" 4 ' "^^=^cx====!=xnTxr . i" ' ? ?iff THE LARGEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. VOL. L AHOSKIE, N. C., MAY 21. 1915. NO. 18 TmU Machinery 4t Supply Co., litttotM. H. C. MACHINERY SPECIALIST# Everything in Machinery and 8uppliee Dr. C. G Powell DtfNTIST OFFICE OVER 9. J. Dil DAY'S STORE AHOSK.IE. N. C. Wlnborne & Wlnborno Benj. B. Winborne Stanley Winborne Attorneye-at-Law MURPREESBORO, N. a Phone* No. 17 and 91. Edgar Thomas Snipes Altorne.v-st-La? Loans Negotiated Real Estate Bought and SoldJ Office: 2nd Floor J. W. Godwin. Jr., Bldf AHOSKIE. N. C. , R. R. ALLEN Dealer In BASH, DOORS. BLINDS. WINDOW GLASS. HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY Wholesale and Retail Ne. 027 Washington ttquare SUFFOLK. VA. ? 10 SASH. DOORS. HARDWARE. PAINTS. LIME. CEMENT. SEWER PIPE. CART MATERIAL. MILL SUPPLIES. STOVES. RANGES AND ETC. CLOSE PRICES. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND OBLIGE. E- L. FOLK CO. Re. 017-01% Washington Square SUFFOLK. VA. W. W. ROGERS A ttorney-at-La w Prompt Attention Glean to All Bnsineas. AHOSKIE. N. C. C. Wallace Jones Attorney and Cooneelor-A t-Law WINTON. N. C. Practice in all courts. Loans negotiat ed. Soeeial attention to eollaetiona. Located in Bank of Win ton D. L. THOMAS GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Plans and Specifications furnished upon application Cement and Tile Work Brick Work a Specialty AHOSKIE. N. C.: Roewell C- Brldgor Attorney-at-Law WINTON. N. C. J. R. EVANS Practical Tin Roofer and Sheet Metal Worker Priee* Right. * MURFREESBORO. K. C. FRANK O. TAYLOE Notary Public Ahoskie, North Carolina. r- ? ? " r ' J. L. PARKER County" Suveyor?Road Engineer and Draftsman. motart ftblic. Office with W. W. Rogers, Ahoskie, N. C. Walter R. Johnson Attornet-at Law Ahoskie. North Carolina Practices wherever services desired Ins It. t III rittr Baker til Mil* Health Promote* Happiness Without health, genuine joy is impossible; without good digestion and regular bowel movetnent you cannot have health. Why neg lect keeping bowels open and risk being sick and ailing! You don't have to. Take one small Dr. King's New Life Pill at night, in the murning you will here ? full free, bowel movement and feel much better. Helps your appe tite end digestion. Try one .to night. Adv. HERTFORD COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEET. The Board of County Commis sioners of Hertford County met in regular session on tli? 3rd duy of May 1915, present all of the Hoard; The proceeding* of last meeting read and approved. The following committees are continued to wit: The committee on Hoggord Swamp Dam and bridge and H. H. Jones is added to the the committe; the commit tee on Murfreeaboro bridge; the committee to repair foot way in |Tar Landing Ckuseway. The committee appointed to check up the office of the Clerk of the Court ia discharged. On motion the Road Commis xioners of each township will be notified that they are expected to haul dirt on and keep up repairs on a!l Mill Dams over which the county roads run, and in which the county has an interest. On Motion the owners of stal lions ia relieved of the county's part of taxes on his horse where he does not take horse over the county. K. O. Whitley is appointed as Road Supervisor in Mane.vs Neck township in the place of T. EL Vann resigned, to take effect at the June meeting. On motion J.. P. Boyetta is authorized to furnish to Minnie Taylor $2.00 per month until further advised. The allowance of $5.00 per month given to J. J. Hill and wife by Copeland and Taylor is author ized to be paid to the widow Mrs. tiallie Hill. The Clerk of the Board is in structed to order 25 Justices Dockets for use of Justices pI the feafiB. .. On motion the following were appointed as Assistant Assessors for the several townships, to wit; W. T. Tavlor, Mane.vs Neck; E. B. Vaugban, Murfreesboro; B. G. Williams. Winton; D. L. Minton, St. Johns; W. A. Perry, Harrells ville; C. C. Hoggard, Ahoskie; Any of the appointees dec-ling to accept, the commissioner of such township is authorized to make, another appointment. On motion the compensation of Assessors is fiixedat$2.50 (>er day; the Compensation or the' List takers to be the same as paid last year. Mr.