mwmcom herald. - ^ r_ _, PUBLISHED WEEKLY j BY W. U. Smith, Editor and Prop, at AHOSKIE, If. C Subscription Price: One Dollar Par Year in Adranee Adrertiiing Rates: Very Reaaonable and made known on request. , Entered as second-class matter Feb raary 25th, 1910, at tne post office at A bosk is, N. C., under the Act of March *. 1879. How astonished some of us would be if we could see our own faults as clearly as we can see the faults of others. It might possi bly work some reformation. J* If the warring nations would 'only make up their minds to be gin the new year by settling their differences in a peaceful way all the world would rejoice. If some people were as eneigetic in showing their constructive abili ty as others are in their destruo ire ability, how much more pleas ant this world would be to live in. We spend on earth but one day at a time, and the total number of days is not large. Then let each day of .Jthe new year be spent in doing something to make this old world better. The sluggard should not spend overmuch time considering the in dustrious ant. Solomon never meant it to be! a steady job, al though some folks seem to think be did. Imitate the ant by your own industry. r* i iKWBkm Some folks can never see any thing to be thankful for. Others can see in almost everything something to be thankful over. They are very like the poor woman who bad but two teeth in her head, but who was thankful they met. It is very clear that the em ployes of the roads favored with an increase of freight rates are not going to profit much by the change. Out of the estimated >50,000,000, the roads will gain each year the employes will get only a trifle more than one per < cent. There is a pressing demand that people live within their means and j not above tbem, as too many do. , If anybody made that a new year . resolve, and doubtless many did, tbem bold to it at all hazards. / Usually it makes ail the difference between happiness and unbappj neas, and between comfort and misery.-, t It Would be e blessing if the ( social conscience were as pro- ( nounced as the private conscience. Unfortunately it is not, by a long t way. Many a business man who revolt at the idea of meeting a t man on the street and demanding his purse has not the slighted / scruple in belonging to some cor poration which habitually cogjxes 1 and robs thousands of innocent ^ and trusting people. So, too, ( society stamps the brand of moral g depravity on the footpad and housebreaker, but it calls the man - a brilliant (inaiicier who so mani- 1 put tea stocks and bonds as to i financially ruin hosts of others, that be may enrich himself. Such C a man is welcomed in the ranks of 8 exclusive society and his smile is eagerly sought. Verily, there is yet a wide gap between the con- -j science that is 'called private and that which is social. E ?. s Deafness Cannot Be Cured C by local application*, a* they cannot ^ roach the dtieaied portion of the ear. t There i* only one way to cure deaf ness, and that ia by constitutional remedies. , Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tuba. When this tube is al inflamed you bar* a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tiraly eloaad. Deafness ia the result, and unless the inflammation can be *' taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, bearing will be dis- C troped forever; nine eases out of ten are caused by Catarrsh. which is noth ing hut an inflamed condition of the mwHHiff surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrah) that cannot be cured by _ Hall's Catarrh Care. Send for cireo- m lars. free. Soid by all Druggists, 75c, # ra ? ' d? WMSffillOT > I I ? ' ? tiarretlsville Compiled and Arranged (or Herald Reader* by oui Regular Correipondent Rev. J. A. Morris filled bis re- f gular appointment at the M. E. (: church Sunday A. M. he pave out g an appointment for the 5th, Sun day in January. j Misa Essie Mason of Edenton is ? visiting her brother Mr. Ralph a bear that wedding bells will E riDg again soon, in our town. 1 Mr. Derrick son of tbe Foreman c Blades Lumber Go. is here exami- | ling some tmots of timber. [ S Redort of the Condition of * ^ Merchants and Farmers t Bank K Wlnton, Sorts Carolina At tbe close of business Decern- J, wr 31st, 1914. RESOURCES joans and discounts..