I H ^^B^^^B ^iM^B? ^B Jm m ^?>m K ? i I ' I f^Mr^B TBT^B A """"Br* "TBT^B :. 5=!=!B=ai"Bll*BB^^ WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN EASTERN So\iTH CAROLINA. " "... _ '' . ^ ^ ^''''!^ VOL. 5 AHOSKIE, N. C., JANUARY 15. 1915.j NO."^ Tate Machinery A Supply Co., Uttlete* N. C. MACHINERY SPECIALISTS Everything in Machinery and Suppliei Dr. C. g Powell OENTI8T OFFICE ' OVEH S.J. DILDAY'8 STORE AHOSKIE, N. C. A/In borne da Wlnborne Benj. B. Winterne Stanley WinborAe Attorneye-at-Law MURFREESBORO, N. C. Fbonaa No. 17 and 21. Edgar Thomae Snipes Attorney-at-Law Loans Negotiated Real Estate Bought and SoldJ Office: 2nd Floor J. W. Godwin. Jr.. Bldg AHOSKIE. N. C. R. R. ALLEN Dealer In SASH. DOORS. BLINDS. WINDOW GLASS. HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS " GENERALLY "? Wholesale and Retail Ne. V27 Washington Square SUFFOLK. VA. I sash, doors, hardware, PAINTS. LIME, CEMENT. SEWER 1 PIPE. CART MATERIAL, MILL 1 SUPPLIES, STOVES, RANGES - I AND ETC. CLOSE PRICES. i MAIL ORDER8 SOLICITED AND OBLIGE. E. L. FOLK CO. No. ?17-910 Washington Square SITl-'OI.K. VA. W. W. ROGERS ! Attorney-at-Law l Prompt Attention Given to All Buaineoa. ah0sk1e. N. C. C. Wallace Joaes Attorney end Councelor.At-I.aw I WINTON. N. C. 1 i Practice in all rourta. Loan* negotiat ed. Soecial attention to eollectfona. ( Located in Bank of Winton * " ' ' I D. L THOMAS 1 GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER - , Plana and Specification! furoiabedupon application Cement and Tile Work Brick Work a Specialty AHOSKIE. N. C.I Roswell C- Bridger Attorney-at-Law WINTON. N. C. J. R. EVANS Practical Tin Roofer' and Sheet ?-> Metal Worker ? ^Prices Right. MURFREESBORO. N. 0. ?- ( . i FRANK G. TAYLOE ? < Notary Public Ahoskib, North Carolina. < DR. L. G. SHAFER] ? SPECIALIST z=r Id the examination of the Eye and fitting Glasses at "MANHATTAN HOTEL" Ahoskie every 3rd Wed nesday. Artificial .eyes made to order, perfect fit and match guar anteed. Home offie Rocky Mognt, N.C. Combridge Hotel Building, First Floor, Phone 662. . It Really Dom Relieve Rheumatism. Everybody who is afflicted With Rheumatism in any form should by all means keep a bottle of Sloan's Liniment on hand. The minute you feel pain or soreness in a joint or muscle, bathe it with Sloan's Liniment. Do not rub it. Sloan's penetrates almost immedi ately right to the seat of pain, re lieving the hot. tender, swollen feeding a/id making the part eaay and comfortabl?. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 26c. of any " druggist and have'it in the bouse ?against Colds, Sore and Swollen Joints. Lumbago. Sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it does give almost instant relief. Buy a bot tle to-day. Adv. * HERTFORD COUNTY . COMMISSIONERS VEEJ. The Board of County Commis sioner* of Hertford County met on the 4tb day of January 1915, prev ent 8. P. Winborne, C. E. Bojette, H. H. Jones, J. N. Hol lomon, J. A. Powell and E. J. tieroek. Proceedings of last meeting read i and approved. The following committees are ! continued until next meeting of the board, to wit: Committee on Murfreesboro 1 Bridge. ' Committee on building tenant bouse at county home. Committee on Hoggard Swamp bridge and causeway. Committee on repairing bridges , in St. Johns township. ~ Committee on wiring court house ? for electric lights, ??'"-] Committee on Burners Bridge road. , uommitiee on cnecmng up omce , of Clerk Superior court. Copunittee on building house ( over engine and pump at jail. Committee to look after Anna Newsome. On motion, it is ordered that the j Superintendent of county home , take Simon Debro to the home. , It is ordered that J. A. Powell i and H. H. Jones appointed a corn- ] mittee to see Dr. Thomas concern i ing his log landing and make ar- | rangements to rent same for pre jent year and the committee is ] given authority to subrent to other t parties. On motion it is ordered that C. B. Godwin in St. Johns Township < and D. N. Johnson, Harrellsville Township be allowed to pay only i nngle taxes. It is ordered that J, 8. L*w- 1 rence be given permission to list i for 1914 with the Register .of ] Deeds. Jno. C. Taylor appeared before the board and requested " the amount charged against Buck Horn special school district for eommissions on taxes etc., be re j funded to said district; the matter j deferred until next meeting of the board. j The coroner elect, Di. C. F. i Griffin tendered his bond, which , was unainmously approved and ac- ( cepted.. On motion it is ordered that the < Superintendent Health be given j authority to buy sufficient