1 i(MJ3M: Acgelable Preparalbnfor As similating ffleFoodandBeguia ling the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes DigestionXheerful ness and Rest. Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. nnpeafOUarStMIILinWai PmkmSe4 Aperfecl Remedy forConsKpa non . Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss or Sueep. Facsimile Signature of NEW' "YORK. ms'ww- iff t r an EXACT COPY OF WRAEEER, GREENSBORO NEWSLETS Judge Oliver Allen was here last night on his way home at Kinston, returning from Wilkes boro court. The regular October term was called Monday morning but so many of the population were absent, either as witnesses, defendants or attorneys in the Federal court it was impossible to try any cases and court was ad journed after a few hours session. Much concern was felt here last night at the news of the burning of the Eagle Furniture Company, at High Point, in which chairman of the board of County Commission ers of Guilford county, and Mr. Frank Dilton.both highly regard ed here, the latter a resident, are largely interested. From the roof garden of the Benbow hotel the fire could be plainly seen, verifying the first news of the calamity which came over the telephone. Quite a number of the witnesses from Wilkes took advantage of be ing already in Greensboro to re main over today to see the sights at the Carolina Central Fair. Recent acts of bloody assauUs and bitt;riesby some of the mem bers of the pjlice force here on drunken men have given rise to charges of brutality being1 made against them, and a hearing will be given to complaining citizens Friday, before the police boird Miss Margaret Foster, the young lady who was to represent the Young Peoples' Missionary Societv. of West Market street, Methodist church in China, as a missionary, died las; Wednesday at her home in Tchula. Mis. Mirs Foster visited this society last May and made many friends, who will grieve to hear of her death. Mr. A. N. Perkins, who has been connected with the Leak Halladav Grocery Company, has disnosed of his interest to Messrs. W. J. Halladav and H P Leak. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE Will core any ease of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medicine. IVtN UP TO DIE. B. Spiegel. 1201 M. VlninUSt;, XvuMrUfe lad., write i"Foe over four wars I ma troubled vita! kidaer and bladder afceetioo. Ilostfiesh and was unable to work. Three phyilclani failed to balp ma and I vaa fives up to die. Foley's Ktdoer Cora waa recommended and the Brat bottle jrare n area relief and after takinf the eeoDdbottl I waa entirely eared." Tw Sisoa 80 CemU and 1.00 a htaVUMk. , - Last night the little daughter of Mrs Brown, as she sweetly and peacefully slept in her little bed near the window, was attacked by a de-th dealing demon known as Croup Whoopin ough, and bat for the t.tnely use of Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar wh ch she al ways keeps handy, the life of, the little one might not have been saved. Ken nedy's Laxative Honey and Tar is dif ferent from all the old-time cough syrups and is best for the children because i acts on the bowels, is harmless,-safe and certain. Sold by w. A Ring. ..'..5 . aw Iihi r jc ........ . 'r 1 Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Ad Bears the Signature of in Use For Over Thirty Years mm THmmMIR MUMMY. NEW TOHK CIT. WANTS HEAVY DAMAGES Greensboro, Cht. 15. Two suits for $30,000 each have been instituted in Guilford Superior court against the North Carolina Railroad Company by S W Ger ringer, administrator of Leslie H Gerringer, and C B Graves, ad ministrator of Walter A Craven, on account of the death of the two young men who were killed by a shifting engine on the yards in the western part of this city two weeks ago Stedman & Cooke and ex-TudgeRCStrudwick rep resent the plaintiffs. The sum monses have 1 een served and are returnable at the October term. CHRONIC KICKEK5 "Is this a one horse town?" asked the tombstone drummer as he stepped off the eight hour flyer at Sow Neck. "Wa'll, stranger" responded the station loafer, "I guess you might call it a one mule town." "Why so?" "The folks do so much kicking." SPECIAL NOTICE TO MARSHALS yhe following marshals are hereby appointed to serve Thurs day afternoon, oext, in handling the people who will be present to see and bear the President as he passes through on that date. 1 Elwood Cox, C t Tomlinson, J W Harris, J J Farriss., A E Tate.W G Bradsha-,F M Pickett, E H C Field, E R Briggs, W T Parker, D A Stanton, O