$127,516.69 C Jverd rafts secured.__ 42.74 Jnited State Bonds on band ? r_ 500.00 111 otber Stocks, Bonds and Mortpagea. 18,000.00 11 'remium on Bonds 458.75 tanking Houses, Fur niture and Fixtures. 6,614.52 til other real estate owned 1,204.41 )ue from Banks and .. Bankers 24,629.45 lash items... ... 873.80 l, lold coin 400.00 0 lilver coin, including A all minor coin cur- R renc.v .... 468.54 lational bank notes and other U.S. notes... 3.493.00 D 'otal ... ....$184.201,90 LIABlMXJEi*. ... si lapitai Stock paid in.. 10,000.00 urplus fund 22,000.00 N rndivided profits, less current exposes and . T< taxes paid.. 8,100.42 1me Certificates of Ci Deposit 50.00 ?e posits subject to D, check 36,048.69 s? avings Deposits.. 111,430.40 C? lashier's Checks out- Tc standing...., * 1,532.39 ' tertified Checks... 40.00 otal .$184.201.90 M Stato of North Carolina, Countv ^ f Hertford, as: 1, J. P. Mitchell, Cashier of the & x>ve-named bank, do solemnly rear that the above statement is ue to the beat of my knowledge id belief. i J. P. Mitchell, Cashier. tbi orrect?Attest: Jno. E. Vann. ~ A. I. Earkkr, "" J. W. Boons, JJ. Directors. Subscribed end before au. Cethis 11th., dejr of Jen., 1951. ?* W. P. Shaw. Jr.. Notary Public. J mo /!? I ' 3 : Menola News local and Otherwise gg| i liev. E. F. Sullivan filled his egular appointment here Satur lay and Sunday preaching as usu- . .1 two excefleut sermons. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Snipes and ? diss Beatrice Smith of Woodland, < ttended services here Sunday and lined with Mr. J. L. Snipes and amily. Mr. Joseph Brown who has teen quite feeble for sometime, is nuch improved at this writing. Miss Edla Gilliam of MilwaulUee pent last week with her aunt Ifrs. M. J. Brett. Mr. and Mrs. Wv.^f. Griffin and dr. Harvey Lassiter of Woodland md Miss Pauline Mitchell of lulander, were guests of Mr. and vlrs. John Gliitty Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Radney Gatling risited relatives near Murfrees >oro last Thursday. Mrs. Maggie Daught.v of Au ander spent the past week with elatives here. Mr. J. T. Cowan of near Brant ey'a Grove spent Saturday night ind Sunday with Mr. J. T. Cowan ind family. Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan spent htturday night in the borne of Mr. if rs. J. L; Snipes. Rev. E. F. Sullivan made an in eresting talk Sunday night, to he young people of this commun ty in the interest of the B. Y. ?. U. Report of the Condition of The Bank of Winton ? \ Win ton, N. C. At the close of business December, . list., 1914. ' RESOURCES x>ans and discounts $21,742.66 , Iverdrafta unsecured.: 16.90 1 tanking Houses, $1,935.92; Furniture and Fixtures, , $1,351.13 3,287.06 ' )ue from Banks and Bankers 7,662.71 lash items 100.00 . kild coin 253.00 1 lilver coin, including all minor coin currency 214.00 f National bank notes and other U. S. notes 2,453.00 ixpeose ... _ 2)0.08 i 'otal $35,839.40 LIABILITIES . lapital stock paid in........$ 8,550.00 tills payable 4,485.86 'ime Certificates of Deposit. 7,123.61 t leposits subject to check.... 16,191.03 avings Deposits 625.91 aahier's Cheeks outstanding 9.71 i ertified Checks....... 3,30 otal Jt $36,839.40 State of North Carolina, County of [ [ertford, ss: I, A. T. Ne waome. Asst., Cashier of the boye-named bank, do solemnly sweat J tat the above statement is true to the est of my knowledge and belief. A. T. Nswbome. Asst., Cashier. A orrnt?Attest: j. C. Carter, W. B. Pollard. T H. C. Faison, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, V lis 13th., day of January, 1915. J. A. Kley, Notary Public. A Report of the Condition of CITIZENS BANK J Murfreesboro. h. C. At the close of business December t ts.. 1914. Resources H Dans and discounts ..