The Enterprise is among the Very Best advertising mediums in Piedmont Jorth Carolinadt reaches ihepeople 7- 4 Y i Vol. XXVIII. HIGII POINT, GUILFORD COUNTY, N. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1905. No. 18 Site ACCIDENT AT JAMES TOWN Deaf and Dumb Woman Struck by Train. There was a deplorable accident at Jamestown Friday in conse qnence of which an old lady lies dangerously wounded in the Jra Order Hospital here. The name of the irjnred woman is Mrs. Cav- iness. She is deaf and dumb and was knocked from the track by a train sustaining dangerous in juries. The accident occurred while Mr. Clarence H. Mackay and Mr. Vanderbilfc were standing near and so pitiable was the sight that they at once interested them selves in the matter. They had the lady conveyed to the jr. Order Hospital here at once and gave in strnctions to secure a physician, give the lady all the atteutiou necessary until she recovered and send the bill to them. Dr. Foscue accompanied the patient here put her in charge of Dr. McAnally IT IS COMING The tide of immigration is com ing this way and it will not be long on the way. It is important that we get the right kind. Our farms are sufforing for the right kind of work on them. If the energetic Swede or his neighbor finds bis way here, our farming land will be increased in value more than dou ble in a few years. We don't mean to cast any reflection on our far mers, but we need more men to till the soil. We have too many acres for the number of hands. MARRIAGE AT DECATUR Miss Mary Echols, of lo.-catur, Ala , and Mr. Council Ell ott, also of Decatur, were married recently. These two young people were members of Miss Blanche Brad shaw's house party last summer and are pleasantly remembered by their young friends here. WOMAN BURNED TO DEATH Mrs Gribble, a widow, whose home is not very for west of Pomona, met a fearful death last Monday, the facts of which have just been made known. She lived alone, a colored woman coming to her home every morning to wait unpon her. Last Tuesday morn ing the colored woman went there as usual and finding the doors locked, summoned assistance and opened a window, finding Mrs. Gribble lying n the floor in front of the fireplace with all of her clothing burned off and her body in a crisp. The coroner deemed aa inquest unnecessary. There was no fire in the fireplace when the body was discovered and it is not known at -what time she met her death. Her hushand was a miner and was killed in a mine a number of years ago. CHECK FOR $45,000. The Enterprise saw a check Fri day morning to J. Elwood Cox from - Andrew Carnegie for . $45, coo. This is the $45,000 that Mr. Carnegie promised the en dowment fund of Guilford College whenever the friends of the College raised a like amount, which was completed a few days ago. Mr. Cox also informed us that Dr. Pearsons, of Chicago,' Is now ready to send his check for $25,000 to the College which was promised 00 conditiou that the $90,000 was raised. Now that this amount Is in hand Dr. Pearsons will be notified. ' When Dr. Pearsons check Is received - Guilford 7 College ; will have $175,000 endowment fnnd. ASSETS $280,000 A Little Cypher Left out Causes Big Error, Ti.eEnterprise Wednesday in giving a statement about the P.eoples Build ing & Loan Association had the assets $28,000 when, the amount should have been $280,000. The following is a correct statement. High Point has just cause for being proud of her building record. A potent factor is the Peoples Building & Loan Association. The annual meeting of this associa jon was held at the National Bank of High Point on the evening of Dec and a statement of conditions showing the association has in assets over $280,000 and during the time it has been doing business has built over 500 new houses and repaired, paid oft mortgages and furnished money to members of the association to buy about 300 houses. It now has between 3,5 30 and 4,000 shares of stock in force. The As sociation has never lost a cent by reason of bad debts. It is doing a work for High Point whereby any industrious man can become the own of bis own home thereby making a better citizen. BAPTISTS IN SESSION Editorial Correspondence. The Baptists of North Carolina will have to do one of two things: Cut down the representation at the State Convention or confine the meet-1 ings to three or four of the larger cities in the state Year after year. The Convention is too large. There were 900 delegates enrolled last night. This would fill an ordinary church and then think of the 1000 