Rich ardson. S L Davis. You are urgently requested to meet at the Mayor's office,. tomor row, Tuesday night at 7:30 sharp to arrange for these duties.etc. Fred N Tate, Chief Marshal. SURVEYORS HERE The surveyars arrived here this morning to lay off the Snow patk property recently purchased by Mr R Homer Wheeler. ' REFLECTIONS OF A BATCHELOR It is generally nnlncky to 1 ro pose to a girl who is sure to acctpt you. Before a woman marries a man she wants him to write poetry for her, afterward checks will do. A woman's idea of having a good time is going off somewhere with all the family; a man's with ont any of them. When a thin woman puts on her winter clothes she brags her self to death abont she extia pound she has gained. There is hardly' any nightmare a mau can have worse fhan to dream that be has started to stoke the furnace a. month ahead of time. . r, Kodol Dyspepsia Cere . Digests what you tat. THE RESOURCEFUL MOLE. His Remarkable Hearing and Ability to Get Away. ;s "Speaking of quick and "resource ful animals, the mole leads easily so far as my experience goes," taid a man who has studied the animal, "and I dare say there are many men who have made observations that will confirm my contention. Ab you probably know, the mole plows in the surface of the earth, generally making a small ridge anywhere from two to three inches high. He moves with remarkable rapidity even when the ground in wnich he is burrowing is hard. When operating in soft ground he moves along at a surpris ing gait. But this is not the point I wanted to make. I was thinking of the remarkably good hearing of the mole and the ease with which he can get away just at the moment when you think you have him cor nered. Of course now and then you can drive a spike through the mole before he is aware of it. If you do you will have to walk as light as a cat and will have to act as quickly as the same animal when the time comes to act. In nine cases out of ten the mole will hear the first foot fall. At once he will quit plowing. He is gone. Search as you may you cannot find him. I have seen men dig for fifty yards, following the ridge and its offshoots, without find ing any other trace of the mole than the ridge. The mole's hearing ia peculiarly keen, and I suppose this is so because he cannot see. But even more wonderful from my standpoint is the case and quickness with which he gets away. How does he manage it ? Where docs he go ? You know, the element of supersti tion in my makeup is slim, and I don't believe in ghosts, but some how I have always inclined just a bit to the ghost theory when thinking of the mysterious antics of these blind burrowers. The mole is more like a ghost in his conduct than anything I have ever known, though of course the mole is a real thing and not an imaginary and mythical thing." One Thing at a Time. Robert Jaggsby's countenance waa not at any time remarkable for indi cations of intellectual brilliance, but now, as he stood before the camera for the purpose of "being took," his expression was so inane that ,even the polite photographer was moved to protest. "You'll excuse me," he remarked, "but do you want this photograph for a beauty competition or an ad vertisement for a new rat poison? Because if it's for any other pur pose you'd better try to look a trifle" more pleasant." ' "That's just the trouble," ex claimed Robert. "You see, I've the misfortune to be a trifle bandy, and I'm trying to hold my kneea so that it won't show. When I smile I for get all about my knees, and whe'i I pay attention to my knees I forget to smile." London Express. The Height of Clouds. The very highest clouds, these called cirrus and cirrostratus, r...e to the average height of about 30, 000 feet. A second class keep at a height of from 10,000 to 23,000 feet above the earth, while the lower clouds usually float at a height sel dom exceeding 5,000 feet. In the case of the last mentioned class of clouds the lower surface may be at a height not exceeding 3,000 to 4,000 feet, while their towering summit will be removed from the earth by not less than 10,000 feet. Wit In the Courtroom. Thomas Flatly of Boston, the well known Irish lawyer and wit, was acting for the defense in a di vorce case and during the cross ex amination of the plaintii! asked the follo-.ving questions: "You wish to divorce tlii3 women been use she drinks?" "Yes, sir." "Do you drink yourself?" "That's nsy busi ness," said the wiines.