$ 42,409.19 verdrafts unsecured 117.83 B 11 other Stocks, Bonds and K Mortgages 2.200.00 H anklng Houses, $3,600.00; . Furniture and Fixtures, A $2,450.00 ....'. 6.960.00 ue from Banks and Bankers 1,618.9L _ ish items 69.98 H Did coin ..... 10.00 Iver coin, including all ,, minor coin currency 287.89 " Dtional bank notes and other U. S. notes 856.00 T >tal $ 63,613,74 Liabilities ... M ipital stock paid in $ 10.000.00 irplus fund 1,658.28 Us psyabie 5.000.00 M iposita subject to check... 24,286.63 ivings Deposits: ... 12,329^13 ishier's Checks 239.80 j ital ? $ 68,613.74 State of North Caioiina, County of srtford, ss: G. I.J. I. Griffln; Cashier of the sbove med bank, do solemnly swear that e above statement is true to the best Je my knowledge end belief. J. I. Griffin, Cashier. t. rrect?Attest: Ja L. J. Lawrence, J. D. Babb, E. T. B. Wynn, , Directors, jv Subscribed snd sworn to before me s 11th., dsy of Jsnuary, 1916. Isaac Pipkin, Notary Public. Ja m To aiv* Quinine To Children. j " g | ?M>5a^^5& J a mwcinlly adapted la ndoHa who cannot Bo t-orclnary Quinine. Doen not naaaoatn nor ?_ ^^sXSs^SSt-JS IERTFORD COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEET. (Concluded From Page Orel township January...., 677.45 ^ f. A. Copelaod, Ahoekie township .... 967.64 , Total z $4,582.90 , The following accounts approv- ( id for payment to wit: I I. D. Francis, dressing lustf#'a i bor.;^. ....i 6.87 , a. V. Wilson, labor on i bridges 21.30 | Irunuiug Mfg., Comoany. < oak lumber ..340.45 i dig. A. M. Carter, pork 1 for county borne.. ... 1.90 i 7had Dukes, work at coun- I ty home ^ 10.96 | . ?. Matthews, supplies to I cpunty home. ... 19.78 ] !no. A. Horton, Lumber.. ' 3.00 . L W. Lawrence,coffin etc.. 5.50 ( >r G. N. Harrell, services I Supt. Health.... 227.25 i A. R. Sumner, waiting on . i jury murder case ' lb.00 t A. R. Sumner, taking pri- 1 soners to jail 11.00 t I. B. Jones, board of prison- i era etc. 74.45 s A. V. Wilson, work on ten ant house 20.00 ] ). A. Day, keeping M'bore . 1 bridge last quarter... 22.50 j V. T. Hollomon, repairs to t Bear Swamp bridge 6.00 ( t. P. Hines, expenses tak- ? ingsane to Goldsboro 18.55 i d. M. Browne, superinten- I dent couuty home last Qr. 68.75 j d, M. Browne, Frt., on j disinfectants.. 1.04 drs. M. M. Browne, sewing I for home 5.20 ( Jrown ft Browne, suplies j county home .. 19.05 , 1. S. Basnight, dirt used on causeway ..J... .... 5.00 | 3opeland ft Taylor, lumber etc. 2.55 j iVilliams Bros., supplies to ferry ... ... 6.22 Williams Bros., Amt., oaid repairs to ferry ... 6.00 3c. J. A. Powell, vital sta- I t'stics 1st quarter 2.75 ] >r. J. A. Powell, vital sta- , tistics 2nd quarter 2.25 t 3r. J. A. Powell, vital sta Mailed 3rd quarter 8.00 t Jink Junes, keeping Hills ( Ferry 4th quarter 54.00 , V. P. Shaw, Jr., and Bro., t blankets ect for jail. 1.25 ( 5. L. Banks, blanets etc. j for jail . 1,25 , lerring and Vann, station ery Clerk Office.... 2.00 iugh Odum, bringing pris oners jail 1.8C ). R. McGlohon, C. S. C. supplies for office 6.50 - Villiam Chamblee, keeping , B. H. Ferry ftsc. 20.00 . iaathew Wilson, keeping Tar Ldg., Ferry Dec 20.00 ^ I. B. Cross, keeping Maneys Ferry Dec...... 15.00 . K. Armstrong, keeping Winton Ferry Dec... 30.00 l. ?. Garrett, Sheriff, sum- o moiling extra jurors 7.50 ? iienie Browne, keeping Parkers Ferry last Qr. 48.00 Kirrell Mfg., Co., disinfec tants 10.00 .. J. Pe&rce, mattresses etc. 3,50 i. D. Askew, poll holder.. 2.00 . D. Lowe, services as re gistrar 20.03 . O. Askew Jr., poll holder 4.00 lerring and Vann, station arv ? V>J ?t|U . B. Seam, poll bolder 2,0(V | . J. Vann, poll bolder 4.00 . E. Garrett, 1 book re- l ceipts .... 1.50 oiKard and Stokes, sup plies to Caroline Parker,, j.50 f. M. Marsh, supplies to Mary Lass iter 2.00 ; C. Benthall. supplies to ? Geo. Carter children..... 1.50 rs. E. L. Dardon, supplies to Robert Morris 1.00 rs. R. D. Rojferson, sup plies to Gladie Newsome. 2.00 C. Bentbail, supplies to J. W. Minton 1.00 J E. Boyette, supplies to Mary Vaughan.. 