amount , of sulphur to disinfect all school , houses. j It is moved and carried that D. | R. McUlohon and H. H. Jones be j given authority to purchase a suit- | able desk and foipguasbfnet for the', office of Clerk Superior Court. I The report of Superintendent | Health received and filed. Report of Clerk Superior Court , for fines and forfeitures etc., re- ) ceived and recorded. , The following jurors drawn -for | February term of court, to wit: , \ Hugh Lee, Wm. J. Fergefson, Jlenry T. Edwards. R, O. Whitley, W. B. Hedgepeth, Auley J% Bry- | gnt, Langley Liverman, C. T. , Griffith, B. B. Winborne' Jr., W. ' S. Nelson, M. E. Worrell, Jas. I. i Griffin, J. H. Walrren, H. B. Vann, T: L. Hollomon. Jack Browne, M. R. Herring, O. R. Outland, J. M. Blow. W. H. Britton, R. G. Har rell, Jno. H. Harrell, M. E. Rid- - dick, J. J. Futrell, Jas. Liverman, J. A. Slade, Hunter Holloman, J. R. Lassiter, W. B. Gillam. J. T. Williams, G. B. Overton, G. 1 T. Brinkley, A. G. Bazomore, J. A. Williams, J. S. Leary, Solon Jernigan. Tbe following amounts reported turned over to the treasurer by tbe several tax collectors: W. J. Hill, Maneys Neck township _$ 607.00 J. J. Parker, Murfrees boro township 1,000.00 W. L. Matthews, Win ton township 420.48 M. R. Sumner. St. Johns township .... 661.00 B.N. Sykea. Harrellaviile township December 209.37 B. N. Sykes, Harrellaviile (Continued on Page Four.) PbUatbea Class Business Meeting. The Philathea Class held its re gular business meeting with Mrs. M. D. Curtis Monday afternoon. January lltb., 1915, with fourteen members present. After scripture reading by the president Mrs. K. L. Phelps we weie led in prayer by Mrs. 0, G. Powell. The following committees were appointed: Volunteer:?Misses- Dorris Jen kins, Venie Howard and Mrs. L. [, Jernigan. Membership:?Mrs C. G. Pow bII, Miss Lillian Bovette end Mrs. 3. K. Dilday. Relief:?Miss Margaret 1 Ses loma, Mrs. Z. V. Bellamy and Miss Minnie Sessoms. Social:?Mrs. M. D. Curtis, Misses Sarah Brett and Bettie Ses Kxns. Nominating:?Mrs. C. Q. Pow sll. Miss Nannie Newsome and Mrs. S. E. Dilday. The President then told tbe luties of each committee and urg ;d them to carry tbem out. Miss Girtrude Modlin and Mrs. Jlaude Greene were appointed as listant teachers. It was decided to have a class reorganization on third Sunday n this month and all members ire tipeeially urged to be present aixf snlist on the new roll and see if we can't do better work this year. It was also decided to have two rools, the active and inactive, or lonorary. The clask voted to meet nest Monday night, January 18th., at ihe church for tbe purpose of practicing some songs. After singing a hymn we were lismissed. Tbe hostess served light refre ihments to tbe guests. The class will meet with Miss ifenie Howard on Monday after ioon after the second Sunday in February.?Reported. Hov le Get Tbe News. The other day a perfectly nice ady called us up and with tears o her voice reproved us for not nentioning tbe fact that she had iad a friend visiting her last week. We told ber that she bad not let is know anything about it and therefore we did not know that she iad a viator. Then she said. 'Well, you should/ have known. L thought you were running a newspaper." Wouldn't that rat tle your slats! Some people think that aD editor ought to be a cross oetween Argus and Anna Eva Fay. They seem to think that our Sve senses are augmented by a lixth that lets us know everything that happens, even if we see. hear, feel, taste or smell not. Dear lady, editors are only human, ?r at least almost human. If you have a friend visiting you, if you ire going away, or have returned from a visit out of town, if John nie falls and breaks bis arm, if your husband chops his toe instead at a stick of wood, if anything happens that makes you glad, or sad, happy or mad, call us up. fell us about it. That's the way to get it in the way.?Wadesboro Assonian., The Utter T Some one has advanced the opin ion that tbe letter "e" is the most unfortunate letter in the English alphabet, because it is always out of cash, forever in debt, never out of danger and in hell all tbe time. For some reason, he overlooked the /ortunste of tbe letter, as we call his attention to the fact that "e" is never in war and always in peace. It is the beginning of ex istence, tbe commencmen of ease and tbe end of trouble. Without it there would be no meat, no life and no heaven. It is the center of honesty, makes love perfect and without it there would be no edi tors, devils or news.?Fourth estate. Warranty Deeds for sale at the Herald office