-t a:i;;i'ilv, whereupon the lawyer, wi.li 1. unmoved, asked or.e mo:v ipr :;.!!:. "Have vou nnv other i v-'i-f '" CATTLE. WANTED For all first class bfef cattle brought to me I will pay from 3 to 3j4 ct gros or 7,cts, net. J. T. Bennett. S2Q-di2tl-wimo Soothing-end Uooltn The salve that heals without a scar is De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. No reme dy Sects such speedy relief. It draws out inflamation. soothes, cools and heals al cuts, burns and bruises. A sure cure for Piles and skin diseases. DeWitt's is the only genuine Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of counterfeits, they are danger ous. Sold by W A. Ring. . la Beauty Ooiy Mkla Dep Beauty ia only skin deep, but the forces that create beauty are as deep as the fountain from which they flow. When the blood is charged with impurities beauty disappears, whetr the blood is pure be uty blossoms in face and form. Rydele's Li er Tablets keeps the liver healthy and the hovels regular, prevents thebiood b cominsr ladeaad with lie and waste matter, make the skin clear;' eyes bright and beauty more than akin deep. W. A. Ring , " v 'Kallum'a Star Cor for India ajeattm." Removes Nervousness, Consti pation, Sour SicniHch, Nue and Bines, and brings happiness and htalth in their .tend. "Sadness may spring from lack of wealth, But the saddest ate tbos - who have no health ," Be wise and call for tt bottle today. The may friends of G H. Hausan, Engineer L. E. & W. R. R., at present living Lima, O., will be pleased to know of his recovery from tbeeatened kidney disease. He writes: "I was cured by using Foley's Kidney Cure, which I recom mend to all, especially trainmen who are usually similarly afflicted." W. A. King. Fatal kidney and bladder trou les can always be prevented by the use of Foley's Sure ,"nre eo A atton Sick Headech "For sc eral years my wife w trouM let with what pli s-ciavs called sicd bead ache of a very severe char cter. She doctcred w th several eminent physi ciat's and at a gr at ixperise, o-ly to grow worse until she was unable do any kind of work Abou a yar ago she be gan taking Chamberlain's Stomal h and Liver Tablets and today weighs more than she ever did before and is real well', says Mr. Georce E Wrigl t of New Lon don, New Y. rk. For salo by Geo A, M atton. BELIEF IN SIX HOUBB. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis ease relieved in six hours by "Nkw GkEAT South American Kidney Curb " It is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving" pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention of water almost immediately. If you want quick relief this is the remedy. Sold by Geo. A. Matton, Druggist, High Point, N. C. " Dangerous and Uncertain For sunburn, tetter and all skin and scalp diseases, DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has no equBl. II is a certain cure for blind, bleeding, itching and pro truding piles. II will draw the Are out of a burn and heal without leaving a scar. Boils, old seres, carbuncles, etc., are qui kly cured by ti e use of the gen uine D-Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Accept no substitute as they are often dangerous and uncertain. Sold by W. A. Ring. The Only Way. There ia no way to maintain tnenealtn and strength of mind and body except by nourishment. There is no way to nourish except through the stomach . The stomach must be kept healthy, pure and sweet or the trength will let down and disease will set up. No appetite, loss of strength, nervousness, headache, constipation, bad breath, , sour risings, rifting, indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles that are curable are quickly erred by the use of Kodol Dys pepsia Cure Kodol digests what you eat and strengthens the whole digestive apparatus. J Sold by W. A. Fing. SHORTEST, QUICKEST AND BEST FROM North Carolina to the West. Connection with Southern Railway's No. b at Lynchburg, Va., daily. With S. A. L. and A. C. L. at Richmond, Va. Leave Charlotte " Salisbury ' High Point " Greensboro 9:25 a. m. 10:43 a. m. 11:41 a. m. 12:10 p. m. Arrive Lynchburg w r . 1 3-54 P- m- Leave Lynchburg (C. & O. 4:10 p. m. Leave Richmond 2:00 p. m. Arrive Va. Hot Springs 10:10 p. m. " Cincinnati 8:00 a. m. ' Louisville 11:00 a.m. " Chicago 5:30 p.m. St. I-nuis 6:30 p. m. Morning trains from Winston-Salem, Mt. Airy and Raleigh, via Southern Rail way, connect at Greensboro with No. 36. ONLY ONE NIGHT ON THE ROAD. Parlor car from Lynchburg to Clifton Forge. Through Pullman service from Richmond and Clifton Forge to Cincin nati, Louisville, Chicago and St. Louis, with direct connections for the West, Northwest and Pacific coast . Vestibuled, electric-lighted trains with dining cars. Purchase your ticket via C. & O. route. For other information and Pullman res ervations address W. O. Warthen, Dis trict Pass. Agt., C. & O. Ry., Richmond, Va. H. W. Ftjixkr G. t. A J Robert Parker returned yes terday from Poplar Ridge church, Randolph county.