?**" ?~~~?I PUBU3HEO WFKK1.Y AHOSKIE. N. i, Oat BoHar Per Year In ^dvance*^ | Advertising Ra'tea; if try lUuMtblr end made known on < * ' request. ' fi> \ry *th, MID, at tne p*4 >tarq witb trade and,commerce in this land- In s the asking of a blessing at / pneale, it is a good -plan to train the children to do it. We know of families where "grace" is very .pweetly sung, and others where the children have been trained to respond promptly to a request to ask the blessing. Ordinarily, the husband, as the head of- the house hold,-performs this duty. If he be a Christian he will do it with out urging. If not, then the duty devolves upon the wife, whose ex ample may be the means of ulti mately winning over the husband. 4.' Mr. Rockefeller la ootning to the relief of tlie war stricken, in habitants of Belgium. It is stated that the Rockefeller foundation lias chartered a large vessel at tlie cost of two hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars, and toded it with 4000 tons of provisionsifor Belgian) relief. It is expeotodAo sail this week direct for Rotterdam with a certificate from the British oon nut that its onrgo is for use of the Belgian non oombatanu only. These supplies will be distributed toy the Belgian relief commission. Mr ^rockefeller has aide it clear ttiait the steps taken by Che foun dation will be "absolutely neulr ffijal." Mr, Roottfej^ar in making this big douetioii to suffering humanity is being guided largely by the statement of affairs in Bel gium as given out b.v Ambassador Page at lyondon, Mr. Page says it grill require a million dollars a month for several months to Pre vent starvation, and indeed many will starve now before food cart" roach tbftp. jr." " * ~ r Am AeUve Liver Meaas IWaUti If you arant good health, a clear poraplrxion and frefdom 'from Dizziness, Constipation. Bihoue naae. Headaches and Indigestion, lake Ur. King's Sew Lpfe PiJU, They drive opt fermenting and un ligr-ted food end cure Qqnstlpn i "hi. Only 45c. at-your druggist. Adf. IBMWMOTS W K ?W MB?| fiarreHsvitte ? ? Rev. H. H. Honeycutt filled bi? regular npiwiiiitment at the Bsptict church Saturday eiid Sunday, the' services on Sunda.v were especially interesting, as talks were made by < several pf the ~ member* on the work and progress of the churefi. Ixmpuets of pretty flowers were taken to the church as requested by the pastor, then sent the sick members, Messrs. B F. Williams, W. Q. Copelatid and D. L. Mill. Mr. and Mrs. H.l. Brit ton and and little daughter Mable Glare and Louise, of Norfolk, spent last week with'their parents Mr. and Mi*. J. 0. Askew, also attended the association. Miss Sylha Harrell, of Wood land visited Miss Lucille Williams last ttteek. " ? Rev. J. A - Morris will fill his regular appointment at the M. E. ghbrch Sunday A M. it being his last appointment foi*the conference year a collection will be taken for the orphanage at Raleigh.Wt is urgently requested that the people give liberally to tliis good cause. Mr. Morris will leave on Monday i to attend the Annual Conference, and it is buped by ail that lie will be sent back for another year. Mrs. Lillie Smith, of Rocky Mount, spent several days here last week with relatives and friends. w?. .? ? .... '? * nil- Doctor is the happiest man is town, "it's a jfirl." Mrs. R. J. Baker, of Aluwkie, spent last week with her daughter Mrs, H. H. Taylor. We are glad indeed to re|a>rt Mr. W. M- Howe Improving after a serious illness of hemorrhagic feverOiij We were glad to have Mr. J. R. Modlin, of Norfolk, (but formerly of our town) in our midst last week, p ?*-.? ??? Mr. C. W, Hr.** attended the Quarterly Meeting at Powellsville Monday at the M. K. Church. - .. Mr. William Smith and daughter Miss Lizzie, of Rocky Hock, visit ed liia brother Mr. J. in ? Smith last week. > Everybody seemed to enjoy the aanodialiou last week, if the' weath er was a little unpleasant, there were large crowds each day and especially on Wednesday. The nex,t association goes to Jackson. Mr. Charlie Cellis, of Oolernin, spent Sunday with his brother Mr. E. J. Oallis, also attendcd services at the Baptist Cliurch. We are so glad to see Mr. B. F. Williams come up to his store a short while each day, and hope he may soon be able to resume his aotive duties again, Miss Ethel Baker, of Richmond, . Vs.. is the guest of Miss Eunice Downing. ? ? ? Wiobome-V ann, Aulander, Oct. 80?On Wed nesday evening, October 38th., a quiet marriage was witnessed in the home of Mrs. Tom Vann, near Aulander, when Mr. Lambert H. "Winbortie, of Ooletain, took Miss Nancy T. Vann to be his bride. ThAy ceremony took place at eight o'clock. AH the family were present, also several from Colerain, chaperoned by Mrs. Simon. ?;* ' Among those present from An lander were Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Mitchell, Misses Gurtlm Mitchell and Bruoice Jenkins, Messers. Walter Evans and Lacy Early. Rev. C. L. Dowell performed the ceremony. Hie bridal party left for Colerain op automobiles,? Winton WaveletlS lluny Vrom * Busy Town C?pM ... kT * jOU Horold Cwtndint The Philatheas of the WintoB Baptist Church