Vol. XXVIII INSURANCECOMPANIES TTTfiTT POTXT. ftTJIUTORP COUNTY, S. C.WEDNESDAT DECEMBER 20. 1905. Large Number of Stockholders Present at First Meeting. The two insurance companies i.a hv tlie Messrs Armfield V .. woiiv organized bere were " . . . Thursday. The representation at fi,f was exceedingly large there being about 50 present at the first roll call. u amp9 of the new cotnpa- tv,p North Carolina Fire niea - , . r Insurance Co,, with a capital of the Carolina Life In- surance Co., also with a capital of Tn nno The stock has all been subscribed and includes among the holders many promioenr. uua. hPre and from Asheboro ueaa w Thomasville, Lexing- ton, Charlotte, Statesville and nthpr nolnts in the state. The business of the meeting a formalin organize which was done and a board of j: ,,e fr Pnrh company chosen. Other officers will be elected at a meeting which will be nem uW .ao1i- nrnhnblv. ivia -Tonizatlon of these two companies will mean much for the business interests of High Point and the stats at large. For the past several months there has been !.., -Mlvitv in the state to de- mMnB for the safe investment of money among home insurance companies and these two compa nies will be among the strongest nies win ue . Btock. ?y . . i M fdell. Concord; Jno W Lambeth and M L Jones Thomasville; Jno D Grimes Z I tn 1 1 ..inntnn: Hon K IN Page.Biscoe; W C Hammer c c MeAlister AsneDoro , ll ' t w Williamson Worthville; C TsmltaBon, and O W Spencer, Trov; Aney" ..7i.. xV W C Heath. Mon- roe-J H Little, Charlotte; B F l.'J... Ainn- T F Hanes, MClienee, ia""""-' T -ir. Mock-ville; J B Atkinson, Lenoir. t A P.1H0K. Thomasville; W ri vt Lexington- l. Airartnra of the North Lar .. tk:. iciiranpp Comoanv are K:.TS., T A Clinard. TE Kirkmon, B At Best, w v Tones, J a. mu, - j ----- ti Hhas Ragan. High Point- W C Ruffin, Miyodan; judge'BFLone, Statesville; J M tj w Patps. F S Lambeth. Morris, xv - . J L Arm6eld, Thomasville; Geo WMontcastle.jT Hedrick, Lex-inifton-W J Armfield, Jr., and T' .1 ikro: AWKCbapel, Trov W S Lee, Monroe; J A Mculay Mt Gilead, Jno C Wads- A a. H W Scott. Gra- worta, vouw", - - barn; S H Mendenha 1, Deen River; S Brvani, MUu..., , . ,li Domoonr: Tames Mc- Guire. T J Bvrely, Mocksville; T SSouthgate, wowoix, v. ANNUAL BANQUET im,. annual banquet of the u...i.rfnttn Club will beheld !mP In Tanuary. President Tnrtn will in all probability goto Washington next week to arrange for the speaiter. PRETTY STORES The stores in High Point be- A.y,A for the holidays will com io.orablv with any in the tsate. The class and quantity of are all that could be desired. " Take the Enterprise and look for what you want before going out to do your thopping. A beggar will be satisfied with . it - Aiar hut the insurance grafter wants the four quarters of DELIGHTFUL OCCASION m Ohas. Raeau entertained Friday afternoon at a delightful luncheon. It was given compli mentary to her guests Misses An nie Pannil and Maize. Very Koatitifullv and effectively was red used in all the decorations of tiiia nrttv two course luncheon. it" r The guests were: Misses Lren Tate.Sara Webster, Blanche Bradshaw., Connie Charles, Berta uo0n Rhett Leach, Kditn moore, Nina Wheeler, Lucy Leach, Gen iveive White and Louise Bradshaw of Greensboro. A PRETTY WEDDING A BUSY PLACE Furnishing Co., have their Christmas goods on exhibition ?nd tneir r. r;; are thronged wun pcup.c -aTe. nSt nt nnlv have some - '. i Kiir a 1 11 1 1 !LU.n v pi r rags, cutlery, cut glass SeryNnd everythng -a about a house, uouowu- at the stock. BOUGHT a H. HALL PLACb o. i Real Estate fills -X- 1 ' , , IT hnnpht the D. n. aeaieia, , ,(orrl Hall tract of lano in rfart o the city and will open it up fa connection with another tract abioining- Mr. Hall's land con aDoinmK. . lnrate(j tains 22 acres uu wm-" two houses, one of them a new pebble-dash struct. MR. STONE TO LOCATE HERE .11 known orotoe- Mr. Oiuuc a wv" . . o. takecnarge 01 w, rrhb recently occupied by Mr Owbb who had to vacaie y health. The . gallery has since been remodelea wim "T- -D . ani other facll rnoaern sKynR"-" ,b- ties for producing first . class work. Mr Clark taKes piea"-- mending Mr. Stone in every sense worthy of puDiic p6- DAVISON DIES affnev is that .,iarn he member of the theatrical company who was wounded by eor" . i e of Saturday night. The : bodies , of both men were u - homes, the expense u"a . bv the Masons and Knights ot Pvthiasot uanucy. 