THE LARGEST WEEKLY NEW8PAPER PRINTED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA." VOL. 6 AHOSKIE, N. C., APRIL 16. 1915. " ~~ n7>7^ Bertie has First Commencement. Great Parade and Very Fine Ex hibits; Hon. T. W. Bickett Jtakoe Address. Windsor. April 10.?Thirty-five hundred people thronged Windsor streets yesterday and witnessed Bertie's first county commence ment of our public schools. It was an ideal day without unto ward accidents, every one filled with the spirit of the occassion and a general good time had on all hands. The cause of education was given a, decided impetus by the spectacle of the 1,656 children in the parade of school. No man who witnessed that sitfit will evei; vote against a special tax of any reasonable amount. Prof. Herbert W. Early, the highly efficient county superintendent, bad every detail of the meeting well arrang ed. The magmficient building of the I Windsor graded school was the central point around which all of I the day's incidents centered. Thel schools gathered on the campus. Sixty of them represented. We doubt if such a well dreseed. well behaved, splended looking body of 1,656 boys and girls of school age ever before assembled in any-1 where. Certainly they were the equal of the best. Mr. Moses B. Gilliam and his assistants repre senting eadh township in the coun-l ly handled the procession admir ably. The line of march was of sufficient length to give the whole town a view of the highly inspiring sighted. The variour township and school banners gave information of atten dance betterment work and prom ises for future work. Exsrcisss is lbs Opem. The exercises of the morning were held in the open air op the graded school campus. Rev. L.I D.* Hayman of the Melliodi-t Church gave the invocation. A spirited declamation contest was had, by a boy and girl from each of our nine - townships. Master Charles Smallwood Capehart. son of Hon. A. Capehart, member of the Houae front Bertie, waa de clared the winner in thia contest. He ia a handsome manly young fellow and declaimed unusally well. Others tendered excellent recita tions. A basket picnic was then had and a fine dinner enjoyed. Owing to the enormous crowd and late-1 neas of the hour the audience was divided in the afternoon, about s thousand going to the court house to hesr the address and the rest re maining to witness the athletic I contests, consisting of 100 yard dash, 220 yard dash, 440 yard dash, running high jump, running broad jump, sack rack and a mile relay race. A large relay partici pated in these races and the de cisions were all close. During the recess the public ins tec ted the vari ous school exhibits that were (lis I played in the room and halls of the graded school. These exhibits were of great interest included both book work and manual training work. The Roxobel graded school won the prize for the best and lar gest exhibit. In the Windsorl graded school exhibit was a train of cars, engine, baggage car and two passenger cars made of wood and ou a wooden track, with 1 switch and algnal tower complete. This was the work of Master Adonica(n Judson Cobb, be. will be heard (roip later on. Ilea. fbWTBfckea Speaks. After dinner the address of the day was delivered by Hon. T. W. Bickett. He was presented to the audience by District Attorney Francis D. Winston. Attorney General Bickett delivered.? very forceful address that greatly pleas ad his large audience. It was his first visit to Windsor and ha will receive a warm welcome here when he comes again. While here ha was the guest of Hon. and Mrs. F. D. Winston at Windsor Oaetle. At the eloaa of the address Prof. L. QC Brogden, supervisor of rural elementary schools of North Oaro line awarded the certificates to the (Continued on page 4.) i wBnE? To Thb Honorable The Board of County Commissioners of Hertford County, North Caroline, Pursuant to the order of your Honorable Board, made on the Drat Monday of December 1914, appointed the undersigned as a committee of three, to investigate at status of the office of the Clerk of the su perior Court of