She. the dozen WHOLESALE ROBBERY Theivaa Enter Store of GarroM A Baker and Make Large Haul af Dry Goods, Clothing and Groceries ZBB HARRELL. COLLQRED SHOT BY ONE OE HIS GANG. - One of the mutt daring robber ies committed in Hertford Count? was that of last Saturday night when three colored men entered the store of Oarrett A Baker, Aboskie. They made their en trance through a rear window when a fraigb train was passing through town. After they had ransacked the store and helped themselves to goods of every des cription and were in the act of i leaving with their booty, they were taken by surprise when Eric Garrett and Pembroke Baker came down stairs from a room formerly used for a bed room, and called to 1 them to hault, using a flash light 1 in their faces. It was then a scuf fle ensued and Zeb Harrell was 1 shot through the shoulder. Har rell afterwords staled that he thought the shot was fired from a > revolver in the bands of Kelly 1 Vaugban, a leader of the gang. 1 After things bad quieted down, Vaughan having gone to bis home, 1 it was thought that there was 1 I another negro biding in the store I and a search began. Low and be hold Possum Wynn, an old time 1 offender, was discovered hiding 1 behind an iron safe in the front of the store, x ' Boss Holloman was tfgitftiDetairs ' with the young white men but be ing unarmed be did not come down until things had quieted down. Sheriff Garrett and constable ' Gerock were notified and were on the ground in short order. Dr. Walker was also sent for to look .after the wounded negro, whom it is thought will recover. A number of warrants were issued and before sun up a dray of the firm was pressed into ser vice hauling stolen goods back to ' the store. All day Sunday a crowd of on lookers was gathered around the store eager to see the thieves and learn the developments. Six to Jail. Up to Sunday oigbt six bad been givin a hearing and bound over to Superior Court. They are Zeb Harrell, Kelly Vaughan. Possum Wynn, Geo. Harrell, Henry Lewis and Buseell Vaughan, No one knows but the rogues themselves how long tlhis has been going on or the amount of goods stolen from the firm. Archibo Clarence Overton. A. ' Many hearts were made sad on Wednesday January 6th, when it became known that Archibo Clar ence the 6 yea^ld son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Overton of Ahoskie, was dead. His remains was taken to the family burying ground at the home of Mr. G. G. Overton. After the funeral services were conducted by Rev. C. L. Dowel!, he was laid to rest by his little sis ter Blanche, who died about S or 4 years ago. The writer knew Clarence, to be a bright and pro mising child, ever obedient and loving to hjs parents, and to bis little sister and brother he was de voted: It is bard to understand why God took this precious bud, and obt it was so hard for the broken hearted parents to giye him up, but God knows best, so be took Clarence to be with hlM. So grieve not fond parents for Clar ence ir at rest. "Not now but in the coming years, It may be in a better land. We'll read the meaning of those tears, . . And there; yes there, We'll under stand." A friend. 1 TM MM* MhuMMMIIIIM Ikum of It* tonic and taxation rttd. laxa tive sromoooikinsU batter tban ordinary Sxinll ta head Raaiate"?tha fulTname and look lor tba ItpMn of B. W, GftOVB. Be. * >? a The Round Dozen Club ? The Round Do ten Club woe en tertajned by Mrs. J. W. Godwin Friday on night January 8th. Q The guests were uebered in by Miee Ida Henry. Altera abort businei eeaajon in which the booka were exchanged, duea collected a progressive game engaged in, conaiatiug of four tablea, at the first tabid the cople who wrapped and tied the neuteat box waa progreaaed, the aecond table held a call bell and tlie gueata bad to be blind folded and atrike the bell with a cane. The couplea at the third table had to gueaa the oontenta of nome boxes which had been securely wrapped and tied, and at the fourth table boxes bad to be shaped. Then each gentleman had to draw a route card and bis pardner, together they had to follow direc tions of their route, and just aa each thought they had fouud the object of cearcb they found anoth er card directing them to another place, after muoh fnn and scram bling around each couple found a little red box in which waa a dain ty lunch which they were regneat ed to eat. The gueata a pent a moat enjoy able evening?music waa rendered by Mias Delia Doweil and Mrs. J. N. Vann. ? Miss Janey Cherry invited the slub to meet with her next time. January 22nd. I Those present were: Misses _ Blanche