will give a Bhila tliea Supper in the school house on Friday sight Nov. 6, at 6:80 o'clock for the benefit of lighting the church with electric lights. The public cordiely invited. Mies Ohio McDauiel has return ed to her home near Woodland, after spending some time with her sister Mrs. B. K. Story. Lots of the homes were limited with electric lights last week. We hope to soon see them on our streets. Mrs. Robert Mitchell and two children of Lewiston visited Mrs. Anuie White last week. Mrs. J. A. Clarke left Tuesday for her home in Norfolk she was accompanied home by lier mother Mrs. J. H . Jenkins. M?. I* V. Turner spent Friday in Norfolk shooing. A large crowd of our people at tended the association at Harretle ville last week. M;%* ?" - Cuitis Items Mi*4. Julia Pilaud of Cren, V#., visited Mrs. K. R. Isreal last week. Mrs. Carrie Beasle.y of Port Norfolk visited her sister Mrs. K. R. Isresl last week. We had two killing frosts last week, which intt the farmers dic ing peanuts. Mrs. Ealey Britton add little daughter Mary spent Friday in Winton look after ing hats. Mrs. Elizebetli King and daug ter Katie SDent Saturday 'and Sun. day in Gates county in tire home of Mr. W. H. Hnrreli guest of there daughter Miss Helton. Glad to report Mrs. K. R. Isreal a little improved but can not walk and yet. Mr. Otfel Jenkins of Gates, was a caller in town Sunday. Mrs, Qazemore and daughter Miss Eva, spent the day Sunday with Mrs. S. P. Parker, and daughter Miss Calrie. Mr. J. H. Hoggrad was in town Saturday looki..g after business. Mr. M. H, Isreal was in town Saturday. Master Clayton Parker spent Saturday P. M. w^th bis home people here. Lawyer Jones and his wife was in town Monday. , Mr. P. Trant.from Norfolk is spending some time in town this week looking after business and having some work done. Mrs. 8, P. Parker and little son Henry is spending some time this week in the oountry visiting her daughter Mrs. J. H. Hoggard. ; 1 $100 REWARD, $100 The readers of this papers will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to core in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Tatars* Cum is only positive cure now known5*? the medical fraternity. Catarrh oCm^, a constitutional disease, requires s eok* atitutional treatment. Hall'sCatarrh Care is taken internally, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tte system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength bv huildirpup the constitution and assisting nature in do in gits wort. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative power* that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any aaae that it fails to cured Send for list of testimonials. Address: VTj. QBENEY A CO. Toledo, O. Sold bv all Druggists. 78e. Take Hall's Armi* Pilb foe oensti P?tK?P Mr. ~\vll F M Wake rorest INews. BocUrty "day at Wake forest College *m celebrated On Friday, October fiOtb, This occasion ha, beeu made a holiday by ths college faculty. ' The Annual Juniiir-SoptMnnre debate wu? bald by ilia Philotna llMHian and ivozeliaq Literary Societies pt 3 o'chick. . The sub ject debated was, resolved that suffrage in N. O., should not be restricted on account of sex The affirmative was upheld-by Messis. ' HbrUon'and K. H. Barak Roth of these speakers produced verjf Adhviucing argument*. and siKike hi masterful style. Messrs. J. (irady Booe sod Baril M. Boyd opposed the above gentlemen, defending with great force the present laws regarding suffrage in North Carolina. The iudgea con sisting of five members of the faculty awarded their decision in favor of tlie negative. On Friday evening the semi an nual senior speaking took place at 7 o'clock. The speakers and their aubjecta were aa follows: G. H. King. "A universal Peace," E. L. Brown, "The Eural Problem," J. N. League, "Finding One's Self," mid T. A. Avera, "Huma nixing The Lsiw." Immediately followirgthe senior speaking the crowd repaired to tbe spacious Gymnasium, where the A*nual Bereau Banquet, formerly Baraca Banquet was held. The presence of the Senior Class of Oxford College, apd large num hers of girls from other colleges added to the gaeiy of the evening. From eight o'clock till midnight tbe lime was spent in conversa tion, aud sumptous reports pre|?r ed by the Bereans. During the evening Dr. E. W. Sikes, the present teacher of the Berean class, presented to Prof. J. Henry Highsmith, formerly teaclier of class, a beautiful gold watch charm, a gift of the class aa a whole. Prof. Highsmith on behalf of the class, in tdxn presented to Dr. Sikes a Berean class scarf pin. The pleasure of the evening was further added to by several humorous stories recited by Miss Woodal, of the Oxford College faculty. Miss Poole, voice teacher at Meredith College- also rendered several voal selections. Just before tbe crowd dispersed each lady was required to register her name upon a large book, and in return was presented with a small college seal aa a memento of this occasion. A great many of the visiting young ladies remained over tiil Saturday night id order to witness the football game lietween Boa noke College and Wake