M SBO^mmmOamms TfJE LAROEST VVEEKLY NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. SSSBBBB VOL. 6 AHOSKIE, N. C.. JULY 30. 1915. Tele Machinery 4 Supply Co., Little tee, N. C. MACHINERY SPECIALISTS Everything in Machinery and Supplies Dr. c. g Powell DENTIST OFFICE OVER S.J. DILDAYS STORE AHOSKIK. N. C. Wlnborne & Wlnborne Benj. B. Wlnborne Stanley Wlnborne Attorney e-at-Law MURFREESBORO, N. C. Phone. No. 17 and 81. Edgar Thomas Snipes AU4>rneyIdtw Loans Negotiated Real Estate Bought and Sold] Office: 2nd Floor J. W. Godwin. Jr., Bldg AHOSKIE. N. C. ft. ft. ALLEN Dealer In BASH. DOORS. BLINDS. WINDOW GLASS. HARDWARE, PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY WholesaWand Retail Hi. 817 Washington Square NIH Ol.K. VA. BASH. DOORS. HARDWARE. PAINTS. LIME. CEMENT. SEWER PIPE. CART MATERIAL MILL SUPPLIES, STOVES, RANGES AND ETC. CL08B PRICE8. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND OBLIGE. t- L. FOLK CO. Ms. 817-010 Washington Square -v MWOIJt. VA. W. W. ROGERS Attorney-at-Law Prompt Attention Given to All Business. A HOSKIE. N. C. C. Wallace Jones Attorney and Cooneelor-At-Law WINTON. m c. Practice in all courts. Loans negotiat ed. Soeeial attention to collections. Located in Bank of Win ton O. L. THOMAS GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Plans ani Specifications furnished upon application Cement and Tile Work Brick Work a Specialty ? AH0SK1E. N. C/. Roswell C- Bridgar Attorney-at-Law winton. n. c. J. R. EVANS Practical Tin Roofer and Sheet Metal Worker Price* Right. MURFREESBORO. N. C. FRANK G. TAYLOE Notary Public . Ahoskir, N6kTH Carolina. a J. L. PARSER County Suveyor?Road Engineer and Draftsman. OTXRT rt7*LIO. Office with W. W. Rogers, Ahoskie, N. C. Walter R. Johnson Attorney-at Law Ahurkie. North Carolina Practice* wherever service* desired , In* I*. I id n**r liter tafMlic v O. J, newborn, \ Agent \ Ford Automobiles, Ahoskie. N. C. Buy row and get $50.00 rebate. PR. CIIAS. J. SAWYER i PiseHxe.x of the eye, e.*r, none and throat, including the fitting of glasses, 1 " Windsor, N. C. Office Hour?-9 to l?-3 to 0. Annual Meeting Bertie Farnen County Union Hold Groat Rally Thuraday at Windsor Over Two Tkonannd Present. Windsor, July 24.?Tba annual meeting of the Farmers' Union ol Bertia county waa held hero Thura da.v. The attendance waa largf, ranching over two thousand peo ple. No untoward event of any character marred the day's pleas ure. The ladies had decorated the courtroom with flags and bunting and also with a beautiful display of farm products. The exercises were enlivened by the Rocky Hock brass band, an organization composed entirely of farmers Farmers* and sons compose the membership and make it more unique. \ James Lawrence Harrington, president of the County Union, called the meeting to order and made an _ excellent address. A quartette composed of Messrs W. J. Daniels, W. F. Daniels. J. W. Lassiter and J. Jordan Ward, ! sang a magnificent piece of music and were forced to respond to an encore. The farmer boys know just how to make the notes ring out harmoniously. Rev. W. T. Asbell, chaplain, led in prayer. Hon. Francis D. Winston wel comed the viators to the town. It was a hearty handshake he gave each one present and all at once felt entirely at home. Prof. It w . burly, county superintendent, handsomely introduced Mr. tt. W. Frieman, of the United States demonstration bureau, Mr. Frie man mress ever forward to make Chowan a great educational centre in the summer as well as in the winter. Epvorth League Claw Organized Mr. W. A. Graham of Warren ton, N. C., wait here Sunday July 18th., the purpose of re organizing Ti>e Epworth League of the Ahoskie Methodist Church. Mr. Graham made a very inter esting and instructive talk along the line of League work. After which a nominating committee composed of Mr. E. J. Gerock, Mrs., L. S. Savage and IMisa Nelie Baker was appointed. The follow ing