without stop ping to investigate, drove to the police statio 1. ; t : i V i t V 1 "ft 1 -3.I,.

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