-where he con ducted a meeting for a week. D. R. White, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, is it the Elwood. EXPECTED THIS WEEK ' . The Enterprise learns that the promoters rf the Inter-TJVba electric line are expected to ar rive here thin week if possible and get matt ms. in shape to continue the work towards Winstoff-Salem. John Loer's little child was quried yesterday at Trinity. ' Baieruard Asatnat Aeeidest. The best safeguard against accident is to use good judgement in dfo-cting every act. But accidents will occur in spite of every effort to prevent them. ' The beat safeguard against injury resulting from accidents ia Elliott's Emulsified Oil Liniment' It is the moat ' serviceable sccide t and emergency liniment ever made and is the most -atiafactory lini ment for nse in the family ad on ani maU ever offered. Large bottles Sjcta. W. A Ring. , ' For PlSs. Burns, S-r ' , ' a?.5CEmC f(0UTE O j.lce Coal We sell exclusively the highest grades of steam and domestic coals, and cord and split wood 2'' '' Place your order now for your winter supply and SAVE MONEY :: :: :: Phone 109' HIGH POINT ICE & FUEL O Children Polanned. Many children are poisoned and made nervous and weak, if not killad outright, by mothers giving tiem cough syrups containing opiates. Foley's Honey and Tar is, a safe and certain remedy for coughs, croup and lung trouble, and ia the only prominent cough rusdicine that contains no opiates or other poisons. Geo A. Matton Foley Kidney Cure enakes Udunxf. . . ,-.i KA&iet riLi ClOO, O.K. Deothon'a Anti-Dlart may be worth to you more than $100 if you have a child who soils bedding fro 0 incontinence of water during sleep. Cure old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. $1. Sold by Qeo. A. Matton, Druggist, High Point, N. C. fri Care Mann Drug Co. Promptness W. I. Montgomery High Point. N. C. Contractor and Builder Correspondence Solicited Local and Out of Town Miss Venetia Millinery Opening SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th Letest Designs in Hats Embroidery Laces Silks All are invited to call at my new store in the Elwood Hotel building and see the Opening. S D u JPJSl IP .buying siver pated ware, quality sould aways h mrAr?A hftfore twice, we take pride w - in our stock ofSilverware, selng only tne oesi Kinug jromthe most reliable makers. We call your atten tion to our 147 Roger knives and forks. We buy them In jobbers lots and can sell them at less than those, who'buy In small quantities. " Another thing we pride ourselves upon is our line of watch .and lorgnette chains. We carry the best, god fled chains that are made anywhere, the Simmons, which, are the most broady guaranteed chain; in tnis coumry. - - r A. P. Otaloy & Drothor v JEWELER3 , t J ; ,; lllsh Point; Worth, CaroHna ..; ' Wood Ollmailo Ourea. 1 he influence of climatic coddltions in the cure f consumption is very much overdrawn. The poor patient, and the rich patient, too, can do much better at ho e by proper attention to food diges tion, and a regular use of German Syrup. Free expectoration in the morning sa made certain by German Syrup, so is i good night's rest and the absencs of ithat weakening cough and debilitating night sweat . Restless nights and the exhaus tion due to coughing, the greatest danger and dread of the consumptive, can be prevented or stopped by taking German Svrup liberally and regularly. Should you.bi able to go to a wanner clime, you will find that of the thousands of con sumtives there, the few who are benefited and regain strength are those who- use German Syrup. Trial bott es. 25c; regu lar size, 75c. W. A. Ring. Courtesy Honesty TO LOOK WELL lovely women require a lot of little fix ings that most men know but little about. The drug man however, who caters to fashionable trade knows all these littte belongings and accessories needed bv womankind. 7 WE ARE THE PEOPLE you can get them from, and at popular pnees. All the powders, perfumes. man-, leure sets and whatever else is necessary tomake you pre ty, we've g t them, t-ome in, please, and buy a few. Ring's Pharmacy - r---- , . :;) 'Mi

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