5JA m.mi lady members of that tne yu"6 ' . the company were to have been me i.uu'i' , cPT1pB over married soon auu E lovers were very touching. Miss Isla Frascr and Mr. L.C J Sinclair Plight Their Troth. A most beautiful wedding was solemnized Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock at Washington Street M E Church, when Mr L C Sinclair, of Marion, N. C led to the hymenial altar Miss Isla Fraser.of High Point. The church was most beautifully decorated for the oc casion the color scheme being white and blue. Notwithstand ing the fact that there was the first Wat of winter upo . us, the large .lfnrinm of the church was comfortably filled with the friends r.f thi fnmilv. At the hour appointed the bridal party entered in the following order: Master Charles Redding and little Miss Moffitt Si clair; Joseph Cox and Miss Berta Ragan VAT Tdol and Miss Annie Tom tlnnn: Fdw Guv and Miss Annie Holland. The bridesmaid Miss Wilson, of Waynesville, and Mr W W Guv the groom's best man The bride robed exquisitely in white satin with veil was given away by her father. Ushers Messrs W O Jones, C M Hauser, H C Field and J J Farriss. The ceremony was performed by Rev Dr T F Marr, pastor Washington Street Church. After the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the home of the father of the bride on High street, where a sumptuous wedding sup per was served. The home was also exquisitely decorated for the occasion. At o'clock the bride and groom left on the Florida special for the land of flowers where they will spend their honeymoom. The bride is the only daughter of Mr and Mrs H W Fraser, of this city. She is a young woman of many charms and true worth and is exceedingly popular witn ner friends, all of whom will wish for her much happiness. The groom is the son of Col T J Sinclair, of Marion. He is a graduate of the University and is a practicing attorney in the office of his father. We congratulate vim nn winning such a jewel All of the attendants at tne marriage had been school mates of the bride. MRS. GHEEN'S RECEP TION Mrs Charles R Ghenn entertain ed Thursday afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock in the parlors of the El wood in honor of her friend, Mrs Sweet, of Pennsylvania. Notwith standing the inclement weather there were many callers. Those receiving were Mrs Gheen, Mrs Sweet, Mrs O N Richardson and Mrs Marr. Those presiding in the refresh ment room were Mrs Oscar Kearns and Mrs W A Ring. Mrs Luther Jones and Miss L'-ura Dodamead received guests in hall. Mrs T A Marsh and Miss Gen- ivieve White served Frappe in haft. There was some charming music bv Mrs Siler. The private dining room was used. The color scheme was red beautifully decorated with red lights and holly. The recep lion was a very delightful one in every respect. Those present were : Fredrick H Sweet W H Ragan, J J Farriss, W G Bradshaw, S H Hilliara, j j cox, nio.a Turner. Davis. 1 hOS tl fat- ipn 1 A Turner. Chas Ragan, S L Davis, Gurney H Kearnes, E L slr Oeo H Crowell. D A Stan trn CXfCl A Matton. T A Lindsay, J E Kirkman, Eleanor Bailey, W A Vinir. to A Smltn. uscar T F Marr. E D Steele. Emerson Allred, 0 N Richardson, Ta'ia Steele, Chas Hcarratt. J ti R B White, C C Walker, B A B'ist, W L Stamey.J P Redding, Martin, Frank Gurley, S H Tom linson, Chas Long, R C Charles. Luther Jones, A J Dodamead, J E Mar'h. Tired Peacock. Johnson, r..),'t.r. Tlrdamead. R L Pickett, Junius Wrenn, J w Harris, u f Maddox, J C Van livery, j a Marsh Misses Pattie Newlln, Venetia Smith. Fannie Matton, T,anra Dodamead, Genivieve White. THE TELEPHONE FRANCHISE For several weeks the North State Telephone Company .of High Point, has been trying to get a franchise to do a long distance telephone business in Greensboro, thereby connecting the city wltn its twelve hundred stations in the large lumber, cottpn mill and agricultural sections of Davie, Davidson, Randolph, Moore, Montgomery and other counties, now having no phone connection with Greensboro. ThJ Southern Bell Company, although having no phone connec tion wiih those points made a heavy fight to keep High Point from getting its franchise for long distance service here. The matter was fought to a finish before the board of aldermen yesterday after noon, and the franchise was granted by a vote of two to three. AldermenOdell and Hunter speak ing and working against granting the franchise, while aldermen Brandt, Harrison and Thompson iavored it. The company was limited to twenty five long distance toll booths to be erected in Greens boro, and prohibited from doing any local city business. CHRISTMAS ENTER 1 AlJNivir in x ti,- M,Udren oi Snow Memorial o.,nw srhool will have their ex ercises at the First Presbyterian church, on Thursday nignr oi iu. week instead of Friday