; mm wn ?~ I PUBLISHED WFEKLY BY W. U. SMITH, Editor and Prop .t AHOSKIE, N. C. U Subscription Price: Om Dollar For Yaar In Adraaco Advertising Rate*: Very Boaaonable and made known on I request. Entered as second-class matter Feb ruary 25th, 1910. at tne poet office at Ahaakia. N. C., under the Act of March S. 1819. ? Bumper crops are becoming so common in tiiis country we will soon bare to coin a new phrase to describe the increase. The combined efforts of the business men of Ahoskie would work wonders towards locating more manufacturing ohints in the town. They would mean more families, more houses, more houses will mean a larger town and more g business. * _ na % We acknowledge receipt of the following invitation; The Trus tee* end Faculty of The University of North Carolina cordially invite you to be present at the one hund red and twentieth annual com menoement May 30, 31 and June 1, 2, 1915. Let there be a united effort of * the business men and citizens of the town in the re-establishment of the Ahoskie tobacco market. There are many ways in which you can be of material aid. Several months wiU elapse before the opening, but start ia time by putting in a word every opportunity in behalf of the market. The Coat of Saving a Dollar. There is a fellow in this commu ifity (you all know him well) who does not take his home paper. He saves a dollar a year, in a way, but this is what it costs him: He gets hie news second, third, or even fourth hand, and even weeks after it has occurred, always stale, and usually garbled beyond rec ognition. He knows little of Die mercan tile opportunities that are offered in his home paper each week, and because of the absence of this in formation he often pays more than is necessary for what he buys. He knows nothing of many of the important events that are to occur until they have passed?and it is ton late. He is never posted on town, township or county affairs, his knowledge being limited to what others in their generosity may choose to tell him. Doee it pay him to hold onto that dollar that would pay for bis home paper a year! W. 0. V. Memorial Notice. Elm Camp No. 328, W, O. W. will observe Memorial Day Sunday June 6th, 1915. All Woodmen are requested to meet at the Woodmen Hall 2:45 P. -M. where we will organize, march to the cemetary, snd de corate the graves of deceased Soverigns, then go to the Baptist 1 Church where at 8:H0 Hon. L. L. ' Tilley of Durham, N. C. will de- ' liver the annual memorial address. Soverigns of other camps are re quested to be present and join the i parade. The public is cordially invited to attend the memorial service and hear the address of Sor. Tilley. Committee. $100 Reward, $100 The reader* of thii paper will be pleased to learn that their it at leaat . one dreaded diaeaae that ecienee has 1 been able to core ip all It* atagea, and < that ia Catarrah Hall'* Catarrh Core ( ia the only positiya cure now known . two the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional diaeaae, requires | constitutional treatment. Hall'aCatarrh . Cure ia taken internally, acting direct- 1 ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of tha diaeaae. and giving 1 patient strength by building the con stitution end aaaisting nature in during its work. The proprietor! hare eo much faith in its curat)ye powers that they offer One Hundred Doilare for any eaae that it faile to care. Send tor list of tectmon<als. Addreei: F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toiodo.0. Sold by DruggieU, Price 75c par | Take Haifa Ptmily Pills far consti- ] pa tie n. Ady. - harrctlsviilc Compiled and Arranged (or Herald Reader* by oui Regular Correspondent Rev. J. A. Morris of Ahoskie wHI preach at the M: E. Church Sunday A. M. - ? Messrs Jesse Smith and Jack Rass of Rocky Hock spent Satur day and Sunday in the home of