The Kind Toa Have Always In use for oyer 30 years - " auow All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good ' are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS X7 Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. INI II MNMHV, TT MURRAY OTatCT. HCW TMK OI. NEW MOVE FOR MRS. CHADWICK Cleveland, O., Nov. 14. Ex Judge F. J. Wing, ccunsel for Mrs Cassie Chadwlck, announced today that an application for a writ of certiorari is now being pre pared and will be submitted to the Supreme Court of the United States with a view of obtaining Mrs Chadwick's case before that tribunal. The Supreme Court will be aslced to consider Mrs Chadwick's case on the general ground that errors were made in her trial here before U. S. District Court and also In the U S. Cir cuit Court of Appeals in her case. Mrs Chcdwick has been in an extremely nervous condition, one declared today that she had not been convicted on the evidence produced by the government. She insists that she did no more in her dealings with the Oberlin bank than what business men do every day in overdrawing their bank accounts. BERKLEY ADOPTED SON Of Mr. Simmons, of Myrtle, Va. Mr. Phillips Writes. The day that William Berkley, a man with a mysterious past.died at the Jr. Order hospital here, State Press Correspondent Stamey wrote parties at Norfolk and Rocky Mount, Va., where it was learned that Berkley had relatives, asking for immediate reply. He also wrote the newspapers at Nor folk and Rocky Mount. Nothing was heard from thecommunication untilThursday when the following letter was received: CHUJKATUCK, NEW POR NES AND NORFOLK STEAMBO A T COMPANY J. W. Phillips, Pres & Gen'l Manager. Norfolk, Va.,Nov. 15th, 1905. "Mr. W L. Stamey, 'High Point, N. C "Dear Sir: Sometime ago 1 saw a communication in the Suffilk Special in regard to the death of William Berkley ... "Ifihre is anything you would like to find out about this man. 'f you will write to Mr. W, J Sim' mons Mvrtl'.Va . who was raised with him, he having been udopted by Mr Simmons ruber, I think yon can gei all the desired informa tion. ;'r.-'-. ', MYours.repci fully, . :; "j w pwiups " ; NEW LETTER CARRIER if4 tne nmerpnse 1 vrrv na 10 state that tl.e ; Pot ffie Depart ment has granted another rttt carrier for this j lace to b gin Dec, 1, next, . ruts wm make xonr car riers in til. - ' ' . Mm Bought and which has been has borne the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its Infancy. a . m a j -m no one to deceive you in uus Signature of BE CONSISTENT The Telephone Question Dis cussed. The North State Telephone Company has refused a proposition to enter into a sub-license contract with the Bell Telephone Company and will remain an independant Company. The large number of stockholders of the local company can, if they will, by their determin ation to stand by the company, keep out foreign invasion or to any great extent at least. The com pany was formed for thin purpose and each stockholder in subscrib ing for stock was aware of this specific object in view. Now show your colors, if occasion arises, and all will be well. The great and unbounded success of High Point has been due to High Point people, all working for each others iute rests and for one common cause, the upbuilding oi this city. If one of High Point's many factories should become crippled by some foreign oppression the other factories would be quick to lend a helping hand and choke off the evil monster, in whatever shape or form it may appear. Now, this is what is asked of the citizens of High Point, the manufacturers and other business men of High Point in regard to local telephone company which is a part and par cel of High Point. The rule works both ways in this case and the solntion is obvious to the reader. We don't say that the Bell Tele phone Company will come to High Point but if it makes an at tempt let every one go to his "guns with a whoop" and the victory will be easy. NOTICE High Point Buggy Company announce that on account of obli gations taken to get out a large quantity of new work before Jan 1st 1906, all repair work must be postponed nntil after above