-J. Vt Copeland is given permission to sell bis goods throughout Hertford County, free of any county taxes. The Clerk of the Board is in structed to communicate with Miss Edwards, Stenographer, with re ference to bill presented for copies of evidence in case state vi.' W. J. Sitterson. The following fax collectors made their fi:.al settlement of 1914 tyx to wit; M. R. Sumner, St. Johns; J. J. Parker, Murfreesboro; B. N. Sykes, Harrellesville. Report of the Hupt., Health, Dr. W. B. Pollard was received and filed. The following amounts were turned into the treasury by the several tax collectors to wit; W. J. Hill, Maneys Neck$1146.68 J. J. Parker, M'boro. 6302.46 W.J.Matthew#, Winton. 2009.49 M. R. Sumner. St. Johns. 991.65 B. N. Sykes, Harrellsville 327 20 J. A. Copeland, Ahoskie. J232(M)6 ToUl - - $13,103.54 J. A. Copeland turned over to J. R. Garrett Ahoskie High School $190.87. The following accounts Dresent ed and approved. v. J. ?. Jones, board Ac., 3.90 Town of Winton, electric light bill ... 1.50 J. A. Powell, vital statistics 4th., qr., ... 6.75 J. J. Askew, work on Myers Dam ... ,13.00 Hertford County Herald, publishing report........ 5.00 John C. Scarborough, ser vices Bd., health 4.00 M. R. Sumner, expenses bringing insane .... 5.65 (Continued on Page 8.) * Chowan Club (The See. failed to report lait month) .. The Go unci Chowan Club met at the home,of Mrs. Luther Bernee on April 14, 1915. The meeting waa opened with the song "My Country Tie of Thee". Then Mrs. Spiers rtad" a very interesting article on "College Loyalty" which should have instilled in us a spirit of loyalty to our Alma Mater even if we did not have it before. The minutes of last meeting were read and the roll called?each member responding to her name with seme favorite quotation. In a bible contest which was given Mrs. R. A. Majette received the prize. The program at this meet ing was Patriotic, Col legate and Biblical. After the business session we spent a very pleasant social hour, and especially enjoyed the refresh ments, consisting of junket and cake, which were served. Number present 17. The Cbowitn Club held iu meet ing fur the month of May at the home of Mine Jessie Barrett. Mine Annie Sue Winborne open ed the meeting with an instrumen tal solo. After this, the minute* of last meeting were read and the roll called?the -members respond ing with some incident of their college career?some of which were very amusing. Miss Lois Vasu was with us and gave some .very gor-d readings, which were enjoyed a great deal. Miss Esther Wy 1111 also met with us and the remainder of the lime was given to her. She told about the work thg A'Smnae have done and are planning to do. We are all familiar with the old adage: "United we ataud but divided we fail". If we Alumnae are united *we can accomplish great gtxid. and L b^of real aid to our dear old . JJma. Mater. The Irnowledge of baying enabled four girls to attend school the past year, who could not have gone without our helo, should teach us this and cause us to put forth greater effort to do more good. After $he meeting was over we were served Norfolk cream and delicious cake. Those present were: Miss Essie Wynn, Miss Lois Vann.'Miss Jes sie Barrett, Mrs. Tlieo. Barrett, Mrs. Luther Barnes, Mrs. R. A. Majette, Miss Pearla Sears, Mrs. H. McD. Spiers Jr., Miss Eddie Mae Vann, Mrs. S. P. Winborne and Miss Annie Sue Winborne. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Tlieo. Barrett on Wed nesday after the second Sunday in June. .-. ? Maryland-Carolina Lumber and Timber Co. The Maryland Carolina Lumber and Timber Co., is a recent corpo ration, by Roawell C. Bridtter of Winton. B. H. Robinson of Lan caster, Va., B. B. Norris and others of Maryland, and Pennsylvania parties, with a capital stock of $120,000.00. The purpose of the corporation is to engage in the lumber business and the manufacture of lumber. Mr. B. H. Robinson is its presi dent and general manager. The officers of the company are Balti more people. The company'will maintain an office in Wintin and Baltimore. Not being able to secure a suit able location for a plant of the magnitude which they wish to es tabliah, it is quite likely the mill will be located at Suffolk, Ports mouth or some county further east of North Carolina, by which the timber to be manufactured may be shipped to the mill ovift Norfolk railroads. Mr. R. C. Bridger has been re tained by the company as general counsel. WMsmr You Need a Quasral Touts Take drove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Toeic is squally valuable as a General Tonic bacaaae it ooetaiaa the well known tonic properties oi QUININ 8 sod IttOW.