mgut announced. n,. children of the First Re formed church will have Christmas exercises on Friday night at 7 o'clock. Ti.. wirst Presbvterian exercises will be held in the church on Tues day night Dec. 26th. mr."holt acquitted Mr. Holt, whose case of Inter- f erring with officer Gray was sent to the Superior Court, was acquitted Saturday by a jmy. Similar cases irom thereupon nol prosed. Mr. Holt claimed that he wan only trying to take his friend to his room. MARRIAGE n thf evenlne of 12th Dec ,9o5, Wm. Virgil Beard, son of i,tV.an O. and Adaline Beard, J 1.1 in... !rpH in marriage wun miss Emma L. Thrift, daughter of nhA. and Ellen &. Thrift at the home of the latter, no one K.;n rP!ent but the two lamines L"-" f inrtifttelv ooncerned.and Joseph Potts, pastor o Friends Deep oi rhnrrh. WnO Omcia:u- a .r a ..hnrt trip the young couple will reside with Virgil Beard's patents, where they will be giao to receive theii inenas. A CARD The Session and Sunday school of the Snow Memorial chuch tke this method to express their grati tude to the Green St. Baptist, First Reformed and First Presbyterian churches for their expressions of sympathy and generous offers of the use of their church buildings in which to hold our Christmas exercises. We have decided to accept the offer from the First church and wish all the members of our school to meet at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon in the Sunday school of the First Presbyterian church, we will then have a little talk about our troubles and prac tice for our entertainment. In order to not comflict with the ex ercises at the other churches we will have our exercises on Friday night Dec. 22nd in the Firs Presbyterian church at 7 p. m. We hope all the children and par ents will come out to our farewell service on behalf of the church and Sunday school. E. A. Snow, Supt. Sundayschool. Santa Clause Letters High Point, N. C, Dec. 1 th 1905. Mv Dear Santa Clause: Please biing me a doll and a doll house, some candy and a drum. If I have Deen Daa Dnng a switch. Your loving little friend, Nellie Muse. High Point, N. C. Dec. 15th 1905. Mv Tlpnr Santa Clause: T nm ft little girl 8 years old, will you please bring me a doll swing ahrl a iointed doll, doll chair and a stove, a carriage and jome candy onH anvthinp filse vou would like to bring. Love to you, Yor friend, Leona Muse. Hign fomt, jn. j Dec. 13th 1905. Dear Santa Clause: 1 will write you a letter to let you know what I want for Christ mas. I want a pair of white kid gloves, a pair of gold glass frames, two white hair ribbons about two and one half Inches wide. Please antirl mp some nuts, candies and orangas. Brother hasn't went to school much and can't write. So r will tell vou what he wants, lie wants,a toy horse and buggv, a little pistol, a sled and a pair of skates. Bring him some nuts, .onHIpn anH nranpes. Little sis- . tor ia thf habv so ou must bring her some little toys too. BriDjr her a doll about twelve inches tall o email doll carriage, a few nuts aAa nnH nranires. Please do not forget the poor little children and nmhans when vou are coming Now I will clce Your friend, Viola Younts No. 1 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS BY EX PRESS Christmas with Expressmen is the mutt trvinir HPiiHnn fit" the vear. and if shipper will observe the followiBg suggestions better results ror an con cerned will ensue: Parties intending to ship Christmas presents to absent friends for delivery during the holiday season are request ed to do so as early as possible, thus insuring greater care in handling and promptness in delivery. .All packages containing glas or fragile matter should be carefully packed in vooden boxes and plainly marked "glass." Boxes and other heavy packages slinnlrl hi' nUiinlv marked with brush and ink, trunks and valises with tie tags. If snt. to n fitv nlvvavs mark street and number. Vhen for small towns the county should be named. Never use cards or pieces of paper for addresses. .' If small packages urito t tip nHilrpsa nlfl.inlv with ink Oil the package or on a tie tag. See that your packages are wen pacnea in wooden or strong paper boxes. Erase all old marks. Shipper's name should appear on the lower left-hand corner oi' the packages. Never place money, jewelry or other small valuables in freight packages. Such articles should be carefully sealed with wax, plainly addressed with ink and sent through the Money department, anu vawe marked on same. Christmas falling on Monday this year the Southern Express Company 11 1 n . i win make an deliveries puissiuiu ou Sunday and their patrons, who