Hertford County Herald ^ thk lakgest weekly newspaper printed in eastern north Carolina. ' ^ VOL. 6 ' AHQSKIK, N. C? OCTOBER 1, 1915. ? ; NO. 37 Dr. c. G Powell DENTIST OFFICE OVEK S.J. DU-DAY'S STORE AHOSKJE. N. C. A/Inborn* & Wmborna % Benj. B.. Winborne Stanley Wlfrttorne . Attorneya-at-Law lit U RFREE3BORO, N. C. Phones No. 17 and 21. Edgar Thgp?'BiOpaa V Atb>rney-at-I.nw Ijmm Negotiated Heal Estate Bought and SoldJ Office: 2nd Floor J. W. Godwin. Jr.. BMg AH08KIE. N. C. R. R. ALLEN Dealer In 8ASH, DOORS. BLINDS. WINDOW GLASS. HARDWARE. PAINTS AND BUILDING MATERIALS GENERALLY Wholeaale and Retail Ne. U27 Washington Square SUFFOLK. VA. SASH. DOORS. HARDWARE. PAINT8.1,1 ME. CEMENT. SEWER PIPE. CART MATERIAL. MILL SUPPLIES. STOVES. RANGES AND ETC. CLOSE PRICES. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND OBLIGE. E- L. FOLK CO. No. VI7-9I9 Waahlattoa Square SUFFOLK. VA. ROGERS & WILLIAMS Attorneya-at'Law Prompt Attention Given to All Buaineaa. A HOPKIE. N. C. I C. Wallace Jones Attorney end Cr?]ncelor-At-I.*w WINTCW. N. C. , Practice in ell court*. Loam negotiat ed. Soeeial attention to collection*. Located In Bank of Winton D. L. THOMAS GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Plana and Spcaiflcitiona fur ilshed upon application Cament and Tile Work Brick Work a Specialty AHOSKIE. N. C.; Roawell C Bridger Attomey-at-Laar WINTON. N. C. I J. R. EVANS Practical Tin Roofer and Slieet Metal Worker Prices Right. MURFREESBORO. N. C. FRANK G. TAYLOE I V Notary Public Ahoskie, North Carolina. J. L. PARKER Notary Poblic HERALD OFFICE Ahoskir, N. C. t Walter R. Johnson Attornfyat-Law ^ Ahoskie, North Carolina Practices wherever services desired lata la. i !si Klaar later lalMlsg G. J. NEWBERN, Agent Ford Automobiles, Ahoakie, N. C. Touring Car... $440.00 Runabout 390.00 F.'O. B. Detroit. Conitlis That arc Stopped! Careful people see that they are stopped. Dr. King's New Discovery is a remedy of tried merit. It has held its own on the market for 46 rear*. Youth an old are testify to its soothing nnd healing qualities. Pneu monia and lung troubles are of ten caused by the delay of treat ment. Dr. King's New Dis covery stops those hacking coughs and. relieves la grippe tendencies. Mortev back if it fails. 50c. and % 1.00. Adv. October 9th is Fire Prevents Daj in North Carolina. Insurance Commiaaioner Sees Hope of Reduction of Waate by Education. * ..I i T? the citTdens ot N. O; .In submitting this letter on the aubject of. "Fire Prevention," I beg to call your attention the fact that thia Department, by a campaign of education, ia endeav oring to leeaon the tremendous fire waste in thia State by arousing our people to their Individual re sponsibility in this moat important matter. When we are confronted with the fact that approximately $3.0?)0,000 worth of property ia destroyed by fire in thia State an nually, and that fully two-tliirda of this loss ia pieventable, it be boorea us to stop "and consider how we may remedy the condi tions tlist entail this irretrievable depletion of our resources. Even this loss, enormous as it is* dwindles in importance when we consider the loss of life caused directly b.v fire. People continue to handle gasolene carelessly; to start fires with kerosene oil; to al low children to play around bon fires; to leave small children in rooms containing open fires, and each of these causes, as well as many others, claim an annual toll of human life. The Governor of North Caroli ne haa issued a Proclamation des ignated Saturday, October 9, 1915, aa "Fire Prevention Day,'' and urging the p ibiic schools of the State and the