Mr. J. L. Smith. . Several of our peop^ expect to attend llie commencement exercises at Coleraine Friday evening. Mr. H. 8. Bssmght spent sever al days in Suffolk and Norfolk last week. Mrs. P. B. Lassiter left Sunday for Rich Square to visit her hus band's relatives before returning to her home at Charlotte. Mrs. J. T. Williams spent Sat urday and Sunday in Ahoskie with her husband Mr. J. T. Williams, , J\ The young people were delight fully entertained last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Newberry, as spending some time in lively conversation, playing games Ac., refreshments were served consisting of fruits, ice cream, and cake. Those en joying Mr. and Mrs. Newberry'* hospitality were. Misses Pansy Smith, Helen ^hariie, Louise Bus night, Myra Scull, Althea and Olivia Lowe,'Messrs Lloyd White, Rupert Liverman. Howard Baa night, Starky Downing, Dougho SyJkes, Marcus Smith, Logan and Vernon Parker, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Taylor and little daughter Janie Walton* spent Sunday at Mars Hill with their sis ter Mrs. Butterton. IDill lUck Hews. 'Sunday was a lovely day. Mill Neck road was a real broadwa.v. CarU. buggies and autos kept the dust going. We are glad to report Mr Joseph Winborne better after two weeks of sickness. Time seems long to him as it is the first sick ness he has had in 30 years. We hope it will not be long before he will be himself agaiu. ?' A family reunion was held at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Marcie Newsome on Sunday to celebrate the birthdays of several of their children. All report a bountiful repast and a very enjoyable oc casion to both old and young. 17 children were present. Mr. Charlie Early who has been quite ill with pneumonia is now able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Fred White o.f (farrellsville visited their mother, Mrs. J. S. Winborne who is on the sick list. We hope for her a speedy recovery. Miss Fannie Jones returned today from Chowan County where she has been on a visit to her cousin, Mrs, Willie Smith. Saturday night Miss Lena Fair less gave a-birthday party in honor of her lSth.," birthday. Mr. and Mrs, W, E. Cullens, of Harrellsville, Mr. Billie Baker and Mr. Jacob Cullena. of near Colerain and other nearby friends visited Mr. Joseph Winborne Sun day. He is one of our most useful citixena-and bis friends are anxious about him. Mrs. Annie M. Davis returned to her home in Winbsor Monday last, after a week's visit to her neice Mrs. E. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Mizzell visited friends in Bertie Stihday. Land for Sale. I have in hand for sale a valua ble tract of land containing about forty acres, situated one mile from good school, one mile from church ind about two miles from Kail road station and boat landing, rhis land is adjoining the Public Road and ha? on it a two story bouse and all necessary buildings. Any one interested can see me at ny office for price and terms. OAJY allace Jones. Malaiia or Chills & Fever, Prescription No. Ml- ii prepared especially . lor MALAWI* or CHILLS * FEVER. , Fire or ris doses will break wmj case, end 1 if taken tkao aa a toaia tha Fever will not ] stars. It acw on the liver belter than ) Calomel aed does aotfripe or sicken. 2Sc 1 ? I,' . ,1. ? ?. Winton W^veletls liuey People fr'ru?t ? Buey Town CMUAk) Imc /vfsefed kf tk? H?(ald Ciini^oixWt I Our little -town does not seem like the seme place?lots Uken on ?