2.00 mo. Jenkins, supplies to Latlienia Parker 1.00 ick Parker, supplies to Wm. Overton and wife.. 2.00 V. Grissom supplies to Mrs. Beale .... 2.50 ' ipeland and Taylor, sup plies to J. J. Hill and wife 6.00 ck Parker, supplies to Jonas Mitchell 2.50 D. Earle.v, supplies to Elija Liverman 2.60 No further business bore the ard, it adjourned to meet on S it Msnday in February 1915. ?. 4- Northoott Clerk to Board. S. P. WJuborne, Chairman- L Notice of Sale. / I By virtue of the power and au- 1 thority given by a certain deed I )( trust executed by J. ,8. Law- I ^ence and wife Josie K. Lawren- I :e, to D. C. Barnes, Trustee, which it of record in the office >f the Register of Deeds for the [iounty of Hertford, in book 55 !>ege 118, default having been made in the payment of the in lebtedness secured thereby and it the request of the holder thereof, I will, on Thursday, the tth day of February 1915, before ;he law office of D. C. Barnes in the town of Murfreesboro, N. C. it 12 o'clock M. offer for sale to .he highest bidder for cash, the Following property to wit:. That tiouse and lot in the to.wn of Murfreesboro, known as'the old lohn W, Harrell place, bounded >n the north by Broad Sreet, on ,he east by Pine' Street, on the touth by the Rice property here nafter described as Lot No. 2, .he lots of Isaac Pipkin and T. IV. Pipkin, and on the west by :he Baptist Church Lot. This 8 one of the most desirable re tidences in town. 2nd?That Store House and LiOt in the town of Murfreesboro, mown as the E. F. Rice Store House and Lot, and bounded on :be north by the property above lescribed as Lot No. 1, on the :ast by Pine Sreet, on the sduth j.v Main Street, and on the west ay the lot of T. W. Pipkin. This s one of the best business stands n the town. These two lots form a block From Main to Broad Streets in the center of town, and make an deal residence and business pro ?erty.~ This the 2nd day of January, 1915. D. C. Bahnes. Trustee. For Sale. Two saw mills, complete,, ready 'or work. Both in Gates County, I1!. C. One :.ear Roduco, the other lear Eure, N. C. Not junk, but food mills. If not sold priyately, lie one near Eure, will be sold on he mill yard, OQ Tuesday the 2nd. lay of February 1915, and''the one . lear Roduco, will be sold on the nill yard, on Wednesday the 3rd. ? lay of February 1915, at noon _ n both cases. ' Terms cash unless itberwise agreed on day of sale. This the 5th. day of Jan., 1915, ? A. Pilston Godwin und B. L. Banks, Jr., Trustees, Gatesville, N. C. r % flooring, Ceiling and Siding For Sale by Dnancock Lumber Co. Earleys, N. C. Pitas Cured la 6 to 14 Days n our druggist will refund money If PAZO I I ilNTMHNT tails to cure any case of Itching, I lind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles In 6to 14 days. I Is he first application gives Base add Rest. 50c. 1^,, . ? N J U. Vaughan's "The Quality Store" MURFREESBORO, N. C. IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Hardware, Farm and Garden Tools Plows and Casting ~~ . and American Wire Fencing. The kind that has been tried and proven to be the best. Carioad just received, 6 and 12 inch mesh, 3 to 5 feet high, PRICES RIGHT. Get Our Prices > Before Buying. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. U. VAUGHAN \~ I Murfreesboro, N. C. -WW II ??? At Cost, For Cash ?? Until February 1st., I offer my entire tine of Millinery consisting of Hate, Baby Caps, Ribbons, Coat Suits, Veils and Velvets at actual cost to me. * This is a rare chance for you to save money. Come and inspect the goods. MISS LIZZIE FLYTHE Ahoskie, N. C. . ' =3' 'd Bl?II ICzL 1?? ?11 11 " " " ?1 i SPUING OPENING. j i ?Mr. Barney Shestack, representing B. F. ; C. Tailoring Co., of Philadelphia, will be at our store January 18th and 19th with a com- i plete line of Spring Samples of Clothing. 1 Place your order with us now and deliv- , ery will be made at any time. ' ? r^ARRETT (gfc, fjAKER j | Ahoskie, I ? . i I****************** J< v II II ' 1 II ? IT ?? ?H*' II 11 1