municipal officers thereof to (five proper and formal recognition to the day and its meaning, and requesting the citi zens genera*ly to give special at tention on that day to the condi tion of their oreuiises. Let us enter heartily into the spirit of the occasion and continue the good Work started on the 9th day of October, 1915, to the end that each succeeding day may truly be a "Fire Prevention Day." James R. Youno. Insurance Commissioner. Pirker-JeoiiDS. The Methodist Church in Un ion. N. C., was' the scene of a very oretty wedding on Wednes day, September 22, when Miss Helen Susie Jenkins became the bride of Mr. William Clayton Parker, of Murfreesboro, N. C. The church was prettily decorated, a color scheme of green and white being effectively carried out by the use of palms, ferns and white roses. Over the altar there was a large arch decorated with flowers, be neath which tiie ceremony was performed by Rev. J. A. Morris, the pastor of the bride. Miss Bertie Matthews, gowned in white chiffon cloth, had charge of the music. Just before the cer emony. Miss Ima Dukes, gowned in pink crepe de chine, sang "You." As processional Lohen grin's wedding march was used, while during the ceremony "Hearts and Flowers" was softly played. Mendelssohn's was used as teces sional. The bride, who wore a handsome blue tailored suit with hat and gloyes to match, entered the church with her maid of honor. Miss Mag gie Dukes, who was gowned in blue charmense, with black picture hat. They were met at the altar by the bridegroom, attended by his best man, Mr. Olu d itty. Hie bridesmaids, who wore white liugerie dresses with black picture hate, were Miss Qladys Parker, sister of the groom, and Miss Hat tie Taylor, cousin of the bride. The groomsmen were Messrs. Whited Barrett and Scarborough Barrett. The ushers included Messrs. Bennie Forbes and John nie Watson. Little Rebecca Jenkins, sister of the bride, dressed in a white lin gerie dress with white ribbons, carried the ring on a silver waiter. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party motored to Mur freesboro, where a reception was given by the groom's parents. To tbe Subscribers of the Hert ford County Herald. We believe that the people of Hertford County, as well a* those of adjoining counties, will bear us out.in the statement that the Herald during its six years of ex istence, bat supplied a long felt want in the field of local journal ism. No couDty should be with out its weekly newspaper?a live up-to-date weekly that can be adapted to local conditions. In the Herald, Hertford County can boast, and rightfully so, of the largest weekly newspaper publish ed in Eastern Carolina. Enough praise cannot be given to Mr. W. G. Smith, who almost six years ago published the first issue of tliis paper. From tin very beginning Mr. Smith has left nothing undone in his efforts to. improve the paper, and make it conform to local needs and Con ditions. And we believe that the people who read the paper every week, year in and year out, hp preciate his efforts in bringing tins paper to its present state of efficiency. Now, as we lake hold of this pa per at its present stale of useful ness, we ask that the same hearty coo|>eration that has thus far exist ed between editor and constituency shall be extended to the editors. It shall be our policy to give to our readers what we believe they need and what they most desire u> a local pa|>er. If at any time we fail to give to you in our columns what would be of most interest to you, don't for one minute hesitate to tell us frankly, atthe same llmel giving us some suggestions that