Gerock, Delia Doweil, [da Henry, Mrs. O. C. Kennely Messrs D. P. Boyette, L. T. Wil liams, J. H. Roberson, S. J. Geary, Dr. U K. Walker Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Vann and Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Curtis. Reported. Cotton Pool t Disaster. | Fort Worth, Tex., January IS.? _ Pater Radford, National Lecturer of the Farmers' Union, when aak #d by a representative of the J press today if the farmers of the N South would apply for loans under Q the terms of the $135,000,000 cot- n ton pool, said: "1 do not know of a banker in M Texas or elsewhere who is willing Q to lend money to the farmers at N six per cent under the provisions n of the pool and I do not think P many farmers would care to quali- n fy for a loan. It is to lie regretted B that the officers of that movement ? are not frank enough to admit . that the failure of the pool is due to inherent defects of the plan. It has not only failed completely, but it has indirectly cost Uie Southern cotton producers millions of dol lars. I think it can be truthfully said that bad the plan never been suggested, several millions of dol lars would have been loaned against cotton in the South by many banks who subscribed to the fund in good faith, and naturally, with such a pledge becoming a liability they might be called upon to assume, they did not give con siderations to makifcg direct loans as the Southern banker has always done, and as a result the pool cut off the local money supply and forced the cotton on {.he market. I have no doubt the j promoters acted in good faith, but the move ment has been a serious disaster to the South." JUKI UKAWN. ^ i At the regular meeting of the * County Commissioners held the J first Monday in January the jury ( for the Fedruary term of Superior < Court was drawn. The list ap- < pears under the beading of Comity < Commissioners Meeting. CALENDARS RECEIVED. < We acknowledge receipt of cal- * endars from the following firms. i Farmers-Atlantic Bank, Bank of < Ahoskie, E. J. Gerock, of Ahos- t kie, Holloman Bros., Rich Square, J Grimes-Roberson Co., and Bank 2 of Robersonvitle, Robersonville, < N. C., accept hanks. , "" * 4 Let the 1 FARMERS' ffAREBOUSE, | Robersonville, /V. C. SELL YOUR TOBACCO | We Have a Force That Guarantees J Prompt Peturns and Pest ol Attention. I Ship us a Crate, Box or Hogshead and I let us prove to you that we look after the | Farmers' Interest every time. ? A. T. Co., Export Co., Liggett-Myers Co., J. P. Taylor & Co., and Imperial Company have buyers on this market. GrimeS'Roberson Co, j Proprietors Farmers' Warehouse 8 Robersonville, N. C. jj Richard Winborne, Pre*. W. H. Winborn#, Vice-Pre#. Norfolk, Va. Chowan Co., N.'C. WINBORNE & CO., INC. COTTON AND PEANUT FACTORS Commission Merchants Norfolk, Va. i PEANUT WAREHOUSES: SUFFOLK, VA.i NORFOLK, VA. Shipments solicited. Market information furnished. Refer- f ence. Seaboard National Bank, Norfolk, Va. Always before buy- % ing get our prices on Peanut Bags, Bagging and Ties. It pays, t saaaaaaaaaaawewsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaasaasawg f ?? ?? ? ? arwn ????????? - COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE. v ?Things are arranged here for your comfort apd convenience. We are equipped to care for your deposits with absolute safety. We are prepared to aid honeet men in developing legitimate business enterprises. In short there is no function of a bank we cannot perform to your complete satisfaction. Merchants and Farmers Bank Wlntoa, N. C. ' ? ????? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? w*i 1904 1914 THE PEOPLES BANK MURFREESBORO, N. C. Capital and Surplus $25,000.00 OLD?SAFE?STtONG?CELIABLE. Are you one of Its many patrons? If so you have aided us in building up this creditable Institution, and we believe we have aided you in building up this pro gressive community: Together'we have prospered for th^past ten years. Join us with renewed vigor for a con tinuation of mutual prosperity. IT PAYS TO BE ONE OF OUR PATRONS. i ? ' * ' . \ . ' v-fs* miFiE TeiH ruiif , To come to our store and look over thd many things which you must have to be comfortable, aa the season ad- J | vances your needs must be supplied and we are in a position j | to furnish the most 0f them, at interesting prices, so don't * fail to give us a call. This month makes ten years which * ' . we have been in business, %pd we are proud to think we en- * joy the confidence of all with whom we have dealt. Thanking you for your goodwill and patronage. We v? yours, HOOQARD & STOKES,W AHOSKIE,N. C. j|