Hertford County Herald THE LARGEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER AtHjTED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. VOL. 6 AHOSKIE, N. C., .APRIL 23. 1915. , N(). 11 Tate Machinery & Supply Co., llMletea.N. C. MACHINERY SPECIALISTS ?; y i Everything in Machinery end Supplies ' 11 e ? Dr. c. g Powell DENTIST OFFICE OVER S.J. DILDAYS STORE AHOSKIE. N. C. Wlnborno A Wlnborne Benj. B. Winborne Stanley Wlnborne Attorneya-at-Law MORFREESBORO, N. C. Phonal No. 17 and 21. ? . ___ Edgar Thomaa Snipes . A ttorney-at-Law Loana Negotiated Real Batata Bought and SoldJ OBea: 2nd Ploor J. W.Oodwin. Jr., Bldg AHOSKIE. N. C. R. R. ALLEN , Dealer In SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. WINDOW GLASS, HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS k GENERALLY Wholeeale and Retail No. 927 Waahlngton Square SUFFOLK. VA. SASH. DOORS. HARDWARE. PAINTS. LIME. CEMENT. SEWER PIPE, CART MATERIAL. MILL SUPPLIES. STOVES, RANGES AND ETC. CLOSE PRICES. MAM, ORDERS SOLICITED AND OBLIGE. E, L FOLK CO. No. 917-919 Waahington Square SUFFOLK. VA. W. W. ROGERS Attornay-at-Laur Prompt Attention Given to All ahofkie flo c. Wallace Jones Attorney and Counselor-At-Daw WINTON. N. C. Praetiee in all court a. Loana negotiat ed. Soeeial attention to collection!. Located in Bank of Win ton D. L THOMAS GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Planaend Specification! fumiahedupon v application Cement and Tile Work Brick Work a Specialty ahoskie n. a: Roewell C- Bridger Attorney-nt-Law WINTON. N. G. , ? ?? J J. R. EVANS i Practical Tin Roofer end Sbeet , Metal Worker , Pricee Right. MURFREESBORO. K. C. FRANK Q. tfAYLOE ! Notary Public Ahoakib, North Carolina. j ? , J. L. PARKER County Suveyor?Road Engineer and Draftsman. xro-x-a^m-x- j?u juc. Office witli W. W. Rooers, ^Aiiosrie, N. C. Walter R. Johnson Attorney at-Law a Ahoskie, North Carolina Practice# wherever service* desired Km* hi 2*4 riwr later lillliig Whit Mm With Black Liver. The Liver i* a blood purifier. It -was thought at one time it was the seat ol the passions. The trouble with most people is that their Liver becomes black because of impurities in the-blood due to bad physical states, causing Biliousness, Headache, Dizziness and consti pation. Dr. King's New Pills -wil| clean un the Liver, and give you new fife. , 25c. at your. Drug gist. Adv, District Meeting oi the Womans' Missionary Society oi the Waireoton District A meeting of tbe Woman#' Mis sions^ Society pf tbe lower pert of the'Warrenton district wee held in Mutrfreesboro April 13 end 14tb. The nine ausilisries, in this pert of tbe district, were well repre sented by forty-one delegate* end visitors. Revs. E. H. Davis, E. E. Rose, W. C. Merrit, K. H. WiUis end B. B. Slaughter rendered valuable service. Mr. Willis conducted devotional service Tuesday afternoon. Show ing, by use ef chart, the aim of Christian America to be?"The World for Christ in this Genera tion," noting Ave vital points. Pray, Study, Plan, Give and Serve. At eight o'clock Tuesday even ing Rev. E. U. Davis of Jackson preached a forceful missionary sermon, emphasizing the need of r living Christ in every phase and condition of life. Wednesday morning our Secre tary, Mrs. K. H. Willis gave tier address, which was comprehensive and interesting. She so beautifully appealed to her oo-laborers for a more earnest effort to accomplish greater things for the Master. Mra Spiers of Weldon, in her quiet impressive manner, enter tertained the conference at different intervals both bv paper and dis cussions, especially instructing us ou the Social Service question and importance of reporting our work, 1 more definitely and at tbe proper 1 time. Mr*. Rhode* of Littleton College gave during the session two ex eel lent paper*, one. "The peed* of Women , alao discussing plan*fori1 Mi**ionary Study Claa*. suggest ing different method* to *uit dif ferent condition*. Her last paper on '"Woman*' Service to the Church," illustrated by women bible character*. Was to the point ind opened our eyea to *ee oppor tunities in a new light. Report* from different Aux iliaries and Bright Jewel Bands, and discussions of interest and im portance along all lines of Mission ary work cannot fail to inspire aach individual to new resolution* which will no doubt ripen' into a deeper consecration. The entertainment given Wed nesday evening by the Bright Jewel Band, under the leadership of Miss Ellen Vaughan, was very good and enjoyed by alL Little folk* always appeal to our hearts as nothing else can. The choir was Dot forgetful to impress us by the beautiful anthems and . solos rendered that music is a part of God's service. From oegining to end the con ference was full of enthusiasm. All were impressed with the earnestness of our much loved secretary, Mr. Willis, who seems never to yield to fatigue. From place to place she accompanies our presiding elder, her faithful bus band, helping and strengthening each other in everything pertain ing our Master's work. Murfreesboro was generous in its hospitality and everyone pre sent expressed themselves glad of the privilege of atteding the Dis trict Meeting. .. n A Visitor. SOUTHERN INVENTORS. 