would really improve the paper. ()t shall always be our aim to adopt, as far as possible, the Her ald to local conditions, and to give our readers what tliev want. This, we believe, i* the real mis sion of a weekly paper. Realizing, as we do, that no real benefit can be derived from any public institution without co operation, we ask our readers to cooperate with us in making the Herald a meritorious as well as a beneficial public organ. We are going to give to you the very best publication that we know, and wq ask you to htflp us in do ing this. Warren Dog Law Upheld. Chief Justice Clark Writes Opinion Sayinf Canines Must be Taxed. ?? The Supreme Court in an opin ion written by Chief Justice Wal ter Clark, upheld the constitution ality of the Warren County dog law, passed by the recent session of the Legislature and among other things declared that the objections of the Warren county people, if there were objections, are not for the courts but for the people them selves in the selection of their rep resentatives to.decide. The opin ion upholds the decision of Judge Feruuson in dissolving the re straining order issued in behalf of F. B. Newell et al against Ellis Green, game warden of the county charged with the duty of collecting the taxes. The act as passed by the Gener al Assembly nrovides-that any per son or persons owning, keeping, or having a dog, or claimed or owned by a minor or any other member of the family, must pay annually on each dog so kept a license tax or p.-ivelege tax of $2 for each male dog and )3 for each female dog. The plaintiff contends thst the act is unconstitutional but, accord ing to the opinion of Chief Jus tice Clark, the same question was decided in a former case the court then holding that ''the statute em powering the town authorities to require payment of a tax on dogs is constitutfbnal. It is not ad va lorem but a specific tax for the nrivelege of keeping a dog within the town and if not paid by the owner the dog may be treated as a nuisance and killed." We think that the statute may be upheld on the further ground, that it is a police regulation." j Chief Justice Clark adds, The. evident purpose of the tax if to ] get rid of worthless dogs which are likely to be a nuisance killing | sheep or'otherwise, and to per serve those valuable enough for owners to pay tax for and to look | after them.?News and Observer. Calendar of ibe Superior Court of Hertford County, North Carolina Beginning October 18th, 1915, Kir Tvo Weeks. <* Hon. C. C Lyon, Judge Presiding. Compliments of D. R. McGlohon, Clerk Superior Court. V -. . FIRST . WEEK. _ _ Tuesday^ OCTOBER 19. 101 Delia White vs. George White. 107 Fleety Smith vs. Will Smith. 13!> Mary Dembry vs. Andrew Dembr.v. 120 Charles Ilarrell vs. Ella Harrelll. Wednesday .October 20. 10 Atlantic Coast Realty Co. vs. J. C. Newsome. 32 J. L. Liverman vs. A. W. Green, Adm'r. 04 In Re the Will of Wright Holloman. 83 The Peoples Bank. Inc. vs. J. C. Chitty, Planters Nut and Choc olate Co., and W. T. Barrett. 105 Peony Hollomsn vs. Calvin Jlolloman. Ill H. C. Brett vs. Bismarck Brown. Thursday, October 21. 22 D. F. White and John F. White, Adm'r. vs. S. H. Mosely and Wife. 35 D. A. Burch vs. Starke.v Hare. 51 C. N. Godwin vs. J. E. Earley. 62 W. A. Cbavis vs. C. G. Parker and A. M. Brown, Adm*rs 59 Kader Askew vs. Western Union Telegraph Co. 108 W. C. Parker vs. Richard Laasiter and R. L. Lawrence. Friday, October 22. 37 J. W. Godwin vs. Zack Morris and John Dawson. 66 William Reed vs. A. C. L. Railroad Company. 67 E. P. Reynolds vs. A. C. L. Rsiroad Co, 68 A. B. Burden vs. W. E. Lassiter. Saturday, October 23. 