said Hertfort County and to state an account between the ex clerk of said Superior Court and the present incumbent, and to make report thereof to your Honorable Board, we, the undersigned committee respectfully report our findings and conclusions as follows, to-wit:- From an examination of the. boobs and records of said office and by reference to section 915 of the Reviaal of 1905 of North Caro lina, we fail to find the following books and records required by law in said office, which have probably uever been supplied to the Clerk, by your Honorable Board, as follows: No. 8. Minute Docket, for si>eciai proceedings, 10 Record of Books, 22 Record of appointment of Receivers Ac.. 34 Record of ac counts of Indigent Orphans, 27 Register of Trained Nurses, 31 Re cords of County Treasurers Reports. We find the following Supreme Court reports missing from said office, No. 78, 80, 84, 99, 119, 124, 103 and 144. From an examination of books, and other sources, we find an indebtedness from the ex clerk of said Superior Court to bis successor in office in the sum of four thousand six hundred and forty-two dol lars and fifty cent ($4,642.50), as appears from the itemized statements hereto annexed marked exhibits "A" and "B" which amount of $4,042.50 has been paid over bv CeaCT. D. Boone, as ex-clerk afore said, to Mr. D. R. McGlohon, the peasant incumbent. All of which we respectfully submit. Jno. E. Vann I L. J. Lawrence ) Committee. ' | H. H.Jones J EXHIBIT A Received of Thos. D. Boone, Ex Clerk of the Superior Court of Hertford County, N. C. the following notes secured by Deeds of Trust: Two notes executed December the 12tb, 1912 by Abner Steward, Willie Brett and others in the sum of one hundred and ninety fire dollars and eighty-three cent ($195.83) each, and each due and payable January 1st, 1914, also a note executed the 23rd day of February 1908, by W. B. Weaver in the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) due and payable the 23rd. day of February 1907 and his check for three thousand three hundred and seventy-three dollars and ninety seven cent ($3,373,97). Said notes and check being a full and complete settlement, upon collection, of the following items Viz: To amoubt due F. Ray Worrock ? $?$45.83 " " Nancy Venn Winborne 84.65 " In case of Brown against Mitchell 88.00 " W. D. Catus from J B. Catus estate 1.00 " Mrs. Mary Morris from J. A. Vinson's estate 1.00 " Mrs. A. J. Oyerton from J. B. Parker's " 6.00 Mies Maye Best 282.27 -S " " Paul C. Vinson 172.41 " " " Heir* of J. W. Hall 88.37 M'nn'e 261.71 " " " Clinton Joyner 146-71 " " " Norfleet and Zeb Steward 898.98 " " " Willis Wood and Bettie Bowser 6.12 " " " Carls and IreneGreene 548.53 " " " Mary V. OverU.n 135.85 " " Heirs of George Keen 299.85 " " " Rosa Wilson, (Va. Ayslum) 153.29 " One of the heirs of Dr, Futrell 50.60 Gary Parker 103,10 Ima Dilday , 14118 " " " Nellie Copland's heirs 87.90 8. R. Bent hull's children 115.58 Fannie Doughtie 86159 " Heirs of Turner Outlaw 197.10 " " " Heirs of M. F. Carter 120.35 Heirs Christian Jones 26.25 " " " Heirs of C. H. Whitfield 18.07 J. H. Ricks ? 38.25 " " " Lulian Modlin ^ 140.47 Hejrs of J. C. Weaver 123.17 Heirs of J. T. Grant 23.89 for interest one and one half months 12.56 $4,265.63 This the 15th day of January 1915. D. R. McGlohon. Clerk Superior Court. EXHIBIT B Received of Thos. D. Boone Ex-Cleck of the Superior Court of Hertford County, North Carolina, Check for the stim of three hund red seventy-si* dollars and eighty-seven cent ($376.87),, as settlement in full, upon the collection of the said check, of the following items, to-wit: To amount due Mrs. W. T. Joyner (Insane) $295.04 " " , " Clinton Joyner for rent 26.54 " " " Minnie Joyner " " 26.54 To amount due parties on costs in criminal actions as follows: To L. R. Doffermyra in State vs. Junius Artis 4.90 " J. L. Smith, J. P., in State'va. Frank and Floyd Sharp 2,46 " Jas. Owen, Witness, " " " M *90 " E. V. Grissom " " " " " " 2.90 " Jos. Sharp *?" " " " " 2.90 " Shade Demory, witness, in State vs. David Lee 2.60 [ " Carter