View of the waterfront "at Papeete, the chief port of^HI7~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ nau and Scharnhorst bad shelled the little South Padfle ' " ap"eaJ','d after th? German cruisers Gaelse NEW COMMERCIAL ATT^HES OF EMBASSIES con,? e?b~to'r P0oto*rapko4 with Secretary of ommerc* Roanew, woo taaeoUd. Ben to rtgut, - Albeit y Baldwin, formeihptiiet of the bureau of fbr ?=d toaieeWwicmei^who goeeto l^nd a. Sto?:ax ^ GERMANS ARE WELL POSTED Absolute Thoroughness Shown by Thslr Distribution of War Finos sad Requisitions. Puis. ? Ths discrimination with which the Germans distributed war nose and requisition* in the towns tbey occupied in Belgium and north ern franca and the precision with which they chose the most solvent cttlsens as hostages has been a sur prise, but s- aen the details became R, ' *? V kl,.0.Wn ill ,"<^H^hetTexpir nation with tb^^^V w.. ?.lrtoJ hvV-W118 cttjr at UUe rr ?riLu!iho bad left his S "?flh" T.W* *n Important meut7? y?reJotn bts regi '"f'/f'T'- WbJobation, were raised to the e*v? ' ?rttn^o ?r the Mutton.. Commanding ofll be'a^etl-known ?*? town, whoT4m;?r,U re Sources thoroughly. "You see," Mid the officer, pointing to the aide, "there's no use resisting. We are posted by someone who knows." Similar Instances ' were reported from Belgium, showing that every Inch of the ground had been carefully studied; the ready money in every town estimated; every suitable horee and every ton of hay located, and the plana of every bridge drawn up. In' France their statistics went so far as' to show hqw many bottles of wine might be expected in each locality. _ HOW EUROPEAN NATIONS OPT SLICES (KHINA Germany* acquisition of Klauchau followed ctaneiy upon the acquisition of areas of Interest and spheres of Influence la Ghlna to foreign powers. L? . Cn(H 1MB ap foreign power aside from (he Portuguese and English had' been allowed to hold possession on or near the ooagt of China Japan lj?* acquired Fortunes by treaty In that year; Russia secured a concession for 1 the Maachurlaa railway find France % \ obtained a rectification of the frontier of Tong Ring at tMKQK Ura.. ln ?rr r bar IS 20. Annuel live .Stock Meeting, Stateevdle? January 19-21. 1915. h^r'e.K' 1 'I. 1 tar-heel news friefs. * The Lock Craig bridge was de stroyed end considerable damage doue ?to-the road- in Buncombe county by high waters recently. J. J. Welch, aged 14. leading citi zen of High Point, died a few days ago. K | Large ercvds attended the state fair at Raleigh. * Mr. Frank Stanland, aged 55, for 40 years a printer, died at the home | of his son at Wilmington recently. Eustace Ptesson, age 9, was killed and his brother Vance, aged 15, sever i ely injured when caught In a gin belt at Unionvill. in Union county a few daye ago. John Mitchell, city manager for Hickory, ias tendered his resignation to take effect November 5. The City Council has engaged D. F. McCarthy of New York to succeed Mr. Mitchell. Aaheville *111 lose seven trains as a result of t*hi decision of the South ern to cu tezpenses " - Building^ir. Shelby is going right ahead and more buildings are under construction aow than at any time this year. - The Mark'nim Oarage Company of Greensboro, cajiitsl {25,1)40 authorized apd $1,000 subscribed by R. L. Mark ham and others. The new k'filing mill at Beaufort will begin operations about Novem ber 1. Catawba cojMy will have three dairy institutes in November at which time Instruct l irates civilization and medievalism, ind that word. "Buddha," which brings lght to every Buddhist face. You hee tste to speak experimentally because t has mysteriously become sacred to rou In that vast assembly of worship era to whom it means all they Know of holiness and mercy and haftl. Bo ?rth watching. There are old. Sid nw tot. ,4 terlng feebly from step to Step. Mnally# " old women of many-races: band, m young girls with blithe moraiHKmcJF little radiant children In humafelf {pd , autre) stolid, harsh-feetured H^SIO- 1 ltans from Western" China, Tib^ans in \ coarse, ungainly and far from deaf at- J tire; squat and homely men and worn - I en from further Cambodia and-31am; 1 palb, refined looking Hladna in snSsry J garments and enormous spotless tar- -| bans?all bent upon a single purpoM. 