- It sas on the LRer. Drives oat- Malaria, Enriches the Blood sod Builds up the Wboia System. SO cents. Annual Meeting Medical Society. The 62r.d annual meeting of the State Medical Society will be held in Greensboro, Tuesday, Wednes day and Tiirsdny, June 1ft 17. The State Health Officers' Associati >n will hold its meeting on June 14th. Did a Rushing Business. Tax lister J. A. Copeland was doing a rushing business last Fri day and Saturday in listing taxes in Ahoskie. It was too wet for farm work and a large pumber of farmers came to town for the pur pose of listing their taxes. * ? . ? '"*4* % Lightning Strikes Church at Union. Lightning struck the steeple on the Baptist church at Union last Thursday night aod completely demolished same, and setting the building on Are. By the heroic work of nearby citizens the fire was extinguished . before gaining muck headway. May Low Sight of Hia Eye. Mr. G. Clinton .White of Wind, aor iissued through Ahoskie Satur da.v on hia way to Norfolk to have hia e.ve treated for a serious wound. He was driving bis automobile Friday when a etick was in some way thrown with much force which struck him in liis eye, cut ting the bait. He returned Mon da.v and we are glad to report that hia eye will soon cure without loss of sight. "Save the Kiddies." / When Alfred G. Vanderbilt, press dispatches say, was face to face with death on the sinking Lusilaniiy lie turned to his valet and said^w "Come, let us save the kiddies." Si eh oh powr; great or humble, no noliler thought could tind utterance than that. It was was ttie indomitable spirit of the old Commodore that manifested itself in the supreme test.'?High Point Euteeprise. Deoies Charges. Last week an article appeared in the Hertford* County Herald, signed L. T. Edwards, in which he brought charges against me and said he could proveat any time and in any court. I positively deny the charges that Mr. Edwards has'so bountiful ly conferred upon me. I have in terrogated every witness that Mr. Edwards has produced and not a single one would corroborate the charges which Mr. Edwards has placed to my credit. W. R. Howard. Program. Bertie Union Meeting, Elam Baptist Church, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. May 28. 29 and 80, 1915. To Preach the Introductory Ser mon?T. T. Speight. Alternate?E. F. Sullivan. * To Preeach the Missionary Ser mon?John F. Cale. Alternate?C. L- Powell. Practical Subjects I. What should a Christian read??G. E. Lineh>erry, L. E. Daily. II. Sabbath Desecration?C. W. Mitchell, C. W. Scarborough. III. The elements of a prosper ous church?C. H. Griffin, J. F. Cale. IV. How can we raise the standard of church life!?Dr. R. P. Thomas, H. H. Ilonercutt. V. Scriptual Imethodods of giving. 1. Who should give??Dr. J. M- Jacobs. 2. How much should we givel Dr. C. G. Powell. 3. When should we give??E. F. Sullivan. 4. What are the best plans for church benevolence!?K. D. Stukenbrok. _ ^ ^ i - - - - ? Subscribe for tbis paper. ' r - ' . 0 'i The President's Note to Germany. Whasliingtou, D. C., May 18, 1916.?The stand taken by Presi dent Wilson relative to the. bar barous and savage acts on the part of Germany in sinkiug the Lusitauia, a strictly unarmed mer chant ship, and drowning more than one hundred American citi zens, fully comes up to the ex pectation of the American people. The note has the true American ring throughout, and in it he de mands of Germany that the prac tice of jinking merchant ships, without giving passengers and crew time to disembark in-life boats, must cease, and further more Germany must make full re parations for what she has already done and her pledge is demanded that it will not happen again in the future. The German Americans. - It is gratifying to observe that a great many German Americans severely condemn Germany for the barbarous act in sinking? the Lusi lania without giving a'uy warning or time for the passengers and crew to launch and enter the life boats. Still there are many Germans, the hyphenated Americans, who gloat over the act just as the savage barbarians did two thousands years ago when women and children were slaughtered the same as the soldiers. Any American citizen of German blood who approves of the sinking of the Lusit^nla is us? worthy to live under the-stars and stripes