Eutrell. *' " " 2.90 i " Dr. A. W. Greene, " in State vs. J..R. Mitchell 3.60 " J. R. Garrett, V " 3.60 This the 18th, day of March 1915. D. R. McGlohon, Clerk Superior Court Hertford County. Mr. T,?. Vann Interested in Soil Suroj ol Conntj. Como, N. 0., April 12. The Hbstpokd Hekuld. Ahoskie, N. C. ' Dbak Sms:- ./. Am writing to say to the citizens of Hertford county that I have applied to the head of the Farm Demonstration department of our state to give us a soil survey of our county, who has promised to grant the request some time during the fall, without any cost to our county as the sinenses are paid by the government. Its object is to give the farmers in formantion as to the nature of their soils and for what crops they are best adapted; also to give loca tion of all towns and villages and the courses and length of each stream and road in the county. Have had the privilege of see ing the demonstration map of Forsyth county which was full of information to me. Therefore I hone our farmers especially will be exceedingly benefitted b.v the result of this survey. I expect to see Dr. Kilgo, the head of the Department, in a few days and will insist that he fulfill bis promise, though he has already said that we need not expect it until sometime during the fall. T. E. Vantf, [ Member ofTeno Committee. '? I Attorney General Visits Ahoskie Attorney General W. T. Bickett spent last Friday night in Ahoskie, on his return from Windsor, where he had been to deliver an address before the Bertie County Com. mencement. The Herald has no candidate for Governor but as a matter of news will say that this distinguished gentleman has many friends and supporters in this section- who are derirous of seeing him further honored by being made Governor of our people, who know him to be fitted for this high office. I North Carolina Press Association. The North Carolina Press As sociation will meet at Montreat July 1 and j. This was the deois. iop of the exeoutive committee which met In Salisbury last Satur day. $7,500 For a Foot. H. H. Hardwick has been awarded $17,500 damages for tbe loss of hia left foot in a Coast Line accident in 1912. The verdict was given by a Superior Court Judge ment in Wilmington last Saturday. Tbe verdict was afterwards reduc ed to $7,500. MR. J. C BELL TREASURER OF BERTIE COUNTY. Mr. Jno. C. Bell has been ap pointed Treasurer of Bertie Coun -ty to fill tbe unexpired term of tbe late J. C. Pruden. Tbe Coun ty Commissioners were called in special session to fill this office. Mr. Bell is a young farmer of the Chowan river section of Bertie and was a candidate for the nomi nation in the last primary, in which tbe late Mr. Pruden won, and whose death was reported in tbe Hbrald two weeks ago. AN IDEAL CITIZEN / There is a gentleman in this town who is just about our ideal of a good citizen. ' He is making his money here, he is raising and educating his family here, and be expects to live and die here. When he has any money to spend he first looks carefully over the advertisements in this paper. If he finds what be wants he goes there and gives that merchant the first opportunity. In everything lie buys be gives the home mer chant the preference. He occa sionally buys articles from abroad, but they are cases wherein he can. not find that whicb he seeks in his own community, Tmte Machinery & Supply Co., Uuialaa, N. C. MACHINERY SPECIALISTS Everything In Machinery and Supplie* DR. C. G POWELL DENTIST OFFICE OVER S.J. WLDAYS STORE AHOSKIE. N. C. Wlnborne dt Winborne Benj. B. Winborne Stanley Winborne Attorneye-at-Law MURFREESBORO. N. C. Phonei No. 17 and 21. ? Edgar Thome* Snlpea Attorney-* t-Law Loam Negotiated Real Batata Bought and SoldJ Office: 2nd Floor J. W. Godwin, Jr.. Bldg AHOSKIE. N. C. ft. R. ALLEN Dealer In SASH. DOORS. BLINDS. WINDOW GLASS. HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY Wholesale and Retail No. ?27 Washington Square ? SUFFOLK. VA. SASH. DOORS. HARDWARE. PAINTS. LIME. CEMENT. SEWER PIPE, CART MATERIAL. MILL SUPPLIES, STOVES. RANGES AND ETC. CLOSE PRICES. