Hertford County Herald ? ?? ?? II ?I , THE LARGEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ' * ? t'i- (ft, ? ' ? - ? ? v f' VOL. 6 AHOSKIE, N. C., JUNE 4. 1915. : NO~20 Tate Machinery A Supply Co., LillUtM, N. C. ???MrAi * MACHINERY SPECIALISTS Everything In Machinery and Suppliea Dr. C. G Powell DENTIST OFFICE OVEK a. J. DiLDAY'S STORE AHOSKIE. N. C. Winborne the man who pays his subscription^ He's a gentldman may he liypoo pay it many times! Hit the high places, never mind the breeze. Demonstration. News From Various Counties. Vance County: Tlie County Agent reports that farmers are turning from tobacco to food crops, cows and bogs. One farmer is sowing 20 acres of bis bright tobacco land to grasses as pastur age for bogs and cows. The County Agent spent two days at Raleigh during the week getting instructions concerning inoculation of hogs for cholera. During the week he held two meetings in the interest of' hog cholera control. He alao held a meeting to arouse interest in the Creamery being established at the A. & M. College, West Raleigh, N. C. Anson County: The Agent re ports tbe pruning of two orchards and the spraying of one orchard in co operation with Mr. Szymoniak, of the Department of Agriculture. He reports the building of some nice new homes in the section of the county where farmers raise their home supplies. Many farm ers are beginning to be interested in tbe growing of gjazing crops for hogs. Mecklenburg County: Up to date five clover seed harvesters have been madq in the county. The Agent is now active in working up cream routes. He had with him Mr. Arey, of the Dairy Division, part of the week. One demonstra tion in the use of the separator was given at each; of two meetings held wifli an attendance of 125. Forsyth Cqunt.v: Of 28 De monstrator# visited duriug the week, 19 of tbetn have crops for grszing or soiling. Numbers of farmers afo'j turning for the to the making of natures purpose of getting more live stock. Iredell County: A good demon stration of home convenience in the county is that of the home of Mr. T. B. Swan who has installed waterworks with a hydraulic ram that cost only $7.00. This force the water obout 200 yards where an ordinary barrel furnishes suffi cent storage for immediate pur poses. Haywood County: The Agent reports as follows: Mr. J. L. Welch lias 6,000 apple trees which are kept sprayed. Mr. E. W. Mondy has a spendid demonstra tion of redisking of land for the making of a good seed bed. Mr. R. L. Penlund did good work in harrowing before bis corn came up. As a result he will not need to hoe his corn. Mr. J. E. Hen derson is draining and bringing into use 20 acres of rictisoil. Mr. Edward Harbiu has proposed the holding of monthly meetings of farmers to discuss field work: This will probably be done if the or ganization is perfected. Union County: The Agent writes as follows on conditions there: We are emphasizing the importance of grasses and live stock to every farmer. During the week two communities have asked to have dairy bulls procured for them. Three separators have been purchased during the week. In fact, the whole county is get ting the dairy spirit. We em phasize the importance of co-i operative production as an aid to co operative marketing. We met one of our old demonstrators this week, who in the course of con versation remarked as follows: "When you first came to see me I was in debt and was having a pret ty hard time, but now I am selling corn, oats, porlrand cowa. I am out of debt and' have been able to hold my cotton since last fall, until a few days ago when I sold it for 10c a pound. I wish you well. If you say for me to sow grasses, Licensed? Got your friends to ask an agent who tries to sell them insurance, stock, or other securities if his company is licensed bv the State. If the agent says it is not, your pitiple may be sure that it was not worthy of being licensed. Have your license on display, and ex plain bow the li^snse law is design ed to protect the people. prepare pasture and keep more live slock, I will do tliat, loo." Such remarks show the value of good suggestions ko a farmer who is willing to liaten. The Agent write* further aa follows: It is difficult to find ? farmer who has no section harrow on his farm. When the work was first started, I could find only one harrow in the country. Hoke County: In one section of the county a severe rain storm, with hail, completely demolished the young crop of cotton. Most of the farmers were without seed for replanting. The Agont im mediately went through another section of the county and collected from other farmers three hundred bushels which were given free and shipped to Kaeford, the railroad people hauling them free of charge to Rockfish. The Agent went to the latter place and spent two days in distriputing this seed. Now the farmers are happy again and going ahead with their work, j Sampson County: One of the banks in the county hks made a | proposition to the farmers to fur nish $15,000 for the purpose of I purchasing thoreughored dairy cattle. This is more good co-opera tion and of the kind.thatis, indeed, very scarce iu the south. Such a thing as a bank furnishing money to farmers to purchase live stock with has not been known in many instances in this section of the country. It means that bankers are finding what is really good for the building up of the country, and also that farmers are reliable when treated in such a nice way. Of course, ^.he County Agent is hot going to (et them spend much jnojjAv for additional live^ stock, until he first gets them to make some pastures r ' ? i " ' ' ' i "run , , i , * ' WALTER L. CURTIS :: AHOHKIE N. C. ,r * MONTAUK ICE CREAM TOUCHES THE SPOT Fills the demand for a dainty dessert, as no other dessert can. It's the choice of mother, father, sister and brotbef?and the boarders, if there be any. It's one subject upon which the whole family ajfree. That's because Montauk Ice Cream is so pure, rich aud d&licious. Try it: THE MONTAUK COMPANY, INC., Maker* of "Purify" too Croam and Ice*. 275 Granby Street NORFOLK. VA. waMMWMMaMMaaaaaaaaaaaaMMMMaaawMaMMfiMWfMN i i MOST PEOPLE?"! in this community cary accounts at tbis bank. Someare check ing, others are savings, while still others are both. We invite YOU to become a member of our bappy family. Checking accounts are the most convenient m? tbod of paying bills, and they discourage extravagant habits Saving accounts draw 4 per cent interest. Merchants and Farmers Bank Winton, N. C J new'line.i' I have just added to my stock an assortment of H Ice Caps, Hot Water Bags, Fountain Syringes and H other rubber goods. Prices are right. Z. V. BELLAAtY, Ahoskie,N. C. g fTii??} fis often no harder to And thanVdollar ^ . when you want one in a hurry. ? Annex a check, book by opening an ac count at this bank, v*d protect yourself i from such annoyances is the future. {We carry many accounts at this bank. X . Possibly we have yours, too. X If not. we invite you to open an ac- W ? count today. We will serve you faithfully. | THE PEOPLES BANK f MzL .