will not receive packages on Sunday, are requested to inform Agent in advance. OIL HOUSE YOUNG MAN ACQDENTLY -' KILLED V News has been received of a distressing and which occurred a iew ui Mt. Airy in inc wv. - The 14-year-old son 01 t-." i L 1p1 handling a I pistol when It was discharged, the young man named Gates, who was . standing near. rn rvv. Is erecting an ,. , Asheboro track on Trinity road opposite Metallic I Bed factory. MR. BARKER RETURNS Rarker who has fiiinerintenaeni o. 5f fnmnanv for the past v r uiuum' 1. - f h rpsianed to accept a simi- lar position witn omun ru.u. r lure and win i vu.6v January 1st. SANITARY WORK nffirpr Lovelace has been en gaged for several days looking after the sanitary worx oi tne city. This is the proper way, start in early and keep it up all the year round. It is important, aoove everything that we have a clean city. DEATH OF MRS. YOUNG The remains of Mrs. G. A Young who died at her home on Tate street Friday at 4:30 o'clock of brights disease were sent to Walnut CoveSaturday.Mrs Young's family has been here about three years. She leaves a husband to mourn the loss. Her mother who was with her when she died has lost 7 children and this was her last child. A WORD ABOUT THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF JR. ORDER HOSPITAL It is true that during the first and second months of its running it paid expenses, but after that having from one to three charity patients each month, any one can see that it is hard to run a small hospital without get ting in debt, when it gives from $41) to $00 per month for charity. Had it not been for the liberality cf the doctors and men like W H Ragan, W T Kirkman, E M and W J Arm field, James Ragan, V P Ragan, A E and W V Snow and many other good men who have contributed to the hospital it could not have run at all. And the good women have helped in this good cause, and are willing to do more every month and wo hope no one will he so rude, as to hinder them in t.hpir o-rpnt mid nohle work, but Lelpthcin on in their work of helping 1 , . . 1 -I . .. .1 . to take care 01 tneir cnaiuy waru lit the hospital. .1. Al. 11 ILLIAKI). Treas. Jr. Order Hospital. SCHOOL OF SHORT HAND Miss FrnnwH T5urkhoft(l.of Ilaleich. ... - - 1 c 1 will about January 15th open in High Point a School of Shorthand and we have no doubt of the success of the undertaking because Miss Bulkhead stands high in the profes sion. She has been assistant instruc tor at the Normal College, Urecns boro, and Prof. Forney has published . 1 1 1 -M . . a text nook irom ner worK. ivnss liui-L'lipnii will ho in Hii'h Point a J ' - o iweek or so before opening the school ana will make an announcement 10 the public. THE PUBLIC BUILDING .oc cm an iritchln has again introduced the bill appropriating $50,000 for a public dvuoidi ,ac. rTi ihi.M mnst have a begin ning and the people of High Point appreciate Mr. Kitchln's interest in the anairs 01 iu NEW INDUSTRIES Tion nnrties are here now inter- etina nnr business men in new o - . ... enterprises, projected tnemseives I and in whlcn tney aesire 10 mvcoi I largely. ABOUT A WEEK Most ot the factories will shut down from Saturday 23rd to Jan uary 1st. Christmas week is gen- arally taken for inventories, FEDERAL COURT IN CHAR LOTTE TnrlaP "Rovd. Marshal Millikan, ot,H Tipnutv Marshals Millikan nA Phanelev went to Charlotte niirht Federal court convenes there today. It is not thought an nf the bier revenue cases will be tried there at this term, as Christmas would interfere with Vioir rnmitletlon. Besides this a tuv.. r cnarinl fpderal court term is oue here again January 2nd, when the inns trio s of revenue omcers. in dicted for alleged frauds against the government, will begin. Industrial News. TO EXAMINE TREASURER'S BOOKS Cnl. Wescott Roberson. member of the Legislature from Guilford, willgotoRaleigh soon as a member oi a special legislative committee to examine and audit tne records ana accounts of the State Treasurer and the State Insurance Depart ments, inis special committee appointed bv the last Legislature , j f , 1 . is consul an u asicuows: oenaiuia HaTy Stubbs, of Maitin and Charles A. Webb, of Buncombe. liepresentatives Wescott Kober son, of Guilford, Walter Murphy, ot Kowan and j. j. laugning house, of Pitt. TRUSTEES MEET Th trust ppsoI Ouilford Collece met Tuesday afternoon in office of J El wood Cox. Matters pertain ing to the finoncial condition of the College were gone over ana everything found in a satisfactory condition. Resolutions of thanks were passer1 to Mr. Carnegie a d other recent donors to tne endowment fund. the earin.