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND OBLIGE. E- L FOLK CO. Na 917-019 Washington Square SUFFOLK. VA. W. W. ROGERS Attorney-at-Law Prompt Attention Given to All Business. AHOPKIE. N. C. C. Wallace Joaes Attorney and Couneelor-At-Law WINTON. N. C. Praetiee In all marts. Loane negotiat ed. Soecial attention to collections. Located in Bank of Winton D. L THOMAS 'GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER y? Itans and SpeeiScationa f urniabed upon application Cement and Tile Work Brick Wbrk a Specialty AHOSKIE. N. C.: " Roawell C Bridger Attorney-at-Law WINTON. N. C. J. R. EVANS Practical Tin Roofer and Sheet Metal Worker Prices Right. MURFREESBORO. K. C. FRANK G. TAYLOE Notary Public Ahoseie, North Carolina. J. L. PARKER County Suveyor?Road Engineer and Draftsman. 1totjlst rubuc. Office with Wv W. Rogers, Ahoskie, N. C. "Walter R. Johnson Attorney-at Law Ahoskie, North Carolina | Practices wherever services desired bw is. i i?4 flssr Mn lilMlig * Whooping Cough. Well?everyone knows the ef fect of Pine Forest on Coughs. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey is a re medy which brings quisk relief for Whooping Cough, loosens the mucous, soothes the lining of the throat and lungs, and makes the coughing spells less severe. A family with growing children should not "be without it. Keep it handy for all Coughs and Colds. 28c. at your Druggist. Electric Bitters ft Spring Tonic. Adv. NEW SPRING GOODS | Every woman likes to be becomingly gowned for smring? and it is just as pleasing to the men to tee their wives and daughters so gowned. We extend you a invitation to visit our store and inspect our New Spring Goods. H J. P. BOYETTE, Ahoskie, N. C. p FIRE INSURANCE | NOTARY PUBLIC | WALTER L. CURTIS II AIIOH|(IU N. r, y -? | DON'T SPEND ALL^YOUfT^KNINGS J1 w Put some aside for possible sickness, or misfrtune. & I W We welcome small accounts as Well as large ones. ML Tbe man wbo bas a little money saved is the one who is 3| 2 >n a position to open tbe door when Opportunity Knocks, , I Don't run tbe risk of loss by fire or thieves, deposit your J W surplus earnings with us, STHE BANK OF1 WHSTTON J I mwwwwwwwwwwwwwftwwwwwwwwwvwwwwMjfl MONTAUR ICE CREAM I TOUCHES THE SPOT Fills the demand for a dainty dessert, as no other dessert can. ? J It's the choice of mother, father, sister and brother?and J 1 the boarders, if there be any. It's one subject upon which S the whole family agree. That's because Montauk Ice C 1 Cream ts so pure, rich and delicious. Try it: ? J THE MONTAUK COMPANY, INC., I . Makers ol "Purify" Ice Cream aad fees. ) I 273 Qranby Street NORFOLK. VA. | I WMIMWNIMWWMMSMMaMMMaSSSSaMIWISSMSSMWMSi I MOST PEOPLE?! in this community^cary accounts at this bank. Some are cbeck- B 1 ing, others are savings, while still others are both. B Wo invite YOU to become a member of our happy family. Checking accounts are the most convenient me thod of paying E bills, and tbe.v discourage extravagant habits-. Saving accounts draw 4 per cent interest. ' Merchants and Farmers Bank H I Winton, N. C J /' . - I LET ME HAVE YOUP BUSINESS | I have opened up an up-to date Pressing Parlor in the rear of mi' stand and solicit the work of the public- 3 Syecial Attention to Ladies' and Childrens' Garments. I Let Me Have Your Order For That Spring Suit or Trouse re. I Z. V. BELLAMY, Ahoskie, N. C. I flioifis i UArsfich Ay is often no harder to find than a dollar /ft when you want one in a hurry. ttjr 4ft Annex a check book by opening an ac- W ?P count at this bank, and protect yourself JP from such annoyances is the future* m We carry many accounts at this bank. Possibly we have yours, too. ra /ft If not. we invite you to open an ac- $ /ft count today. /g We will serve you faithfully. | THE PEOPLES BANK ? ^ MURFREESBORO, N. C. Feldman's~Bargain JYorel Is Open For Business. M We will again serve you with genuine bargains. J Our bargains are awaiting you. Everything in new D Spring Goods. FELDMAISTS BARGAIN STORE g ? ,1 SM '' ?'.Vr '?*?' ?' k MB *. ?' ' 1

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