4 The following patents were jnst issued to Southern clients reported by D. Swift A Company, Patent Lawyers, Washington, D. C? who will furnish copies of any patent for ten cents a piece to our readers. N. C. Hugh A. Barnard, Hous tonville, paper bag; N. G. Gore, Vineland, nail holding attachment for hammers; John M. Manoss. Ellerbe,' Gas engine attachment; Robt. C. Meadows, Poors Knob, ' Corn Mill. S. C. ErnSat U. Mack, Florence, Rotary Steam Engine; Cbas. T. ? Mason, Sumter, Ignition dynamo. I Investigate Before Signing. ^ There ii being circulated in St Johns township a petition asking the County Commissioners to ap point a new man for the office of Koad Supervisor, bringing serious charges against some ol the present board, and as tliie petition is being signed by several good citizens without fully ex* plaining the real nature of the Detition, and being one of those fooled I take this opportunity to warn the public that this petition is gotten up purely through malice with the intent to injure the good name of one of the present members of'-tbe board who is giving the peo ple satisfactory service. Myself and a number of others was led to be' lieve there was a vacancy bat later f<gsnd that it waa an effort to thRTw out Mr. T. J. Teaster, one of. the boards very beat and efficient men who has enjoyed the honor and esteem of the people of this township too long for a cer tain class to attempt to discredit his faithful work in building up our county roads. The good peo ple of the township want no change as our present board is do ing all we can reasonably expect. 1 ask that ibis petition be fully in vestigated before being signed. L. T. Edwakds^ $450 jo Prizes to Corn dob Winners. West Raleigh?-T. E. Browne, in charge of the boy's corn club work in North Carolina, has just sent out vouchers to the winners in the 1914 corn club contest. The vouchers totaled $450.00 "which ?urn is the gift of the North Caro lina Board of Agriculture to the ucky boys. There are ten dis tricts in NortlT"Carolina, and to sach one of them will go $45.00 to the winners. The prizes are' $15, 112.60. $10, $5, $2.50. Dudley Hall, the champion of North Caro lina, will receive a free scholar ihip to A. and M. College. There ire numerous other local and eoun ;y prizes which the winning boys sill receive for their labors. *' The agents atjite there is a grow ng interest among the hoys in heir search for the scientile facts regarding corn growing and other 'arming. The prizes, the workers lay, help to stimulate.rivalry, but ire not (be chief aim of the boys when they are working their crop. Another thing which the boys ire doing besides replenishing their >wn coffers and enlarging their Knowledge is teaching their fathers tow the art of progressive farm* ng is carried on. Many farmers ire outclassed by their sons, and his fact makes the elders work larder to make good yields. That this year will be a success ful one is the prediction of Mr. Browne, who has watched the corn ;lub' work ever since it began in tfortn Carolina. The crop will be l little late in getting started, but will have time enough to mature. L'he youths have their.seed select id, and are ready to plant and jegin cultivation. The member ihip is now climbing towards the 1.000 mark, and it is thought that (Twill reach the.cdveted gold be fore fall.?Raleigh Times. Some Form* o( Rheumatism Cureable. Rheumatism is a disease charact srized by paiDs in the joints and n the muscles. The most com non forms are: Acute and Chronic Rheumatism, Rheumatism Head icbe, Sciatic Rlieumatism and Lumbago. All of these types can he helped absolutely by applying >ome good liniment that pene trates. An application of sloan's Liniment.two or three times a day to the affected part wHl give in stant relief. .Sloan's Liniment is ;ood for pain, and especially Rheumatic Pain, because it pene trates to tba seat of trouble, soothes the afflicted part and draws the pain. "Sloan's Liniment is ill medieine." Get a bottle now. Keep it handy in case of emer gency Ady. ?' i- 1 ^ ? ?? ? I 5 In most families there is little igitation ovtor what father is going to wear this spring. , ' Ur??d ta Sen! Delegates. The Baracu ahd 'hiUthea clasae r of our town and podiity ere imrit - ed end