date. , H. A. W bite, Sec. & Treas A. M. Briggs, Sunt. ni8-2t FOUEVB KIDIM GUE.IE Will core' any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medicine. ... . ' 0IVKN III TO DIK. B. BpaL 1204 N. Virginia St., EraMrHla. lad., writm ivFor orar four rear I wag troubled with kldotr and bladder affection. I lost flash and tu an bl to work. Thro physician failed to halp m and I wi ira no tod is. Foley' Kid oar Cor waa noommandad and the find bottle (rave me freak relief and after takin tae aaoad bottle I was entlnly eared. " ? Two fiise SO Cento aod f 1.00 Greensboro, Nov. 14. Special There was a large attendance at a meeting ol the Chamber oi Com merce last night called to consider matters of local importance. Re ports were received jrom various committees, the most Important of which was that by chairman M W Thompson for the freight committee telling of conference, he had with the division freight agent of the Southern Ry. , with report of promise of the latter to take the matter np with some of his superiors. A committee com posed of president Cone, Mayor T. J. Murphy, J. W. Fry, C. D. Mc Iver and J. A. Odell was appoint ed to accompany president Samuel Spencer, of the Southern Railway and members of its board of direc tors.who are expected here Friday on a tour of observation of Greens boro's development. The objec tive point will be the immense White Oak Mill enterprise operat ed by the Messrs. Cone. There nothing of particular in terest developed in the trial of the Old Nick case yesterday except that the railroad agent Coster who had been on the stand as a wit ness off and on for six days com pleted his testimony of freight and express shipments from Clem mons. It began to snow the min ute he got through. After cress examining him brifley as to whether he had any distinct knowledge of the item he called out except from the letter press copy which he read from, and his answering he did not, counsel for defendants made a formal motion that every part of his testimony be stricken out. Judge Boyd dented the motion and an exception was entered. Coster was examined yesterday as to a large quantity of goods shipped by the company and marked "drugs" or "canned goods." He read out a list ot these, the drugs often being bar rels shipped to druggists in pro hibition towns, the canned pack ages being boxes the same size of whiskey packages addressed to individuals in all parts of the state. He also testified under cross examination that others be sides the Old Nick Williams Co. might have shipped goods in the Old Nic1 name. T T T T Mr W G Holt, a prominent far mer living two miles from the city had his large barn, containing all his years harvest of ,gralr straw and forage destroyed by fire at five o'clock yesterday morning. Be sides this loss were included the burning to death of five fine milk cows and three horses. When discovered the fire had made such headway it was impossible to save anything, the farm implements and machinery both burned with the cattle and grain. Mr A W Chandler, representing the Cable Piano Company, has come here from Goldsboro with the Intention of opening up a branch bouse for that company in Greensboro. ABSENCE MAKES THE HEART GROW FONDER Sweetheart I have grown so lonely, Living thus away from you, For I love you and you only; Still I wonder if you're true. I reeret the harsh words spoken. That I know have caused you pain, And my heart is nearly broken, Say you love me once again. Chorus: Absence makes the heart grow fonder lhat is why 1 long tor you; Lonely through the nights I ponder, Wond'ring, darling if you're true. Distance only lends enchantment, Tho' the ocean waves divide, Absence makes the heart grow fonder, Longing to be Dear your side. Has the love that once was dearer Than all else to me grown cold? Or has absence drawn us nearer To each other, as of old? Promise, then, you will not never From the ties that bind us two, Say you will be mine for ever, Tell me that you still are true. STOLEN Bicycle on Nov. 6th from Kearns Furniture Company's building, 26 inch black frame with red rim. Sentinel Roadster or name plate. Reward paid by T L. Norwood. n-i7-d3t J. O Newton is building a new store on South Main street for Z. M Silman , W. Perry Reaves, M.D. x- Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Monday, Wednesday and Friday ; Hours: 8 to 11:30 a. m. Office over Ring's Drujf Store. 