or more ladies who were present to hear the annual sermon and you can get some idea of the crowded condition of things This was the largest convention ever attended. Tho big Tabernacle church with a capacity of 2500 or more vac taxed. lnere is seldom a contest in a Baptist Convention- -at least no a very spirited one. This time there was an important election to be held -that of President. Dr. Marsh who has held that position for 14 years refusing to let his name go before the Convention. After the sermon the election was gone into. Hon. . F, Aydlett, of Elizabeth City, W. N. Jones, of Raleigh, Prof. Carlisle. Wake Forest, and W. C. Dowd, of Charlotte, were placed in nomination. On the first ballot, Mr. Jones, Mr Aydlett and Prof. Carlisle, led. After the -second ballott Prof. Carlisle's name was withdrawn. Mr. Jones was then elected by a small majority over Mr. Aydlett. The new president is a son-in-law of the late Dr. C. T. Bailey who for many years was editor Bibli cal Recorder. Today the entire Convention goes to Wake Forest to be present at the inauguration of President Poteat J. J. F. IN EVERYBODY'S MOUTH Mr Emerson, of Cnicago, walked into the Enterprise office this morn ing and said. "You have the best streets in High Point I have seen in the South." TRADE AT HOME If you will keep your eyes on the Enterprise every day from how until Christmas you can find anything you want a the way of Christmas goods. J You need not go out of town for any thing. Not only is this true but you can save money by making your pur chases at home. Try it this year. All of the holiday goods will be on exhibi tion in a day 'or two. HORSES ARRIVE The race horses of Mr. W. G. Brokaw arrived Friday night and were unloaded here and taken to represent a large tailoring establiuh Fairview through the country. - ment A NEW DEAL Maashall Millikan Makes Ap plication for Re-appointment. There is no doubt of the fact, that in. presenting tbe name of Mr Clint Wagoner for United States Marshall of this district, Congress man Blackburn flane down tbe gauntlet of defiance to State Chair man Rollins, State National Com mitteeman Duncan and tbe organ izer, or as tbe Blackburn faction in the party term it, "the office holding syndicate." It had all along been understood that Black burn had been tendered the privi ledge of naming tie Marshall, but that he had declined to accepttbat office as his only patronage privildge, claiming that be was enti led in his the only Republican district in state to a federal office of more politic 1 value than that of Marshall. It had been com monly recognized that Marshall Milliknn, whose secend term is now searing its close while not declining to serve another term, was making no fuss over the mat ter, and had arranged his business affairs so as to step down and out gracefully with a record as an officer that any man would be proud of. But the news from Washington, that Congressman Blackman had made application for the Marsballship seems to have created a panic among tbe leaders. Prom recent occurences here, it may safely be predicted, tbatjtbere wilHrom now on be a bitter fight ail along down the line, and that the Marsballship which had been offered Blackburn without protest or objection from the present in cumbent, whom Blackburn was inimical to, will not be granted him. Last night State Chairman Rollins and National Committee man Duncan arrived in Greens boro to the surprise of eyery one, it was learned that Marrhall Milli kan had sent in his application to the Department for re-appointment to tbe effice of Matsball of the Western District. His term ex pires December 18th but it bad been generally agreed or under stood that none of the new term would be pressed until all had ex pired, which will be sometime after Christmas. The sudden gathering together of the party bosses here, the sudden sending in of Marshall Millikan's application for re-appointment, immediately after the precipitate action of Congressman Blackman indicates at least that he had sprung a sur prise. A shrewd reader of politacal Horoscopes nere yesterday, says that in sending in tbe name of Milikan for appointment the third time, means that it has been de termined to fight Blackburn at every point, since be would not agree to submit to only one ap- poin'ment so as to save all the others, and that a solid front will now be put up to him by naming for re-eppointment, Holton, Har kins, Rollins, Millikan, Duncan and all the )tht rs who have not voluntarily agreed to "retire. Most of these officials have