urged to eend delegate* U i the Fifth annuel Bhraca-Philalliei ; State Convention ,%t<> be held ii 1 Raleigh, beginniimTbureda.y even i iqg. April 22nd,Mod cloaing Sun de.v evening, Apnl 25th. Everj chartered cleat i* Wti tied to Iwt voting delegate* each end el f other* who wi*h to do *o may at tend. The nulr<&ds will i**u? round trip ticket*, end severe! hundred good home* ere being re served at $1.00 each per dav, twc in a room. All names, both ol those who want homes reeerved and those who fill stop with friends, should be sent at once to Miss Flossie A. fl.vrd, General Secretary, Greensboro, N. C. Already nearly ^00 have enroll ed, and this number will doubtless be more than double within the next few days, not including the hundreds of visitors who will spend Sunday of the Convention in the Capital Citji Let Alioekie aniHertford Conn ty be well represented in this great annual gathering of young men and women of thd'Organited Bible classes of the State. The urogram and aii attractions of the Conven tion will be uplifting and in spiring. From Baraca-Philatliea Head quarters. Greensboro, N. C. When Peaot Gomes. When the dove of peace flutters over Europe, and tranquility again spreads Ifwing over tout unhappy land, an era of tremendous pros perity will be opened up to the United Stales. A k The demand for i*r products 'wnrtsrttfkMr wSJWflw?ur -to supply. ?? Every conceivable industry will be taxed to its utmost to meet the insistent cry from abroad. Every farmer, every manufac tuer, every laborer will be called upon to work unceasingly that the ever increasing demand for pro ducts may be met. And Europe pays with gold. Just what condition are we, of this community, in- to reap our full share of this coming influx of foreign gold? Are our farmers utilizing every foot of ground, that the greatest of all crops may be produced? Are our manufacturers laying tbeir plans for an increased output of their wares! Are we, as a people, alive to the glorious opportunity that apv proachesi q. If not, the time ia oppOTtune for ua to be up and doing. Work will accomplish maDy things. -* But opportunity and procras tination never clasp hands. Snperior Court. The April term of tbe Superior Court for Hertford County con vened on Tuesday morning April 13th., with Judge Garland S. Fer guson presiding. Tbe following grandjurors were drawn: J. M. Eley, foreman, W. E. Jordan, J. L. Snipes, J. C. Jenkins, C. E. Lowe, Walter Powell, M. I. King. R. A. Majette, D. L. Minton, Daniel Lowe, D. H. Howell, J. H. Outland, A. S. Holloman, E. N. Brickie. W. L. Matthews, Geno Jenkins, W. B. Edwards and R. L. Morris. The criminsl docket was un usually small, there hieing only two cases tried. John Harrell was tried on a charge of larceny, and upon conviction judgement was suspended upon payment of costs and a fine of $29.00. Tens My rick and Fannie Vinson werd'indicted for an affray. Tbe case was sub mitted for a simple assault and judgment was suspended upon pay ment of tbe cost. Lottie Myriek vs Eugene My rick was an uncontested divorce case and resulted in judgment for ' (Concluded on page 4.) I Great Municipal Improvements Mar* North Carolina Town* Install' 8 fog Water Works and Sewer Sys tems Tkan Ever Before. ' New water work* and sewer ays ' tenia are b looming in North 1 W? " litua today. little towns and vill ' ages are installing water and ' sewers now, whereas, a few years ' ago, only the large towns had such ' things. Now our larger towns are ' erecting magnificent, permanent 1 plants yielding only' the purest ' kind of water and that in abund ance. 1 The conservative old town of fidenton is waking up. At a re cent meeting of her tit.v council an ordinance was passed to enforce 1 the use of sanitary privies. The ordauce demanded that the privies be made according to the specify cations recommeded by ti^e State Board of Health and that they be installed before fly time, /k wise ordinance for this little !own, but if she would have them in before fly-time, she should be up and do ing. Dirbam proposes to run no risk in regard to her city water supply. She has been using filtered water frtMa the Euo Kiver but owing to the fact that this river receives' drainage from Hillaboro, her?p1an ia to change her source to Flat River. Flat River is remarkable free from sources of pollution. It affords a watershed that will be ainple for the needs of Durham for 100 years to come. The new plan calls for a raw wafer reservoirmf 40 million gal Ions' capacity to bo looated at the present site of a smaHec. artificial lake at the Country Club. This will serve us an emergence supply, a settling resefvoir, and will add materially to the beauty of the Country Club. ^ Durham --has- voted B660,?00 -bonds to effect these improve, ments. Mr. Gilbert C. White is the engineer in charge. Moiwhead City is rapidly push ing forward the work of installing one of the most complete sewer systems in the State. According to the engineers in charge, the system is already 40% complete by July lat. Such a sewer sys tem witb the abolition of the pre sent privies will make Morehead one of the healthiest little towns in the State. Washington is another North Carolina town that proposes to -b&ve^t pure water?supply. She has bought the old privately own ed plant which furnished the cit.v water from deep wells near the center of town and which brought the owners one or more law suits Tin account of its polluted water. Perhaps the most modern filtra tion plant in the State has been in stalled about a mile out of town. The city supply now comes from Tranter's Creek instead , of from walls in the heart of town in close proximity to human habitations, privies, sewers, stables and -other sources of pollution. Washington is also installing a rather complete sewer system. This in turn will abolish a great number of old open privies. ? South port has recently issued $40,000 bonds for the installation of water works and a sewer sys tem. For ber water supply she proposes to sink a suitable number of deep wells as there is no surface water available. These proposed plans have just been submitted to the State Board of Health, It is probable that these plans or similar plans with slight alteration* will be approved by the Board. There are knowu to b? about twelve or fifteen towns in the State that are actively considering the installation of water works, sewer systems and sewage disposal plants, t>r improvements in exist ing water and sewer installation. Young man, if you ever grow up to be president you may learn something of the trials and per plexities of our own Woodrow in these halcyon days of neutrality. PI las Cored In ? to 14 Days Voir druggist will refund money if FAZO OINTMKNT fall* to cure any esse of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pllee In 6 to 14 dare. The ir?t application gWea Kaae and Keat. 50c. >0?M?>??*?!?? I ? I ? * * ? I FIRE INSURANCE ?NOTARY PUBLIC '.flj i ? . V < > .?< . .!i . J ." r. i,j, i r; r-rr1 ; T,aea>f>, * [ WALTER L. CURTIS AIIOHK.IK N. C. ;; ? ? > < > o 5COtO?QitfOO?OtOfCiC'41C"?C"^OjO?0?Q?OfO>Q?Q#Q<Q?OtOtQ>fi ' I DON'T SPEND ALL YOUR EARNINGS $ yh Put pome^aside (or possible sickness, or misfrtune. A W We welcome small accounts as well as large ones. it ml The man who has a little money saved is the one who is A A in a position to oiien the door when Opportunity Knocks. 7 Don't run the risk of loss by fire or thieves, deposit your V W surplus earnings with us. m J THE BANK OF WINTONt ^^-31 >V1NT?N' N" C* 5 ?ssasaaasaaasaaasaaaaasasasssaasasaasaisiaaaassaaaasa i MONTAVK ICE CREAM TOUCHES THE SPOT ' Fills thederaand fora dainty dessert, as no other dessert can. It's the choice of mother, father, sister and brother?and the boarders, if there be any. It's one subject upon which the whole family agree. That's because Montauk Ice Cream is so pure, rich aud delicious. Trv it: THE MONTAUK COMPANY, INC., Maker* oIJ^Arify" Ice Creawi sad lees. 275TGranby Streejk* NORFOLK. VA. WWVWVWWWVWlfWWWVWIMWWWMWVWWWVWMVWW I '7 ? I ? ?? ???>?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? mmni , MOST PEOPLE in this community cary accounts at this bank. Some are check irt^, otiiers are savings, while still others are both. We invite YOU to become * member of our Itappy family. Checking accounts are the most convenient me.tbod of payiwg billa. and th^v discourage extravagant habile. SfoviDg euMMHinW dmw 1 pm rtnt iotomtj ?, ?+ , 'il fc Merchants and Farmers Bank Winton, A^. C. jj~ LET ME HAVE YOUft BUSINESS I have opened up an up-to date Pressing Parlor in the rear of my stand and solicit the work of the public. Syecial Attention to Ladies' and Childrens' Garments. Let Me Have Your Order For That Spring Suit or Trousera. Z. V. BELLAMY, Ahoskie, N. C. ^1dleFA? ?is often no harder to find than a dollar when you want one in a hurry. ttjr Annex a check book by opening an ac- W f count at this bank, and protect yourself from such annoyances is the future. - ? We carry many accounts at this bank. X /L Possibly we have yoprs, too. oa If not. we invite you to open an ac A - count today. ? w We will serve you faithfully. j THE PEOPLES BANK ? ^ MURFREESBORO, N. C. Jjj> "? " ?? ?? ?noaoj Feldman's Bargain Store Is Open For Business. We Will again serve you with genuine bargains. Our bargains are awaiting you. Everything in new j Spring Goods. FELDMAN'S BARGAIN STORE R Newsome's Block AHOSHl?. N. C. I

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