*?w life?since tlie arrival of the boys and girls from college. The following have returned home for their summer vacations: Mr. John NorUioott from A. &. M., Messrs. Graves Vann, Knbt BriUon and Charles WaUon from Wake Forest, Miss Sillian Shaw from Mereditlu Misses Kale Taylor, Jessie and Elsie Piland from CUowau College. Winton is very proud of Miss Jes rie Piland, she having graduated with the highest honors in her class. Miss Gladys Brown has returned from Wake county where she taught school during the past ses sion. Rev. T. T. Speight, who is travelling in the interest of Chow an College, preachfed an interest ing sermon in the Winton church Sunday night. The Ladies' Aid Society of Chowan church gsve an ice cream auppe'r at the Academy Tuesday night. ~ Mr. W. R. Herring has com oienced work on bis new home which he will erect on a beautiful lot purchased Mr. Heriot Faison. He will also build a home for Mi. J. D. Beale on the lot adjoining his st an early date. Tbes; houses will be the moat modern in town and add a great deal to the looks of that part of Winton. The new postoffice is about com pleted. Postmaster Mitchell will move into the new building as soon as the new dxturesars placed. Rev. S. N. Watson, N. W. Brit ton and W. S. Herring will leave Friday morning for Elam church in Northampton couDty to attend the Union Meeting. ? The Hertfurd County Union will meet with Buckhorn church, Tues day June 1st. Every missionary society in the county is urged to send delegates, as a matter of great importance is to be decided at this meeting?that of the W. M. U. of Chowan Association supporting a missionary on the Foreign Field. Miss Willie Boone and Mrs. 8. N. Watson are delegates to this meet ing from Chowan church. Miss Gibbs, who has been the milliner for Mrs. E. A. Vinson the nasi season, will leave the latter part of the week for her home in Virginia. Misa Gibbs has made many friends during her stay here and she will receive a hearty wel come if she decides to come back to Wintop in the fall. Mr. T. L. Lassiter in able to be out on the streets, after having a severe case acute indigestion. Mrs. C. W. Jones entertained her Sunday school class on the beauteful lawn of Mr*. Judge Shaw Tuesday afternoon from 6 to 7 o'clock. A luncheon served in pic-nic style was enjoyed very much by the little folks. - ? ~ ? e ^ i Menola News local and Otherwise Picbdapbv.* * JJJJ ffanUCewpwIX. Missel Pauline Eley and Janie Parker are home from Chown , College to spend vacation Miss Hattie Higgg is quite sick at this writing. Hope she will soon be better. Miss Myrtle Eley is on a visit to relatives and friends at Conway. The Mertola Sunbeam Society met Sunday morning at the usual hour. Mr. Hortwell Gatling, of Mur- , freesboro, visited bis brother Mr. | Rodney Gatling, Saturday and , Sunday. Mr. Charlie Parker is home ? from college, to spend the sum- ! mer vacation. Wa are glad to 1 have the young people all back < again. Several of our people attended the commencement at Chowan College last week. A mad dog passed through here last week, but fortunately he was killed before doing any damage is we have heard of. hhf MS |M. Mhor lisipi Mil Ml: Dm wont cum. aomatursf how loaciuadlaa. in cmt b? the, woodertiil, old nUoblo Dr. ?ortrr-r AoUarptic HeaMao OIL It rdkwa lala asd Htslt at Uk taiHUaw. Bc.aoc.iuwj ? $L'U?. J Murfreesboro Commissioners Meet. Murfreesboro, N. C., May 20, 191b?At tbe meeting of tbe board of Town Commissioners the follow ing were present: J. G. Vinson, Mayor, L. J. Lawrence, Godwin Jenkins and D. G. Barnes com missioners. Minutes of last meet inn read and approved. On motion the following accounts were voted: Mayor and commis sioners for service, J. C. Vinson, Mayor, $8.00, D. 0. Barnes $4.00, Godwin Jeqkins $8.00, G. N. Har roll $7.00, L. J. Lawrence $8.00, Stanley Winborne $5.00. On potion tbe following accounts were approved and ordered paid: L.'J. Lawrence rent mayors office $21.00, U. Vaughan account rendered $24.28. On motion the board-adjourned. E. N, Evans. Sec'y. Immediately upon adjournment of the old board the new board of Commissionerr Tnet in a short session: present J.. G. Vinson, Mayor, Godwin Jenkin, D. 0. Barnes and G. N. Harrell Com miasionera. J?. N. Evans