Forest; The football game was one of the best played and most exciting games ever played on tbe home field. Wake Forest by the skill ful manipulation of the forward . pass, won out by score of 19 toll. On Saturday night, from S to 12, Miss Helen Potest gave a Holioween party in honor of several of lipr school mates from Meredith College. It proved to be quite a gorgeous affair, and eclipa ed by far any previous social func tion of the year. Mid term reports are out, and work of the second sernester lias begun. Only seven more weeks of actual classroom work now re main before the end of the fall term, and students as ,well. as in struotors real lie that (much hard work must be done in this short 1 taws. Claisroom work has been broken op for the tatst two weeks on account of holidays, and this work must be made up before end of Uie term. Administrators Notice! Notice ia hereby given that the underiigned Martha A. Lee has this day qualified, before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Hertford County, Administrator of the goods and Chattels of Lemuel F. Lee deceased. All parties indebted to said estate must pay at once or the claims will be placed in the hands ^of proper parties to take the proper legal steps to collect samt;. And all parties holding claims against said estate must present' same to the undersigned, admin istratrix of said L. F. Lee within twelve months from the date of this notice or it will be pleaded in bar of its recoverv. ^ This 24th.d^ynfO?!tob^r 19U. Martha A. Lke, i Winborne& Win bore, Attys. I^otice of Sale. '? J H North Carolina 1 u Hertford Caunt.v J Q By virtu* of a decree of the 8 Superior Court entered <>u the 3rd H day of November, 1914, in a cer- I tain special proceediuga pending ? before the Clerk of said Court, en- H titled " John Jones, Isaiah Jooea, 8 Willis Jonee. Jr., Hatlie Ckiwper E and husband Webster Cowper, E et all, Willis Jones, Sr., Elijah Jones, " Katharine Jonee, eT at the un deraigimd Commissioner will offer for sale on Monday, December the 7th., at tbgJoqurt-House door of Hertford County, between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. and 1 o'clock P. M., the following de scribed teal estate, being situate in Maney's Neck Towuakip, Hertford County, and bounded aa follows, viz:- Beginning at a Red Oak near a branch; thence North 10', West 90 poles to a pine; thence North 80', East 60 poles to a pine; thence South 10', East 60 poles to a sweet gum; thence North 30', West 40 poles to a pine; thence West 82 poles to a sour wood; thence West 34 Doles to first station, containing 25 acres more or less. For a better description referrence is hereby made to Deed from William T. Seaver et ux, Embry P. Claret ux, Book "G" Page 403." Office of the Register of Deeda for Hertford County, to Phillis M> rick, terms of sale cash. This. the. 8rd day November, 1914. W.J. Hnx, Commissioner. By Rosweu. C. Bkidghk, i Attorney. $13.70 ^ ? =ro? Savanna, Ga., and Retuin TAB ATLANTIC COAST LINE, The Standard Railroad oi the South. Anural Cooyention United Daughters of the Confederacy, Tickets on sale November || 7fh.r toNlOth., inclusive, and for trains scheduled to reach Savanna before noon of the Uth. Limited to reach ori ginal starting point perior to midnight of November 20th. 1914, W. J. Craig, * ? ? Passenger Trrffic Manager. V T.-C, White, _ Qaneral Passenger Agent. Wilmington, N. C. 1 " Don. Vou w7??l?e of O., B New jewelry CatelojM? tTS FR?tl| We are anxious to simnlify youi Milt Giving Problems * 3 you this year, sod at the ikioe time ??m you money. Our plan is 9 U> shop here by uisil through the sid M our Handsome 13d Page y Catalog. If you haven't one, write U&y, and s cony will follow I You will then have in illustrated from Bur store and our stocks Q hacked by the same guarantee and reliBjility that ha* made this M ?tore a favrite in the South. * ? paui>OALE gri:I:N|vvood CO. INC fj XABOMT JKvvi.iafc SOUTH" GRANOT HTOKHT CORNKllCITY HAH. AVr Q Norfolk, vIc^rSIaT Virginia. ? "The Quality Store" MURFREESBORO.'N. C. You Will Like Our Tailoring Immensely! Because everything done by tlieINTEHNATI()>AL Is done right To begin with your suit will be ' '? '1 "? trj? * made to your own indivi dual measurements and tailored in the must skill - jt ful, careful way. The ? fabrics at your disposal S are without question the 1 finest product of the Euro- $ pean and American woolen t j , -ipBtr- If . I y . - . The styles are perfect and the PyiCES are the low est in tiwn for audi stu pendo is values. flfl I Fall samples aodh o i Display. =_=?s?r~ "Come and See Our Stoatjti I jay and l/ress the- ? Sntet national Way." U. VAUGlfAN MurfreesbQro, C. j ' ' ^ WS- Subscribe for ^lerald. EVERYTHING TO FURNISH THE HOME ON THE I ?1 ^~EAS1EST CREDIT TERMS.^^ I Here the Poor Man's Promise Equal the Rich Man's Money in Furnishing the Horn. ! . . .. ' ' Small Weekly Payments Foot the 3111.1 We have just received from the factory a car >ad of ? * Furniture that we bought to tell on easy terma. , ? ?' 1 I You be the judge as to whether or no w offer better values than others who sell for cash. '