'Kellane' .Star Ctxrm tor Iaadl reation." Removes Nervousness, Consti pation, Sour Stomach, Nauses aod Blues, and brings happiness and health in their stead. "Sadness may spring from lack of wealth, But the saddest are those who have no health, " Be wise and call for a bottle today. The many fnenda of G. H. Hauaan, Engineer L. B. & W. R. R., at present living Lima. O., will be pleaeed to know of his recorery from tbeeatened kidney disease. He writes: "I was cured by using Foley's Kidney Cure, which I recom mend to all, especially trainmen who are usually similarly afflicted." W. A. Ring. Fatal kidney and bladder troubles can always be prevented by the use of Foley's Sure ire Qeo A Matton Slok Headache "For several years my wife was troub led with what pbsidans called sicd head ache of a very severe char cter. She doctcred with several eminent, physi cians and at a gr at expense, only to grow worse until she was unable do any kind of work Abou a year ago she be gan taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and today weighs more than she ever did before and is real well', says Mr. George E Wright of New Lon don, New York. For salo by Geo, A, Matton. BKLIBF IN BIX HOUBS. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis ease relieved in six hours by "New Gveat South American Kidney Cttbe " It is a great surprise on account of its exceeding Dromntneas in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention of water almost immediately. If you want quick relief this is the remedy. Sold by Geo. A. Matton, Druggist, High Point, N. C. M Dangerous and tJnoerteln For sunburn, tetter and all skin and scalp diseases, De Witt's Witch Hazel fioi haa nn nm1 Tl fa a certain cure for blind, bleeding, itching and pro- 1 J: 21.. Tl A-Am Am Ant lruulug pilCB. XI VA1 ua. ."v. u... wu of a burn and heal without leaving a .rr TOills nlri acres, carbuncles, etc.. are qui' kly cured by the use of the gen- uine uewin a wiica aazci nuvc. awpi no sunsmiite as tney are onen aaugcrous and uncertain. Sold by W. A. Ring. The Only Way Th is nrt dt tn maintain the health and strength of mind and body except Dy nounsntneni. mere is no way j tinnrish nivnt thrnncrh the stomach The stomach must be kept healthy, pure and sweet or the strength will let down ana disease wm set up. sx appeme, tn rt ctrnrtti nervoiianess. headache. constipation, bad breath, sour risings, ritang, indigestion, dyspepsia ana ii stomach troubles that are curable are nuicklv enred by the use of Kodol Dys pepsia Cure Kodol digests what you eat and strengtnens tne wnoie uigcsuvc apparatus. J Sold by W. A. Ring. SCEMC KOUTE TO THE WEST SHORTEST, QUICKEST AND BEST FROM North Caromna to the West. Connection with Southern Railway's No. 36 at Lynchburg, Va., daily. With S. A. L. and A. C. L. at Richmond, Va. st&iafl Leave Charlotte 9-35 m. " Salisbury 10:43 a. m. " High Point 11:41a.m. " Greensboro 12:10 p.m. Arrive Lynchburg 3-54 P- m. Leave Lynchburg (C. & O. 4:10 p. m. Leave Richmond 2:00 p. m. Arrive Va. Hot Springs 10:10 p. m. " Cincinnati 8:00 a. m. " Louisville 11:00 a.m. " Chicago 53 P- m. " St. Louis 6:30 p. m. Moraine trains from Winston-Salem, Mt. Airy and Raleigh, via Southern Rail way, connect at Greensboro witn no. Ud. ONLY ONE NIGHT ON THE ROAD. Parlor car from Lynchburg to Clifton Forge. Through Pullman service from Richmond and Clifton Forge to Cincin nati, Louisville, Chicago and St. Louis, with direct connections for the West, Northwest and Pacific coast . Vestibuled, electric-lighted trains with dining cars. Purchase your ticket via C. & O. route, For other information and Pullman res ervations address W. O. Warthen, Dis trict Pass. Agt., C. & O. Ry., Richmond, Va. tl. w. VT7I.UW o. r. a Safeguard Ag-alnat Aooideot The best safeguard against accident is to use good jurlgement in dir cting every act. But accidents will occur in spite of every