officers were nominated and elected to serve for the first term; Mr. J. H. Robertson Pres.. Mrs. S. J. Boyette Vice-Pres., Mr Dan P. Boyette Sec., Miss Minnie Baker Treasurer and Miss Nelie Baker Corresponding Secretary. After the election of officers Mr. Graham gave some very instruc tive information as to the work of the officers which we feel sure will help make the League a suc cess. An Instilation service, which will be announced later, will be held soon. Everybody is cordially invited to attend all these services. D. P. Boykttk, Secretary. Got the "Drop" on a "Bad Man." A man walked into the office of Andrew Carmichsl, editor of an Okmulgee, Ok., newspaper, last week aud locked the door behind him. "I'm going to make you eat last night's issue of your paper," the visitor said. "All right," replied Carmical, "but you had belter lock the door again. It has come open." The man turned to the door to find it still locked. When he faced Carmical again he-looked into the muzxle of a revolver. In jail the man said an article in the paper which said men who beat their wives should in turn be beaten by a jury of twelve men, reflected directly on him. Moral: Don't monkey with an editor or a buzt saw.?Ex. RUB-MY-TISM Will care your Rheamntlem Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Braises, Cats and Barns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Ktc. Antieeptie Anodyne, ased in ternally sod externally. Price 25c. . i '' ; | FIRE INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC ! 'ii ? '-ijjl '' J 1 WALTER L. CURTIS :: AIIOHKIK N. C. MONTAUR ICE CREAM I TOUCHES THE SPOT Fills the demand for a dainty dessert, as no other dessert can. It's the choice of mother, father, sister and brother?ahd the boarders, if there be any. It's one subject upon, which the whole family agree. That's because Montauk Ice Cream is so pure, rich and delicious. Try it: THE MONTAUK COMPANY, INC., Makers el "l'urify" lee Cream aad Ices. 275 Gran by Street NORFOLIC VA. ?wwswmvwwwwwswvwmwimwwwwiwvwwwvwwwinWK* MOST PEOPLE 8 in this community cary accounts at this bank. Some are check- H injf, others are savings, while still other* are both. We invite YO.U to become a member of our happy family. Checking accounts are the most convenient me thod of paying B bills, and they discourage extravagant habits. , w'j Saving accounts draw 4 per cent interest, ' Merchants and Farmers Bank | Win ton, N. C M ????!?????? ?? rfl An Expert Opinion would show that our stock includes the very best vsrities. We keep ~ nothing but the best quality of grain, hay and feed of all kinds, and out oats and hay are from the choicest Crops raised. Prices no higher than you pay elsewhere. S. E. VAUGHAN, AHOSK1B* M. C. (TSE IS awstmi^ ?is often no harder to find than a dollar tip when you want one in a hurry. Annex a check book by opening an ac- W ? count at this bank, and protect yourself ? from such annoyances is the future, m ' We carry many accounts at this bank. tia A Possibly we have yours, too. 4|jk If not. we invite you to open an ac- . A ? count today. 2? We will serve you faithfully. | THE PEOPLES BANK f & M URFRBBSBORO, N. C .?: T.f nTTT.T.T ? T'TniTrtntmriill#** : East Carolina Teachers Training School <; ? * ' % i ? ; A State School to train teachers for the public schools of ?; ! North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose* ; \ Tuition free to all who agree to leach, Fall term begins Sep- ., ; tember 21, 1915. For Catalogue and other information address ROBT. H. W RICH IT, Principal. GREENVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA. ??????????????????????????? menu for Young Girh. I > Good Cooking and Healthful _ _ .. I Dietary. J* A Ft*. Efficient ?* Hundred and nHu.lt ??? Faculty ii . 8allien will login wtl September 15th, 1915 ] FOE CATALOGUE WHITE u MRS. MARY DAVIS ALLEN. Pnw, Louuburg, N. ";"L,u,',lll,,,",,T :jrj ' ' ri i ii "ii'i- " ? ' ? ' W