excel- ent records, and Blackburn is said to have forced this issue and this result. THE VICTOR Mr. E. T? Kearns until recently secretary & treasurer Smith Furni ture Co., has purchased the Victor Chair plant from Mr. Strickland. Tbe Enterprise wishes Mr. Kearns well in his new line. TOLOCATE . Mr. Bar bee, of Raleigh, will locate in High Point in a few weeks and DEATH OF MRS. EARL BROOKS Mrs. Earl Brooks died at her home in this city Saturday night at 1 1 o'clock after a brief illness aged 26 years. An infant child survives. The funeral services will be held this afternoon The husband and children have the sympathy of many friends. Mrs Brooks was Miss Warner, of Yad kin College. TAKES CHARGE BENEFIT ASSOCIA TI0N R. B. Murrell, of Wake county has moved bis family to High Point. Mr. Murrell has taken charge of the Funeral Benefit As sociation. OYSTER SUPPER Oysters and othr refreshments will be served by the ladies of Trinity at the school there Friday night. The proceeds will go to wards the parsonage work. All are invited. WORK ON FURNITURE EXCHAMGL Work on the third story of tbe Ragan & Millis block, South Main strtet is progressing rapidly. This room which will be 90x100 feet is to be used as a Furniture Exchange. The en'iance will be from the south side of the building. NOTICE The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Commercial National Bank w 11 be held in the office of the Bank on Tuesday January 9th 1906, for the election of officers and the transaction of such other business as may come before it. R. C. Charles, Cashier. High Point, N. C, Dec. 8th 1905 d8-d3ti-wk-3ti The most open charge that has evr been made against thoUuited States Senate in a hundred years is that of Mr. Lawson who prints in bis book that a certain big cor poration had the signed statements of many Senators that a certain measure would go through, or something to that effect. The Senate should call Lawton to nc count and order an investigation, if he is a man whose past record and character would hear recogni tion and he seems to be a man of that reputation in tbe business world. Senator Depew has resigned as director of the Equitable. He gives no reasons and the country needs none! Senator Tillman's home county Edgefield, baa voted out the dispensary and gone back to prohibition. Tbe liquor men seem to get a great deal of satis faction out of this, but where they come in we cannot see. The bleak, rocked-ribbed hills of Vermont are casting deeper shadows today. The Governor allowed the execution of a woman there last Friday. The state has been vindicated, justice satisfied, perhaps, but at a terrible cost to the sensitive feelings of refined Americanism. We are all pretty much savages under some provocations. Senator Mitchell who was convicted of land frauds and wbo has been in declining health since his exposure died Friday from hemorhage due to tbe extrac tlon of teeth. It is remarkable how small a thing can kill a man when he does not desire to live. COURT BEGINS The Case of Dr. Matthews not Likely to be Heard. ENTERPRISE BUREAU Ml j GREENSBORO DEC. Judge Ward opened court promptly this morning 00 time, as ue has always done here contrary to tbe habit of some of the Judges. It would appear that he don't be lieve in "professional jurors" as having had provided by the county commissioners tbiity six jurors, be sent notice to tbe shtriff last week to summon an ad- aiuonai eignteen, which was done. It is now said that the case of murder against Dr. J. B. Matthews will not be tried this court. The reported reason is that defendant's counsel will not be able to get their witnesses here. As there were but few conversant with the case, and tbey testified to the rctual administration of poison by Dr. Matthews to his wife, and that she died from its eff.cts and all he witnesses live here in Greens boro, tbe proposed continuance of the case for inability to get wit nesses means that the conn si 1 for defendant will plead insanity from drug abdiction beyond a doubt. It is said that they will show wit nesses from many parts of the count! y, in Baltimore, Richmond Pittsboro, Durham and other places Matthews has lived that he has not been responsible for bis acts on many occasions, and that while a medical student in Rich mond, as well as at other places be had attempted takiog his own life. Mattbews has mode no further attempt at suicide is jail, but he seems like one bereft of all sensibility eating scarcely any thing talking none; and sleeping little. His only special trouble seems to be