that wave over the land of the brave and home of the free. Editors Who approve of the Slaughter. ? The press of the country, ex cepting that small portion under the coutrol of Germans, is not only unanimous but severe in its con demnation of Germany for murder ing men, women and children on the high seas. President Wilson has been urged to take action against those newspapers wbicb have approved the barbarous and diabolical act of Germany in de stroying Ameiicet) lives on the high seas, as the United States Government has the right to sup press any paper that deliberately "inciteaarson, murder or assasina tion"' and that is what those edi tors are doing wbc approve the sinking of the Lusitania, and some of them almost gloat over it as did the editors in Berlin, Vienna and other places/ Dr. Dernburg is over here trying to explain the beauties'of German "Kultur" alias German savagery and Ger man barbarism and to explain to us how beautiful aud worthy it is of emulation. Dr. Dernburg has been freely making comments, and tliey are nothing less than "threats" of what German is go ing to do in the future, and Presi dent Wilson should lose no time in notifying him that his presence is exceedingly objectionable in this country. Mr. Sufars Garria Dead. Mr. Wm. Sugars Garria died at his borne in Portsmouth, Va., on May the eigth, after a abort illueas of pneumonia. Mr. Garria had passed his eight ieth mile post on the road of life, He was a native of Northampton county. His wife was Miss Celestia Edwards of Northampton, who survives him besides several sons, daughters. He waa a brother of Mrs. Frank Brown, of Portsmouth. He had a large number of rela tives and friends in Northampton, Hertford and Bertie counties who will read this item with regret. The world is better for bis hav ing lived. No more can be said of any nlan. r She used to be a pensive maid. But now, upon my life! Since we are married, I'm afraid She's an ex-pensive wife. No.*Six-Sixty-Six Thii la a prescription prepared especially tor MALARIA or CHILLS 4 FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, and K taken tbee as a toate the Fever wtli noi return. It sets on (be liver better than Calomel sad does not flpe or rickea 2Sc j FIRE INSURANCE I NOTARY PUBLIC I WALTER L. CURTIS AHOHKIE N. r. iDONT SPEND ALL YOUR EARNINGS 1 Put some aside for possible sickness, or miefrtune. C We welcome small accounts as well as large ones. The man who has a little money saved is the one who is an in a position to open the door when Opportunity Knocks. Don't run the risk of loss by fire or thieves, deposit your ^ surplus earnings with us, ? ? I THE BANK OF WHsTTOISfl WINTON, N. C. j| MONTAUR ICE CREAM TOUCHES THE SPOT Fills the demand for a dainty dessert, as no other dessert can. It's the choice of mother, father, sister and brother?and the boarders, if there be any. It's one subject upon which the whole family agree. That's because Montauk lee Cream is so pure, rich aud delicious. Try it: THE MONTAUK COMPANY, INC., Makers of "Purify" lee Cream ami Icea. 275 Granby Street NORFOLK. VA. WWWWWVWWWMWVWMWWVWWWWWWWWWWVWWV I most people! in this community cary accounts at this bank. Some are check ing, others are savings, while still others are both. We invite YOU to become a member of our happy family. Checking accounts are the most convenient me tbod of paying bills, ana they discourage extravagant habits Saving accounts draw 4 per cent interest, ~Merchants and Farmers Bank 8 / WIntoa, N. C. I ? . "... -a NEW LINE.il I have just added to my stock an assortment of H. Ice Caps, Hot Water Bags, Fountain Syringes ami 1 other rubber goods. Prices are right. |r Z. V. BELLAMY, N. C. | t ' .v - ' '? I fA NEEDLE IS A MYSTICEI ?is often no harder to find than a dollar tip when you want one in a hurry. SU Annex a check b6ok by opening an ac- w i count at this bank, and protect yourself from such annoyances is the future. ~ X a We carry many accounts at this bank. ^ /ft Possibly we have yours, too. X # If not. we invite you to open an ac- V ? count today. We will serve you faithfully. | THE PEOPLES BANK f MURFREESBORO, N. C. & i; Spring' Millinery, f 0 ' <> ! | Vp-To-Date Ideas m Trimmed Hats. ;; < > i 4 > < > Oar Hats this season are unusually pretty. Our stock < , * ? is complete with the latest American Creations. < > Compare our Hats with others. t MISS LIZZIE FLYTHE, ii | Ahaskie, N. C. |