effort to prevent tnem. me best safeguard against injury resulting from accidents is Elliott a Emulsified Oil Liniment. It is the most serviceable accide t and emergency liniment ever made and is the most ausiactory iini ment for use in the family a d on ani mals ever offered. Large bottles ascta, W. A. Ring. ' DelVltt s Salve CATTLE "WANTED For all first class beef cattle brought to tne I will pay from 3 to 3J4 ct gro or 7 cts net. ' J. TV Bennett. ' v?V-X 82Q-dl2ti-wimo v Soothing; and Uooline: The salve that heals without a scar is De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. No reme dy Sects such speedy relief. It draws out inflamaiion. soothes, cools and heals al cuts, burns and bruises. A sure cure for Piles and skin diseases. De Witt's is the only genuine Witch Hazel Salve, Beware of counterfeits, they are danger ous. 601a by w , A, King. ;J. H. L Webster, of Macon, Oa.t is in the city, u ' Ice Coal We sell exclusively the highest grades of steam and domestic coals, and cord and split wood j: :: Place your order now for your winter supply and SSAVE MOWEY :: :: :: Phone 109 HIGH POINT ICE & FUEL CO i OhUdrea Poisoned. Many children are poisoned and made nervous and weak, if not killad outright, by mothers giving them cough syrups containing opiates. Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe and certain remedy for coughs, croup and lung trouble, and is the only prominent cough medicine that contains no opiates or other poisons. Geo A. Matton Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys ansi bladder right 100, D". B- Deothon's Antl-Dluret may be worth to you more than $100 if Sou have a child who soils bedding fro no 1 continence of water during sleep. Cure old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. i. Sold by Geo. . Matton, Druggist, High Point, N. C Care j Courtesy Mann Drug Co, Promptness Honesty W. I. Montgomery High Point N. C. Contractor and Builder Correspondence Solicited Local and Out of Town. Miss Venetia Smith's Millinery Opening SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th Letest Designs in Hats Embroidery Laces Silkt All are invited to call at my new store in the Elwood Hotel building and see the Opening. EddDODdDiJinij fTi buying siver pated ware, quality sould aways II Tl ; be considered before price. We take pride, in our stock of Silverware, seing only the best kinds' from the most reliable makers. We call your atten- Hon to our 1847 oger knives and forks. We buy them in Jobbers lots and can sell them at less, than those who buy in small quantities. ; Another thing we , : -, pride ourselves upon Is our line of watch and lorgnette t ; ; ' chains, we carry the best god fled chains that are made anywhere, the Simmons, which are the most ; broady guaranteed chain , In this country, A. Pi Ctaloy Cl Brother " ''V1 jewelers; M'; : r . High Point. North Carolina I V a Wood GUmaUo Ouree. The influence of climatic coddltiona in the cure f consumption is; very much overdrawn. The poor patient, and the rich patient, too, can do much better at hoi e by proper attention to food diges tion, and a regular use of German Syrup. Free expectoration in the morning aa made certain by German Syrup, so is 1 good night's rest and the absencs of that weakening cough and debilitating night sweat. Restless nights and the exhaus tion due to coughing, the greatest danger and dread of the consumptive, can be prevented or stopped b taking German Syrup liberally and regularly. Should you bs able to go to a wanner clime, you will find that of the thousands of con sumtives there, the few who are benefited and regain strength are those who use German Syrup. Trial bott.ea. 25c: regu lar size, 75c. W. A. Ring. 6 TO LOOK WILL lovely women require a lot of little fix ings that most men know but little about The drug man, however, who caters to ward acceMoriea WB ARE THE PEOPLE nrice.CanAthemiroin' and Popnlar P18- AH tte powders, perfumeaTman fcure seta and whatever else is necessary to make yon pre ry, we've g t them. Come in, please, and buy a few. Ring's Pharmacy mi mm mm VP v

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