that bis dose of mor phine are two small and are two far apart. It is said that the plea of self de fence will be entered for 'befratri- ide Hornaday, should the grand iury return a true bill. NEW FIRM FOR HIGH POINT Tbe Enterprise received i' for-! mation this morning that the H'gh Point Electric Supply and Con struction Company had been form ed and would locate here in a day or two. The principal owners of tbe business are Mr. Levi E. Johnson and J. H. Lloyd.of Wash ington. Mr. Johnson is well known in High Point where he was rested. He bas been in the Government service at Washing ton for 25 years. Mr. Lloyd is Mr Johnson's son-in-law and an electrical engineer of experience. The place of business of the new firm will be in the Elwood Hotel building. The Enterprise welcomes these gentlemen to High Point. FRIENDS CONFERENCE FOR CHRISTIAN WORKERS The following is tbe program of Friends Conference, High Point, N. C. SIXTH DAY, I2TH MONTH l5TH,I905 2 O'CLOCK P. M. Albert Pele, Presiding. Opening Exercises. W. Alpheus White. 1. Primary Preparation for the Ministry. Mary C. Woooy. 2 What to study and How to Study. George W. White. 3. Helps for the Ministry. John W Woody. Discussion. Leader. Mary M. Hobbs. 7 o'clock p. m. The Holy Spirit and the Chris tian Life. Rufus M. Jones Litt D Philedelpbia. SEVENTH, DAY I2TH MONTH, 16TH 9 a. m. Meeting for Worship. 10 a. m. Jabez R. Meudenhall. residing. Opening E H erclses. David Far- low, Jr. 1. Tbe Jare of the Ministry. Mary E Cartland. 2. The Duty of the Pastoral Committee. Walter White. 3. Our Message. J. Edgar Wil liams. Discussion Leader. EH Reece. Jeremiah S. Cox, Pre- Opening Exercises Tillman. Johrj Shaw I Our Meetings for Worship. Mary E. M. Davis 2. Service of Song in Worship. Thomas Ncwlm. Present Need and Desirable Methods. L L Hobbs Discussion Leader. Leverett J Rogg 7 p m. Our Present Problems. A. Rnfus M. Jones FIBBT DAY, TWELFTH MONTH 17TH 10 a m. First Day School. II a. m. Meeting lor Worship. 7 p. m Missionary Address. Anna E Wi'liams. The public is invited to all these sessions. Tbe addresses by Dr. Jones are of a very high order. NOTICE The 20th annual meeting of the shareholders of The National Bank of High Point, will be held in the office of the bank on Tuesday the 9th day of January, 1906, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing directors, taking a vote on resolutions to extend the corporate existence of the associa tion and to change the corporate title of the bank and any other business which may properly come before the meeting. A full attendance either in person or by proxy is desired. E. M. Armfield, Cashier. Dec. 7th 1906. d7-d-3ti-wk-3ti SAM P. JONES Thursday night. Dec. 14th in the Auditorium at 8 o'clock. Tbe inimitable Sam Jones! Everybody wants to bear him. He has something for everybody. Come and get your share Sam Jones play ed a game of ten pins at tbe Cpera House lastnight with a large crowd of interested spectators. He set up the pins, which represented all classes of American ptople, knocktd them down and repeated the operation making alternately a "sirgle,"or ia "spare or a "strike. Ottawa. III. Tickets at Mann's. Admission 25 and 50 cts. LOCAL SEHEDULE The following is leavii g time of passenger Point. trams passitg bigta NORTH BOUND TRAINS: No. 8 Daily 6:30 a. m, 11:41 a. m " 36 " 30 " " 12 " " 38 " " 40 " " 34 " SOUTH BOUND No. 39 Daily " 33 " .. .. " 37 " .. 7 .. " 29 " " 35 " 12:23 p 10:0 p 10:22 p 12:25 a' 12:45 a. m. m. m. m. m. tralns: 4:36 a. m. 6:16 a. m. 7:01 a, 7:19 a. 1:52 p. 7:31 P m. m. m. m. m. 7:50 p The following schedule applies on the Asbeborc branch. HIGH POINT TO ASHEBORO: Daily except Sunday. No. 141 Lv High Point 8:10 a.m. " 143 " " " 3 35P n. " 129 7:35 pm. No. 141 Ar Asheboro 10:00 a.m. " 143 " " 5:3 P-m. " 126 " ' 8:40 p.m. ASHEBORO TO HIGH POINT: Daily except tiunday. No. 142 Lv Asheboro 4:40 a. m. " 130 " ' 11:05 a. m. " M4 " " 12:30 p. m. No. 142 Ar High Point 6:25 a. m. " 130 " " " 12:15 p. m. '44 23:0 p. m. Washington to Pinehurst s'ef per will be handled by trains No. 29 and 129, Pinehurst to Washington trains 130 and 30, beginning with first train from Washington, De:. nth. First train from Pinehurst to Washington Dec. I2ih 1905. TOWN BOOK AND DIRECTORY The Enterprise is now working on the High Point Book and Business Directory of the city It will be a specially handsome num ber and we would like to have every industry represented. 2p. m siding. 1.! ,;i , 1 r -i i '1 1 1 1 '1' 1 k? ) i V J- 'r

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