42 Walts r Porter vs. the Town of Winton. 75 Lillie R. Taylor vs. C. W. Mitchell." 80 W. E. Garrett vs. W. A. Cliavis. 84 R< bert Dozier vs. J. F. Dtlday. 109 M. Earley vs. W. M. Mitchell. 131 W. D. Newsome vs. W. D, Boone. Adm'r. SECOND WEEK. Monday, October 25. 13 A. L. Jeffreys and wife vs. R. C. Bridarer, Adin'r, 15 W. N. Overton, Adm'r. vs. Branninff Manufacturi/i# Clo. 56 Mosler Safe Co., vs. Farmers-Atlantic Bank. 86 J. C. Jenkins and U. L. Hoi toman vs. Kicliard B. Reynolds, Roland Hill and Dillard Hill. 100 D. A. Burch vs. J. W. Powell. Tuesday, October 26. 19 J. A. Eley vs. A. C. L. Railroad Co. 112 S. E- Vauglian vs. J. C. Bentliall and E. P. Parker. 24 Bessie Reid vs. Elislia Read. 44 James Harris vs. A. E. Garrett. 48 W. A. Browne vs. Wtiirht Mitchell. 52 J. A. Burden & Co., vs. Jno. W. Dilday and wife. 78 L. M. Mitchell vs. A. C. L. Railroad Co. Wednesday, October 27. 59 Sallie Anderson vs. James Liverman. 18 Luder Hnrrell and J. R. Garrett vs. Elizabeth River Lumber Co., et al. 8 J. H. Mitchell vs. Elizabeth River Lumber Co., etal. 29 Granby Holloman vs. 30 A. J. Turner 34 Wriuht Jenkens ' 43 J. W. Doujfhtie 85 Tom White " " 89 Mrs. E. A. Vinson 25 Charles Ashe " 44 Thursday, October 28 36 Geo. While vs. J. J. Boulds. 39 J. W. Godwin vs. W. F. Ward. 58 J. E. Odoin & Co., vs. J. B. Johnson. Friday, October 29. 55 .1. C. Newsome vs. Wright Hollomun. 91 J. W. Godwin vs. J. I. Godwin. 99 J. H. Hayes vs. A. G. L. Railroad Co. 104 J. B. Mitchell, Gdn., vs. A. Paul Kitchen. 130 W. Boyce vs. J. S. Lawrence. MOTIONS. 45 H. Mitchell vs. J. E. Overton. 46 J. C. Chitty vs. E. D. News ' ? MONTAVK ICE CREAM TOUCHES THE SPOT Fills the demand for a dainty dessert, as no other dessertcan. It's the choice of mother, father, spter and brother?and the boarders, if there be any. It's one subject upon which the whole family ajfree. That's because Montauk Ice Cream is so pure, rich and delicious. Try it: THE MONTAUK COMPANY, INC., Maker* of "Purify" Ice Cream and Ice*. 275 OranbyStreet NORFOLK. VA. hWWWWWWWWWWfWMWSWWWMVWMWWWWWlWWW i I I i MOST PEOPLE?] in this community carry accounts at this bank. Some are check ing, others are savings, while still others are both. We invite YOU to become a member of our happy family. Checking accounts are the most convenient me thod of paying bills, and tbey discourage extravagant habits Saving accounts draw 4 per cent interest. Merchants and Farmers Bank Wlnton, N. C. J An Expert Opinion would sbow that our stock includes the ver.v best verities. We keep nothing but the best quality of grain, hay and feed of all kinds, and our oats and bay are from the choicest crops raised. Prices no higher than you pay elsewhere. 5. E. VAUGHAN, AHOSHIE. N. C. f A UTOMOBILB REPAIRING. " ? Don't rack your car b.v neglecting necessary repairs. ,, a Bring it to us in time and thus reduce the bill. We make all kind of repairs, and they are properly done. < * i Buy your supplies from us and save freight or express. ^ VULCANIZING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. i AHOSKIE 6APA6E. Ahoskie. N. C. " ITSE IS ATmac?! is often no harder to find than a dollar /|\ when you want one in a hurry. ttjr /fS Annex a check book by opening an ac- w $ count at this bank, and protect yourself 3? from such annoyances is the future, j* We carry many accounts at this'bank. 3C /ft Possibly we have yours, too. qa /j\ If not. we invite you to open an ac- W ? count today. V We will serve you faithfully. ? THE PEOPLES BANK f MURFREESBORO, The Ahoskie Tobacco Warehouse Is Now Open For Business. ' A Sales Each Day Except Satur days and Sundays.