4 Sell Flowers to Olid Qroat Pome. J -. At close intervals along the vsVll nigh Interminable steps are fragraalM little booths containing all the o(?>H lent Sowers at the country, lncenss^H sticks and tiny packets of gold leaf jflj presided over by bright looking BuHgl mess girls who offer their wares wltl^H charming modesty. Ton need not bu^H if you feel disinclined, -but the chanoeflH are that you will gladly Invast a feral cents In a thin packet ot gold ledral which will be used, later ou, to ovem|3 lay some tiny weather flaw in th? great goldea dome of the pagoda JJ whicll la never permitted to suffer la*., 'a p&lrment for lack ot aUentlon (faff j your little purchase la Intended for votive offering). It takes a peat dta of gold to keep the dome In perfect tw Jj pair, for It la 1.S50 feet in clrcumter- | ence and 170 feet high, and it Is cow a ered from base to summit with pure *j| Sold leaf. Vhe Jeweled diadem that S crowns this marvelous temple lyvawB ued at ?2W,000, and was a gtftrfcf thwjg common people of Burma, amh^ha/1 gold leaf reserve fund in the temple A treasury was contributed by ptlgrftajgl worshipers, many of whom are to wretchedly poor all their lives thnt&j they hare never known the luxury of jj ?a full meal, ydt their porerty plashed 1 hands ure rarely empty within the teni 8 pie precincts^ At lencth you find youreelf wHk 1 bare of the central pagoda, surrom^K I by'a multiplicity of email shtpneHB ' quiaite la detail, but tantaetio in-dA ceptiou, yet with a aort of ap||9H| grotasquenesa that cauaes your m|K to beat faater, aa If It brought the rerge of an underetandlag strange spiritual terror which resents. In a east court opeM^I brilliant Asiatic sundhlue^^^JH fuslngly numerous shriae^^Sg^l great variety of Buddhas. som#fcfl Ing luxuriously among Jewegg^^H flowers, some bowed In proftgifci ltation, but all of them tagwee?? j peaceful In feature la spite mH ] profusion of paint and glldln^^MlHV I the offerings piled a bore tjj^K^Sflfidp are maqy old and wohul such as paper ombrelUtL^^^^^Eu.1 faded flowers and brass LnHBt^mit 1 there are also some pr?P^^H|a( 8 personal adornment. Atkbe fetit of a 1 smiling seated Buddha IUA*E; Mf^ M Piaguf Caused by Flao. Ill the year 1802 the Rueeten city >t Odessa ni visited by bubonic Hague. This raged for Ave months ind killed 3,000 people. Its origin vas traced to en Austrian flag which * as hols., d over the grave of an Aeo lian seaman who had died at sea ind had been burled In the cemetery, kfter the funeral the flag was canted n turn by two seamen who afterwird sntered various public places, tay ng iur flag down as they stopped to Irlnk. Shortly afterward both Aheee nen fell HI and died, and people were akdh HI In all the. houses thdy had mtered. Rescinded Order. ^ , The wife of a gentleman being bnd len'.y taken HI, the husband ordered > servant to get a horse ready to go tor the doctor. By the time, however, that the horte was ready and the ] note to the doctor written, the lady had recovered; oe which he added the following postscript and sent the Servant off: "My wife having recess ered. you need not come."?J^ondae lit Bits. *J Conditional Aa^taWMf'-J It la told of tb? late Mr*. Robert Lonla Steveneon that "the ?aaj much more ttftikreatad la literature tha aha >u In abaolute ordar ?h-in It came to her hooaekeeptnf. At ode tllna aha and her hnaband recalr- f an llnvlU 1 tlon to dinner and Mr. 3t?renadn aald I In hta note of accept* . -i "W, will coma U. In the meant11 f Mr*. Star enaon can find her oth.Tfcfcoe." r W* Naval Ofltoere W'BUh An RnclUb writer ctft mT of Amerldan naval ofll. &pjD| that of almllar ofllcera Rbroaf ??Marltu admiral drava. he atAHHa Tur. while about *9.000 to tb# eama rank In Great ?HBk ?4?ne In Oarmanjr; and efl^H^&dee of ofllcera are paid p,,. portion. New Mifl -ThU hotel la tfl Dent." I around." I -Tea, bot k* weak."?