was elected Bee. and Treaa. and ia allowed until next meeting of the board to present bond. J. L. Wa'l is elected tionstable at a salary of (10.00 per month and is allowed until next meeting to present bond. The following commissioners qualified before J. Pipkin, J. P. D. 0. Barnes, G. N. Harrell and Godwin Jenkins. On motioo I. Pipkio is appoiot rd list taker for town and allowed $15.00 for same. On motion tbe tai rate was fixed at 90 cents on tbd pbii and 30 cents on prepdrty. On motion G. N. Harrell is ap pointed as street committee, D. C. Barnes was appointed to settle with Constable and Treasurer. The following accounts were ap proved and ordered paid: 1- Pipkin $3.00, P. C. Parker $9.00 and J. A. Hi.Iloman $2.00, On motion the board adjourned. ?. N. Evans, Seet'y. PEAS FOR. SALE. We have 15 bushels ?of Black Htid 5 bushels Black Eye Peas for sale $2 00 bushel loose or $2.10 F. O. B. sacked. Williams Bros. ? Harrellsville, N. O. STRAYED 4 Strayed from my place abotit 8 weeks ago one large female hog, one small female hog and one male hog turned, all marked with hole in the left and crop ofl the right. I A. G. Sessoms, I Murfreesboro, N. C.. K.Y. D. I, Box 41. "j Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Day* Your druggist will refund money it FAR? 1 ointment foils to turn sar uh o4 Itching. > . iJiinU.lliotrdlogor Protruding Pilet is 6to 14day* | Tut first application $imEue sad Rest toe. ~ ? II iTlie Ponce DeLeon I Che Sanitary fountain, fj I WATCH TIU%SPACE,V f J. D. GARDNER, PROP; I AHOSKIE, N. C. \J ^ > t rf ~ Notice of Sale! | By virtue of the power conferred upon me as Trustee, I will, until Saturday, June | " 5th., 1915, receive bids for the stock of I ? goods, w^res and merchandise of J. M. Mann, now in the brick store house for merly occupied by said Mann on Main Street in the town of Murfreesboro, N. C. U Inventory and stock can be examined at N any tifhe. M Right reserved to reject any and all bids. This the 25th., day of May, 1915. D- C. BARNES, Trustee. 1 ' TO FARMERS OF BERTIE, HERTFORD ; AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. i'l 1 We will open the WAREHOUSE in AHOS- ' | i I KIE, N. C., THIS SEASON for the SALE of ^ J } YOUR TQBACCQ. We will appreciate your ,, jj patronage, and will assure you of courteous <, |g treatment and the MANY advantages a HOME n I MARKET will afford. , | ? -J > Respectfully, " Si PHAUP&GOODE "8 PROPRIETORS. "J irnr*" ' ? \ ? is Life is too Short to Walk. j There is money waiting for the fellow who get* there firat. m. [ And the FORD CAR GETS YOU THERE. Lets talk a little. ? | 6to. J. newborn. Agent, Aboskie, n. 6. ? ^ . 1 L \Ji Vaug'hark'si "The Quality Store" I MURFREESBORO, N. C. | IT IS HERE. , I Spring Wear For Men j and Women. I Every feature of the wardrobe has been provided for in our new spring goods now on sale. The latest styles and i designs are represented, the fabiics are I t of great durability, and the price is even as attractive as the gdods. Altogether I it is a remarkable showing of the best in the manufacturer's art. Buy it Today?Time is Ripe Buying is good?in fact, it was never better than right now. An hour spent in our store will give you a wouderful insight into the attractiveness of women's apparel this spring and summer, just come right in and look them over?you will enjoy it. U. VAUGHAN Murfreesboro, N. C. j | Just Received | B Carload ot ? Wire Fence f __ . _ s IHade by | AMERICAN SEEL AND WIRE CO., { Strongest and Most Reliable. jy ; I s ZPtace S/ourOrder TJoday. | How About Paints? | $ ' yk''' - fi f We handle Woolsey's Semi- jf Paste Paint, Varnish and Stains. ? Satisfaction wherever used. Call [ and learn prices. ? I. ' -jf ' I. ' . SSSE , Sf come co see us. I *s (jjABRETT $ g|i| I Ahoskie, N. C. | iraiMmwmrawHnrawnivwami!

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